Sheet 1

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Sheet One

Chapter 1
1- The standard kilogram is a platinum–iridium cylinder 39.0 mm in height and 39.0 mm in
diameter. What is the density of the material?

2- An automobile company displays a die-cast‫ صب المعابن ا‬model of its first car, made from
9.35 kg of iron. To celebrate‫ تحتفب ا‬its hundredth year in business, a worker will recast the
model in solid gold from the original dies. What mass of gold is needed to make the new
model?‫(ا‬density of iron is 19.3 × 103 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 and density of gold 7.87 × 103 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3
3- Two spheres are cut from a certain uniform rock. One has radius 4.50 cm. The mass of
the other is five times greater. Find its radius.
4- Which of the following equations are dimensionally correct? (a) 𝑣𝑓 = 𝑣𝑖 + 𝑎𝑥(b) 𝑦 =(2
m) cos (kx), where 𝑘 = 2 𝑚−1.
5- Newton’s law of universal gravitation is represented by

where F is the magnitude of the gravitational force exerted by one small object on another, M
and m are the masses of the objects, and r is a distance. Force has the SI units 𝑘𝑔. 𝑚/𝑠 2 . What
are the SI units of the proportionality constant G?

6- The position of a particle moving under uniform acceleration is some function of time
and the acceleration. Suppose we write this position as 𝑥 = 𝑘𝑎𝑚 𝑡 𝑛 , where 𝑘 is a
dimensionless constant. Show by dimensional analysis that this expression is satisfied if
𝑚 = 1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑛 = 2. Can this analysis give the value of k?
7- (a) Assume the equation 𝑥 = 𝐴𝑡 3 + 𝐵𝑡 describes the motion of a particular object, with
𝑥 having the dimension of length and t having the dimension of time. Determine the
dimensions of the constants A and B. (b) Determine the dimensions of the derivative
𝑑𝑥/𝑑𝑡 = 3𝐴𝑡 2 + 𝐵.
8- How many significant figures are in the following numbers? (a) 78.9 ± 0.2(b) 3.788 ×
109 (c) 2.46 × 10−6 (d) 0.0053

Chapter Two Motion in one dimensions
9- The position versus time for a certain particle moving along the x axis is shown in Figure
(1). Find the average velocity in the time intervals (a) 0 to 2 s, (b) 0 to 4 s, (c) 2 s to 4 s,
(d) 4 s to 7 s, and (e) 0 to 8 s.

Fig (1): Problem 9

10- A person walks first at a constant speed of 5.00 m/s along a straight line from point A to
point B and then back along the line from B to A at a constant speed of 3.00 m/s.
(a) What is her average speed over the entire trip? (b) What is her average velocity over
the entire trip?
11- A particle moves according to the equation 𝑥 = 10𝑡 2 , where x is in meters and t is in
seconds. (a) Find the average velocity for the time interval from 2.00 s to 3.00 s. (b) Find
the average velocity for the time interval from 2.00 to 2.10 s.
12- A position–time graph for a particle moving along the x axis is shown in Figure 2. (a)
Find the average velocity in the time interval 𝑡 = 1.50s to 𝑡 = 4.00s. (b) Determine the
instantaneous velocity at 𝑡 = 2.00 by measuring the slope of the tangent line shown in
the graph. (c) At what value of 𝑡 is the velocity zero?

Fig (2): Problem 12
13- A car travels along a straight line at a constant speed of 60.0 mi/h for a distance d and
then another distance d in the same direction at another constant speed. The average
velocity for the entire trip is 30.0 mi/h. (a) What is the constant speed with which the car
moved during the second distance d ? (b) What If? Suppose the second distance d were
traveled in the opposite direction; you forgot something and had to return home at the
same constant speed as found in part (a). What is the average velocity for this trip? (c)
What is the average speed for this new trip?
14- A velocity–time graph for an object moving along the x axis is shown in Figure 3. (a)
Plot a graph of the acceleration versus time. Determine the average acceleration of the
object (b) in the time interval 𝑡 = 5.00s to 𝑡 = 15.00 s and (c) in the time interval 𝑡 = 0
to 𝑡 = 20.00s.

