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NAME: ___________________________________________ SCORE: _____/30

GRADE/SECTION: _____________________________ DATE: ____________

Activity 6: Disorder in the Environment

Identify thing/s that you consider disorder in your environment and think of ways on how you can help
in that disorder.


Very Good


Rubric Score

Content 7 6 5 4
The reflection expresses philosophical thoughts based on the topics
discussed in the human person in the environment.
Organization 5 4 3 2
Presents ideas in a holistic philosophical manner
Mechanics 3 2 1 0
Contains no grammatical error and words are spelled correctly

Insert Photograph of an environmental disorder in your place here…

1. Why do you consider this as an environmental disorder? (15)

2. What concrete activity can you do to help in taking care of the environment? (15)
Insert photographs which documents the concrete actions you did to solve/initiate solution to the
environmental disorder…

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