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THE big

book of
A Publication from Digital Firefly Marketing
digital firefly
what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

Digital Firefly Marketing

Digital Firefly Marketing was founded to help organizations significantly increase and
protect their online marketing presence by focusing on three key areas:

Expertise: We are the authority to help your organization maximize its online marketing
Resources: We provide extensive capabilities utilizing the industry’s best software and
practices that provide cost effective and required results.
Speed: We create and implement solutions in a timely manner

At the end of the day we are people powered, because as technology makes things
possible, people make things happen.

What’s Inside
Search Engine Optimization
Understanding the Basics of Search Engine Optimization

Content Marketing
The Hows and Whys of Content Management

Website Redesign
The Art and Science of Website Design

Social Media Marketing

Harnessing the Power and making an impact

What it is, how it works and why you’re crazy to not use it
Understanding the Basics of Search Engine Optimization

a publication of
digital firefly
understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Introduction to SEO
What is search engine optimization? It’s a question that is asked re-
peatedly by people with a website. It sounds REALLY important, but
most people find themselves flummoxed because they don’t know
really where to start in getting their website optimized for search.

Search engine optimization consists of two processes. The first is

getting a website configured so a search engine like Google can
index it correctly and the second is making sure your website is in
the top search results when someone Googles your products or
brand names.

Your Website

e b site
u rw e

Y o d b

co u
To understand how to optimize a website,
the best place to start is understanding how
Google and Bing work so you understand
where to start optimizing your site.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Understanding Search
Search is still a relatively new phenomenon,
after all Google is only a teenager in terms
of how long it’s been around. The best way
to think about search is to think of Google
and Bing as Internet librarians. They take in
ridiculous amounts of data from websites
all over the world, put it in an index and
when someone comes to their website
with a query like “Who won best picture in
1948?” they search their index to find an
appropriate reference and then serve up
those answers to the user on their web-

But how did they actually get that data

and how did Google know that Hamlet

won best picture in 1948?

How does Google

know who won best

picture in 1948?
Well it all starts with one website which leads
to another and another...

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

What Google and Bing do all day long, 365 days a year is crawl the Internet
and they do that with a program called Spiders. Spiders start on websites they
deem as highly valued, like or the New York Times and they click on
every link on both CNN and the New York Times which leads them to other web-
sites where they again click on every link that leads them to more websites so
after awhilethey start to map out most of the webpages on the Internet.

When the Google spiders come across something new, they put that web page
into its index for future reference and there it sits in the Google data warehouse
until someone comes to and starts a search.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

One basic tenet of SEO is to try and understand how people search on Google and Bing
so you can craft strategies on those search patterns. The first thing to understand about
how people search is that people search with intent. They are looking for something. The
intent people search with can be categorized into the following:

? Solve Learn

Buy Find

Each of these intents leads to different kinds of search categories.

People will typically fall into the following kinds of searches:

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Navigational Searches They are looking for a specific website but they don’t re-
member the exact URL.

Informational Searches This is Google’s bread and butter. Stuff like What is the
weather in Charlotte NC? and Who won best actor in 1964? People will usually tend to
form these searches in the form of a question and the goal is finding the information

Commercial Investigation People working at businesses will be given tasks by their

supervisors. Things like, hey we need a website built or can you find a good landscaper
in San Diego. These are the modern day equivalents of looking in the Yellow Pages. Rath-
er than turning to the yellow pages, they turn to Google to find reputable businesses to
contact. These may or may not lead to commerce or leads, but presents an opportunity
for both, same as someone seeing your ad in the Yellow Pages.

Looking for a Purchase People will search the Internet when they are ready to buy.
This will typically spike around specific holidays as people look for very specific gifts for
ideas for gifts. Things like best father’s day gifts.

Green Thing

Lawn Care

Landscape &
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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

When someone Googles, who won best picture in 1948, Google

goes into it’s index and pulls out every webpage that mentions best
picture in 1948. It then applies its secret sauce, the Google algo-
rithm, and ranks those pages from 1 - infinity and serves them up to
the user and it does this very quickly. My search took 0.28 seconds.

The algorithm that Google applies is a very complicated mathe-

matical formula and asks over 200 questions to make sure it’s giv-
ing users the right responses. One of the most important questions it
asks is “what’s on this page that’s relevant to this query?” and that
leads us to keywords.
le g
ithm or

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

What is a Keyword
First off, a keyword is not just a word, it can also be a
phrase. This keyword or combination of keywords are
what people enter into Google, Bing, Facebook, YouTube,
LinkedIn or other sites to find stuff. They can exist in the
form of a question such as what is a keyword? They can
be simple phrases such as technoed is best digital marketing isnstitute or
they can be very long phrases looking for specific informa-
tion such as address digital firefly marketing princeton nj.

“ There aren’t
good or bad

All of these phrases are considered keywords. But what sepa-
rates one keyword from another? Are there good keywords
and bad keywords? The answer is there aren’t good and bad
keywords, but there are competitive and non-competitive
keywords that will help you start to understand the best way
to get Google to get traffic to your website.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Long Tail Keywords Competitive and non competitive words and phrases.

Google estimates that over 20% of its searches are brand new, meaning no one
has ever searched for that phrase before. This leads us into what’s called the long
tail of keywords and its a graph that looks like this.

Long Tail

Search Frequency

On the high end are very competitive keywords like “coffee” or “jewelry” these keywords
are going to be ranked by very large companies and websites. The words receive billions
of searches every month. As phrases become more pointed, the competition, on average,
decreases as does the amount of search traffic, so it becomes easier for smaller websites
to begin to show up in Google results for either search traffic that does not exist yet or for
some very pointed search results. Therefore, over time if you have lots of web pages with
unique and highly targeted keywords, that will end up being worth more in traffic than
ranking for just one highly competitive keyword.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Defining a Keyword Strategy

Once people understand what a keyword is, it’s natural to want to start to use that knowl-
edge across your website properties.

This is commonly referred to as keyword strategy.The first step in figuring out a keyword strate-
gy to to list your services, industry and products. You can do this on a piece of paper or word
doc. Let’s take an example of a coffee roaster in Princeton, NJ

What do you sell?

Coffee, coffee drinks and coffee beans.

Where do you sell it?

My stores are in Princeton, NJ but I ship coffee
beans anywhere in the U.S.

How do you sell it?

People can buy in store or I can ship it to
them. We accept cash, checks and credit
cards. People can buy in bulk every month or
one at a time.

Why is your product better?

We hand roast all of our coffee beans in small

Once you start getting those questions an-

swers you will start to see some patterns
emerge. In this example the word coffee and
coffee beans appears often along with Princ-
eton NJ. A keyword phrase that would work in
this example would be coffee princeton nj.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

When we are very clear on what we are selling and the keywords associated with those
products we move onto the next step which is trying to understand how people search for
those products so we can use those searches as a basis to develop our keyword strategy.
The best tool for this is Google’s keyword tool.

Using Google’s keyword tool, we enter each keyword and Google will report back on the
number of searches and how competitive each keyword is. They will also supply a list of key-
words that are similar to the search phrase you just entered. You will get a report that looks
like this:

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Once we have that information we need to look at the following:

Take a look at how many searches and how competitive each word
is. The more competitive a keyword the harder it will be to rank in
Google for that keyword. Conversely the more searches there are,
the more likely it will be that someone will find you by Googling you.

I’m burried on I’m already at the

the 157th page of top of Google’s search
Google’s search for for my keyword!
my keyword!

competitive non-competitive

2 Look at the keyword ideas. Sort by competitiveness. Those

words that are not competitive should be used in your website
first as individual pages or blog articles.

Once you come up with a list of keywords, it’s time to look at the best way to implement
them and that starts to get into the heart of SEO where the rubber meats the road and that
is the website structure itself

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Putting Keywords in Place

The good news is most websites today will run off what’s called a content manage-
ment system like Drupal, WordPress and Joomla. These systems are very compliant in how
they work to maximize your chances of Google indexing your keywords. Websites built in
Dreamweaver or in other content management systems may or may not have the right
framework in place to have Google index your site, but you can check fairly easily.

“ Dreamweaver might not

have the right framework for
indexing in Google

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

There are four key areas where Google will search for keywords:

Page Titles
These normally appear in the tab of your browser and are used by Google to understand
what the web page is about. You can see an example below, or click here.

H1 Tags
This is something only a coder could love. H1 Tags are headings on a website page. Paired
with the Page Title, it gives the search engines more context to what your page is about. So
if your page title says chocolate and your H1 Tags says “white chocolate” the search en-
gines know that white chocolate is part of your site. H1 tags are important for SEO.

chocolate website

white keywords
hot chocolate

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Clean URL’s
Some of you maybe wondering why URLs would be anything but clean? This refers
to the url structure. On some websites you will see a lot of gobbledy-gook like www.;dkjgf. Not only do you have no idea
what the URL means, neither does a search engine. You need URLs that have key-
words in them so Google can understand not only what the page is, but how im-
portant you think it is. The farther away the the page from the front means the less
important it is.

