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Application manual
PROFINET Controller/Device with IO
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Application manual
PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator
RobotWare 6.08

Document ID: 3HAC065546-001

Revision: B

© Copyright 2018 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors
that may appear in this manual.
Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be
construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damages to
persons or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from
use of this manual and products described herein.
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's
written permission.
Keep for future reference.
Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB.
Original instructions.

© Copyright 2018 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
ABB AB, Robotics
Robotics and Motion
Se-721 68 Västerås
Table of contents

Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 7
Product documentation .................................................................................................................... 9
Safety ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Network security ............................................................................................................................... 12
Terminology ...................................................................................................................................... 13

1 Introduction 15
1.1 What is PROFINET? .......................................................................................... 15
1.2 PROFINET for IRC5 ........................................................................................... 16

2 Hardware overview 19
2.1 Main computer .................................................................................................. 19
2.2 Ethernet switches .............................................................................................. 26
2.3 I/O devices ....................................................................................................... 27

3 Software overview 29
3.1 Information about the internal device .................................................................... 29
3.2 Information about the internal controller ................................................................ 31
3.3 Software for configuring a device ......................................................................... 32

4 The I/O Configurator user interface 33

4.1 The user interface ............................................................................................. 33
4.2 The ribbon ....................................................................................................... 35
4.3 Configuration browser ........................................................................................ 36
4.4 Properties browser ............................................................................................ 39
4.5 Signal Editor .................................................................................................... 40
4.6 Scan Editor ...................................................................................................... 41

5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator 43

5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator .......................................................................... 43
5.2 Using Fast Device Startup ................................................................................... 53

6 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-2) 55

7 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-1) 61

8 System parameters 65
8.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 65
8.2 Type Industrial Network ...................................................................................... 67
8.2.1 Connection ............................................................................................ 67
8.2.2 PROFINET Station Name .......................................................................... 68
8.3 Type PROFINET Device ..................................................................................... 69
8.3.1 PROFINET Station Name .......................................................................... 69
8.3.2 Fast Device Startup ................................................................................. 70
8.3.3 Port 1 .................................................................................................... 71
8.3.4 Port 2 .................................................................................................... 72
8.3.5 Port 3 .................................................................................................... 73
8.3.6 Port 4 .................................................................................................... 74
8.3.7 Energy Saving ........................................................................................ 75
8.4 Type Signal ...................................................................................................... 76
8.4.1 Transfer To Device .................................................................................. 76
8.4.2 Output Offset on Destination Device ........................................................... 77
8.4.3 Transfer From Device .............................................................................. 78
8.4.4 Input Offset on Source Device ................................................................... 79

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Table of contents

8.5 Type PROFINET Internal Device .......................................................................... 80

8.5.1 Input Size .............................................................................................. 80
8.5.2 Output Size ............................................................................................ 81

9 Troubleshooting 83
9.1 Scenarios ........................................................................................................ 83

A ABB CI502 PROFINET I/O device 89

Index 93

6 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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Overview of this manual

Overview of this manual

About this manual
This manual describes how to configure PROFINET for IRC5 using the tool IO
Configurator. IO Configurator is required to configure safe I/O modules. It is optional
to use it for general I/O modules, but alternative tools for configuring general I/O
modules are described in Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device.
This manual can be used for the following options:
• PROFIsafe F-Host and Device, option number 997-2 I
• PROFIsafe F-Device, option number 997-1 II
• Prepared for CI502, option number 1241-1 I (this option supports parts of the
997-2 functionality)
I Also requires option 996-1 and 888-2.
II Also requires option 996-1 and 888-2 or 888-3.


Not all aspects of working with PROFINET is described in this manual. It may be
necessary to also read Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device.

This manual should be used during installation and configuration of the PROFINET
options when using the tool IO Configurator.

Who should read this manual?

This manual is intended for:
• Personnel that are responsible for installations and configurations of industrial
network hardware/software.
• Personnel that make the configurations of the I/O system.
• System integrators.

The reader should have the required knowledge of:
• PROFINET network
• I/O system
• IRC5 controller
• RobotStudio

ABB documents

Reference Document ID
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC050948-001
Product manual - IRC5 3HAC047136-001
Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant 3HAC050941-001

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Overview of this manual

Reference Document ID
Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001
Application manual - PROFINET Anybus Device 3HAC050968-001
Application manual - PROFIenergy Device 3HAC050967-001
Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device 3HAC050969-001
Application manual - Functional safety and SafeMove2 3HAC052610-001

Other references

Reference Description
International standard IEC 61158 Type 3 In- The PROFINET industrial network standard
ternational standard IEC 61784 is described in the international standards.
PROFINET Cabling and Interconnection Installation Guideline for PROFINET (Version
Technology 2.00, September 1998)
Commissioning PC Stations - Manual and Release 12/2006 C79000-G8976-C156-08
Quick Start
ET200S Distributed I/O System Manual from Siemens The web site of PROFINET International


Revision Description
A First edition.
Released with RobotWare 6.07.
B Released with RobotWare 6.08.
• Added information about missing or duplicated GSDML definitions to
section Troubleshooting on page 83.

8 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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Product documentation

Product documentation
Categories for user documentation from ABB Robotics
The user documentation from ABB Robotics is divided into a number of categories.
This listing is based on the type of information in the documents, regardless of
whether the products are standard or optional.
All documents can be found via myABB Business Portal,

Product manuals
Manipulators, controllers, DressPack/SpotPack, and most other hardware is
delivered with a Product manual that generally contains:
• Safety information.
• Installation and commissioning (descriptions of mechanical installation or
electrical connections).
• Maintenance (descriptions of all required preventive maintenance procedures
including intervals and expected life time of parts).
• Repair (descriptions of all recommended repair procedures including spare
• Calibration.
• Decommissioning.
• Reference information (safety standards, unit conversions, screw joints, lists
of tools).
• Spare parts list with corresponding figures (or references to separate spare
parts lists).
• References to circuit diagrams.

Technical reference manuals

The technical reference manuals describe reference information for robotics
products, for example lubrication, the RAPID language, and system parameters.

Application manuals
Specific applications (for example software or hardware options) are described in
Application manuals. An application manual can describe one or several
An application manual generally contains information about:
• The purpose of the application (what it does and when it is useful).
• What is included (for example cables, I/O boards, RAPID instructions, system
parameters, software).
• How to install included or required hardware.
• How to use the application.
• Examples of how to use the application.

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Product documentation

Operating manuals
The operating manuals describe hands-on handling of the products. The manuals
are aimed at those having first-hand operational contact with the product, that is
production cell operators, programmers, and troubleshooters.

10 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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Safety of personnel
When working inside the robot controller it is necessary to be aware of
voltage-related risks.
A danger of high voltage is associated with the following parts:
• Devices inside the controller, for example I/O devices, can be supplied with
power from an external source.
• The mains supply/mains switch.
• The power unit.
• The power supply unit for the computer system (230 VAC).
• The rectifier unit (400-480 VAC and 700 VDC). Capacitors!
• The drive unit (700 VDC).
• The service outlets (115/230 VAC).
• The power supply unit for tools, or special power supply units for the
machining process.
• The external voltage connected to the controller remains live even when the
robot is disconnected from the mains.
• Additional connections.
Therefore, it is important that all safety regulations are followed when doing
mechanical and electrical installation work.

Safety regulations
Before beginning mechanical and/or electrical installations, ensure you are familiar
with the safety regulations described in Operating manual - General safety
information 1 .

1 This manual contains all safety instructions from the product manuals for the manipulators and the controllers.

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Network security

Network security
Network security
This product is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and
data via a network interface, It is your sole responsibility to provide and continuously
ensure a secure connection between the product and to your network or any other
network (as the case may be). You shall establish and maintain any appropriate
measures (such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls, application of
authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of anti-virus programs,
etc) to protect the product, the network, its system and the interface against any
kind of security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage
and/or theft of data or information. ABB Ltd and its entities are not liable for
damages and/or losses related to such security breaches, any unauthorized access,
interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.

