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Assessment Templates

BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning

Assessment Cover Sheet
First Name: Alyne
Last Name: Soares

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Task 2 – Knowledge Questions Template
Please provide answers to the following questions 18 Questions:
1. Describe three labour supply trends, how they may affect workforce supply and the techniques that
could be used to forecast the future labour force.

Flexibility on working hours, possibility of homework, and flexibility on times to start and finish, the
flexibilities motivates the workforce and consequently the work results.

2. Why is it essential for a workforce planner to develop specific strategies when establishing workforce
skill and diversity requirements?

It's important to have knowledge about the differences between each culture and to know that plans and
procedures are needed to adapt the workplace. It's important to create an environment in which people`s
knowledge, perspectives, experiences and backgrounds are valued.

3. Outline external and/or internal information sources that can assist in organisational retention and
staff supply forecasting.

An external factor is the Legislation; it affects the company directly and the manager planners need to
ensure compliance with any change in the legislation that can affect the organization.

4. List examples of business initiatives that could require modification to workforce retention strategies.

• Cultivate respect in the workplace,

• Earn the trust of your employees,
• Encourage a healthy work-Life balance.

5. Why is it essential to use analytical thinking processes when developing contingency plans to address
unacceptable staff turnover or to cope with extreme workforce situations?

Contingency planning is about being prepared for any circumstances and having a protocol to keep you
and your employees safe. It’s important to analyse every circumstance and to be aware of knock-on

6. Describe some common strategies used to retain a skilled labour force.

Having leaders instead of bosses. Employees have the habit of following the leaders, while they abandon
the bosses. Also, give employees opportunities for concrete success. Employees want to know if they are
succeeding or not. They want to have feedback and to have their talent valued.

7. Explain the organisational objectives and strategies that need to be considered when sourcing skilled
workforce labour.

To attract better employees, your strategy must include creative and innovative strategies for locating,
recruiting, interviewing, hiring, orienting and training the workforce. As a strategy to find skilled labour,
it’s important to use the social media, employee referrals, consider temps, freelancers, and student co-ops
and even hold an open interview day.

8. Why is it necessary to communicate an organisation’s objectives concerning labour demands, labour

supply and specific staffing requirements to stakeholders such as recruitment agencies?

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Using a recruitment agency means that only candidates who are totally qualified for the job will be
shortlisted for the position. This will also save time in your recruitment. The agency will manage the
process for the company, rejecting incompatible candidates that don't fit in the position and managing any
queries about the role.

9. What are some of the benefits to an organisation for obtaining workforce endorsements when
establishing agreed targets and who might be consulted during this process?

To be successful on objectives and goals. Stakeholders and employees might be consulted.

10. List objectives that an organisation can use to embrace diversity.

• Focus on the strengths everybody brings to the table.

• Provide opportunities for international career.
• Welcome and support creative and different ideas.

11. For an organisation to become an employer of choice, why is it important to have review strategies
built into the workforce planning process?

Because it’s important to keep up with changes. As the time goes, the organisation and employee
expectations and objectives will change over time. Conducting periodic employee surveys to determine
employee satisfaction may help to understand what needs to change or not.

12. Explain common supply and demand patterns that can affect an organisation’s workforce. How
might the organisation plan against these patterns to ensure workforce change is successful?

They need to be studied in order to avoid reasons to someone leave. Reviewing plans helps avoid this
arrangement. Promote autonomy, conflict resolutions, and support strategies.

13. Outline the judgment methods that could be used to monitor and review the effect of labour trends
on demand for labour.

Australian Bureau of statistics, media, conferences, government, associations, number of graduations.

14. Describe three mathematical methods that would assist an organisation in effectively monitoring
labour trends when implementing succession planning.

• Labour supply analysis - As with demand, workforce supply is analysed in terms of both its internal and
external components. Internal supply refers to the workforce you actually have in your organisation
(in terms of both capacity and capability), whereas external supply refers to both the potential sources
and availability of staff to join your organisation. Both components should be analysed using a current
and future focus.

