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Offering Help and Advice

Module 10: Offering Help and Advice

At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

1. Offering help to a hotel guests

2. Responding to help the hotel guests
3. Use expressions for asking for, giving, and responding to


Read the expressions below and repeat to check your pronunciation.


Staff: Let me help you add some more Staff: Pardon me sir, but it looks like you
weights sir. could use some help with those packages.

Guest: Thanks, much appreciated. Guest: I sure could, thanks.

Guest: Could you give me a hand? Guest: Could you help me set the ironing
board and iron please.
Staff: Of course sir, what do you need?
Staff: Of course ma’am. Where would you
like it set up?

Staff: Would you like me to help you Staff: Would you like some help carrying
reset the safe combination? one of those plates?

Guest: That would be great thanks. Guest: Yes, I really could use four hands.

Guest: Could you set the thermostat to Guest: Could you assist me in operating
27°. this coffee dispenser.

Staff: Of course sir, I’d be happy to. Staff: My pleasure ma’am. You have to
press down here.

Staff: Would you mind holding my dog Staff: Let me help you with those
while I dig some money out of my purse? packages ma’am.

Guest: Certainly ma’am. What’s the dog’s Guest: Thank you, that’s very kind.
Guest: Could you help me take off my
Guest: Could you watch my child for a shoes. I hurt my back this morning and
second while I go get her some ice cream? it’s hurts to bend over.

Staff: Of course ma’am, I’d be delighted Staff: Of course sir.


Guest: Excuse me, but can you help me? Staff: Excuse me ma’am, could I help you
with your bags?
Staff: Of course ma'am, what can I do for
you? Guest: That would be great thanks.

Guest: Someone just stole my purse off Guest: I don't understand what the taxi
my shoulder outside the hotel. driver is trying to say. Could you translate
for me?
Staff: That’s terrible. Why don’t you seat
down here and I’ll call the police for you. Staff: Of course sir, I'd be delighted to
Guest: Thank you; I appreciate your help.
Guest: Oh, thank you. I would really
appreciate that.


More Practice!

Guest: I can't seem to find any of the Guest: That woman looks angry. Did I do
souvenirs I want at the mall. I can't go something wrong?
home empty handed. Do you know where
I could go? Staff: Actually sir, that gesture you used
is considered very rude in our culture.
Staff: Have you considered shopping at
the traditional open market. It has Guest: I'm sorry; I didn't mean to offend
hundreds of items to choose from and the anyone. What should I do in that
prices are usually cheaper than in the situation?
Staff: Using this gesture instead is
Guest: Thanks, I'll try that. appropriate.

Guest: Thanks for the advice.

Guest: What do you do to get rid of the Guest: What do you think I should do, it’s
hiccups? too rainy to go to the beach.

Staff: I always drink a glass of water. Staff: Well you could go to the game
room; there is a lot to do there.

Guest: That food was really spicy and Guest: Do you have any advice on how to
upset my stomach. improve my putting game?

Staff: Maybe you should get some Staff: Well, you could try standing a little
medicine at a pharmacy. closer to the ball.

Guest: That's a good idea. Thanks.

Guest: I’m tired of meat and potatoes. Do Guest: Do you have any idea of how to
you have any suggestions for an exotic ease the pain from sunburn?
Staff: I always take a very cold shower
Staff: Well, many of the guests seem to and put on this lotion.
enjoy the baked eel with mixed

Worksheet: Write the correct word on the line that will complete the sentence.

pleasure door me bags mention would some

your for having assist pardon

don’t my
appreciate thank assistance help need

1. _____________ you like some help?

2. _________ me ma’am, do you ___________ help with your ___________?

3. Excuse _________, could you __________ me with my luggage?

4. Pardon me, do you need any __________ opening the __________?

5. I’m ____________ trouble getting this safe open. Could you _________ me?

6. _________ mention it ma’am. It was my ____________.

7. Would you like _________ some help with _______ luggage?

8. _________ you so much _________ your help?

9. Thanks, I really _____________ your help?

10. Don’t __________ it sir, it was __________ pleasure.

Asking for and Giving Opinions

Module 11: Asking for and Giving Opinions

At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

1. Identify proper expressions for asking for and giving opinions.

2. Use proper expressions for asking for and giving opinions.

Read the expressions below and repeat them individually to check your pronunciation.


Worksheet: Match the appropriate responses with the questions by putting the
correct number of the question on the line.

What do you think of the Hilton hotel? ___ Well, I prefer the Indonesian

Do you think Teluk Kemang Beach is the ___ To be honest, I think it makes you
best beach in Port Dickson? look a little chubby.

How do you like this dress? ___ I think it’s great, but a little

Do you agree that swimming is better ___ Generally yes, but it depends on the
workout that walking? pace of the individual.

Which massage do you think is better for ___ Not really, I think Blue Lagoon Beach
sore muscles- a Chinese massage or is better.
Indonesian massage.

Giving Instructions

Module 12: Giving Instructions

At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

1. Use proper expressions to give instructions and explain things.

 When asking for instructions or giving explanations there are several standard expressions
that can be used. Look at these examples.
 How do you operate ( … this tread mill)?
 Can you show me how to ( …operate this
 FAX machine)?
 What’s the best way to (…hold a putter)?
 Do you know how to (... get a visa extended)?
 How do I go about (... changing my departure flight)?

 When giving instructions or explaining things it is useful to use sequence markers, words
which guide the listener or reader through the instructions. It is also important to keep the
instructions or explanations short and simple. Some of the more common sequence markers
are listed below.


Guest: How do you operate this

tread mill? Guest: How do I send a FAX?

Staff: First, turn it on then set the Staff: First, put the paper into the
controls for speed, distance, or time. feeder. Then, enter the phone
Last, press the start button. number it is being sent to. Finally,
hit send.


Put the following instructions for the task in the correct order (1 st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)

A. _____ Press the start button What is the task?

_____ Place the bag inside the oven
_____ Listen carefully, when all kernels are popped, turn
off the microwave
_____ Set the timer for 5 minutes
_____ Open door and remove bag carefully, it may be hot
_____ Remove the cooking bag from the wrapper
_____ Shut the microwave door

B. _____ Press the brew button What is the task?

_____ Put a disposable filter in place in the basket
_____ Put in the desired amount of grounds in the filter
_____ Place the pot into place
_____ Pour the water into the receptacle
_____ Plug in the appliance into the nearest electrical

C. _____ Place one slice of bread in pan, buttered side down What is the task?
_____ Using a spatula, turn over sandwich when bread
on bottom is lightly toasted
_____ Place one slice of cheese on bread in pan
_____ When second piece of bread is lightly toasted and
the cheese is melted remove from pan
_____ Turn on burner to medium heat
_____ Place second piece of bread on top of cheese,
buttered side up
_____ Butter 2 slices of bread
_____ Place sandwich on plate and eat when sufficiently
_____ Set medium sized frying pan on stove


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