12 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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Term Explanation
Controller The PROFINET master is referred to as PROFINET
Device In this manual the term device is used to describe a
physical unit.
External controller Describes a PROFINET controller on the PROFINET
network connected to the IRC5 controller (not the robot
controller acting as PROFINET controller).
External device Describes a PROFINET device on the PROFINET
network connected to the IRC5 controller (not the robot
controller acting as PROFINET device).
Fast Device Startup Functionality for shortening the connection time with
an I/O device.
Other manufacturers refer to this functionality as Fast
Start Up (FSU) or Prioritized Startup.
GSDML file A GSDML file contains information about a PROFINET
(Generic Station Description Markup Language)
Internal controller Describes when the IRC5 robot controller acts as a
PROFINET controller on the PROFINET network.
Internal device Describes when the IRC5 robot controller acts as a
PROFINET device on the PROFINET network.
LAN Port/connector for Local Area Network.
PROFINET configuration file XML file created using an external PROFINET config-
uration tool
Reduction ratio Poll rate
WAN Port/connector for Wide Area Network.

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1 Introduction
1.1 What is PROFINET?

1 Introduction
1.1 What is PROFINET?

PROFINET is an open standard for Industrial Ethernet. PROFINET satisfies
requirements for automation technology. PROFINET solutions can be implemented
for factory and process automation, for safety applications, and for the entire range
of drive technology right up to clock-synchronized motion control.

The use of open standards, simple operation, and the integration of existing system
segments have driven the definition of PROFINET from the beginning. PROFINET
is standardized in IEC 61158 and IEC 61784. The continual further development
of PROFINET offers users a long term perspective for the implementation of their
automation tasks.

Communication profiles
PROFINET has a modular design and different PROFINET communication profiles
are all combinations of modular elements from the groups transmission technology,
communication protocol, and application profiles.
Here are some examples of PROFINET communication profiles:
• PROFINET-IO - Distributed I/O (Remote I/O). Here, the familiar I/O view of
PROFIBUS is retained, in which the user data from the field devices are
periodically transmitted into the process model of the control system.
• PROFINET-CBA - Based on the object-oriented modelling of technological
modules. Based on the object model, machines and installations are
structured in PROFINET in the form of technological modules.
• PROFIsafe - Defines how safety-oriented devices (emergency shutoff
switches, light grids, overfill protection systems, etc.) can communicate
safety control information over a network securely enough that they can be
used in safety-oriented automation tasks up to EN954's KAT4, AK6, or SIL3
(Safety Integrity Level).
• PROFIdrive - The PROFIdrive profile covers application scenarios from simple
frequency converters to highly dynamic servo drivers.
• PROFIenergy - A profile of the PROFINET communications protocol that
allows the power consumption of automation equipment in manufacturing
(such as robot assembly cells, laser cutters and sub-systems such as paint
lines) to be managed over a PROFINET network. It offers an open and
standardized means of controlling energy usage during planned and
unplanned breaks in production. See also Application manual - PROFIenergy

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1 Introduction


The PROFINET network is running on the IRC5 main computer and does not require
any additional hardware. PROFINET as described in this manual requires main
computer DSQC1000 or newer (e.g. DSQC1018).

With option PROFINET Controller/Device, the IRC5 controller can act as a controller,
device, or both on the PROFINET network.
With option PROFINET Device, the IRC5 controller can only act as a device.


If only PROFINET device functionality is required, then the option PROFINET

Anybus Device can also be used.
For more information see Application manual - PROFINET Anybus Device.


Note that the network settings are set for the Connection, i.e. the physical
connector on the main computer used for the PROFINET network.
This means that the network settings are shared between the internal device and
the internal controller if the IRC5 controller acts as both on the PROFINET
network. This is also the interface used when scanning the network for PROFINET
devices, using the scan editor.

For RobotWare 6.06 and later, the PROFINET device is certified by PROFIBUS &
PROFINET International (PI) with conformance class B/ NetLoad Class II and the
device profiles; PROFIenergy and PROFIsafe.
PROFINET device is certified for the PROFINET version 2.33.

Specification overview, internal controller

Item Specification
Number of I/O devices connected to control- Maximum 50 I/O devices
Connection size Maximum 256 input bytes and 256 output
bytes per device.

Specification overview, internal device

Item Specification
GSDML file See GSDML file on page 29.
PROFINET Version 2.33

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16 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator
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1 Introduction

Item Specification
Slot configuration Slot 1-4: Digital input or output modules of
variable size
Connection size Maximum 256 input bytes and 256 output
bytes per device.

Default gateway
There are multiple default gateways in the system. And hence, it is possible to
have two different default gateways in the system, one for the non-PROFINET
traffic and one that only manages the PROFINET interface and its traffic. So while
using option PROFINET Controller/Device the LAN 3 port is used only for PROFINET

Device replacement
PROFINET controller supports the device replacement mechanism. When a device
fails, a new, identical device can replace the failed one if plugged in the same
topology location. And this does not need any engineering tool. The new device
is automatically assigned the same parameters and name as the previous one.
The conditions for device replacement to work are:
• You must replace a previously connected device by an identical device with
an empty station name at the same topology location. For example, the new
device is plugged in the same port as previously in a switch.
• This feature requires all switches and devices to support Link Layer Discovery
Protocol (LLDP). The easiest way to achieve this is to only use Conformance
Class B devices and switches in the PROFINET network.

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2 Hardware overview
2.1 Main computer

2 Hardware overview
2.1 Main computer

The I/O network can be connected to one of the the Ethernet ports WAN, LAN 2,
or LAN 3 on the main computer.
The following figure illustrates where the Ethernet port connectors, are placed on
the main computer.

Connector Label Description

X2 Service Port to the robot's private network. Intended to be left empty
so that service personnel can use it to connect to the com-
puter unit.
X3 LAN 1 Port to the robot's private network. Normally used to connect
the FlexPendant.
X4 LAN 2 Port to the robot's private network.
X5 LAN 3 By default LAN 3 is configured for an isolated LAN3 network.
Can be reconfigured to be a part of the private network.
X6 WAN Wide Area Network that can host a public industrial network.


It is not supported to connect multiple ports of the main computer (X2 - X6) to
the same external switch, unless static VLAN isolation is applied on the external

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2 Hardware overview
2.1 Main computer

Intended use of WAN and LAN ports

The WAN port is a public network interface to the controller, typically connected
to the factory network with a public IP address provided by the network
The LAN ports are intended for connecting network based process equipment to
the controller, for example industrial networks, cameras, and welding equipment.
LAN 2 can only be used as a private network to the IRC5 controller.

Isolated LAN 3 or LAN 3 as part of the private network

The default configuration is that LAN 3 is configured as an isolated network. This
allows several robot controller to be connected to the same network, see PROFINET
on dedicated industrial network on page 23.


The isolated LAN 3 cannot be used to connect to any HMI device (RobotStudio,
Robot Web Services, or PC SDK client) since it does not support the protocol
needed for communication.

Robot Controller

Private Isolated Public


Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN

An alternative configuration is that LAN 3 is part of the private network. The ports
Service, LAN 1, LAN 2, and LAN 3 then belong to the same network and act just
as different ports on the same switch. This is configured by changing the system
parameter Interface, in topic Communication and type Static VLAN, from "LAN 3"
to "LAN". See Technical reference manual - System parameters.

Robot Controller

Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN

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2 Hardware overview
2.1 Main computer

One PROFINET network connected to the robot controller

If PROFINET is used on the public network (WAN port) without an Anybus adapter,
PROFINET cannot be used on the private network. Equipment not using PROFINET
(for example a camera) can be connected to the private network. To use PROFINET
on both the public and private network, an Anybus adapter must be used. See
Using Anybus adapter to connect two PROFINET networks on page 24.

