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Chapter 7

Trigonometric Functions

7.1 Angles
Idea of Definition An angle is formed by rotating a ray about its endpoint.
• The initial position of the ray is called the initial side.
• The endpoint of the ray is called the vertex.
• The final position is called the terminal side.
An angle is said to be in standard position if its vertex is at the origin and its initial side is along the positive

Note An angle in standard position is uniquely determined by the direction and magnitude of rotation. So we
can use numbers to represent angles.
• The direction of rotation may be counterclockwise or clockwise which will be considered to be positive
or negative respectively.
• Magnitudes of rotation are traditionally measured in degrees where one revolution is defined to be 360
degrees, written 360◦ .

Figures 7.1(a), (b) and (c) show three angles in standard position: Although the angles have the same
terminal sides, their measures are different.


−300◦ 420◦

Figure 7.1(a) Figure 7.1(b) Figure 7.1(c)

Another unit for measuring angles is the radian. To define radian, we consider unit circles.
180 Chapter 7. Trigonometric Functions

Terminology A circle with radius 1 is called a unit circle. The circle with 1

radius 1 and center at the origin is called the unit circle. length = 1
1 rad.
Definition The angle determined by an arc of length 1 along the circum- 1

ference of a unit circle is said to be of measure one radian.

Figure 7.2

Since the circumference of a unit circle has length 2π, there are 2π radians in one revolution. Therefore, we
have 360◦ = 2π radians. The conversion between degrees and radians is given by
d◦ = d × radians
π π
Thus, we have 90◦ = (radian) and 60◦ = (radian) for example.
2 3

Remark In calculus, it is more convenient to consider angles in radians and the unit radian is usually omitted.

Exercise 7.1
1. Convert the following degree measures to radians:
(a) 270◦ (b) 210◦
(c) 315◦ (d) 750◦
2. Convert the following radian measures to degrees:
π 3π
(a) (b)
6 4

(c) (d) 7π

7.2 Trigonometric Functions

Notation Consider an angle θ in standard position. Let P be the point of intersection of the terminal side and
the unit circle. We define

sin θ = y-coordinate of P, (7.2.1)

cos θ = x-coordinate of P. (7.2.2)

Remark Instead of considering the unit circle, we can also use circle of
a b θ
radius r (centered at the origin) and define cos θ = and sin θ = ,
r r 1
where a and b are the x- and y-coordinates of P respectively. It is easily
seen (using similar triangles) that these ratios are independent of the
choice of r.
Figure 7.3

Definition The rules given (7.2.1) and (7.2.2) define two functions from
R into R, called the sine and cosine functions respectively.

Using the sine and cosine functions, we define four more trigonometric functions, called the tangent (de-
noted by tan), cotangent (denoted by cot), secant (denoted by sec) and cosecant (denoted by csc) functions as
7.2. Trigonometric Functions 181

sin x
tan x = provided that cos x , 0,
cos x
cos x
cot x = provided that sin x , 0,
sin x
sec x = provided that cos x , 0,
cos x
csc x = provided that sin x , 0.
sin x

Note Since sin x = 0 if and only if x = kπ for some integer k and cos x = 0 if and only if x = for some odd
integer k, it follows that
n π 3π o
dom (tan) = dom (sec) = R \ ± , ± , . . . ,
2 2
n o
dom (cot) = dom (csc) = R \ ± π, ±2π, . . . .

Remark Below we will discuss some results for the sine, cosine and tangent functions. The secant function will
only be used in an identity and a formula for differentiating the tangent function. The cotangent and cosecant
functions will not be used in this course.

(1) The sine and cosine functions are periodic with period 2π, that is,

sin(x + 2π) = sin x for all x ∈ R,

cos(x + 2π) = cos x for all x ∈ R.

(2) The tangent function is periodic with period π, that is,

tan(x + π) = tan x for all x ∈ dom (tan).

(3) The sine function and the tangent function are odd functions and the cosine function is an even function,
that is,
sin(−x) = − sin x for all x ∈ R,
cos(−x) = cos x for all x ∈ R,
tan(−x) = − tan x for all x ∈ dom (tan).
(4) From (3), we see that the graphs of the sine function and tangent function are symmetric about the origin
and the graph of the cosine function is symmetric about the y-axis. See Figures 7.4(a), (b) and (c).
y = sin x

-4p -2p 2p 4p


Figure 7.4(a)
182 Chapter 7. Trigonometric Functions

1 y = cos x

-4p -2p 2p 4p

-1 p p
2 2
Figure 7.4(b)
y = tan x

Remark The graph of the cosine function can be obtain

from that of the sine function by moving it units to the
left. This is because
π Figure 7.4(c)
cos x = sin x + for all x ∈ R.

