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1. Financial statements for external users can be described as

A. User-Specific

B. General Purpose

C. Special Purpose

D. Management Reports

2. Planning is a function that involves

A. Hiring the right people for a particular job

B. Coordinating the accounting information system

C. Setting goals and objectives for an entity

D. Analyzing financial statements

3. Which of the following is not a management functions?

A. Constraining

B. Planning

C. Controlling

D. Directing and motivating

4. A manager that is establishing objectives is performing which management function?

A. Motivating

B. Directing

C. Planning

D. Constraining

5. Management accounting information is generally prepared for

A. Stockholder

B. Creditor
C. Managers

D. Regulatory agencies

6. Managerial accounting is applicable to

A. Service entities

B. Manufacturing entities

C. Merchandising entities

D. All of these

7. Which of the following is not an internal user?

A. Creditor

B. Department manager

C. Cost accountants

D. Controller

8. Managerial accounting is also called

A. Management accounting

B. Controlling

C. Analytical accounting

D. Inside reporting

9. Management accountants would not

A. Assist in budget planning

B. Prepare reports primarily for external users

C. Determine coist behavior

D. Be concerned with the impact of cost and volume on profits

10. Internal reports must be communicated

A. Daily

B. Monthly

C. Annually

D. As needed
11. Which of the following statements about internal reports is not true?

A. The content of internal reports may extend beyond the double-entry accounting system

B. Internal reports may show all amounts at market values

C. Internal reports may discuss prospective events

D. Most internal reports are summarized rather than detailed

12. Internal reports are generally

A. Aggregated

B. Detailed

C. Regulated

D. Unreliable

13. Management accounting information

A. Pertains to the entity as a whole and is highly aggregated

B. Pertains to subunits of the e entity and may be very detailed

C. Is prepared only once a year

D. Is prepared only once a year

14. Financial accounting information is used for reporting to

A. External parties

B. Investors

C. Creditors

D. Managers

15. Which of the following statements about cost accounting is not true?

A. Is the intersection between financial and management accounting

B. Information generated by cost accounting is used by both financial and managerial accounting

C. Cost accounting provides product cost information to internal parties such as managers for
planning and controlling

D. Cost accounting is not important to any company

1. Indirect material cost is a

Conversion Cost Prime Cost

A. No No

B. No Yes

C. Yes Yes

D. Yes No

2. Direct labor cost is a

Conversion Cost Prime Cost

A. No No

B. No Yes

C. Yes Yes

D. Yes No

3. Indirect labor is a

A. Prime cost

B. Conversion cost

C. Period cost

D. Non-manufacturing cost

4. In a job cost system, manufacturing overhead is

An Indirect cost of jobs A necessary element of production

A. No Yes

B. No No

C. Yes Yes

D. Yes No
5. Prime cost and conversion cost share what common element of total cost?

A. Variable overhead

B. Fixed overhead

C. Direct materials

D. Direct labor

6. Which of the following is an element of prime cost?

Direct material Direct labor

A. Yes Yes

B. Yes No

C. No Yes

D. No No

7. Wages paid to factory machine operators of a manufacturing plant are an element of

Prime Cost Conversion cost

A. No No

B. No Yes

C. Yes No

D. Yes Yes

8. Costs that vary in inversely with changes in volume include

A. Total variable costs

B. Total variable costs divided by volume

C. Total fixed costs

D. Total fixed costs divided by volume

9. When a unit of product is the cost object, factory overhead generally is

A. A direct manufacturing cost

B. An indirect manufacturing cost

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

10. Factory rent is

A. A prime cost and an inventoriable cost

B. A prime cost and a period cost

C. A conversion cost and an inventoriable cost

D. A conversion cost and a period cost

11. Examples of factory overhead cost are

A. Lubricants for factory machinery

B. Depreciation of factory machinery

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

12. In general, the cost that could usually be most reliably predicted is:

A. Variable cost per unit

B. Fixed cost per unit

C. Total variable cost

D. Total fixed cost

13. Factory supplies used would be an example of which of the following?

Prime Cost Conversion cost

A. Yes No

B. Yes Yes

C. No Yes

D. No No

14. For a manufacturing company, which of the following is an example of a period rather than a
product cost?

A. Depreciation of factory equipment’s

B. Wages of a salesperson

C. Wages of machine operators

D. Insurance on factory equipment

15. The variable portion of the semi-variable cost of electricity for a manufacturing plant is a:

Conversion cost Prime Cost

A. Yes No

B. Yes Yes

C. No Yes

D. No No

16. Indirect cost are also known as:

A. Differential costs

B. Common costs

C. Opportunity costs

D. Sunk costs

17. Variable cost

A. Increases on a per unit basis as the number of units produced increases

B. Is constant if expressed on a per unit basis

C. Remains the same in total as production increases

D. Is not affected by changes in activity from period to period

18. All of the following are examples of product costs except

A. Depreciation on the company’s retail outlets

B. Salary of the plant manager

C. Insurance on the factory equipment

D. Rental costs of the factory facility

19. The distinction between indirect and direct costs depend on

A. Whether a cost is controllable on non-controllable

B. Whether a cost is variable or fixed

C. Whether a cost is a product or a period cost

D. Whether a cost can be conveniently and physically traced to a unit under consideration
20. Which of the following should not be included as manufacturing overhead in the manufacture
of a wooden chair?

A. Glue in the chair

B. The amount paid to the individual who stains the chair

C. The workman’s compensation insurance of the supervisor who oversees production

D. The factory utilities of the department in which production takes place

The following costs relate to Antonio Industries for the last quarter

Conversion cost P 435,000

Direct materials 215,000

Manufacturing overhead 190,000

Selling and administrative expense 185,000

1. What is Antonio’s prime cost for last quarter?

A. 460,000

B. 410,000

C. 405,000

D.375, 000

2. Antonio’s total manufacturing cost is

A. 460,000

B. 645,000

C. 650,000

D.840, 000

3. Antonio’s total period cost is

A. 185,000

B. 275,000

C. 400,000

D. 620,000
Milkttopia, Inc. produces and sells milk flavored bubble gum. Over the last five months
Milktopia had the following production costs and production volume.

Month Cost Volume (in cases)

March P 6,000 12

April 6,659 14

May 8,370 18

June 8,800 19

July 8,050 17

4. Using the high-low method, what is the fixed cost per month for bubble gum production?

A. P 400

B. P 1,200

C. 4,800

D. 7,600

5. The variable cost per case is

A. P 400

B. P 600

C. P 1,200

D. P2, 800

Justine Co. produced 5,500 outdoor chairs for Job Order No. 610. Total material cost was
P51, 700. Each chair required 2.2 hours of direct labor at P 8.90/hour. A total of P53, 845 of
factory overhead was traced to Order 610.