Fig (3): Problem 14
15- A particle starts from rest and accelerates as shown in Figure 4. Determine (a) the
particle’s speed at 𝑡 = 5.00s and at 𝑡 = 20.0s, and (b) the distance traveled in the first
20.0 s.

Fig (4): Problem 15

16- Review. Colonel John P. Stapp, USAF, participated in studying whether a jet pilot could
survive emergency ejection. On March 19, 1954, he rode a rocket-propelled sled that
moved down a track at a speed of 632 mi/h. He and the sled were safely brought to rest in
1.40 s (Fig. 5). Determine (a) the negative acceleration he experienced and (b) the
distance he traveled during this negative acceleration.

Fig (5): Problem 16
17- A baseball is hit so that it travels straight upward after being struck by the bat. A fan
observes that it takes 3.00 s for the ball to reach its maximum height. Find (a) the ball’s
initial velocity and (b) the height it reaches.
18- It is possible to shoot an arrow at a speed as high as 100 m/s. (a) If friction can be
ignored, how high would an arrow launched at this speed rise if shot straight up? (b) How
long would the arrow be in the air?
19- A ball is thrown upward from the ground with an initial speed of 25 m/s; at the same
instant, another ball is dropped from a building 15 m high. After how long will the balls
be at the same height above the ground?
20- A student throws a set of keys vertically upward to her sorority sister, who is in a window
4.00 m above. The second student catches the keys 1.50 s later. (a) With what initial
velocity were the keys thrown? (b) What was the velocity of the keys just before they
were caught?
21- At time 𝑡 = 0, a student throws a set of keys vertically upward to her sorority sister, who
is in a window at distance h above. The second student catches the keys at time t.
(a) With what initial velocity were the keys thrown? (b) What was the velocity of the
keys just before they were caught?
Chapter Two Motion in Two dimensions
22- A motorist ‫ سبنق اسبانة‬drives south at 20.0 m/s for 3.00 min, then turns west and
travels at 25.0 m/s for 2.00 min, and finally travels northwest at 30.0 m/s for 1.00
min. For this 6.00-min trip, find (a) the total vector displacement, (b) the average
speed, and (c) the average velocity. Let the positive x axis point east.




26- Mayan kings and many school sports teams are named for the puma, cougar,
or mountain lion—Felis concolor—the best jumper among animals. It can jump to
a height of 12.0 ft when leaving the ground at an angle of 45.0°. With what speed,
in SI units, does it leave the ground to make this leap?
27- An astronaut on a strange planet finds that she can jump a maximum
horizontal distance of 15.0 m if her initial speed is 3.00 m/s. What is the free-fall
acceleration on the planet?

28- In a local bar, a customer slides an empty beer mug down the counter for a
refill. The height of the counter is 1.22 m. The mug slides off the counter and
strikes the floor 1.40 m from the base of the counter. (a) With what velocity did
the mug leave the counter? (b) What was the direction of the mug’s velocity just
before it hit the floor?
29- A projectile is fired in such a way that its horizontal range is equal to three
times its maximum height. What is the angle of projection?
30- To start an avalanche‫ النهابنةالجىب ا‬on a mountain slope, an artillery shell is fired
with an initial velocity of 300 m/s at 55.0° above the horizontal. It explodes on the
mountainside 42.0 s after firing. What are the x and y coordinates of the shell
where it explodes, relative to its firing point?
31- A firefighter, a distance d from a burning building, directs a stream of water
from a fire hose at angle 𝜃𝑖 above the horizontal as shown in Figure 6. If the
initial speed of the stream is 𝑣𝑖 , at what height h does the water strike the

Fig (6): Problem (31)

32- A landscape architect is planning an artificial water-fall in a city park.
Water flowing at 1.70 m/s will leave the end of a horizontal channel at the
top of a vertical wall h = 2.35 m high, and from there it will fall into a pool
(Fig. 6). Will the space behind the waterfall be wide enough for a pedestrian

Fig 7: Problem 32
33- The astronaut orbiting the Earth in Figure 8 is preparing to dock with a
Westar VI satellite. The satellite is in a circular orbit 600 km above the
Earth’s surface, where the free-fall acceleration is 8.21 m/s2. Take the radius
of the Earth as 6400 km. Determine the speed of the satellite and the time
interval required to complete one orbit around the Earth, which is the period
of the satellite.

Fig (8): Problem 13


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