Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person 1 Quarter Examination

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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

1st Quarter Examination

Name:______________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Date: _______

I. Encircle the letter of the answer the following. Avoid erasures.

1. What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?

a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

2. What is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human

a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

3. Which deals with nature, sources, limitations and validity of knowledge?

a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

4. What is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations?

a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

5. What is really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary drive in every human being
to know what is real?

a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

6. A central aim of philosophy is:

a. to prove that others are ignorant and foolish

b. to rid the mind of any and all assumptions

c. to learn how to win arguments and influence people

d. acquires self-understanding

7. In a deductive argument, an author’s aim is to

A. demonstrate that the premises, if true, make the conclusion very likely

B. show that the premises, if true, guarantee that the conclusion must be true.

C. establish a claim by threatening their opponent with violence

D. trick others into accepting a claim for irrelevant reasons

8. In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, the shadows represented

A. our doubts and lack of confidence in our own worth.

B. the fact that truth is elusive and cannot be found.

C. the gods.

D. imperfect and confused representations of a higher reality.

9. It is a knowledge based on logic.

a. experience b. rationalism c. rational d. empiricism

10. The Branches of Philosophy except:

a. Ethics b. Epistemology c. Natural Science d. Logic

11. Michael strongly believes in honesty and tries to tell the truth in every situation; however, he
also thinks that it is correct to lie to avoid hurting people's feelings. This is an example of _____.

a. belief b. absurdism c. justification d. metaphysics

12. What did Socrates, Plato and Augustine have in common?

a. They both wanted to create a philosophy school.

b. They both believed in the category mistake concept.

c. They both believed in the idea of an immortal soul.

d. They all wanted to create a new vision of the world.

13. Choices and decisions are only physical impulses coming from our brain. This idea describes
d'Holbach's beliefs about _____.

a. freedom of speech and awareness

b. choice and freewill

c. decision and action

d. religion and freedom of speech.

14. Which of the following works were written by Jean Paul Sartre?

a. Philosophy and Feminist Thinking and Feminist Philosophers

b. The Second Sex and Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter

c. Existentialism and Humanism and Being and Nothingness

d. The concept of Minds and Dilemmas

15. Phenomenology is a method that uses _____ to describe things as they appear in

a. first-person information

b. active observation

c. scientific experimentation

d. passive observation

16. This fallacy is also referred to as coincidental correlation, or correlation not causation.

a. False Cause

b. Hasty Generalization

c. Appeal to the people

d. Begging the question

17. This fallacy is commonly based on a broad conclusion upon the statistics of a survey of a
small group that fails to sufficiently represent the whole population.

a. False Cause

b. Hasty Generalization

c. Appeal to the people

d. Begging the question

18. An argument that appeals or exploits people’s vanities, desire for esteem, and anchoring on

a. False Cause

b. Hasty Generalization

c. Appeal to the people

d. Begging the question

19. This is a type of fallacy in which the proposition to be proven is assumed implicitly or
explicitly in the premise.

a. False Cause

b. Hasty Generalization

c. Appeal to the people

d. Begging the question

20. It is defect in an argument other than its having false premises.

a. arguments b. statements c. fallacy d. sayings

Test II. True or False. Read the following statements below and identify whether they are
true or false.

1. Human existence are embodied spirit. It is related to our body.

a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

2. Facticity are the things that we already have in life. These are also details which surround us in
the past.

a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

3. As spatial temporal being, we are limitless by our bodies. We can be in any place that we

a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

4. The body acts as an intermediary. Our body do not limit itself to the world.
a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

5. Sentience is the ability to feel and experience and experiment things. It is done through

a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

6. Rational Soul – Ranks the highest for it takes responsibility the functions of vegetative and
sensitive souls. It is capable of reasoning, willing, reflecting, and deciding apart from sensing
and growing.

a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

7. Narrative identity the dynamic way of interpreting identity and it is the hermeneutics of the

a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

8. Biocentrism is the view that only humans and animals, but also plants should be morally

a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

9. Arne Naess is the Father of Surface Ecology. Each living being is understood as a goal itself,
in principle on an equal footing with one’s ego.

a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

10. Wory Wollstonecraft is a Feminist Philosopher. She believed that men should be greater than

a. only statement 1 is true

b. only statement 2 is true

c. statements 1 and 2 are true

d. statements 1 and 2 are false

Test III. Identification. Identify what is being ask.

1. It is the liberty to accomplish an action without interference from obstacles.

2. It is the power to choose among genuine alternatives.

3. It is the status of morally deserving praise, blame, reward, or punishment for an act or
omission, in accordance with one’s moral obligation.

4. It is the belief that human actions are truly chosen.

5. The belief that all events are caused by past events such that nothing other than what does
occur could occur.

6. Is the power rooted in reason and will to act or not to act, to do this or that and so to perform
deliberate actions.

7. Deliberate means ___________.

8. Is doing anything you want without restraint.

9. Freedom attains its perfection when directed towards __________.

10. ______________enters when man exercises his freedom.

Test IV. Essay. Read the following questions and explain it.

1. Are we pushing the responsibility for our existence on to society, instead of facing the
questions of who we are? Explain.

2. How do you understand the meaning of frugality and prudence toward the environment?

3. What is your greatest achievement/s? How did you handle difficult situations?

4. State your philosophy in life and explain.

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