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2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2010)

Improving the performance of the sparse matrix

vector product with GPUs
F. Vázquez, G. Ortega, J.J. Fernández, E.M. Garzón
Dpt Computer Architecture. Almeria University
Cra Sacramento s/n Almeria 04120 Spain
{f.vazquez, gol315, jjfdez, gmartin}@ual.es

Abstract—Sparse matrices are involved in linear systems, general purpose applications has exceptionally increased in
eigensystems and partial differential equations from a wide the last few years thanks to the availability of Application
spectrum of scientific and engineering disciplines. Hence, sparse Programming Interfaces (APIs), such as Compute Unified
matrix vector product (SpMV) is considered as key operation
in engineering and scientific computing. For these applications Device Architecture (CUDA) [11] and OpenCL [9], that
the optimization of the sparse matrix vector product (SpMV) greatly facilitate the development of applications targeted at
is very relevant. However, the irregular computation involved GPUs. Recently, several implementations of SpMV have been
in SpMV prevents the optimum exploitation of computational developed with CUDA and evaluated on GPUs [1], [3]–[5],
architectures when the sparse matrices are very large. Graphics [10]. Devising GPU-friendly matrix storage formats has been
Processing Units (GPUs) have recently emerged as platforms that
yield outstanding acceleration factors. SpMV implementations key in these implementations.
for GPUs have already appeared on the scene. This work This work aims at presenting and evaluating a new approach
proposes and evaluates new implementations of SpMV for GPUs to increase the performance of SpMV on GPUS which relies
called ELLR-T. They are based on the format ELLPACK- on a new storage format for the sparse matrix, ELLPACK-
R, which allows storage of the sparse matrix in a regular
R. This format is a GPU-friendly variant of one previously
manner. A comparative evaluation against a variety of storage
formats previously proposed has been carried out based on a designed for vector architectures, ELLPACK [7]. An extensive
representative set of test matrices. The results show that: (1) performance evaluation of this new approach has been carried
the SpMV is highly accelerated with GPUs; (2) the performance out based on a representative set of test matrices. The compar-
strongly depends on the specific pattern of the matrix; and (3) the ative study has drawn the conclusion that the implementations
implementations ELLR-T achieve higher overall performance.
ELLR-T based on ELLPACK-R proves to outperform the most
Consequently, the new implementations of SpMV, ELLR-T,
described in this paper can help to exploit the GPUs, because, common and efficient formats for SpMV on GPUs used so far.
they achieve high performance and they can be easily joined in Next, Section II summarizes the aspects related to GPU
the engineering and scientific computing. programming and computing. Then, Section III reviews the
different formats to compress sparse matrices, given that the
selection of an appropriate format is the key to optimize SpMV
The Matrix-Vector product (MV) is a key operation for on GPUs. Section IV introduces the proposed format and
a wide variety of scientific applications, such as image pro- algorithms for computation of SpMV on GPUs. In Section
cessing, simulation, control engineering and so on [14]. For V the performance measured on a NVIDIA Geforce GTX
many applications based on MV, the matrix is large and 285 with a set of representative sparse matrices belonging
sparse, i.e. the dimensions of matrix are large (≥ 105 ) and the to diverse applications is presented. The results clearly show
percentage of non-zero components is very low (≤ 1 − 2%). that the new algorithms for computation of SpMV with GPUs
Sparse matrices are involved in linear systems, eigensystems presented here, ELLR-T, get the best performance for all
and partial differential equations from a wide spectrum of the test matrices. Finally, Section VI summarizes the main
scientific and engineering disciplines. For these problems the conclusions.
optimization of the sparse matrix vector product (SpMV) is
a challenge because of the irregular computation of large II. C OMPUTATIONAL KEYS TO EXPLOIT GPU S
sparse operations. This irregularity arises from the fact that
the data access locality is not maintained and that fine grained From a programmer’s point of view, the GPU is considered
parallelism of loops is not exploited [6]. Therefore, additional as a set of SIMD (Single Instruction stream, Multiple Data
effort must be spent to accelerate the computation of SpMV. streams) multiprocessors. Each kernel (parallel code) is exe-
This effort is focused on the design of appropriate data formats cuted as a batch of threads organized as a grid of thread blocks.
to store the sparse matrices, since the performance of SpMV For the execution, each block is assigned to a Streaming
is directly related to the used format as shown [12], [13], [15]. Multiprocessor (SM) composed by eight cores called Scalar
Currently, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) offer massive Processors (SP). The blocks in turn are divided into sets of 32
parallelism for scientific computations. The use of GPUs for threads called warps.