6. What is the prime cost per unit of this order?

A. P 19.58

B. P 28.98

C. P 29.37

D. P 38.77
7. What is the conversion cost per unit of this order?

A. 19.58

B. 28.98

C. 29.37

D. 38.77

8. What is the unit cost of this order?

A. 37.88

B. 38.77

C. 28.09

D. 36.99

During the month of august, Amer Corporation produced 12,000 units and sold them for P20
per unit. Total fixed costs for the period were P 154,000 and the operating profit was P 26,000.

9. Based on the foregoing information, the variable cost per unit is

A. P 4.50

B. P 5.00

C. P 6.00

D. P 7.17

Data to be used in applying the high-low method shows the highest cost of P69, 000 and the
lowest cost of P52, 000. The data show P148, 000 as the highest level of sales and P97, 000 as
the lowest level.

10. What is the variable cost per peso sales?

A. P 0.33

B. P 0.47

C. P 0.54

D. 3.00
Ravena Company manufactures office furniture. During the most productive month of the
year, 3,500 desks were manufactured at a total cost of P84, 400. In its slowest month, the
company made 1,100 desks at a cost of P46, 000.

11. using the High-Low method of cost estimation, the total fixed cost are

A. P 56,000

B. P 28,400

C. P 17,600

D. 38,400

12. The variable cost per unit is

A. P 16.00

B. P 15.00

C. P 14.00

D. P 17.00

1. Cost of goods sold is

A. An expense

B. A Period cost

C. Is an asset

D. None of the above

2. For a manufacturing company, the cost of goods available for sale during a given accounting
period is

A. The beginning inventory of finished goods

B. The cost of goods manufactured during the period

C. The sum of the above

D. None of the above

3. Which of the following would not be classified as manufacturing overhead?

A. Indirect labor

B. Direct materials

C. Insurance on factory building

D. Indirect materials

4. The wage of a timekeeper in the factory would be classified as

A. Prime cost

B. Direct labor

C. Indirect labor

D. Administrative expense

5. As current technology changes manufacturing processes, it is likely that direct

A. Labor will increase

B. Labor will decrease

C. Materials will increase

D. Materials will decrease

6. Sales commissions are classified as

A. Prime costs

B. Period costs

C. Product costs

D. Indirect labor

7. For inventoriable costs to become expenses under the matching principles

A. The product must be finished and in stock

B. The product must be expensed based on its percentage of completion

C. The product to which they attach must be sold

D. All accounts payable must be settled

8. A Manufacturing company reports cost of goods manufactured as

A. current asset on the balance sheet

B. An administrative expense on the income statement

C. A component in the calculation of cost of goods sold

D. A component of the raw materials inventory on the balance sheet

9. Cost of goods manufactured in a manufacturing company is analogous to

A. Ending inventory in a merchandising company

B. Beginning inventory in a merchandising company

C. Cost of goods available for sale in a merchandising company

D. Cost of goods purchased in a merchandising company

10. If the amount of “Cost of goods manufactured” during a period exceeds the amount of “Total
manufacturing costs” for the period, then

A. Ending work in process inventory is greater than or equal to the amount of the beginning
work in process inventory

B. Ending work in process is greater than the amount of the beginning work in process inventory

C. Ending work in process is equal to the cost of goods manufactured

D. Ending work in process is less than the amount of the beginning work in process inventory

11. When incurred, factory labor costs are debited to

A. Work in process

B. Factory Wages Expense

C. Factory labor

D. Payroll

12. A company is more likely to use a job order cost system if

A.It manufactures a large volume of similar products

B. Its production is continuous

C. It manufactures products with unique characteristics

D. It uses a period inventory system

In Cromwell Company, the predetermined overhead rate is 80% of direct labor cost during the
month, Cromwell incurs P210,000 of factory labor cost of which P200,000 is direct labor and
P100,000 is indirect labor. Actual overhead incurred was P200, 000.

1. The amount of overhead debited to Work in Process Inventory should be

A.P 200,000

B. P 144,000

C. P 168,000

D. 160,000

The following information was taken from Jeric Company’s accounting records for the year
ended December 31,2016

Increase in raw materials inventory P 25,000

Decrease in finished goods inventory 45,000

Raw materials purchased 450,000

Direct labor payroll 200,000

Factory overhead 300,000

2. There was no Work-in-process inventory at the beginning or end of the year. Jeric’s 2016 cost
of goods sold is

A. P 950,000

B. P 925,000

C. P 975,000

D. P 995,000

Items 3 through 5 are based on the following information pertaining to Glenn Company’s
manufacturing operations.

Inventories 3/1/16 3/11/16

Direct materials P 36,000 P 30,000

Work-in-process 18,000 12,000

Finished goods 54,000 72,000

Additional Information for the month of March 2016

Direct material purchased P 84,000

Direct labor payroll 60,000

Direct labor rate per hour 7.50

Factory overhead rate/direct labor hour 10.00

3. For the month of march 2016, prime cost was

A. P 90,000

B. P 120,000

C. P 144,000

D. P 150,000

4. For the month of march 2016, conversion cost was

A. P 90,000

B. P 140,000

C. P 144,000

D. 170,000

5. For the month of march 2016, cost of goods manufactured was

A. P 218,000

B. P 224,000

C. P 230,000

D. P 236,000

Items 6 and 8 are based on the following data of Matatag Company for the month of march

March 1 March 31

Materials P 40,000 P 50,000

Work in process 25,000 35,000

Finished goods 60,000 70,000

March 1 to 31 2016
Direct labor cost 120,000

Factory overhead applied 108,000

Cost of goods sold 378,000

6. The total amount of direct materials purchased during March was:

A. P 50,000

B. P 170,000

C. P 180,000

D. P 220,000

7. The cost of goods manufactured during March, 2016 was:

A. P 378,000

B. P 388,000

C. P 398,000

D. P 428,000

Some selected sales and cost data for Alcid Manufacturing Company are given below:

Direct material used P 100,000

Direct labor 150,000

Factory overhead (40% variable) 75,000

Selling and administrative expenses

( 50% direct, 60% variable ) 120,000

8. Prime cost was :

A. P 175,000

B. P 225,000

C. P 130,000

D. P 225,000
9. Conversion cost was :

A. P 150,000

B. P 225,000

C. P 250,000

D. P 270,000

10. Direct cost was ;

A. P 225,000

B. P 250,000

C. P 310,000

D. P 325,000

11. Indirect cost was:

A. P 75,000

B. P 135,000

C. P 195,000

D. P 325,000

12. Product cost was:

A. P 135,000

B. P 250,000

C. P 325,000

D. P 375,000

13. Variable cost was:

A. P 250,000

B. P 280,000

C. P 352,000

D. P 370,000
During 2016, there was no change in either the raw material or the work in process beginning
and ending inventories. However, finished goods, which had a beginning balance of P 25,000,
increased by P 15,000.

14. If the manufacturing costs incurred totaled P 600,000 during 2016, the goods available for
sale must have been:

A. P 585,000

B. P 600,000

C. P 610,000

D. P 625,000

During the month of May, 2016. Candid Manufacturing Co. incurred P 30,000 and P 400,000
and P 20,000 of direct material, direct labor and factory overhead costs respectively.

