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Kristine Joy A.

Florendo BSEd 2- English

Purok4, Malamig, Gloria, Oriental Mindoro SCORE:


Worksheet No. 1 - Introduction to History

A. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

__C___1. History was derived from the Greek word historian which means:
__D___2. Which is not question of historiography?

__D___3. A historian who wishes study the Commonwealth Constitution of 1935, what primary
sources can he use?

__A____4. It is the practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence and examining its physical
characteristics; consistency with the historical characteristic of the time when it was produced
and the materials used for the evidences:

__A____5. It is comprised of certain techniques and rules that historian follows in order to
properly use sources and historical evidences in writing history:
__B____6. Which of the following completely enumerate the elements of history?
__D___7. The personal life and the environment of a historian has a direct bearing in his
decision and often import a bias to his account and renders the much desired objectivity possible.
This manifests history’s relationship with what field of social science?
__D___8. Which is not a source of historical data?
__D____9. Bernheim (1889) and Langlois and Seignobos (1898) proposed the following
procedures for people who wanted to employ histosiography, except:

__D___10. Internal criticism is the examination of the truthfulness of the evidence. It looks at
the content of the source and examines the circumstance of its production. Which of the
following is an object of internal criticism?
__D___11. Which of the following analytical methods highlights the importance of facilitating
an internal conversation and discourse among Filipinos about our own history, using the
language that is understood by everyone?
__A___12. History is quite fruitful for mental training. It trains the mental faculties such as
critical thinking, memory and imagination. It quickens and deepens understanding, gives an
insight into the working of social, political, economic, and religious problems:
__B___13. History teaching renders an effective service in imbibing the young minds with a
sense of patriotism:
__C___14. History is important in the curriculum because it helps in the teaching of morality.
Through it a child comes close to the valuable thoughts of saints, reformers, leaders, important
persons and sages. The children get inspired by the life stories of these great leaders.

_ A____15. History shows the dependence and interdependence of nations which is the root of
internationalism. The domain of history is very extensive and wide. Through a survey of world
history, the young learners will come to realize that although different peoples had and still have
different customs, habits, laws, and institutions; they have been striving towards the same end.
The realization of essential unity of human race is the first step towards fostering universal
understanding based on the virtues of tolerance, kindliness, love, sympathy, and goodwill.
B. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if otherwise.
__T___1. History is the study of the past.
__F___2. Historical sources that are not written should not be used in writing history.
__T___3. The subject of historiography is history itself.
__F___4. History has no use for the present, thus, the saying “past is past” is true
__T___5. History is limited to the story of a hero versus a villain.
__F___6. Only primary sources may be used in writing history.

__T___7. There are three types of sources: primary, secondary and tertiary sources
__T___8. External criticism is done by examining the physical characteristics of a source.
__F___9. Internal criticism is done by looking at a source’s quality of paper, type of ink among

__F___10. The historians are the only source of history.

C. WHAT SOURCE? Read the following scenarios and classify the sources discovered as
primary, secondary or tertiary sources.
1. Jose was exploring the library in his new school in mANila. He wanted to study the history of
Calamba, Laguna during the 19th century. In one of the books, he saw an old photograph of a
woman standing in front of an old church, clipped among the pages. At the back of the photo was
fine inscription that says: “Kalamba, 19 de Junio 1861” .
Is the photograph a primary, secondary, or a tertialry source? PRIMARY SOURCE

2. It was Lean’s first day in his first year of college in a big university. His excitement made hm
come to class unusually early and he found their classroom empty. He looked at the table drawer
and a saw a book entitled U.G. An Underground Tale: The Journey of Edgar Jopson and the First
Quarter Storm Generation. He started reading the book and realized that it was a biography of a
student leader turned political activist during the time of Ferdinand Marcos. The author used
interviews with friends and family of Jopson, and other primary documents related to his works
and life.
Is the book primary, secondary or a tertiary source? SECONDARY SOURCE
3. Lorena was a new teacher of Araling Panlipunanin a small elementary school in Mauban,
Quezon. Her colleagues gave her the new textbook that she used in class. Before the class started,
Lorena studies the textbook carefully. She noted that the authors used works by the other known
historian in writing the textbook. She saw that the bibliography included Teodoro Agoncillo’s
“The Revolt of the Masses” and “The Fearful Years”. She also saw that the authors used Ma.
Luisa Camagay’s “Working Women of Manila” and many others.
Is the textbook a primary, secondary or a tertiary source? SECONDARY SOURCE
4. Manuel visited the United States for a few months to see his relatives who have lived there for
decades. His uncle brought him on tours around Illinois. Manuel visited the Field Museum of
Natural History where a golden image of a woman caught his eye. Manuel looked closer and
read that the image was called “The Golden Tara.” It originated from Agusan del Sur and was
bought by the museum in 1922. It was believed to be made prior to the arrival of the Spaniards in
the Philippines.
Is the sculpture a primary, secondary or tertiary source? PRIMARY SOURCE

5. Gregoria loved to travel around the country. She liked bringing with her a travel brochure that
informs her of the different sites worth visiting in the area. Her travel brochure was usually
produced was usually produced by the tourism department of the province. It shows pictures of
destinations visited by tourists and a few basic information about the pace and some other
information acquired by the office’s researchers and writers.

Is the travel brochure a primary, secondary, or a tertiary source? SECONDARY SOURCE

C. MY PRIMARY SOURCE. Using t examples of a primary source in this chapter, paste a

photo of a primary source that can be used in the writing of your life history in the box
below. Present this in class and discuss how it qualifies as a primary source.
This Source is a primary source because it is produced at the same time as the event being
studied. It has original information that is not derived from interpretation, summarizing or
analyzing someone else’s work.

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