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Republican Party of Arkansas


Edition 20100619

State Committee Meeting

June 19, 2010
Little Rock, Arkansas

Doyle Webb, Chairman

Rules Committee of the Republican Party of Arkansas

Tom Lundstrum, Chairman

Twila Brown
Jim Burnett
Bobbi Dodge
Reta Hamilton
Joe LeBlanc
Duane Neal
Matthew Sheppard
Chris Stewart
Gordon Warren

RPA Rules Version 20100619

1 Rules of the Republican Party of Arkansas
3 Preamble .................................................................................................. 2
5 Article I, General Provisions ................................................................ 3
7 Article II, County Committee .............................................................. 13
9 Article III, Congressional District Committee ....................................... 33
11 Article IV, State Committee .................................................................. 40
13 Article V, State Executive Committee.................................................. 47
15 Article VI, Filing Fees…………………………………………………...52

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3 Declaration
5 The express purpose of these rules is to provide for the free and unhampered right of
6 the individual electors of Arkansas to participate in the nomination of their choice.
8 Party Objectives
10 The Republican Party of Arkansas declares its objectives to be:
12 1. The election of qualified Republican candidates to every public office, and
14 2. The fulfillment of the needs of the citizens of Arkansas in a manner
15 consistent with the beliefs and principles of the Republican Party.
17 Party Principles
19 Republicans believe:
21 1. That the individual citizens are willing and capable of managing their own
22 affairs without government intervention.
24 2. That the local, state and national governments must pursue policies
25 designed to encourage individual initiative and induce people to be
26 responsible for their own economic, political, and social well-being.
28 3. The primary function of government is to protect the life, common liberty
29 and property of the governed, to prevent fraud and misinterpretation, and
30 to invoke a common justice.
32 4. That when a function is undertaken by government, it should be performed
33 by that government closest to the people which will provide as much
34 direct control by those affected as reason and wisdom require to assure
35 freedom and liberty to all citizens with justice under the law.
37 5. That our national stability and expansion of the free enterprise system can
38 be best assured by application of the Constitutional principles that unite
39 the American people.

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5 Sections
7 1. Party Membership and Authority
9 2. Party Organization
11 3. Finance
13 4. Candidates for Public Office
15 5. Primary Elections
17 6. State Convention
19 7. Delegates to National Convention
21 8. Parliamentary Procedure
23 9. Proxies
25 Section 1 – Party Membership and Authority
27 A. Membership in the Republican Party of Arkansas shall be open to all
28 qualified electors. No oath, pledge, or statement of belief shall ever be
29 required as a condition.
31 B. The final authority in all party matters shall rest in the biennial Republican
32 State Convention, which shall be deemed to have delegated such interim
33 authority to the State Committee and Executive Committee as is necessary
34 to carry out the purposes and objectives of the party.
36 Section 2 – Party Organization
38 The party organization of the Republican Party of Arkansas shall consist of the
39 following bodies:
41 A. The Republican State Committee.
43 B. The State Executive Committee.

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1 C. The Finance Committee, Budget Committee, Audit Committee
2 Congressional District Committees, all allied Republican organizations
3 including: Arkansas Federation of Republican Women, Arkansas
4 Republican County Chairman’s Association, Arkansas Federation of
5 Young Republicans, Arkansas Federation of College Republicans,
6 Teenage Republicans of Arkansas, Minority Caucus, and other
7 Committees of the Republican State Committee.
9 D. The Republican County Committees and such other subordinate
10 committees as the rules of a County Committee may provide.
12 Section 3 – Finance
14 A. The State Finance Committee shall include the Finance Chairman, the
15 Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer, the National Committeeman, the
16 National Committeewoman, the State Chairman, the State 1st Vice-
17 Chairman, and additional members the State Chairman shall appoint. The
18 Finance Committee shall be responsible for developing and implementing
19 an annual fund-raising program to provide funding for the annual budget.
20 Subcommittees of the State Finance Committee for fund-raising shall be
21 chaired by the appointees of the State Chairman.
23 B. Each County Chairman shall organize a Finance Committee which will
24 include the Treasurer and County Chairman.
26 C. The State Budget Committee shall include the State 1st Vice Chairman,
27 who shall serve as the Committee Chairman, the State Chairman, the
28 Treasurer, the State 2nd Vice Chairman, the State Finance Chairman, and
29 four (4) additional members appointed by the State Chairman, one (1)
30 member from each Congressional District. All members shall be voting
31 members.
33 D. The Budget Committee shall meet no later than September 15 of each year
34 for the preparation of the annual operating budget to be submitted to the
35 State Committee Members with the call for the December State
36 Committee Meeting. The budget shall be presented for approval at the
37 December Meeting of the State Committee.

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1 E. The budget shall be the basic planning document for the Party for the next
2 calendar year, which shall be the fiscal year, and shall include estimates of
3 income amounts and sources, estimated costs of fund-raising activities and
4 proposed expenditures, subdivided into appropriate categories, including
5 the proposed amount to be allocated for candidates. The Budget
6 Committee shall assure that the budget is prepared in accordance with
7 generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and that the information
8 included in the budget is complete, setting forth all estimated revenues and
9 expenditures of the State Party. The budget will project revenues and
10 expenditures by time period and will include projected cash flow to assure
11 that revenue will be adequate to cover budgeted items.
13 F. The Budget Committee will have continuing general oversight authority
14 and shall meet quarterly to review the status of the approved budget to
15 ensure that actual or anticipated expenditures do not exceed actual or
16 anticipated revenues, including reserves. After adoption of the annual
17 budget by the State Committee, supplemental budget requests for any
18 budget item that will exceed the budgeted amount by five percent (5%),
19 shall be prepared by the Budget Committee and submitted to the
20 Executive Committee for approval. The Treasurer’s financial report at
21 each Executive Committee meeting and State Committee meeting shall
22 include total receipts and total disbursements, by time period, and any
23 revisions to the approved budget
25 G. The Budget Committee shall also perform other duties as the State
26 Committee or the Executive Committee may assign.
28 H. The State Audit Committee shall consist of the State 2nd Vice Chairman,
29 who shall serve as Committee Chair, the State Treasurer and one (1)
30 member, appointed by the State Chairman, from each of the Congressional
31 Districts.
33 I. The Audit Committee shall establish an appropriate system of financial
34 controls, monitor the effectiveness of such controls, select an accounting
35 firm to conduct an annual independent audit of the Party’s financial
36 records, supervise the conduct of the audit, and report to the Executive
37 Committee and the State Committee on compliance with established
38 financial controls and practices and these bylaws, the results of the audit
39 and compliance with any policy and procedures established by this
40 Committee. The Audit Committee shall report to the State committee the
41 actions of any officer, employee, or agent of the State Committee which,
42 in its opinion, is in violation of these controls and practices, bylaws or the
43 policies and procedures established by the committee.
45 J. The committee shall also perform other duties as the State Committee or
46 the Executive Committee may assign.

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2 K. Expenditure Controls:
4 1) The Executive Committee shall have the authority to adopt prudent and
5 reasonable controls, policies and procedures for the establishment,
6 approval and expenditure of all special funds and bank accounts of the
7 State Party in compliance with applicable laws and these bylaws. The
8 Executive Committee shall require two signers for checks issued on all
9 bank accounts of the State Party. These provisions extend to any account
10 that bears the State Party’s Federal ID number or requires that the State
11 Party assume any liability or fiduciary responsibility (hereinafter “bank
12 account(s)”). Use of a mechanical signature (digital, stamped, etc.) on any
13 check, bank document, tax document or FEC report is prohibited.
15 2) The Executive Committee may authorize the Executive Director (a) to be a
16 signatory on all bank accounts of the State Party and (b) to supervise and
17 control expenditures from the bank accounts of the State Party. The State
18 Chairman and State Treasurer shall also be authorized as signatories on all
19 bank accounts of the State Party. All signatories on any State Party bank
20 account shall keep in force and effect a fifty thousand dollar ($50,000)
21 Surety Bond. The cost of said bond shall be paid by the State Party. Any
22 person not bondable is immediately disqualified as an account signatory.
24 3) There shall be no disbursement of State Party funds except in
25 accordance with the approved budget as amended.
27 4) Any proposed financial transaction between the Republican Party of
28 Arkansas and any entity owned, operated, or represented by an elected
29 officer of the Party, a member of the Executive Committee, Budget
30 Committee or Audit Committee shall be approved by a majority vote
31 of the Executive Committee before the transaction is consummated.
33 L. Financial Reporting:
35 1) The Executive Director shall submit to the Executive Committee and
36 the Budget Committee a monthly report, by the 10th of the month
37 following, comparing actual revenue and expenditures to budgeted
38 revenue and expenditures by line item. The Executive Director shall
39 prepare other written reports that the Executive Committee or the
40 Budget Committee may require.
42 2) Any member of the Executive Committee, the Budget Committee or
43 the Audit Committee shall have full access to the financial records of
44 the State Party during regular business hours. Documents and records
45 may not be removed from the office(s) of the State Party or its

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1 designee with the exception that the Chairman of the Audit Committee
2 may make copies of financial records for use by the Audit Committee.
4 3) The Executive Committee shall cause to be prepared and filed all
5 financial reports required by federal, state and local laws, including
6 payroll tax returns, income tax returns and campaign finance
7 disclosure reports and shall be responsible to assure the accuracy of
8 such reports. The treasurer shall monitor and supervise the preparation
9 of such reports and shall sign reports as a duty of that position.
11 4) Any State Committee Member may review regular quarterly and
12 annual reports during regular business hours of the State Party office.
14 M. General Financial Procedures
16 1) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) shall be employed
17 by the State Party in all daily accounting and bookkeeping functions.
19 2) No one is empowered to incur indebtedness or financial obligation on
20 the part of the Republican Party of Arkansas unless budgeted and
21 expressly authorized by the State Committee, the Executive
22 Committee or the State Chairman.
24 3) The Executive Committee may employ a qualified bookkeeper to
25 assist the Executive Director in the preparation of budgets, financial
26 reports and in maintaining all bank accounts of the State Party. The
27 bookkeeper shall assist the Treasurer in preparing all tax reports,
28 campaign disclosure reports, FEC reports, and any other reports
29 required by law. The bookkeeper shall have formal training in FEC
30 regulations, compliance procedures and reporting procedures.
32 Section 4 – Candidates for Public Office
34 A. Candidates shall possess those qualifications required by the laws of
35 Arkansas and the United States of America, shall affirm their concurrence
36 with the principles and objectives of the Republican Party of Arkansas,
37 and pay the prescribed filing fees.
39 1. Candidates for United States, State, and State District offices shall pay
40 fees as required by the State Executive Committee, to the Republican
41 Party of Arkansas as set forth in Article VI.
43 2. Candidates for county, township, and municipal offices shall pay such
44 filing fees as are required by their County Committee, as set forth in
45 Article VI.

