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Eastern Michigan University

Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance

Winter 2021
Tentative Syllabus

Course Number and Title: PHED 200 Anatomy & Physiology (online);
Usually Mondays, (synchronous)11am-12:40pm (some Wednesdays as noted on schedule)
Instructor: Laura Sweet, PhD Office: 318P Porter Building
Phone: 734-487-2840 Office Hours: by appt via zoom
E-mail: [email protected] Technology: Computer w/webcam, microphone, speakers,
reliable wifi, scanner, or phone to take Pictures with.

Course Description Online/Remote courses: O/R Course link) Primarily, a textbook course, supplemented by
lectures, demonstrations, and online labs focusing on the structure and functions of the bones, joints, and muscles and the
organs of digestions, respiration and excretion. *This semester will be fully online and we will be using & incorporating new
technologies. Some of these technologies will include: McGraw Hill Connect, Canvas, Zoom, Panopto.*Exams will be taken with
Respondus & Lockdown Browser! It is extremely important to have good reliable wireless access in order to complete assignments
and be present on our Monday synchronous days.

Purpose of this course: The purpose of this class is to provide students with an introduction to the principles of human
anatomy and physiology, which focuses on important functions and the makeup of the human body. This will provide a better
understanding of the anatomical and physiological processes necessary for physical education-related careers.

Course Objectives: This course is a general introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Upon completion
of this course the student will have a basic working knowledge of the organ systems of the human body and their
interrelationships and also be able:

*To provide a forum where critical and integrated thinking skills are developed.
*To provide basic understanding and working knowledge of the human body.
*To provide an introduction to the language of anatomy and physiology and use anatomical terms fluently when
describing different tissues and organs.
*To provide an understanding of the techniques and tools to analyze anatomical structures and function.
*To specifically use these techniques and tools to enrich the understanding of human anatomy and physiology
*To become familiar with essential concepts including structure and functional level of organization and homeostasis.
*To provide an understanding of the anatomy and histology and organization of cells, tissues, and organ systems and be
able to recognize the gross and microscopic anatomy of the tissues and organs and also demonstrate how different
tissue types interact to create organs.
*To develop observational skills and logical thought patterns.
*Use written and oral communication skills to present and explain scientific phenomena and concepts.
*Choose appropriate technology to retrieve relevant information from the Internet (electronic encyclopedias, etc.).
*Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of widespread use of and reliance on technology.
*Practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software such as following copyright laws.
*Identify specific technology important in the areas of applied anatomy and physiology.

Course Outcomes and Competencies:

Intended Course Outcome: Students in Phed 200 will learn the basic principles of human anatomy and physiology.

Course Competency (Performance Measure): Students will demonstrate knowledge by applying basic biological
principles to understand the relationship between the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs within organ
systems and to describe the integration of organ systems in each of the following areas:
 Organization of the Human Body
 Support, Movement, and Protection
 Integration and Coordination
 Maintenance of the Body
Required Textbook/Materials:

Connect Access Card/Stand Alone/ WELSH,  HOLES ESS HUM A&P 14 2021 

ISBN: 9781266424212

 Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook: A Complete Study Guide, 13th/E ;Elaine N. Marieb,
Holyoke Community College ISBN 13-9780134459363

Instructional Procedures:
Class is completely online with one synchronous day a week. Material for this course is accessible electronically through
my.emich, Canvas, & McGraw Hill Connect. It is imperative students have good internet access and a computer for
coursework. The coloring workbook will need to be scanned, video recorded, or photographed and uploaded into Canvas.
Students can also download the free Canvas app for their mobile devices through their respective mobile app online store.
Students are also expected to check and reply to their assigned EagleMail EMU student email account, as well as other
technology-based methods of communication established by the instructor.

Office Hours: Since class is completely online, you may make an appt. to set up a zoom meeting with me or send an e-mail
me with the following information:
a) Your specific concerns or problems related to the course
b) All possible solutions you have thought of on your own
c) Your name, student ID#, Day of class and time in class

Attendance: Attendance is expected for all synchronous classes, since exams will be based on lecture notes and class
discussions, as well as handouts, and assigned readings. Information will be given out during class time in regards to
changes and exam information. The other days are not required for synchronous meeting and work can be done at any time,
but assignments/exams/quizzes are due at scheduled dates. Zoom meetings may be recorded for going back, however, not
guaranteed. Emergencies will be handled on an individual basis.
Course Requirements/Evaluation

Participation 30
Presentation 50
Labs 170
Exams(4) 500
Quizzes(5) 65
Projects 115
Assignments 315
Total 1195