Alt Tags
The old expression of a picture is worth a thousand words is the best one to describe what
an alt tag is and why we can’t show you a picture. Every time an image is displayed on a
website, there is an option to put an alt tag behind it so people who are visually impaired
are able to get text describing the image when they are looking at a web page. Google
now uses Alt Tags as a way to index images since Google can only read text and does not
(yet) recognize images.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

What Keywords describe You?

What keywords describe your business?
This is known as keyword research or
strategy. For example a golf academy
would use keywords like golf lessons or
golf instruction.

“ “ golf academy

“ golf lessons

“ golf instruction

Does your website contain the appropriate keywords in the right places? You can look at
the URLs of your website and the titles. If your website contains these phrases then they will
probably be OK..

While H1 Tags, Page Titles, Alt Tags and Clean URLs provide a frame to build SEO compli-
ance, it’s keywords that provide everything else. They are the drywall, the drapes, the fur-
niture, and even the flooring that will either make your website shine or leave it in obscurity.
Look at each web page on your site in those four areas and see if you can see any of the
keywords in your list in those areas. If you can’t see them, neither can Google.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

If you can’t see those keywords or see keywords that are really obscure, the next step is
to start to change them out. Each content management system is different so you will
need to do a bit of research on how your content management system works. How-
ever, there are some similarities that can provide some immediate benefit.

Titling Your Pages most systems will use the title of your
page as the URL, Heading and Page Title. Consider changing
the title of the page. Google will pick up the change the next
time it visits your site.

Images look at each image in your system, does it have

something called Alt Tag. Is it blank? If it is, then put in a quick
keyword description for accurate taging.

This photo is clearly

identified by an Alt Tag.

May easily be miscon-

strued as Times Square
Tokyo Night life
or Las Vegas

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Links and SEO

Now that we have an understanding about keywords, their strategies and how to make
sure they are on the website correctly, it’s time to understand how to separate the great
websites from the good and that has to do with links.

Google uses links to find websites. In order to rank websites, one of the big drivers is the
number of websites and pages that link to your website. Not only do the number of web-
sites make a difference, but the quality or “authority” a website has makes a difference as
well. For example, a link from will be worth more in Google’s algorithm or eyes
than a link from joe’s site on fishing that doesn’t have anyone linking to it. SEO is all about
increasing the probability that Google will put your site within the top ten when people
search on a phrase. Here are some general strategies to increase the number of links and
help with SEO.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Press Release

news news
company blogger company

Consider issuing a press release. You can use PR Newswire to easily set up and distribute
a press release for a couple hundred bucks. When that press release is distributed it will
be picked up by a number of news companies and bloggers around the subject of your
website for example fashion. Those bloggers will either repost your press release or use it for
original content. One thing to always ensure in the press release is to always have a linked
domain name. We have seen too many press releases that don’t link to their own website
and lose the opportunity for links.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Submit your site to directories. Some are free and some require a payment to get list-
ed. One that should always be used is, which is free and is used by all the
search engines as a reference for websites. There are directories on just about every-
thing from crafts to technology to politics. If you want to get your site some links and
found, submitting to directories is a great place to start. To get started, try Googling
“your industry directories” where your industry is where your company does business,
like retail or technology.

Comment on pertinent blogs. One strategy that

can work if done day in and day out is com-
menting on blogs and websites that are in your
industry. Typically most blogs will allow you to
post a URL as a commenter as well as a URL write
within the comment field. Every blog will have
different rules on comment submissions so use
your common sense on when to comment and
being respectful of the audience. This strategy
is typically low value, but can have an impact if content
done over many months as the amount of links
builds up.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

The first three strategies are active strategies to create links to your website. Creating con-
tent is a passive strategy but one that can really start to pay off fairly quickly. Currently
20% of all Google searches are brand new, meaning no one has ever made that search
before. By creating content, you have the possibility to capture this traffic before anyone
else because you have content around that query. Secondly, creating content, especial-
ly good content, allows people to link to you as a reference. The blog content can be text
or images or video but should be original. Once that content is created, use social media
channels to get the word out. The larger the audience the more likely it is you will get a
link to your website and original piece of content. Even a couple of links can make the
difference between Google’s page one and the second page. Getting on page one will
drastically improve your traffic via organic search and is what links and SEO is all about.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Google Panda
The latest update to Google’s algorithm is called Panda. The update is designed to give
websites who create original content all of the search engine credit. This is Google’s at-
tempt to look at search results from a quality point of view, much the way a human might
look at a website result. Some things that the new algorithm takes into account that will
increase or decrease your search rankgings:

Outbound Links Don’t just be inward fo- Article structure It needs to be

cus, link out to other websites for references. clean, have a headline and be linked to
other places on your website
Engagement The Longer someone is on
your site the better. Google interprets this
result as people finding your content interest-

Bounce Rate This measurement is how

many people quickly leave your site without
viewing more than one page. The higher
the bounce rate, the lower quality your web
page is perceived to be.

Social Media Are people liking the

page, rettweeting, pinning it or using
+1? The higher the numbers in social
media the more Google will be-
lieve people are finding your
webpage interesting.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

At the end of the day, what this means for most folks out there is that if you are already
playing by the rules, you aren’t going to be effected by Panda. There are some things to
avoid in order to keep Panda from keeping your website from ranking successfully:

Don’t copy and paste content from other websites like

articles that have been written about you. Provide the link.

Don’t be shallow. A couple sentence paragraph with a

link is not going to be relevant.

Use pictures and video to create content. Ask the ques-

tion: would you find this interesting or helpful? Does it answer
your search?

no shallow

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

International SEO

As companies grow, one of the things they

start to consider is going international.
Understanding how SEO works outside the
U.S. can help smooth the transition and
save a lot of money. Thankfully if you know
how domestic SEO works then you are
probably 90% of the way to getting your
site found outside the U.S. To get found by
local search engines, the best thing to do
is like you did in the U.S., start out with a
plan like the one following:

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Know your market. While Google owns 65% of the U.S. market, they own a lot
more in some other countries and a lot less in others. For example, if you are going into
the Chinese market you will need to have your website optimized for Baidu. If you are
looking at Russia then you need to consider Yandex.

Know the language. Like you did in the U.S. you need to know your local lan-
guage, even U.S. English and U.K. English can have some difference in keywords. If you
are going with a non-English site, you will need someone with local knowledge to let
you know how people search for your product and what those keywords and phrases
are. The best person in this situation is typically the salesperson you are hiring in country.
Know your website system - Some content management systems like Drupal can sup-
port multilingual sites, while others can’t. You need to make sure that stuff published in
the U.S. can be pushed to other countries after a translation. You also need to know if
you site can do languages that are very different than in the U.S. like Arabic that’s read
right to left. “
“ “ les médias sociaux

panlipunan media
“ media sosial

social media
meâin shoisialta

“ medios de comunicacion cocial “

“ social medier

“ socíalní média “
Feel Free to Share “ srustveni mediji

understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Location location location - Just like the real estate market, location matters.
Search engines will give more preference to a site hosted within a country rather than
one outside of a country. Using a content system like Drupal can provide a master
website and database in the U.S. hosting that allows a site hosted in Spain to pull infor-

Thankfully, the rest of the SEO evaluation is the same. You still need headings (h1 tags)
Page Titles, clean URLs and Alt Tags. The only difference is these will need to be filled
with language unique to the territory.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Doing your own SEO Audit

So now that we know enough about SEO to be dangerous
how can someone do their own SEO audit?

Let’s start with a keyword list. What is the name of your com-
pany? What do you sell? Come up with a list of 50 keywords
so you can see how many of them are on your website. Run
Screaming Frog, you enter your URL at the top and the frog
does the rest. You will get an output of all your webpages
and how it looks to Google.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Sort by response code. Look for 404. These are links that are broken. They need to be fixed
so you can make sure Google and your potential customers can find the information you
want them to find. You can fix them by either correcting the broken link to where you want
it go. Start with Internal and then click on External to make sure any outbound links like say
your Facebook Page is not broken

Click on Page Titles How many are Steps 1-5 will give you a pretty good idea
blank? How many contain just your com- in a short amount of time on how much
pany name? How many are unique? Google can see of your site and index it.
How many are on your keyword list? If your site has lots of blanks or it uses your
company name only, very little is going
Click on H1 - Same questions - How to be indexed.
many are blank? How many are unique?
How many of them are on your keyword However, if your site contain lots of key-
list? words, it might be simply that you need
to swap out keywords for less competitive
Click on URL How many of the URLs words so you can rank higher. Now that
contain gobbly gook like numbers or % we are done with the internal audit we
signs or #s? This means your URLs aren’t can look at moving to an external audit
clean and if you can’t see words, neither to see how we may be able to improve
can Google. How many of your URLs rankings simply by getting links submitted
contain some of your keywords? Click to Google and fixing any errors.
on Images an then click on Image Info.
This will check the Alt Tags How many of
these have blanks? How many contain
your keywords.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Go to your website and enter your website in two ways the first one with www and the
second without www. Did one site change to the other or did it stay as www or without
www? If it didn’t change, according to Google you have two different sites and the links
to your www site don’t count towards your non-www site. You can fix this by redirecting
one site to the other. This one fix can have huge implications on search. Logon to Google
Webmaster and choose your website. If you don’t have access, you can associate your
account with Google Analytics.