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1 B. When any unopposed candidate for any public office in a Republican
2 Primary Election shall, after the time for filing has expired, die or resign his
3 candidacy, the State Committee in the case of a state or district office, or
4 the County Committee, in the case of a county or township office, may,
5 upon ascertaining such vacancy and provided same does not occur later
6 than thirty (30) days prior to the preferential primary election, permit other
7 candidates to qualify, at such time in such manner as the appropriate
8 committee may determine, and upon such notice as such committee shall
9 direct, and any candidate so qualifying shall be deemed to have regularly
10 qualified as a candidate.
12 C. Upon vacancy in nomination or office, the State Chairman shall give
13 proper notification as to the method by which the vacancy shall be filled. If
14 the Chairman’s intent is to fill the vacancy by a convention of delegates,
15 the State Committee shall be convened as a convention of delegates to fill
16 all statewide races; in a Congressional District, the Congressional District
17 Committee shall be convened as a convention of delegates; in a state
18 legislative or county race, the committee(s) of the county or counties in
19 which the vacancy occurs shall be convened as a convention of delegates.
21 D. No candidate shall be permitted to resign his or her candidacy subsequent
22 to the noon of the thirtieth (30th) day prior to the primary election, and the
23 names of all who remain candidates after that date, except in the case of
24 death, shall be printed on the ballot in those races where there are two or
25 more candidates.
27 Section 5 – Primary Elections
29 A. The Republican Party in each county shall hold a primary election in every
30 even-numbered year.
32 1. Except for support of candidates in a presidential preferential
33 primary, the State Chairman, National Committeeman, National
34 Committeewoman, County Chairmen, County Election
35 Commissioners, County Committees and State Party employees
36 shall not endorse or otherwise publicly show favoritism to one
37 Republican candidate over another prior to the Republican nominee
38 being selected. State Executive Committee and the respective
39 County Committees, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members
40 present at any regular or duly announced special meeting may vote
41 that a particular candidate is not a recommended candidate.
43 2. If any of the above named Party Officers should become a
44 candidate in a contested Party Primary election, he or she shall
45 within one (1) business day either resign the Party Office or
46 withdraw from the candidacy.

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1 3. The State Committee, in the case of Federal, State and District
2 candidates, and the County Committee, in the case of all other
3 candidates, shall be responsible for determining the qualifications of
4 candidates seeking nomination by the Republican Party, provide
5 necessary applications for candidacy, accept and process the
6 applications and determine the order of its ballot, in accordance
7 with state law. They shall file all required certifications with the
8 State Secretary, Secretary of the State, and their respective county
9 clerk in a timely fashion, in accordance with state law.
11 B. The County Chairman shall cause to be published once a week for two (2) consecutive
12 weeks in the newspaper of general circulation within their respective counties, not
13 earlier than forty five (45) days nor later than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the
14 preferential primary filing period, notice of the name and address of the Secretary of
15 the County Committee with whom all persons desiring to be Republican candidates for
16 public office or County Committeeman/woman and delegates to the County
17 Convention shall pay their filing fees, such notice to state the last day and hour which
18 such candidates may legally qualify.
20 C. Republican candidates filing for County Committeeman/woman and
21 delegate to the County Convention may file “at large” if their precinct
22 allocation is filled. The number of candidates permitted to file “at large”
23 in any precinct is limited to a number equal to the number of members
24 allocated to that precinct by the formula in Article I, Section 2A or 2B.
25 The total number of candidates filed for County Committeeman/woman
26 and delegate to the County Convention may not exceed the authorized
27 total county membership.
29 D. For those counties that do not include Early and Absentee Votes in each
30 precinct total the Early and Absentee Votes cast may be allocated back to
31 the precincts on the basis of votes cast in a precinct vs. total votes cast in
32 all precincts (excluding Early and Absentee Votes). The new precinct
33 totals may be used in the calculation of the number of members allocated
34 to each precinct.
37 Section 6 – State Conventions
39 A. The Republican Party of Arkansas shall hold a statewide convention each
40 even-numbered year. The membership of the State Convention shall be
41 composed of delegates or alternates from each of the seventy-five (75)
42 counties based upon the following formula:
44 1. Three (3) delegates from each county.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 9

1 2. One (1) delegate for each one thousand (1000) votes or majority
2 fraction thereof cast for the Republican candidate for Governor in
3 the immediately preceding gubernatorial election.
5 3. One (1) delegate for each Republican holding countywide office.
7 4. One (1) delegate for each Republican holding the office of Justice
8 of the Peace.
10 5. Each county shall be entitled to one (1) alternate delegate for each
11 delegate. In the absence of any delegate, the roll of the alternates
12 shall be called in the order in which the names are placed upon the
13 roll of the convention.
15 B. The State Party shall notify each County Chairman and Secretary, at least sixty
16 (60) days before the date of the County Convention, the number of delegates and
17 alternates each county shall be allocated. Delegates and alternates to the State
18 Convention shall be elected by the County Convention.
20 C. Ninety (90) days prior to the convening of the State Convention, the State
21 Chairman shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, name at least five
22 (5) persons to each Standing Convention Committee, i.e., Arrangements,
23 Temporary and Permanent Organizations, Credentials, Rules, Memorials,
24 Platforms and Resolutions, and other convention committees deemed necessary.
26 D. Credentials of each delegate and alternate to the State Convention shall be filed
27 with the Secretary of the State Committee at State Party Headquarters by the
28 Chairman and the Secretary of the County Committee no later than ten (10) days
29 after the County Convention. The Secretary of the State Committee shall then
30 prepare the temporary roll of the delegates and alternates. Fifteen (15) days prior
31 to the date of the State Convention a call, issued by the State Party, shall be mailed
32 to all delegates and alternates for whom credentials were filed with the Secretary
33 of the State Committee within ten (10) days following the County Convention.
35 E. All contests of election of delegates and alternates to the State Convention shall be
36 heard by the Credentials Committee. Any delegate or alternate rejected by the
37 Credentials committee shall have the right of appeal to the floor. The Credentials
38 Committee shall report its findings to the convention. No delegate or alternate
39 shall be entitled to vote, until such delegate or alternate has been placed on the
40 temporary roll, or seated by the convention. No delegate or alternate shall be
41 permitted to vote upon his or her contest.
43 F. All proposed rule changes and/or proposed platform provisions shall be filed with
44 the appropriate committee at least 60 days prior to the date of the convention.
45 Those proposed rule changes and/or proposed platform resolutions recommended
46 for adoption at the State Convention shall be mailed by the appropriate committee
47 to each County Chairman 30 days before the date of the convention. It shall be the

RPA Rules Version 20100619 10

1 responsibility of every County Chairman to inform their delegates and alternates to
2 the State Convention of the proposed rules changes and/or proposed platform
3 resolutions. Copies of proposed rules changes and/or proposed platform
4 resolutions will not be mailed to delegates and alternates by the State Party.
6 G. The convention shall first elect a Temporary Chairman and a Temporary Secretary,
7 and after the report of the Credentials Committee and the hearing of any contests that
8 may be brought before the convention, the convention shall then proceed to organize
9 by the election of a permanent chairman and a permanent Secretary. The convention
10 shall proceed in the order of business prepared by the Rules Committee.
12 H. A majority of delegation in any five counties may request a roll call vote,
13 on any issue, and in the event a roll call is taken, the counties shall be
14 called in alphabetical order.
16 I. No person shall be permitted to speak more than once or longer than five
17 (5) minutes on the same question, except by leave of the convention. The
18 person making a motion shall be entitled to speak twice on the motion,
19 initially upon making as well as closing the argument for the motion.
21 J. Each delegate shall be entitled to one (1) vote which may be cast by an
22 alternate in the absence of the delegate.
24 K. In the absence of any delegate, a roll of alternates shall be called in the
25 order in which the names were certified by the State Secretary from the
26 respective County Conventions.
28 L. A convention may, by majority vote, upon a motion duly made and
29 seconded, recess, adjourn to a specified date, adjourn to a call by the
30 chairman, or adjourn sine die. When a convention has adjourned sine die,
31 it has no further authority.
34 Section 7 – Delegates to the National Convention
36 A. The total number of delegates and alternates to the Republican National
37 Convention shall be determined in accordance with the Republican National
38 Convention last held. The election of delegates and alternates to the next
39 Republican National Convention shall be consistent with the rules adopted by the
40 Republican Convention last held and certified as therein provided.
42 B. Procedures for election of delegates or alternates shall be established by the State
43 Committee in accordance with the applicable laws of the State of Arkansas and the
44 rules of the Republican National Committee. On or before September 1 of the year
45 before the year in which the National Convention is to be held, the State
46 Committee shall adopt rules, procedures, policies, and instructive materials

RPA Rules Version 20100619 11

1 (prepared pursuant to rule number 14(A) of R.N.C. rules) governing the selection
2 of delegates and alternate delegates to the national convention to convene during
3 the following year, and shall certify and file with the Secretary of the Republican
4 National Committee true copies of the same and of all statutes governing the
5 selection of such delegates and alternate delegates. Any subsequent amendments
6 to or changes in such statutes, rules, procedures, policies, and materials shall be
7 filed with Secretary of the Republican National Committee within twenty-one (21)
8 days after the date of the amendment or change.
10 C. The Arkansas delegation shall elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary,
11 and shall adhere to the instructions, if any, of the State Committee.
13 D. In the absence of any alternate, the position shall be filled by a majority
14 vote of the delegates present in caucus.
17 Section 8 – Parliamentary Procedures
19 Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (10th edition or later revisions adopted by the
20 Rules Committee) shall apply in all cases not specifically covered by these rules, and
21 in the event of a conflict between these rules and Robert’s Rules of Order, the former
22 shall apply.
25 Section 9 – Proxies
27 Any member of any committee governed by these rules may issue a written proxy for
28 any meeting of the committee except for meetings of the Executive Committee. This
29 proxy must be presented to the Secretary of the committee by a qualified voter from
30 the same county committee, district committee, or allied Republican organization as
31 the person giving the proxy. Republican members of the Arkansas Legislature may
32 issue a written proxy to any member of the above named committees or any member
33 of an allied Republican organization. No person shall present more than two (2)
34 proxies. No person, including persons holding proxies, may cast more than one vote
35 on any issue or election. Proxies may not be voted in the selection of delegates and
36 alternates to the Republican National Convention. At any meeting proxies shall be
37 counted for quorum purposes.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 12