PROFINET on factory network

When the WAN port is used for connecting to an industrial network, the traffic
shares the same media as the factory network and will share bandwidth with other
non industrial network traffic.
The following figure illustrates the network when connecting a controller and a
device to the WAN port of the main computer:

Cell I/O

Factory Network & Industrial Network


Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 2

Private Public Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN


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2 Hardware overview
2.1 Main computer

PROFINET on private network

The private network can contain I/O, sensors, etc. for the robot controller. However,
it is not possible to connect several robot controllers to the same private network.
The following illustration shows two robot controllers with PROFINET (and other
IP traffic) on each private network. The factory network cannot communicate with
the robot controller using PROFINET.

Factory Network

Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 1

Private Public Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN


Switch Switch

Robot I/O
Robot I/O
I/O Camera

I/O Sensor

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2 Hardware overview
2.1 Main computer

PROFINET on dedicated industrial network

By connecting to the isolated LAN 3 port it is possible to connect several robot
controllers to a dedicated industrial network.

Factory Network

Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 2

Isolated Public Isolated Public
Private LAN 3 Private LAN 3

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN

Cell I/O

Sensor Camera

Industrial Network PROFINET


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2 Hardware overview
2.1 Main computer

Using Anybus adapter to connect two PROFINET networks

PROFINET on shared factory network and private network
To be able to use PROFINET on both the public and the private network, an Anybus
adapter must be used. If the same factory network is used both for PROFINET
communication and other communication, both the Anybus adapter and the WAN
port must be connected to the factory network. For information about the PROFINET
Anybus adapter, see Application manual - PROFINET Anybus Device.


Factory Network


Anybus Anybus
adapter adapter
Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 1

Private Public Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN



Robot I/O Robot I/O

PROFINET on dedicated industrial network

If the PROFINET communication is separated from other communication, an Anybus
adapter must be connected to the PROFINET industrial network and the WAN port
must be connected to the factory network.
If the PROFINET communication shall be separated from other Ethernet
communication, an Anybus adapter must be installed and connected to the public
PROFINET industrial network and the WAN port connected to the factory network.

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2 Hardware overview
2.1 Main computer

For information about the PROFINET Anybus adapter, see Application

manual - PROFINET Anybus Device.


Industrial Network

Factory Network

Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 1

Private Public Private Public

Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN Service LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 WAN



Robot I/O Robot I/O

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2 Hardware overview
2.2 Ethernet switches

2.2 Ethernet switches

It is recommended that switches used in the I/O network support Quality of Service
I/O devices mark their packets with a priority value. The priority value is used in
order to get better I/O data throughput and shorter delays on the network.
Switches and routers are then able to differentiate the device's critical from the
other non-critical traffic. To do this, the switches and routers must support Quality
of Service.

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2 Hardware overview
2.3 I/O devices

2.3 I/O devices

It is possible to connect any type of PROFINET-IO compliant I/O device on the
PROFINET controller network. All I/O devices should comply with the PROFINET
standard and be conformance tested by PROFINET international. I/O devices may
be mounted inside the IRC5 controller.

Safety I/O devices

PROFINET network supports safety module. It is possible to configure safety I/O
devices and create safety signals to the I/O devices. For more information, refer
to Application manual - Functional safety and SafeMove2 and Application
manual - I/O Configurator.

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3 Software overview
3.1 Information about the internal device

3 Software overview
3.1 Information about the internal device

To use the PROFINET internal device, the IRC5 controller must be installed with
either the option 888-2 PROFINET Controller/Device or 888-3 PROFINET Device.
The PROFINET internal device can be used to:
• connect a PLC to the IRC5 controller.
• connect the IRC5 controller to another IRC5 controller which acts as a master.

Predefined network
When the robot system is installed with the PROFINET option, a predefined network
with the name PROFINET is created at system startup.
Use RobotStudio or other recommended tool to configure the PROFINET network
for initial use. For example, by setting the correct network name and IP settings.

Predefined internal device

When the robot system is installed with the PROFINET option, a predefined internal
device with the name PN_Internal_Device is created at system startup.
It is used to define the internal device in the IRC5 controller, which will enable a
PLC to connect to the IRC5 controller. There can only be one internal device defined
in the IRC5 controller.

GSDML file
In order to configure a PROFINET network with an external PROFINET configuration
tool, a GSDML file for each I/O device needs to be imported into the tool. These
files contains vital information about the PROFINET I/O devices and they shall be
supplied by the vendor/manufacturer of the specific PROFINET module.
For information on where to find the GSDML file for the IRC5 controller, see Location
of GSDML files on page 32.

Template I/O configuration file

A template I/O configuration file is available for the internal device. The file contains
preconfigured names for all available inputs and outputs. The file can be loaded
to the controller, using RobotStudio or the FlexPendant, to facilitate and speed up
the configuration.
The I/O template configuration file, PN_Internal_Device.cfg, can be obtained from
RobotStudio or the IRC5 controller.
• In the RobotWare installation folder in RobotStudio: ...\RobotPackages\
• On the IRC5 Controller: <SystemName>\PRODUCTS\

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3 Software overview
3.1 Information about the internal device


Navigate to the RobotWare installation folder from the RobotStudio Add-Ins tab,
by right-clicking on the installed RobotWare version in the Add-Ins browser and
selecting Open Package Folder.

Input and output size

PROFINET has an internal device with maximum 2048 digital input signals and
maximum 2048 digital output signals. Similarly, for safe PROFINET internal device,
you can add 64 safety digital input signals and 64 safety digital output signals.
The internal device PN_Internal_Device has two system parameters, Input Size
and Output Size. Input Size is used to configure the input size of the internal device
and Output Size configures the output size. A connecting PLC needs to have a
slot configuration created in the external PROFINET configuration tool that matches
the configuration of the internal device.
The following table shows a few examples of how the Input Size and Output Size
parameters can be used to create different slot configurations of a connecting PLC:
Input Size Output Size Step 7 Configuration
8 bytes 8 bytes Slot 1: DI 8 bytes
Slot 2: DO 8 bytes
8 bytes 16 bytes Slot 1: DI 16 bytes
Slot 2: DO 8 bytes
64 byte 32 bytes Slot 1: DI 32 bytes
Slot 2: DO 64 bytes


If a configuration mismatch between the connecting PLC and the internal device
occurs, an event message is generated on the FlexPendant. This event message
informs the user of the present slot configuration of the internal device.


The Input Size sets the size on digital outputs and Output size sets the size on
digital inputs, seen from the PLC’s point of view.

30 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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3 Software overview
3.2 Information about the internal controller

3.2 Information about the internal controller

To use the PROFINET internal controller, the IRC5 controller must be installed with
the option PROFINET Controller/Device.
The PROFINET internal controller can be used to:
• connect PROFINET devices to the IRC5 controller.
• connect the IRC5 controller to another IRC5 controller which acts as a device.

GSDML files
In order to configure a PROFINET network with an external PROFINET configuration
tool, GSDML files need to be imported into the tool. These files contains vital
information about the PROFINET I/O devices and they shall be supplied by the
vendor/manufacturer of the specific PROFINET module.

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3 Software overview
3.3 Software for configuring a device

3.3 Software for configuring a device

The PROFINET internal device does not need any type of PC software to be
activated, but the connecting PLC / PROFINET controller might need a PC software
tool to configure all connection parameters used to connect to the IRC5 system.

Location of GSDML files

GSDML files are stored under the <system>/HOME/GSDML catalog of the target

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4 The I/O Configurator user interface
4.1 The user interface

4 The I/O Configurator user interface

4.1 The user interface

Start the IO Configurator

1 Start RobotStudio and connect to the robot system to configure.
2 In the ribbon of the Controller tab, click Configuration and select I/O

Overview of the user interface

This section presents an overview of the I/O Configurator graphical user interface.

Parts Description
A Ribbon Displays command buttons organized in a logical sequence of
B Configuration Displays the I/O configuration tree with information of I/O sys-
browser tem and its parameters.
C Output window Displays the information about the events that occur in control-
ler and I/O devices.

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4 The I/O Configurator user interface
4.1 The user interface

Parts Description
D Signal Editor Displays the signals assigned to the I/O device. Enables to add
or delete signals of I/O device.
E Scan Editor Displays the information of the I/O devices that are found on
the network.
F Properties browser Displays all available properties and settings of the selected
I/O device or Configuration nodes. The following tabs are
• Properties tab - displays the properties of the selected
I/O device.
• Device Catalogue tab - displays the device catalogues
used for configuring the I/O devices.