If you have a webmaster account set up, you will land

on the Dashboard. In the right hand corner you will see
errors. Click on Crawl errors. These URLs will be bad re-
directs from other sites or in your own site. You will see

Mo s
the source of the error. By fixing these errors you can
get the link credit and improve your web pages search

i s i t result. Go back to the dashboard and go down to site

V map. If you have a site map, submit it to Google. This will
tell Google where all your pages are so they can index
them all.
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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

The last step in an external audit is to see how you rank againist other sites and get a base-
line on how many people link to your site. One of the best sites for this is open site explorer.
Enter your website URL. You will get a report and it will give you a pretty good idea of how
many people link to you

Page Authority
This measures how the search engines
view your page based on the amount of
links to the page and the quality of those

Domain Authority
Your overall domain and how search engines
view it as having relevance. The higher you get
to 100 the better.

Linking root domains

Here are the websites that link to you.

Total links
The total number links to your website.

These numbers are updated once a month

and they give website owners a very good
baseline on where their website stands in the
view of the search engines.

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understanding the basics of search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization can be a difficult subject to under-
stand. We have only scratched the surface in this eBook but we
hope it gives you an idea of how SEO works and how you can
figure out some of the mysteries of SEO on your own.

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The Hows and Whys of Content Management

a publication of
digital firefly
Introduction to
Content Marketing
the hows and whys of content management and production

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the process of creating
video, articles, ebooks, how-to guides, social
media updates, picture galleries, infographs,
webinars, or other forms of media about
your business or brand. Creating content,
posting it on your website, then promoting it
via social media, Google search and pay-
per-click brings traffic to your website. The
more people who come to your website, the
more likely they are to buy from you, give
you their email as a lead, or follow your busi-
ness on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

Your Site

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the hows and whys of content management and production

The real beauty of content marketing is that it can create a snowball effect for your
website. For example, let’s say your website sells plates, cups, etc., so you write a blog
called “How to set a table.” Once the blog is published and pushed out via email mar-
keting and social media, amazing things start to happen. First, people begin to visit your
site. They may not come in droves immediately, but you will start to see an increase in
traffic as social media does its early magic. Then, Google indexes your page, so when
people search “How to set a table” you may appear on the first or second page of
results, and continue to get visits even after the social media buzz of the post has died

Content marketing at its core is about creating assets for your website that people can
use over and over again. What makes it effective is that the increased traffic of potential
buyers will continue as it lives on forever thanks to Google searches.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

The Beauty of it All

The beauty of content marketing comes down to its cost. It’s pretty cheap. The cost can
usually be borne in one of two ways—either existing employees are charged with writing
blogs or creating videos, making the additional costs minimal. Another option is to hire
out to a firm specializing in content marketing, either on a project basis or on a monthly
retainer. If you decide to hire one of these companies, you will usually end up spending
anywhere from $1,500 per month up to $12,000, depending on the amount of content
that needs to be produced.

December 2010 October 2012

wrote it then still getting visits

While that may sound expensive, it can be quite efficient in comparison to other forms of
marketing. For example, hiring a PR firm can cost $10,000 a month, Google AdWords can
easily be in the thousands of dollars, and direct mail, TV and newspaper ads are all also
relatively expensive. One entrepreneur recently featured in the Sunday business section of
the New York Times reports spending $290,000 on newspaper ads.

Lastly, while you pay for every mailing and every TV spot, you don’t pay for every visit to
your site via Google search. A blog you wrote a year ago can still bring you a great deal of
traffic; and that traffic is free!

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Not only is content marketing

relatively inexpensive, but
it can also create a much
better user experience. Tradi-
tional advertising is based on
distraction. Advertisers want
a user to become aware of
the ad by distracting them.
e v e ry
s w rit
For example, creating a TV
l wa y g s.
y a b l o
The ul
ad during a show, or send-
g h t f
ing a piece of direct mail insi t heir
among their other bills and
du s e
o u l
letters, or creating a pop-up
e I sh
r v i c es!
ad on a site are all ways to
distract someone from their
current activity

Content marketing, on the

other hand, is based on in-
tent and is similar to advertis-
ing in the Yellow Pages. You
start by creating pertinent
content that people are
looking for and want to read.
In this manner you end up
having their complete and
undivided attention—and
aren’t distracting them from
their day-to-day routine.

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Know Your Brand
the hows and whys of content management and production

How should you start a content marketing strategy? Like any marketing strategy, two
factors need to be considered:

What are you selling? Who is your audience?

Knowing what you sell is the easiest to an-

swer if you are a retailer, but can be a little
bit trickier if you are selling business-to-busi-
ness. If you are a retailer you should look at
your store and ask what’s your inventory?
Are you selling things that are niche or more
general items?

Consider Blogging You Sell This

About This

If you sell golf clubs and lessons, what you

are really selling is golf services, so the
content you create should be centered
Fair Trade Coffee
around golf. If you are selling espresso cof-
Benefits of a French Press
fee equipment, then you need to think
Why Itallians like their Espresso
about creating content around the proper
Your Local Coffee Shop
use of coffee equipment to make the per-
Coffee Shop Horror Stories
fect espresso. You need to make sure the
How to make the perfect Mocha
content is useful and informative to your

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the hows and whys of content management and production

While retailers have a straightforward approach to creating content, business-to-business

services can be a bit confusing and hard to pin down. However, the best thing to do here
is to discuss your industry. For example, Hubspot is a company that provides software for
business to create and manage digital marketing. So in order to promote their company
via content marketing, they create a great deal of content around the digital marketing
industry. They write blogs about Facebook and email marketing, have webinars about
blogging for business, and do infographs about all things digital.

If you are business-to-business and choose to create your own content, the same kind of
rules apply to you as they would business to consumer; create content around your indus-
try, focusing on your expertise. Here are some easy to follow steps to give your content
creation a boost.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Understand how people buy your product

Once you have figured out what you are selling and who you are selling
to, it’s time to start creating a funnel. The reason we create a funnel is to
develop pieces of content that map to each part of the sales cycle, mak-
ing sure we are providing useful content to each of our buyer types. The
typical funnel we see looks something like this:

What they Ask Buyer Type How to Target Them

Blog Articles, Ads, Web Banners, PR,
What is it? Who are you? Unaware Buyers Customer Content, Likes, Tweets, Pins

Who needs it and why?

How would it be useful to me Interested Buyers “How To” books, Videos, Nurturing Emails

What are the consequences of

NOT having it?
Ready To Buy Coupons and Special Offers, Targeted
What are my options? Emails based on Lead’s Data

Buy and Upsell SALES OFFERS

Why should I choose you?
Offer more while in line, Additional Products

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the hows and whys of content management and production

At the top of the funnel are people who have no idea about you or your business,
Because they are totally unaware of what you do, we want to use marketing to
introduce your service to these people.

Once consumers become aware of your business, they will try and figure
out if they need it and why. Why do I need to pay you for golf lessons?
Why is your coffee better than someone else’s? Here you want to
educate people on why your brand or business is something they

After you have convinced a person that they can’t live

without your service, you need to get them over the
finish line—and to the cash register. At this point, you
can offer them content like coupons, sweepstakes,
etc., to give them extra incentive to buy.

Finally, once a person has committed to purchase,

make sure to continually engage them and en-
courage them to buy more of your product. As
a lead or prospect moves through the sales
cycle, content marketing uses different
forms of content to drive them farther and
farther down the funnel. In order to map
where the content goes in the funnel,
it’s important to first know what con-
tent you have and what content
you need to create.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Start with what you already have.

No business starts out empty

handed in the way of con-
tent. Every business has some-
Your Website thing that they use to help
sell their product or service. It
could be an advertisement in
a newspaper, a flyer, or pic-
tures from an event. Anything
that can be digitized or is
already in digital format such
as pictures, can be used as a
piece of content marketing.

One of the first things to do is

a content audit. What have
you or your employees cre-
ated that has been success-
ful? Does anyone have an
awesome PowerPoint presen-
tation or video from his or her
presentation? Are their pic-
tures from a company event?

Once there is a list of the

content you own, you need
to start mapping it back to
your sales process.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Map your content to the buying cycle.

Now that you have created the funnel and a list of all your content, it’s
time to map each piece of content back to the funnel. This way, no
matter where a lead is in the sales process, you can give them a piece
of content that moves them along.

