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Foundation University Rawalpindi Campus

Faculty of Management Sciences

1. Brief Introduction

Course Name Micro Economics

Course Code: ECO 401

Instructor Rabia Saghir

Semester 3rd (BBA)

Credit Hours 3 credit hours

Instructors Rabia Saghir

Telephone No(s). 03445688780

Email [email protected]

Visiting Hours: Wednesday & Thursday

1. Pre-Requisite Knowledge

2. Course Coverage (Tick each)

 Knowledge
 Comprehension
 Application

Analysis () Synthesis ()Evaluation

3. Limited Course Objectives of This Course

Course Objective Precise, Realistic and Achievable Which Program Objective does this
Number Course Objective Course Objective Trace to?

CO1 Identify the economic problem of PO1

allocation and distribution of

CO2 Identify the factors that determine PO2

demand and supply, concept of
budget, utility and production.

CO3 Analyze the effect of market PO2

structure on firm behavior; analyze
efficiency and the role of
government in promoting and
deterring efficiency.

4. Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Precise, Realistic and Achievable Which Course Objective does this
Outcome Learning Outcome Learning Outcome Trace to?

LOA Learn key concepts and theory about CO1

the economics.

LOB Understanding and analysis of CO 2

theories of demand supply and
about budget, utility and production.

LOC Learn about the economic analysis CO2, CO3

of market structure and role of
Brief Description of the Course: This course is designed to introduce key
microeconomics concepts and techniques applicable as tools for rational economic
decision-making within the micro economics framework. The course aims to demonstrate
the relevance and usefulness of economic analysis to real world business situations.
Emphasis is placed on optimal decisions making within the firm and the strategic
relationship with other business. The goal of the course is to provide an introduction to
microeconomics. Using microeconomics theory, the students will be able to understand
the concepts of demand and supply, the the price determination in the market, firm
behavior and the structure of the markets.

Objectives of This Course

After studying this course the student will be able to understand:
CO1: Identify the economic problem of allocation and distribution of resources
CO2: Identify the factors that determine demand and supply, concept of budget, utility and

CO3: Analyze the effect of market structure on firm behavior; analyze efficiency and the
role of government in promoting and deterring efficiency.
Learning Outcomes:
Students need knowledge of economics in order to develop, evaluate and implement
effective strategies. The focus of this course will be on the theoretical and empirical
concepts of demand and supply, markets, and production and revenue and the application
of these concepts in strategy and decision making. Student should work to achieve the
following learning outcome:
LOA: Learn key concepts and theory about the economics..
LOB: Understanding and analysis of theories of demand supply and about budget, utility
and production.
LOC: Learn about the economic analysis of market structure and role of government.
Course Contents Detailed Distribution
Note: This schedule is tentative and can be subject to change

Corresponding Corresponding Teaching Evaluation

 Week Topics/ Content Course Objective Learning Method Method

BASIC ECONOMIC CO1 LOA Knowledge Question


Economics: Basic Themes

and Nature

1 Micro versus Macro


Economic Systems

Capitalism and socialism

DEMAND AND CO2 LOB Class Derivation

The demand function. numerical

02-03 Changes in demand.

The supply function.

Changes in supply.

Elasticity CO2 LOB Class Assignment

Price Elasticity of Numericals
4 Demand

Income Elasticity and

Cross Elasticity
5 EQUILIBRIUM CO2 LOB Class Derivation
Equilibrium of Supply & And
Demand numerical

Elasticity of
demand/supply and its

APPROACHES TO CO2 LOB Discussion Class

Cardinal approach and lecture Written
consumer equilibrium. exams

06-07 Indifference curves from


Cobb Douglas preferences

marginal utility.

Marginal utility and MRS

BUDGET LINE CO2 LOB Active Written

participatio exam
Budget constraint n of
students /Part of Quiz
Properties of budget set,
Shift in budget line and

Effect on budget line due

to taxes and subsidy

PRODUCTION CO2 LOB Class Question/

Basic production
Total, Average and
Marginal Product.

The technical rate of


PRODUCTION CO2 LOB Class Dérivation/

ANALYSIS lecture Practice

Iso quant and Iso cost

Least-cost factor

Producer equilibrium.
Returns to scale.

COST AND REVENUE LOB Active Numerical /

ANALYSIS participatio Problems
CO2 n of
Various cost concepts. students
The cost of production:
Short-run cost, long-run


ANALYSIS Lecture/ Answer

Revenue and revenue Discussion

curves: Total, average and
marginal revenues.


MARKET CO3 LO,C Class Question /

13 Market and its forms.

Price and out-put under

perfect competition.

14 MARKET CO3 LO,C Class Derivation /

STRUCTURES AND Lecture practice
Price and out-put under
monopoly, duopoly,
oligopoly and
monopolistic competition.

FIRM SUPPLY CO3 LO,C Class Question /

Lecture Answer
Markets environment, The
15 inverse supply function,

The long run supply curve

Final Exam Written Graded

Activity activity
of 50

2. Grade Distribution
Final Exam: 50%
Mid-Term Exam: 25%
Assignments, Quizzes 25%
3. Misc. Instructions:
 Class Participation:
The Participant is responsible for all information presented in class (unless
told otherwise) and all information in the reading assignments, whether or not
covered by the instructor. In case of absence it is the participant’s
responsibility to get class notes, handouts, and/or directions from a classmate.
 Quiz Policy/Assignments:
 If you miss a Quiz you get zero in that Quiz. You will lose 10 points if you
deliver your assignment / report after the given date.
 Final and Midterm Papers :
A student found in cheating on any exam his/her case will be referred to
Unfair Means Committee (UFM) that may result in no credit (i.e. no grade)
for that exam. A deduction from the sessional marks and financial penalties
are other possibilities as decided by the committee.

4. Text Book(s): Deviga Vengedasalam , Karunagaran Madhavan (Latest Edition)

5. Teaching Methodology: The teaching of the course will be via a series of
lectures. This will be complemented by the use of class notes and handouts.
Participants should expect 4-6 quizzes during the semester. Quizzes will be
unannounced. There shall be no makeup quizzes for missed sessions and/or low
scoring quizzes. Submission deadlines for assignments and cases will not be
extended. Participants shall not waste their time and energies to plead for one.

6. Instructor’s Profile: Rabia Saghir: Assistant Professor (PhD In Progress)

7. Final Comments: Regularity and punctuality will be very strictly observed. You
have an allowance of only six absences .This includes the leaves that are
approved from your Batch Advisor. In case you are absent in six classes, you will
get an ‘F’ in the course. Regarding punctuality, you will be marked present only if
you arrive in the class within five minutes of the scheduled time.
8. Yahoo Group:

[email protected]

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