• Supply vs Demand - At its most basic, supply is how much of a good or service is on offer in a
market. Demand is how much of the good or service the market wants to buy.
• Turnover Calculation - To determine your rate of turnover, divide the total number of separations that
occurred during the given period of time by the average number of employees. Multiply that number
by 100 to represent the value as a percentage.
15. List at least two reasons why staff are likely to be dissatisfied in the workforce.

• They don’t listen to suggestions or new ideas.

• Stressful workplace.
• They don’t get any encouragement from their boss.

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16. List some methods that can assist in gauging worker satisfaction.

• Giving rewards and recognizing their job.

• Provide training to help their develop skills.
• Acknowledging them

17. What are the benefits to an organisation for making recommendations in response to internal and
external changes and global trends?

It helps to improve the workforce plans. The workforce plans need to be a continuous process.

18. Review and provide a brief outline of three industrial relations or government policies specific to
labour demand and supply.

1) Immigration: affects the labour market by increasing the number of candidates in the market and the
diversity of skills available

2) Retirement age: could affect labour trends by keeping the thousands of people who were due to retire
in the workforce for a few more years

3) Training: the government may provide funding for apprenticeships, subsidise organisations to offer
employment opportunities or pay to up-skill current staff to meet the shortfall in a specific industry

End of Task 2 – Knowledge Questions Template

18 Questions Total

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Task 3 – Project: Managing workforce planning at
BizOps Enterprises Workforce Reporting Template

BizOps Enterprises
Workforce Reporting

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Table of Contents
Assessment Templates..................................................................................................................................... 1
BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning ....................................................................................................... 1
Assessment Cover Sheet.......................................................................................................................... 1
Task 2 – Knowledge Questions Template ................................................................................................ 3
Task 3 – Project: Managing workforce planning at BizOps Enterprises Workforce Reporting Template 6
WORKFORCE REPORT .................................................................................................................................. 8
Relevant trends........................................................................................................................................ 8
Labour supply and demand factors ......................................................................................................... 9
External factors affecting labour supply .................................................................................................. 9
WORKFORCE RISK ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................ 10
Risk Management Plan .......................................................................................................................... 10
 Background ............................................................................................................................................ 10
 Context .................................................................................................................................................. 10
 Risk Assessment:.................................................................................................................................... 10
 Risk Categorisation Matrix..................................................................................................................... 11
 Risk Categorisation Table ...................................................................................................................... 12
 Risk Control/treatments ........................................................................................................................ 13
 Implementation plan: ............................................................................................................................ 14
WORKFORCE STRATEGY PROPOSAL .......................................................................................................... 15
Review of existing organisational policies, goals and objectives .......................................................... 15
Approaches to address workforce demographic issues, staff succession and employee morale ........ 15
Objectives for workforce diversity ........................................................................................................ 16
Considered approaches to sourcing skilled labour................................................................................ 16
Targets and objectives of workforce requirements .............................................................................. 16
Task 3 – BisOps Enterprises Workforce Planning Template .......................................................................... 18
WORKFORCE PLAN..................................................................................................................................... 19

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1) Workforce Report and Risk Assessment
Workforce demographics
 The average workforce retention period for full-time staff has fallen from 5.2 years (19.23%) to 3.8
years (26.31%).
 The current level of unemployment in the community is 6.1%, but recruitment data is indicating
that most applicants for BizOps positions do not have the necessary qualifications, skills or
experience as outlined in the position descriptions.
 About 23% of all staff have indicated that they have been actively searching for jobs outside of
 About 41% of all staff performance appraisals were not completed in the last year.
 Work productivity has suffered a 14% decline over the past three years due to an increase in the
casual to full-time staff ratio.
 BizOps experiences severe staff shortages in December and January each year due to staff
requesting annual holidays. This is the busiest period of the year for the retail sector and the level
of casual staff in a store can be as high as 60%.
 About 27% of the full-time workforce is over 60 years of age.

Relevant trends
BizOps has 150 stores Australia-wide, 7 warehouse facilities and a head office, 800 employs full-
time, 100 part-time and 400 casual time, 31% of staff feel that they are inadequately skilled to handle any
technological changes.

The busiest period is in December and January due to staff requesting annual holidays. This period
of the year the level of casual staff in a store can be as high as 60%.

The labour force skills index has declined from 39% to 19% over the past three years. This can
largely be attributed to less staff being recruited with appropriate qualifications and less ongoing
professional development occurring.

