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Name and School: LOVE MAE G. LEYSON/ KABANGAHAN 1 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Specialization/Subject Handled; All Subjects
Required Type of Specific Professional Significance of the Activities Requirements (4) Potential Barriers and Solutions
Competencies(1) Intervention (2) (3) (5)
Integrating diverse Attend training workshop in To enhance and develop Approved letter from the Overlapping of school activities
teaching strategies identifying accurate teaching higher order thinking skills School Principal Time management ( reserve time
strategies that ca be used in among teacher and learners to attend trainings)
and outside the classroom
Completion of task ahead of time
Promoting active pupils Attending training workshops Acquire new teaching Approved letters from the Overlapping of School activities
participation in finding strategies to strategies and learning School Principal and
promote pupils active styles to be applied District Supervisor Time management
participation ( reserve time to attend trainings)
Innovate new learning style
or strategies for optimal Ask assistance from the School
learning of learners. Principal
Integrating Higher Order Attending training To encouraged learners to Approved letters from Overlapping of school activities
Thinking Skills workshops/seminar related to think critically school principal and Time management ( reserve time
integrating higher order district supervisor to attend trainings)
thinking skills In teaching Asked question that would
process widen their idea and
develop their thinking skills
Improving Conduct LAC sessions To develop social, verbal Approved letter/ schedule Time limitation due to multitasking
communication skills and non- verbal interaction of lac from the School Ask assistance from School
skills Principal Principal

Learner’s Signature ______________________ Reviewed / Approved by :

School Head
Rationale of the Professional Development Plan
Professional Development Plan is the key to identify the necessary skills, techniques and strategies that a teacher should have. An efficient
teacher opens new horizon and grab opportunities that will help them in their teaching learning process, in order to provide opportunities for the
learners to apply higher order thinking skills in their domains as well as their own lives. As a teacher, I must see to it that the strategies that I will
be using is suitable for my learners needs and capability, for them to be able to understand the lesson.

To make my Professional Development Plan complete I asked the assistance from my School Head and my co teachers to share their ideas.
I am grateful because they are generous enough to share their knowledge and ideas to help me become more effective and efficient teacher, they
knew that this Professional Development Plan that I have, is not only for my enhancement as a teacher but also for the whole school itself will be
benefited. Due to the overlapping of the school task and activities given to us teachers, the School Head usually give schedule of trainings, seminar,
and workshops ahead of time just to avoid conflict of time.

To fulfill this Professional Development Plan, the teacher must undergo trainings, seminars, workshops to enhance and develop the
knowledge of the teacher and it is easy for the teacher to look the accurate and effective teaching strategies. Professional Development Plan is a
big help to the teacher leading them to become a 21st century teacher and to produce a good, productive and effective learners as well.

My 21st Century Classroom Facilitating Skills

Aspects Observation Strengths Areas for Action points
Facilitation style Teacher demonstrate the Teacher demonstrate Need to use other Identify the strategies that
lesson, then learners will clearly, pupils do the techniques or strategies to will suit to the learning
do the activity with the activity well promote learners styles of the learners
guidance of the teacher participation
Accommodation of Most learners are visual Teacher demonstrates by Managing learners Identify the strategies that
student’s learning style and auditory using pictures for the behavior , some are will suit to the learning
learners easy to listening, others are not style of the learners
understand the lessons.
Provision of Learning
Environment that is
conducive for:
Active Learning Learners are viewing the ICT equipment are being Due to the error of the Ask supervision of the ICT
presentation in the wide used during the teaching projector, the white screen coordinator
screen learning process was blurred.
Higher Order It needs to develop using Teacher encouraged Need to develop using Develop among learners
Thinking HOTS question among learners to participate by HOTS questions among HOTS question
learners inserting HOTS during the learners
Contextual It needs to develop Need to develop Develop among learners
Learning contextualized learning contextualized learning using contextualization
among learners
Questioning and reacting Teacher will ask question Teacher ask questions Teacher should be aware Teacher should be aware
skills to the learners every now every now and then and and determine what type and determine what type
and then learners will give answers of question and when to of question and when to
and do the task ask the questions ask the questions
My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement
Teacher should be committed in making classroom safe and conducive to the learners, teaching profession is quite different from the
other. The task of an elementary teacher is distinctive, from the materials being used and the strategies of teaching, but in other aspects of
teaching it’s the same at all levels. Teacher planned the lessons ahead of time so that the learners may able to understand the lessons being
discussed and in manner that interest the learners inculcate in them , the values that is integrated in every lesson that includes planning,
presentation and evaluation.