1 Article II – County Committee
6 Declaration
8 The express purpose of these rules is to provide for the free and unhampered right of
9 the individual electors of _________ County to participate in the nominations of their
10 choice.
12 Party Objectives
14 The Republican Party of ___________ County declares its objectives to be:
16 1. The election of qualified Republican candidates to every public office.
18 2. The fulfillment of the needs of the citizens of Arkansas in a manner consistent
19 with the beliefs and principles of the Republican Party.
21 Party Principles
23 Republicans believe:
25 1. That the individual citizen is willing and capable of managing his own affairs
26 without government intervention.
28 2. That the local, state and national governments must pursue policies designed
29 to encourage individual initiative and induce people to be responsible for their
30 own economic, political, and social well-being.
32 3. That the primary function of government is to protect the life, common liberty
33 and property of the governed, to prevent fraud and misinterpretation, and to
34 invoke a common justice.
36 4. That when a function is undertaken by government, it should be performed by
37 that government closest to the people which will provide as much direct
38 control by those affected as reason and wisdom require to assure freedom and
39 liberty to all citizens with justice under the law.
41 5. That our national stability and expansion of the free enterprise system can be
42 best assured by application of the Constitutional principles that unite the
43 American people.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 13

3 Sections
5 1. General Provisions
7 2. Membership and Authority
9 3. Organization
11 4. Standing Committees
13 5. Meetings
15 6. Order of Business
17 7. Duties of County Committeemen/women
19 8. Duties of County Committee
21 9. Duties of County Officers
23 10. Election of Officers
25 11. Vacancies
27 12. Removal
29 13. County Convention
31 14. Filing Fees
33 15. Parliamentary Procedure
35 16. Rules of the County Committee
37 17. Rules Review Committee

RPA Rules Version 20100619 14

1 Section 1 – General Provisions
3 A. The organization name shall be the Republican Party of ________ County
4 (RP_C), also referred to as the “County Committee”
6 B. The purpose of this organization is to assist in the election of qualified
7 Republican candidates to public office and to fulfill the needs of the citizens
8 of _______ County and the State of Arkansas in a manner consistent with the
9 beliefs and principles of The Republican Party.
11 C. Meeting notices to members of the County Committee may be transmitted by
12 facsimile, email or other electronic means if the member has provided an
13 email address or fax number for this purpose to the Secretary of the County
14 Committee. All members who have not provided such information shall
15 receive meeting notices by U.S. Mail.
17 Section 2 – Membership and Authority
19 A. Membership in the Republican Party of ________ County shall be open to all
20 qualified electors. No oath or pledge shall ever be required as a condition.
22 B. County Committee Members of the Republican Party of ________ County
23 shall be elected through the Republican primary elections held in even-
24 numbered years and shall be composed of one (1) member from each precinct
25 in _______ County as established by the County Board of Election
26 Commissioners and one (1) additional member from each precinct for each
27 100 votes or major fraction thereof cast in that precinct for Republican
28 nominee for governor in the last gubernatorial election preceding the primary
29 election of the County Committee.
31 C. As an alternative, the County Committee as elected through the Republican
32 Primary Elections held in even-numbered years may be composed of one (1)
33 member from each precinct for each fifty (50) votes or major fraction thereof
34 cast in the precinct for the Republican nominee for governor in the last
35 gubernatorial election preceding the primary election of the County
36 Committee.
38 D. The final authority shall be the Biennial County Convention and the Biennial
39 State Convention. The County Convention is deemed to have delegated
40 interim authority to the County Committee necessary to achieve the purpose
41 and objectives of the Republican Party of ___________County and the
42 Republican Party of Arkansas.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 15

1 Primary Elections:
3 A. The Republican Party of _______ County (RP_C) shall hold a primary
4 election in every even-numbered year in accordance with the election laws of
5 Arkansas.
7 B. Except support for candidates in a presidential preferential primary, the
8 County Chairman, County Election Commissioner or County Committee shall
9 not endorse or otherwise publicly show favoritism to one candidate over
10 another in a contested Republican primary. The County Committee, by a two-
11 thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any regular or duly announced
12 special meeting, with a quorum of such committee in attendance, may vote
13 that a particular candidate is not a recommended candidate.
15 C. If either of the above named Party Officers should become a candidate in a
16 contested Party Primary election, he or she shall, within one (1) business day,
17 either resign the Party Office or withdraw from the candidacy.
19 D. The County Committee shall be responsible for determining the qualifications
20 of candidates seeking nomination by the Republican Party. Candidates shall
21 possess those qualifications required by the laws of Arkansas and the United
22 States of America, shall affirm their concurrence with the principles and
23 objectives of the Republican Party of Arkansas and pay the prescribed filing
24 fees.
26 E. The County Chairman and County Secretary are charged with the
27 responsibility to provide candidates all necessary information about the filing
28 process, filing forms and filing fees, receive and process the filing forms and
29 determine the order of the ballot, in accordance with state law. Within each
30 county, the political party primary elections shall be conducted by the county
31 board of election commissioners. [AR Code 7-7-201(b)(1)] The county board
32 of election commissioners shall certify the nomination of all county, township,
33 and municipal officers to the county committee of the political party, state
34 committee of the political party and county clerk. [AR Code 7-7-401(a)]
36 F. The Chairman of the County Committee shall cause to be published once a
37 week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation
38 within the county, not earlier than forty five (45) days and not later than
39 fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the preferential primary filing period,
40 notice of the name and contact information for the Secretary of the County
41 Committee with whom all persons desiring to be Republican candidates for
42 public office or County Committeeman/woman and delegates to the County
43 Convention shall pay their filing fees, such notice to state the last day and
44 hour which such candidates may legally qualify.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 16

2 G. Republican candidates filing for County Committeeman/woman and delegate
3 to the County Convention may file “at large” if their precinct allocation is
4 filled. The number of candidates permitted to file “at large” in any precinct is
5 limited to a number equal to the number of members allocated to that precinct
6 by the formula in Section 2.B or 2.C. The total number of candidates filed for
7 County Committeeman/woman and delegate to the County Convention may
8 not exceed the authorized county membership based on the formula in Section
9 2.B or 2.C.
11 H. For those counties that do not include Early and Absentee Votes in each
12 precinct total, the Early and Absentee Votes cast may be allocated back to the
13 precincts on the basis of votes cast in a precinct vs. total votes cast in all
14 precincts (excluding Early and Absentee Votes). The new precinct totals may
15 be used in the calculation of the number of members allocated to each
16 precinct.
19 Section 3 – Organization
21 A. The __________ County Republican Committee shall be organized at the first
22 meeting of the committee immediately following the Biennial County
23 Convention. In addition to the Order of Business (Section 6) the Committee
24 shall elect a District Committeeman, District Committeewoman and members
25 of the District Committee. District Committee Members shall be elected
26 based on the formula of one (1) District Committee Member for each 2000
27 votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for the Republican nominee for Governor
28 in the last preceding gubernatorial general election.
30 B. The Republican Party of _____________County shall consist of the following
31 bodies:
33 1. County Committee
35 2. Executive Committee
37 3. Required Standing Committee (s)
39 4. Optional Standing Committees (as established by the County
40 Committee)
42 5. Ad-hoc Committees (as established by the County Committee)

RPA Rules Version 20100619 17

1 Executive Committee
3 A. The Executive Committee shall consist of:
5 1. Chairman of the County Committee
7 2. First Vice-Chairman of the County Committee
9 3. Second Vice-Chairman of the County Committee
11 4. Third Vice-Chairman of the County Committee (Optional)
13 5. Secretary of the County Committee
15 6. Treasurer of the County Committee
17 7. State Committeeman (Optional)
19 8. State Committeewoman (Optional)
21 9. The immediate past Chairman of the County Committee (Optional)
23 10. Chairmen of Standing Committees (Optional)
25 11. Chairmen of Ad-hoc Committees (Optional)
27 12. Representative of Allied Republican Organizations (Optional)
30 B. The Executive Committee shall meet at such times as the County Chairman or
31 a majority of the members thereof may deem appropriate or necessary.
33 C. At least one-half (1/2) of the members of the Executive Committee shall be
34 required to constitute a quorum.
36 D. Minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be recorded by the
37 Secretary of the Committee.
39 E. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the plans and operations of
40 the County Committee; shall evaluate and recruit qualified Republican
41 candidates for the County, Township and City offices; and shall perform such
42 other duties as the County Committee may delegate.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 18

1 Section 4 - Standing Committees
3 The County Chairman shall appoint the Chairman and members of all
4 Standing Committees, with approval of the County Committee, within forty
5 five (45) days following the election of County Committee Officers.
9 Finance Committee
11 A. The Finance Committee shall consist of:
13 1. The Treasurer of the County Committee.
15 2. The Chairman of the County Committee.
17 3. The Finance Committee Chairman and additional County Committee
18 members, appointed by the County Chairman and approved by the County
19 Committee.
21 B. The Finance Committee shall develop a budget for the activities and duties of
22 the County Committee as prescribed in the Rules of the Republican Party of
23 Arkansas.
25 C. Proposed expenditures, unless budgeted or recommended by the Finance
26 Committee, shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a
27 meeting of the County Committee.
29 D. The budget for the calendar year shall be presented at the ________ (month)
30 meeting for approval by the County Committee.
32 E. The Finance Committee shall have the authority to adopt prudent and
33 reasonable controls, policies and procedures for the establishment, approval
34 and expenditure of all special funds and bank accounts of the County
35 Committee in compliance with applicable state and federal laws and these
36 bylaws. These provisions extend to any account that bears the County
37 Committee’s federal ID number or requires that the County Committee
38 assume any liability or fiduciary responsibility (hereinafter “bank
39 accounts(s)”. Use of a mechanical signature (digital, stamped, etc.) on any
40 check, bank document, tax document or FEC report is prohibited.
42 F. Any proposed financial transaction between the Republican Party of
43 ________ County and any entity owned, operated, or represented by an
44 elected officer of the Committee, a member of the Executive Committee,