Work productivity has suffered a 14% decline over the past three years due to an increase in the
casual to full-time staff ratio.

Worker job satisfaction is at a record low: 37% of staff have indicated in a survey that they believe
their efforts and work ethos are not valued.

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Labour supply and demand factors

The BizOps business and operational plans do not contain refined objectives and strategies that
are sufficient to respond to the organisation’s labour requirements.

Work productivity has suffered a 14% decline over the past three years due to an increase in the
casual to full-time staff ratio.

Wage costs have increased by 23% across all departments. There has been a reduction in full-time
staffing levels and there has been a tendency to overspend on casual wages to achieve the 15% growth
that is set in the company business plan.

Projected growth in sales of 15% per annum over the next five years will require an equivalent
growth in full-time staff of 15% per annum.

External factors affecting labour supply.

External factors affecting labour supply

About 9% of staff are single parents with pre-school- and school-aged children. On average, they
utilise all allocated personal leave and take up to two weeks of unpaid leave annually to manage family

About 48% of BizOps staff rely on public transport to get to and from work each day. On average,
15% of staff are late in starting work each day due to unscheduled delays in the public transport system.

Recent government policy on workforce participation has increased financial incentives for
employers to hire new trainees. The incentives are linked to trainees successfully completing an
accredited course and remaining in the workforce for the duration of the period of the traineeship.
Government policy is a 50% subsidy for employers to increase the skill level of existing employees through
accredited training programs.

The current level of unemployment in the community is 6.1%, but recruitment data is indicating
that most applicants for BizOps positions do not have the necessary qualifications, skills or experience as
outlined in the position descriptions.

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Risk Management Plan

 Background
BizOps is a big company with 150 stores Australia-wide, 7 warehouse facilities and a head office. We
currently employ over 800 full time, 100 part-time and 400 casual staff.

I work as a HR specialist advisor and I manage the workforce planning.

 Context
BizOps currently has 150 stores Australia-wide, 7 warehouse facilities and a head office. The organisation
currently employs 800 full-time, 100 part-time and 400 casual staff.

The current level of unemployment in the community is 6.1%, but recruitment data is indicating that most
applicants for BizOps positions do not have the necessary qualifications, skills or experience as outlined in
the position descriptions. The shortage of skilled applicants is leading to positions being filled with
personnel who require substantial in-house training to acquire the fundamental skills required.

 Risk Assessment:
• Loss of revenue
• Poor customer service and standards
• Lack of product knowledge
• Legal and compliance consequences
• Staff shortages

• Loss of reputation and standing

• Low performance standards
• Work health and safety risks due to unskilled labour
• Loss of market share

• Decrease in information sharing

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Identification and Analysis

Grade Level of likelihood

A Expected (will occur regularly)

B Probable (will occur at some stage)

Risk likelihood legend

C Possible (could occur)

D Improbable (could occur but unlikely)

E Rare (may occur but in limited situations)

Grade Level of impact

1 Insignificant

2 Minor
Risk impact/
consequence legend
3 Moderate

4 Major

5 Catastrophic

 Risk Categorisation Matrix

Level of Level of impact
1 2 3 4 5
(Insignificant) (Minor) (Moderate) (Major) (Catastrophic)
A (Expected)
Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme

B (Probable)
Medium Medium Medium High Extreme

C (Possible)
Low Medium Medium High High

D (Improbable)
Low Low Medium Medium High

E (Rare)
Low Low Low High Medium

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 Risk Categorisation Table

Priority Risk Likelihood Impact Level of risk

High retention rates, staff spending longer at

work, worker job satisfaction is at a record
low of 37%, lack of workplace skills. Long
1 term financial risks caused by hiring A 4 Extreme
expenses, training labour, lost sales and
productivity, reputation

The average workforce retention period for

2 full-time staff has fallen from 5.2 years A 3 High
(19.23%) to 3.8 years (26.31%)

31% of staff feel that they are inadequately

3 C 4 High
skilled to handle any technological changes

The labour force skills index has declined

4 D 3 Medium
from 39% to 19% over the past three years

About 27% of the full-time workforce is over

5 A 5 Extreme
60 years of age.

Work productivity has suffered a 14% decline

6 over the past three years due to an increase C 4 High
in the casual to full-time staff ratio.