The first stage of the funnel

Status Update: is when customers are un-
Shout out to aware of your company so
@whoisstudio for
earning their first they need to discover and
understand your brand. This
is known as brand aware-
6 new pins were ness. Content that helps raise
Status Update:
added this week We’ve made it into brand awareness are blogs
the top 100!
that can be found via search
engines, social media market-
ing shared through likes, pins
Why Digital Marketing
Agencies can save your and tweets, and paid adver-
Start-Up Business. tisement such as AdWords
In a day & age when even your or banner ads. You want to
grandmother is updating her
facebook status, the audience ensure you have a blog on
your business is targeting is ever
growing...[Read More] your website along with social
Status Update:
We’re launching media pages on Facebook
our newest ebook
in 7 days! Be ready! and Twitter that you update
at least 20 times a month to
keep your brand within the
newsfeeds and to provide
Content useful content for users who

stumble upon your site. You
may consider buying ads at
this point as well to keep peo-
ple aware of what services
you are providing.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

The second stage of the funnel is your chance to show your expertise to the prospect.
In this stage you will want to share case studies, perform webinars, share customer
testimonials, as well as share your pricing. Some of this content may live behind an
email form. For example, you may not want to send out case studies without getting
an email address (aka: a lead) from someone. It’s up to you to decide whether or not
the content needs to live behind a form or if it’s valuable enough for someone to give
you his or her email address.

Typically we see ebooks, webinars, and demos live behind forms, while blogs and
other content are available to the public. However, the other content that is avail-
able should have forms leading to the next phase in the funnel. For example if they
are looking at pricing they probably are more interested in buying than someone just
reading your blog. A form asking you for a quote would be something to put in this
stage of the funnel.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Now you’ve reached the third stage.

Once people are ready to purchase,
you need to make it easy for them to
do so! Creating a cart or a detailed
product suite where people can pick
and choose is a great way to get
product out the door. You could also
use mega sites like Amazon that can
sell it as a third party.

Lastly, now that they have purchased something, how can you get them to buy more?
Sending out emails showing usage and how you might be bumping up against the limit
along with new products that are similar to what they just bought are great ways to use
content to have people buy again.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Create an Editorial Calendar

Now that you have all of your content inventoried and you have a funnel
that is mapped out, you will have a better understanding of what content
still needs to be created.

The best thing to do is to start with a goal, usually 3

months out. For example, maybe you want to have
a huge Holiday Season or Father’s day. Maybe you
are a business that wants to reach a certain amount
of subscribers online. Starting with a goal lets you
work backwards in terms of planning and theme.

Next, create a calendar and use a project manage-

ment system, such as Basecamp. If you know that
you need to blog twice a week to get “x” number
of sales on Christmas, then you need to put each
of those blogs on your calendar so you know when
they need to be written.

December Blogs

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Now you have to do what most people dread…actually create content. It’s
not as arduous as people think. It’s OK to be flexible about your subject mate-
rial. Read blogs and news in your category and industry for inspiration on what
blogs to write, what offers may make sense, and what webinars to perform. But
be sure to always create original and useful content. Secondly, don’t make it
the responsibility of just one person. This is a case of many hands making the
workload lighter, so encourage employees to contribute to the blog and to the
social media account. Use one person as a gatekeeper to keep the content
in the same voice and provide some editing help, but having more employees
writing blogs is a great way to build a lot of content very quickly.

Social Media
December Blo gs Updates
by Sean

by Marissa

by John

Press Releases
by Tim by Rony
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the hows and whys of content management and production

Kill two birds with one stone—if

you are doing a presentation or
webinar, record it! There are a lot
of programs available for both
Macs and PCs which allow you to
record from the screen. Once you
have the file, you can upload it to
YouTube and embed the YouTube
player onto your website. Voilà!

Don’t feel like you always need to be serious or on brand. Show

your workplace culture by showing dogs in the office, big employee
news, company BBQs and any other fun event that will show people
more of your company than just your products.

Use software such as Basecamp as a repository of ideas so that if you are stuck for a blog
article, you can turn to the idea repository to get a quick blog out the door.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Take content and use it in another form. If you have a great presentation about your indus-
try, it’s pretty easy to turn it into a blog. Or if you wrote a great how-to blog, create a quick
YouTube video that you can embed on your site to show the actual process in action.
Recycling your content is a great way to reach a broader audience.

Lastly, a tried and true way of creating content is to do a survey using services like Survey
Monkey, then turning the content and results into a blog. For example, maybe you do a sur-
vey on top 5 gift ideas for Mom on Mother’s day. Once you get the results you write a blog
called, Top 5 gifts for Mom on Mother’s day (which is a highly searched term right before
Mother’s day) simply by providing the results of your survey. Getting that information on your
website can attract people looking for a specific gift.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Push out your Content

Once you create this content you
need to make sure people become
aware of it. This is when you use differ-
ent channels for different points in the
funnel and on the website to make
people start to sit up and take notice. Don’t be upset
if the content only brings in a trickle of traffic at first—
it’s out in the world wide web and will often keep on

The content will need keywords so that Google can index it properly. Use the Google key-
words tool and insight tool to research what keywords people are searching for and whether
or not that word is competitive. You want to choose keywords that are low to medium in
competition, but still have a lot of searches. This is a passive strategy as it will depend on
people searching for those keywords and arriving at your website, but avoids getting buried
on Google Search.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Use your social media to share YouTube videos, new offers, news, blogs, etc. Always make
sure you include a link back to the site so people can arrive on your site rather than staying
on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

Email is a great channel to use in all phas-

es of marketing. Setting up an email form
on your blog allows visitors to receive new
content automatically when its published.
Using lead nurturing can ensure you de-
liver offers to people in the right cycle. For
example, if a lead looked at your pricing
page, it might be beneficial to send them
a special offer or some customer testimoni-

If you have some budget left over, using

Pay-Per-Click and press releases are great
options to drive content traffic to your site.

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Keeping Content Fresh
the hows and whys of content management and production

Write Two Blogs and call

Google in the Morning.
In June of 2010, Google released Google Caffeine, which can be argued has had more
of an effect on websites than either Google Panda or Penguin. Google Caffeine was an
update to the way Google indexes sites, because when you actually search Google you
don’t search the web, you search Google’s index, while Panda and Penguin are updates
to how Google ranks your website.

Prior to the change, Google had layers of indexes that were updated at different rates,
with the main index being updated every few weeks. So if you ranked highly in the main
index, you didn’t have to do anything to keep your new ranking because the index didn’t
change very often. This is why SEO was actually pretty important, you changed a few
things and added some links and then BAM you were in the top ten for a good long time.

Caffeine upended that SEO strategy, because now the Google index is updated in real
time. As content becomes available, it can be indexed quite quickly by Google and ap-
pear in the Google search index, pushing people out of the top ten sooner rather than
later as the index updates very quickly.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Why Digital Marketing

Agencies can save your
Start-Up Business.

In a day & age when even your

grandmother is updating her
facebook status, the audience
your business is targeting is ever
growing...[Read More]

The second change Google made is called Google Freshness. This change is related to
the page ranking Google uses to rank websites for each search from one to infinity. The
change to algorithm looks for the freshest content on a subject, so if someone Googles
“NFL scores” the most recent update on NFL scores is shown.

This means that a site that may not have the highest page rank but the freshest content
on a subject, may be ranked higher in the results for a small amount of time. Due to these
changes, its imperative that site owners keep updating their sites to maintain their rankings
within Google. This content must be original in nature and not a simple pull of aggregated
content; using strategies like blogging, picture galleries, social media updates, comments
and customer reviews will keep your site fresh. Websites that don’t stay fresh will slowly lose
search rankings over time.

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the hows and whys of content management and production

Content marketing is a not only an inexpen-
sive and easy way to get traffic to your web-
site, it is also an effective tactic. Like exercise,
or taking vitamins, you have to do a little bit
every day to get the desired effect. However,
unlike exercise you can hire someone to do
the job for you. Like any forms of marketing,
whether you do it yourself or hire an agency,
being aligned with sales is of utmost impor-
tance. If your content doesn’t point people in
the direction of sales, then the likelihood the
content will result in sales will be minimal. Con-
tent marketing in lockstep with a sales pro-
cess becomes a powerful tool to market your
brand and website and drive leads and sales.

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If you are looking for help for your business’s
content marketing, please contact us for your
free evaluation


[email protected]

(609) 472-0750
The Science and Art of Website Design

a publication of
digital firefly
get the most out of your website redesign

Getting the Most out of

Your Redesign
Websites have changed over the last ten years. Not long ago, you were safe with static
websites that were little more than brochure sites and could simply sit and make sales, take
information etc.

In today’s 24/7, always able to Google, social media world, you need a website that is easy
to update, even for a user of limited technical skillls and will be easy to customize for two
important reasons:

1. It’s easy for Google to

find and index your site

2. It’s easy for people to

convert into leads so you
can sell them services or
products in the futures

A new website design isn’t just about look and feel. It’s about
the guts of the system, how easy it is to use and how much
functionality it has. A website redesign can start with the brand-
ing but it should always contain and use functionality that lets it
thrive in today’s Google/Facebook world.

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Step 1:
Determine Whether a Redesign
is Right for You
get the most out of your website redesign

The first step to determine if a website redesign is something you

and your organization should undertake is to look at your current
website and ask yourself if it’s really meeting your needs. Here are
five questions you can ask to determine whether or not you need
a new website:

Should I
Are you able to track data on your
website using a data package like
Google Analytics?

Is your website easy to update or do

you have to “call” someone?

Does your website provide your

company with leads?