RPA Rules Version 20100619 19

1 Budget Committee or Audit Committee must be approved by the County
2 Committee before the transaction is consummated
7 Audit Committee (Optional)
9 A. The financial books of the County Committee shall be closed at the end of
10 December of even numbered years and audited within thirty (30) days
11 following the election of County Committee Officers by a competent person
12 approved by the Executive Committee.
14 B. The Audit Committee shall consist of a member of the Executive Committee,
15 who shall serve as Committee Chair, the incoming County Committee
16 Treasurer and one (1) member of the county committee, appointed by the
17 County Chairman.
19 C. The Audit Committee shall establish an appropriate system of financial
20 controls, monitor the effectiveness of such controls, conduct an audit, report to
21 the Executive Committee the results of the audit and compliance with any
22 policy and procedures established by this Committee. The Audit Committee
23 shall report to the County Committee the actions of any officer, employee, or
24 agent of the County Committee which, in its opinion, is in violation of these
25 controls and practices, bylaws or the policies and procedures established by
26 the committee.
28 D. The committee shall also perform other duties as the County Committee or the
29 Executive Committee may assign.
32 General Financial Procedures
34 1. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) shall be employed by the
35 County Committee in all daily accounting and bookkeeping functions.
37 2. No one is empowered to incur indebtedness or financial obligation on the part
38 of the Republican Party of __________ County unless budgeted and expressly
39 authorized by the County Committee, and approved by the Executive
40 Committee.
42 3. The Executive Committee may employ a qualified bookkeeper to assist the
43 Treasurer in the preparation of budgets, financial reports and in maintaining
44 all bank accounts of the County Committee, the campaign disclosure reports,

RPA Rules Version 20100619 20

1 and any other reports required by law. The bookkeeper shall have formal
2 training in compliance procedures and reporting procedures.
4 4. Any member of the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, or the
5 Audit Committee shall have full access to the financial records of the County
6 Committee during regular business hours. Documents and records may not be
7 removed from the office(s) of the County Committee or its designee with the
8 exception that the Chairman of the Audit Committee may make copies of
9 financial records for use by the Audit Committee.
11 5. Any County Committee Member may review the Treasurer’s reports during
12 regular business hours or at regular committee meetings.
17 Section 5 – Meetings
19 A. The Republican Party of _____________ County shall meet _______
20 (monthly, bi-monthly, etc.), on the ____________ (time of month, first
21 Monday, second Tuesday, etc), at a time and place to be designated by the
22 Chairman and approved by a majority of the County Committee. A minimum
23 of nine (9) meetings shall be conducted each year.
25 B. One-fourth (1/4) of the total number of members of the County Committee
26 shall constitute a quorum for regularly scheduled meetings. A quorum is
27 required for the transaction of business requiring a vote of the members.
29 C. Special meetings may be called by one-fourth (1/4) of the total number of
30 members of the committee, provided that in no instance shall any special
31 meeting be called by less than five (5) members. Written notice of the time,
32 place, date and purpose shall be transmitted to each member of the committee
33 at least ten (10) days in advance, unless the total membership of the
34 committee is present at the meeting. Written notice may be transmitted by
35 facsimile, email or other electronic means if the member has provided an
36 email address or fax number to the Secretary of the County Committee for this
37 purpose. All members who have not provided such information shall receive
38 the notice by U.S. Mail. One third (1/3) of the total number of members of
39 the committee shall constitute a quorum at all special meetings.
41 D. No action shall be taken by the County Committee on proposal to fill
42 vacancies, adopt or amend rules, or elect any officers or assess filing fees
43 unless the proposal shall have been set forth in the written notice calling the
44 meeting. The notice shall be mailed to each member at least (10) days before
45 the meeting date. Electronic means may be employed for notification if a

RPA Rules Version 20100619 21

1 member has provided an email address or fax number to the Secretary of the
2 County Committee for this purpose.
4 E. Any member of the County Committee may issue a written proxy for any
5 meeting of the County Committee. This proxy must be presented to the
6 Secretary of the Committee by a registered voter from within the county. No
7 person shall present more than two (2) proxies. No person, including persons
8 holding proxies, may cast more than one (1) vote on any issue or election. At
9 any meeting proxies shall be counted for quorum purposes.
13 Section 6 – Order of Business
15 The order of business in all committee meetings shall generally proceed as follows:
16 1. Establish quorum
17 2. Call to Order ( Prayer and Pledge)
18 3. Recognition of visitors
19 4. Reading, correcting, and approval of minutes
20 5. Treasurer’s Report
21 6. Reports of Committees
22 7. Unfinished business
23 8. New business
24 9. Inquiries on all matters of interest to the Republican Committee
25 10. General Discussion
28 Section 7 – Duties of County Committeemen/women
30 Committee members shall be responsible for canvassing and organizing their
31 respective precincts, appointing precinct captains, procuring qualified Republican
32 candidates, raising party funds, identifying qualified election judges and clerks,
33 assisting the officers of the County Committee, and supporting and working to elect
34 Republican candidates.
37 Section 8 – Duties of County Committee
39 The County Committee shall make every reasonable effort to accomplish the
40 objectives of the Republican Party of Arkansas, maintain sufficient funds to conduct
41 party activities, procure and elect qualified Republican candidates, and conduct the
42 affairs of the County Committee in such a manner as will result in respect by the
43 electorate.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 22

1 Section 9 – Duties of County Officers [Note: Duties may vary from County to
2 County as established by the County Committee Rules]
4 A. County Chairman:
5 The County Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the County Committee and
6 the County Executive Committee, shall coordinate the political activities of the
7 county, shall assist Republican candidates in organizing, planning, and
8 conducting their respective campaigns in the county, and may serve as a member
9 of the County Election Commission. The County Chairman may take filings in
10 election years in the absence of the Secretary. The County Chairman shall
11 appoint Finance Committee Members and shall serve on the Finance Committee.
12 The County Chairman shall appoint all chairpersons and members to serve on all
13 standing and ad-hoc committees.
15 B. The First Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties of the County Chairman in
16 presiding over meetings in the absence of the Chairman; shall chair one of the
17 Standing Committees, as well as coordinate the activities of all the standing
18 committees and any other such committees as the Chairman might establish,
19 assist the Chairman in the selection of effective committee chairmen; assure that
20 the committees are performing their activities and keep the County Chairman
21 informed on activities of the various committees.
23 C. The Second Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties of the County Chairman in
24 the absence of the Chairman and First Vice-Chairman. The Second Vice-
25 Chairman shall chair one of the Standing Committees as well as coordinate the
26 activities of the county committee members, assist the Chairman in the selection
27 of interested and qualified Republicans to fill vacant positions as officers and
28 precinct committeemen, and assist the Chairman in assuring that the Rules of the
29 Republican Party of Arkansas and these rules are observed.
31 D. The Third Vice-Chairman (Optional) shall chair one of the Standing Committees,
32 as well as coordinate the activities of the county committee members, coordinate
33 county committee activities with Allied Republican Organizations, assist the
34 Chairman in the selection of interested and qualified Republicans to fill vacant
35 positions as officers and precinct committeemen, and assist the Chairman in
36 assuring that the Rules of the Republican Party of Arkansas and these rules are
37 observed.
39 E. The Secretary shall serve as the chief clerical officer of the County Committee
40 and County Executive Committee. A primary duty is certification to the
41 Secretary of the State of Arkansas the election of the County Chairman and
42 Election Commissioner within ten (10) days of the meeting at which they were
43 elected and reporting the same to the State Republican Committee. Other duties
44 include maintaining mailing lists, sending notices of meetings, agendas for

RPA Rules Version 20100619 23

1 meetings, and recording minutes of the official meetings. The Secretary shall
2 notify the State Party of the roll of delegates/alternates to the State Convention
3 within ten (10) days following their election at the Biannual County Convention.
5 Minutes of the immediate past meeting of the County Committee shall be read
6 and approved at each meeting of the County Committee. Minutes of any
7 committee meeting shall be available for viewing by any member of the County
8 Committee at any regular meeting of the County Committee.
10 The Secretary is also responsible for keeping a current roster of members of the
11 District Committee, and to notify the Secretary of the State Committee, the
12 District Chairman and the District Secretary within ten (10) days after their
13 election to the District Committee.
15 The Secretary receives filing fees from Republican candidates for county
16 committeeman/committeewoman, municipal, county, and other offices in
17 accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas and the Rules of the
18 Republican Party of Arkansas.
20 F. The Treasurer shall receive and account for all funds paid into the county
21 committee treasury, issue an official receipt to each contributor, keep a
22 permanent record of all receipts and disbursements and report the financial
23 condition to the County Chairman and County Committee. The Treasurer shall
24 serve as a member of the Finance Committee.
26 The Treasurer shall submit to the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee
27 and the County Committee a monthly report of actual revenue and expenditures
28 by line item. The Treasurer shall prepare other written reports that the Executive
29 Committee or the Finance Committee may require.
32 The Treasurer shall cause to be prepared and filed all financial reports required
33 by federal, state and local laws, including payroll tax returns, income tax returns
34 and campaign finance disclosure reports and shall be responsible to assure the
35 accuracy of such reports. The Treasurer shall monitor and supervise the
36 preparation of such reports and shall sign reports as a duty of that position
39 G. The District Committeeman/Committeewoman and District Committee Members
40 shall attend the District meetings and appropriate political functions, vote on
41 party policy matters and election of District officers, reflecting the will and
42 interest of the County Committee, and inform the County Committee on actions
43 and decisions adopted by the District Committee.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 24

