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DFD for Food Ordering System

Food Ordering System is actually a type of software that allows the manager of
restaurants to manage and accept the placed orders over the Internet or in the
restaurant. Let us understand the working of the food ordering system by
using DFD (Data Flow Diagram) . DFD for Food Ordering System is shown
Here, different levels of DFD are shown for Food Ordering System such as
Level 0 DFD, Level 1 DFD
1. Level 0 DFD –
At this level, the Input and Output of the system are shown.
The system is designed and established across the world
with input and output at this level.

Food Ordering System has the following input :

 Food order is input as the customer’s order for food.

Food Ordering System has the following output:
 Receipt of the order.
 For further processing the order, the food order is
passed to the kitchen.
 The restaurant manager gets the report of Bill and

2. Level 1 DFD –
For processing the order, process 1.0 is responsible. For
food, the housekeeping activities involved are represented by
processes 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. The detailed information about
daily sold items should be available to create and report
management and the list of items that are available ‘in-stock’
should be kept by maintaining the inventory data (describes
the records of datasets such as their name, their content,
source, many useful information, etc.) at the same time.
Hence, two data stores are used in this level of DFD given
below :
 Database of Sold items
 Inventory database

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