About 23% of all staff have indicated that

7 they have been actively searching for jobs C 5 High
outside of BizOps.

The BizOps business and operational plans do

not contain refined objectives and strategies
8 C 2 Medium
that are sufficient to respond to the
organisation’s labour requirements

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 Risk Control/treatments

Risks About 27% of the full-time workforce is over 60 years of age, close to

Control measures/ Control measure Strength Weakness

Hire new skilled New staff, new ideas, Productivity will be low
employees new work until they fit the

Restructure the hiring Do not show the same Slow solution

criteria problem in the future

Impact of risk/s on NONE

areas outside your

Personnel involved Human Resource Department

Expected outcomes
of risk treatment
plan Have a lower percentage of staff in this situation

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 Implementation plan:

Items Strategies

Staff spending 10% longer

Inform the leaders that until the end of this year the overtime is
at work than is defined by
banned, a new meeting about this subject will be provided by earlier
their employment
next year.
The average workforce
New benefits will be implemented for the full-time staff such as better
retention for full-time staff
payment, prizes each year the worker stay in the company and more.
has fallen
31% of staff feeling
unskilled to handle any Provide trainings about new technologies.
technological changes
48% of BizOps staff rely on
public transport which is
causing late starting due to Provide shuttles with specific rotes and time frames.
unscheduled delays in the
public transports
Trainings and a closer follow up by the HR is on the way together with a
Work productivity has big training company, with more trainings and more feedbacks given by
suffered a 14 % decline the leaders we believe that we can change this percentage by the end
of this year.
Worker job satisfaction is When the trainings and shuttle be implemented, we expect the job
at a record low satisfaction to increase.

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1) Workforce Strategy Proposal
Review of existing organisational policies, goals and
• Provide induction training to employment and new employees to be knowledgeable, helpful
and enthusiastic

• Make partnership with universities and attract young people to want to work at the
• BizOps is committed to recruiting the best potential people, complying with any legislative
or regulatory requirements and always treating the candidates with equality, dignity and
• The company is committed to the use of fair and non-discriminatory selection criteria, for
example: skills, experience and aptitude of the employee
• Candidates in the hiring process will be interviewed by an appropriate manager
• For the current workers who want to apply for other positions, it is necessary to have the
requisites and skills for the job

• Provide enthusiastic and useful refresher courses for employees whenever possible during
working hours
• To succeed staffs in senior positions, BizOps will identify candidates with leadership
potential from the talent pools. This will be achieved by conducting assessments using the
capability profiles, performance ratings and observed skills and experience
• Offer more career opportunity to the full-time staffs stay working long in the company
• Make a home office or allow employees to work from home sometimes, helping those with
children or another personal reason

Approaches to address workforce demographic issues, staff

succession and employee morale

o Workforce demographic issues

Synopsis Example: 9% of staff are single parents with pre-school etc.

Recommend solutions to all demographic issues.

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o Identify Staff succession issues
There is no succession planning in place to address the replacement of the high percentage of staff
over the age of 60 etc.

Refer to ‘Succession Management Scheme’ PDF.

o Employee morale issues

Synopsis Example: Worker job satisfaction is at a record low, 37% of staff have indicated etc.

Recommend solutions to all employee morale issues.

Objectives for workforce diversity

The company respects each individual, regardless of social class, sex, race, colour, ethnic or ethno-
religious background, descent or nationality, marital status, pregnancy, disability, homosexuality,
transgender, age or carer responsibilities.

Unlawful discrimination, harassment of any kind, bullying, victimisation or any other unacceptable or
offensive conduct to other BizOps employees, clients, visitors or anyone else in the workplace, or at
company sponsored events, will not be tolerated.

Considered approaches to sourcing skilled labour

We have contacted a new company to help us to find skilled labour from any country in case we
don’t find the right person in Australia, following the Australia laws.