15. If the cost of goods manufactured was P 95,000 in total and the ending work in process
inventory was P 15,000, the beginning inventory of work in process must have been

A. P 10,000

B. P 20,000

C. 110,000

D. 25,000

The Lion Company’s cost of goods manufactured was P 120,000 when it sales were P 360,000
and its gross margin was P 220,000.

16. If the ending inventory of finished goods was P 30,000, the beginning inventory of finished
goods must have been:

A. P 10,000

B. P 50,000

C. P 130,000

D. P 150,000
The gross margin for Cruise Company for 2016 was P 325,000 when sales were P 700,000. The
FG inventory was P 60,000 and the FG inventory, end was P 35,000.

17. The cost of goods manufactured was

A. P 300,000

B. P 350,000

C. P 230,000

D. P 375,000

During the month of January, FF Co.’s direct labor cost totaled P 36,000, and direct labor cost
was 60% of prime cost.

18. If total mfg, costs during January were P 85,000, the factory overhead was:

A. P 24,000

B. P 25,000

C. P 49,000

D. P 60,000

During 2016, there was no change in the beginning or ending balance in the Materials inventory
account for the DL Co. However, The WP inventory account increased by P 15,000, and the FG
inventory account decreased by P 10,000.

19. If purchases of raw materials were P 100,000 for the year, direct labor cost was P 200,000,
the cost of goods sold for the year would be:

A. P 435,000

B. P 445,000

C. P 465,000

D. P 475,000

During the month of March, 2016. Nape Co. used P 300,000 of direct materials. At March
31, 2016, Nape’s direct materials inventory was P 50,000 more than it was at March 1,2016.

22. Direct material purchases during the month of March 2016 amounted to:

A. P 0

B. P 250,000
C. P 300,000

D. P 350,000

Given the following information:

Finished goods beginning P 26,000

Finished goods ending 37,000

Cost of goods manufactured 127,000

23. What is the cost of goods sold?

A. 115, 500

B. P 116,000

C. 153,000

D. P 190,500

Uniflo Manufacturing Company developed the following data for the current year.

Work in process inventory, January 1 P 40,000

Direct material used 24,000

Actual factory overhead 48,000

Applied factory overhead 36,000

Cost of goods manufactured 44,000

Total manufacturing costs 120,000

24. Uniflo Company’s direct labor cost for the year is :

A. 12,000

B. 60,000

C. 36,000

D. 48,000

25. Uniflo Company’s work in process inventory, December 31 is

A. P 116,000

B. P 80,000
C. 76,000

D. 36,000

The following data relate to Maxine Manufacturing Company for the period:

Direct labor P 2,400

Factory overhead 1,700

Work in process inventory, beginning 11,000

Work in process inventory, end 5,000

Cost of goods manufactured 16,000

Sales 50,000

Finished goods inventory, Beginning 9,000

Finished goods inventory, end 8,000

Total selling, general and administrative costs 14,000

26. The amount of direct material put into production during the period

A. P 6,700

B. P 5,600

C. P 4,800

D. P 5,900

27. The amount of increase in retained earnings during the period

A. P 14,000

B. P 33,000

C. P 25,000

D. P 19,000
Arizona Manufacturing Company reported the following year-end information

Work in Process Inventory, January 1 P180,000

Raw materials inventory, January 1 50,000

Work in process inventory, December 31 150,000

Raw material inventory, December 31 80,000

Raw Material purchased 160,000

Direct labor 150,000

Factory overhead applied 100,000

Factory overhead control 120,000

28. Cost of goods manufactured for the year is

A. P 380,000

B. P 410,000

C. P 350,000

D. P 440,000

Alabama Corporation reported the following for the year. WP inventory, beg. P 90,000;
cost of goods manufactured P258,000; FG inventory, beg. P 126,000; WP inventory, end P
110,000; FG inventory, end P 132,000

29. Cost of goods sold for Alabama Corporation during the year

A. P 252,000

B. P 264,000

C. P 232,000

D. P 126,000

30. Total manufacturing costs for Alabama Corporation

A. P 278,000

B. P 368,000

C. P 298,000

D. P 238,000
1. Under the job-cost system, purchases of direct material are debited to:

A. Purchases

B. Work in Process Control

C. Factory Overhead Control

D. None of the above

2. Under the job-cost system, issues of direct materials are debited to:

A. Factory Overhead Control

B. Work in Process Control

C. Material Control

D. None of the above

3. In job-order costing, what journal entry should be made for the return to the stockroom of
direct material previously issued to production for use on a particular job ?

A. Debit Material and credit Factory Overhead

B. Debit Material and credit Work in Process

C. Debit Purchase Returns and credit Work in Process

D. Debit Work in Process and credit Materials

4.Under a job-order costing system, the peso amount of the entry involved in the transfer of
inventory from work in process to finished goods is the sum of the costs charged to all jobs:

A. Started in process during the period

B. In process during the period

C. Completed and sold during the period

D. Completed during the period

5. In a job-order costing system, indirect labor used should be debited to :

A. Payroll liability

B. Work in Process Control

C. Finished Goods Control

D. Factory Overhead Control

6. Which of the following is the basic document that is used to accumulate the cost of each order
in job order costing:

A. Invoice

B. Purchase order

C. Requisition sheet

D. Job Cost sheet

7. What is the best cost accumulation procedure to use when many batches, each differing as to
product specification, are produced?

A. Job order

B. Process

C. Actual

D. Standard

8. The most common treatment of under or overapplied overhead is to close it to :

A. Work in process

B. Retained Earnings

C. Cost of goods sold

D. Finished goods

9. It’s two o’clock in the morning and you’ve studying job-order costing for the past three
hours. You drift off to sleep and in your first dream you visit JOB-ORDER COSTING LAND.
You are a direct labor peso are traveling through a giant ledger. By the time you finish your
journey, which accounts will you travel through and in what order?

A. Work in process, Cost of goods manufactured, Finished goods and Cost of goods sold

B. Direct labor, Work in process, Finished goods and Cost of goods sold

C. Work in process, Finished goods and Cost of goods sold

D. Direct labor, Work in process, Finished goods, Cost of goods manufactured and Cost of goods
manufactured and cost of goods sold.

E. Direct labor, Work in process, Finished goods, Cost of goods manufactured and Cost of goods

10. Which of the following production operations would be most likely to employ a job order
system of cost accounting?

A. Toy manufacturing
B. Shipbuilding

C. Crud Oil refining

D. Candy manufacturing

11. Someone told Marco de Santos, President of Santos Company, that under or over applied
manufacturing overhead can be allocated to three accounts.

What are those three accounts:

A. Raw materials, Manufacturing overhead and Direct labor

B. Raw materials, Finished goods and Cost of goods sold

C. Cost of goods sold, Work in process and Finished goods

D. Cost of goods sold, Work in Process and Raw materials

12. Which of the following statement are false:

I. A manufacturing company can use direct labor hours as an overhead base in one department
and machine hours as an overhead base in another.

