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Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG

Haematology MCQs
1. The earliest recognizable 2. The mature red cell is 3. The normal red cell life span
form of RBCs is : biconcave disc with a is approximately :
 Proerythroblast diameter of :  10 days
 Early normoblast  5.2 µm  120 weeks
 Intermediate normoblast  9.2 µm  120 days
 Late normoblast  7.2 µm  200 days
 Reticulocyte  10.3 µm  30 days
4. Target cells are found in : 5. Spherocytes are NOT found 6. Anisocytosis means :
 Thalassaemia in one of the following  Increased reticulocytes
 Haemoglobin C disease condition :  Presence of immature WBCs
 Iron deficiency anemia  Congenital spherocytosis  Variation in the shape of
 Liver disorders  Autoimmune hemolytic RBCs
 All of the above anemia  Presence of immature
 Hemolytic disease of the erythroid cells
newborn  Variation in size of RBCs
 Blood transfusion
 Iron deficiency anemia
7. Polychromasia corresponds 8. Reticulocytes are NOT 9. Reticulocytes can be seen in :
to increased : increased in one of the  Haemorrhage
 Red cells following conditions :  Haemolysis
 Reticulocytes  Haemorrhage  Hypoplastic anemia with
 Ovalocytes  Haemolysis hyperactive foci in the bone
 Lymphocytes  In response to specific marrow
 basophils hematinics used in treatment  In response to treatment of
of anemias anemias
 Aplastic anemia  All of the above
 Thalassemia
10. Reticulocytes count is 11. The normal RBC count for 12. The normal Hb level for an
decreased in : adult female is : adult male is :
 Iron deficiency anemia  2.8 – 3.8 x /L  13 – 19 g/dl
 Aplastic anemia  3.8 – 4.8 x /L  11 – 16 g/dl
 Megaloblastic anemias  2.8 – 3.8 x /L  12 – 16 g/dl
receiving proper treatment  3.8 – 4.8 x /L  15 – 18 g/dl
 Hereditary hemolytic  4.8 – 5.8 x /L  13 – 17 g/dl
13. In adults, the normal range 14. In adult males, the normal 15. In adult females, the normal
for mean corpuscular range for packed cell volume range for packed cell volume
volume is : is: is :
 68 – 88 fl  30 – 50 %  25 – 45 %
 78 – 98 fl  40 – 60 %  35 – 55 %
 88 – 108 fl  40 – 50 %  35 – 45 %
 58 – 98 fl  45 – 55 %  30 – 40 %
 78 – 99 fl  50 – 65 %  40 – 65 %

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
16. In adults, the normal range 17. RDW indicates :
for mean corpuscular  Hypochromia
hemoglobin is :  Microcytosis
 22-32 pg  Poikilocytosis
 27-37 pg  Anisocytosis
 27 – 32 pg  Reticulocytosis
 29 – 42 pg
 27 – 39 pg
18. Microcytic hypochromic 19. Causes of microcytic 20. Microcytic hypochromic
anaemias is a feature of all hypochromic anemias anaemias is NOT found in
these except : include all of the following one of the following
 Iron deficiency anemia except : conditions :
 Thalassaemias  Sideroblastic anemia  Thalassemia
 Sideroblastic anemias  Autoimmune hemolytic  Sideroblastic anemia
 Acute blood loss anemia  Iron deficiency anemia
 Chronic blood loss  Iron deficiency anemia  Anemia of chronic disorders
 Anemia of chronic disorders  Autoimmune hemolytic
 Thalassemias anemia
21. All these findings help in the 22. Regarding the iron status in 23. Which of the following
diagnosis of iron deficiency iron deficiency, which of the parameters reflects iron
anemia except: following is false : stores :
 Decreased iron stores  Decreased serum iron  Serum iron
 Decreased TIBC  Increased TIBC  TIBC
 Decreased serum iron  Decreased serum ferritin  RDW
 Decreased transferrin  Increased transferrin  % saturation of transferrin
saturation index saturation index  Serum ferritin
 Decreased serum ferritin  Decreased BM iron stores
24. All of the following 25. Serum iron decreases in : 26. hypochromic anamia is
investigate iron status except  ß thalassaemia major present in all of the following
 Serum iron  ß thalassaemia minor except :
 TIBC  sidroblastic anemia  thalassemia major
 RDW  anemia of chronic disorders  anemia of chronic disorders
 % saturation of transferrin  all of the above  sideroblastic anemia
 Serum ferritin  lead poising
 congenital spherocytosis
27. in iron deficiency anemia , 28. to detect the cause of the 29. all these can be used for
all of the following is true iron deficiency anemia, diagnosis of ß thalassemia
except : which of the following is major except :
 decreased serum iron done ?  increased serum iron level
 increased MCV  stool analysis for parasites  increased TIBC
 decreased serum ferritin  stool analysis for occult  increased transferrin
 decreased transferrin blood saturation index
saturation index  urine analysis for hematuria  increased serum ferritin
 decreased BM iron stores  all of the above level
 increased Hb F level

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
30. ß thalassemia major is 31. α thalassemia is 32. The peripheral blood smear
characterized by all of the characterized by which of of a silent carrier of α
following except : these phenotypic categories : thalassemia typically
 Severe anemia (microcytic  silent carrier appears as :
hypochromic)  α thalassemia trait  Normocytic , normochromic
 Leucocyte and platelet  Hb H disease  Macrocytic, normochromic
counts are normal  Hb Bart’s  Microcytic , hypochromic
 Effective erythropoiesis  All of the above  Macrocytic , hpochromic
 Shortened red cell life span
 Hb electrophoresis shows:
increased HbF , HbA2 is
normal or high

33. Sideroblastic anemia is NOT 34. Anemia of chronic disorders 35. Direct Coomb’s test is
characterized by : is found in cases of : negative in :
 Ineffective erythropoiesis  Lung abscess  Lymphoproliferative
 Ring sideroblasts  Rheumatoid arthritis disorders
 Decreased serum ferritin  Chronic renal failure  Collagen diseases
 Increased iron stores in bone  Tuberculosis  Rh incompatibility
marrow  All of the above  Congenital spherocytosis
 Dimorphic red cells
36. All these can cause 37. Laboratory diagnosis of 38. In megaloblastic anaemia
macrocytic anemias except : megaloblastic anemia is by one of the following is not
 Liver disease all of the following except : true :
 Aplastic anemia  Blood picture : pancytopenia  Mild thrombocytopenia
 Thalassemias megaloblastic erythropoiesis  Mild leucopenia
 Acute hemolytic anemia  Positive intrinsic factor  Hypochromia
 Acute blood loss antibodies  Decreased serum vitamin
 Positive antiparietal cell anti B12 or folate
bodies  macrocytosis
 Increased serum vit.B12
39. causes of macrocytic 40. which of the following in 41. aplastic anemia is a
anaemias include : NOT a cause of condition characterized by :
 liver diseases normochromic normocytic  B12 deficiency
 aplastic anemia anemia :  Increased reticulocyte count
 pernicious anemia  acute blood loss  Pancytopenia
 autoimmune hemolytic  aplastic anemia  Hypocellular BM
anemia  anemia due to chronic  Both C & D
 all of the above disorders
 hemolytic anemia
 thalassemia
42. Laboratory findings in 43. Laboratory evidence of 44. Which of the following is
aplastic anemia include all of hemolysis includes all of the NOT true for congenital
the following except : following except : spherocytosis :
 Low reticulocyte count  Hyperbilirubinaemia  Increased serum bilirubin
 Normocellular bone marrow (indirect)  Increased osmotic fragility
 High ESR  Reticulocytosis  Positive direct Coomb’s test
 Low neutrophil count  Increased urine urobilinogen  Increased reticulocytes
 Low Hb level  Increased haptoglobin  Negative indirect Coomb’s
 Bone marrow show test
erythroid hyperplasia
Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
45. Which of the following is 46. In G6PD deficiency 47. In pyruvate kinase enzyme
NOT found in G6PD diagnosis is established by deficiency all of the
deficiency : estimation of the enzyme : following are true except :
 Hemoglobinemia  In between attacks (6 weeks  It is inherited as an
 Hemoglobinuria after the attack) autosomal recessive trait
 Low enzyme level during the  During the attack  RBC morphology is normal
hemolytic attacks  Immediately after the attack  Diagnosis is established by
 Increased reticulocyte count  At any time irrespective of enzyme essay
 Anemia the attack  Resulting anemia is
 After ingestion of fava beans normochromic normocytic
 Resulting anemia is
48. Causes of warm 49. Laboratory diagnosis of 50. Causes of cold autoimmune
autoimmune hemolytic warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia include all
anemia include all of the hemolytic anemia includes of the following except :
following except: all of the following except :  Idiopathic
 Idiopathic  Mild normochromic  Mycoplasma pneumonia
 Chronic lymphatic leukemia normocytic anemia  Viral infections as infectious
 Viral infections  Blood film shows nucleated mononucleosis
 Collagen disorders as SLE RBCs, polychromasia, and  Lymphoproliferative
 Hereditary spherocytes disorders as non-Hodgkin’s
 Laboratory evidence of lymphoma
hemolysis  Bacterial infections
 Positive direct Coomb’s test
 Positive indirect Coomb’s
51. Laboratory diagnosis of cold 52. Haemolytic disease of the 53. In Rh hemolytic disease of
autoimmune hemolytic newborn may be due to all of the newborn, laboratory
anemia include : the following except: features of cord blood
 Evidence of chronic  Rh incompatibility (mostly include all of the following
hemolysis with anti-D) except :
exacerbations especially  ABO incompatibility  Anemia, reticulocytosis,
when the patient is chilled  Minor group incompatibility normoblastemia
 Normochromic normocytic  Rh incompatibility (mostly  Jaundice
anemia with polychromasia anti-C)  Increased indirect serum
 Cold antibodies in serum  None of the above bilirubin
 Positive indirect Coomb’s  Direct Coomb’s test is
test positive
 All of the above  Indirect Coomb’s test is
54. In ABO incompatibility disease of 55. Normal hemoglobin pattern 56. Sickle cell disease is
the newborn, all of the following in adult life is all of the characterized by all of the
are true except following except :
 The disease is milder because A
following except :
 HbA : 96 – 98 %  Results from a genetic
and B antigens are week in the
abnormality in Hb structure
fetus  HbA2 : 2-3.4 %
 It can occur in the first pregnancy  Marked normocytic
 HbF : < 1 % normochromic anemia
without prior sensitization
 HbS : < 1 %  Hb electrophoresis shows SS
 Anemia and mild jaundice
 Blood film shows spherocytes and pattern
reticulocytes  Hb electrophoresis shows AS
 Coombs’ test is strongly positive pattern
 Sickle cells in the stained film
Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
57. Normal hemoglobin 58. Immune hemolytic anemia 59. Alloimmune hemolytic
electrophoresis pattern can occur in all of the anemia can occur in all of
found in : following except : the following except :
 Sickle cell disease  Lyphoproliferative disorders  Lymphoproliferative
 Beta thalassemia intermedia  Viral infections disorders
 Beta thalassemia trait  Collagen disorders  Rh incompatibility
 Beta thalassemia major  Iron deficiency anemia  ABO incompatibility
 Alpha thalassemia trait  Minor group incompatibility