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4 The I/O Configurator user interface
4.2 The ribbon

4.2 The ribbon

Layout of the ribbon

This section describes the functions of the command buttons.

The ribbon contains following command buttons:

Button Functions used for
Request Write Access Requests write access.
Release Write Access Releases the write access after editing I/O configura-
Write Config Writes configuration to the controller and the pending
changes to the controller.
Signal Editor Displays the signals assigned to the I/O device.
Close Closes the I/O Configurator view.

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4 The I/O Configurator user interface
4.3 Configuration browser

4.3 Configuration browser

The Configuration browser displays hierarchical structure of controller and
configuration elements in the I/O Configurator tab. The following figure displays
the Configuration browser that contains Communication and I/O System node in
tree structure. You can click each node to view the parameters and edit the selected
parameter in the Properties tab.


Correct the validation error on each element in the Configuration browser before
writing the configuration to the controller.

Communication node
The Communication node contains parameters for configuring the main computer's
connectivity using Ethernet ports. For more information on parameters, refer to
section Communication of Technical reference manual - System parameters.
The parameters are organized in the following elements:
Element Description
Ethernet Port Used for configuring the Ethernet ports on the main com-
puter. You can edit ports X2, X3, X4, X5, and X6 in the
Properties tab.

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4 The I/O Configurator user interface
4.3 Configuration browser

Element Description
IP Setting Used to set an address to a network interface of the main
computer. The parameters in the IP setting is visible in the
Properties tab. It includes Label, IP, Subnet, and Interface
Right-click to add new Industrial networks.
Static VLAN Used to configure grouping of physical Ethernet ports into
static VLAN groups. Ports in the same group are also a part
of the same network interface in the main computer. You
can configure only port X5 in Properties tab.

I/O System node

The I/O System node contains parameters for I/O devices and signals. You can
configure generic I/O devices and safe I/O devices in the I/O System node.
Element Description
Industrial Network node It displays the industrial network that is used in the controller.
(for example PROFINET) The parameters of the corresponding industrial network is
visible in the Properties tab. It includes Connection, Identi-
fication Label, and Simulated parameters.
Right-click PROFINET node to show a shortcut menu with
• Scan network
• Import
Device Under the Device node, the internal devices (where the robot
controller acts as a PROFINET device) are shown.
It displays the parameters of a predefined internal device
created at system start. The parameters of the internal device
are visible in the Properties tab.
Controller The Controller node represents a network where the robot
controller acts as PROFINET controller.
Under the Controller node are representations of a real I/O
devices that are connected to the industrial network where
the robot controller acts as PROFINET controller. You can
configure the parameters of the I/O devices in the Properties

The following symbols display the status of the I/O device, controller or entity.
Symbol Explanation
Indicates incomplete information. You can enter the pending
information in the Properties tab.

Indicates that there are unsaved changes.


Indicates a sub-module belonging to an I/O module. The

sub-module is used configure some parameters for the I/O
module (e.g. input delay).

Yellow line mark Identifier for a safety I/O device.

Indicates that a signal is used by the safety module, for ex-
ample in the combinatory logic, and cannot be renamed or
removed from the signal editor.

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4 The I/O Configurator user interface
4.3 Configuration browser

Symbol Explanation
Indicates that a signal is defined as protected basic config-
uration by the safety module. See Application manual - Func-
tional safety and SafeMove2.

Identifies an unknown device which is not mapped to a

GSDML definition.

Identifies a device with an old configuration where signals

are configured directly under the device. In a new configur-
ation, the device would have slots for I/O modules that con-
tains the signals.”


Point to the entity with error to view the corresponding validation error.

Right-click menu
Within the Configuration browser tree structure, you can right-click the device or
module to show a shortcut menu with various operations (not all are available for
all devices):
Setting Description
Delete Removes the device from the Configuration browser tree structure.
However, the slot position is available for a new or another slot,
which can be inserted in the controller.

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4 The I/O Configurator user interface
4.4 Properties browser

4.4 Properties browser

Properties tab
The Properties tab displays the parameters of the Communication node and I/O
System node. You can configure the parameters visible in the Properties tab. For
more information about Communication parameters, see section Communication
in the Technical reference manual - System parameters.

Device Catalogue tab

The Device Catalogue tab displays the predefined device templates or catalogues
used to configure the I/O device. For PROFINET devices, GSDML files are imported
to configure the I/O devices. The installed device templates are visible in the Device
Catalogue tab.

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4 The I/O Configurator user interface
4.5 Signal Editor

4.5 Signal Editor

The Signal Editor tab displays the signals assigned to the I/O device. It is used to
view the signals and to add new signals to the I/O device. For more information
about attributes of signal, refer to Technical reference manual - System parameters.

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4 The I/O Configurator user interface
4.6 Scan Editor

4.6 Scan Editor

The Scan Editor tab displays the I/O devices discovered in the controller network
scan. It displays information such as MAC, Station Name, IP, Subnet, Gateway,
Vendor Id, and Device Id.
When scan network is run, Scan Editor displays all the I/O devices in the network.
You can then configure the I/O devices that are found but not already configured
in the controller. For example, in the Communication node, if LAN3 is configured
as the network interface and the scan network is run. Then the LAN3 interface is
used as the scan interface and devices are identified with the device details. For
more information, see to Scan the network on page 46.


PROFINET station name follows the PROFINET naming convention. It uses lower
case alphabets for naming station name.

Right-click menu
Within the Scan Editor, you can right-click the device row to show a menu of
Setting Description
Add as Selects a device and add it to the configuration tree.
Blink Blink with the device status LEDs in order to identify it.
Factory Reset Resets the IP settings of the device to factory reset.

The following buttons are available in the Scan Editor:

Setting Description
Refresh Lists all the devices that are reachable on this network.
Export Exports a .csv file with all devices and the columns with data for
each device.
Send Changes To change a device's parameters, double-click on that device and
enter the values that needs to be changed.
Clicking Send Changes will save these changes.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

5 Configuring internal controller and external device

using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

Log in as safety user

If working with safe I/O signals, log in as a safety user (the user grant Safety
Services is required). See Operating manual - RobotStudio, section Managing the
user authorization system.

Start the IO Configurator

1 Start RobotStudio and connect to the robot system to configure.
2 In the ribbon of the Controller tab, click Configuration and select I/O

3 In the ribbon, click Request Write Access to be allowed to configure the


Configure IP settings
1 In the Configuration browser, select PROFINET Network.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

The symbol indicates that the configuration of this network is incomplete.

A red frame around a property field means that the property is not specified,
or cause a validation error.

2 In the Properties browser, set the values for:

• IP: The IP address for the IRC5 controller on the PROFINET network.
• Subnet: The subnet mask.
• Interface: Where the network is connected to the IRC5 controller, see
Connections on page 19.

Set station name

1 In the Configuration browser, select PROFINET (under I/O system).
2 In the Properties browser, specify Station Name.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

Note: This is the name of the internal device as it appear on the PROFINET
network. E.g. detectable by a PLC.

Import GSDML files

A GSDML file contains data about a device. It is necessary to add GSDML files for
all devices that should be added. It is also possible to add GSDML files for any
devices that may be added later.
1 In the Configuration browser, right-click on PROFINET (under I/O system),
select Import and then GSDML File.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

2 Select the GSDML file for the I/O device to add to the network.

Scan the network

If the controller is connected to a physical PROFINET network with the I/O devices
already in place, this describes how to scan the network to find available devices.
This scanning is performed on the network connected to the port selected in
Interface in the network properties. See Configure IP settings on page 43.
If you want to configure the network before the physical network is in place, follow
the instruction Manually add devices to your network on page 46.
1 In the Configuration browser, right-click on PROFINET (under I/O system)
and select Scan Network.


Use the Blink functionality to detect the correct unit when multiple devices
are connected.