978-0-7695-4108-2/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 1146

DOI 10.1109/CIT.2010.208
Each SM has an on-chip memory area containing a set of N z be the total number of non-zero entries of the matrix. A
32-bit registers and a low latency memory shared between all typical implementation of COO uses three one-dimensional
threads belonging to the block called shared memory. There arrays of size N z. One array, A[ ] of floating-point numbers
is also an off-chip memory area consisting of a larger size (hereafter referred to as floats), contains the non-zero entries.
and latency memory known as device memory. It is addressed The other two arrays of integer numbers, I[ ] and J[ ], contain
by all threads declared for the execution, and, moreover, the corresponding row and column indices for each non-zero
there are two low latency cache memories called constant entry. The performance of SpMV based on COO may be pe-
memory and texture memory. The device memory access is nalized because it does not implicitly include the information
performed by groups of 16 threads called half-warps. If the about the ordering of the coordinates, and, additionally, for
access pattern of the different threads belonging to every warp multi-threaded implementations of SpMV atomic data access
verifies the coalescence conditions, then, it can be performed must be included when the elements of the output vector are
in parallel by all of them and the memory latency would be written.
the same as that of a single access. On the modern GPUs,
coalescing is achieved by any pattern of accesses that fits into B. Compressed Row Storage (CRS)
a segment size of 32, 64 or 128 bytes for 8, 16 or 32 and Compressed Row Storage (CRS) is the most extended
64-bit words respectively. Memory segments must be aligned format to store sparse matrices on superscalar processors. Let
to 16 and 32 memory words in order to reduce the number N and N z be the number of rows of the matrix and the total
of memory accesses. The use of texture memory improves the number of non-zero entries of the matrix, respectively; the
performance when the searched word is located within it. data structure consists of the following arrays: (1) A[ ] array
The ratio between the number of active warps per multi- of floats of dimension N z, which stores the entries; (2) J[ ]
processor and the maximum number of active warps is called array of integers of dimension N z, which stores their column
the multiprocessor occupancy. The occupancy determines how index; and (3) start[ ] array of integers of dimension N + 1,
effectively the hardware is kept busy with the goal of hide which stores the pointers to the beginning of every row in A[ ]
latencies, by switching between active warps, due to memory and J[ ], both sorted by row index.
operations and paused warps. Occupancy is closely related The code to compute SpMV based on CRS has several
to the thread block size (BS) and the number of registers and drawbacks that hamper the optimization of the performance of
shared memory size used by a kernel. Therefore a good choice this code on superscalar architectures. First, the access locality
of BS will improve the performance. of vector v[ ] is not maintained due to the indirect addressing.
On the other hand, the maximum instruction throughput is Second, the fine grained parallelism is not exploited because
achieved when all threads of the same warp execute the same the number of iterations of the inner loop is small and variable
instruction sequence, given that any flow control instruction [6]. Despite these drawbacks, several optimizations have made
can cause the threads of the same warp to diverge, that is, to possible to improve the performance of sparse computation
follow different execution paths that will be serialized. on current processors [8], [15]. In particular, the Intel Math
Specifically, to optimize SpMV on GPUs, these goals have Kernel Library (MKL) improves the performance of sparse
to be taken into account when devising appropriate formats to BLAS operations, based on CRS, by optimizing the memory
store the sparse matrix since the parallel computation and the management and exploiting the ILP on Intel processors.
memory access are tightly related to the storage format of the
sparse matrix. C. ELLPACK
ELLPACK or ITPACK [7] was introduced as a format to
III. A N OVERVIEW OF S P MV AND ITS CHALLENGES . compress a sparse matrix with the purpose of solving large
F ORMATS TO COMPRESS SPARSE MATRICES . sparse linear systems with ITPACKV subroutines on vector
computers. This format stores the sparse matrix on two arrays,
The pattern of memory access to read the elements of one float A[ ], to save the entries, and one integer J[ ], to save
the sparse matrix has a strong impact in the performance of the column index of every entry. Both arrays are of dimension
SpMV. So, every specific algorithm to compute SpMV (i.e. N × M ax nzr at least, where N is the number of rows and
u = Av where A is the sparse matrix, u and v are the M ax nzr is the maximum number of non-zeros per row in
output and input vectors respectively) exploiting a particular the matrix, with the maximum being taken over all rows. Note
architecture is related to a specific format to store the sparse that the size of all rows in these compressed arrays A[ ] and
matrix. Next, the main formats to compress sparse matrices J[ ] is the same, because every row is padded with zeros.
and their corresponding algorithms are described, focusing on Therefore, ELLPACK can be considered as an approach to fit
the formats specifically designed for SIMD architectures such a sparse matrix in a regular data structure similar to a dense
as vector architectures and GPUs. matrix. Consequently, this format is appropriate to compute
operations with sparse matrices on vector architectures.
A. Coordinate storage (COO) Focusing our interest on the GPU architecture and if every
The coordinate storage scheme (COO) to compress a sparse element i of vector u is computed by a thread identified
matrix is a direct transformation from the dense format. Let by index x = i and the arrays store their elements in