1 H. The State Committeeman/Committeewoman shall attend State Committee
2 meetings and appropriate political functions, vote on party policy matters and
3 election of state officers, reflecting the will and interests of the County
4 Committee, and inform the County Committee on actions and decisions adopted
5 by the State Committee.
7 I. The Finance Chairman shall arrange county Republican fund-raising events,
8 solicit financial contributions for County Committee operation expenses. The
9 Finance Committee is responsible for preparing the annual budget and to submit
10 for approval by the Executive Committee and County Committee.
12 J. The Public Relations Chairman (Optional) shall promote a better understanding
13 of the Republican Party and its objective throughout the community, particularly
14 through the news media; preparing advance notices of meetings and special
15 events for newspaper publication, and ensure that meetings are properly reported
16 in the press.
18 K. The Membership Chairman (Optional) and the committee shall identify
19 prospective members who are eligible to file as members of the County
20 Committee, and to fill vacancies in accordance with the Rules of the County
21 Committee.
23 L. The Campaign Chairman (Optional) shall be responsible for recruiting and
24 assisting qualified Republican candidates. The Campaign Chairman, acting as a
25 liaison between candidates and the County Committee, shall assist candidates in
26 organizing their individual campaign, assist in organizing a Campaign
27 Headquarters for county campaign activities, and other duties designated by the
28 County Chairman.
31 Section 10 – Election of Officers
33 A. County Committees shall meet in January of odd numbered years to elect a
34 County Chairman, First Vice-Chairman, Second Vice-Chairman who must be
35 of the opposite sex, Third Vice Chairman (Optional), Secretary, Treasurer,
36 and such other offices as the county rules specify. The meeting at which
37 County Committee Officers are elected may be a regular meeting or a special
38 meeting, called by the Chairman, for the purpose of election of officers.
39 Written notice of the time, place and purpose of the regular or called special
40 meeting shall be mailed to each member of the Committee at least ten (10)
41 days in advance of the meeting date. Electronic means may be employed for
42 notification if a member has provided an email address or fax number to the
43 Secretary of the County Committee for this purpose. The Secretary of the
44 County Committee shall certify the election of the County Chairman and

RPA Rules Version 20100619 25

1 appointment/election of Election Commissioner to the Arkansas Secretary of
2 State within ten (10) days after the election and to the Secretary of the State
3 Committee.
5 B. The Chairman of the County Committee may elect not to serve as a member
6 of the county board of election commissioners and the county committee shall
7 select a resident of the county qualified to serve in his or her stead. [AR Code
8 7-4-102(a)(3)] Within ten (10) days of the date of selection to the county
9 board of election commissioners, the chair or secretary of each county
10 committee shall notify the county clerk in writing of the names and addresses
11 of those selected to serve on the county board. [AR Code 7-4-102(b)(1)]
13 C. If the County Chairman dies, resigns, is removed, or otherwise vacates the
14 position, the 1st Vice-Chairman shall serve as Chairman and 1st Vice-
15 Chairman and assume the duties of both until a new Chairman is elected at a
16 meeting of the Committee held within 60 days of the occurrence of the
17 vacancy. Written notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting, called
18 by the 1st Vice-Chairman, shall be mailed to each member of the committee at
19 least fourteen (14) days in advance of said meeting. Electronic means may be
20 employed for notification if a member has provided an email address or fax
21 number to the Secretary of the County Committee for this purpose.
23 D. If the 1st Vice-Chairman dies, resigns, is removed, or otherwise vacates the
24 position, the Second Vice-Chairman shall serve as 1st Vice Chairman and 2nd
25 Vice Chairman until that position is filled in the same manner as the filling of
26 the vacancy of the county chairman position.
28 E. Tenure in office – County Chairman currently serving, or elected in the future
29 shall be limited to [two (2)] or [four (4)] (maximum) consecutive two (2) year
30 terms from the time of their initial election.
34 Section 11 – Vacancies
36 A. Vacancies existing on the County Committee shall be filled according to the
37 Rules of the Republican Party of Arkansas.
39 B. A vacancy in the membership of the County Committee shall be deemed to
40 exist under any of the following:
42 1. When a member tenders his/her resignation in writing to either the
43 Secretary or Chairman of the Committee.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 26

1 2. When a member tenders his/her resignation orally before the County
2 Committee.
4 3. In the event of death of a member or permanent change of residence
5 from the political subdivision of the position held.
7 4. If the member is removed in accordance with the Rules of the
8 Republican Party of Arkansas.
10 5. If the election of a prospective member would not exceed the total
11 numbers of members authorized for the County Committee.
13 C. Nominations to fill vacancies in the Republican Party of ________ County
14 may be made at any regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next regular
15 County Committee meeting at which the nominee is present, unless the
16 Committee takes action to defer to a later meeting due to incomplete
17 membership information or forms.
19 D. Nominees must be presented in person to the members of the County
20 Committee at the time of nomination and shall pay a fee equal to the filing
21 fee. The filing fee may be prorated if a member is nominated twelve or more
22 months following the date of the last biennial county convention.
24 E. If a candidate is nominated for committee membership for a precinct for
25 which the authorized precinct membership was not filled in the primary
26 election, the last elected “at-large” committee member shall be dropped if the
27 authorized total county membership would be exceeded by the election of the
28 precinct candidate. The new precinct candidate shall be seated on the
29 committee to fill a vacancy in the precinct in which he/she resides.
31 F. Nominees for membership on the County Committee must affirm their
32 concurrence with the Party Objectives and Principles as stated in the
33 “Preamble” to these Rules.
36 Section 12 – Removal
38 A. Any member of the County Committee may be removed for any one of the
39 following reasons:
41 1. Failing to qualify as an elector.
43 2. Willful violation of these rules or working against the interest of the
44 Republican Party.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 27

2 3. Inactivity, neglect, or refusal to perform the duties of the office.
4 B. Charges against any member or officer, except the chairman, shall be made to
5 the County Chairman, who shall within ten (10) days appoint three (3)
6 qualified Republican electors within the county to investigate the charges.
7 Within ten (10) days following the appointment, the Investigation Committee
8 shall furnish to the person charged a copy of all charges, setting a time and
9 place for the person charged to be heard. The Investigation Committee shall
10 make a written report of its findings to the County Chairman, who shall, in the
11 event of removal, notify the person removed in writing. An appeal of the
12 chairman’s decision may be made by filing a written notice with the County
13 Secretary within thirty (30) days, upon receipt of which the Secretary shall
14 place the matter on the agenda for the next meeting of the County Committee
15 for final determination.
17 C. The County Chairman may be removed by the County Committee in a
18 meeting called for that purpose by a least one-third (1/3) of the committee
19 membership. The County Chairman shall be removed by a vote of not less
20 than two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present and voting of the county
21 Committee. In case a meeting is called for this purpose, the County Chairman
22 shall be given at least ten (10) days written notice of the charges and the time
23 and place of the meeting and shall be entitled to be heard.
25 D. The Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Arkansas may remove a
26 County Chairman for inactivity, neglect or refusal to perform the duties of the
27 office by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee present and voting by secret
28 ballot in the following circumstances: (1) where there is no operational county
29 chairman; or (2) when a County Chairman is not functioning or cannot be
30 located.
34 Section 13 – County Convention
36 A. Delegates to the County Convention shall be elected in the Republican
37 primary election held in even-numbered years. The number of delegate
38 positions shall be on the same basis as members of the County Committee.
40 B. Notice of the County Convention shall be mailed to delegates, via U.S. Mail,
41 by the County Chairman at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the
42 convention. Electronic means may be employed for notification if a member
43 has provided an email address or fax number to the Secretary of the County
44 Committee for that purpose. At least two (2) weeks prior to the convention

RPA Rules Version 20100619 28

1 the County Chairman shall advertise or publish in a county newspaper of
2 general circulation, the time, date, and location of the County Convention.
4 C. Vacancies existing or occurring in the delegations to the County Convention
5 after the ticket is closed may be filled by the County Committee.
7 D. The State Committeeman and State Committeewoman shall be elected by the
8 County Convention and ratified by the State Convention.
10 E. Delegates and alternates to the State Convention shall be elected at the County
11 Convention based upon the following formula:
12 1. Three (3) delegates from each county
13 2. One (1) delegate for each one thousand (1000) votes or major fraction
14 thereof cast for the Republican candidate for Governor in the
15 immediately preceding gubernatorial election
16 3. One (1) delegate for each Republican holding countywide office
17 4. One (1) delegate for each Republican holding the office of Justice of
18 the Peace.
19 5. Each county shall be entitled to one (1) alternate delegate for each
20 delegate. In the absence of any delegate, the roll of alternates shall be
21 called in the order in which the names are placed upon the roll of the
22 convention.
24 F. In the event the County Chairman fails to act in compliance with A, B, C, D,
25 or E, the State Chairman of the Republican Party of Arkansas shall initiate
26 action to assure compliance with those provisions.
29 Section 14 – Filing Fees
31 The County Committee for each county shall set the filing fees to be required of
32 Republican candidates for county, township, and municipal offices, for County
33 Committeemen/ delegates to the County Conventions, no sooner than the second
34 Monday in January of each even-numbered year and not later than the second
35 Monday in February. The County Secretary shall promptly advise the Chairman and
36 the Secretary of the State Republican Party of each action. In the event of the failure
37 of the County Committee to set filing fees within the time specified, the filing fees
38 established or in effect for the previous election shall apply.
40 Payment of the filing fee and application shall be endorsed to: Republican Party
41 of___________ County (RP_C) and received by the Secretary or Chairman of the
42 County Committee.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 29

1 Section 15 – Parliamentary Procedure:
3 Robert’s Rules of Order “Newly Revised” shall apply in all cases not specifically
4 covered by these Rules, and in the event of a conflict between these Rules and
5 Robert’s Rules of Order, these Rules shall apply.
8 Section 16 – Rules of the County Committee
10 A. No rules shall be established by a County Committee, which are contrary to
11 the rules of the Republican National Committee (RNC) or the Republican
12 Party of Arkansas (RPA), laws of the State of Arkansas, or laws of the United
13 States of America. Any existing rules of any County Committee which are in
14 conflict with federal or state law, RNC Rules or RPA Rules shall be null and
15 void.
17 B. These rules may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members
18 present at a regular meeting of the county committee, or by simple majority at
19 a County Convention, provided that ten (10) days written notice shall have
20 been given of any proposed amendment, and provided the amendment is not
21 contrary to National or State Rules or Federal and State laws.
23 C. Any rule may be suspended during any meeting of the county committee by a
24 nine-tenths (9/10) vote of the members present.
27 D. The Secretary of the County Committee shall forward to the Secretary of the
28 State Committee, on or before the first day of October of each even numbered
29 year, a copy of the current rules of the County Committee.
32 Section 17 – Rules Review Committee
34 A. County Committee Members may file a “Request for Review” with the State
35 Chairman if there is evidence of a failure, within the County Committee, to
36 observe RPA Rules and/or Rules of the County Committee. A “Request for
37 Review” may be filed if signed by not less than one-fifth (1/5) of the total
38 membership of the County Committee, provided that in no instance shall a
39 “Request for Review” be filed by less than five (5) members.
41 B. The “Request for Review” shall be filed, in writing, with the State Party
42 Chairman by U.S. Mail, email or facsimile. The State Party Chairman shall
43 appoint a Review Committee within 15 days of receipt of the “Request for
44 Review” to include the following:

RPA Rules Version 20100619 30

2 1. The District Chairman for the district in which the County from which
3 the request was received is located. The District Chairman shall serve
4 as Chairman of the Review Committee.
5 2. The District Representative to the State Executive Committee
6 representing the district in which the County from which the request
7 was received is located.
8 3. The President of the County Chairman’s Association or an additional
9 member of the State Executive Committee who resides in the district
10 in which the County from which the request was received is located.
11 4. A RPA Staff Member may be appointed to the Review Committee at
12 the discretion of the State Chairman.
14 C. The Review Committee shall investigate the matter referred, review
15 appropriate documents, receive and review written representations from the
16 parties involved in the dispute. The Review Committee shall hold hearings
17 with member of the County Committee, if it deems necessary, within thirty
18 (30) days of the appointment of the Review Committee. Any hearing should
19 be held at the regular meeting place of the County Committee or at a
20 convenient meeting place within the county at a time that would permit
21 interested parties to attend.
23 D. The Review Committee shall make a written report to members of the State
24 Executive Committee, with findings and recommendations, within twenty (20)
25 days after the date of the hearings with members of the County Committee or
26 within forty-five (45) days after the date of the appointment of the Review
27 Committee if no hearing is held.
29 E. At the next meeting of the State Executive Committee, following receipt of the
30 Review Committee Report, the Chairman of the Review Committee shall
31 make a verbal report to the State Executive Committee. A representative from
32 each side of the issue(s) considered by the Review Committee will be
33 permitted to make a five (5) minute presentation to the State Executive
34 Committee. Representatives may provide a written summary prior to the
35 convening of the State Executive Committee Meeting.
37 F. The State Executive Committee shall consider all reports and presentations
38 and take appropriate action. The decision of the State Executive Committee
39 shall be final.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 31

2 Note:
4 • A County Chairman may submit a written “Request for Variance” from these
5 Rules to the Chairman, RPA Rules Committee. The “Request for Variance”
6 will be considered by the Rules Committee within 45 days from the receipt of
7 the Request. The “Request for Variance” will be acted upon unless the
8 request would violate RPA Rules. Any approved “Request for Variance”
9 would apply to all County Committees with equal or fewer authorized
10 members.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 32

5 Sections
7 1. General Procedure
9 2. Membership
11 3. Meetings
13 4. Order of Business
15 5. Election of Officers
17 6. Minorities Representative
19 7. Vacancies
21 8. Removal
24 Section 1 – General Procedure
26 A. Purpose:
28 The purpose of the Congressional District Committee is to 1) recruit
29 and elect a Republican Congressman, 2) to serve the counties and
30 assist them to grow and develop and to assist them in the recruitment
31 and election of qualified Republican Candidates and 3) to elect
32 delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention. The
33 District Chairman shall coordinate party matters within the district and
34 shall represent district interests on the State Executive Committee and
35 the State Committee.
37 B. Policies:
39 1. A person shall be a member in good standing of a County Committee
40 within the district to qualify as a candidate for a District Officer.
42 2. District Chairmen may appoint assistants to the Chair to assist in the
43 duties of the Chair. Non-member assistants shall not have a vote on
44 the District Committee.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 33

1 A. Voting Procedure:
3 1. The District Chairman shall be entitled to vote only in case of a tie.
5 2. Members of the District Committee may not cast more than one (1)
6 vote on any question before the District Committee even though he/she
7 may hold more than one position entitling him/her to membership on
8 the District Committee.
10 3. Members of the District Committee who are also members of the State
11 Committee may not vote in the District Committee on the election of
12 Delegates/Alternates to the Republican National Committee.
15 Section 2 – Membership
17 A. Each District Committee shall be composed of:
19 1. Elected District Officers
21 2. The County Chairman of each county in the District. In addition, the
22 First Vice-Chairman of Pulaski County shall be a member.
24 3. A District Committeeman and District Committeewoman from each
25 county in the district.
27 4. Each Republican county official and Republican Justices of the Peace
28 from each county in the District.
30 5. One District Committee member from each county for each 2,000
31 votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for the Republican nominee for
32 governor in the last preceding gubernatorial general election.
34 6. A Minority Representative elected, prior to the District election, by a
35 Minority Caucus, called by the District Chairman.
37 7. The First Vice-Chairman of each College Republican Club at each
38 College or University in the District in good standing with the AFCR.
40 8. The First Vice-President of each Republican Women’s Club in good
41 standing with the AFRW and NFRW.
43 9. The First Vice-Chairman of each Young Republican Club in the region
44 in good standing with the AFYR.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 34

2 B. The District Committeeman, the District Committeewoman, and District
3 Committee Members from each county shall be elected at the
4 organizational meeting of the County Committees following the biennial
5 County Convention. District Committee members shall be elected by
6 numbered positions. Newly elected District Committee Members shall
7 begin their term at the first meeting of the District Committee following
8 the biennial County Conventions. The Secretary of each County
9 Committee shall certify the election of District Committee Members to the
10 Secretary of the State Committee and to the District Chairman and District
11 Secretary within ten (10) days following the election. Pulaski County
12 shall apportion its committee members between residents of Pulaski
13 County north of the Arkansas River and residents south of the Arkansas
14 River, according to the votes cast for the Republican nominee for governor
15 at the last preceding gubernatorial general election.
17 C. Within thirty (30) days after the gubernatorial general election results are
18 certified, the State Chairman shall notify the County Chairman and the
19 County Secretary for each county and the District Chairman and District
20 Secretary of any adjustment to be made in the number of District
21 Committee Members from each county. In the event of a reduction, those
22 District Committee Members with the highest corresponding position
23 numbers shall be declared to be removed from office. In the event of an
24 increase, the respective County Committee shall, within 60 days, elect
25 District Committee Members to fill the new position(s).
28 Section 3 – Meetings
30 A. General Procedures
32 1) District Committees shall meet biennially, in odd numbered years, between
33 February 15 and March 15, for the purpose of election of District Officers, the
34 District Representative to the State Executive Committee, the District
35 Representative to the Appointee Recommendations Committee and four (4)
36 Representatives (or Regional Chairmen) to the State Committee. Following
37 the biennial organization meeting the District Committee shall meet semi-
38 annually and at such times as the District Chairman or State Chairman may
39 direct. The call for all District meetings shall be transmitted to each County
40 Chairman and County Secretary thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date. The
41 County Chairman shall communicate the call to the District Committee
42 Members twenty (20) days in advance of the meeting date. The call for any
43 meeting of the District Committee may be sent by facsimile, e-mail or other
44 electronic means to members who provide prior written approval to receive

RPA Rules Version 20100619 35

1 meeting notices electronically. All members who have not provided such prior
2 approval shall receive meeting notices by U.S. Mail. Minutes of all District
3 Committee Meetings shall be filed with the Secretary of the State Committee
4 within thirty (30) days after the meeting. One-third (1/3) of the total number
5 of members of the committee shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the
6 District Committee.
8 2) The State Chairman shall provide each District Chairman and District Secretary
9 with a certified listing of District Committee Members within ninety
10 (90) days following the biennial County Convention. The listing shall
11 be revised following the General Election to reflect changes in
12 Republican County Elected Officials and Republican Justices of the
13 Peace for each county. The revised listing shall be provided no later
14 than December 31 of each even numbered year. Within fifteen (15)
15 days following the biennial election of County Committee Officers the
16 listing shall be revised to reflect the newly elected Chairman of each
17 County Committee and shall be furnished to each District Chairman
18 and District Secretary no later than February 15 of each odd numbered
19 year.
21 B. Special meetings may be called by one-fourth (1/4) of the total number of
22 members of the District Committee. Notice of the time, place, date and purpose
23 thereof shall be communicated to each member at least fifteen (15) days prior to
24 the meeting date in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 3.A.1.
26 C. No action shall be taken by the District Committee on proposals to fill
27 vacancies, adopt or amend rules or elect any officers unless the proposal
28 shall have been set forth in the notice calling the meeting.
31 Section 4 – Order of Business
33 A. The order of Business in all committee meetings shall generally proceed
34 as follows:
36 1. Roll call of members
38 2. Reading, correcting, and approval of minutes.
40 3. Report of Committees.
42 4. Financial report and other financial matters
44 5. Inquiries on all matters of interest to the Republican Party.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 36

2 6. Old/unfinished business.
4 7. New business.
6 8. General discussion.
9 Section 5 – Election of Officers
11 A. Between February 15 and March 15 of odd numbered years each Congressional
12 District Committee shall meet to elect a Chairman, First Vice-Chairman and a
13 Second Vice Chairman who shall be of the opposite sex, Secretary, Treasurer, the
14 District Representative to the State Executive Committee, the District Representative
15 to the Appointee Recommendations Committee and four (4) Representatives (or
16 Regional Chairmen) to the State Committee. The District Representative elected to
17 serve on the State Executive Committee shall be a County Chairman who shall not
18 be a resident of the same county as the District Chairman. Each District Committee,
19 by a vote of the members at a regular or special meeting, may choose to be
20 represented on the State Committee by Regional Chairmen in that District, elected
21 by region, or by four (4) District Representatives to the State Committee, elected by
22 the District Committee Members. If the District Committee Members choose to
23 elect four (4) Representatives to the State Committee, not more than one
24 Representative may reside in the same county except that a Representative may be
25 elected for each region within a county with more than one (1) region. Notice of the
26 time, place and purpose of the meeting, called by the District Chairman, shall be
27 transmitted to each member of the Committee at least fifteen (15) days prior to the
28 date of the meeting in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 3.A.1.
30 B. The District Chairman shall call the meeting to order and direct the
31 District Secretary to call the roll. Following a report from the credentials
32 committee confirming the credentials of members the District Chairman
33 shall call for the election of District Officers and Representatives. If the
34 incumbent District Chairman will be a candidate for re-election the
35 ranking District Officer, who will not be a candidate for District
36 Chairman, shall conduct the election for District Chairman. The newly
37 elected District Chairman shall conduct the election for other District
38 Officers and Representatives.
41 C. If the District Chairman dies, resigns, is removed or otherwise vacates the position,
42 the First Vice-Chairman shall serve as both Chairman and First Vice-Chairman
43 and assume the duties of both Chairman and First Vice-Chairman until a new
44 Chairman is elected at a meeting of the Committee held within sixty (60) days of