2 Add the detected device by right-clicking the device and selecting Add as.
Select the configuration that corresponds to the physical device. The device
is now displayed in the Configuration browser under the PROFINET /
Controller node.
3 The properties for the device are added automatically in the Properties
browser. Make sure these are correct.

Manually add devices to your network

1 In the Configuration browser, expand PROFINET and select Controller.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

2 Click on the tab Device Catalogue to show a list of available communication


3 Double-click on a communication module in the list to add it to the controller.

The added communication module is automatically selected. If the

communication module contains an internal I/O module (physically included
on the communication module), it is added as the first I/O module under the
communication module.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

4 In the Properties tab, specify the properties for the communication module.
The ones with a red frame around must be specified (current value is invalid).

Adding I/O modules

1 To add I/O modules, select the communication module and double-click on
the I/O modules in the Device Catalogue.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

2 For safe I/O modules, select the I/O module in the Configuration browser
and configure the properties:
Setting Description
Source Address The PROFIsafe address Source Address combined with the
Destination Address uniquely identifies the module. Both ad-
dresses are decimal values.
Destination Ad- The Destination Address should be the same as the address
dress switch on the I/O module.
Timeout A valid current safety message frame must arrive within the
monitoring time.
SIL Safety level (SIL1 - SIL3 or NoSIL).
Version Parameters that are automatically retrieved from the GSDML
file for the device.
CRC Length
I Par CRC The iParameter Cyclic Redundancy Check (iParCrc) is a hexa-
decimal checksum which makes it possible to recognize and
trace any modification of the device that was not authorized.
Vendor Tool (but- Starts the vendor specific tool to calculate the iParCrc hexa-
ton) decimal checksum.
The vendor specific CRC-calculator tool is installed separately
and can be started from the Vendor tool button if it supports
the TCI-interface.

For each safe module, click the Vendor Tool button to open the iParCrc
checksum tool and calculate the IParCrc value for the module. Copy the
hexadecimal value into the Safe IO Configurator.


Note that the IParCrc checksum must be recalculated if the module

configuration is changed, i.e. channel configuration, delay filter, etc.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

3 Select the sub-module in the Configuration browser and configure the module
settings in the Properties browser. These properties are extracted from the
GSD file for the I/O module.


Note that the channel configuration for all inputs and outputs may by default
be disabled and may have to be activated before an input or output can
be used on the specific channel.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

Edit signals
1 In the ribbon, click on Signal Editor.
2 In the Configuration browser, select an I/O module to configure signals for.
3 In the column Name, type the name each signal should have.

Save configuration
When the configuration is finished, save the configuration to the robot controller.
If you do not already have write access, click Request Write Access in the ribbon
to be allowed to configure the controller.
In the ribbon, click Write config. When asked if you would like to restart the
controller, answer Yes for the new configuration to take effect.


The communication to the safe modules is now established which may also be
indicated by status diodes on the devices.


If a signal is used by the safety module, for example in the combinatory logic, it
cannot be renamed or removed from the signal editor. This is displayed with a
shield symbol. For information about the safety module, see Application
manual - Functional safety and SafeMove2.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.1 Configuring with IO Configurator

Message when changing safe signals

If safe devices or signals have been added, removed or edited, these changes will
be saved to the tool Visual SafeMove and affect the safety configuration. To confirm
the changes in Visual SafeMove too, click Yes.

Message about removing device

If there is a safe I/O device defined in the Visual SafeMove memory and this device
is not in the current configuration in IO Configurator, a message informs that the
device is removed also in the Visual SafeMove memory. This can, for example, be
the result of reading a configuration file to Visual SafeMove or be caused by a
communication error when saving a configuration.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.2 Using Fast Device Startup

5.2 Using Fast Device Startup

About Fast Device Startup

The Fast Device Startup functionality is used in tool changing applications to
shorten the connection time between the PROFINET controller and an I/O device.
To be able to use this functionality, the I/O device needs to support this functionality.
All devices must support fast startup in the communication chain. Devices such
as switches or other intermediate hardware that could affect the PROFINET
communication. For more information, see Poor performance using fast startup
on page 84.
Some manufacturers also call this functionality Fast Start Up (FSU) or Prioritized
To activate Fast Device Startup against an I/O device, activate the system parameter
Fast Device Startup and select the corresponding port(s) to be configured. See
Fast Device Startup on page 70.


The I/O device with FSU functionality is connected with the IRC5 controller. When
the power of the I/O device is switched off and switched on again, the IRC5
controller establishes contact with the I/O device using the fast startup sequence.

Three alternative connections

I/O device connected via a switch

A IRC5 controller acting as PROFINET controller

B Switch
C Connection point
D I/O device
F Port 1 on the device
G Port 2 on the device

In this alternative the PROFINET controller connects to the I/O device via a switch.
Enable fast device startup and select 100 MBit (full duplex) on port 1. The port
number is usually displayed upon the I/O device itself.

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5 Configuring internal controller and external device using IO Configurator
5.2 Using Fast Device Startup

Two I/O devices connected in serial via a switch

A IRC5 controller acting as PROFINET controller

B Switch
C Connection point
D I/O device
E I/O device

In this alternative, both I/O devices are disconnected at the connection point. Both
port 1 and port 2 on the first device (D) and port 1 on the second device (E) needs
to be configured to support Fast Device Startup.

I/O device connected without a switch


A IRC5 controller acting as PROFINET controller

C Connection point
D I/O device

In this alternative there is a direct cable between the PROFINET controller and the
I/O device. Enable fast device startup and select 100 MBit (full duplex) on the port.
A crossed Ethernet cable needs to be used.

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6 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-2)

6 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator

(for option 997-2)
Log in as safety user
If working with safe I/O signals, log in as a safety user (the user grant Safety
Services is required). See Operating manual - RobotStudio, section Managing the
user authorization system.

Start the IO Configurator

1 Start RobotStudio and connect to the robot system to configure.
2 In the ribbon of the Controller tab, click Configuration and select I/O

3 In the ribbon, click Request Write Access to be allowed to configure the


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6 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-2)

View the internal device

1 In the Configuration browser, expand PROFINET, then Device, and then

The default internal device is of type Internal Basic. If you want to replace
this, see Change type of internal device on page 56.
By default, PN_Internal_Device is configured with four I/O modules:
DO_64_bytes, DI_64_bytes, SDO_8_bytes, and SDI_8_bytes. If you want
to replace any of the I/O modules, see Change I/O modules on page 57.

Change type of internal device

The default internal device is of type Internal Basic. The following steps describes
how to replace this.
1 In the Configuration browser, right-click on PN_Internal_Device and select
2 In the Configuration browser, select Device.

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6 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-2)

3 Click on the tab Device Catalogue to show a list of available internal devices.

4 Double-click on the internal device type you want.

The ones that can be selected are:
• Internal BASIC (standard internal device)
• Internal ENERGY (internal device for energy saving PROFINET)

Change I/O modules

By default, there are four I/O modules. The following steps describes how to replace
an I/O module:
1 In the Configuration browser, right-click on the I/O module and select Delete.
2 In the Configuration browser, select PN_Internal_Device.

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6 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-2)

3 Click on the tab Device Catalogue to show a list of available I/O modules.

4 Double-click on the I/O module you want.


There are a set of rules for which type of I/O modules that are allowed for each
slot. Only the the modules presented in the Device Catalogue are allowed to
select for that slot.


All unconfigured slots are configured in numerical order. For example, if the
modules are deleted from slot 1 and 2, you may have to select a DO in slot 1
before being able to select a DI in slot 2.


A yellow marking beside the module symbol indicates a safe I/O module. If any
safe module is included in the internal device, a yellow marker is shown by the
internal device as well.

Edit signals
1 In the ribbon, click on Signal Editor.
2 In the Configuration browser, select an I/O module to configure signals for.

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6 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-2)

3 In the column Name, type the name each signal should have.

Save configuration
When the configuration is finished, save the configuration to the robot controller.
If you do not already have write access, click Request Write Access in the ribbon
to be allowed to configure the controller.
In the ribbon, click Write config. When asked if you would like to restart the
controller, answer Yes for the new configuration to take effect.