column-major order, then the SpMV based on ELLPACK can step is required to store it with HYB format in order to
improve the performance due to: (1) the coalesced global compute: (1) parameter M ax nzr, (2) distribution function
memory access, thanks to the column-major ordering used of rows according to their number of entries, (3) subset of a
to store the matrix elements into the data structures. Then, specific percentage of rows with less entries, for example 2/3
the thread identified by index x accesses to the elements [3], and its corresponding parameter M ax nzr , and, finally,
in the x row: A[x + k ∗ N ] with {0 ≤ k < M ax nzr} (4) two data structures to store A. M ax nzr entries of every
where k is the column index into the new data structures A[ ] row are stored in ELLPACK format, and if any entries remain,
and J[ ]. Consequently, two threads x and x + 1 access to they are stored with COO format. In other words, HYB stores
consecutive memory address, thereby fulfilling the conditions the sparse matrix with ELLPACK avoiding the elements which
of coalesced global memory access; (2) non-synchronized overfill some rows and storing them with COO format. So, the
execution between different thread blocks. Every thread block corresponding computation of SpMV based on GPU is split
can complete its computation without synchronization with in several kernels related to the different formats, hopefully
others blocks. with an appropriate value of M ax nzr the main kernel
However, if the percentage of zeros is high in the ELLPACK related to ELLPACK can reach high performance on GPU,
data structure and there is a relevant amount of padding zeros, but the kernels related to COO format adds relevant penalties
then the performance decreases. This penalty even remains due mainly to un-coalesced memory access and the need to
when conditional branches are included to avoid the memory use atomic functions for the write memory operations. This
access and arithmetic operations with padding zeros, because drawback could be relevant especially for any kind of patterns
to compute every u[i], with 0 ≤ i ≤ N , the k-loop must iterate of sparse matrices where the computation of M ax nzr does
until k = M ax nzr and the conditional branch is executed in not reach optimum value.
every iteration; so in order to reduce the memory access and Recently, the format called Sliced ELLPACK has been
activity of arithmetic units, the computation is penalized with proposed and evaluated in [10]. In order to compress the
N × M ax nzr executions of the conditional branch. matrix, the N rows of A are partitioned in sets of S rows
and every set is stored with ELLPACK format. Moreover,
D. Recent Proposals for GPUs the τ threads into every block collaborate in the computation
Recently, different proposals of kernels to compute SpMV related to every set of rows. It achieves high performance
on GPUs have been described and analysed [1], [3]–[5], when a preprocess with reordering of rows is considered and
[10]. They can be classified in two groups according to their the optimum values of the parameters S and τ are selected.
relationship with CRS or ELLPACK formats. Other format, called BELLPACK, has been proposed in [5],
On the one hand, the kernel called CRS(vector) evaluated in this proposal compresses the sparse matrix by small dense
[3] is based on CRS format. This kernel computes every output entries blocks. Then, this approach reaches better performance
vector element with the collaboration of the 32 threads of for those sparse matrices with their pattern including small
every warp. So, one warp computes the float products related blocks of entries. Both approaches, Sliced ELLPACK and
to the entries of one row in a cyclic fashion, followed by a BELLPACK, include complex pre-processing of the sparse
parallel reduction in shared memory in order to obtain the matrix.
final result of output vector element. Then, if the number of
elements by row is lower than 32 the performance reached by IV. S P MV BASED ON ELLPACK-R
CRS(vector) will decrease and the best performance will be We propose the ELLPACK-R format, a variant of ELL-
achieved by matrices of rows with high number of elements. PACK, to further improve the performance reached by ELL-
Similarly, another kernel to compute SpMV on GPUs based PACK on GPUs. ELLPACK-R consists of two arrays, A[ ]
on CRS format has been recently proposed in [1]. Here the (float) and J[ ] (integer) of dimension N × M ax nzr; and,
collaboration of 16 threads (half warp) computes every output moreover, an additional integer array called rl[ ] of dimension
vector element doing a zero-padding of rows to complete a N (i.e. the number of rows) is included with the purpose of
length multiple of 16, in order to fulfill the memory alignment storing the actual length of every row, regardless of the number
requirements and improve the coalesced memory access. It has of the zero elements padded.
been included on the SpMV4GPU library [2], and hereinafter According to the mapping of threads in the computation
it will be referred to the same name. Thus, it reaches better of every row, several implementations of SpMV based on
performance when the number of elements by rows is lower, ELLPACK-R can be developed. Thus, when T threads com-
but its performance decreases when the rows have a very high pute the element u[i] accessing to the i-th row, the imple-
number of entries, if compared with CRS(vector), as analyzed mentation is referred as ELLR-T. So, the i-th row is split in
in Section V. On the other hand, the kernels related to the sets of T elements. Then, in order to compute the element
format called HYB (which stands for hybrid) proposed by u[i], T threads compute rl[ ] iterations of the inner loop
[3] seem to yield the best performance on GPUs so far. This of SpMV, every thread stores its partial computation in the
format combines the ELLPACK and COO formats with the shared memory. Finally, to generate the value of u[i], one
goal of improving the performance of ELLPACK. Let A be reduction of the T values computed and stored in shared
a sparse matrix stored with CRS format, then a preprocessing memory has to be included. The value of parameter T can be