II. A debt balance in the work in process account indicates that not all goods completed during
the period were sold.

III. The predetermined OH rate is computed by dividing estimated units in the overhead base by
budgeted or estimated manufacturing overhead costs.

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and II only

D. II and III only

13. What accounts would be debited and credited when the direct materials are purchased on


A. Work in Process Direct material

B. Direct materials Work in process

C .Materials Accounts Payable

D. Work in process Accounts payable

14. What accounts would be debited and credited when the wages for indirect laborers recorded?
Debited Credited

A. Factory overhead Wages payable

B. Factory overhead Payroll

C. Payroll Accrued payroll

D. Work in process Payroll

15. Which of the following statement pertaining to job-order costing are TRUE?

I. The issuance of indirect material from the storeroom is recorded on job-cost sheets.

II. Overapplied factory overhead can be properly disposed off with a debit to cost of goods sold
and a credit to factory overhead.

III. Both an overstated forecast of overhead and an understated forecast of units of the overhead
base can cause overhead to be overapplied.

A. I only

B. II only

C. III only

D. II and III only

16. A material requisition form normally does not contain which of the following?

A. Vendor’s name

B. Quantity requisitioned

C. Unit Cost

D. Job number

17. A job order cost sheet normally does not contain which of the following?

A. Direct materials

B. Direct labor

C. Actual factory overhead

D. Applied factory overhead

18. In a job order costing system, payroll taxes deduction paid by the employer for factory
employees are normally accounted for as

A. Direct labor

B. Factory overhead
C. Indirect labor

D. Administrative

19. Overhead applied was P 120,000, while actual overhead was P 124,000. Which of the
following is always true of the above?

A. Direct labor activity was overestimated

B. Overhead was under applied by P 4,000

C. Overhead was over applied by P 4,000

D. The difference must be reported as a loss.

20. Which of the following is not a characteristic of job costing?

A. Each job is distinguishable from other jobs

B. Identical units are produced on an ongoing basis

C. It is not possible to compare actual costs with estimated costs

D. Job cost data are used for setting prices and bidding prices.

21. Under a job order costing system, the cost of direct materials, direct labor and factory
overhead must first flow through the

A. Finished goods account

B. Cost of goods sold account

C. Work in process account

D. Cost of goods manufactured account

22. The unit cost of a product, under job order costing can be determined only

A. At the end of the manufacturing process

B. Upon completion of a job

C. At the end of the month

D. At the pont of time

23. When a job is completed and all costs have been accumulated on a job cost sheet, the journal
entry should be made.

A. Finished Goods Inventory

Direct materials

Direct labor
Factory overhead

B. Work in process inventory

Direct materials

Direct labor

Factory overhead

C. Raw Materials Inventory

Work in Process Inventory

D. Finished Goods Inventory

Word in Process Inventory

24. Cost of raw materials are debited to Raw Materials Inventory when

a. The materials are ordered

b. The material are received
c. Materials are put into production
d. The bill for the material are paid
25. Under an effective system of internal control, the authorization for issuing materials is made

a. Orally
b. On a prenumbered materials requisition slip
c. By the accounting department
d. By anyone on the

Dexter Company’s 2016 manufacturing costs were as follows:

Direct material and direct labor P 100,000

Depreciation of manufacturing equipment 70,000

Depreciation of factory building 40,000

Janitor’s wages for cleaning factory premises 15,000

1. How much of these costs should be inventoried for external reporting purposes?

A. P 225,000

B. P 210,000

C. P 385,000

D. P 200,000
Peter Paul Company uses a job order cost system and applies factory overhead to production
orders on the basis of direct labor cost. The overhead rates for 2016 are 200% for Dept. A and
50% for Dept B. Job 123, started and completed during 2016, was charged with the following



Direct material P25,000 P 5,000

Direct labor ? 30,000

Factory overhead 40,000 ?

2. The total manufacturing costs associated with Job 123 be

A. P 135,000

B. P 180,000

C. P 195,000

D. P 240,000

Jorelle applies overhead to production at a predetermined rate of 80% based on direct labor
cost, Job No.30, the only job still in process at the end of March 2 has been charged with direct
labor of P 1,000.

3. The amount of direct materials charged to Job was

A. P 12,000

B. P 4,400

C. P 2,600

D. P 1,500

Blue Beach Industries has two production departments. ABC and XYZ and uses a job order
cost system. To determine manufacturing costs, the company applies manufacturing overhead to
production orders based on direct labor cost using the departmental rates predetermined at the
beginning of the year based on the annual budget. The 2016 budget for the twodepartments was
as follows:


Direct materials P 630,000 P 90,000

Direct labor 180,000 720,000

Factory overhead 540,000 360,000

Actual materials and labor costs of Job No. 676 during 2014 were as follows:

Direct materials P 22,500

Direct labor-ABC 7,200

Direct labor- XYZ 10,800

4. What was the total manufacturing cost associated with Job No. 678 for 2014?

A. P 45,000

B. P 49,500

C. P 58,500

D. P 67,500

The Work-in-Process account of the Malinta Company follows:



April 1 bal. P 25,000 Finished Goods P125,450

Direct materials 50,000

Direct labor 40,000

Factory overhead-applied 30,000

Overhead is applied to production at a predetermined rate, based on direct labor cost. The work
in process at April 30 represents the cost of Job No. 456, which has been charged with direct
labor cost of P 3,000 and Job No. 789 which has been charged with applied overhead of P 2,400.

5. The cost of direct materials charged to Job No. 456 and Job No. 789 amounted to :

A. P 8,700

B. P 7,600

C. P 4,500

D. P 4,200

6. The prime cost during the month amounted to:

A. P 70,000

B. P 90,000
C. P 120,000

D. P 145,000

The Diamond Company uses a job order cost accounting system. Overhead is applied to
production at a predetermined rate of 80% based on direct labor cost.

The following posting appear in the ledger accounts of the company for the month of


Work in process, Sept 1 P 30,000

Direct materials 60,000

Direct labor 50,000

Factory overhead 40,000

Cost of goods completed ( 155,000)

Job No. 327 was the only job not completed in September and it has been charged P 4,600 for
factory overhead.

7. Direct materials charged to Job No. 327 was

A. P 10,000

B. P 14,650

C. P 20,000

D. P 25,000

8. Direct labor charged to Job. 327 was:

A. P 5,750

B. P 6,784

C. P 8,280

D. P 8,480

Hamilton Company was job-order costing. Factory overhead is applied to production of a

budgeted cost of 150% of direct labor costs. Any overapplied or underapplied factory overhead is
closed to the cost of goods sold account at theend of each month. Job 101 was the only job in
process at January 31 with accumulated costs as follows:

9. The cost of goods manufactured for February was

A. P 77,700

B. P 78,000

C. P 79,700

D. P 85,000

The following information relates to Job No. 2468 which is being manufactured by Daisy
Co. to meet customer’s orde.