If a signal is used by the safety module, for example in the combinatory logic, it
cannot be renamed or removed from the signal editor. This is displayed with a
shield symbol.

Message when changing safe signals

If safe devices or signals have been added, removed or edited, these changes will
be saved to the tool Visual SafeMove and affect the safety configuration. To confirm
the changes in Visual SafeMove too, click Yes.

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7 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-1)

7 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator

(for option 997-1)
Log in as safety user
If working with safe I/O signals, log in as a safety user (the user grant Safety
Services is required). See Operating manual - RobotStudio, section Managing the
user authorization system.

Start the IO Configurator

1 Start RobotStudio and connect to the robot system to configure.
2 In the ribbon of the Controller tab, click Configuration and select I/O

3 In the ribbon, click Request Write Access to be allowed to configure the


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7 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-1)

View the internal device

1 In the Configuration browser, expand PROFINET, then Device, and then

The default internal device is of type Internal Basic. If you want to replace
this, see Change type of internal device on page 62.

Change type of internal device

The default internal device is of type Internal Basic. The following steps describes
how to replace this.
1 In the Configuration browser, right-click on PN_Internal_Device and select
2 In the Configuration browser, select Device.

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7 Configuring the internal device using IO Configurator (for option 997-1)

3 Click on the tab Device Catalogue to show a list of available internal devices.

4 Double-click on the internal device type you want.

The ones that can be selected are:
• Internal BASIC (standard internal device)
• Internal ENERGY (internal device for energy saving PROFINET)

Edit signals
Signals are edited in Visual SafeMove, see Application manual - Functional safety
and SafeMove2.

Save configuration
When the configuration is finished, save the configuration to the robot controller.
If you do not already have write access, click Request Write Access in the ribbon
to be allowed to configure the controller.
In the ribbon, click Write config. When asked if you would like to restart the
controller, answer Yes for the new configuration to take effect.

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8 System parameters
8.1 Introduction

8 System parameters
8.1 Introduction

About the system parameters

There are both PROFINET specific parameters and more general parameters. This
chapter describes all PROFINET specific system parameters. The parameters are
divided into the type they belong to. For information about other parameters, see
Technical reference manual - System parameters.

PROFINET system parameters

Industrial Network
These parameters belong to the type Industrial Network in the topic I/O System.
Parameter For more information, see ...
Name Technical reference manual - System parameters
Identification Label Technical reference manual - System parameters
Connection Connection on page 67
PROFINET Station Name PROFINET Station Name on page 68

These parameters belong to the type PROFINET Device in the topic I/O System.
Parameter For more information, see ...
Name Technical reference manual - System parameters
PROFINET Station Name PROFINET Station Name on page 69
Connected to Industrial Technical reference manual - System parameters
State at System Restart Technical reference manual - System parameters
Identification Label Technical reference manual - System parameters
Trust Level Technical reference manual - System parameters
Simulated Technical reference manual - System parameters
Vendor Name Technical reference manual - System parameters
Recovery Time Technical reference manual - System parameters
Fast Device Startup Fast Device Startup on page 70
Port1, 2, 3, 4 Fast Device Startup on page 70
Energy Saving Energy Saving on page 75

These parameters belong to the type Signal in the topic I/O System.
Parameter For more information, see ...
Name Technical reference manual - System parameters
Type of Signal PROFINET Station Name on page 69

Continues on next page

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8 System parameters
8.1 Introduction

Parameter For more information, see ...

Assigned to Device Technical reference manual - System parameters
Signal Identification Label Technical reference manual - System parameters
Device Mapping Technical reference manual - System parameters
Category Technical reference manual - System parameters
Access Level Technical reference manual - System parameters
Default Value Technical reference manual - System parameters
Filter Time Passive (ms) Technical reference manual - System parameters
Filter Time Active (ms) Fast Device Startup on page 70
Invert Physical Value Fast Device Startup on page 70
Analog Encoding Type Energy Saving on page 75
Maximum Logical Value Technical reference manual - System parameters
Maximum Physical Value Technical reference manual - System parameters
Maximum Physical Value Technical reference manual - System parameters
Maximum Bit Value Technical reference manual - System parameters
Minimum Logical Value Technical reference manual - System parameters
Minimum Physical Value Technical reference manual - System parameters
Minimum Physical Value Technical reference manual - System parameters
Minimum Bit Value Technical reference manual - System parameters
Transfer To Device Transfer To Device on page 76
Output Offset On Destina- Output Offset on Destination Device on page 77
tion Device
Transfer From Device Transfer From Device on page 78
Input Offset On Source Input Offset on Source Device on page 79

PROFINET Internal Device

These parameters belong to the type PROFINET Internal Device in the topic I/O
Parameter For more information, see ...
Name Technical reference manual - System parameters
Connected to Industrial Technical reference manual - System parameters
Simulated Technical reference manual - System parameters
Vendor Name Technical reference manual - System parameters
Product Name Technical reference manual - System parameters
Identification Label Technical reference manual - System parameters
Input Size Input Size on page 80
Output Size Output Size on page 81

66 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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8 System parameters
8.2.1 Connection

8.2 Type Industrial Network

8.2.1 Connection

Connection belongs to the type Industrial Network, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Connection specifies the IP Setting that the PROFINET industrial
network shall use.

Default value

Allowed values
Valid instances of IP Setting

Additional information
The Public Network or the Private Network cannot be edited by external controllers
or tool, such as NetNames+.

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8 System parameters
8.2.2 PROFINET Station Name

8.2.2 PROFINET Station Name

PROFINET Station Name belongs to the type Industrial Network, in the topic I/O

Cfg name

PROFINET Station Name specifies the PROFINET station name on the network of
the IRC5 controller.

The parameter PROFINET Station Name is used to identify a PROFINET device
on the network. The name must be unique on the network.
The parameter PROFINET Station Name can also be changed with an external
PROFINET configuration tool or a connecting PROFINET controller.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device or PROFINET Device must be installed.

Default value
The default value is an empty string.

Allowed values
A string with maximum 80 characters.
Allowed characters:
• 0-9 (numerical)
• a-z (lowercase letters)
• - (hyphen)
• . (full stop)

68 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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8 System parameters
8.3.1 PROFINET Station Name

8.3 Type PROFINET Device

8.3.1 PROFINET Station Name

PROFINET Station Name belongs to the type PROFINET Device, in the topic I/O

Cfg name

PROFINET Station Name specifies the PROFINET station name on the network of
the external I/O device.

The parameter PROFINET Station Name is used to identify a PROFINET device
on the network. The name must be unique on the network.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device or PROFINET Device must be installed.

Default value
The default value is an empty string.

Allowed values
The station name follows the PROFINET naming convention for IO devices.

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8 System parameters
8.3.2 Fast Device Startup

8.3.2 Fast Device Startup

Fast Device Startup belongs to the type PROFINET Device, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Fast Device Startup specifies if the I/O device should use a faster
connection attempt algorithm or not.

The parameter Fast Device Startup is used mainly to speed up tool change
applications. The usual PROFINET connection attempt takes a few seconds to
complete, but with Fast Device Startup enabled devices, this time is shortened to
less than a second. For more information, see Using Fast Device Startup on
page 53.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device must be installed.

The Ethernet switches between the IRC5 controller and the I/O device that uses
the Fast Device Startup functionality. It must be configured to disable the auto
crossover and automatic speed detection functions on used connectors. The speed
rate is set to 100Mbps (full duplex).

Default value
The default value is Deactivated.

Allowed values
• Deactivated
• Activated
• Support


Select Support to set the desired port speed. For port speed, select 100 Mbps
and the port speed is adjusted to 100Mbps, and auto negotiation is turned off
for the port.
Hence, it is possible to change the settings on a built-in switch for a PROFINET
I/O device.

70 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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8 System parameters
8.3.3 Port 1

8.3.3 Port 1

Port 1 belongs to the type PROFINET Device, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Port 1 specifies fast device startup port 1 in the I/O device.