Fig. 1. (a) ELLPACK-R Format and (b)ELLR-T code to compute SpMV on GPUs

explored in order to obtain the best performance with every where  denotes that ELLR-T is evaluated for optimum values
kind of sparse matrices. Figure 1 illustrates the code of ELLR- of T and BS.
T algorithm. The algorithms ELLR-T to compute SpMV with This analysis is based on the run-times measured on a
GPUs take advantage of: (1) Coalesced and aligned global GeForce GTX 285 with a set of test sparse matrices from
memory access. The access to read the elements of A, J different disciplines of science and engineering. Table I sum-
and rl are coalesced and aligned thanks to the column-major marizes the test matrices used in this work and the charac-
ordering used to store the matrix elements and the zeros- teristic parameters related to their specific pattern: number
padding to complete the length of every row as multiple of of rows (N ), total number of non-zeros elements (Entries),
16. Consequently, the highest possible memory bandwidth of average number of entries per row (Av), the difference be-
GPU is exploited. (2) Homogeneous computing within the tween the maximum number of entries in a row and Av
warps. The threads belonging to one warp do not diverge (IAv), percentage of relative standard deviation of entries by
when executing the kernel to compute SpMV. The code does σ
row( Av ). Moreover Table I shows the bandwidth (BW ) and
not include flow instructions that cause serialization in warps speed-up (sp) reached with ELLR-T on the GPU GeForce
since every thread executes the same loop, but with different GTX 285. The values of these parameters are key to justify
number of iterations. Every thread stops as soon as its loop the differences between the performance achieved by SpMV
finishes, and the remaining threads continue the execution.(3) with the different formats, which are primarily related to the
Reduction of useless computation and unbalance of the threads variability or dispersion of the number of entries by row of
of one warp. Let Si be the set of T threads which are the matrices. All matrices are real of dimensions N × N .
collaborating on the computation of u[i], the k-loop reaches The programming interface, CUDA, allows the programmer
the maximum value of k = rl[i]/T ≤ M ax nzr/T for to specify which variables are to be stored in the texture cache
specific sets, Si , into the warp. Then, the run-time of every within the memory hierarchy [11]. Here, the vector v has been
warp is proportional to maximum element of the sub-vector stored binding to the texture memory for all kernels evaluated,
rl[i]/T related with every warp, and it is not necessary that since in the computation of u = Av only the vector v is reused
the k-loop for all threads reaches k = M ax nzr/T , then, throughout the products with the different rows of the matrix.
there are not useless iterations and the control of loops of this
The evaluation results show that the best average perfor-
implementation is reduced comparing with SpMV based on
mance is got by ELLR-1 followed by HYB and ELLPACK,
ELLPACK. (4) High occupancy. High occupancy levels are