Do you know why people are coming

to your website?

Can people find your website easily?

If the answer to any of the above is “no”
then you really need to consider getting
a new website.

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get the most out of your website redesign

Not only should you ask yourself questions…you should also avoid some wrong rea-
sons for redesigning the site.

Wrong Right
Reasons Reasons

“We have a new corporate look “We want to get found by more
and feel.” prospects.”

“It’s been 12 monthys since our “We want to convert more pros-
last redesign.” pects into leads and eventually,
into customers.”
“Our CEO wants to do it.”
“We want to update the site

Misguided reasons for redesigning your website are driven by the thought that the fresh-
ness and “wow factor” of a new website will increase excitement over your brand.
The main motivations behind website renovations should be to improve the
performance of your website. A beautiful website, although intriguing and aestheti-
cally pleasing, is secondary to a functional traffic and lead generating website.

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Step 2:
Make Sure You Proctect Your
Website’s Assets
get the most out of your website redesign

Website design and development can be complicated even for the

technically minded among us. Configuring a website can be easy
which can make mistakes and omissions even easier. So before you
start developing and designing a new website presence you need to
take stock of your current website’s assets and you may be surprised
how many it has.

Asset Check List

Determine how many pages you have.

Figure out which pages are most popular/powerful.

Determine how many inbound links you have.

Establish where these links are coming from.

Look up what interior pages have inbound links.

Find which inbound links are most popular/powerful.

Determine what keywords you rank for before the move.

Figure out which keywords are most effective.

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get the most out of your website redesign


Like our questions

above, if you are not
able to determine the
asset checklist then
you are most likely in
need of a new web-
site. Google Analytics
and Google webmas-
ter tools are free tools
to go through the as-
set checklist.

If you do not fully understand the importance and practice of proper SEO, doing a web
design can be more damaging than helpful. If you do not feel comfortable around SEO
work, it may be best to hire a specialist to perform an SEO audit and the redesign so all
the hard work you have put into making a web presence does not disappear. It may also
be time to contact a professional to set you up with a system that can track these metrics
if you don’t already have a system in place.

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Step 3:Choose a Content
Management System Wisely
get the most out of your website redesign

One mistake people and companies often make is choosing the wrong content manage-
ment system. First off, a content management system is software that will run your website.
There are a number of content management systems to choose from each with their pros
and cons. We typically recommend using the following depending on a customer’s needs:

Create simple to robust websites that are SEO compliant
out of the box and has a ton of functionality that can be
installed. Drupal also integrates with a lot of other 3rd party
providers like MailChimp for email that can really increase
your functionality. Drupal is free software that can either be
configured by you or can be configured by a developer so
you can use it to keep your website up to date.

Hubspot is a great one stop shop for inbound marketing and it a great solution for small
businesses that don’t want to configure multiple systems but want something to work.
You can create all of your webpages and blogs as well as manage your email, manage
social media marketing--measuring everything from one place.


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get the most out of your website redesign

No matter what system you choose you should ask yourself the following quesitions:

1 Can I update the website myself without calling anyone?

2 If I update it in one place, does it update everywhere on the website?

3 Is there a mobile version of the site?

4 Is it being indexed by Google?

If the answer is no to any of these,

you should not consider that system.

Your website is going to be a living breathing extension of your person and company. You
need to make sure you can keep it under your control and not waste endless ammounts of
money on updates and calls to the developer. It also needs to be with the times, meaning it
needs to be easy to create a mobile version of the site and very search engine friendly.

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Step 4:
Keep Your Homepage Simple,
get the most out of your website redesign

One key concept that can be used to describe effective website

design is don’t make me think. You don’t want people to spend
any amount of time looking for content then is necessary. Keep the
home page simple and uncluttered so people can have an easy
to time find what they want.

The Most Important

Factors of Website Design

10% 5%
Some Other Reason
The website
has a beautiful

The website makes
it easy for me to
do what I want

The website
offers a cutting
edge interface

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get the most out of your website redesign

While simple design rules, so people can find what they want
there are 5 core rules to follow for any home page:

Decide if you want to be or ` and
set up a 301 redirect from the one you didn’t
If you have more than 5 services, put
choose. This way if someone links to the other
each service under 4 overarching
homepage, you will get SEO credit for it.
themes that people can drill into, more
than 5 services will clutter the page.

Hightlight Recent
News and Blogs
on the home
page so people
can see that
Put links to your social media page
your website is
Unless you are a multimedia on the home page and make the
being updated
site, keep the use of sound to boxes BIG and above the fold so
a minimium. Nothing drives people can find them. Don’t put
people away like sudden mu- microscopic Facebook icons in the
sic coming out of a website gutter of the webpage where no one
when it’s unexpected. can see them and hence no one
can follow you on Facebookl
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get the most out of your website redesign

Your homepage is the
face of your services
or products. You only
get one chance to
impress that visitor, so
make sure you care-
fully place the essen-
tials you want them to
know on your homep-
age. It should also act
as a launching plat-
form to places where
they can contact you
in the future (i.e. blog,
social media, etc.)

My Name is:

Step 5:Focus on Continuous
Original Content that Attracts
and Converts
get the most out of your website redesign

Most websites start out very small, usually around 10-20 pages. How
can you grow the
size of your website if you don’t offer any more products and services?

The best way to grow your website is to blog and to blog about the industry that you are
in. If you sell coffee, blog about coffee, if you sell dresses, blog about women’s fashion,
if you sell financial management, blog about finance. If you started with 10-20
pages and blogged once a week for a year you would have quadrupled the
size of you site. Not only does blogging increase the size of your website, but you also
end up getting a snowball effect.


Blogging results in a 55% increase in web- Companies that blog have 2x as many
3 4
site visitors. twitter followers than those that don’t.


Search engines like fresh content, Companies that blog have 97% more
which will increase your number of inbound links than those that don’t. and
indexed pages and chances for more getting more links to your website is one
traffic of the keys to reaching number one in
Google search results.
get the most out of your website redesign

Now, one thing people tend to draw a blank on is what content do I put on my blog? Do
they all have to be opinion pieces and the answer is decidedly NO! Here is content that
you can use on your blog that you may already have.

Original Content Vehicles:


Photo News
blog (Fliker) Release

Video (Slideshare)
(Youtube) Podcast

A blog can be anything, but most of all it should be original and informative. It’s also impor-
tant, if you don’t have time, hire someone to do it for you or use an employee to create
content. The new work force today has more experience than ever on producing multi me-
dia content and sharing it on the Internet.

Original content is your website’s messenger; it will inform your prospects on what you do,
and how passionately you do it. With a vast array of formats to create content on, you
should always be continuously contributing original content to keep your prospects engaged
and constantly interacting with your website.
Step 6:
Format Your Landing
Pages Properly
get the most out of your website redesign

Now that you have a pretty new webiste that actually works in terms of form and function
and you are blogging, you need to start to capture some of those people who are on your
website and capturing those people is all about creating landing pages and leads.

Landing pages are areas on a website that offer something like a book, a how to guide, or
email sign-up with a corresponding form. Leads are people who have expressed some kind
of interest in your service and provided you with information such as an email address. They
may not be ready to buy, but they have shown interest.


landing page


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get the most out of your website redesign

Landing pages are areas on a website that offer a offer and a form. Those forms generate
leads. There are three kinds of landing pages people can create to get leads.

General Information
Offering a how-to ebook or general product catalog is a
great way to get someone’s interest about your service.
They aren’t ready to buy something specific but they
have shown they want more information

Specific Information
Offering a specific evaluation or assessment to get
someone more interested. For example, offering to
send someone specials for any clothing sizes they
prefer or performing a free evaluation on their house
would be an example of this kind of lead

Contact Us/Buy
People are really interested in your service and want
to talk to you, make an appointment, or discuss
an opportunity or they buy from your e-commerce

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get the most out of your website redesign

Best Practices
Designing landing pages still holds to the credo of keep
it simple so there are some best practices to follow to
make sure your landing pages generate a lot of leads.

Make sure the form is “above the fold” don’t make people
1 pan down to get it

2 Keep the offer simple, clear and concise. Here is what you
are going to get and here is how we are going to deliver it.

3 Experiment with your Site. Your website should be able

to use Google website optimizer. Google’s website optimizer
will show people your original landing page and your experi-
ment page so you can see if people convert more with differ-
ent language, colors or placement of buttons.

Landing pages are where the magic happens; they are the gateway to your conversion
offers that create engaged and interested leads. Make sure you can grab their attention
with an interesting offer, but also coherently explain what you are offering through the
landing page!

Not only should you create one landing page but multiples so you can try new things.
Don’t be overly reliant on what everyone “thinks” is the right answer, test it out on real live
visitors and KNOW which webpage performs best.

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Step 7:
Review Your Metrics on
Visitors and Leads
get the most out of your website redesign

Once your website is live you need to be able to see what your website is doing. Metrics
are the heartbeat of any website and will tell us if the website is healthy or about to have a
heart attack. Metrics will also tells us some very important information and they need to be
reviewed on a monthly basis.

Analytics Rd.

