Examples Colloids: Substance

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Substance - anything with specific composition o Sand and water – can be

and properties separated by letting it stand

 Liquid – liquid heterogeneous mixture
Properties of substance – qualities that make it
o Oil and soy sauce
different from other substances
 Types of Heterogenous Mixtures
Examples: color, odor, texture, boiling point and o Colloids – mixtures in which
melting point solute particles do not settle
 Tiny particles of one
MIXTURE – matter that consists of two or more
substance in colloid are
substances mixed or combined together
 Particles are large
 Substances keep their separate enough to scatter light
identities and most of their own  Milk, gelatin,
properties dirty air
 No new chemical substance is formed (scattering of
 Substances may change in appearance light by dust
when dissolved particles when
 Some physical properties may change a ray of light
like melting and boiling point shines in a dark
o Melting point – temperature at room)
which a substance changes  Difference from a
from its solid phase to liquid solution  size of
phase particles in a solute 
o Boiling point – temperature at large enough that they
which a substance changes can act as tiny mirrors
from its liquid phase to its gas to reflect the light , so
phase beam of light becomes
 Can be separated by physical processes visible when it passes
like evaporation and filtration through a colloid
 Substances in mixtures can be  Test to
recovered without destroying its determine
properties solution from
 Classified according to how “well- colloid  place
mixed” they are mixture in a
clear glass, set
TYPES of Mixtures in dark
Heterogeneous – “least mixed” type of mixture background
and shine a
 Particles are large enough to be seen beam of light
and may be separated from one through it. Look
another at the side and
 May contain a solid and liquid if beam is
substance visible and
passes through
the mixture, remain floating or suspended in
then liquid is the water
colloid.  If solute particles in a
 If beam is not suspension are very
visible, it is a fine, it will remain
solution. suspended for a long
(particles are time
too small to  Can be separated by
block the light filtration
from passing  Particles are not evenly
through) mixed are large enough
 Tyndall effect – ability to be pulled down by
to scatter light gravity
 Brownian motion –
Homogeneous- “well-mixed” mixture
motion of particles in a
colloid  Substances are distributed evenly all
Types of Colloids
Name Example  Solid substances can’t be easily seen
Fog (liquid in gas) Cloud and does not settle at the bottom
Smoke (liquid in fume o Sugar and water
Foam (gas in Whipped cream  Solutions – formed when one substance
liquid) is completely dissolved in another
Emulsion (liquid mayonnaise substance
in liquid)
Sol (solid in Paint
o Best mixed of all mixtures
liquid) because substances appear to
Gel (liquid in Butter completely blend as one
o Composed of solvent and solute
 Salad dressing 
 Solute- any substance
emulsion  mixture of
that seems to disappear
two immiscible liquids
or dissolve in a solution
such as oil and water
 Solvent – substance in
 Oil grow larger
which the solute is
until they form
dissolved (larger
a separate layer
amount in the mixture)
Emulsifying agent –  Most common
substance to keep the solvent - water
one immiscible liquid to
come together

Examples: dishwashing
paste or liquid

o Suspension – heterogeneous
mixture in which the solute
particles are visible but do not

Naming of solution  solute is named first,  To remove unwanted particles

followed by the solvent o Removal of chilies in a food
Types of Solutions
o Removing tea leaves from tea
Solution Solute Solvent Examples drink
phase o Removal of dirt from air 
gas Gas Gas Air (nitrogen,
oxygen and nose hair to filter air that goes
other gases) into our body
Liquid Gas Liquid Softdrinks
(carbon  To get important substances
dioxide gas o Getting oxygen from air
Liquid Liquid in a sugar
solution)  To obtain pure substances
Solid Liquid Vinegar o Getting salt and water from
(acetic acid
in water) saltwater
Sugar in
in water
Solid Solid Solid Brass Mixtures and solutions are a common
(copper and
zinc) occurrence in our everyday lives. They are the
Sterling air we breathe, the food and drink we consume
(copper and and the fabrics we wear. By studying how
silver) chemists distinguish pure substances from
Properties of Solutions mixtures and solutions, we will be able to
 Particles are not large enough to be appreciate how matter is organised at the
seen atomic level. With this knowledge, we can
 Particles are evenly spread out manipulate matter to improve our health and
 Parts of a solution are identical or the quality of life.
same and retain their original
properties How did knowledge of chemical mixtures
prevent a major incident in the London
World largest mixture  ocean Underground?
Types of Mixtures
Description Solutions Colloid Suspensions When an accidental leak of wet, quick-drying
Settle upon N N y concrete flooded London’s Victoria
standing underground station control room, engineers’
Can be N N y quick thinking and chemical knowledge
separated by prevented total disaster. They mixed large
filtering paper
or filtration amounts of sugar into the concrete, slowing
Relative size of Small Medium large down the setting process, and allowing them
particles time to clear up the spill.
Ability to N Y Y, for fine
scatter light suspension

 Essential for survival  air, water, food,

 Makes our lives easier

 Uses of compounds

o Salt for seasoning

o Sugar for energy

o Water for hydration

o Baking soda for breads

 Uses of mixtures

o Mineral water

o Oral rehydration salts  to

rehydrate those who are
vomiting or with diarrhea

o Ink

o Paint

Homogeneous Heterogeneous Mixtures

Solutions Colloid Suspensions
Sugar solution Fog Muddy water
Salt solution smog milk of
Copper sulphate aerosol spray magnesia
solution milk sand particles
Blood plasma mayonnaise suspended in
Sea Water pigmented water
alcohol and plastics flour in water
water mixture toothpaste powder
petrol and oil whipped cream medicines
mixture butter exfoliating
softdrinks gelatin creams
soda water paint
lemonade ink
vinegar marshmallows
kerosene oil

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