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In 2008, I wrote the architectural Filipino, the book traces the history of Philippine build forms from its

primeval origins to its contemporary forms. This book inspired the film You're About to see, which
was produced in 2016 with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, Spanish Colonialism
and changed the face of Philippine environment forever. Spanish authorities instituted a control and
order in the colonial domain among the new building base, including churches, fortresses by the
battle axis area, Gaturro and the Fabrica, among others.

This new building types were crafted in pursuit of a new colonial lifestyle. With cross and Sword
Miguel Dopiest, the legacy in 1065 took possession of Philippine islands in the name of the Spanish
crown. Initially, Legazpi founded settlements in Sebu and Panni, but move northward to Luzon. The
goal was to conquer the fabled Muslim settlement of Manila because of its strategic position. In
1971, the Spaniard successfully occupied the charred remains of the settlement abandoned by Aroha
Sulayman, chieftain of Manila.

In time, the settlement of light materials gave way to a stone fortified metropolis. A Spanish wolf
sitting in tomorrow's was taking shape within less than a mile in area, spreading out from the point of
a triangle bordered by the bay and the river. The devastation caused by the 1083 fire and the 16 45
earthquake resulted in the invention of a hybrid type of construction, the architect Haramis Dieser,
which combines wooden frames and stone this flexible construction, which used wood in the upper
floor and stone in the lower floor, had a better chance of surviving an earthquake.

While Intermural was being built and reconstructed, the Spaniards ventured inland to accomplish the
territorial and spiritual take over.

The colonial space was redesigned, according to an organizing program known as Deduction.

The small, scattered clusters of native settlements were forced to consolidate into a single, larger and
compact villages to easily manage every affair of the native populace.

These new towns followed the urban master plan prescribed by the 1973 Royal Ordinance of King
Philip, the second known as the loss of the Indians. It decreed that the town plan should establish a
main plaza or plaza, Mayorga, around the huge and open square off the plaza was a complex of
prominent buildings of colonial governance. The church and convent. The Casino Royale or Town
Hall? The tribunal. The official residence and other important government buildings. The marketplace
and residences of various social classes were also distributed hierarchically around this complex, the
colonial condition bred a new kind of lifestyle and activities which characterized the emerging urban

The Spanish building program was driven by the esthetics of monumentality. Thus, Spanish colonial
architecture was built of sturdier and more permanent materials using imported methods of

Many churches and other institutional structures were built under the direction of architects or
Mastronardi or brass or master builders, many of whom were priests.

Builders, largely Chinese, were often employed under a contractual system called Buckyball. The
colonial government also used a tax system of policy servicio, which generally compelled every able
bodied male to render labor service for public construction to sustain the building activities.

The building of Garrison's. Naval constructions. And fortresses. Was a military strategy to safeguard
the colonial territories. Intramural was the foremost fortification built by the Spanish crown. The
religious orders undertook the spiritual confidence of the Filipinos and initiated the building of
ecclesiastical edifices.

Churches. Belfry. Monastery's. And convent's. A newly founded parishes, the church occupied the
most prominent site of a town and functioned as a site of evangelical mission in the area. The earliest
churches were rendered in the vernacular idiom, simple and planned and fashioned of light materials
with a high pitched roof. Inside the floor was either raised.

Or of compacted Earth Day, finding a rectangular nieve, these structures were later expanded and
made of Adobe Stone. Coralline limestone or brick, and were reinforced with buttresses to ensure
their strength during earthquakes.

Ultimately, the churches evolved into monumental stone sanctuaries that allowed indigenous motifs
to coexist with European styles.

The Chinese and native artisans interpreted and executed the ornaments from classical.
Romanesque. Gothic. Baruch. Rococo. And Madiha, sources not strictly according to former rules of
the style, but on their own esthetic discretion, often in simplified form and incorporated with local
tropical motifs and Chinese decorative elements. Which exemplifies the tendency of colonial
ornamentation towards horror evacuee, the whole external composition was lorded over by one or
two Bell Towers or Campanaro, ranging from three to five stories.

The towers attached to the church were usually provided with a baptistery at the ground floor.
Adjacent to the church was the parish house called Convento.

It served as lodging house for visiting dignitaries, storerooms for food and armaments, school office
and parish archives, another component of the church complex was a graveyard or Campo Santo.
From the 17th and 19th century, a new domestic prototype sprung from two centuries of
development, the behind the battle. Descended from the Bichlbaum and reassembled the
architectural mestizo.

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