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Direction: Answer the following:

A. Learning and development is a social, collaborative activity. This is one of the

principles in social constructivism. What will you do to show that you are being
guided by this principle when you are teaching? (10 pts)
When teaching of course teachers must follow the principle of social constructivist,
where this principle aims to improve students' ability socially through collaboration
with peers, teachers, parents and others from the surrounding environment. All I can
do as a teacher to show that I am guided by this principle when teaching is to create a
group when giving an issue about learning or can also go through a small discussion
during the learning. Through this way, the understanding of students with a wide
range of abilities both high and low can develop simultaneously. Students who do not
yet understand the subject matter, it may be easier to understand the explanation from
their peers than from the teacher. From this discussion process, students' social
abilities will be formed and students' understanding of the material will also improve.

B. The potential for cognitive development depends upon the Zone of Proximal
Development. Some students can perform independently, some cannot perform even
with help, and others fall between the two extremes. Teachers, parents, and peers can
act as more knowledgeable others for these students. How do you think teachers,
parents, and peers can act successfully as more knowledgeable others? (30 pts)

As teachers, of course we must play an active role in developing the cognitive potential
of students based on proximal development zones. Our actions as teachers are to provide
teaching according to the ability of students, provide assistance in the form of adequate
facilities and infrastructure during school learning, provide various information relevant
to the needs of students, etc. As an experienced person in the field of social, of course
interacting with students is very important for his preparation outside of school.

As parents, we can participate in student learning activities through good guidance and
interaction while at home. Of course, when at home, students desperately need parents as
a figure who can be a helper both about school work, and other problems. During out-of-
school activities, anything must be attributed to what students get in school in order for
meaningful learning to emerge.

As peers, to improve each other's abilities can be through collaboration. When we
exchange opinions, we train each other socially. Sometimes the answers from sabaya
friends can be easier to understand so that through the discussion process, not only
cognitive development, but also social ability.

C. Critical Discussion:

Compare cognitive constructivism with social constructivism. Point out the strong
points and weak points of each theory in relation to the teaching-learning process.
(40 pts)
Cognitive Constructivism Sosial Constructivism

Strength 1. Students receive guidance 1. Children have a wide

from the teacher while opportunity to develop
studying their proximal development
zone through the learning
2. Brain-centered learning 2. Learning needs to be more
associated with its potential
level of development than
its actual level of
3. Students learn according to 3. Learning is more focused
their stage of development on using strategies to
develop its intermental
capabilities than
intramental capabilities
4. Make students more creative 4. The child is given a wide
and independent opportunity to integrate the
declarative knowledge he
or she has learned with the
procedural knowledge that
has been done for tasks or
problem solving.
5. Help students understand 5. The process of learning and
learning materials more learning is not transferal
easily but is more of a
coconstruction, which is
the process of constructing
new knowledge or meaning
together with all parties
involved in it.

Weakness 1. The cognition function 1. Limited to visible

es ability of each student is behaviors, less visible
considered the same learning processes are
difficult to observe
directly, such as concept
formation, learning from a
variety of learning sources,
problem solving and
thinking skills
2. Students can't find their own 2. Consciousness is seen in a
learning style way of intellectuality.
There is no place for
emotion and motivation.
3. Cognition quantity is 3. Generalization of the
emphasized more than development process is
quality limited to the functions of
interaction and verbal

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