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Variables and Types of 


Variable – It is anything that can take on differing or varying value. In other words, it can be of
anything or anyone that changes with time.
Example – Production units, absenteeism, motivation, demand for petroleum.

Types of Variables –
1. The dependent variable  ( also known as criterion variable ) – it is of primary interest
to the researcher. When researchers try to understand the dependent variable, it is trying to
figure out what factors influence it. Example – quality of the ice-cream and demand for ice-

2. The independent variable ( also known as the predictor variable ) – it is the one that
influences the dependent variables in either positive or negative way. That is when the
independent variable changes, dependent variable also changes. Example – when new product
is launched in the market and it is successful, then naturally the stock price of that company
rises. So here new product success is independent variable and stock price rise is dependent

3. Moderating variable – It is the variable that has strong possible effect on independent
and dependent variable and modifies the original relationship between the two. Read the
example on page number 73.

4. Mediating variable – It is also known as intervening variable where it appears

between the time the independent variable starts operating to influence the dependent variable
and the time their impact felt on it. Example: workforce diversity – creative synergy –
organizational effectiveness. Check page no. 78 for diagram to understand the illustration of
mediating variable. In the example – we can see that Creative synergy can be brought about  by
workforce diversity that in turn affects the organizational effectiveness. T1 – workforce diversity,
T2 – creative synergy, T3 – organizational effectivess.
Some exercises:

Failure to follow accounting principles causes immense confusion, which in turn creates a
number of problems for the organization. Those with vast experience in bookkeeping, however,
are able to avert the problems by taking timely corrective action. List and label the variables in
this situation, explain the relationship among the variables, and illustrate these by means of

Name – Sunita Uikey

Roll No - 155
Subject - Research Methodology

Exercise 1: Make up 3 different situations in which motivation to work would be an independent

variable, moderating variable and dependent variable. Solution - 
Dependent Variable -

A manager observes that motivation to work among the Employees is increased if he increases
their working environment, Salary and perks. 

Independent variable- 
Performance of employees increased if they are motivated. 

Moderating Variable- 
For employees having second source of income/salary, the motivation may or may be a driving
factor Intervening Variable-

Employees perform better if they are provided with good working conditions, better pay i.e. they
are motivated. 

Exercise 2: Failure to follow accounting principles causes immense confusion, which in turn
creates a number of problems for the organization. Those with vast experience in book keeping
however are able to avert the problems by taking timely corrective action. List and label the
variables in this situation, explain the relationship among the variables, and illustrate these by
meaning of diagrams.

Solution - 
Dependent Variable (DV): causing Immense Confusion leading to number of Problems

Independent Variable (IV): failure to follow accounting principles

Moderating Variable (MV): taking Timely Corrective Action 

Intervening Variable (IVV): with vast experience in book keeping

Vast Exp in Book keeping (IVV)

Vast Exp in Book keeping (IVV)

Following Accounting Principles (IV)

Following Accounting Principles (IV)
Confusion leading to number of Problems (DV)
Confusion leading to number of Problems (DV)

Corrective Action (MV)

Corrective Action (MV)

Case Study 1:
The manager of Haines Company observes that the morale of employees on her company is low.
She thinks that if their working conditions are improved, pay scales rose, and vacation benefits
made attractive, the morale will be boosted. She doubts however that an increase in the pay scale
would increase the morale of all the employees. Her conjecture is that those that have
supplemented incomes will just not be turned on by higher pay, and only those without side
income will be happy with increased pay with a resultant boost in morale.

List and label the variables in this situation. Explain the relationship among the variables and
illustrate them by means of diagrams. What might be the problem statement or problem
definition for the situation?

Problem Statement: Cause of the low morale of employees.

Dependent Variable (DV): Morale of employees

Independent Variable (IV): working conditions, pay scales rose and attractive vacation benefits

Moderating Variable (MV): Supplement Income

Intervening Variable (IVV): Happiness with increased pay with a resultant boost in morale

Happiness (IVV)
Happiness (IVV)
Morale of employees (DV)
Morale of employees (DV)

Working condition, Pay Rise, Attractive Vacation(IV)

Working condition, Pay Rise, Attractive Vacation(IV)

Supplement Income (MV)

Supplement Income (MV)

 1) Employees with supplemented incomes will be less motivated to work with increase in pay
scales hence low morale. [Relational hypothesis](IV effecting DV positively or negatively). 2)
Employees without supplemented incomes will be more motivated to work with increase in pay
scales hence low morale. [Relational Hypothesis] (IV effecting DV positively or negatively). 3)
Increased pay will not increase the morale of all workers i.e. morale of Employee with
supplement income. [Null hypothesis]. (IV not affecting DV at all) 4) Morale of the employees
will increase with better working conditions, pay scale and attractive vacation offer. [Causal
hypothesis]. (change in IV affect DV) 5) With higher pay scale and attractive vacation benefits,
moral of the employees with will be increased. [Descriptive hypothesis]...

Question 1 – Make up 3 different situations in which Motivation to work could be anindependent, intervening and a
moderating variable.

Example of Motivation as Independent variable:

“At a call centre, quality of solution provided to a inbound customer is dependent on the level of motivation &
know how of the call centre employee responding to the call”Dependent variable - Quality of solution
provided.Independent variable - Motivation & KnowledgeIntervening variable -Moderating variable –

Example of Motivation as Intervening variable:

“Induction & training programs motivate employees to perform better. If all the employees follow thetraining
modules as per the programs the productivity will be at a standard in terms of quality.”Dependent variable –
perform better Independent variable - Induction & training programs & modulesIntervening variable - Level of
Motivation Moderating variable –

Example of Motivation as Moderating variable:

“People are de-motivated to consume alcohol knowing the consequence that it damages the liver leads to liver
cirrhosis. Perhaps behavioral therapy works better for males and cognitive therapy worksbetter for
females”Dependent variable – liver cirrhosisIndependent variable – Consumption of alcoholIntervening variable –
Damage to lever Moderating variable - Gender 

Question 2 – List and label variables in the following situation and explain the relationship among the variables.

Failure to follow accounting principles causes immense confusion which in turn creates a number of problems for
the organization. Those with vast experience in bookkeeping however are able to avoid the problems by taking
timely corrective action.

Independent variable - Accounting Principles

Dependent variable - confusion & problems for organisation
Moderating - Vast experience in Bookkeeping
Intervening variable - Timely corrective actions

Question 3 – List and label variables in the following situation and explain the relationship among the variables and
diagram them. What may be the problem statement or problemdefinition for this situation? 
The Manager of XYZ Co. observes that the morale of employees in her company is low. She thi

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