Department A Department B

Direct material used P 5,000 P 3,000

Direct labor hours used 400 200

Direct labor rate per hour P 4.00 P 5.00

Overhead rate per DL hour P 4.00 P 4.00

Administrative and selling expenses 20% of full production cost

Profit mark up 25% of selling price

10. The selling price to the customer for Job 2468 is:

A. P 16,250

B. P 20,800

C. P 17,333

D. P 10,800

Abner Corporation has manufactured P 100,00 units of compound X in 2016 at the

following costs. Labor of P 242,500 of which 93% represents direct labor. Materialls of P
182,500 of which 90% represent direct materials. Opening work in process is P 88,125. Closing
work in process inventory is P 67,500. Overhead is applied at 125% of direct labor cost.

11. The cost of goods manufactured is

A. P 671,150

B. P 692,306

C. P 651,036

D. P 629,900

Jolly Co. employs the job order cost system. Relevant data for the month just ended are
summarized below.
A. Work in process beginning P 100,000

B. Direct material used for the month 200,000

C. Direct labor costs for the month 160,000

D. Overhead applied based on direct labor 120,000

E.. Cost of goods completed 501,800

F. Ending work in process referred to Job 106 which was charged with direct labor of P 12,000
and Job 107 charged with overhead of P 9,600.

12. The cost of direct materials charged to Job 106 and 107 was

A. P 34,800

B. P 16,800

C. P30,000

D. P36,000

MV Crafts manufactures to customer order using the job order cost system. For the month
just ended it registered the following data:

Beginning work in process (5 partially completed jobs) P 300,000

Orders completed(18) 2,400,000

Orders shipped(14) 2,000,000

Materials requisitioned for the month 1,700,000

Direct labor cost 800,000

Factory overhead rate 150% of direct labor cost

13. The ending work in process inventory was

A. P 1,400,000

B. P 500,000

C. P 1,600,000

D. P 700,000

The Modern Company does not maintain backup documents for its computer files. In June,
some of the current data were lost and you have been asked to help reconstruct the data. The
following beginning balances are known:
As of June 1 Direct material inventory P 12,000

Work in process inventory 4,500

Finished goods inventory 11,000

Manufacturing overhead-actual 16,500

Account payable 6,000

Reviewing old documents and interviewing selected employees have turned up the following
additional information:

A. The production superintendent’s cost sheets showed that materials of P 2,600 were contained
in the June 30 work in process inventory.

B. Also, 300 direct labor hours had been expended at P6 per hour on the goods in ending work
in process inventory.

C. The accounts Payable account is for direct material purchases only. The clerk remembers
clearly that the balance in the Account payable account on June 30 was P 8,000. An analysis of
canceled checks shows payments of P 40,000 were made to suppliers during the month.

D. Payroll records show that 5,200direct labor hours were recorded for the month. It was verified
that there were no variations in pay rates among employees during that period.

E. Records at the warehouse indicate that finished goods inventory totaled P 16,000 on June 30.

F. Another record kept manually indicates that cost of goods sold in June totaled P 84,000

G. The predetermined overhead rate was based on an estimated P 60,000 direct labor hour to be
worked during the year and an estimated P 180,000 in manufacturing overhead costs.

14. Cost of goods manufactured in June

A. P 11,000

B. P 49,000

C. P 84,000

D. P 89,000

15. Ending balance in work in process inventory on June 30

A. P 5,300

B. P 13,400
C. P 15,000

D. P 20,300

16. Direct materials used during June:

A. P 2,600

B. P 18,000

C. P 42,500

D. P 43,000

Adams Company uses a job order costing system and the following information is available
from the records. The company has 3 jobs in process: 501,502 and 503.

Raw material used P 120,000

Direct labor per hour P 8.50

Overhead head applied based on direct labor cost P 120%

Direct material was requisitioned as follows for each job, respectively: 30%, 25% and 25%, The
balance of the requisitions were considered indirect. Direct labor per job are 2,500 , 3,100 and
4,200 respectively. Indirect labor is P33,000. Other actual overhead costs totaled P 36,000

17. What is the total amount of actual factory overhead?

A. P 36,000

B. P 69,000

C. P 93,000

D. P 99,960

18. If Job 503 is completed and transferred, How much is the total cost transferred to Finished
Goods Inventory?

A. P 96,700

B. P 99,020

C. P 108,540

D. P 139,540

Work in process of Alonzo Corporation on July 1 ( per general ledger) is P 22,800.

Per cost sheets: Job 101 Job 102

Direct material P 6,000 P 8,000

Direct labor 3,000 2,500

Amount charged to Work in process for July of the current year

Job 101 Job 102 Job 103 Job 104

Direct material 3,000 2,000 6,000 4,500

Direct labor 1,000 1,500 2,600 2,000

Factory overhead is applied to production based on direct labor cost. Job 101 and 103 are
completed during the month

19. Cost of goods put into process must be:

A. P 42,100

B. P 26,800

C. P 45,400

D. P 49,660

20. The cost of goods manufactured for the month of July is

A. P 21,600

B. P 15,000

C. P 25,560

D. P 31,800

Macro Corporation has a job order cost system. The following debits ( credits )
appreared in the general ledger account work-in-process for the month of September:

September 1 Balance P 12,000

September 30, Direct materials 40,000

September 30, Direct labor 30,000

September 30, factory overhead 27,000

September 30, to finished goods ( 100,000 )

Marco applies overhead to production at a predetermined rate of 90% based on the direct labor
cost. Job No. 232 the only job still in process at the end of September of the current year has
been charged with factory overhead of P 2,250.

21. What was the amount of direct materials charged to Job 232 as at end of September?
A. P 2,250

B. P 2,500

C. P 4,250

D. P 9,000

Sunshine Mfg. Co. charges factory overhead to production at a predetermined rate based on
direct labor cost. The rate has remained the same for the last two years.

Job No. 1 Job No. 2 Job No.3 Job No.4 Total

Work in process- Jan 1

Direct materials P 8,000 P 15,000 P 23,000

Direct labor 3,200 6,500 9,700

Applied FO 1,920 3,900 5,820

Cost added- January

Direct material 3,000 8,500 P 18,000 9,500 39,000

Direct labor 1,200 3,150 7,500 2,700 14,550

Job Nos.1,2 and 3 were completed during the month. Job Nos. 1 and 3 were sold at 180% of cost.
The balance of the factory overhead control account is P 11,640.

22. The variance is allocated between cost of goods sold, finished goods and work in process as

Cost of Goods Sold Finished Goods Work in Process

A. P 870 P 1,500 P 540

B. 2,380 1,930 540

C. 1,740 630 540

D. None of the given

Incomplete accounts of the Janice Company appear as follows on January31.

Material Inventory Work in Process

Bal 15,000 Bal 0 CofGM 40,000
Purch. 35,000 Material 20,000

Labor ?

OH ?