Extra Credit: Extra Credit will be available throughout the semester (Do Not ASK the last week of class if there is anything you can do to
improve your grade, as you had ample opportunity for extra credit throughout the semester) No Changes to grades will be made
final week of classes unless a mistake was made by the instructor.
A = 94-100% B- = 80-83% D+ = 67-69%
A- = 90-93% C+ = 77-79% D = 64-66%
B+ = 87-89% C = 74-76% D- = 60-63%
B = 84-86% C- = 70-73% F = Below 60%

Course Requirements: All course work will be accepted by the beginning of class, only on assigned due dates. All work is to
be of college caliber, typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 font (except for in class assignments), This includes all work that
is turned in online. Work may only be turned in late with PRIOR NOTIFICATION OF MISSING CLASS with a penalty for each
class period it is late. Quizzes and labs may not be made up unless you notify me PRIOR TO BEING ABSENT. Notification after you have
already missed a class will result in a zero grade for that assignment or exam.
Classroom/online Management: Students will be respectful of classmates as well as the instructor. Turn all cell phones to silent during
zoom session. You Must be present and show yourself during the zoom sessions please, so I can see you all 
Examinations/Quizzes: Exams and quizzes must be taken on or before the dates and times scheduled by the instructor and the
university. Be sure you have a computer with a webcam that can utilize Lockdown Browser & Respondus! Students with emergency
circumstances need to notify the instructor promptly if they are unable to take a scheduled exam or quiz. Do not wait until the next
class to talk to me. The decision of the instructor to permit a make-up exam or quiz is final and will be made on a case-by-case basis.!
Academic Integrity Policy: *Before beginning each quiz or exam, using Respondus, you will need to video your surroundings to be sure
there are not any phones, or other electronic devices near your testing site. Cheating, falsification of data or sources, plagiarism, or
knowingly helping another person commit one of these acts is a violation of the academic integrity policy of this course. Penalty for such
an offense will be a score of zero (grade of F) on the assignment or exam. Additionally, any violation of the academic integrity policy will
be reported to the Director of the EMU Office of Student Judicial Services.
Remember, this class is the basis of your profession. You must put forth a serious effort, and use professionalism in this class.
You will be devoting an extreme amount of time in this class in order to prepare you for the rest of your studies. I encourage all
of you to find someone in class and exchange emails/numbers. Since all assignments are turned in online, late work will not be
accepted, except in extreme situations, so please pay attention to the course outline! That being said, it is imperative you are
checking announcements, emails, or on zoom meetings, because the schedule can change depending on how the understanding
of the material is going. It is your responsibility to find out this information, not mine to let you know. You will want to check
with classmates if you happen not make a zoom meeting. I will always go over the syllabus at the beginning of each zoom class!
All Tests and quizzes will be taken from information in the book, quizzes, and discussions, so be sure to read all material BEFORE
we cover. Please be sure to read through the entire syllabus, as it contains most of all information or questions you may have!

****Lab Information and info on assignments!****

SB= Smart Book in Mcgraw Hill Connect. Takes you through chapters with questions and interactions.
-Assignments/Assessments= will be questions/quizzes from McGraw Hill Connect
-WB=Marieb Coloring A&P workbook--- Coloring is first priority!!! Do all coloring, labeling, and pages that have coloring
on them. If NOT colored you will lose significant points!!!! There will be the pgs you must do listed. Be sure to color
ALL pages and do tables, charts, and finish all work on colored pages!!!!!
-LABS- Due by the beginning of class and are found on Mastering A&P.
-Joints assignment: List the different classes of synovial joints and explain them.  After explaining give an
example of each of the joints.  Once completed upload into Canvas labeled Joints assign. There is a table in the
ppt. presentation #5 that lists the ones you are required to know and do.
-Origin/insertion assignment: Make a table and list the muscles according to the pages listed in canvas. For
each of the muscles you must list the origin, insertion, and action of that muscle. Pages are in Canvas and you
don’t have to repeat muscles.
-Cranial nerve assignment: List and explain the 12 cranial nerves. Once done put in Canvas.
-Blood type assignment: List each of the types of blood and explain each one of them.
Explain why it is important to know your blood and what will happen if you are given wrong the blood type.
Finally, explain the importance and process of the RH Factor. Type up and put in blood type assignment in
assignments posted on day you should be doing them and DUE next class period)
Subject to modification


1/13-W Review Materials; determine Studying habits and Homework schedule Synchronous
Get supplies/Register and get acquainted with Connect,
Do Syllabus review! Go over SB and connect overviews
1/15-F Get Supplies; Register Connect & /Review
SB Ch. 1-3; WB Ch. 1-3

1/18-M Terminology/Human Body Organization cont.