60. Polycythemia occurs in all of 61. Laboratory features of
the following conditions secondary polycythemia are
except: all of the following except :
 Hypoxic lung disease  Erythrocytosis
 Renal ischemia  Normal leucocytes and
 Polycythemia rubra vera platelet counts
 Liver disease  Normal leucocyte alkaline
 Increased serum
 Increased arterial oxygen
62. Decreased ESR could be 63. Low ESR could be found in 64. ESR is low in :
found in all of the following all except :  Rheumatoid arthritis
except :  Polycythemia  Polycythemia
 Polycythemia  Hypofibrinogenemia  Malignancy
 Hypofibrinogenemia  Pregnancy  Pregnancy
 Sickle cell anemia  Old specimen  Tuberculosis
 Aplastic anemia  Sickle cell anemia
 Disseminated intravascular
65. ESR is high in the following 66. ESR is high in all of the 67. ESR is a diagnostic specific
conditions except : following conditions except : test in :
 Paraproteniemia  Multiple myeloma  Rheumatoid arthritis
 Collagen diseases  Collagen disease  Myeloprolfirative disorders
 Active tuberculosis  Pyogenic infections  Infectious mononucleosis
 Tissue damage  Hypofibrinogenemia  tuberculosis
 Afibrogenemia  Active tuberculosis  non of the above
68. ESR is considered a : 69. Reference range of ESR in 70. Marked rise in ESR is seen
 Diagnostic test an healthy adult male is : in all of the following except
 Specific test  3 - 12 mm/ 1st hr  Myeloma
 Crude test  Up to 20 mm/ 1st hr  Collagen disease
 Monitoring test  Up to 30 mm/ 1st hr  Active tuberculosis
 Non of the above  1 – 10 mm/ 1st hr  Malignancy
 0 – 5 mm/ 1st hr  Acute leukemia

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
71. Reference range for total 72. Reference range for 73. The term that denotes total
leucocytic count in healthy neutrophils absolute count in leucocytic count above
adults is : healthy adult is : 10 x L is :
 10 – 26 x L  1-4 x L  Leucopenia
 5 – 13 x L  2-7 x L  Leukocytosis
 4 - 10 x L  0.2-0.5 x L  Agranulocytosis
 2–6x L  4-11 x L  Leukemoid reaction
74. The term that denotes total 75. Leucoerythroblastic reaction 76. A leucoerythroblastic
leucocytic count below means : reaction is
4x L is :  Presence of immature  Left shift in peripheral blood
 Leucopenia myeloid and erythroid cells  Right shift in peripheral
 Leucocytosis in peripheral blood blood
 Agranulocytosis  Presence of immature  Both right and left shift in
 Leukemoid reaction myeloid and erythroid cells peripheral blood
in bone marrow  Left shift and nucleated
 Presence of blasts in RBCs in peripheral blood
peripheral blood  Non of the above
 Presence of blasts in bone
77. Presence of immature 78. Neutrophilia is afeature of 79. neutrophilia is a feature of
myeloid and erythroid cells all of the following disorders all of the following disorders
in peripheral blood is except : except:
termed :  acute pyogenic infections  malignancy of all types
 Leukemoid reaction  tissue damage or necrosis  myeloproliferative disorders
 Hemolytic reaction e.g. infarction , trauma e.g. polycythemia vera and
 Leucoerythroblastic reaction  corticosteroid therapy myelofibrosis
 Febrile reaction  pregnancy  metabolic disorders e.g.
 Drug induced reaction  parasitic infections uremia , eclampsia … etc.
 acute hemorrhage or
 antibiotic therapy
80. neutrophilia is a feature of 81. neutophilia is a feature of all 82. neutropenia is likely to occur
all of the following disorders of the following disorders in :
except: except:  intake of anti-inflammatory
 acute hemorrhage  bacterial infection drugs
 acute pyogenic infections  myocardial infarction  viral infections e.g. hepatitis,
 cortisone therapy  metastatic carcinoma influenza, HIV
 infectious mononucleosis  acute hemorrhage  SLE
 acute hemolysis  chronic lymphocytic  Part of a general
leukemia pancytopenia
 All of the above
83. Neutropenia is likely to 84. Neutropenia is likely to 85. Anticonvulsant therapy may
occur in : occur in : cause :
 Typhoid, brucella ,  Post-splenectomy  Neutrophilia
tuberculosis  Megaloblastic anemia  Neutropenia
 Felty’s syndrome  Burns  Lymphocytosis
 Intake of anti-bacterial  Bacterial infections  Lymphopenia
drugs  Acute hemorrhage  Non of the above
 Megaloblastic anemiathe
 All of the above
Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
86. Lymphocytosis occurs in all 87. Absolute lymphocytosis 88. Absolute lymphocytosis
of the following disorders occurs in all of the following occurs in all of the following
except: disorders except : disorders except:
 Infectious mononucleosis  Infectious mononucleosis  Tissue necrosis
 Tuberculosis  Infectious lymphocytosis  Chronic lymphatic leukemia
 Chronic lymphatic leukemia  Cytomegalovirus infection  Pertussis
 Lymphoma  Lymphoma  Infectious mononucleosis
 Pregnancy  Acute pyogenic infection  Tuberculosis
89. The following conditions are 90. Lymphocytosis occurs in all 91. Lymphocytosis is observed
associated with of the following disorders in all of the following
lymphocytosis except : except: disorders except :
 Cytomegalovirus infection  Infectious mononucleosis  Lymphoma
 Lymphoma  Lymphoma  Tuberculosis
 Infectious mononucleosis  Cytomegalovirus infection  Cytomegalovirus infection
 Myocardial infarction  Protozoal infections  Corticosteroid therapy
 Chronic lymphocytic  Tuberculosis  Infectious mononucleosis
92. Lymphopenia is prominent 93. Lymphopenia occurs in all 94. Eosinophilia is NOT present
in : of the following disorders in :
 Chronic lymphocytic except :  Allergic diseases
leukemia  Severe BM failure  Drug sensitivities
 AIDS  Corticosteroid and  Hodgkin disease
 Infectious mononucleosis immunosuppressive drugs  Myxedema
 Toxoplasmosis  Irradiation  Myeloproliferative disorders
 Non of the above  Hodgkin’s disease
 Parasitic diseases
95. Eosinophilia is present in : 96. Reactive eosinophilia occurs 97. Monocytosis is present in :
 Allergic disease in :  Bilharzial infestation
 Tuberculosis  Drug allergies  Protozoal infections
 Protozoal infections  Neoplasms  Skin diseases
 Chronic lymphocytic  Parasitic infections  Drugs
leukemia  All of the above  Non of the above
 Non of the above  None of the above
98. Absolute monocyte count 99. Monocytosis can be observed 100. Basophilia is found in all
>1000/cmm is found in all of in of the following disorders
the following disorders  Tuberculosis except :
except:  Malignancy  Polycythemia vera
 Tuberculosis  Chronic myelomonocytic  Myxedema
 Brucellosis leukemia  Xanthemata
 Subacute bacterial  All of the above  Chronic myeloid leukemia
endocarditis  Chronic lymphatic leukemia
 Protozoal infections
 Acute follicular tonsillitis
101. Agranulocytosis is 102. All of the following present 103. Pancytopenia can result
associated with : with pancytopenia except : from :
 Leucopenia  Hypersplenism  Systemic lupus erythematosus
 Neutrophil count < 2x /L  Systemic lupus erythematosus  Hairy cell leukemia
 Neutrophil count < 1x /L  Aleukemic leukemia  Paroxysmal nocturnal
 Neutrophil count < 0.5x /L  Malaria hemoglobinuria
 Non of the above  Aplastic anemia  Hypersplenism
 All of the above
Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
104. All of the following 105. Pancytopenia is present 106. A patient with EBV
present with pancytopenia in all of the following except: infection may develop all of
except:  Acute leukemia the following except :
 Splenomegaly  Chronic granulocytic  Neutrophilia
 Aplastic anemia leukemia  Lymphocytosis
 Megaloblastic anemia  Hypersplenism  Autoimmune hemolytic
 Iron deficiency anemia  SLE anemia
 Acute leukemia  None of the above  Lymph node enlargement
 Mild thrombocytopenia
107. Infectious mononucleosis
is associated with all of the
following except :
 Fever , sore throat
 Atypical lymphocytes
 Absence of heterophil
 Normal hemoglobin RBCs

