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4A’s Lesson Plan in Mathematics Grade 7

A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrate the understanding of:

 the key concepts of measurement

B. Performance Standard
The learner are able to:

 formulate real-life problems involving measurements and;

 solve using a variety of strategies.

C. Learning Competencies
The Learner:

 illustrate what it means to measure;

 describe the development of measurement from the primitive to the
present international system of units;
 approximates the measure of quantities particularly length, width/mass,
volume, time, angle and temperature and rate and;
 convert measurement from one unit to another in both Metric and English
D. Code

 M7ME-IIa-1; M7ME-IIa-2; M7ME-IIa-3; M7ME-IIb-1.

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the class the students are expected to;
 identify the different units of measurements of length;
 find and solve the appropriate units of measurement and;
 relate the use of appropriate units of measurement

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic : Measures of length
B. Reference : K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide in Mathematics 7,
Page 209 of 257
C. Materials: Visual aids, netbook, and ruler.
D. Time Frame: 60 minutes (1 hour)

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
a. 1. Prayer
b. 2. Greetings
c. 3. Classroom Management/rules
d. 4. Checking of Attendance
e. 5. Checking of Assignment

B. Developmental Activities

b. 1. Drill
 Show the place value of 1, 234, 567

b. 2. Review
 Identify the two different types of measurements and its group.

b. 3. Unlocking Difficulties
 km – kilometer
 hm – hectometre
 dam – dekameter
 m – meter
 dm – decimetre
 cm – centimetre
 mm - millimeter

C. Motivation (I love Math)

 The teacher will let the students to sing the “I love Mathematics”

D. Activity (Using Dangkal)

 The teacher will group the students by pairs for them to be able to
know the difference between the use of standard and non-standard
units of measurement of the object by measuring the length and
width of the table through using the dangkal, cubit, and ruler. And
the students will choose one (1) representative to show their result
in front. The following question are follows;

Dangkal Cubit
(Thumb and (From tip of
Object point finger the elbow to Ruler
measured stretched) the middle
finger tip)
You Friend You Friend You Friend
Length of your
Width of your

1. Which type of measurement in the table shows different

2. Which measurement shows the same answer?
3. Which unit of measure would you choose to use? Why?
4. Based from the activity, is there a need to standardized
measurement? Give your reason.
Activity Rubrics for Scrambled letters

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E. Analysis
 The teacher will ask students on what they have observed on their

F. Abstraction
1. What are the different units of length?
2. How to find or convert the appropriate units of measurement?
3. What is the importance of the unit of measurement in our daily

G. Application
 The teacher will give more examples, and the students will group
by rows according to the students sitting arrangement.

Direction: Write the appropriate unit of measurement used to

measure the length of each of the ff. choose your answer from the

mm cm
m km

1. The length of a small paper clip is 40 ____.

2. The length of a spoon measures 13 _____.
3. The average height of the Filipino is 1.56 _____.
4. The distance between two cities is 102 _____.
5. A peanut seed measures 4 _____ long.
1. mm
2. cm
3. cm
4. km
5. mm

H. Generalization
 What is the basic unit of length?
 What are the common metric unit of length?
 In what ways or strategies to find how long or a distance of the unit
in measuring the length?

I. Evaluation
 Direction: Find the unit of measurement from the given question.
1. 8.3426 km to cm = __________.
2. 0.359 m to km = __________.
3. 643 cm to m = __________.
4. 0.5162 dm to hm = __________.
5. 3.631406 km to mm = __________.

1. 834260 cm
2. 0.359 km
3. 6.43 m
4. 0.0005162 hm
5. 3631406 mm

J. Assignment

 Direction: Choose the correct answer. Write your answer on your

Mathematics notebook.
1. Which system of measurement does millimeter, liter, and
kilogram belong?
A. English C. traditional
B. Metric D. both A and B
2. Which of these measuring devices will you use to measure a
A. caliper C. ruler
B. meter stick D. tape measure
3. Which of the following is not a standard unit of measure?
A. foot C. liters
B. kilometer D. arm span
4. Which is the most sensible weight of an adult?
A. 60 milligrams C. 60 kilograms
B. 60 grams D. 60 tons
5. Which is the most sensible unit for long distances?
A. centimetre C. meter
B. kilometer D. millimeter
6. What is the basic unit of length in the metric system of
A. kilogram C. liter
B. kilometer D. meter
7. A carabao can weigh about _______.
A. 450 milligrams C. 450 kilograms
B. 450 grams D. 450 tons
8. A flagpole is ______ high.
A. centimetre (cm) C. meter (m)
B. kilometer (km) D. millimeter (mm)
9. A sachet of juice can make one (1) _______.
A. barrel C. liter
B. gallon D. millimeter
10. Which of the following fruits exceeds 500 grams?
A. apple C. lanzones
B. guava D. watermelon
11. What is the approximate weight of a chicken egg?
A. 57 milligrams C. 57 dekagrams
B. 57 grams D. 57 kilograms
12. What is the approximate length of an ordinary pencil?
A. 20 kilometers C. 20 centimeters
B. 20 meters D. 20 millimeter
13. What is the basic unit of weight in the metric system of
A. gram C. milligram
B. kilogram D. ton
14. How many millimetres are there in 1 liter?
A. 10 mL C. 1000 mL
B. 100 mL D. 10 000 mL
15. What do you call the amount of substance a container can
A. capacity C. liter
B. cubic meter D. volume

1. B 6. D 11. B
2. C 7. C 12. C
3. D 8. C 13. A
4. C 9. C 14. C
5. B 10. C 15. D

Prepared by: Valen Dalan


Checked by: Rodessa Marie Canillas

Coordinating Teacher

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