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Remember when you were taught how to write your scope and delimitation, you stated the subjects, participants, or
respondents of your study. You also described their characteristics which qualify them to be the source of your research data.
The next question you have to answer is, how many of the subjects, participants, or respondents should be selected as
a source of data? This lesson will teach you how to describe sampling procedures in quantitative research. Note that the
sampling procedure should be aligned to your chosen research design. Since you have already decided the research design of
your study, then you are ready for this lesson.

The learners demonstrate understanding of the description of sample
The learner should be able to describe adequately quantitative research designs, sample, instrument used, intervention
(if applicable), data collection, and analysis procedures
The Learner constructs an instrument and establishes its validity and reliability
To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Read the instructions carefully before starting anything
2. Complete all the activities and worksheet given
3. Use dictionary and the like to find the meaning of the words that you do not understand.
4. Use notebook to summarize what you have just read.
5. Review the criteria in the rubrics and evaluate your work using the provided checklist.
6. Make a timetable for your study. Do not force yourself to answer everything if you are already tired. Give yourself time
to relax.



Quantitative Research Instrument

What do you think will happen if tools for building a house is not prepared meticulously? The same thing when getting
information for answers to a research problem, tools, or instruments should be prepared carefully. In constructing a quantitative
research instrument, it is very important to remember that the tools created should require responses or data that will be
numerically analyzed.
Research Instruments are basic tools researchers used to gather data for specific research problems. Common
instruments are performance tests, questionnaires, interviews, and observation checklist. The first two instruments
are usually used in quantitative research, while the last two instruments are often in qualitative research. However, interviews
and observation checklists can still be used in quantitative research once the information gathered is translated into numerical

ACTIVITY 1. Read and analyze the given scenario. Answer the guide questions below.

A culmination program was scheduled for Grade 12 students. The highlight of the program is the presentation of the
festival of dances. The six sections prepared for the said dance contest during the culmination. A month before the activity, the
students already started planning. Their parents were also very supportive in the preparation of their costumes and props. The
class advisers also monitored the practices in their classrooms.
During the contest, the PE teacher invited teachers from other schools to serve as a judge. The performances were
exemplary, especially the section Rydberg. The section was also a crowd favorite. However, another group that performed
poorly compared to Rydberg was pronounced as the winner. Due to the result of the contest, Rydberg and other sections
wanted to know the bases for judging. After conducting an investigation, it turned out that no clear criteria were set, and no
rating sheets were used.

Guide Questions:
1. What do you think must have been done to avoid the said situation?

2. What can you say about the result of investigation?


3. How will you relate the scenario to the conduct of a quantitative research study?


In constructing the research instrument of the study, there are many factors to be considered. The type of instrument,
reasons for choosing the type, and the description and conceptual definition of its parts are some of the factors that need to be
decided before constructing a research instrument. Furthermore, it is also very important to understand the concepts of scales
of research instruments and how to establish validity and reliability of instruments.

Characteristics of a Good Research Instrument

 Concise. Have you tried answering a very long test, and because of its length, you just pick the answer without even
reading it? A good research instrument is concise in length yet can elicit the needed data.
 Sequential. Questions or items must be arranged well. It is recommended to arrange it from simplest to the most
complex. In this way, the instrument will be more favorable to the respondents to answer.
 Valid and reliable. The instrument should pass the tests of validity and reliability to get more appropriate and accurate
 Easily tabulated. Since you will be constructing an instrument for quantitative research, this factor should be considered.
Hence, before crafting the instruments, the researcher makes sure that the variable and research questions are established.
These will be an important basis for making items in the research instruments.
Ways in Developing Research Instrument
There are three ways you can consider in developing the research instrument for your study. First is adopting an
instrument from the already utilized instruments from previous related studies. The second way is modifying an existing
instrument when the available instruments do not yield the exact data that will answer the research problem. And the third
way is when the researcher made his own instrument that corresponds to the variable and scope of his current study.

Common Scales Used in Quantitative Research

 Likert Scale. This is the most common scale used in quantitative research. Respondents were asked to rate or rank
statements according to the scale provided.
Example: A Likert scale that measures the attitude of students towards distance learning.
Items Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
There would be difficulty in communicating our concerns to
our teacher.
There would be many distractions when learning at home
than in school.