108. Leukemoid reaction is 109. Leukemoid reaction is 110. Leukemoid reaction is
due to all of the following characterized by the characterized by :
except: following except :  Presence of Philadelphia
 Pyogenic infection  Leucocytosis chromosome
 Acute bleeding  Increased band forms  Low NAP score
 Acute hemolysis  Shift to the right  High basophilia
 Gangrene  Increased NAP score  Shift to the left
 Chronic myeloid leukemia  Neurophilia  High eosinophilia
111. In Leukemoid reaction, 112. Leukemia is a malignant proliferation of hematopoietic cells
all are true except : in the :
 Increased total leucocytic  Bone marrow then infiltrate peripheral blood and lymph nodes
count up to 50,000/cmm  Lymph nodes then infiltrate peripheral blood and bone marrow
 Occurs in severe infections  Peripheral blood then infiltrate bone marrow and lymph nodes
 Characterized by the  Bone marrow and doesn’t infiltrate lymph nodes
presence of immature WBCs  Lymph nodes and doesn’t infiltrate bone marrow or peripheral
in peripheral blood blood.
 Philadelphia chromosome
 NAP score is high
113. FAB classification classifies 114. WHO classification for 115. The least number of bone
acute leukemia according to : acute leukemia classifies it marrow blast cell required
 Cytogenetic abnormalities according to : to diagnose acute leukemia is
 Immunological characteristics  Morphological characteristics  Blast cells ≥ 30 %
 Both cytogenetic and  Cytogenetic abnormalities
 Normoblasts ≥ 25 %
immunological abnormalities  Both cytogenetic and
 Blast cells ≥ 20 %
 Morphological characteristics immunophenotypic
 Blast cells and normoblasts
 Morphological, phenotypic and abnormalities
cytogenetic characteristics  Morphological, ≥ 30 %
immunophenotypic and  Blast cells ≥ 60 %
cytogenetic characteristics
 Morphological and
immunophenotypic characteristics
Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
116. Diagnosis and 117. In acute myeloid 118. All of the following are a
classification of acute leukemia, all of the following must to diagnose acute myeloid
leukemia needs : can be found except : leukemia except :
 Complete blood picture  Myeloblasts  More than 20 % blasts in Bone
 Bone marrow examination  Megakaryoblasts
 Blast cells in peripheral blood
 Immunophenotyping  Lymphoblasts  Myeloperoxidase positivity
 Cytochemical stain  Erythroblasts  Presence of myeloid antigens
 All of the above on blast cells
119. Presence of Auer rods in 120. Peroxidase stain 121. Acute lymphoblastic
the blast cells indicated that positivity indicates : leukemia can present with
they are :  Myeloblastic leukemia all of the following except :
 Lymphoblasts  T-Lymphocytic leukemia  Anemia
 Myeloblasts  Common acute  Hypercellular bone marrow
 Of no significance lymphoblastic leukemia  Increased promyelocytes in
 Bilineage  Megakaryoblastic leukemia peripheral blood
 Biphenotypic  B-lymphoblastic leukemia  Thrombocytopenia

122. In subacute leukemia, we 123. In acute lymphoblastic 124. All of the following is a
can find the following except leukemia, all of the following must to diagnose acute
 Leucopenia can be found except: lymphoblastic leukemia
 Thrombocytopenia  Lymphoblast cells in except :
 Absence of blast cells in peripheral blood  More than 20 % blasts in
peripheral blood  Hypercellular bone marrow bone marrow
 10 % blast cells in bone  Blasts are myeloperoxidase  Blast cells in peripheral
marrow positive blood
 Lymphadenopathy  Myeloperoxidase negativity
 Presence of lymphoid
antigens on blast cells
125. Diagnosis of acute 126. Lymphoproliferative 127. Neutrophil alkaline
leukemia requires the disorders include all of the phosphatase in acute
presence of at least : following except: leukemia :
 20 % blast cells in  Hairy cell leukemia  Constantly low
peripheral blood  Chronic lymphocytic  Constantly high
 90 % blast cells in leukemia  Variable
peripheral blood  Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma  Used mainly to diagnose
 20 % blast cells in bone M.  Chronic myeloid leukemia lymphoblastic leukemia
 90 % blast cells in bone M.  Non of the above
128. Neutrophil alkaline 129. Neutrophil alkaline 130. Neutrophil alkaline
phosphatase score is phosphatase score is elevated phosphatase score is low in:
diagnostic in : in all of the following  Pyogenic infection
 Chronic lymphocytic disorders except :  Polycythemia
leukemia  Pregnancy  Chronic myeloid leukemia
 Acute lymphoblastic  Severe infection  Acute myeloid leukemia
leukemia  Chronic myeloid leukemia  Non of the above
 Acute myeloid leukemia  Polycythemia rubra vera
 Chronic myeloid leukemia  Severe aplastic anemia
 All of the above