3 rules of the road for analytics

1 Concern yourself with the following statistics which are your bread and butter

How many people are coming to my website?
Where are they coming from? Google? Facebook?

How many visitors converted to leads?
What did they convert on? Which offers worked, which didn’t?

How many leads converted to sales?

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get the most out of your website redesign

2 Trending
Now that you know where your traffic is coming from, now you need to see if it’s
improving. For each of the three statistics, are the stats going up or down com
pared to last month or last year?

3 Technical stats to consider:

Bounce Rate
If your bounce rate is above 40% people are coming to your site and leaving
immediately at too high a rate, meaning your site is either slow or uninteresting.
Look at this stat by page to zero in on exactly what content people don’t like
or is having technical difficulties.
Time on site
Make sure the time on site is north of two minutes so people are actually
READING your content
Getting a lot of mobile? A lot of international? Maybe it’s time to make your site
mobile or international with multi-Lingual.

Metrics are pivotal for pinpointing the exact pain points of your website. By doing small, but
constant adjustments to your website, you will be able to maximize the utility of your website
so it becomes a platform for generating visitors, leads, and ultimately, sales. They are the
eyes, ears and hearbeat or your website that will keep you in the know on what is happening
with your marketing and your sales.

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Now What?
Avoid Common Pitfalls and
Redesign Mistakes
get the most out of your website redesign

The biggest mistake a lot of companies make is doing a website design simply on looks
alone. Looks and clean design are important, but nothing will waste time and money
more quickly than a website that doesn’t have the right tools in place. For example, if you
spend a ton of money on a TV ad or a Google AdWords campaign and you can’t see
where the traffic came from or how many leads you generated, how will you know if you
were successful?


Always start off with an audit of your websites assests so you can make sure the new web-
site contains all your assets once it is moved and your previous presence is not diminished.

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get the most out of your website redesign

Choose a system that meets your

needs and doesn’t keep you
awake at night because its too
costly or too creaky.
When you start to design your
2 homepage, make it simple and
easy to use not only for the user but
3 for you and your staff so you can
keep the website updated. Once
your homepage is designed, let
it dictate the design of the rest of
your site.
Now that your site is up, you need
to start making it convert and that
8 starts with landing pages.

9 When the landing pages are con-

verting, try testing them out, which
10 ones work, which ones don’t

Never stop measuring so you

know what’s working and what’s
broken. This will keep your website
healthy and most importantly, it
will give you more opportunities to
make money.

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get the most out of your website redesign

Wrap Up
Redesign projects can be laborious. While
design can be beautiful most companies are
better suited at trying to get more out of what
they already have which means more func-
tionality. Marketing tactics such as SEO, blog-
ging, and social media are easy to include in
your existing site, and are twice as effective
as traditional web redesign elements. You
should strive to make small, but constant and
continuous improvements to each element of
your current website so your website becomes
a powerful traffic-generating machine.

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If you’d like to discuss how we can
help redesign your website and
kickstart your digital marketing...

Contact Us
Digital Firefly Marketing

[email protected]

(609) 630-0764

Unless Cited


2 Hubspot, The Science of Website Redesign, June 2011

3 Hubspot, 2010

4 Hubspot, State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation

Report, 2010

5 hubspot, Webinar-Redesign Strategy, 2010

Content Written by John Cashman, Digital Firefly Marketing


Design by Marissa Treece, Digital FIrefly Marketing LLC

harnessing the power and making an impact

a publication of
digital firefly
harnessing the power of social media

Why Do I Need Social Media?

We are often asked, why do I need to put my business on Facebook
or Twitter or Pinterest? Or if clients already have their business on
social media, we will hear they don’t have the time to keep their ac-
counts up to date. Lastly, we see a lot of people misuse both Twitter
and Facebook--simply blasting out messages without any reason
and wonder why people don’t follow or visit their website.

In today’s world, not having a social

media presence is a kin to not having a
Yellow Pages ad twenty years ago. And
not having time for social media is pretty
much like saying, “I don’t have time to
look at sales receipts.”

The bottom line is customers have moved

online and they increasingly spend most
of their day in front of a computer. Social
media has become the water cooler
hang out on the Internet where 1 in 8
minutes spent on the Internet is spent on

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harnessing the power of social media

big is Social Media?
93% of US adult Internet users
US Internet users spend 3x more min-
are on Facebook.2
utes on blogs and social networks
than on email.1

More than ½ of active Twitter users follow
companies, brands or products on social
networks.5 1 out of every 8 minutes online is
spent on Facebook.3

79% of US Twitter users are more likely to recom-

mend brands they follow and 67% of US Twitter users
are more likely to buy brands they follow.5

49% of people use Face-
book to share content.4

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harnessing the power of social media

Social media marketing for business is simply about fishing where the fish are.
You build an audience on Facebook through likes and on Twitter though
followers. When you produce content like blogs, new products, new videos,
events or new pictures of your store you use social media channels to share
your product with your audience.

Take Aways
Social media amplifies your product, your website and
your brand. It allows for you to establish and foster a
more personal relationship with your potential customers,
and when done correctly, can generate website traffic,
inbound links, leads and sales for you.

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harnessing the power of social media

Setting up Your Facebook Page

If you had to pick only one social network to be on IT SHOULD BE
Facebook. Facebook is the largest referring of traffic on the Inter-
net and getting people from Facebook to your website is what so-
cial media is all about. Think of your Facebook as a mini website. It
should require the same care and detail you put in your traditional
website. You should also make sure you think about ways to gener-
ate LIKES. Think outside the box: “how do I get people to LIKE my
page so they continue to see my brand in their newsfeeds”. The
people who like you are likely to hit on one of your links and end up
on your site to either buy or give you a call.

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harnessing the power of social media

The first thing to realize is people on Facebook

have profiles while businesses have pages. Both
currently work with Facebook’s timeline so a busi-
ness can show it’s history over the years.

Step 1: Cover Photo

When you think about how you want your business page to look, think about
what your business is about. What do you sell? These should be your consider-
ations when you decide on a cover photos. Some examples of pages that have
GREAT cover photos that quickly explain what these business do:

visit Starbucks’ page

visit Harley Davidson’s page

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harnessing the power of social media

Step 2: Tabs
Before Facebook timeline, many brands would put up a big welcome page that asked
you to LIKE them before seeing any content or give you a special offer. With Timeline, that is
no longer the case, but what you can have is Tabs that either require someone to like your
page or are available to the general public. No matter what, one tab is always present
and that tab is Photos. All the other tabs can be deleted or situated as you see fit.

Some examples of Tabs you may want to make available


Premium Content
such as webinars


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harnessing the power of social media

You can link your YouTube channel or
upload videos to you Facebook account

One of the best things to do is to link your
slideshare account if you are a B2B and
share presentations with your social media

Tell people where you are located! Current-
ly each business page can only have one
“place” so if you have multiple locations
then you need multiple Facebook pages.
Having a place allows people to check in
and show you they were there.

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harnessing the power of social media

Step 4:

Do you remember the day your

business started? Or the day you
sold your first good? Or opened
your second store? Or went pub-
lic? Or reached 100 employees? Jan 2012
Those are milestones and they Valued at
tell the story of your business. $100 Million
Some businesses show some real
creativity when it comes to mile- Feb 2011
stones—like Coca-Cola going all Voted Best
the way back to 1886! Place to Work

Adding milestones gives depth

to your Facebook page and Aug 2010
shows people how long your City’s Best
business has been booming! Award Winner
Creating a history behind your
business gives followers a sense
of security and familiarity, and
Sept 2009
makes them more comfortable
developing a relationship with a 2nd Employee
company or brand.

May 2009

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harnessing the power of social media

Make sure your Facebook page is as invit-
ing as possible. The format of your page
should first be focused on creating an
engaging environment for your fans, which
when executed properly, will result in gen-
erating and collecting more information
about your leads. Be as creative as pos- open
sible, and determine which activities or
apps would best supplement your com-
pany’s brand. And remember…keep the
message simple. If you sell coffee…keep
your page about coffee!

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harnessing the power of social media

Using and Growing your Page

OK. So you have set up the Facebook page…now what?

Now you have to start adding content--and this is where most people run into trouble.
People are often time constrained or they don’t know the best way to start working Face-
book as a business v. Facebook as themselves.

The best advice on how to manage Facebook as a business is to think about using Face-
book like you already use Facebook as a person.

Don’t be overly salesy. Be personable and share knowledge about
your industry. If you sell golf clubs, do some blogging about why a club
fitting is important

Videos are a great medium. Use an iPhone to record something quick
and some simple video editing like iMovie or Final Cut to edit your video
and put it on YouTube. People watch a lot of videos on Facebook.

3 Don’t use buzzwords, arconyms or jargon. People get turned off by

these terms. Companies that do this show an average of only 100 fans
v. the average Facebook page that has 624 fans. Use common English.

Lists using words like “top” make tremendously successful Facebook
posts. So things like Top Ten reasons to get on Facebook, Top 7 Twitter
Tricks, and Top 5 Facebook Pages of All Time are great posts.