CAST Rule The signs of sine, cosine and tangent in each quadrant can be memorized using the following rule:

where C stands for cosine, A for all, S for sine and T for tangent—for example, C in the 4th quadrant means
that if x is an angle in the fourth quadrant, then cos x is positive and the other two values sin x and tan x are

Sine, Cosine and Tangent of some Special Angles

sin 0 = 0 cos 0 = 1 tan 0 = 0

π 1 π 3 π 1
sin = cos = tan = √
6 2 6 2 6 3
π 1 π 1 π
sin = √ cos = √ tan = 1
4 2 4 2 4
√ π √
π 3 π 1 tan = 3
sin = cos = 3
3 2 3 2
π π π
sin = 1 cos = 0 tan undefined
2 2 2

The values of the sine, cosine and tangent functions at the special angles can be obtained by drawing
appropriate figures or triangles. For example, we can use Figures 7.5(a), (b) and (c) to find the values of the
π π π
trigonometric functions for angles with size , and respectively.
2 4 6
P(0, 1)
1 1 1

P √1 , √1 
2 2
P √1 , √1
2 2
2 π π
4 6
1 1 1

Figure 7.5(a) Figure 7.5(b) Figure 7.5(c)

7.2. Trigonometric Functions 183

An Important Identity
(Py) sin2 x + cos2 x = 1
Explanation The result is called an identity because it is true for all x ∈ R.
P sin x
Note that sin2 x = (sin x)2 etc.
Proof Let P(a, b) be the point on the unit circle corresponding to angle x.
cos x 1
By definition, we have

sin x = b and cos x = a.

The required result then follows since a2 + b2 = 1. Figure 7.6

Another Identity
 π 3π
(Py1) 1 + tan2 x = sec2 x, x ∈ R \ ± ,± ,...
2 2

sin2 x
Proof 1 + tan2 x = 1 + Definition of tan
cos2 x
cos2 x + sin2 x
cos2 x
= Identity (Py)
cos2 x
 1 2
cos x
= sec2 x Definition of sec

More Identities
π  π 
sin −x = cos x cos −x = sin x
2 2
π  π 
sin +x = cos x cos +x = − sin x
2 2

sin(π − x) = sin x cos(π − x) = − cos x

sin(π + x) = − sin x cos(π + x) = − cos x

3π  3π 
sin −x = − cos x cos −x = − sin x
2 2
3π  3π 
sin +x = − cos x cos +x = sin x
2 2

sin(2π − x) = − sin x cos(2π − x) = cos x

The above identities can be derived using appropriate figures. For example,
• from Figure 7.7(a), we get
π  π 
sin − x = a = cos x and cos − x = b = sin x.
2 2
184 Chapter 7. Trigonometric Functions

• from Figure 7.7(b), we get

sin(π − x) = b = sin x and cos(π − x) = −a = − cos x.

1 P2 (b, a) 1

P1 (a, b) P2 (−a, b) P1 (a, b)

−x π−x
x x
1 1

Figure 7.7(a) Figure 7.7(b)

Remark The above identities can be memorized in the following way:

f odd multiple of ± x is ±g(x)
f even multiple of ± x is ± f (x)

where ( f, g) = (sin, cos) or (cos, sin) and the sign can be obtained by the CAST rule.

As illustrations, we describe how to obtaining the identities for

3π  3π 
sin(π − x), cos(π − x), sin +x and cos +x.
2 2
π π
• Note that π = 2 · is an even multiple of . According to the second form (the trigonometric functions
2 2
are unchanged),

(1) sin(π − x) is either sin x or − sin x

(2) cos(π − x) is either cos x or − cos x

To determine the correct sign, we assume that x belongs to the 1st quadrant and so (π − x) belongs to the
2nd quadrant. According to the CAST Rule, sin(π − x) is positive and cos(π − x) is negative (and sin x
and cos x are positive). Thus we have

(1c) sin(π − x) = sin x

(2c) cos(π − x) = − cos x
3π π
• Note that is an odd multiple of . According to the first form (the two trigonometric functions are
2 2
(3) sin + x is either cos x or − cos x
(4) cos + x is either sin x or − sin x
To determine the correct sign, we assume that x belongs to the 1st quadrant and so + x belongs to
3π  3π 
the 4th quadrant. According to the CAST Rule, sin + x is negative and cos + x is positive (and
2 2
sin x and cos x are positive). Thus we have
(3c) sin + x = − cos x
7.2. Trigonometric Functions 185

(4c) cos + x = sin x
π 3π
Remark Since the values of the sine and cosine functions at or π or can be found easily, the above identities
2 2
can also be derived using the following results, called compound angle formulas.

