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2/18/2021 Assignment Print View

Score: 100/100 Points 100 %

 1. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

A gas cylinder containing 1.50 mol compressed methane has a volume of 3.30 L. What pressure does the
methane exert on the walls of the cylinder if its temperature is 25°C?
(R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol)

 9.00 × 10–2 atm

 0.933 atm

 1.11 atm

 1.70 atm

✓  11.1 atm


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 2. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

What is the volume occupied by 25.2 g of CO2 at 0.840 atm and 25°C?
(R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol)

 0.060 L

 1.34 L

✓  16.7 L

 24.2 L

 734 L


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 1/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 3. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

A fixed quantity of gas, initially at 600ºC, undergoes a temperature change at constant pressure in a cylinder
with a movable piston. What final temperature of the gas can result in the change of state depicted below?

 1473ºC

 1200ºC

 600ºC

 300ºC

✓  163ºC


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard

 4. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Assuming ideal behavior, what is the density of argon gas at STP?

(R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol)

 0.0176 g/L

 0.0250 g/L

 0.0561 g/L

✓  1.78 g/L

 181 g/L


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 2/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 5. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

The Kelvin temperature scale is useful when comparing

 various gas samples at different densities.

✓  volume of a gas sample with temperature at constant pressure.

 pressure of gas samples at different volumes and constant temperature.

 various liquids at constant pressure.


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy

 6. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

What is the density of carbon dioxide gas at –25.2°C and 98.0 kPa? (R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol, 1 atm =
101,325 Pa)

 0.232 g/L

 0.279 g/L

 0.994 g/L

 1.74 g/L

✓  2.09 g/L


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard 3/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 7. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

A sample of a gas occupies 1.40 L at 25°C and 760 mmHg. What volume will it occupy at the same
temperature and 380 mmHg?
rev: 08_28_2014_QC_51825

✓  2.8 L

 2.10 L

 1.40 L

 1.05 L

 0.700 L


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 8. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Gases are sold in large cylinders for laboratory use. What pressure is exerted by 2.500 kg of oxygen gas (O2)
stored at 22°C in a 40.0-L cylinder?
(R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol)

 3.55 atm

 1.51 ×103 atm

✓  47.3 atm

 7.56 × 104 atm

 10.2 atm


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard 4/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 9. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

The catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide yields oxygen gas and water. In an experiment, decomposition of
hydrogen peroxide yielded 75.3 mL of gas collected over water at 25°C and 742 torr. What mass of oxygen gas was
(Pwater = 24 torr at 25°C, R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol)

 0.00291 g

✓  0.0931 g

 0.0962 g

 0.0993 g

 0.962 g


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard

 10. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

A flask containing neon gas is connected to an open-ended mercury manometer. The open end is exposed
to the atmosphere, where the prevailing pressure is 745 torr. The mercury level in the open arm is 5.0 cm
below that in the arm connected to the flask of neon. What is the neon pressure, in torr?

 –50. torr

 50. torr

✓  695 torr

 745 torr

 795 torr


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 5/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 11. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

A flask containing neon gas is connected to an open-ended mercury manometer. The open end is exposed
to the atmosphere, where the prevailing pressure is 745 torr. The mercury level in the open arm is 5.0 cm
below that in the arm connected to the flask of neon. What is the neon pressure, in torr?

 –50. torr

 50. torr

✓  695 torr

 745 torr

 795 torr


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 12. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

1.000 atm of oxygen gas, placed in a container having a pinhole opening in its side, leaks from the container
2.14 times faster than does 1.000 atm of an unknown gas placed in this same apparatus. Which of the
following species could be the unknown gas?

 Cl2

✓  SF6

 Kr

 UF6

 Xe


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard 6/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 13. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Nitrogen will behave most like an ideal gas

 at high temperature and high pressure.

✓  at high temperature and low pressure.

 at low temperature and high pressure.

 at low temperature and low pressure.

 at intermediate (moderate) temperature and pressure.


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 14. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

A block of dry ice (solid CO2, density = 1.56 g/mL) of dimensions 25.0 cm × 25.0 cm × 25.0 cm is left to sublime (i.e., to pass
from the solid phase to the gas phase) in a closed chamber of dimensions 4.00 m × 5.00 m × 3.00 m. Once the sublimation
is complete, what is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the chamber at 25°C?
(R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol, 1 atm = 760 mmHg)

✓  172 mmHg

 107 mmHg

 0.225 mmHg

 0.172 mmHg

 14.4 mmHg


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard 7/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 15. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

Which represents the definition of pressure?

 volume/density

 temperature × area

 moles/volume

✓  force/area

 volume × force


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy

 16. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

A sample of carbon dioxide gas at 125°C and 248 torr occupies a volume of 275 L. What will the gas pressure
be if the volume is increased to 321 L at 125°C?