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
131. Chronic myeloid 132. Neutrophil alkaline 133. Classical chronic myeloid
leukemia is characterized by phosphatase is enzyme leukemia is characterized by
 Splenomegaly present in the granules of : all of the following except:
 Marked leukocytosis  Monocytes  Hypercellular BM
 Myelocyte bulge  Neutrophilis  Marked shift to the left
 Basophilia  Basophilis  Monocytosis
 All of the above  Lymphocytes  Increased bone marrow
 Eosinophilis megakaryocytes
 Low Neutrophil alkaline
phosphatase (NAP) score
134. In chronic phase of 135. Diagnosis of chronic 136. Myeloperoxidase
chronic myeloid leukemia all myeloid leukemia is based reaction is mostly diagnostic
of the followings are present on all of the following except in:
except:  Complete blood picture  Chronic myeloid leukemia
 Philadelphia chromosome  Bone marrow examination  Acute myeloid leukemia
 Splenomegaly  NAP score  Chronic lymphocytic
 Blast cells are more than 20  Cytogenic anaylsis leukemia
% in bone marrow  Myeloperoxidase stain  Acute lymphoblastic
 High total leucocytic count leukemia
 Thrombocytosis  All of the above
137. The characteristic 138. persistent lymphocytosis 139. in chronic lymphocytic
cytogenetic abnormality in with presence of smear cells leukemia, all of the following
chronic myeloid leukemia is: in peripheral blood is can be found except :
 t (8,21) present in cases of :  splenomegaly
 t (9.22)  chronic myeloid leukemia  lymphocytosis
 t (15,17)  acute lymphoblastic  lymphoblasts in peripheral
 t (12,21) leukemia L1 blood
 t (8,14)  chronic lymphocytic  lymphadenopathy
 acute lymphoblastic
leukemia L2
 all of the above
140. chronic lymphocytic 141. patients of chronic 142. Diagnosis of chronic
leukemia is disease of: lymphocytic leukemia lymphocytic leukemia is
 old age only commonly presents with: based on the presence of :
 middle age female  DIC  Peripheral lymphocytosis
 children only  Persistent lymphocytosis with normal marrow
 elder female  Autoimmune hemolytic  Lymphocytes > 30 % in
 middle and old age anemia marrow with persistent
 Thrombocytopenia and lymphocytosis in blood
anemia  Leucopenia with relative
143. In chronic myeloid leukemia  Splenomegaly lymphocytosis
(chronic phase) one criterion of  Atypical lymphocytosis
the following can be found :
 Non of the above
 Thrombocytopenia
144. In chronic myeloid leukemia all of 145. Which of the following is the most
 Leucopenia helpful to differentiate between leukmoid
the following are correct except:
 High neutrophil alkaline
 Marked shift to the left reaction and chronic myeloid leukemia
phosphatase  WBCs count
 Thrombocytosis  Eosinophilia and basophilia
 Immature cells
 Lymphocytosis
 Lymphocytosis  Philadelphia chromosome positive
 Platelet count
 NAP score
 Low NAP score  RDW

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
146. Lymphocytosis is one of the 147. All of the following can be found
148. chronic lymphocytic
findings in : in peripheral blood in chronic leukemia is characterized by
 Acute myeloid leukemia lymphocytic leukemia except:
all of the following except :
 90 % lymphocytes
 Chronic myeloid leukemia  leukocytosis
 Smear cells
 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia  lymphocytosis
 Leukocytosis
 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia  Stab cells (Band forms)  marked shift to the left
 anemia  splenomegaly
149. diagnose of chronic 150. in chronic lymphocytic 151. Philadelphia
lymphocytic leukemia is leukemia, which of the chromosome is present in :
essentially based on presence following can be found :  AML
of :  persistent lymphocytosis  CML
 lymph node enlargement  thrombocytopenia  CLL
 anemia  autoimmune hemolytic  Eosinophilic leukemia
 persistent lymphocytosis anemia
with characteristic  lymph node enlargement
immunophenotypic findings  all of the above
 thrombocytopenia
 leucocytosis
152. Myeloproliferative 153. Regarding the diagnostic 154. Multiple myeloma is
disorders include all of the triad of multiple myeloma characterized by :
following except : all are correct except :  Osteolytic lesions
 Chronic myeloid leukemia  Monoclonal gammopathy  Normal serum protein level
 Essential thrombocythaemia  Malignant plasma cell  No bone affection
 Prolymphocytic leukemia infiltration of peripheral  Lymphocyte cell infiltration
 Polycythemia rubra vera blood in bone marrow
 Osteolytic bone lesions  Polyclonal gammopathy
 Malignant plasma cell
infiltration in bone marrow
155. Regarding total proteins 156. Regarding 157. The following is mostly
in multiple myeloma : immunoglobulins in multiple present in multiple myeloma
 No change in their level myeloma : :
 Marked decrease in their  All immunoglobulins are  Polyclonal gammopathy
level increased  Monoclonal gammopathy
 Increase in their level  All immunoglobulins are  Polyclonal gammopathy
 Increase only in albumin decreased And Monoclonal
with decrease in others  Increase of IgG and IgM and gammopathy
 Decrease in albumin decreased other types  Increase serum albumin
 Increase of IgM and  Decreased serum calcium
decreased all other types
 Increase of one type and
decreased all other types
158. All of the following can be 159. Bone marrow 160. All these conditions are
found in multiple myeloma examination in all of the associated with
except : following except : splenomegaly except :
 Osteolytic lesions  Aplastic anemia  Infectious mononucleosis
 Bone marrow infiltrations by
 Megaloblastic anemia  Leukemia
plasma cells
 High serum proteins with high
 G6PD deficiency  Lymphoma
globulins  Lipid storage disease  Hairy cell leukemia
 Polyclonal Ig in blood or urine  Hypersplenism  Sickle cell anemia
or both
 High serum calcium
Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
161. In hypersplenism, the
most likely finding in the
peripheral blood is :
 Normochromic normocytic
 Thrombocytosis
 Pancytopenia
 Lymphopenia
 All of the above
162. Prothrombin time is used 163. Prothrombin time is 164. Activated partial
to monitor: prolonged in : thromboplastin time is used
 Intravenous anticoagulant  Hemophilia A to detect :
therapy  Massive liver disease  Extrinsic pathway defect
 Oral anticoagulant therapy  Idiopathic thrombocytopenic  Intrinsic pathway defect
 A and B purpura only
 Platelet function defect  Bone marrow failure  Fibrinolytic pathway defect
 Thrombocytopenia purpura  Platelet function defect
 Intrinsic & common
pathway defect
165. Activated partial 166. Heparin anticoagulant 167. Thrombin time
thromboplastin time is therapy is best monitored by measures :
prolonged in :  Prothrombin time  Conversion of prothrombin
 Hemophilia B  Activated partial to thrombin
 Factor VIII deficiency thromboplastin time  Conversion of fibrinogen to
 Blood vessel disease  Bleeding time fibrin
 Hemophilia B & factor VIII  Thrombin time  Conversion of factor VII to
deficiency  None of the above active factor VII
 None of the above  Conversion of plasminogen
to plasmin
168. International normalized 169. Bleeding time is 170. All of the following
ration is the best monitor for prolonged in the following conditions lead to prolonged
 IV anticoagulant therapy conditions except : bleeding time except :
 Oral anticoagulant therapy  Henoch Schonlein purpura  Von Willebrand disease
 Platelet replacement therapy  Bernard Soulier syndrome  Thrombocytopenia
 Cryoglobulin therapy  Immature thrombocytopenic  Haemophilia A
 All of the above purpura  Henoch Schonlein purpura
 Disseminated intravascular  DIC
 Hemophilia A
171. Bleeding time is used 172. Thrombocytopenia is 173. In immune
clinically to screen for a seen in : thrombocytopenic purpura
significant defect in :  Fanconi syndrome all of the following is correct
 Coagulation defect  Glanzmann’s disease except :
 Platelet function  Von Willebrand disease  Normal PT
 Fibrinolytic pathway  Storage pool diseas  Prolonged bleeding time
 None of the above  None of the above  Normal PTT
 All of the above  Decreased bone marrow
 Decreased platelet life span

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
174. Routine evaluation of 175. Causes of vascular 176. Platelet adhesion defect
patients with bleeding prupura include : occurs in :
tendency necessitates :  ITP  Henoch Schonlein purpura
 Through history and clinical  Henoch Schonlein purpura  Glanzmann’s disease
 Glanzmann’s disease  Bernard Soulier syndrome
 Bernard Soulier syndrome  All of the above
 None of above
 Collagen markers assay
 Trephine biopsy
 All of the above
177. Platelet function study 178. Platelet function study 179. In ITP there is :
with ristocetin shows with collagen shows  Prolonged PT
defective response in : defective response in :  Prolonged PTT
 Glanzmann’s disease  Glanzmann’s disease  Decreased platelet count
 Von Willebrand disease  Von Willebrand disease  Increased bone marrow
 Bernard Soulier syndrome  Bernard Soulier syndrome megakaryocytes
 Bernard Soulier syndrome  Bernard Soulier syndrome  Decreased platelet count
And Von Willebrand disease And Von Willebrand disease And Increased bone marrow
180. In massive liver disease 181. Thrombocytopenia is a 182. Normal platelet count
there is : common finding in : ranges from:
 Prolonged PT and PTT  Aplastic anemia  150 – 400 x /L
 Thrombocytosis  Massive liver disease  150 – 400 x /L
 Thrombocytopenia  ITP  150 – 400 x /L
 Prolonged PT and PTT  Hypersplenism  150 – 400 x /L
 And Thrombocytopenia  All of the above  150 – 450 x /L
 Prolonged PT and PTT
And Thrombocytosis
183. All the following findings 184. In DIC : 185. D-dimer assay is valuable
are present in DIC except :  PT and PTT are prolonged in :
 Thrombocytopenia  TT and BT are prolonged  ITP
 Decreased serum FDPs level  Platelet count and fibrinogen  DIC
 Decreased serum fibrinogen are decreased  Hemophilia A
level  All of the above  Factor VII deficiency
 Prolonged PT  Platelet function defect
 Prolonged PTT
186. In hemophilia B there is : 187. In von Willebrand
 Prolonged PT disease :
 Prolonged PTT  Prolonged PT
 Prolonged TT  Prolonged TT
 Bleeding time is prolonged  Bleeding time is prolonged
 None of the above  PTT test is normal
 Prolonged PT & TT