Finished Goods

Bal. 10,000 CofGS 20,000

CofGM 40,000

Additional Information

A. There were 5,500 direct labor hours at the rate of P 8.00 per direct labor hour

B. Overhead is applied at the rate of P 4.00 per direct labor hour

23. The January 31 of materials inventory should be

A. P 20,000

B. P 25,000

C. P 30,000

D. P 50,000

24. The total overhead that have been charged to work in process during January

A. P 17,000

B. P 22,000

C. P 33,000

D. P 40,000

25. The January 31 balance of the Work in Process account

A. P 46,000

B. P 75,000

C. P 76,000
D. 82,000

26. The January 31 balance of the Finished Goods Inventory account

A. P 6,000

B. P 10,000

C. P 20,000

D. P 30,000

27.Total manufacturing overhead costs incurred during the month of January were P 24,000.
The amount debited to Factor Overhead Control account for January

A. P 17,000

B. P 24,000

C. P 33,000

D. P 44,000

28. Cost of Goods Sold during January was

A. P 10,000

B. P 20,000

C. P 30,000

D. P 40,000

29. The amount of under applied or over cost for January is

A. P 1,000 over applied

B. P 2,000 over applied

C. P 1,000 under applied

D. P 2,000 underapplied

Materials costing P 56,000 were transferred from materials inventory to Job No. 301 which iis
still in incomplete at this point.

30. Which of the following is the proper journal entry for the transfer?

A. Materials Inventor 56,000

Work in process 56,000

B. Work in process 56,000

Materials Inventor 56,000

C. Finished goods 56,000

Work in process 56,000

D. Factory Overhead Control 56,000

Materials Inventory 56,000

1. According to the net method, which of the following items should be included in the cost of

Freight-cost Purchase discounts not taken

A. Yes No

B. Yes Yes

C. No Yes

D. No No

2. The weighted average for the year inventory cost flow method is applicable to which of the
following inventory system?

Periodic Perpetual

a. Yes Yes

B. Yes No

C. No Yes

D. No No

3. During June, Delta Co. experienced scrap, normal spoilage and abnormal spoilage in it’s
manufacturing process. The cost of units produced includes

A. Scrap but not spoilage

B. Normal spoilage but neither scrap nor abnormal spoilage

C. Scrap and normal spoilage but not abnormal spoilage

D. None of the items mentioned

4. The total of the materials subsidiary ledger inventory card must be equal to the amount in the
following account

A. Cost of goods sold

B. Purchases of Raw Materials

C. Materials Inventory

D. Work in Process Inventory

5. Under a perpetual inventory system, the purchase of materials is recorded in the account

A. Purchases

B. Materials Inventory

C. Work in Process Inventory

D. Finished Goods Inventory

Marsh Company had 150 units of product on hand at January 1 costing P 21,000 each.
Purchases of product A during the month of January were as follows:

Units Unit Cost

January 10 200 P 22.00

18 250 23.00

28 100 24.00

Physical count on January 31 shows 250 units of product A on hand.

1. The cost of the inventory at January 31, under the FIFO method is:

A. P 5,850

B. P 5,550

C. P 5,350

D. P 5,250

Harper Company’s Job 301 for the manufacture of 2,200 T-shirts was completed during
August 2016 at the following unit costs:

Direct materials P 20.00

Direct labor 18.00

Factory overhead ( includes an allowance

Of P1 for spoiled work) 18.00

P 56.00

Final inspection of Job 301 discloses 200 spoiled T-shirts which were sold to a jobber for P

2. Assume that spoilage loss is charged to all production during August. What would be the unit
cost of the good units produced on Job 301?

A. P 53.00

B. P 55.00

C. P 56.00

D. P 58.00

3. Assumed instead, that the spoilage loss is attributable to exacting specification of Job 301 and
is charged to this specific job. What would be the unit cost of the good coats produced on Job
301 ?

A. P 55.00

B. P 57.50

C. P 58.60

D. P 61.60

Palmer Corporation is a manufacturing concern that uses a perpetual inventory system.

The following data on the material inventory account is provided for 2016.

Material balance P 275,000

Other debits to the material account during the year 875,000

Increase of ending over beginning inventory 55,000

4. How much is the cost of materials issued to production?

A. P 1,045,000

B. P 770,000

C. P 880,000

D. P 430,000

Job 75 incurred the following costs for the manufacture of P 200 units of motors:

Original cost accumulation

Direct materials P 13,200

Direct labor 16,000

Factory overhead ( 150% of direct labor ) 24,000

Direct costs of reworked 10 units

Direct materials 2,000

Direct labor 3,200

The total rework costs were attributable to exacting specifications of Job 75 and the full rework
costs were charged to the specific job.

5. The cost of Job 75 was

A. P 316

B. P 266

C. P 280

D. P 292

The following data on materials purchases and issues during the month of April were reported:

April 1 Beginning balance 400 units at P6

5 Received 100 units at P7

11 Received 100 units at P8

13 Issued 400 units

15 Received 200 units at P6

22 Issued 250 units

27 Returned from factory 50 units

30 Received 300 units at P9

6. Assuming that the company used a perpetual inventory system, the total quantity and cost of
materials purchased for the month of April should be :

A. 700 units at P 5,800

B. 700 units at P 5, 810

C. 700 units at P 5,400

D. 700 units at P 6,200

The Curacha Company uses 20,000 units of Material A in making a finished product. The
cost to place one order for Material A is P 8.00 and the annual cost to carry one Material A is P

7. The economic order quantity for Material A is

A. P 100 units

B. P 400 units

C. 283 units

D. 565 units

8. If the cost to place one order increased by P 10 and the cost to carry oneMaterial A in stock
remains the same, The economic order quantity will be

A. 600 units

B. 447 units

C. 425 units

D. 500 units

One of the products that Justice Corporation sells is “ Extra Soft “ floor mats. Justine’s
ordering costs related to the mat is P 12.50 per order. The cost of carrying one mat in inventory
for one year is P 16.00. Justine sells 40,000 of these mats evenly throughout the year.

9. What is the economic order quantity of Justine Corporation?

A. 250 units

B. 350 units

C. 400 units

D. 500 units

10. What are Justine’s total ordering costs per year and total carrying costs per year at the
economic order quantity?

Ordering Cost Carrying Cost

A. P 1,562.50 P 1,562.50

B. P 1,562.50 2,560.50

C. 2,000.00 2,000.00
D. 2,000.00 4,000.00

One of the products that Ram Breakfast Foods manufactures is carrot juice. Ram
manufactures costs are P 4.50 per case. It costs Ram P 3.60 to setup a production run for carrot
juice. It also costs Ram P 2.50 per year to carry a case of carrot juice in inventory.