SB Ch. 5; WB Ch.4
Connect assignment 1
1/20-W Term,Tissues, Organization, Synchronous

1/22-F SB 6 WB Ch. 5, Connect assignment 6

1/25-M Assessment Ch 6(connect) Integumentary intro, Synchronous

1/27-W SB 7 (Turn in WB’s)

1/29-F Lab #1(Connect Ch.6)

2/1-M Skeletal System Assignment Ch 7(connect) Synchronous

2/3-W Skeletal cont. Create Study Guide and turn in for Exam 1!
2/5-F Lab#2 (Connect Ch. 7)
2/8-M Assessment Ch 7(connect) Synchronous
2/10-W Quiz # 1 Joint assignment
2/12-F Quiz #2 Lab #3 Connect Ch. 7)
WB Ch. 6
All Muscular due Wednesday
2/15-M Test # 1-Skeletal & Intro Muscular System work cont. SB 8
2/17-W Muscular System Assignment Ch 8(connect) Synchronous
2/19-F Lab #4 Connect Ch 8 Begin Origin/insertion assignment
2/22-M Muscular System; - Do Online work Synchronous
2/24-W Muscular system Assessment Ch 8(connect)
2/26-F Lab #5 Connect Ch.8 Study for exam
3/1-M Muscular System, Origin/insertion assignment due!!!! Muscle contraction Synchronous
project (Due Monday)
3/3-W No class
3/8M Quiz #3 & 4 Muscle contraction project DUE & voting!!! Create Study Synchronous
Guide and turn in for Exam 2!
3/10-W TEST #2 SB 9
3/12-F Continue/finish Nervous work SB 10 WB Ch. 7
3/15-M Nervous System Assignment Ch 9(connect) Synchronous
3/17-W Cranial nerve Assignment, Assignment Ch 10(connect) Assessments
9&10 WB Ch. 8
3/19-F Lab #6 Connect Ch.9
SB 12
WB Ch. 10
3/22-M Blood, Intro to CVS Blood Type assignment Assignment Ch 12 (connect) Synchronous
3/24/-W Quiz #5 SB 13 WB CH. 11
3/26-F Lab #7 Connect Ch.12 Assignment 13

3/29-M CVS Assessment 13 Synchronous

3/31-W Quiz 6 **CVS Drop of blood video**
4/2-F Lab #8 Connect ch.13 No Class
SB 16 WB CH. 13
4/5-M Respiratory system Lung Simulator Project/video Assignment 16
4/7-W Lab #9 Connect Ch 16
4/9-F Test # 3 WB Ch. 14 SB 15
4/12-M Digestive System, Assignment 15 Synchronous
4/14-W Work on presentations
4/16-F Lab #10 Connect Ch.15 Finish presentations
4/19-M Presentations

Final exam Due Thursday 4/23 by 5pm


Due Thursday 4/23 by 5pm EST


In addition to the articulated course specific policies and expectation, students are responsible for understanding all applicable
university guidelines, policies, and procedures.  The EMU Student Handbook is the primary resource provided to students to
ensure that they have access to all university policies, support resources, and student's rights and responsibilities.  Changes may
be made to the EMU Student Handbook whenever necessary, and shall be effective immediately, and/or as of the date on which a
policy is formally adopted, and/or the date specified in the amendment.  Electing not to access the link provided below does not
absolve a student of responsibility.  For questions about any university policy, procedure, practice, or resources, please contact
the Office of the Ombuds: 248 Student Center, 734.487.0074, [email protected], or visit the website at
CLICK HERE to access the University Course Policies
Religious Holidays: Students must provide advance notice by in writing to their instructors in order to be allowed to make
up work, including examinations that they miss as a result of absence from class due to observance of religious holidays.
Classroom Conduct: Any successful learning experience requires mutual respect. Neither instructor nor student should be
subject to behavior that is rude, disruptive, intimidating, or demeaning. Views may differ on what counts as rudeness or
courtesy. If you are not sure what constitutes good conduct in this classroom, ask the instructor. The instructor has primary
responsibility for and control over classroom behavior and maintenance of academic integrity.
Academic Integrity: Intellectual integrity is the most fundamental value of an academic community. Students and faculty
alike are expected to uphold the highest standards of honesty and integrity in their scholarship. No departure from the
highest standards of intellectual integrity, whether by cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, or aiding and abetting
dishonesty by another person, can be tolerated in a community of scholars.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately passes off another's words or ideas without acknowledging their
source. For example, turning another's work as your own is plagiarism. If you plagiarize in this class, you will likely fail the
assignment on which you are working and your case may be passed to the university for additional disciplinary action.
Because of the design and nature of this course, it will take as much (or more) work for you to plagiarize in it than it will to
actually complete the work of the class.
Plagiarism is different from misuse of sources, occasions when a writer does not properly cite a source, misuses quotations,
includes too much of an original source in a paraphrase or summary, or commits similar unintentional violations of academic
protocol. If you misuse sources, we will work together on appropriately incorporating and/or citing the sources. Note that
some audiences/instructors will consider misuse of sources to be plagiarism; for this reason, it is extreme important for you
to identify the conventions associated with source use and citations in any class (or writing situation).
Failure to report may result in the termination of your SEVIS record and even loss of status. If you have questions or
concerns, contact the Office of International Students at 734.487.3116. Students can visit the Office of International Students
(OIS) website at