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
188. Whole blood transfusion 189. Advantages of packed 190. Which of the following is
is indicated in : RBCs are all of the following false regarding platelet
 Anemia of congestive heart except concentrate :
failure  Smaller volume  Indicated in bleeding due to
 Exchange blood transfusion  Large oxygen carrying thrombocytopenia
 Hemophilia A capacity  Stored in refrigerator at 2 –
 Acute blood loss with  Less risk of transfusion of 6º C
hypovolemic shock virus infection  Stored at room temperature
 Both Exchange blood  Rich in factor VIII (20-24ºC) with continuous
transfusion and Acute blood  Less risk of transfusion of gentle agitation
loss with hypovolemic shock WBCs  Can be used up to 10 days
after preparation
 Stored in refrigerator at 2 –
6º C and Can be used up to
10 days after preparation
191. Acute hemolytic 192. Febrile transfusion 193. Regarding acute lung
transfusion reaction occurs reaction occurs due to : injury following transfusion,
due to :  Rh incompatibility all of the following are true
 HLA alloimmunization  HLA class I antigens except :
 ABO incompatibility  ABO incompatibility  Transfusion related
 Platelet specific antigen  Platelet specific antigen  Due to antibodies against
 Transmission of viral  None of the above patient’s leucocytes
infection  Presents with fever and
 None of the above chills
 Anti Rh D is the main cause
194. Which of the following is 195. Which of the following is 196. Which of the following is
false concerning fresh frozen false concerning packed present in acute hemolytic
plasma : RBCs: transfusion reaction :
 Prepared with 6 hours of  Before use the bag is heated  Occurs during the first 30
blood donation in very hot water minutes of transfusion
 Stored at 18 ºC  Most helpful in anemia of  Chills, pain in the back and
 Thawed at 37ºC congestive heart failure dyspnea
 Can be refrozen  Can be washed with saline to  Hemoglobinemia and
 Used in hemorrhage due to remove plasma proteins in hemoglobinuria
deficiency of clotting factors certain cases  Hypotension and shock may
 Used in cases of exchange develop
blood transfusion  All of the above
 Before use the bag is heated
in very hot water and Used
in cases of exchange blood

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
197. Prerenal uremia occurs 198. A serum urea value of 60 199. Polyuria with increased
in : mg/dl is equivalent to BUN urine specific gravity is a
 Congestive heart failure value of : feature of :
 Renal tumours  15 mg/dl  Pituitary diabetes insipidus
 Chronic renal failure  28 mg/dl  Nephrogenic D.I.
 Glomerulonephritis  35 mg/dl  Chronic renal failure
 Benign prostatic hyperplasia  D.M.
200. Which of the following is 201. Low fixed urine specific 202. Which of the following is
a test of glomerular function gravity at 1010 is a feature a glomerular function test :
: of :  Serum creatinine
 Measurement of urine  Acute glomerulonephritis  Fluid deprivation test
specific gravity  Diabetes insipidus  Urinary acidification test
 Measurement of low  Chronic renal failure  Urine specific gravity
molecular weight proteins in  D.M.  Urine pH
urine  Nephrotic syndrome
 Urinary acidification test
 Measurement of non protein
nitrogenoeus compounds in
 Vasopressin test
203. Concerning urine 204. Which is diagnostic of 205. Creatinine clearance is
specific gravity, which one of acute post streptocoocal calculated from serum or
the following statements is glomerulonephritis : plasma creatinine (P in
false:  Increased BUN and serum mg/dl) , urine creatinine (U
 It is measured by a creatinine in mg/dl) and urine volume
urinometer (hydrometer)  Hypocomplementaemia (V in mL/min) as follows :
 It reflects the concentrating  Impaired renal tubular  Clearance = UxV/ P
power of the kidney function  Clearance = UxP / V
 It is increased in diabetes  Oliguria and high urine  Clearance = U / VxP
insipidus specific gravity  Clearance = P / VxU
 It becomes low and fixed in  Hematuria and red blood
end stage renal diseases cell casts
 It increase after overnight
fluid restriction in healthy
206. Congestive heart failure 207. Oliguria is a feature of : 208. Proteinuria is considered
may lead to  DM heavy if it is above :
 Increased serum urea  DI  500 mg/day
 Heavy proteinuria  Addison’s disease  1 g / day
 Hypernatremia  Hysterical polydipsia  2 g /day
 Increased serum creatinine  Acute glomerulonephritis  3 g/day
 Hyperkalemia  4 g/day
209. Proteinuria in excess of 3 210. Which of the following laboratory 211. Which of the following laboratory
g/day is a typical feature of : findings is expected in nephrotic findings is expected in nephritic
syndrome : syndrome :
 Cardiac failure  Hypocholesterolaemia  Increased creatinine clearance
 Nephrotic syndrome  Hypoalbuminemia  Hypercholestolremia
 Acute renal failure  Decresed serum α2 macroglobulin  RBC casts
 Polycystic renal disease  Oliguria  Polyuria
 Presence of granular casts in urine  Decreased urine specific gravity
 Chronic pyelonephritis

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
212. One of the following in 213. Hyperuricemia is seen in 214. Increased serum urea
NOT a feature of chronic : with normal serum
renal failure :  Leukemia creatinine is seen in :
 Increased BUN  Nephrotic syndrome  GIT hemorrhage
 Increased serum creatinine  D.I.  Acute glomerulonephritis
 Increased serum potassium  High protein diet  Chronic renal failure
 Decreased serum calcium  Advanced liver cirrhosis  Prostatic enlargement
 Decreased serum inorganic  Renal artery stenosis
215. Serum urea is NOT 216. Oliguria occurs in 217. Concerning serum
increased in :  Hypercalcemia creatinine, one of the
 Severe liver disease  Acute glomerulonephritis following statements is NOT
 Congestive heart failure  Diuretic phase of Acute true
 Acute glomerulonephritis renal failure  It is the end product of
 Dehydration  Nephrogenic D.I. muscle creatine
 Chronic renal failure  Acute tubular necrosis  It is higher in children that
in adults
 It is higher in males than
 It is inversely related to GFR
 It is increased in acute and
chronic glomerulonephritis
218. Concerning urinary 219. The aspect of urine 220. Which of the following
casts, one of the following remains clear in the laboratory findings is
statements is NOT true : presence of increased pathognomonic of acute
 Hyaline casts may be found amount of : glomerulonephritis :
in the urine healthy subjects  Epithelial cells  Oliguria
 Lipoid casts are found in  WBCs  Hematuria
nephritic syndrome  RBCs  Red blood cell casts
 Red blood cell casts are  Protein  Pyuria
pathognomonic of acute  Amorphous urate  albminuria
 White cell casts are found in
221. which of the following 222. A patient is oliguric
conditions is accompanied when is urine volume is less
by increased urine specific than :
gravity :  1000 mL/24 hours
 hysterical polydipsia  800 mL/24 hours
 DM  700 mL/24 hours
 Pituitary D.I.  400 mL/24 hours
 Nephrogenic D.I.  100 mL/24 hours
 Chronic renal failure
Calcium and phosphorus
223. Hypocalcemia occurs in 224. Hypercalcemia occurs in : 225. Which of the following conditions
cases of :  Hypoalbuminemia is accompanied by hypocalcemia :
 Acute pancreatitis  Chronic renal failure  Primary hyperparathyroidism
 Multiple myeloma  Secondary hyperparathyroidism
 Pseudohypoparathyrodism
 Tertiary hyperparathyroidism
 Sarcoidosis  Anticonvulsant therapy
 Milk – alkali syndrome  Multiple myeloma
 Squamous cell carcinoma of
 Tertiary hyperparathyroidism lung