and the worst average performance is obtained by CRS,
reached as it will be shown in next section, if optimal value
CRS(vector) and SpMV4GPU. However, the performance of
of threads block size (BS) is used.
ELLR-T can be highly increased if the values of two param-
eters are appropriately selected: the thread block size, BS,
before mentioned in Section II, and T recently mentioned.
A comparative analysis of the performance of different The possible values of BS are the powers of two from
kernels to compute SpMV on GPUs has been carried out in this 16 to 512. The experimental results have shown that only
work. The SpMV computations with GPU based on the fol- for BS = 128, 256, 512 the kernels ELLR-T reach 100%
lowing formats to store the matrix have been evaluated: CRS, occupancy of GPU, and for BS = 16, 32, 64 the occupancy
CRS(vector), SpMV4GPU, ELLPACK, HYB and ELLR-T is equal to or less than 50%. Then, it is predictable that the

i.e. Av is lower. SpMV4GPU reaches higher performance than
CRS(vector) because it better exploits the power of threads,
BANDWIDTH OF MEMORY ACCESS (BW ) AND NET SPEED - UP (sp) OF as sixteen threads collaborate to compute every u element,
S P MV WITH ELLR-T ON THE GPU G E F ORCE GTX 285 and perform a total coalesced memory access. (4) In general,
ELLPACK outperforms both CRS-based formats, however its
σ computation is penalized for some particular matrices, mainly
Matrix N Entries Av IAv Av
BW sp
qh1484 1484 6110 4 9 39 6. 1. due to the relevance of useless computation of the warps when
dw2048 2048 10114 5 3 10 11. 2.
rbs480a 480 17087 36 0 1 14. 1.
the matrix histogram includes rows with very uneven length.
gemat12 4929 33111 7 37 45 20. 4. (5) The performance obtained by HYB is, in general, higher
dw8192 8192 41746 5 3 12 35. 5. than the four previous formats, but it is remarkable its poorer
mhd3200a 3200 68026 21 12 27 41. 4.
e20r4000 4241 131556 31 31 50 53. 5.
results for smaller matrices due to the penalty introduced
bcsstk24 3562 159910 45 12 26 70. 14. by the call to three different kernels necessary to compute
mac econ 206500 1273389 6 38 72 38. 8. SpMV. Moreover, with specific matrices of higher dimension
qcd5 4 49152 1916928 39 1 0 120. 16.
mc2depi 525825 2100225 4 0 2 118. 23.
(qcd5 4, mc2depi, cop20k A, wbp128, consph, wbp256) it
rma10 46835 2374001 51 94 56 99. 14. reaches lower or similar performance than ELLPACK, because
cop20k A 121192 2624331 22 59 64 70. 21. the percentage of entries stored with ELLPACK format is near
to 100 %.(6) Finally, the kernel ELLR-T based on the format
cant 62451 4007383 64 14 21 121. 32. ELLPACK-R clearly achieves the best performance for all
pdb1HYS 36417 4344765 119 85 27 121. 32. matrices considered in this work. In particular, it achieves the
consph 83334 6010480 72 9 26 120. 33.
shipsec1 140874 7813404 55 46 20 122. 32.
highest performance with matrices of high dimensions and
pwtk 217918 11634424 53 128 9 128. 33. higher values of parameters IAv, and Av . It is remarkable
wbp256 65536 31413932 479 33 15 95. 13. the improvement of the performance reach by ELLR-T for
matrices with large dimension.