University Writing Center

The University Writing Center Virtual (UWCV) offers writing support to all undergraduate and graduate students. In doing
so, we value the diversity of our campus and honor all students and the languages they bring with them to the university.
 Holman Success Center
Provides Academic Support through a variety of virtual and in-person services
Disabilities Resource Center
The DRC works collaboratively with students, faculty and staff to create an accessible, sustainable, and inclusive educational
 University Library
Research support is available to all students, 24/7. This includes getting started with research, identifying sources to search,
developing search strategies, evaluating resources, and more. See for all of
the ways in which you can get help with research.
 Some University Library services have changed, and may continue to change, in response to the pandemic. Please check for
current information at
 Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex under any education program or
activity receiving federal financial aid. Sexual assault and sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by
Title IX. What you need to know about Title IX
 Student and Exchange Visitor Statement (SEVIS):The Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) requires F and
J students to report numerous items to the Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS)
Rubric Presentation Assignment



Presentation length of 10-15 minutes __/5points

Preparation/Use of one visual aid __/10 points

(In addition to ppt. or prezi etc.)

Preparation of Class involvement __/5 points

Understanding of material __/20points

( look at video, don’t read notes)

Creativity/Organization/Speaking __/10 points

__/50 Points

Phed 200 Presentation Assignment

This assignment is designed to introduce you and the class to the other systems in a different way.
By teaching yourself and others, this will help you to understand the information and by watching
others presentations, you may learn other information that you did not think of. Your presentation
will include and cover:

                                                -Urinary System

                                                -Endocrine System

                                               -Lymphatic System      

1.     Short description or outline-This must be uploaded into Canvas with the attached rubric
separately or attached to presentation.

2.     Presentation

a.     Then Present to Our class the important info out of that chapter (make it interesting!)
Show to us you understand the information. Present it in your own words. Don’t copy Info into a ppt.

-Please be sure to be creative and use your imagination. Make it fun and
interesting to learn this topic. (This will help your grade)

-You will be graded on how well you know you information, so don’t read
from your ppt. or your notes.

You can do a video of yourself or explaining the information over a ppt. if you want. Pictures etc will help with
your grade. The more creative and thinking outside the box, the better!! At the end of the presentation, please also
present an activity that you could do with the class to help increase understanding of the material and that is fun!
We will have these open and up for the class to watch and evaluate. Be sure to have fun!

*Remember this is to prepare you for your career! Professionalism and accountability is
key! You will have numerous responsibilities when you finish. Can you handle the
*You will be evaluated not only by me, but also your fellow classmates on your presentation.
The grade I give you after your presentation in class may not be your final grade, But also how the class felt you did in your

Class Contract
Read over, sign, and put in canvas!
I _______________________________(Print name), have read and understand the
Syllabus that has been presented to me. I am aware that synchronous learning will take place on
each Monday, but also of the possibilities of changes that may occur throughout the semester.
Please note that the schedule says TENTATIVE. I am also aware of the lab day scheduled on most
Fridays of the semester. Any questions or concerns will be directed to the instructor. Additionally,
no changes will be made to grades once classes have ended and final exams have begun.

Signature & Date

*Please find 3 people in class to ask these questions to and get to know. This will help you to know each other a bit more and even allow
for possible study groups. Try to work together as sometimes it helps to be successful in class. Also please be sure to include a picture for
your fellow students!
Student 1

1. Students name:
2. Age
3. Major
4. have they had a bio or chem. Class previously
5. What do they expect out of this class

Student 2
6. Students name:
7. Age
8. Major
9. have they had a bio or chem. Class previously
10.What do they expect out of this class

Student 3
11.Students name:
14.have they had a bio or chem. Class previously
15.What do they expect out of this class

*Please let me know of any obstacles you may have this semester:

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