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
226. Which of the following is 227. Hyperphosphatemia 228. Hypophosphatemia
accompanied by occurs in : occurs in
hypercalcemia :  Vitamin D deficiency  Renal failure
 Hypoalbuminmia  Fanconi syndrome  Primary hypoparathyrodism
 Chronic renal failure  Respiratory alkalosis  Pseudohypoparathyrodism
 Pseudohypoparathyrodism  Primary  Fanconi syndrome
 Anticonvulsant therapy hyperparathyroidism  Metabolic acidosis
 Sarcoidosis  Chronic renal failure
229. Which of the following 230. Which of the following
laboratory findings is laboratory findings is
expected in primary expected in primary
hyperparathyrodism : hypoparathyrodism :
 Hypercalcemia and  Hypercalcemia and
hypophosphatemia hypophosphatemia
 Hypocalcemia and  Hypocalcemia and
hyperphosphatemia hyperphosphatemia
 Metabolic alkalosis  Increased alkaline
 Decreased urinary calcium phosphatase
and phosphate  Increased urinary calcium
 Decreased urinary cyclic  Increased urinary cyclic
Sodium & Potassium
231. Which of the following 232. Which of the following 233. Hypernatremia is a
statements is true about endocrinal disorders leads to feature of :
serum sodium hypernatremia ?  Cushing’s syndrome
 It is the main extracellular  Hyperthyroidism  Renal tubular acidosis
anion  Hypothyroidism  Chronic interstitial nephritis
 It is increased in addison’s  Hyperparathyroidism  Congestive heart failure
disease  Hypoparathyrodism  Paralytic ileus
 It’s increased in renal  Conn’s syndrome
tubular acidosis
 It is low in the Syndrome of
inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion
 It can be excluded from
calculation of the anion gap
234. Hypokalemia is expected 235. Hyperkalemia occurs in :
to occur in :  Anorexia nervosa
 Mineralocorticoid deficiency  Cushing’s syndrome
 Hyperemesis gravidarum  Burns
 Crush injuries  Use of purgative
 Acute renal failure  Insulin therapy

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG

Acid base balance MCQs

236. Respiratory acidosis 237. Which of the following 238. Hyperchloremic
may be seen in cases of : conditions is accompanied acidosis with normal anion
 Improperly controlled by metabolic alkalosis : gap occurs in :
mechanical ventilation  Chronic renal failure  Ureteric implantation into
(hyperventilation)  Methanol poisoning colon
 Pulmonary fibrosis  Aspirin overdose  DKA
 Anxiety  Ethylene glycol poisoning  Lactic acidosis
 Salicylate poisoning  Pyloric stenosis  Salicylate overdose
 Chronic renal failure  Methanol poisoning
239. Which of the following 240. Vomiting may lead to :
conditions leads to  Increased arterial pH
metabolic alkalosis?  Increased arterial H+
 Treatment with carbonic concentration
anhydrase inhibitors  Hyperchloraemia
 Severe diarrhea  Hypernatraemia
 Severe vomiting  Hyperkalemia
 High intestinal fistulae
 Ethylene glycol poisoning

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG

Hepatobiliary MCQs
241. Which of the following 242. Which is a cause of 243. Which of the following
is associated with unconjugated conditions is associated
conjugated hyperbilirubinemia ? with bilirbinuria ?
hyperbilirubinmia ?  Dubin-Johnson syndrome  Hemolytic anemia
 Dubin-Johnson syndrome  Rotor Syndrome Gilbert’s syndrome
 Gilbert’s Syndrome  Primary biliary cirrhosis  Rotor syndrome
 Crigler Najjar syndrome  Cancer head pancreas  Crigler-Najjar syndrome
 Neonatal Jaundice  Gilbert’s syndrome  Neonatal Jaundice
 Hemolytic anemia
244. Which of the following 245. Of the following serum 246. Which of these
is associated with results, which are the most statements is NOT true
monoclonal gammopathy ? indicative of biliary tract about bilirubin?
 Rheumatoid arthritis involvement (and not  It is derived exclusively
 SLE parenchymal cell damage)? from breakdown of
 Tuberculosis  ALT = 1500 U/L (N:5-40) hemoglobin
 Liver Cirrhosis  ALT=500 U/L, AST= 3000  It is bounded in the
 Multiple myelomatosis U/L (N:5-40) unconjugated from serum
 LDH = 700 U/L (N:100- albumin
500)  It’s reabsorbed in the small
 ALP = 650 U/L (N:30-100), intestine after bacterial
GGT =130 U/L (N:10-50) metabolism to urobilinogen
 Total bilirubin = 4 mg/dl ,  It is normally undetectable
direct bilirubin= 1 mg/dl in urine
 Normally, most of bilirubin
in serum is unconjugated.
247. One of the following is a 248. Obstructive jaundice is 249. Urinary urobilinogen is
feature of hemolytic accompanied by : usually increased in case of
jaundice :  Increased excretion of :
 Pale stool conjugated bilirubin in  Extrahepatic biliary
 Dark brown urine urine obstruction
 Conjugated  Increased excretion of  Primary biliary cirrhosis
hyperbilirubinemia unconjugated bilirubin in  Acute hemolysis crisis
 Increased serum ALP and urine  Icteric stage of acute
GGT  Increased urinary hepatitis
 Increased urine urobilinogen excretion  Women receiving oral
urobilinogen  Almost equally increased contraceptives
serum conjugated and
unconjugated bilirubin
 Increased serum
unconjugated bilirubin
250. Which of these findings 251. Which of these enzymes is 252. In follow up of acute
is expected in cases of acute most valuable to confirm the viral hepatitis , which
viral hepatitis: hepatic origin of an elevated enzymes is the earliest
 Prolongation of serum alkaline phosphatase in indicator of recovery ?
a pregnant women:
prothrombin time  ALT
 Aspartate aminotransferase
 Serum albumin is low (AST)  AST
 AST/ALT ratio more than  Creatine kinase (CK)  ALP
1  Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)  GGT
 Serum IgA is usually  5 nucleotidase  LDH
Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
increased  Alanine aminotransferase
 ALT/AST ratio is more (ALT)
than 1

Hepatitis markers
253. Detection of low titer 254. Co – infection of HDV 255. Super infection of HDV
HBcAb IgG and positive and HBV is diagnosed by : on HBV infection is
HBsAb denotes :  Positive HBsAg and HBcAb diagnosed by :
 HBV past infection with IgG  Positive HDV Ab IgG and
immunity to HBV  Positive HDV Ab IgM and HBcAb IgG
 HBV carrier status HBcAb IgM  Positive HBs Ab and HDV
 HBV vaccination  Positive HBsAb and Ab IgM
 HBV acute infection positive HDV Ab IgM  Negative HBs Ag and
 HBV chronic infection  Negative HBs Ab and positive HDV Ab IgM
positive HDV Ab IgM  Positive HDV Ab IgM and
 None of the above HDV Ab IgG
 Positive HBc Ab IgG,HBs
Ag and HDV Ab IgM
256. Super infection of HDV 257. As regard hepatitis B 258. As regard hepatitis B
and HBV is diagnosed by : which of the following is which of the following is
 Positive HDV Ab IgM and true : not true :
HBc Ab IgG and negative  Persistence of HBsAg >6
 Persistence of HBsAg > 6
HBsAg months is an indicator of
months is an indicator of
 Positive HBs Ab and chronicity
positive HDV Ab IgG  Serum HBcAg indicates
 Positive HBeAg indicates
 Negative HBs Ag and viral replication
viral replication
positive HDV Ab IgM  It is transmitted through
 Positive HBsAB indicates
 Positive HDV Ab IgG and feco-oral route
HBcAb IgG  Positive HBcAb and +ve
 Positive HBvAb and +ve
 None of the above HBsAb denotes post
HBsAb denotes post
vaccination vaccination
 HBsAb indicated viral
 HBcAb is the only marker
in the window gap
259. As regards HBc Ab, 260. The most definitive 261. Which of the following
which of the following is diagnostic test for HCV tests is clinically significant
false: infection is : for HCV infection
 It is an important serologic  HCV Ab IgG by ELIZA  HCV Ab by ELIZA
 HCV Ab by RIBA
marker in the window gap  HCV Ab IgM by ELIZA
 High titer IgG despite  Recombinant immunoblot
 Serotyping and quantitation
positive HBsAb indicates assay (RIBA) of viral load
persistent viral load  Viral RNA by PCR  All of the above
 Low titer IgG with positive
HBsAb indicates past
infection and immunity
 Negative HBcAb IgG with
positive HBsAb denotes
post vaccination
262. Carrier state in viral 263. PCR is used to detect : 264. Primary biliary cirrhosis
infection means :  Viral antigen could be differentiated from
 The virus is hidden in the host  Viral particles primary sclerosing cholangitis
cell and can’t be detected by :
Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
after recovery  Viral genome  Increased ALP and GGT
 The virus is secreted by the  Viral envelope  Evidence of hepatic
host after clinical recovery  None of the above dysfunction
 The virus does not remain in  Increased total IgM
the host after recovery  Frequently progresses to
 None-of the above chronic hepatitis
 All of the above  Positive AMA
265. The following is true for 266. Tumor markers for
hepatocellular carcinoma : liver metastasis include :
 Mall elevation of AFP  CEA
occurs in primary  ALP
hepatoma  Transaminases
 Mild elevation of AFP plus  All of the above
elevation of CEA occurs in  None of the above.
secondary liver cancer
 Normal level of CEA with
increased levels of AFP
occur in colorectal cancer
without hepatic malignancy
 All of the above.