Compound Angle Formulas Let A and B be real numbers. Then we have

sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B cos(A + B) = cos A cos B − sin A sin B
sin(A − B) = sin A cos B − cos A sin B cos(A − B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B

Remark The formulas for sin(A − B) and cos(A − B) can be deduced from that for sin(A + B) and cos(A + B)
respectively. This is because sin(−x) = − sin x and cos(−x) = cos x for all x ∈ R. Moreover, since sin − x =
π  2
cos x and cos − x = sin x, the formula for sin(A + B) can be deduced from that for cos(A + B) and vice versa.
However, the proof for either formula is very tedious and thus is omitted.

Continuity of sin and cos The sine and cosine functions are continuous Q
on R, that is, for every a ∈ R, we have
lim sin x = sin a x
x→a 1

lim cos x = cos a


Reason If x is close to a, then the point Q lying on the unit circle that
corresponds to x is close to the point P that corresponds to a. Figure 7.8

An Important Limit
sin x
(sin) lim =1
x→0 x
Proof First we consider right-side limit. Let x be small positive (0 < x < ).
2 C
Consider the triangles 4OAB and 4OAC and the sector OAB shown in Figure 7.9.
Note that
1 sin x
area of 4OAB = · 1 · 1 · sin x =
2 2
1 2 x x
area of sector OAB = ·1 ·x = A
2 2 O 1
1 tan x
area of 4OAC = · 1 · AC =
2 2

Since 4OAB ⊆ sector OAB ⊆ 4OAC, it follows that

Figure 7.9
sin x x tan x
< < .
2 2 2
sin x
Dividing each term by (which is positive), we get
x 1
1< < ,
sin x cos x
186 Chapter 7. Trigonometric Functions

which, by taking reciprocal, yields

sin x
1>> cos x. (7.2.3)
By the continuity of the cosine function (at 0), we have

lim cos x = cos 0 = 1. (7.2.4)


Letting x → 0+, by (7.2.3) and (7.2.4) together with the Sandwich Theorem (which is also valid for limits at a
point and one-sided limits), we get
sin x
lim = 1.
x→0+ x

sin x sin(−x) sin x sin x

Since is an even function, that is, = for all x , 0, it follows that lim = 1. Therefore,
x −x x x→0− x
sin x
we have lim = 1. 
x→0 x
Remark 0.8
0.6 sin x
• The result means that if x is small, then sin x is approximately equal to x. y=
0.4 x
sin x◦ π 0.2
• If x is in degrees, the result is different: lim = .
x→0 x 180
-10 -5 5 10

d Figure 7.10
The following result will be used in deriving the formula for sin x.
A Limit Result
cos h − 1
(cos −1) lim =0
h→0 h
Explanation To get the limit, we try to “cancel” the factor h in the denominator. However, the numerator is not
a polynomial. Instead of making a factor h in the numerator, we try to make a factor sin h and apply (sin).

cos h − 1 (cos h − 1)(cos h + 1)

Proof lim = lim Note: cos h + 1 , 0 if h ≈ 0
h→0 h h→0 h(cos h + 1)
cos2 h − 1
= lim
h→0 h(cos h + 1)

− sin2 h
= lim Identity (Py)
h→0 h(cos h + 1)
" #
sin h 1
= lim (− sin h) · ·
h→0 h cos h + 1
sin h 1
= lim (− sin h) × lim × lim Limit Rule (La5)
h→0 h→0 h h→0 cos h + 1

1 Continuity of sin & cos

= (− sin 0) · 1 ·
cos 0 + 1 and Limit Result (sin)
= 0.