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Targets and objectives of workforce requirements

Target Item Description

 A retention period for full time staff needs to increase at least
Retention at 5 years in order to prevent skills and knowledge losses inside
the company.
More prepared staff with better salary instead of many low-cost
Low technological skills staff without experience
Implement a succession plan for staff over 60 with tasks that do
Succession not require tough work
Make a formal schedule with rosters and prioritize the best and
Rosters long-term employees
The more selective at with hires and contracts. Pre-evaluation
Low performance and quizzes can help to find the right candidate
Offer carrier opportunities and build a better workplace with
Rotation competitive wages

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Task 3 – BizOps Enterprises Workforce
Planning Template

BizOps Enterprises
Workforce Planning

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Executive BizOps currently has 150 stores Australia-wide, 7 warehouse facilities and a
summary head office. The organisation currently employs 800 full-time, 100 part-time
and 400 casual staff.

Workforce planning framework stage 1 – analysing workforce needs

1. Introduction Due to recent staffing issues at BizOps Enterprises, they are hiring a HR
specialist advisor with experience in managing workforce planning, this
professional first objective is to undertake a review of current staffing issues
and develop, implement, monitor and evaluate strategies that will assist
BizOps in managing its future workforce planning.

2. Strategic background and context

BizOps profile: BizOps Enterprises is a national retail business specialising in a range of

exclusive products. BizOps has over 150 retail, online and phone order outlets
across Australia, and over 1300 full-time, casual contractual members of staff.

BizOps purpose: The goal of the project is to consolidate a consistent structure in terms of
leadership, customer service and employee safety through efficient training.

BizOps values: Vision – Mission also any other information that includes the way BizOps cares
for its workers.

Required to research and report on the workforce supply issues being

3. Environmental
encountered in the organisation. The major issues that need to be addressed
are high staff turnover.

Workforce planning framework stage 2 – gather data

4. Workforce 800 full time workers

100 part time
400 casuals

Workforce planning framework stage 3 – analyse supply gaps

5. Workforce Projected demand and supply

Mission critical Workforce demographic issues
roles Identify Staff succession issues
Workface retention for long periods
Low technological skills
Low force skills
Workforce transportation
Workforce age productivity

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Casual to full time staff issues
Constant rotation
Training programs

Role: Full time staff

Link to strategic Review the synopsis and summarise full-time staffing issues. In other words what
intent and has increased or decreased according the BizOps objectives.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Projected demand Current + 15% +15% +15% +15%
(Based on full time staff and 15% increase) total

Projected supply 55 + 15% + 15% + 15% + 15%

(based on 210 workers leave every 3.8 years. How
many people leave each year on average)
Projected supply gap = = = = =
Calculate increased supply gap
Based on BizOps retention and sales rate

Role: Part-time staff

Link to strategic Review the synopsis and summarise part-time and casual staffing issues. In other
intent and words what has increased or decreased according the BizOps objectives.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Projected demand Current

(Based on Part time staff and 15% increase) total + 15% + 15% +15 % + 15 %

Projected supply
(based on 210 workers leave every 3.8 years. How 7 + 15% + 15% + 15% + 15%
many people leave each year on average)

Projected supply gap

= = = = =
(Calculate increased supply gap)

Make a comment about BizOps retention and sales rate.

Workforce planning framework stage 4 – identify workforce strategies

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6. Workforce and development strategies

Area Workforce strategy Target

 What is the attraction for BizOps to be an employer of
Provide two examples
choice? In other words, what should they offer?
of achievable targets.

Recruitment Recruitment process and policy-Refer to BizOps Add a % target for

and selection recruitment policy document for a strategy. successful recruitment.

Retention  Provide a retention strategy covering best practice. (Also Add improved %
covered in your report). according to current
retention rate.

Job  Include how redesigning job roles and responsibilities for Add an improved %
design/re- workers over 60 yrs. could improve succession and according to succession
design improve jobs for older people. (Online research) rate.

 Include how training and development could improve

Development Add an improved %
recruitment opportunities and increase retention. (Refer based on staff feeling
to government policy point in synopsis) inadequately trained.

Planned Refer to redundancy policy and summarise key points. Suggest an average
attrition rate according to
current workforce

Workforce planning framework stage 5 – monitor and evaluate

7. Reporting, monitoring and reviewing of the workforce plan

Determine Source methods - Topic 4 learner resource or research online

how you will
monitor and
review the

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