I am that person who greatly and passionately love teaching especially those who needs special attention in reading. As a teacher I
greatly believed that everyone can learn and can improve, teacher like me needs have to be patient and a heart to see it. Taking care with the
environment is also one of my great concerns as a classroom teacher. Tapping potential stakeholders to help augment the needs of my learners
who belonged to less fortunate community. I do believed that providing the needs of my learners will be able to help them in their education
and realize that it could be the way to a brighter future someday. I also have time in knowing my learner’s family background so that I may know
how to connect with them and relate with their individual performance in the school and to give them more meaningful and interactive learning.

Rules and Procedures

During the beginning of the class, I usually do the setting up classroom rules and regulations. The implementation of the “Golden Rule”
and the Do’s and Don’ts policy. In giving these rules and regulations to my learners, I see to it that they understand it clearly so that I can manage
them properly in terms in our lessons and proper moral conduct and etiquette. I believe that the attitude is the first thing to mold and inculcate
by the teacher towards the learner and everything will follow.

Classroom Arrangement
In school I am handling grade 2 learners, half of my pupils are in frustration level, and they really need attention. Every morning before
we start our lesson proper I always let them read the alphabet using the sound. Because according to some studies a child learns to read fast if
they already identify the sound of the letters. I also let them used my reading corner to let them read and play there. I provided reading
materials and I let the “ate and kuya “ to help them read. I organize the physical arrangement of my classroom for movement and interaction of
my learners. My classroom is not totally filled with colorful stuff but the most important things that needed for my lessons are there. I spend
personal funds to have a more conducive and presentable classroom. Display board, alphabet charts, progress chart, classroom policy chart and
Deped Vision , Mission and Goals are visible in the wall. Cleaning stuff are properly kept and providing various types to add educational reading
materials in my reading corner and other important things to display in my classroom to add beauty of my classroom.

Misbehaving and Absences Interventions

In terms of behavior the teacher itself is the exact model to represent with. The way the teacher manages the problems, will let the
learners know the importance of being reasonable consistent and firm individual. Learners can tell how we feel towards them if they
misbehaved inside the classroom. In addressing misbehavior problems, my first move is reminding them of the Golden Rule that is reflected in
our classroom policies. Calling the attention of the parents to let them aware of how their children behaved inside the classroom, scheduled a
home visitation and formally talk to the parents regarding the misbehavior shown by their children.

During the Quarterly PTA meeting, I called the attention of the parents and have one on one discussion regarding with the misbehavior
and absences of their children. I have learners who always absent in my class which caught my attention when their mother attended the PTA
meeting. I eventually talk to them about the absences done by their child. The parents were feeling uneasy and I knew there was something that
they wanted to tell me and we had our conversation about the absences of their children. The problem is that they worked in the farm for a
living and they let their children help them or they let them stay at home to take care of their baby sister or brother and the other reason the
distance from home to school. Showing love and concern to my learners is great pleasure that I could offer to them as a teacher and a second
mother inside the classroom. Bullying is against inside or outside the classroom so that there is no trouble happened. I take every opportunity
to model kindness and it takes a lot of patience to become a flexible teacher.

Classroom safety
There are many things a teacher can do to set up classroom that feels safe and well- arranged. Making the classroom a conducive for
learning is the primary goal. This could manifest how safety our classroom is. Creating a classroom that is well organized is a collaborative
success between the learners and the teacher. I really see to it that learning can be achieved as well. I placed all materials needed where my
learners can easily grasp and use it in my reading corner. I always remind my learners to respect each other and never hurt them. Learners need
to feel safe for them to be able to learn and developed their full potential. My classroom has two doors. Trash bins are properly labelled and
covered it for the safety of my learners. A soap is provided so that they can frequently do hand washing to help them prevent illness. I provided
them grooming materials to use it every day, individual drinking glass, toothbrush and face towels. I do believe that in a safety classroom can
stimulate learning as well.
Student / Pupils Celebration
Appreciation is one way to stimulate learning and it gives a drive to do good to our learners where they can gain confidence in terms of
their answers in oral and written works. This is the greatest way of showing affections to my learners. I always take notes on their good and bad
attributes. Since I’m teaching in the hinterland school. I always brought something like food that they are going to share, especially if they got a
high score. With this they are more eager to answer. I also tap their shoulder and gave a resounding applause and stars that keep them think
they did a very good job. If they have a nice output I let it shown to their classmates as a model object so that they will feel that the effort they
exerted in making such thing is worth it and place it in our bulletin board. In this way are motivated more to learn towards their academic

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