11. What is Ram’s economic production run size?

A. 83 cases

B. 85 cases

C. 120 cases

D. 150 cases

Euphorbia Company produces and sell a single item of product. Inventory at the beginning
of September was 400 units valued at P 1.80 per unit. Further receipts and sales during the
month were as follows

Units Cost per unit

September 8 Receipts 600 P 2.10

20 Receipts 500 ?

25 Sales 1,250 4.00

The inventory uses the FIFO method of stock valuation. Gross margin for September was P

12. What was the cost per unit of the 500 units received on September 20?

A. P 1.04

B. P 1.94

C. P 2.00

D. P 2.08

The following information pertains to Material X used by Nikki Company

Annual usage in units 20,000

Working days per year 250

Safety stock in units 800

Normal lead time in working days 30

13. If units of material X will be required evenly throughout the year, the reorder point is

A. 800

B. 1,600

C. 2,400

D. 3,200

The following information relates to PRTC Company

Units required per year P 60,000

Cost of placing an order 900

Carrying cost per unit per year 1,200

14. Assuming that the units will be required evenly throughout the year, what is the EOQ?

A. 200

B. 300

C. 400

D. 450

During March, Mark Company incurred the following costs on Job 209 for the 200

Original cost accumulation:

Direct materials P 660

Direct labor 800

Factory overhead 1,200

2, 660

Direct costs of reworking 10 units:

Direct material P 100

Direct labor 160

P 260
Method A- The rework cost were attributable to the exacting specifications of Job 209 and the
full rework costs were charged to this specific job.

Method B- The defective units fall within the normal range and the rework is not relate to a
specific job or the rework is common to all the jobs.

15. The cost per finished unit of Job 209 using Method A is:

A. P 15.60

B. P 15.80

C. P 13.30

D. P 13.50

16. The cost per finished unit of Job209 using Method B is :

A. P 13.30

B.. P 15.80

C. P 15.30

D. P 13.60

Tools Company manufactures electric drills to the exacting specifications of various

customers. During February 2014, Job 403 for the production of 1,100 drills was completed at
the following cost per unit:

Direct material P 100

Direct labor 80

Factory overhead 120

Final inspection of Job 403 disclosed 50 defective units and 100 units of normal spoilage. The
defective drills were reworked at a total cost of P 5,000 and the spoiled drills were sold to a
jobber for P 15,000.

17. The unit cost of the good units produced on Job 403 was:

A. P 330

B. P 320

C. P 300
D. P 290

The following information relates to Blueberry Company’s material Y

Working days per year 240

Normal lead time in working days 20

Maximum lead time in working days 45

18. Assuming that the units of material Y will be required evenly throughout the year, the safety
stock and order point would be

Safety Stock Order Poin

A. 600 600

B. 600 1,350

C. 750 600

D. 750 1,350

UFC Inc. manufacture 100,000 specialized bulbs for its transformer division. The bulbs will
be used evenly throughout the year. The setup cost every time a production run is made is P800
and the cost to carry bulbs in inventory for the year is P 4. UFC’s objective is to produce the
bulbs at the lowest cost possible.

19. Assuming that each production run will be for the same number of bulbs, How many
production runs should UFC make?

A. 10

B. 14

C. 16

D. 19

The following information is about a company’s inventory costs

Total cost to place one order P 50

Total cost to carry one unit P4

Economic order quantity 7,000 units

20. What is the company’s estimated annual usage?

A. 1,000 units

B. 1,960 units

C. 1,400 units

D. 2,400 units

21. How many orders will be placed?

A. 143

B. 200

C. 280

D. 286

Norman buys baseball bats from a manufacturer at P 10 each. Norman expects to sell
90,000 bats evenly over the next year. Norman’s cost of capital is 10 percent. The total out-of-
pocket cost to carry one bat in inventory is P 0.50 and the cost of ordering bats is P 15per order.

22. Suppose that Norman orders 3,000 bats at a time. What is the total annual inventory cost?

A. P 750

B. P 1,200

C. P 2,250

D. P 2,700

23. What is the economic order quantity?

A. 1,342 units

B. 1, 643 units

C. 2,324 units

D. 3,000 units

24. How many times would Norman have to place an order in order in one year?

A. 67 times

B. 55 times

C. 39 timess
D. 30 times

During August of the current year, Job 067 for 2,000 handsaws was completed at the following
cost per unit:

Direct materials P 5.00

Direct labor 4.00

Factory overhead ( applied at 150% of DLC ) 6.00

Final inspection revealed 100 defective units, which were reworked at a cost of P 2.00 per unit
for direct labor plus overhead at the predetermined rate.

25. If the defect is due to internal failure, what is the total rework cost and to what account
should it be charged ?

Rework cost Account charged

A. P 200 Work in process

B. P 200 Factory overhead control

C. P 500 Work in process

D. P 500 Factory overhead control

1. Manufacturing overhead applied was P 120,000 while actl overhead incurred was P 124,000.
Which of the following is always true of the above?

A. Direct labor activity was overestimated

B. Overhead was overapplied by P 4,000

C. Overhead was underapplied by P 4,000

D. This difference must be reported as a loss for the period

2. Depreciation based on the number of units produced would be classified as what type of cost ?

A. Out-of-pocket

B. Marginal

C. Variable
D. Fixed

3. The only method of allocating service department costs to producing departments that
consider reciprocal services is called the

A. Direct method

B. Step method

C. Out-of-step method

D. Algebraic method

4. In the determination of factory overhead application rates, the numerator of the formula is the :

A. Actual factory overhead for the next year

B. Estimated factory overhead for the next period

C. Actual labor hours for the next period

D. Estimated labor hours for the next period

5. The variable factory overhead application rate under the normal,practical and expected activity
levels would be the same

A. Except for normal volume

B. Except for practical capacity

C. Except for expected activity

D. For all three activity level

6. Which productive capacity level docs not consider product demand but at the same time
accounts for anticipated and unavoidable interruption is production?

A. Expected productive capacity

B. Normal productive capacity

C. Theoretical or maximum productive capacity

D. Practical productive capacity

7. Which productive capacity level does not have provision for either a lack of sales order or
interruptions in production ( due to work stoppages, machine repairs and maintenance, set-up
time, holidays, weekends etc.

A. Expected productive capacity

B. Normal productive capacity

C. Theoretical or maximum productive capacity

D. Practical productive capacity

8. Which productive capacity level is based on estimated production for the next period.

A. Expected productive capacity

B. Normal productive capacity

C. Theoretical or maximum productive capacity

D. Practical productive capacity

9. Which of the following describes a part of the step method of allocation?

A. All services between intermediate cost center are simultaneously allocated to final cost center

B. It ignores services between intermediate cost center

C. Linear algebra is required for the allocation

D. Once an allocation is made from one service department, no further allocation os made to this

10. Which of the following is not true of the methods of allocating service department costs to
user departments?

A. A cause and effect basis is the preferred method of allocation

B. Each method allocates the same total cost when there are no interservice department activities

C. If a cause and effect relationship cannot be established for service department costs then an
allocation cannot be conducted

D. The level of detail associated with allocating service department costs should be decided on a
cost-benefit basis

The following information for Ram Corporation relates to question 1 and 2

Service department ( total estimated costs )

Building and ground maintenance P 21,960,000

Storeroom 15,990,000
Producing department ( estimated factory overhead costs )

Department A 42,000,000

Department B 51,000,000

Est. DL Hrs. Est. Sq.Ft No. of Requisitions

Bldg. and ground maintenance 750 150

Storeroom 130 40

Department A 1,925 890 2,500

Department B 1,200 2,330 1,400

The base to be used for allocating the cost of building and ground maintenance is square feet and
for the storeroom cost is the number of requisition. Direct labor hours are used to compute the
producing departments factory overhead application rate.

