Notice of Intent To Revoke License

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In the matter of License #: DG390399156

SIR #: 2021D0401006

Ashlee Terry
Terry's Playhouse




The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, by Scott Bettys,

Division Director, Child Care Licensing Division, Bureau of Community and Health

Systems, hereafter referred to as “the Bureau,” orders the summary suspension and

provides notice of the intent to revoke the license of Licensee, Ashlee Terry, to operate

a group child care home pursuant to the authority of the Child Care Organizations Act,

1973 PA 116, as amended, MCL 722.111 et seq., for the following reasons:

1. On or about July 2, 2019, Licensee was issued a license to operate a group child

care home with a licensed capacity of 12 at 1417 Crawford St., Kalamazoo, MI

49006 .

2. Prior to the issuance of the license , and during subsequent modifications of the

statutes and rules, Licensee received copies of the Child Care Organizations Act,

the licensing rule book for family and group child care homes, and the Child

Protection Law. These rules and statutes are posted and available for download


3. On March 25, 2021 the Bureau received complaint allegations that Licensee

overdosed on cocaine in the bathroom basement of her child care home on

March 23, 2021. Five child care children and a staff member arrived at

Licensee’s child care home after Licensee overdosed.

4. On March 26, 2021 Licensing Consultant Rebecca Wagster and Department of

Health and Human Services (DHHS) worker Sue Wiseman made an

unannounced onsite inspection of Licensee’s child care home. When they

arrived Licensee and staff member Victoria Gulley were both present. Licensee

stated that she was out with friends and received a telephone call at 1:00 a.m. on

March 23, 2021 from an acquaintance who needed to be picked up from the

hospital. Licensee stated that friends of hers gave her cocaine to use to stay

awake, and Licensee admitted to ingesting one or two lines of cocaine. Licensee

stated that she and her acquaintance arrived back at her child care home from

the hospital at approximately 4:00 a.m. and further stated that she did not go to

sleep that night; Licensee stated that she intended to stay awake through the

following day of providing child care. Licensee stated that the first child care

child was scheduled to arrive at her child care home at 7:00 a.m. but at 6:50 a.m.

she received a phone call from the child’s parent stating that they slept in.

Licensee stated that she then went to the bathroom in the basement of her child

care home but does not remember much after that. Licensee stated that she

was transported to Borgess Hospital and was released later that day.

5. During their March 26, 2021 onsite inspection Ms. Wagster and Ms. Wiseman

interviewed Ms. Gulley. Ms. Gulley stated that she arrived at Licensee’s home

with Child A at approximately 7:58 a.m. on March 23, 2021. When Ms. Gulley

arrived she observed Child B and Child C on the porch of Licensee’s child care

home with Child B and C’s Mother. The door to the child care home was locked

so Ms. Gulley used her key to unlock the door and enter the home. Ms. Gulley

stated that two other child care children arrived shortly after they entered the

child care home. Ms. Gulley performed a search of the child care home and

heard snoring in the bathroom on the lower level of the child care home. Ms.

Gulley entered the bathroom and saw Licensee laying on the floor, unresponsive.

911 was called and law enforcement and emergency medical technicians (EMT)

arrived at the child care home at approximately 8:30 a.m.

6. During the March 26, 2021 onsite inspection Licensee allowed Ms. Wagster and

Ms. Wiseman to review her surveillance camera footage. The footage confirmed

that on March 23, 2021 Ms. Gulley entered the child care home with the children

and Child B and C’s Mother and confirmed that EMT and law enforcement

arrived at approximately 8:30 a.m.

7. On March 29, 2021 Ms. Wagster interviewed Child B and C’s Mother who

confirmed that she arrived at Licensee’s child care home at approximately 8:00

a.m. on the morning of March 23, 2021 with Child B and Child C. Child B and

C’s Mother confirmed that when she arrived she knocked on the door of

Licensee’s child care home but did not receive a response. Child B and C’s

Mother confirmed that shortly after Ms. Gulley arrived and allowed entry into

Licensee’s child care home.


The conduct of Licensee, as set forth in paragraphs 3 through 7 above,

evidences a willful and substantial violation of:

R400.1902(2) Applicant; licensee; requirements.

(2) An applicant or licensee shall be of responsible character
and shall be suitable and able to meet the needs of children
and provide for their care, supervision, and protection.


The conduct of Licensee, as set forth in paragraphs 3 through 7 above,

evidences a willful and substantial violation of:

R400.1911(1) Care; supervision; children

(1) A licensee shall ensure appropriate care and supervision
of children at all times.

DUE TO THE serious nature of the above violations and the potential risk it

represents to vulnerable children in Licensee's care, emergency action is required.

Therefore the provision of MCL 24.292 of the Administrative Procedures Act of 1969, as

amended, is invoked. Licensee is hereby notified that the license to operate a group

child care home is summarily suspended.

EFFECTIVE 6:00 p.m., on March 30, 2021, Licensee is ordered not to operate a

group child care home at 1417 Crawford St., Kalamazoo, MI 49006, or at any other

location or address. Licensee is not to receive children for care after that time or date.

Licensee is responsible for informing parents or guardians of children in care that

license has been suspended and that Licensee can no longer provide care.

HOWEVER, BECAUSE THE Department has summarily suspended Licensee's

license, an administrative hearing will be promptly scheduled before an administrative

law judge. Licensee MUST NOTIFY the Department and the Michigan Office of

Administrative Hearings and Rules in writing within seven calendar days after receipt of

this Notice if Licensee wishes to appeal the summary suspension and attend the

administrative hearing. The written request must be submitted via MAIL or FAX to:

Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules

611 West Ottawa Street, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 30695
Lansing, Michigan 48909-2484
Phone: 517-335-7519
FAX: 517-763-0155

MCL 24.272 of the Administrative Procedures Act of 1969 permits the Department to

proceed with the administrative hearing even if Licensee does not appear. Licensee

may be represented by an attorney at the administrative hearing.

March 30, 2021

DATED: _____________________

Scott Bettys, Division Director
Child Care Licensing Division
Bureau of Community and Health Systems

This is the last and final page of the ORDER OF SUMMARY SUSPENSION AND NOTICE OF INTENT in
the matter of Ashlee Terry, DG390399156, consisting of 5 pages, this page included.



In the matter of License #: DG390399156

SIR #: 2021D0401006

Ashlee Terry
Terry's Playhouse



The undersigned certifies that a copy of the Order of Summary Suspension and Notice
of Intent was personally served upon the person below on ___/___/_____ at ___:___
a.m. or p.m.

Ashlee Terry
1417 Crawford St
Kalamazoo, MI 49006

Served by:

Child Care Licensing Consultant
Child Care Licensing Division
Bureau of Community and Health Systems

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