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG

267. hyperglycemia occurs in 268. Hypoglycemia occurs in : 269. Renal glucosuria is found
one of the following  Down syndrome in:
conditions  Hemochromatosis  Pregnancy
 Addison’s syndrome  Cerebrovascular accidents  Thyrotoxicosis
 Gilbert’s Syndrome  Cushing’s syndrome  Mal-absorption
 Cretinism  Insulinoma  Advanced liver disease
 Pheochromocytoma  Cretinism
 Insulinoma
270. Alimentary glucosuria 271. Which of the following 272. Which of the following
occurs in one of the leads to a lag storage curve leads to a flat response in the
following conditions : in the OGTT: OGTT :
 Renal failure  Insulinoma  Mal-absorption syndrome
 Advanced liver disease  Mal-absorption syndrome  Hyperpituitarism
 Congenital heart disease  Thyrotoxicosis  Acromegaly
 Pregnancy  Prolactinoma  Thyrotoxicosis
 Type I D.M.  Cretinism  Hemochromatosis
273. One of the following 274. One of the following 275. Which of the following
statements is true about statements is true about leads to hyperglycemia :
impaired glucose tolerance: glycated hemoglobuin :  Glomerulonephritis
 An OGTT is not required to  HbA1 represents 5 – 8 % of  Hemochromatosis
assign a patient to this class HbA  Iron deficiency anemia
 Fasting plasma glucose level  Hb1Ac represents 15% of  Mediterranean fever
is ≥ 126 mg/dl HbA1  Obstructive jaundice
 2 hour post load plasma  It is minimal value in the
glucose level is ≥140 <200 monitoring of DM
mg/dl  It reflects glycemic control
 Patients never revert to over the previous 1-2 weeks
normal glucose tolerance or  It should be monitored
develop overt DM yearly
 Microvascular disease is
common, but there is
increased incidence of
atherosclerotic disease
276. Which one of the
following laboratory
findings is expected in DKA
 Hypokalemia
 Hypernatremia
 Hypophosphatemia
 Prerenal uremia
 High total co2

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG

Thyroid MCQs
277. One of the following is 278. One of the following is a 279. One of the following is a
cause of elevated total and cause of elevated total and cause of low free T4 :
free T4: free T3 :  Androgen therapy
 Pregnancy  Pregnancy  Liver cirrhosis
 Viral hepatitis  Viral hepatitis  Mal-nutrition
 Grave’s diseases  Pituitary adenoma  Nephrotic syndrome
 Heroin addiction  Heroin addiction  Hashimoto thyroiditis
 Oestrogen therapy  Oestrogen therapy
280. In primary 281. The first trimester of 282. Which is a cause of
hyperthyroidism, which of pregnancy is accompanied depressed TSH in an
the following statements is by which changes in thyroid euthyroid patient
true : function tests :  Subclinical hyperthyroidism
 All patients have decreased  Decreased TBG  Subclinical hypothyroidism
total and free T4 and T3  Decreased total T4 and T3  Secondary hypothyrodism
level  Decreaqsed or undetectable  Grave’s disease
 T3 uptake is decreased TSH  Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
 FTI is decreased  Increased TSH
 All patients have increased  Positive antimicrosomal
TRH antibodies
 There is a blunted response
to TRH stimulation
283. Which of the following 284. Which of the following is 285. TSH is NOT a reliable
statements is true true in primary indicator of thyroid function
concerning TSH : hypothyroidism ? in case of :
 It is increased in primary  FT3 is the most sensitive  Primary hypothyroidism
hyperthyroidism indicator of thyroid function  Primary hyperthyroidism
 It is increased in secondary  TSH increase may precede  First 6 months of treatment
hyperthyroidism the decrease in the thyroid of primary hyperthyroidism
 It is decreased in primary hormone  Third trimester of
hypothyroidism  Reverse T3 is increased pregnancy
 It is increased in secondary  Positive thyroid stimulating  TBG excess
hypothyroidism immunoglobulins are
 It is decreased in severe diagnostic of the causative
cases of non thyroid illness disease
 With treatment, TSH
returns to normal prior to
286. In the acute phase of non
–thyroid illness, which
statements is true :
 Total T3 is increased
 Free T3 is increased
 Reverse T3 is increased
 TSH is increased
 Thyroid replacement
therapy is indicated

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG

287. Epidemic cerebrospinal 288. The most valuable test 289. For septic meningitis all
meningitis is caused by : for the diagnosis of of the following are correct
 E.coli tuberculosis meningitis is : except :
 Pneumococci  Positive tuberculin test  Aspect is clear
 Hemophilius influenza  Positive gram stained smear  Increase white cell count in
 Neisseria meningitides of CSF CSF
 Mycobacterium tuberculosis  Low CSF glucose level  Increase protein level in CSF
 High CSF protein level  Decreased glucose level in
 Positive Ziehl – Neelsen CSF
stained smear of CSF  Positive culture
290. Group (B) β hemolytic 291. Neonatal meningitis is 292. Swimming pool
streptoccoi are most likely to most likely caused by : meningitis occurs due to
cause :  Pnemoccoci infection by :
 Acute diarrhea  Hemophilius influenza  E.coli
 Acute rheumatic fever  Mycobacterium tuberculosis  Amoeba
 Neonatal meningitis  E.coli  Babesia
 Acute glomerulonephritis  Neisseria meningitis  Pneumococci
 Infective endocarditis  Neisseria meningitides
293. All are true for septic
meningitis except :
 Aspect of CSF is turbid
 Protein level in CSF increase
 Glucose level in CSF
 CSF could be bloody
 White cell count in CSF is

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG

Cardiac markers
294. The earliest marker for 295. Total CK activity is NOT 296. Which of the following
diagnosis of acute increased in : markers may show
myocardial infarction within  Duchene myopathy increased levels 12 days after
the first 2 hours of onset of  Hyperthyroidism an acute myocardial
chest pain is :  Diabetic ketoacidosis infarction:
 CK-MB  Severe muscle exercise  Total CK
 AST  Acute myocardial infarction  CK-MB
 Myoglobin  AST
 cTnT  LDH
 LDH  cTnI
297. to diagnose AMI , the 298. The most specific marker 299. A specific marker which
ration of CK – MB for diagnosis of AMI is : can be used to diagnose AMI
isoenzyme to total CK must  Myoglobin in a patient presenting 8
exceed :  CK-MB days after the onset of chest
 4%  AST pain
 6%  LDH  AST
 8%  Cardiac troponins  Total LDH
 10 %  Flipped LDH ration
 20 %  Cardiac troponin I
 Cardiac troponin T
300. One of the following
cardiac markers is most
useful in ruling out MI :
 CK – MB mass
 LDH isoenzymes
 c.Troponins (I or T)
 myoglobin
 CK-total