The parameter Fast Device Startup is configured at port 1 of the I/O device.

The parameter Fast Device Startup must be activated.

Default value
The default value is Deactivated.

Allowed values
• Deactivated
• 100 Mbps

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8 System parameters
8.3.4 Port 2

8.3.4 Port 2

Port 2 belongs to the type PROFINET Device, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Port 2 specifies fast device startup port 2 in the I/O device.

The parameter Fast Device Startup is configured at port 2 of the I/O device.

The parameter Fast Device Startup must be activated.

Default value
The default value is Deactivated.

Allowed values
• Deactivated
• 100 Mbps

72 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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8 System parameters
8.3.5 Port 3

8.3.5 Port 3

Port 3 belongs to the type PROFINET Device, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Port 3 specifies fast device startup port 3 in the I/O device.

The parameter Fast Device Startup is configured at port 3 of the I/O device.

The parameter Fast Device Startup must be activated.

Default value
The default value is Deactivated.

Allowed values
• Deactivated
• 100 Mbps

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8 System parameters
8.3.6 Port 4

8.3.6 Port 4

Port 4 belongs to the type PROFINET Device, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Port 4 specifies fast device startup port 4 in the I/O device.

The parameter Fast Device Startup is configured at port 4 of the I/O device.

The parameter Fast Device Startup must be activated.

Default value
The default value is Deactivated.

Allowed values
• Deactivated
• 100 Mbps

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8 System parameters
8.3.7 Energy Saving

8.3.7 Energy Saving

Energy Saving belongs to the type PROFINET Device, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name
Energy Saving

The parameter Energy Saving specifies if the I/O device should respond to energy
saving command or not.

The parameter Energy Saving is used mainly to activate energy saving mode.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device and PROFIenergy must be installed.

Default value
The default value is Activated.

Allowed values
• Activated
• Deactivated

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8 System parameters
8.4.1 Transfer To Device
PROFINET Controller/Device

8.4 Type Signal

8.4.1 Transfer To Device

Transfer To Device belongs to the type Signal, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Transfer To Device specifies that the signal shall be transferred to
the internal device starting at the offset specified in the parameter Output Offset
On Destination Device.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device must be installed.

Only signals of type Digital Output/ Digital Input/ Group Output/ Group Input can
be transferred. The destination I/O device can only be the PROFINET internal

Allowed values
The allowed value is the PROFINET internal device.

76 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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8 System parameters
8.4.2 Output Offset on Destination Device
PROFINET Controller/Device

8.4.2 Output Offset on Destination Device

Output Offset On Destination Device belongs to the type Signal, in the topic I/O

Cfg name

The parameter Output Offset On Destination Device specifies the output start bit
on the PROFINET internal device set by the transfer signal.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device must be installed.

The destination I/O device can only be the PROFINET internal device.

Default value
The default value is -1. This means that no Output Offset On Destination Device
is defined.

Allowed values
The values are in the range of -1 to 65535.

Additional information
The parameter Output Offset On Destination Device specifies the start bit on the
internal device. And, for bits specified in a group are transferred starting with the
first bit.

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8 System parameters
8.4.3 Transfer From Device
PROFINET Controller/Device

8.4.3 Transfer From Device

Transfer From Device belongs to the type Signal, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Transfer From Device specifies that the bit value for the internal
device (starting at the offset specified in the parameter Input Offset On Destination
Device) shall be transferred to the signal.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device must be installed.

Only the input bits from the PROFINET internal device can be transferred to the
signals of type digital output and group output.

Allowed values
The allowed value is the PROFINET internal device.

78 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator

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8 System parameters
8.4.4 Input Offset on Source Device
PROFINET Controller/Device

8.4.4 Input Offset on Source Device

Input Offset on Source Device belongs to the type Signal, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Input Offset on Source Device specifies the input start bit PROFINET
internal device that will be transferred to the defined signal.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device must be installed.

The transfer is possible only to the signals of type digital output and group output.
For all cases, it is possible to transfer information from the internal device to signals
defined on other PROFINET I/O devices only.

Default value
The default value is -1. This means that Input Offset on Source Device is not defined.

Allowed values
The values are in the range of -1 to 65535.

Additional information
The parameter Input Offset On Destination Device specifies the start bit on the
internal device. The bits specified in a group are transferred starting with the first

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8 System parameters
8.5.1 Input Size

8.5 Type PROFINET Internal Device

8.5.1 Input Size

Input Size belongs to the type PROFINET Internal Device, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Input Size is used to configure the input slot configuration of the
PROFINET internal device.

It will configure the input slot size for the PROFINET internal device. This size must
match the connecting PLC’s or other PROFINET controller’s defined output slot
size. For more information, see Input and output size on page 30.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device or PROFINET Device must be installed.

Default value
The default value is 64 bytes (512 signal bits).

Allowed values
8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 bytes (64, 128, 512, 1024 or 2048 signal bits).

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8 System parameters
8.5.2 Output Size

8.5.2 Output Size

Output Size belongs to the type PROFINET Internal Device, in the topic I/O System.

Cfg name

The parameter Output Size is used to configure the output slot configuration of
the PROFINET internal device.

The parameter Output Size is only valid for the PN_Internal_Device. It will configure
the output slot size for the PROFINET internal device. This size must match the
connecting PLC’s or other PROFINET controller’s defined input slot size. For more
information, see Input and output size on page 30.

The option PROFINET Controller/Device or PROFINET Device must be installed.

Default value
The default value is 64 bytes (512 signal bits).

Allowed values
8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 bytes (64, 128, 512, 1024 or 2048 signal bits).

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9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Scenarios

9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Scenarios

Inconsistency between IO Configurator and system parameters

The configuration of the IO Configurator is stored in a memory, that can be written
to the robot controller. If the system parameters are updated on the robot controller
in any other way while IO Configurator is running (or in some cases of failure in
communication), the configuration memory of the IO Configurator will be
inconsistent with the robot controller. In this case, the following message is shown.

Take Controller Configuration will read the system parameters from the robot
controller to the IO Configurator memory. This means that any configurations made
in IO Configurator but not yet written to the robot controller will be lost.
Keep local I/O Configuration will not apply any changes to the IO Configurator
memory. This means that when the configuration is written to the robot controller,
the changes made in another tool will be overwritten.


A similar message can appear in Visual SafeMove, see Application

manual - Functional safety and SafeMove2. Please note that any changes to the
safety configuration requires a new validation process.

Problem assigning IP address or station name

If an external PROFINET configuration tool is used to set IP address or station
name for a controller or device, it may not be possible to perform that operation.
In such a case, make sure that the device or PLC is not involved in any I/O data
exchange. If, for example, a device or PLC is exchanging data with another device
or PLC, it is not possible to change the IP address or station name of those devices.

Unable to connect to a device

If all parameters are correct, but it is still not possible to connect to an device using
the PROFINET controller, make sure that the device does not already have an
active connection with another controller. Most I/O devices do not accept that two
controllers are connected against the same I/O device at the same time. That is,
if the device does not allow shared device functionality.

Continues on next page

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9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Scenarios

Connections are lost randomly

Lost connections can occur for a number of reasons.
• Bad network
• Overloaded Ethernet switches
• Ethernet cable problems
Another possible reason is that the IRC5 PROFINET is not able to process all the
PROFINET requests within the specified time frame. If, for example, 20 I/O devices
are used with 1 ms reduction ratio (poll rate), the slightest variation of CPU load
on the main computer might cause a protocol disturbance which can lead to a
connection timeout. The maximum possible devices that can be used depends on
the reduction ratios used, CPU load and data lengths transferred at every data
There can be connection loss while configuring PROFINET Master on the same
logical subnet as other applications, on the WAN port. It might cause sporadic loss
of communication for the applications as well as for the PROFINET communication.