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harnessing the power of social media

Post on average about 20 times a month so
that’s one post every 1.5 days. This keeps your
business top of mind in people’s news feeds so
they remember you.

Don’t be afraid to use Ads. Facebook Ads is an
excellent way to gain followers. You can essen-
tially market to friends of friends using a Face-
book sponsored story.

Put Like Buttons on every page of your website.
This allows individual products and articles to be
seen by friends of the people who like them.

Post in the morning, at night and on the week-
ends….51% of American companies ban Face-
book at work so get people when they aren’t
at work, but when they are at home surfing the
Internet and hanging out on Facebook.

For your customers and prospects to find your
Facebook page engaging, they will need enticing
materials and regular posts. Your Facebook page
should be the launching point to your home web-
site, blog, and other offers.

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harnessing the power of social media

Monitoring your Facebook Page

Now that people are starting to use your Facebook page they will interact with it by post-
ing comments, sending you messages and posting on your wall. This can be somewhat
daunting because Facebook is a public forum where people can say very blunt things
about your business.

The best way to monitor your Facebook page is through email. In today’s world of iPhone
and iPads, make sure your Facebook account is set so Facebook emails you when some-
one comments or posts on your page. Once you start receiving emails when people post
or comment, you can respond back via email. As with everything Facebook, there are
some rules you should follow:

You don’t need to respond to every comment. Feel

free to let other members add to the conversation.

When you do respond, be short and to the point. Say

please and thank you

If you get a bad review, wall post or comment, respond

quickly! Encourage people to message you off Face-
book so you don’t get into a very public conversation

If you do get a bad review, leave it up. People will start

to distrust your brand if you start taking stuff down. Re-
spond appropriately and If it’s untrue, delete it.

You will get spammers on your wall. Feel free to delete

their posts and report them. If you don’t, you will get
more spammers.

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harnessing the power of social media

Setting Up Your Twitter Page

The first thing to understand about Twitter, is that it’s not
Did you read Facebook. Facebook is really about sharing your brand
the article with your customers and followers, while Twitter is much
about website more about conversation about what’s happening now
development? in your industry. While Facebook may be the water cool-
er of the Internet, Twitter is the public square.

What do you think about

their latest brand launch?

Twitter also tends to attract a more diverse mix of active consumers wanting to learn about
the newest products and latest trends. Twitter can help your brand by allowing you to en-
gage directly with experts, journalists and potentially other folks who may consider you an
expert after not too long.

The first thing to do when you get a Twitter account is to decide on your handle. Always
choose a handle that either is your brand name or very close to your brand name.


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harnessing the power of social media

Once you have chosen a brand name handle,

complete your bio. Twitter users who fill out their
bio have over 6x times as many followers than
those that do not.9 While filling out your bio, let
people know what your brand or company
does and feel free to use adjectives like ex-
pert, guru or leading to show your expertise
on a particular subject.

Now that you have a Twitter account set

the foll
up, you will need to make sure your website
can help spread the word by installing a owers
Tweet button on your blog and other pre-
mium pages. Those who put links to their
blog, company website, and other social
networks on their twitter have 6x more
followers than those that don’t. 9

It is important for you to establish a relatively
casual atmosphere on your Twitter account;
it will create a more informal, yet personable
and comfortable relationship with potential
customers that encourage them to en-
gage with you often. Twitter is all about a
global conversation so you want people
to feel free to ask you questions and send
you feedback. Too many people use Twit-
ter as a megaphone when it’s really more
about conversation then shouting.

harnessing the power of social media

Gaining Exposure and Awareness

Folks on Twitter follow influencers and key experts in the industries they are in. This is similar
to people subscribing to updates from companies on Facebook. In order to make your
Twitter account successful, it is vital to establish relationships with industry leaders so that
those industry leaders’ followers can learn about your brand through a resource they
trust. When you tweet at someone you, use the “@” symbol, which is seen not only by the
Industry leader but also all of their followers. It’s an excellent way to start to become part
of the global Twitter community and find people who are interested in the same things
you are.

OK. So where to start?

1 Like Facebook start with your friends or people who are connected with
your personal Twitter account.

2 Connect with journalists and bloggers who cover your industry. Use tech-
norati to identify and start following influencers.

Start engaging with the people you follow. Comment on the articles they

write, offer your opinion in a clear and concise manner and if they wrote
something you also have blog articles on, feel free to share those as well.
Engage influencers conversationally so you become part of their conver-
sation and they begin to follow you.

Keep a ratio of 1:1 on followers and people you follow. An overbalance
will look like you aren’t authoritative and an underbalance looks like you
aren’t willing to listen to anyone else. For example, Barrack Obama may
have over 15 million followers but also follows 678,000 people. 9

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harnessing the power of social media

Here are some other tools that can help you find influencers in your industry
and measure how well you are doing.

There is a free version and pro version. The free version will let you do
some basic research on journalists to follow and potentially converse
with. The pro version gives you a lot more options with search and alerts.
Getting press coverage is one of the best ways to get eyeballs and links
to your site so it can pay serious dividends if a journalist starts to use you
as a source.

This tools will show you how much influence you have and on what sub-
jects. The Klout score is like Page Rank in Google. The higher you get the
harder it is for you to get up the Klout score.

People on Twitter tend to be early adopters. So getting some positive

feedback from Twitter folk on your product can help a lot of their fol-
lowers make a decision to go with you and your company.

Following these thought leaders will help you find the inspi-
ration for your own content creation, while also providing
you with the chance to get in touch with active consumers
in your industry.

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harnessing the power of social media

Monitoring and Using Twitter

One thing Twitter is very good at is spreading news and when it spreads
news, it does so very quickly. In 2011, when the East Coast had an
earthquake near Washington D.C. The Twitter news traveled faster than
the actual earthquake. It’s therefore really important that you moni-
tor your Twitter account for both positive and negative reviews. Your
followers will share whatever thoughts they have about you and your
product through Twitter. It is your job to highlight good behavior and
address problems and complaints up front.

However, first things first, Twitter has its own language that people use,
so if you want to speak with people it helps to know the language.

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harnessing the power of social media

The @ sign is a public mention. Think of it as saying something to
someone speaking publicly--what you say as a member of the
audience is just as public to that speaker.

RT RT stands for retweet. This is how content goes viral quickly on

Twitter. By retweeting content, you essentially tell the originator
of that content, that it was valuable.

DM DM is for Direct Message and is a private message to a person or


# The # is a hashtag and is for tagging a tweet to a specific topic.

The topic may someday become trending, meaning more peo-
ple in Twitter are talking about it.

Now that you have a bit of the lingo, you need to decide how you are going to monitor
your Twitter account. Similar to Facebook, you can configure Twitter to send you an email
every time someone mentions you, or RTs you. Another popular monitoring tool is Tweet
Deck which allows you to follow multiple Twitter accounts and can show you a column
where you can search for your brand name. You can also schedule Tweets. Scheduled
Tweets can be good for time sensitive information, but simply blasting out Tweets is not
good mojo in Twitter. Another great tool is Twitter on the iPhone that will notify you every
time you are mentioned or RTed. It’s a great way to monitor on the go.

When you are prompted by one of your customers with a question, you will get notified by
whatever monitoring tool you are using. Answer promptly and directly. By answering their
questions, they are 59% more likely to follow you.10

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harnessing the power of social media

As you get used to life in the Twitter universe and begin to

build a following, you will need to follow some rules of the
road to make sure your influence continues to grow:

1. Try to maintain a 50/50

balance of conversation
to simply Tweeting out

2. In order to help your

customers find things that
may help them find solu-
tions to their problems or
give them more informa-
tion about what you do,
you can favorite certain
tweets. This is done by
clicking on the star right
under the tweet and it will

50% 50% appear in your favorite

tab on Twitter.

3. Don’t be afraid to ask

people to RT something:
You can generate 4x more
retweets simply by re-
questing it.9

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harnessing the power of social media


4. If you have an event you are promoting or

moderating use a #hashtag so people can ask
questions or comment on the event or subject.

5. Don’t just Tweet words. Tweet links especially

ones that go back to your pages where they can
either be converted as a lead or they buy some-

6. Get a unique short URL to extend your brand.

You can go to Domain.r and find out and then use
it via

Your twitter presence should be all about transparency and convenience. Your followers
should be able to easily share whatever reactions they have about your blog posts, of-
fers, and company news so more hype and traffic start to buzz around these materials.

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harnessing the power of social media

Your Social
Brand Media

By creating an interactive and entertaining social media presence, your business can
begin to engage not only with your current customers but prospects as well. Social media
gives your business the ability to amplify your voice to hundreds and potentially thousands
of people and when Twitter and Facebook are configured and used correctly, they be-
come very important parts of your digital marketing.

However, while social media is a powerful tool, it cannot stand alone as an internet mar-
keting solution. In fact, social media comes last when you are deploying a digital market-
ing strategy. First you need to build a website that is SEO friendly and has many opportuni-
ties for people to convert into a lead by providing email addresses. Secondly, you need
to discover your voice through blogging and use a key word strategy to maximize the
chance those blogs end up at the top of a Google search.

