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Equivalent Citation: AIR1982SC 774, 1982C riLJ624, 1982(1)SC ALE1, (1982)1SC C 417, [1982]3SC R58, 1982(14)UJ176


Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 8193-A of 1981
Decided On: 20.01.1982
Appellants: Kuljeet Singh and Ors.
Respondent: Governor of Delhi and Ors.
Hon'ble Judges/Coram:
Y.V. Chandrachud, C.J., A.N. Sen and O. Chinnappa Reddy, JJ.
For Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff: R.K. Garg, V.J. Francis, Sunil Kumar Jain, Dinesh
Kumar Garg and R.K. Jain Advs
For Respondents/Defendant: N.C. Talukdar, R.N. Poddar, K. Parasaran, Attorney
Genrel, M.K. Banerjee and A. Subhashini, Advs.
1. The question as regards the scope of the power of the President under Article 72 of
the Constitution to commute a sentence of death into a lesser sentence may have to
await examination on an appropriate occasion. This clearly is not that occasion
because in so far as this case is concerned, whatever be the guidelines observed for
the exercise of the power conferred by Article 72, the only sentence which can
possibly be imposed upon the petitioner is that of death and no circumstances exist
for interference with that sentence. Therefore we see no justification for saying that
in refusing to commute the sentence of death imposed upon the petitioner into a
lesser sentence, the President has in any manner transgressed his discretionary
power under Article 72. Undoubtedly, the President has the power in an appropriate
case to commute any sentence imposed by a court into a lesser sentence and as said
by Chief Justice Taft in James She wan & Sons v. United Stares 69 L Ed. 527 the
"executive clemency exists to afford relief from undue harshness or evident mistake
in the operation or enforcement of the criminal law" and that the administration of
justice by the courts is not necessarily or certainly considerate of circumstances
which may properly mitigate guilt. But the question as to whether the case is
appropriate for the exercise of the power conferred by Article 72 depends upon the
facts and circumstances of each particular case. The necessity or the justification for
exercising that power has therefore to be judged from case to case. In fact, we do
not see what useful purpose will be achieved by the petitioner by ensuring the
imposition of any severe, judicially evolved-constraints on the wholesome power of
the President to use it as the justice of a case may require. After all, the power
conferred by Article 72 can be used only for the purpose of reducing the sentence,
not for enhancing it. We need not, however, go into that question elaborately
because in so far as this case is concerned, we are quite clear that not even the most
liberal use of his mercy jurisdiction could have persuaded the President to interfere
with the sentence of death imposed upon the petitioner, in view particularly of the
considerations mentioned by us in our judgment in Kuljeet Singh @ Ranga v. Union

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of India and Anr. MANU/SC/0169/1981 : 1981CriL J1045 . We may recall what we
said in that judgment that "the death of the Chopra children was caused by the
petitioner and his companion Billa after a savage planning which bears a professional
stamp", that the "survival of an orderly society demands the extinction of the life of
persons like Ranga and Billa who are a menace to social order and security", and that
"they are professional murderers and deserve no sympathy even in terms of the
evolving standards of decency of a mature society".
2. The petition is accordingly dismissed.
3. We have heard Shri R. K. Jain as amicus on behalf of the accused Billa. We see no
substance in Shri Jain's contentions also.
4 . The order of stay of execution of the death sentence which we had passed in
favour of the accused Ranga and Billa as also the general order of stay are hereby
vacated. If in any specific case or cases there is an express order of stay, it will not
be affected by the order which we are passing today.

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