Poor performance using fast startup

In general the startup time for one I/O device using fast startup is less than a
second, together with the robot controller. This is highly dependent upon the device
itself. Check with the device vendor for detailed description about I/O devices that
support fast startup with corresponding performance figures.
• If there are other intermediate hardware on the connection link that might
interfere with the PROFINET connection.
• If there is a chained setup containing multiple devices, there is an increased
latency before all devices are running. Depending upon the number of chained
devices the total connection time can be more than a second.
• Make sure that the port/ports used for fast startup is selected in the IO
• Check with the device vendor for optimal settings when using the I/O device
with fast startup. Sometimes device behavior is configurable with a vendor
specific tool or through the network configuration tool. According to the
GSDML file.
• Check that the switch settings are correct according to below:
- 100 Mbit speed rate with full duplex.
- Auto negotiation shall be switched off.
- Disable "switch intelligent features" such as flow control and MDIX
(medium dependent interface crossover) that might cause delays during

Configuring Siemens et200sp I/O device

For Siemens et200sp I/O devices, it is important to select the correct Potential
If the back plane of the device is dark, select Use potential group of the left module
(dark BaseUnit).

Continues on next page

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9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Scenarios

If the back plane of the device is light colored, select Enable new potential group
(light BaseUnit).

Continues on next page

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9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Scenarios

Duplicated moduleId in GSDML file

If the error message "Exception: GSDML file includes dap's with the same moduleId
for device ...", then duplicates of the moduleId exist in the GSDML file and you
must select which one to use.
Right-click on the device, select Identify as and select the definition to use.


Missing GSDML definition

If the warning message "... could not be matched to any loaded GSDML definition"
is shown, there can be two reasons:
• If the message "Exception: GSDML file includes dap's with the same moduleId
for device ..." is also shown, see Duplicated moduleId in GSDML file on
page 86.
• If the message "Exception: GSDML file includes dap's with the same moduleId
for device ..." is not shown, load the GSDML definitions. See Import GSDML
files on page 45.

Continues on next page

86 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator
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9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Scenarios


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When using the option Prepared for ABB CI502 the IRC5 controller acts as a
PROFIsafe controller (F-Host) and can host ABB S500 safe I/O devices (F-Devices)
The only safe I/O devices that can be used are the S500 unbundled safe I/Os
DX581-S and DI581-S with the CI502-PNIO PROFINET I/O device.

A RobotWare license with the options PROFINET Controller/Device and Prepared

for ABB CI502 or PROFIsafe F-Host and Device is required to host ABB safe I/O
devices on the IRC5 controller.
The required GSDML file for setting up the ABB S500 safe I/O devices is included
by default in I/O Configurator.
For more information see Product specification - Controller IRC5, the application
note Unbundled S500 Safety I/Os (3ADR024128K0201), and

• This option is using PROFIsafe F-Host, but it does not have full F-Host
functionality since it is limited to the specific safe I/O devices from ABB.

Continues on next page

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Install and configure the ABB S500 safe I/O devices

Use the following procedures to install and configure the ABB S500 safe I/O devices:

In addition to RobotStudio, the following tools are needed to be able to configure
the ABB S500 safe I/O devices:
• Download and install the ABB_AC500-S F_iPar_CRC Calculator tool from
the RobotStudio Online Community, where it is included in the Tools and
Utilities package. Once installed, it is started from the Vendor Tool button
in the Safe IO Configurator in Visual SafeMove.

Configure ABB S500 in the IO Configurator

1 Start RobotStudio, connect to the robot system where the ABB S500 safe
I/O devices are installed, and login as a safety user.
2 Start the I/O Configurator from the Controller tab in RobotStudio.
3 Configure the standard communication parameters for the network, i.e. ports,
IP-address, etc. This can also be configured from RobotStudio without using
the Add-In.
4 Right-click the PROFINET node and select Scan Network to detect the I/O


Use the Blink functionality to detect the correct unit when multiple devices
are connected.

5 Add the detected device by right-clicking the device and selecting Add as.
Select the configuration that corresponds to the physical device. The device
is now displayed in the Configuration browser under the
PROFINET/Controller node.
6 Add safe modules to the device from the Device Catalogue browser by
double-clicking. When adding safe modules, they are also added in the Safe
IO Configurator in Visual SafeMove.
7 Select the sub-module in the Configuration browser and configure the module
settings in the Properties browser, i.e. channel configuration, input delay,
8 Configure the properties for the safe modules in the Properties browser.
Set the following default values for each S500 safe module:
• Source Address: 1
• Set the decimal Destination Address to the same address that is set
on the rotary switches on the device. Note that the values on the rotary
switches are hexadecimal.
• Click the Vendor Tool button to open the ABB_AC500-S F_iPar_CRC
Calculator tool and calculate the IParCrc value for the module. Copy
the hexadecimal value into the Safe IO Configurator.

Continues on next page

90 Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator
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Note that the I Par CRC checksum must be recalculated if the module
configuration is changed, i.e. channel configuration, delay filter, etc.


Note that the channel configuration for all inputs and outputs are by default
disabled and must be activated before an input or output can be used on
the specific channel.

9 The next step is to configure signals, see Configure signals on the ABB S500
safe I/O devices on page 91.


The signal configuration is not included in the IParCrc checksum.

10 Request write access and write the configuration to the controller. Restart
the controller.


This requires that some basic SafeMove conditions are met, for example
a tool must have been created. For more information, see Application
manual - Functional safety and SafeMove2.

The communication to the S500 safe modules is now established which is also
indicated by the status diodes on the devices.

Configure signals on the ABB S500 safe I/O devices

1 Open the Signal Editor in IO Configurator.
2 Configure safe input and output signals for the S500 safe modules. When
adding safe signals, they are available for use in the Safe IO Configurator in
Visual SafeMove.
3 Request write access and write the configuration to the controller. Restart
the controller.


If a signal is used by the safety module, for example in the combinatory logic, it
cannot be renamed or removed from the signal editor. This is displayed with a
shield symbol.

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Index O
Output Size, 30, 66, 81
Output window, 33
1241-1, 7 P
Prioritized Startup, 13, 53
9 private network, 22
997-2, 7
997-1, 7
controller, 16
C device, 16
CI502 PROFINET IO device, 89 internal device, 29
communication profiles, 15 standardization, 15
compatibility, 16 PROFINET versions
configuration browser, 33 PROFIdrive, 15
configuration file, 13 PROFIenergy, 15
Connection, 65, 67 PROFINET-CBA, 15
controller, 16 PROFINET-IO, 15–16
PROFIsafe, 15
D properties browser, 34
device, 13, 16
E QoS, 26
Energy Saving, 75 Quality of Service, 26
et200sp, 84
external controller, 13 R
external device, 13 reduction ratio, 13, 84
ribbon, 33
Fast Device Startup, 53, 65–66, 70 S
Fast Start Up, 13, 53 safety, 11
FSU, 13, 53 scan editor, 34
Scan Editor, 41
G Siemens et200sp, 84
GSDML, 13 signal editor, 34
GSDML file, 29, 31–32 Station Name, 65, 68
symbols, 38
I system parameters, 65
industrial Ethernet, 15
Input Size, 30, 66, 80 T
internal controller, 13 template I/O configuration file, 29
internal device, 13 topic I/O System
Device, 65
M Industrial Network, 65
master, 13 Internal Device, 66
predefined internal device, 29
N predefined network, 29
network security, 12
user interface, 33

Application manual - PROFINET Controller/Device with IO Configurator 93

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© Copyright 2018 ABB. All rights reserved.
ABB AB, Robotics
Robotics and Motion
S-721 68 VÄSTERÅS, Sweden
Telephone +46 (0) 21 344 400

ABB AS, Robotics

Robotics and Motion
Nordlysvegen 7, N-4340 BRYNE, Norway
Box 265, N-4349 BRYNE, Norway
Telephone: +47 22 87 2000

ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.

Robotics and Motion
No. 4528 Kangxin Highway
PuDong District
SHANGHAI 201319, China
Telephone: +86 21 6105 6666

ABB Inc.
Robotics and Motion
1250 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Telephone: +1 248 391 9000
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© Copyright 2018 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.

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