RPA Rules Version 20100619 37

1 the occurrence of the vacancy. Notice of the time, place and purpose of the
2 meeting, called by the First Vice-Chairman, shall be transmitted to each member of
3 the Committee at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting in
4 accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 3.A.1.
6 D. If the First Vice-Chairman dies, resigns, is removed or otherwise vacates
7 the position, the Second Vice-Chairman shall serve as First Vice-
8 Chairman and assume the duties of both the First Vice-Chairman and the
9 Second Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the term.
11 E. Tenure in office – District Officers shall be limited to four (4) consecutive
12 two (2) year terms.
15 Section 6 – Minorities Representative
17 A District Minorities Representative shall be elected, by majority vote, at a Minority
18 Caucus, called by the District Chairman, to be held in conjunction with the District
19 organizational meeting. The District Minorities Representative shall represent the
20 District on the State Committee. Members of the Minority Caucus shall include
21 minority members in good standing of any County Committee within the District in
22 attendance at the meeting of the Minority Caucus.
25 Section 7 – Vacancies
27 District Committee vacancies shall be filled by the body that originally elected the
28 member.
31 Section 8 – Removal
33 A. Any member of the District Committee may be removed for any one of
34 the following reasons:
36 1. Failing to qualify as an elector.
38 2. Willful violation of these rules or working against the interest of
39 the Republican Party.
41 3. Inactivity, neglect, or refusal to perform the duties of the office.
43 B. Charges against any member or officers, except the chairman, shall be
44 made in writing to the District Chairman, who shall, within ten (10) days
45 appoint three (3) qualified Republican electors within the district to

RPA Rules Version 20100619 38

1 investigate the charges. Within ten (10) days following the appointment,
2 the Investigation Committee shall make a written report of its findings to
3 the District Chairman who shall, in the event of removal notify, in writing
4 within five (5) days, the person removed. The Chairman’s decision may
5 be appealed by filing a written notice with the District Secretary within 30
6 days. Upon receipt of the written notice of appeal the Secretary shall
7 place the matter on the agenda for the next meeting of the District
8 Committee for the final determination.
10 C. The District Chairman may be removed by the District Committee at a
11 special meeting called for that purpose by written petition to the District
12 Secretary by at least one-third (1/3) of the committee membership. The
13 District Chairman shall be removed by a vote of not less than two-thirds
14 (2/3) of the membership of the District Committee present and voting.
15 One-third (1/3) of the total number of members of the committee shall
16 constitute a quorum. The District Chairman shall be given at least ten (10)
17 days written notice of the time and place of the meeting and shall be
18 entitled to be heard.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 39

5 Sections
7 1. General Procedure
9 2. Membership
11 3. Meetings
13 4. Order of Business
15 5. Duties of State Officers
17 6. National Committee Members
19 7. Vacancies
21 8. Removal
23 9. Amendment of Suspension of Rules
26 Section 1 – General Procedures
28 A. The State Chairman shall be entitled to vote only in case of a tie.
30 B. No member of the State Committee may cast more than one vote on any
31 question before the State Committee even though he may hold more than
32 one position entitling him to membership on the State Committee.
35 Section 2 – Membership
37 A. The Republican State Committee shall be composed of the following
38 members:
40 1. State Chairman, First-Vice Chairman, Second Vice-Chairman,
41 Secretary, Treasurer, National Committeeman, National
42 Committeewoman, District Chairmen.
44 2. County Chairmen.
46 3. A State Committeeman and a State Committeewoman from each county.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 40

1 4. The President of each Arkansas Republican Women’s club in
2 good standing with the AFRW and NFRW.
4 5. The Chairman of each member club of the Arkansas Federation of
5 Young Republicans in good standing with the AFYR.
7 6. The Chairman of each college Republican club organized at a
8 college or university in Arkansas in good standing with the AFCR.
10 7. The Assistant Secretary.
12 8. The Assistant Treasurer.
14 9. The General Counsel.
16 10. The Finance Chairman.
18 11. The Chairman of the Arkansas affiliate of the National Black
19 Republican Association.
21 12. Any Republican elected and serving as a State Constitutional Officer or
22 elected and serving as a U.S. Senator or U.S. Representative.
24 13. The Director of Communications.
26 14. Former Republican elected Governor, U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative.
28 15. All Republicans presently serving as members of the Arkansas
29 General Assembly.
31 16. The Assistant General Counsel will serve on the Committee as a
32 voting member in the absence of the General Counsel.
34 17. The President of the Arkansas Federation of Republican Women.
36 18. The Chairman of the Arkansas Republican Senior Citizens Committee.
38 19. The Chairman of the Arkansas Federation of Young Republicans
40 20. The Chairman of the College Republicans of Arkansas
42 21. The Chairman of the Teenage Republicans of Arkansas
44 22. The Chairman of each Regional Committee. (Pulaski County shall
45 have two Regional Chairmen)
47 23. The Congressional District Minority Chairman.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 41

2 24. Any Republican serving as a Judicial District Prosecuting
3 Attorney.
5 25. The Chairman of the Arkansas affiliate of the Republican National
6 Hispanic Assembly.
8 B. State Committeemen and State Committeewomen shall be elected by
9 the County Conventions and ratified by the State Convention. Each State
10 Committeeman and State Committeewoman shall serve until the next
11 State Convention or until a successor is elected.
13 Section 3 – Meetings
15 A. Meetings of the State Committee may be called by any one of the
16 following:
18 1. The State Chairman.
20 2. The State Executive Committee.
22 3. Written request of at least ten percent (10%) of the committee
23 representing at least ten (10) counties, whereupon such notice shall
24 be issued by the Secretary of the State Committee within ten (10)
25 days after receipt. The notice shall call the meeting for a day no
26 less than ten (10) days nor more than twenty (20) days after the
27 date of mailing the notice.
29 B. No action shall be taken by the State Committee on proposals to fill
30 vacancies, adopt or amend rules, or elect any officers, unless the proposal
31 shall have been set forth in the written notice calling the meeting. The
32 notice must be mailed at least ten (10) days before the meeting.
34 C. At any meeting called in accordance with Section 3.A, one third (1/3) of
35 the total membership shall constitute a quorum.
38 Section 4 – Order of Business
40 1. Roll call of members.
42 2. Reading, correcting, and approval of minutes.
44 3. Report of committees.
46 4. Financial matters.
48 5. Inquiries on all matters of interest to the Republican Party.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 42

1 6. Unfinished business.
3 7. New business.
5 8. General Discussion.
8 Section 5 – Duties of Officers
10 A. The State Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the Republican
11 Party of Arkansas; shall preside at all meetings of the State Committee and
12 the State Executive Committee; shall coordinate the political activities of
13 the party; shall assist Republican candidates for county, district, and state
14 offices in organizing, planning and conducting their respective campaigns;
15 shall designate party representative on any board, commission, or other
16 body for which the selection is not otherwise specified by these rules; shall
17 appoint such committees of the State Committee or Executive Committee
18 as shall be necessary and shall perform such other duties as may be
19 delegated from time to time between State Conventions by the State
20 Committee or the State Executive Committee.
22 B. The First Vice-Chairman shall possess the same qualifications as the
23 Chairman. The First Vice-Chairman shall perform the responsibilities
24 delegated by the State Committee, the Executive Committee, or the
25 Chairman. The First Vice-Chairman shall be a working, functioning, and
26 participating officer, who shall be kept abreast of party activities statewide
27 and shall be capable of assuming the responsibilities of the State Chairman
28 at any time. The First Vice-Chairman shall preside at meetings of the
29 State Committee and the State Executive Committee in the absence of the
30 chairman. In the event of the death, resignation, refusal, permanent
31 absence from the state, or removal of the First Vice-Chairman, the Second
32 Vice-Chairman shall serve as First Vice-Chairman and assume the duties
33 of both First and Second Vice Chairman until an election is held at the
34 next meeting of the State Committee to elect the First Vice-Chairman.
36 C. The Second Vice-Chairman shall possess the same qualifications as the
37 Chairman and the First Vice-Chairman, and shall be of the opposite sex of
38 the First Vice-Chairman. The Second Vice-Chairman shall perform the
39 same responsibilities as the First Vice-Chairman, and shall be capable of
40 assuming the responsibilities of Chairman at any time. The Second Vice-
41 Chairman shall preside at meetings of the State Committee and Executive
42 Committee in the absence of the Chairman and the First Vice-Chairman.
44 D. The Secretary shall be the chief clerical officer of the State Committee and
45 the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall act as Secretary of each
46 State Convention until a Secretary of the Convention has been chosen.
47 The Secretary shall maintain an updated set of rules of the Republican

RPA Rules Version 20100619 43

1 Party of Arkansas and make available a copy to any party member
2 requesting them.
4 E. The Treasurer, as a member of the Budget Committee, shall participate in
5 the preparation of the annual budget. The Treasurer shall issue official
6 receipts and disbursements and make timely reports of the same, along
7 with balance statements to the Executive Committee and to the State
8 Committee.
10 F. The Chairman, First Vice-Chairman, Second Vice-Chairman, the
11 Secretary, and the Treasurer, shall be elected by the State Committee at a
12 meeting called by the Chairman between the general election and the end
13 of the year, and shall hold office until their successors are elected and
14 qualified. Officers other than the Chairman shall be voting members of
15 the State Committee, but shall not have two votes if they represent their
16 county.
18 G. The Assistant Secretary, the Assistant Treasurer, the Finance Chairman,
19 and General Counsel, shall be appointed by the Chairman, subject to the
20 approval of the Executive Committee.
22 H. The State Chairman may serve as a volunteer or paid chairman. All
23 candidates shall designate in writing any expectation of compensation
24 detailing the amount and type of compensation expected. The statement of
25 expected compensation shall be submitted to the Secretary of the State
26 Committee twenty (20) days prior to the date of the State Committee
27 Meeting at which the election of the State Chairman will be held. This
28 information shall be included with the agenda for the State Committee
29 Meeting at which the election of the State Chairman will be held. Should a
30 candidate designating paid status be elected, the Executive Committee
31 shall be empowered to establish the salary and conditions of employment
32 for the term of office to which he or she was elected, not to exceed the
33 maximum expected compensation submitted by the candidate.
35 I. Any officer need not be a member of the State Committee at the time of
36 his election or appointment.
38 J. Tenure in office – State Chairman, Co-Chairman, Vice-Chairmen,
39 Secretary and Treasurer shall be limited to four (4) consecutive two (2)
40 year terms.
43 Section 6 – National Committee Members
45 A. The National Committeeman and the National Committeewoman shall be
46 elected by the State Committee at the State Committee Meeting called to
47 select delegates and alternates to the National Convention.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 44