7.3. Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions 187

Exercise 7.2
1. For each of the following, find its value without using calculators.
2π 2π 2π
(a) sin (b) cos (c) tan
3 3 3
5π 5π 5π
(d) sin (e) cos (f) tan
4 4 4
2. For each of the following limits, find its value.
tan x sin 2x
(a) lim (b) lim
x→0 x x→0 x

7.3 Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions

Derivative of sin The sine function is differentiable on R and its derivative is the cosine function, that is,
sin x = cos x, −∞ < x < ∞.
d sin(x + h) − sin x
Proof sin x = lim Definition of Derivative
dx h→0 h
sin x · cos h + cos x · sin h − sin x
= lim Compound Angle Formula
h→0 h
(sin x · cos h − sin x) + cos x · sin h
= lim
h→0 h
sin x (cos h − 1) + cos x · sin h
= lim
h→0 h
! !
cos h − 1 sin h
= lim sin x · + lim cos x · Limit Rule (La4)
h→0 h h→0 h
cos h − 1 sin h
= sin x · lim + cos x · lim Limit Rule (La5s)
h→0 h h→0 h

= sin x · 0 + cos x · 1 Limit Results (cos −1) and (sin)

= cos x. 

Derivative of cos The cosine function is differentiable on R and its derivative is the negative of the sine function,
that is,
cos x = − sin x, −∞ < x < ∞.
Proof Similar to that for the derivative of the sine function, the result can be proved by definition, using the
compound angle formula cos(x + h) = cos x cos h − sin x sin h. 
Remark Note that cos x = sin − x . The result can also be proved using the result for the derivative of the
sine function. together with the chain rule which will be discussed in the Chapter 9.

Derivative of tan The tangent function is differentiable on its domain and its derivative is the square of the
secant function, that is,
d π 3π
tan x = sec2 x, x , ± ,± ,....
dx 2 2
188 Chapter 7. Trigonometric Functions

π 3π
Proof For x ∈ dom (tan) = R \ {± , ± , . . .}, we have
2 2
d d sin x
tan x = Definition of tan
dx dx cos x
d d
cos x · sin x − sin x · cos x
dx dx
= Quotient Rule
cos2 x
cos x · cos x − sin x · (− sin x)
= Derivatives of sin and cos
cos2 x
= Identity (Py)
cos2 x
cos x
= (sec x)2 Definition of sec

Example For each of the following y, find .
(1) y = 2 sin x − 7 cos x
(2) y = tan x − x
(3) y = x cos x
sin x
(4) y =
dy d
(1) = (2 sin x − 7 cos x) Substitution
dx dx
d d
= 2· sin x − 7 · cos x Term by Term Differentiation & Constant Multiple Rule
dx dx
= 2 cos x − 7(− sin x) Derivative of sin and cos
= 2 cos x + 7 sin x

dy d
(2) = (tan x − x) Substitution
dx dx
d d
= tan x − x Term by Term Differentiation
dx dx
= sec2 x − 1 Derivative of tan and Power Rule
= tan2 x Identity (Py1)

dy d 2
(3) = (x cos x) Substitution
dx dx
d d
= x2 · cos x + cos x · x2 Product Rule
dx dx
= x2 · (− sin x) + cos x · 2x Derivative of sin and Power Rule
= 2x cos x − x2 sin x
7.3. Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions 189

dy d sin x
(4) = Substitution
dx dx x + 1
d d
(x + 1) · sin x − sin x · (x + 1)
dx dx
= Quotient Rule
(x + 1)2
(x + 1) · cos x − sin x · (1 + 0) Derivative of sin and
(x + 1)2 Derivative of Polynomial
(x + 1) cos x − sin x
(x + 1)2 

Exercise 7.3
1. For each of the following y, find .
(a) y = 5 cos x − 2x (b) y = 1 − 2 tan x
(c) y = sin x − x2 (d) y = x2 sin x
(e) y = cos2 x (f) y=
cos x
cos x
(g) y = sin x · cos x (h) y=
x3 + 1
(i) y = (x + cos x)2 (j) y = (sin x + cos x)2
2. Let y = sinn x.
(a) Find for n = 2, 3 and 4.
(b) Guess for formula for for general n (positive integer).
3. Let y = sin nx and let z = cos nx.
dy dz
(a) Find and for n = 2. Hint: use compound angle formulas.
dx dx
dy dz
(b) Find and for n = 3. Hint: use compound angle formulas and the results in (a).
dx dx
dy dz
(c) Guess for formula for and for general n (positive integer).
dx dx

4. Let f (x) = sin(ax + b) and let g(x) = cos(ax + b) where a and b are constants.
(a) Use definition to find f 0 (x) and g0 (x).
(b) Use the results in (a) to find f 00 (x) and g00 (x)
(c) Guess for formula for f (n) (x) and g(n) (x) for general n (positive integer).

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