performance decreases with the smaller values of BS. On the Memory optimizations are very relevant to maximize the
other hand, focussing our interest on the other parameter T , performance of the GPU. The goal is to maximize the use
the values of T are divisors of BS, then T = 2l < BS; our of the hardware by maximizing bandwidth. The effective
experimental results have shown that ELLR-T does not reach bandwidth memory access is a parameter to estimate the level
the highest performance for T ≥ 16. Then, the kernel ELLR- of memory optimization while a specific kernel is executed on
T can achieve better performance if BS = 128, 256, 512 and the GPU [11]. Table I shows the effective bandwidth achieved
T = 1, 2, 4, 8. when SpMV is computed with ELLR-T on the GPU GeForce
Consequently, in order to optimize the performance of GTX 285 for the set of test matrices in Table I. The effective
ELLR-T twelve combinations of values of BS and T param- bandwidth reached by ELLR-T is high specially for matrices
eters have to be evaluated. Many examples of applications with large dimension. So, for these matrices the effective
include the computation of SpMV hundred of times with the bandwidth ranges from 90 to 128 GBps, that is 57-80% of
same pattern of a large sparse matrix A. Then, the selection the peak bandwidth (159 GBps) for this card.
of parameters BS and T can be carried out in a pre-process
stage which includes twelve computations of SpMV and it
will require no relevant percentage of run time to optimize In order to estimate the net gain provided by GPUs in the
the performance of ELLR-T. SpMV computation, we have taken the best optimized SpMV
Figure 2 shows the performance (GFLOPs) of the SpMV implementations for modern processors and for GPUs. For
kernels based on the formats that have been evaluated: CRS, the former, we have considered the MKL implementation of
CRS(vector), SpMV4GPU, ELLPACK, HYB and moreover SpMV for a computer based on a state-of-the-art superscalar
the kernel ELLR-T with optimal values of BS and T . The core, Intel Core 2 Duo E8400, and evaluated the computing
results shown in that figure allow us to highlight the following times for the set of test matrices. For the GPU GeForce GTX
major points: (1) Like any parallel implementation of SpMV, 285, we used the ELLR-T , which is the best for the GPU
the performance obtained by most formats increases with according to the results presented above. Table I shows the
the number of non-zero entries in the matrix, since small speedup factors obtained for the SpMV operation on the GPU
matrices do not generate a relevant computational load to against one superscalar core, for all the test matrices. The
reach high parallel performance. Thus, in general, as the results show that the speedup depends on the matrix pattern,
dimension of matrices increases, the performance improves. though in general it increases with the number of non-zero
(2) In general, the CRS format yields the poorest performance entries. The speedup achieves values higher than 30× for
because the pattern of memory access is not coalescent; (3) matrices of large dimensions and higher number of entries.
The CRS(vector) and SpMV4GPU formats achieve better In view of the results related to the effective bandwidth and
performance than CRS with most matrices, specially when the speed-up achieved by ELLR-T , we can conclude that the
Av is higher and the distribution of entries is more regular, GPU turns out to be an excellent accelerator of SpMV.

Fig. 2. Performance of SpMV based on different formats on GPU GeForce GTX 285 with the set of test matrices, using the texture cache memory.

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