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG

Serology MCQs
301. As regard ANA testing in 302. In cases of rheumatoid 303. Hasimoto’s disease and
SLE cases which of the arthritis which of the Graves’s disease are similar
following is true ? following statements is false in that both :
 Done by indirect :  Affect RBCs
immunoflurosence  Negative RF by routine lab  Affect the liver
 It is a sensitive screening test procedures excludes  Are forms of cellular
for the disease diagnosis immunity
 Its specificity can be  RF by Rose Waaler is more  Affect the thyroid gland
improved by detection of specific than latex fixation  Are accompanied by
high titres test histamine release
 All of the above  RFs are antiglobulins
against autologous IgG
 None of the above
304. Children with insulin 305. An autoimmune disease 306. Rheumatoid arthritis is
dependent DM have : characterized by the over an autoimmune disorder in
 Anti-IgG Fc antibodies production of thyroid which the body’s immune
 Anti-microsomal antibodies hormones : system act against it’s own :
 Anti-parietal cells antibodies  Lupus erythematosus  Lymphocytes
 Antinuclear antibodies  Myasthenia graves  Neutrophils
 None of the above  DiGeorge disease  RBC
 Grave’s disease  IgG
 Hemolytic anemia  DNA
307. Sero-negative 308. The pathogenic antibody 309. Direct immunofloresent
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Grave’s disease has examination of renal biopsy
includes the following : specific for : shows linear depositon along
 Early RA  Nuclei the glomerular basement
 Juvenile RA  Thyroid peroxidase membrane
 Arthritis with certain  Thyroglobulin  Minimal change
systemic diseases  TSH receptors nephropathy
 All of the above  TSH  Membranous nephropathy
 None of the above  Membranoproliferative
 Anti-GBM nephritis
 IgA nephropathy
310. Which of the following is 311. Which of the following 312. patients with SLE show
a non organ specific statements about anti- the following findings
autoimmune disease ? mitochondrial antibodies is  normocytic normochromic
 Myasthenia graves false : anemia
 found in patients with primary
 Insulin dependent diabetes  high EST
biliary cirrhosis (PBC)
 Rheumatoid arthritis  found in some patients of  thrombocytopenia
 Hasimoto’s thyroiditis chronic active hepatitis  leucopenia
 Pernicious anemia  can’t differentiate PBC from  all of the above
primary sclerosing cholangitis
 accompanied by a rise in
serum IgM in patients with
 none of the above

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
313. specificity of ANA testing 314. anti-n-DNA antibodies in 315. in rheumatoid arthritis,
by immunofluorence can be SLE are : detection of RF by latex
increased by :  associated with kidney agglutination test is :
 determination of titre affection  sensitive but not specific
 determination of pattern  used in diagnosis and follow  results in high incidence of
 using more than on up false negative
substrate  detected by IIF technique  both sensitive and specific
 all of the above  all of the above  none of the above
 none of the above  none of the above
316. all of the following is true 317. in individuals with IC 318. Anti-GBM antibodies
for IC glomerulonephritis glomerulonephritis which of can cause
except the following tests should be  Glomerulonephritis
 diminished serum done :  Goodpastur’s syndrome
complement levels  ANA  Idiopathic pulmonary
 detection of circulating  Anti-DNA hemosiderosis
immune complexes  Serum complement level  All of the above
 patient’s serum may be  Detection of CIC  None of the above
positive for ANA or anti-  All of the above
 linear deposits of
immunoglobulins and
complement in the glomeruli
 all of the above
319. Anti-n DNA antibodies 320. In SLE all of the 321. In SLE all of the
are all of the following following indicate activity following autoantibodies
except : except : support the diagnosis except
 Diagnostic for SLE  Elevated ESR :
 Correlate with SLE activity  High C3 and C4  ANA
 Indicate kidney affection  High anti n –DNA titre  Anti-n DNA
 Cannot be used for follow up  High levels of circulating  Anti-Smith
 None of the above immune complexes  Anti-smooth muscle
 None of the above  Anti RNP
322. For diagnosis and follow 323. In systemic lupus 324. The following is true
up of SLE which is false : erythematosus, all are true about rheumatoid arthritis :
 Serum ANA is used for except :  RFs are antiglobulins
screening  Serum complement is directed against the Fc
 Anti-nDNA & Anti-Sm are frequently reduced fragment of autologous IgG
diagnostic  CICs levels donot correlate  Rose Waaler test for
 For activity , ESR , C3 , C4 with disease activity detection of RF is specific yet
& CIC are done  High titre ANAs by IIF is a not sensitive
 For follow up ANA titre is sensitive screening test  Serum complement levels
done  High titre anti-ds-DNA is are usually normal
 CBC , urine analysis & associated with renal  A negative RF does not
kidney function are done in affection exclude diagnosis of
follow up  Anti-Sm antibodies are rheumatoid arthritis
specific  All of the above .

Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
325. All are true concerning 326. All of the following are 327. Any of the following are
immune hemolytic anamias diagnostic importance in consistent with diagnosis of
except : autoimmune disease except : autoimmune hepatitis except
 It may be drug induced such  Lesions are detected by :
as by penicillin and methyl biopsy  Positive ANA
dopa  Immune complexes are  Positive ASMA
 Diagnosis is by anti-globulin found in serum  Positive AMA
test (Coombs test)  Decreased levels of serum  Positive HBsAg
 Rh incompatibility is not an complement  None of the above
example of alloantibody –  Decreased serum gamma
induced hemolytic anemia globulin levels
 Warm anti-body type is  All of the above
either idiopathic or
secondary to SLE , leukemia
, etc….
 None of tha bove
328. ANA and rheumatoid 329. Which of the antibodies 330. Which of the following
factor may be associated are most useful for the antibodies are most use for
with all of the following diagnosis of pernicious diagnosis of Sjogren
conditions except : anemia : syndrome:
 Rheumatoid arthritis  Anti-parietal cell  Anti-cardiolipin antibodies
 Sjogren’s syndrome  Anti-thyroid peroxidase  Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
 SLE  Anti- nuclear antibodies (ANCA)
 ITP  Anti-IgG Fc  Anti-ssA(RO), anti-ssB(La)
 None of the above  Anti – TSH receptor antibodies
 Anti-mitochondrial
 Anti-glomerular basement
membrane antibodies
331. Children with insulin 332. Is SLE which of the 333. In autoimmune chronic
dependent D.M. usually have following is false : hepatitis which of the
serum antibodies to :  Circulating immune following is true :
 Mitochondria complexes level correlates  Organ specific autoimmune
 Thyroid microsomes with disease activity disease
 Gastric parietal cells
 Serum complement is  Positive anti-Ro anti-La
 Nuclear antigens
frequently decreased antibodies
 None of the above
 Positive ANA is found in 95  Positive HBsAg
% of active untreated cases  Positive anti-Sm antibodies
334. In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis  Anti-DNA is associated with  Positive ANCA
which of the following is true : kidney affection
 Inflammatory disorder of
 ANA titre correlate with
unknown etiology
disease activity
 Euothyrodism is early in the
335. In autoimmune chronic 336. In primary biliary cirrhosis
hepatitis which of the following which of the following is false :
 Late in the disease
is true :  Anti mitochondrial antibodies
hypothyroidism often occur
 Non organ specific are positive
 Autoantibodies to
thyroglobulin and thyroid
autoimmune disease  AMA can’t differentiate it from
 Positive anti –Ro and anti – La primary sclerosing cholangitis
microsomal antigens are found
antibodies  Bilirubin is elevated
 All of the above
 Positive HBsAg  IgM is increased
 Positive Anti-Sm antibodies  Alkaline phosphatase is usually
 Positive anti smooth antibodies elevated
Mahmoud Sewilam Clinical Pathology, X-Rays, ECG
337. All of the following are 338. In rheumatoid arthritis 339. A positive ANA test can
consistent with diagnosis of which of the following is be found in all of the
autoimmune hepatitis except false : following except :
:  RFs are antiglobulins  SLE
 HCV Ab positive directed against the Fc  Sjogren’s syndrome
 Positive liver specific fragment of autologous IgG  Rheumatoid arthritis
antibodies  Rose Waaler test for  Scleroderma
 Positive anti-LKM detection of RF is specific yet  Multiple sclerosis
antibodies not sensitive
 Polyclonal  Serum complement levels
hypergammaglobulinemia are usually normal
 Positive ANA  A negative RF by lab
procedure does exclude
diagnosis of rheumatoid
 None of the above
Stool analysis
340. All of the following 341. All of the following 342. Infantile diarrhea can be
organisms can produce organisms produce diarrhea used by :
diarrhea except : except :  Enteropathogenic E.coli
 Vibrio cholera  Salmonella enteritidis  Giardia
 Campylobacter  Enteropathogenic E.coli  Yersinia enterocolitica
 Staphylococcus aureus  Yersinia enterocolitica  Vibrio cholera
 Bifidibacterium  Bacillus cereus  Salmonella enteritidis
 Rota virus  Clostridium botulinum
343. All of the following
organism cause food poising
except :
 Staphylococcus aurues
 Clostridium botulinum
 Bacillius cereus
 Salmonella enteritidis
 Salmonella typhi

 Other Available Books By The Author:

 Internal Medicine : Clinical
 Dermatology
 X-Rays Of Internal Medicine
 Clinical Pathology
 Psychiatry

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