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737CL / CFM56-3 WTT

CFM56-3 Acoustic Panel

Serge Le Louarn, CFM

October 2010

U.S. Export Classification – ECCN 9E991

BOEING / CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 737CL / CFM56-3 WTT, 13-14 October 2010, Montreal
Background 737CL / CFM56-3 WTT

Acoustic panel misalignment

• Misalignment is mainly observed at 6 o’clock
• Misalignment occurs on the rear side of the panel close to the
CSD cooler
• Boeing AMM provides serviceable limit

▪ According to AMM 72-33-00,

misalignment of the panel is
permitted if not more than 0.5 in.
Serviceable if no more
than 0.5 in. (12.7mm)

U.S. Export Classification – ECCN 9E991

BOEING / CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 737CL / CFM56-3 WTT, 13-14 October 2010, Montreal
WTT Call Request 737CL / CFM56-3 WTT

CFM to consider a repair study for deformed aft

acoustic panel.
• CFM received a used panel to evaluate potential solution
▪ Received panel showed heavy delamination
• Local structure of the panel is too damaged

▪Received panel is not a potential candidate for repair evaluation

Heavy delamination

U.S. Export Classification – ECCN 9E991

BOEING / CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 737CL / CFM56-3 WTT, 13-14 October 2010, Montreal
Action item follow-up 737CL / CFM56-3 WTT

Repair needs to be evaluated

• Some shops reports non-official repair solution (Unapproved)

• Solution testing is required

• CFM requests another misalignment panel for evaluation

▪ In case of eligible panel availability (without delamination)

• Contact your CFM ATPM / or CFM PSE

• Or directly WTT coordinator :

» Dan Caven – Boeing

» Pat Busken – CFM
» Serge Le Louarn – CFM
» Vincent Saudemont – CFM
U.S. Export Classification – ECCN 9E991
BOEING / CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 737CL / CFM56-3 WTT, 13-14 October 2010, Montreal
737CL / CFM56-3 WTT


U.S. Export Classification – ECCN 9E991

BOEING / CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 737CL / CFM56-3 WTT, 13-14 October 2010, Montreal

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