✓  212 torr

 289 torr

 356 torr

 441 torr

 359 torr


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 8/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 17. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

A pressure that will support a column of Hg to a height of 256 mm would support a column of water to what
height? The density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3; the density of water is 1.00 g/cm3.

✓  348 cm

 1.00 × 102 ft

 18.8 mm

 33.8 ft

 76.0 cm


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 18. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

The rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to its molar mass.

 True

✓  False


True / False Difficulty: Easy 9/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 19. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

What is the pressure in atmospheres exerted by a column of mercury that is 100. m high?
(density of mercury = 13.5951 g/cm3, gravitational constant = 9.80665 m/s2, 1 atm = 101,325 Pa = 760 torr =
760 mmHg)

 1.4 × 1010 atm

 0.013 atm

 0.73 atm

 1.37 atm

✓  132 atm


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 20. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Which statement is false?

 The average kinetic energies of molecules from samples of different "ideal" gases are the same at the
same temperature.

 The molecules of an ideal gas are relatively far apart.

✓  All molecules of an ideal gas have the same kinetic energy at constant temperature.

 Molecules of a gas undergo many collisions with each other and the container walls.

 Molecules of greater mass have a lower average speed than those of less mass at the same


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 10/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 21. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

If 2.3 mol of a gas occupies 50.5 mL, how many moles of the gas will occupy 85.5 mL at the same
temperature and pressure?

 1.4 mol

 0.59 mol

✓  3.9 mol

 0.26 mol

 2.3 mol


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy

 22. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

When active metals such as magnesium are immersed in acid solution, hydrogen gas is evolved. Calculate
the volume of H2(g) at 30.1°C and 0.85 atm that can be formed when 275 mL of 0.725 M HCl solution reacts
with excess Mg to give hydrogen gas and aqueous magnesium chloride.
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
(R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol)

 3.4 × 10–3 L

 2.2 L

✓  2.9 L

 5.8 L

 11.7 L


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard 11/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 23. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

The temperature of the carbon dioxide atmosphere near the surface of Venus is 475°C. Calculate the
average kinetic energy per mole of carbon dioxide molecules on Venus.

 2520 J/mol

 4150 J/mol

 5920 J/mol

✓  9330 J/mol

 5920 kJ/mol


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 24. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

In the van der Waals equation, the constant a is a constant that is part of a correction factor for _________.

 the volume of the gas

 the temperature of the gas

✓  the pressure of the gas

 the ideal gas constant


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 12/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 25. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

A gaseous compound is 30.4% nitrogen and 69.6% oxygen by mass. A 5.25-g sample of the gas occupies a
volume of 1.00 L and exerts a pressure of 1.26 atm at –4.0°C. What is its molecular formula?
(R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol)

 NO

 NO2

 N3O6

✓  N2O4

 N2O5


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard

 26. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

What is the freezing point of an aqueous solution of NaCl that boils at 102.5°C?
(For water, Kf = 1.86°C/m; Kb = 0.52°C/m)

 2.5°C

 –2.5°C

 –0.70°C

 0.70°C

✓  –8.9°C


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard 13/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 27. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

What is the name given to a solution that contains more solute than it has the capacity to dissolve?

 Unsaturated

 Saturated

 Soluted

✓  Supersaturated

 Oversaturated


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy

 28. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Potassium fluoride is used for frosting glass. Calculate the molarity of a solution prepared by dissolving 78.6
g of KF in enough water to produce 225 mL of solution.

 0.304 M

 0.349 M

 1.35 M

 3.29 M

✓  6.01 M


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 14/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 29. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

What is the percent CdSO4 by mass in a 1.00 molal aqueous CdSO4 solution?

 0.001%

 0.10%

✓  17.2%

 20.8%

 24.4%


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 30. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Which accurately characterizes all nonelectrolyte solutions?

 Nonelectrolyte solutions contain molecules.

 Nonelectrolyte solutions conduct electricity.

 Nonelectrolyte solutions react with other solutions.

✓  Nonelectrolyte solutions do not conduct electricity.

 Nonelectrolyte solutions conduct heat.


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy 15/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 31. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Which of the following aqueous solutions should demonstrate the most ideal behavior?

 0.1 M K2SO4

 0.1 M CaCl2

 3.0 M LiF

 0.1 M MgSO4

✓  0.1 M NaCl


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 32. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

If a solute dissolves in an endothermic process

 hydrogen bonds must exist between solvent and solute.

 strong ion-dipole forces must exist in the solution.

 the solute must be a gas.

 the entropy of the solution is immaterial.

✓  the entropy of the solution must be greater than that of its pure components.


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 16/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 33. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

What is the value for the van't Hoff factor for all nonelectrolytes?