Social media assumes you have content to share or something to say, so consider your
overall inbound marketing process before you focus in on your social media marketing
strategy. Start with a good foundation and then build using social media.

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If you’d like to discuss how we can
help set up your social media and
kickstart your digital marketing...

Contact Us
Digital Firefly Marketing

[email protected]

(609) 630-0764

harnessing the power of social media

1 The Nielsen Company, November 2010

2 Blogher, April 2011

3 Comscore, February 2011

4 Chadwick Martin Bailey, September 2010

5 Edison Research, 2010

6 Eric Qualman, Social Media Statistics 2011, 2011

7 HubSpot, The Science of Facebook, 2011

8 eMarketer, Online Content Format Shared Most Often by US Internet

Users, Feb 2011

9 HubSpot, The Science of Twitter, 2011

10 InboxQ, Social Media’s Loaded Questions, 2010

Written by John Cashman

Designed by Marissa Treece

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it

a publication of
digital firefly
what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

What is Pinterest?
Pinterest is a social network that allows peo-
ple to share collect and share web pages.
It’s a little bit different because it does so
with visual images rather than links.

Simply put pinterest is an online pinboard.

You create an account and while you surf
the Internet you pin things you find interest-
ing to your board. You can create an infinite
number of boards and those boards can be
around any subject like humor or gardening.

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

= Likes
= Tweets
= Pins
Like Facebook with “Likes” and Twitter with “Tweets”, Pinterest has it’s
own language but one that is not very difficult to understand

A Pin: An image added to a Pinterest board

A Pin board: A set of pins around a common theme that the user
decides. Common themes are recipes or places I want to go or outfits I
want to buy

Pinning: When you put a pin onto a Pinterest board it is called “pinning”

Followers/Following: Each account and each board has people that

follow it and you the Pinterest user can follow their accounts or individual

Repin: When someone finds an interesting pin on someone’s board they

can repin the pin to their own board. When someone repins a pin to their
board, their followers will see it.

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

Sharing is caring...
and Pinning is Winning
Where the idea of Pinterest gets really
interesting is in how people are able to
share. Like Facebook, people are able to
follow different people and brands’ pin
boards and they can repin stuff they like to
their own board. This is how Pinterest can
create a viral traffic push to websites. Peo-
ple keep repinning content they like and
every time they repin a piece of content,
their followers see it. This has been huge
for retailers as many people have pinned
clothes, shoes, and related accessories to
their boards. By adding this content, peo-
ple are able to virtually window shop the
Internet based on what their friends have

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

Pinterest v. “other networks”

One thing we always look at
it isn’t whether a network is
important but whether or not
it is worthwhile compared to
You other online social networks

Tube like Google plus. This has to

do simply with the amount of
time a business can dedicate
to making a concerted effort
to manage and keep that
social network page relevant.
Pinterest now drives more
traffic to retailer websites
than Google +, YouTube and
LinkedIn combined. The only
websites that have more traf-
fic referrals are Facebook and

The second stat to look at is usage. How often and for how
long is a network being used? This simple stat should give
you an idea of the probability your board will be seen and Pinterest
shared, because if no one is using it, the likelihood of some-
one actually coming across your page with all of your hard
work is pretty much nil. Recent data from comscore is sug-
Google +

gesting what a lot of people already suspected, while there
are a lot of users on Google plus, there doesn’t appear to
be any real activity. Users spent over 89 min on Pinterest in
the month of January but each user on Google plus spent
an average of only three minutes per visit on Google plus.

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

Pinterest Setup
Currently Pinterest is still in beta, which means you need to get invited
to be a member. There are two ways to become a Pinterest member.

1. Go to and register

You’re Invited for an invite. You will be told when
you have been given access to Pin-
terest and can create an account

2. Using Facebook or Twitter, find a

friend who is already on Pinterest
and have them invite you. Each
Pinterest user is given a number of
invites to use.

For a personal account, you can use your own email address or connect via Facebook.
For a business account, we recommend using a Twitter account and using the same
email address that is tied to that Twitter account. This makes it much easier for multiple
people to pin items to company pinboard.

Pinned by
Pinned by Alex

Pinned by
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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

During the activation process, you will begin to set up your profile
which is similar to profiles you have set up in Facebook and on
Twitter. There are some tricks to optimizing your profile.

User Name
Your user name on Pinterest is also your URL so
you should use your company or product name

Profile Picture
Your picture should be your logo or product

About Us
About us should be similar to what you have on
Facebook and Twitter and describe what your
company or product does.

Once your profile is approved you can click on
the right hand corner and choose settings. By
linking to Twitter and providing your website,
links to both will show up in your profile.

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

Once you have your Pinterest account approved, you will be given five boards to set up.
Pinterest will suggest 5 subjects, but they can be anything you want. We recommend us-
ing one board that is your company and three boards about your company’s industry. This
is where you need to sit back and start thinking about your company and the industry you
work in so you can construct a great looking Pinterest profile.

“ Sit back and

start thinking

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

Let’s Start with your Company

What does it sell?
If it sells shoes, you should pin some of your
top ten shoes onto the pinboard. If it sells
services like Social Media Marketing, it’s
beneficial to pin items like blogs you have
written about social media or inforgraphs.
Another tactic is to pin a client list as well
so people can see who you work with.

What Industry are you in?

If you sell cameras, wouldn’t it make sense
to have a board dedicated to photogra-
phy. If you are a travel agent, why not a
board on places you always wanted to go.
For a B2B company, you can put up boards
like office life or some people that you fol-
low that influence your work. These items
should be about the industry you are in, so
if you sell shoes, a board on traveling plac-
es may not make a lot of sense unless it’s
about walking and of course sells shoes.

What is your brand’s lifestyle?

Are you funny? Stylish? Green? Organic?
Some boards around those subjects can
help show people what you are all about.

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

Once you’re set up...

Start Pinning!
Start by cruising Pinterest itself to find content that you find interest-
ing. You can filter it by a number of subjects like Photography or
gardens and start pinning those items to your various boards.

After you have some pins on your boards, you can venture out-
side Pinterest and into the Internet. The easiest way to start pin-
ning while you cruise the Internet is to install the pin it button in
your tool bar of your web browser.

Once you find something you find interesting or re-

flects your brand or industry, you click on the Pin it
button and then choose the image and the board
you want to pin the image to. That’s it. Once you
pin something to the board, all your followers will
see it on your page.

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

Best Practices for Pinterest

Now that you have these boards up, what
are some of the best ways to maintain
them, and not have people think you are
just marketing to them. One of our rules of
thumb in digital marketing is market like you
are at a cocktail party.

“ market yourself
like you’re at a
cocktail party

Don’t just start selling. Introduce yourself. Tell
people who you are and yes what you may
be selling, but hey if you just want to talk
about travel, then let’s just talk about travel.

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

Rules of the Pinterest Road

Pin equally to all boards.

Try to update your pinboards

about once a week.

Repin some items from you

followers if it accurately re-
flects one of your boards.

Use the icons! Use follow icons on

your website so people can follow
your brand. You can also install a
“pin it” button similar to the Face-
book like button.

Use engaging visuals. If it

caught your eye, it’s probably Use other social
going to catch someone else’s media networks
eye as well. to announce your
presence. Pinterest
wouldn’t be up to 11
million people without
Facebook, so leverage
your Facebook and
Twitter followers to let
them know you are on

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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

The holy grail in social media is going viral.

You will read about stay at home moms
you now have over 1 million subscribers
because their content went viral on the
Internet. Pinterest has all the right compo-
nents for your content to go viral, mean-
ing it’s shared with lots and lots of people
very quickly. It’s not easy to go viral and
there are different degrees of going viral.
In fact, it’s probably going to take you
and your company a long time to get to
a point where you are able to go viral

#1 Mom

Here is what you need

in order to go viral
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what it is, how it works, and why you’re crazy if you’re not using it.

You will need an audience. Pinterest has

over 11 million members right now who
are highly engaged, but you will need fol-
lowers. If you don’t have a lot of followers
the likelihood of your content going viral is
very small.

You content and images need to be interesting

and original. If you make great content and a
great image it’s more likely people will repin a
great visual then a sub par pixel. If you don’t
have time to create a great visual, hire some-
one who can do work in Photoshop. There are Less
[might be]
plenty of young college kids out there who can
turn this work out without breaking a sweat.

You don’t need 1,000 repins to go viral. If you

get 20 repins, you vastly increased your audi-
ence and reach. This might not be the biggest
viral campaign in history, but it’s a start.

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Every brand needs to be social. Facebook is still far and away the leading social network
and the one that directs the most traffic to other websites. If you are business to business
you should also be on LinkedIn. However, if you are business to consumer or if you are
business to business and especially if you have an eCommerce instance, you should have
a Pinterest profile. The simple reason is in the traffic referrals Pinterest is generating are too
large to be ignored and getting traffic to a website is one of the reasons social media is a
very cost effective way to do advertising.

“ Traffic referrals Pinterest

is generating are too
large to be ignored

That’s why we think you’re crazy if your not using

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