2 B. Tenure in office – The National Committeeman and National Committee-
3 woman shall be limited to two (2) consecutive four (4) year terms.
7 Section 7 – Vacancies
9 A. Vacancies shall be filled by the same body responsible for the initial
10 election of that member
12 B. Vacancies in the office of National Committeeman and National
13 Committeewoman shall be filled by the State Committee.
15 C. If the State Chairman dies, resigns, is removed, or otherwise vacates the
16 position, the First Vice-Chairman shall serve as Chairman and First Vice-
17 Chairman and assume the duties of both Chairman and First Vice-
18 Chairman until a new Chairman is elected at a meeting of the Committee
19 held within sixty (60) days of the occurrence of the vacancy. Written
20 notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting, called by the First
21 Vice-Chairman, shall be mailed to each member of the Committee at least
22 fourteen (14) days in advance of said meeting.
24 D. The resignation of an Officer of the State Committee, including National
25 Committeeman and National Committeewoman, shall be submitted, in
26 writing, to the Secretary of the State Committee by electronic mail,
27 facsimile or U.S. Mail. If no effective date of resignation is stated in the
28 letter of resignation, the effective date shall be the date received by the
29 Secretary of the State Committee.
32 Section 8 – Removal
34 A. Any member or officer of the State Committee may be removed for any
35 one of the following reasons:
37 1. Failing to qualify as an elector.
39 2. Willful violation of the party rules or working against the interests
40 of the Republican Party.
42 3. Inactivity, neglect, or refusal to perform the duties of the office.
44 B. Charges against any member or officer, except the Chairman, shall be
45 made in writing to the State Chairman, who shall within ten (10) days,
46 appoint three (3) qualified Republican electors within the state to
47 investigate the charges. Within ten (10) days following appointment, the

RPA Rules Version 20100619 45

1 Investigation Committee shall furnish the person charged a copy of all
2 charges, setting a time and place for the person charged to be heard.
4 C. The Chairman may be removed by the State Committee at a meeting
5 called for that purpose, by at least one-fourth (1/4) of the committee
6 membership, by a vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the membership
7 present and voting. The State Chairman shall be given at least ten (10)
8 days written notice of the charges and the time and place of the meeting
9 and shall be entitled to be heard.
14 Section 9 – Amendment or Suspension of Rules
16 A. These rules may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of
17 the State Committee present and voting, provided that ten (10) days
18 written notice shall be given on any proposed amendment.
20 B. Any rule may be suspended during any meeting of the State Committee by
21 a nine-tenths (9/10) vote of members present and voting.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 46

5 Sections
7 1. General purpose
9 2. Membership
11 3. Standing Committees
13 4. Meetings
15 5. Order of Business
17 6. Duties of Executive Committee
19 7. Vacancies
21 8. Removal
24 Section 1 – General Procedure
26 A. The Chairman shall be entitled to vote only in case of a tie.
28 B. No member of the State Executive Committee may cast more than one vote on any
29 question before the State Executive Committee even though he may hold more than
30 one position entitling him to membership on the State Executive Committee.
32 C. No member of the State Executive Committee may hold more than one
33 position entitling membership on the State Executive Committee except
34 on a temporary basis per the procedure for the election of the State
35 Chairman (Article IV, Section 7.C) or First Vice-Chairman (Article IV,
36 Section 5.B).
39 Section 2 – Membership
41 The Executive Committee shall be composed of:
43 1. State Chairman
45 2. First Vice-Chairman

RPA Rules Version 20100619 47

1 3. Second Vice-Chairman
3 4. Secretary
5 5. Assistant Secretary – will serve on the committee as a voting member in
6 the absence of the Secretary.
8 6. Treasurer
10 7. Assistant Treasurer – will serve on the committee as a voting member in
11 the absence of the Treasurer.
13 8. National Committeeman
15 9. National Committeewoman
17 10. General Counsel
19 11. Finance Chairman
21 12. The Republican leader of the Arkansas Senate. (ex-officio).
23 13. The Republican Leader of the House of Representatives. (ex-officio).
25 14. The President of the Arkansas Federation of Republican Women.
27 15. The Chairman of the College Republicans of Arkansas.
29 16. The Chairman of the Arkansas affiliate of the National Black Republican
30 Association
32 17-24. The Chairman and District Representative of each Congressional
33 District Committee.
35 25. Republican members of the U.S. Senate or U.S. House of Representatives
36 (ex-officio).
38 26-27. Any Republican elected and serving as a State Constitutional Officer (ex-officio).
40 28. The president of the Arkansas Republican County Chairman’s Association.
42 29. The Assistant General Counsel will serve on the Committee as a voting
43 member in the absence of the General Counsel.
45 30. The Chairman of the Arkansas affiliate of the Republican National
46 Hispanic Assembly.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 48

1 31. The Chairman of the Arkansas Federation of Young Republicans.
4 Section 3 – Standing Committees
6 A. The standing committees of the Republican Party of Arkansas shall be:
8 1. Platform & Resolutions
10 2. Rules
12 3. Campaign
14 4. Scholarship – The chairman shall appoint one (1) member from
15 each Congressional District, one of which will be appointed to
16 chair the Scholarship Committee. Additional members shall be 1)
17 the President of the Arkansas Federation of Republican Women, 2)
18 the Chairman of the Arkansas Federation of Young Republicans,
19 3) the Chairman of the Arkansas Federation of College
20 Republicans and 4) the Chairman of the African American
21 Republican Caucus.
23 Each of the above committees shall consist of a chairman and at least four
24 (4) members, to be appointed by the State Chairman.
26 B. Appointee Recommendations Committee
28 1. The Appointee Recommendations Committee shall serve to recruit
29 and evaluate qualified persons, giving preferred recommendation
30 to loyal Republicans when submitting names for appointive
31 positions to the Republican Governor and the Republican
32 President.
34 2. The Appointee Recommendations Committee shall be composed
35 of seven (7) members, at least one of whom shall be a minority and
36 at least one of whom shall be female. Each Congressional District
37 Committee shall elect one member of the committee after which
38 the State Chairman shall select three (3) members subject to the
39 approval of the Executive Committee.
41 3. Prior to recommending any applicant for appointment to any
42 appointive position, the name of the applicant shall be submitted to
43 the County Committee in which the applicant resides. The
44 appropriate County Committee shall either approve and
45 recommend, or disapprove and request a substitute
46 recommendation. The Appointee Recommendations Committee
47 may not recommend nor forward the name of the said applicant if
48 not approved and recommended by the County Committee.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 49

2 C. Personnel - The Executive Committee shall be responsible for hiring and
3 firing of all State Party employees, developing and maintaining job
4 descriptions, and setting compensation for all State Party employees.
9 Section 4 – Meetings
11 The State Executive Committee shall meet bimonthly and at such times as the
12 Chairman or a majority of the regular (not ex-officio) members may determine
13 necessary. A notice of ten (10) days shall be given for regular meetings. For
14 emergency meetings a notice of three (3) business days shall be given with
15 confirmation that notice was received by three-fourths (3/4) of the regular members,
16 either by telephone, fax or email. An agenda shall be furnished with the notice for
17 regular and emergency meetings. The Executive Committee shall, between meetings
18 of the State Committee, exercise all the powers of the State Committee except the
19 following: election of State Committee Members, election or removal of State Party
20 Officers, adoption of the annual budget or other action specifically required by law or
21 these by-laws to be exercised by a vote of the entire State Committee. The Executive
22 Committee shall carry out the policies and implement the budget as established by the
23 State Committee. One half (1/2) of the total regular membership, in person at a
24 meeting, shall constitute a quorum. Ex-officio members shall not be counted for
25 purposes of determining a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee.
28 Section 5 – Order of Business
30 A. The order of business in all committee meetings shall generally proceed as
31 follows:
33 1. Roll call of members
35 2. Reading, correcting, and approval of minutes.
37 3. Report of committees.
39 4. Financial matters.
41 5. Inquiries on all matters of interest to the Republican Party.
43 6. Unfinished business.
45 7. New Business.
47 8. General Discussion.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 50

1 B. No action shall be taken by the State Executive Committee on proposals to
2 fill Vacancies, assess filing fees or approve appointment of officers unless
3 the proposal shall have been set forth in the written notice calling the
4 meeting.
11 Section 6 – Duties of the Executive Committee
13 A. The State Executive Committees shall be the planning and operations
14 committee of the Republican Party of Arkansas, shall observe and enforce
15 these rules and regulations of the State Committee; shall designate the
16 time and place of the Republican State Convention following the biennial
17 general primary; shall organize, plan, and coordinate a continuos public
18 relations program for the party; shall evaluate and recruit qualified
19 Republican candidates; and shall perform such other duties as the State
20 Committee may delegate. Minutes of Executive Committee meetings
21 shall be mailed by the State Secretary to all County Chairmen within ten
22 (10) days after each meeting.
25 Section 7 – Vacancies
27 Vacancies shall be filled by the same body responsible for the initial election of that
28 member.
31 Section 8 – Removal
33 Grounds and procedure for the removal in all other cases shall be in accordance with
34 Article IV, Section 8.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 51

5 The State Executive Committee shall set the filing fees for Republican candidates for
6 federal, state and district offices and may, at its discretion, set maximum fees which
7 can be required by County Committees for all other public and party offices. Any
8 such action shall be taken no later than the second Monday in January of even-
9 numbered years, and the Secretary of the State Committee shall notify the Chairman
10 and the Secretary of each County Committee of the action of the State Executive
11 Committee. In setting the maximum fees for the County Committees, the State
12 Executive Committee may take into consideration local conditions and circumstances
13 and is not required to set the same maximum fee for any particular office in one
14 county as it may for the same office in another county. In the event of the failure of
15 the State Executive Committee to set filing fees for federal, state, and district offices
16 within the time period specified, the filing fees established for the previous
17 preferential primary election shall apply.

RPA Rules Version 20100619 52

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