 –1

 0

✓  1

 ½

 –½


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy

 34. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Human blood has a molar concentration of solutes of 0.30 M. What is the osmotic pressure of blood at 25°C?
(R = 0.08206 L • atm/K • mol)

 0.012 atm

 0.62 atm

 6.8 atm

✓  7.3 atm

 11 atm


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 17/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 35. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

What is the vapor pressure above a solution prepared by dissolving 0.500 mol of a nonvolatile solute in 275
g of hexane (86.18 g/mol) at 49.6°C? P°hexane = 400.0 torr at 49.6°C.

 54 torr

 154 torr

 246 torr

✓  346 torr

 400. torr


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 36. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

When 12.1 g of the sugar sucrose (a nonelectrolyte) are dissolved in exactly 800 g of water, the solution has a
freezing point of –0.082°C. What is the molar mass of sucrose?
(Kf of water is 1.86°C/m.)

 426 g/mol

 99.2 g/mol

 178 g/mol

 266 g/mol

✓  343 g/mol


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 18/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 37. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Below is a diagram representing a solvent A(l) in a 1-L beaker, and a solute X dissolved in the solvent. Solvent
A has a density of 0.8 g/mL, and a molar mass of 40 g/mol. Solute X has a molar mass of 30 g/mol. Each
circle of X represents 1 mol of X. Assume that the solute addition does not significantly change the volume of
liquid in the beaker.

What is the molality of the solute X in this solution?

 2m

 4m

✓  5m

 0.004 m

 0.005 m


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 19/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 38. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

What volume of water (d = 1.00 g/mL) should be added to 600. mL of ethanol in order to have a solution that
boils at 95.0°C?
(For ethanol, Kb = 1.22 °C/m; density = 0.789 g/cm3; boiling point = 78.4°C)

 186 mL

 245 mL

 518 mL

✓  116 mL

 322 mL


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium

 39. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

From the following list of aqueous solutions and water, select the one with the highest boiling point.

 1.0 M KNO3

 0.75 M NaCl

✓  0.75 M CuCl2

 2.0 M C12H22O11 (sucrose)

 pure water


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 20/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 40. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

Aqueous ammonia is commercially available in a solution that is 28% (w/w) ammonia. What is the mole fraction of
ammonia in such a solution?

 0.017

 0.023

 0.012

 0.24

✓  0.29


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 21/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 41. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Below is a diagram representing a solvent A(l) in a 1-L beaker, and a solute X dissolved in the solvent. Solvent
A has a density of 0.8 g/mL, and a molar mass of 40 g/mol. Solute X has a molar mass of 30 g/mol. Each
circle of X represents 1 mol of X. Assume that the solute addition does not significantly change the volume of
liquid in the beaker.

What is the mass percent of solute X in this solution?

 0.4%

 3%

 12%

✓  13%

 20%


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 22/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 42. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

What is the name for a solute that does not exert a vapor pressure when it is dissolved in a liquid?

 Colloid

 Amorphous solid

✓  Nonvolatile

 Crystalline solid

 Electrolyte


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy

 43. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points

What is the molarity of a solution prepared by diluting 1.85 L of 6.5 M KOH to 11.0 L?

 0.28 M

 0.91 M

✓  1.1 M

 3.1 M

 3.9 M


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 23/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 44. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

What is the name given to a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute that will dissolve in a
solvent at a specific temperature?

✓  Saturated

 Unsaturated

 Solvent

 Solute

 Supersaturated


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy

 45. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Which is the correct description of a solution?

 A solution is a heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances.

✓  A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.

 A solution may be a gas, solid, or liquid.

 A solution is any mixture of two or more substances.


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy 24/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 46. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Which of these compounds is a weak electrolyte?

 HCl

✓  CH3COOH (acetic acid)

 C6H12O6 (glucose)

 O2

 NaCl


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy

 47. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

The solubility of the oxidizing agent potassium permanganate is 7.1 g per 100.0 g of water at 25°C. What is the
mole fraction of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) in this solution?

✓  0.0080

 0.0086

 0.066

 0.071

 0.48


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 25/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 48. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Which solution has the highest vapor pressure?

 0.75 mol of a nonvolatile compound in 750 g of ethanol

✓  0.75 mol of a volatile compound in 750 g of ethanol

 1.5 mol of a nonvolatile compound in 750 g of ethanol

 Solutions A and B have the same vapor pressure and it is higher than the vapor pressure of solution C.

 Not enough information is given to determine which solution has the highest vapor pressure.


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Hard

 49. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

What is the freezing point of a solution prepared from 50.0 g ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) and 85.0 g H2O?
(For water, Kf = 1.86°C/m)

 17.6°C

 –176°C

 –1.50°C

 1.50°C

✓  –17.6°C


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Medium 26/27
2/18/2021 Assignment Print View
 50. Award: 2 out of 2.00 points  

Which substance is present in the largest proportion in a solution?

 salute

 gas

✓  solvent

 solid

 solute


Multiple Choice Difficulty: Easy 27/27

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