 Semantic Differential. In this scale, a series of bipolar adjectives will be rated by the respondents. This scale seems to be
more advantageous since it is more flexible and easy to construct.
Example: On a description of an active student in school activities.
Pleasant 5 4 3 2 1 Unpleasant
Enthusiastic 5 4 3 2 1 Not Enthusiastic
Competent 5 4 3 2 1 Incompetent

Another important consideration in constructing a research instrument is how to establish its validity and
- A research instrument is considered valid if it measures what it supposed to measure.
- When measuring oral communication proficiency level of students, speech performance using rubric or rating scale is
more valid than students are given multiple choice tests.
- Validity also has several types: face, content, construct, concurrent, and predictive validity.
Types of Validity of Instrument
1. Face Validity. It is also known as “logical validity.” It calls for an initiative judgment of the instruments as it “appear.”
Just by looking at the instrument, the researcher decides if it is valid.
2. Content Validity. An instrument that is judged with content validity meets the objectives of the study. It is done by
checking the statements or questions if this elicits the needed information. Experts in the field of interest can also
provide specific elements that should be measured by the instrument.
3. Construct Validity. It refers to the validity of instruments as it corresponds to the theoretical construct of the study.
It is concerning if a specific measure relates to other measures.
4. Concurrent Validity. When the instrument can predict results similar to those similar tests already validated, it has
concurrent validity.
5. Predictive Validity. When the instrument is able to produce results similar to those similar tests that will be employed
in the future, it has predictive validity. This is particularly useful for the aptitude test.

RELIABILITY refers to the consistency of the measures or results of the instrument.

a. Test-retest Reliability. It is achieved by giving the same test to the same group of respondents twice. The
consistency of the two scores will be checked.
b. Equivalent Forms Reliability. It is established by administering two identical tests except for wordings to the same
group of respondents.
c. Internal Consistency Reliability. It determines how well the items measure the same construct. It is reasonable
that when a respondent gets a high score in one item, he will also get one in similar items. There are three ways to
measure the internal consistency; through the split-half coefficient, Cronbach’s alpha, and Kuder-Richardson formula.

ACTIVITY 2. Search for a sample research study. Identify the ways of establishing the validity and reliability of the instrument.

Example 1 Example 2

Title of the Research Study

Type of Research Instrument

Way of Developing the


Scale Used

How the validity of the

instrument was established?

How the reliability of the

instrument was established?

SCORE: ______________
A. Multiple Choice
_____ 1. What is the aim Ex post facto research design?
A. determine a cause from already existing effects.
B. establish cause and effect relationship
C. observe and describe a phenomenon
D. identify association among variables
_____ 2. “Effects of Type of Music to Aesthetic Performance of Ballet Dancers”, what is the appropriate research design for the
given title?
A. Correlational C. Survey Research
B. Descriptive D. Experimental
_____ 3. Mr. Cruz would like to know further the type of social media used between the male and female SHS students of Sta.
Ignacia High School. What is the appropriate research design to be used in his study?
A. Quasi-Experimental C. Correlational
B. Experimental D. Descriptive
_____ 4. Which of the following statements is true about the conduct of experimental research?
A. There is no random assignment of individuals. C. Groups are exposed to presumed cause.
B. Individual subjects are randomly assigned. D. Intact groups are used.
_____ 5. What is the difference between quasi-experimental research and experimental research?
A. Only one dependent variable is used in quasi-experimental research, while multiple dependent variables can be
used in quasi-experimental research.
B. Intact groups are used in experimental, while quasi-experimental randomly assigned individuals into groups.
C. Participants for groups are randomly selected in experimental, but not quasiexperimental research.
D. The researcher controls the intervention in the experimental group, but not quasiexperimental research.
_____ 6. Why would a researchers choose to use Simple Random Sampling as a sampling technique?
A. To consider giving equal chance to the member of accessible population being selected as part of the study.
B. To make sure that all subcategories of the population are represented in the selection of sample.
C. To group the entire population into clusters since the location of the samples are widely spread.
D. To systematically choose samples from a given list of individuals.
_____ 7. When can we consider a research sample as "best?"
A. representative of population C. conveniently represented
B. systematically chosen D. purposely selected
_____ 8. What type of reliability is measured by administering two tests identical in all aspects except the actual wording of
A. Internal Consistency Reliability C. Test-retest reliability
B. Equivalent Forms Reliability D. Inter-rater Reliability
_____ 9. What type of validity is when an instrument produces results similar to those of another instrument that will be
in the future?
A. Predictive Validity C. Criterion Validity
B. Face Validity D. Content Validity
_____ 10. The Ability Test has been proven to predict the mathematical skills of Senior High School students. What type of test
validity is shown in the example?
A. Construct Validity C. Content Validity
B. Criterion Validity D. Face Validity
_____ 13. What indicator of a good research instrument when items are arranged from simple to complex?
A. Easily Tabulated C. Valid and Reliable
B. Sequential D. Concise
Prepared by: EDRIAN R. DOMINGO
Subject Teacher


Santa Ignacia, Tarlac 2303

(WEEK 28)

Name of Student

Grade and Section

Subject Teacher

Contact Number: 0945-990-8135

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