1. Using the direct method, What is Department A’s factory overhead rate?

A. P 30.30

B. P 47.46

C. P 55.70

D. 60.53

2. Using the algebraic method, compute for the building and grounds Maintenance Department
total amount to be allocated to the Storeroom Service Department and both producing
departments. ( Take all calculations to four decimal places but round all answers to the nearest
peso )

A. P 21,960

B. P 22, 584

C. P 23, 467

D. P 24, 722

Boone Manufacturing Had worked on two jobs, Job 101 and Job 102last year. The
estimated manufacturing overhead for last year was P 30,000 ( Fixed) and P 5.00 per direct labor
hour (variable) and estimated P 2,000direct labor hours.T he factory overhead control has a
balance of P 37,000. Actual hours used for Job 101 was 1,200 and for Job 102 was 1,000.

3. What is the total spending variance?

A. P 4,000 unfavorable
B. P 3,000 unfavorable

C. P 4,000 favorable

D. P 7,000 favorable

4. What is the total production variance?

A. P 4,000 unfavorable

B. P 3,000 unfavorable

C.P 3,000 favorable

D. P 7,000 favorable

The following information relates to Fay Corporation for the past accounting period.

Producing Departments Service Departments


Direct costs P 15,000 P 20,000 P 80,000 P 60,000

Proportion of service by A to:

B 100%

C 60%

D 30%

Proportion of service by B to :

A. 30%

B 20%

C 50%

5. Using the algebraic method, department A’s cost allocated to department C is:

A. P 48,000

B. P 58,000

C. P 60,619
D. P 98,000

6. Using the algebraic method, department B’s cost allocated to department C is:

A. P 7,794

B. P 13,192

C. P 14,021

D. P 29,021

AMR Corp. currently uses a firm-wide overhead application based on expected direct labor
hours. The following information is anticipated at the beg. of the year.

Department A Department B

Direct materials P 25.00/lb. P 17.00/lb.

Direct labor hours 10,000 5,000

Machine hours 2,000 10,000

Overhead P 115,000 P 85,000

Labor rate P 15.00/hr P 12.00/hr

7. If the firm maintains the current method, the overhead application rate is:;

A. P 7.67/hr

B. P 11.50/hr

C. P 13.33/hr

D. P20.00/hr

8. If department rate were adopted, what would be the rates for Department A (based on direct
labor hours) and B (based on machine hours)

A B_

A. P 11.50 P 8.00

B. P 11.50 P 17.00
C. P 57.50 P 8.50

D. P 57.50 P 17.50

Sensual Scents, Inc. uses a job-order cost system with machine hours as the overhead base. At
the beginning of last year, Sensual estimated 38,000 machine hours and P 152,000 of
manufacturing overhead costs. For the year, only 37,500 machine hours were logged but P
153,500 of overhead cost was incurred.

9. What is Sensual’s under or overapplied manufacturing overhead?

A. P 1,500 underapplied

B. P 1,500 overapplied

C. P 2,000 underapplied

D. P 3,500 underapplied

The following information relates to Donna Corporation for the last year. Donna uses direct
labor hours as an overhead base.

Estimated direct labor hours 136,000 hours

Estimated manufacturing overhead costs P 108,800

Actual manufacturing overhead costs 108,480

Applied manufacturing overhead costs 110,000

10. What was the actual number of direct labor hours worked last year at Donna?

A. 86,784 hours

B. 88,320 hours

C. 135,600 hours

D. 137,500 hours

D’Santos uses a job-order cost system with machine hours as an overhead base. The following
information relates toD’Santos for last year:

Estimated machine hours for the year 42,000

Actual machine hours for the year 40,800

Predetermined overhead rate P 1.50 per MH

Underapplied factory overhead P 2,600

11. What is the peso amount of the following items?

Estimated OH Applied OH Actual OH

A. P 61,200 P 63,000 P 60,400

B. P 61,200 P 63,000 65,600

C. P 63, 000 P 61,200 58,600

D. P 63,000 P 61,200 63,800

Justine Company budgeted total variable overhead costs at P 180,000 for the current
period. In addition they budgeted costs for factory rent at P 215,000 costs for depreciation of
office equipment at P 12,000 costs for office rent at P 92,000 and costs for depreciation of
factory equipment at P 38,000. All these costs were based upon estimated machine hours of
80,000. At the end of the period , the Factory Overhead control account had a balance of P
387,875. Actual machine hours were 74,000.

12. What was the over or underapplied factory overhead for the period?

A. P 12,650 overapplied

B. P 12,650 underapplied

C. P 108,850 overapplied

D. P 108,850 underapplied

Candice Company uses activity based costing to determine the unit product cost for external
reports. The company has two products: Candy A and Candy B. The annual production sales of
Candy A is 10,00 units and of Candy B is 4,000 units. There are three overhead activity center
with estimated overhead costs and expected activity as follows:

Activity Est. Overhead Expected Activity

Center Candy A Candy B Total

Activity 1 25,000 150 100 250

Activity 2 65,000 800 200 1,000

Activity 3 90,000 1,000 2,000 3,000

13. The overhead cost per unit of Candy A under activity based costing is
A. P 6.00

B. P 9.70

C. P 1.50

D. P 3.00

The following information relates to Pure Corporation for the past accounting period.

Service Department Direct Costs

A P 80,000

B 60,000

Producing Department

C 15,000

D 20,000

Proportion of Service by A to;

B 10%

C 60%

D 30%

Proportion of Service by B to;

A 30%

C 20%

D 50%

14. Using the simultaneous method, Dept. A’s allocated to Dept. C is

A. P 40,000

B. P 58,800

C. P 60,619

D. P 98,000
Marvin Company uses a job costing system and applies overhead to products on the basis
of direct labor cost. Job no.75, the only job in process on January 1, had the following costs
assigned as of that date: direct materials, P 40,000; direct labor P 80,000; and factory overhead P
120,000. The following selected costs were incurred during the year 2016.

Traceable to jobs:

Direct materials P 178,000

Direct labor 350,000 P 523,000

Not Traceable to jobs:

Factory materials and supplies 46,000

Indirect labor 235,000

Plant maintenance 73,000

Depreciation on factory overhead 29,000

Other factory costs 76,000 459,000

Marvin’s profit plan for the year included budgeted direct labor of P 320,000 and factory
overhead of P 384,000

15. Assuming no work-in-process on Dec.31, Marvin’s overhead for the year was

A. P 11,000 over-applied

B. P 24,000 over-applied’

C. P 39,000 under-applied

D. P 11,000 under-applied

Candice Corporation produces reusable Christmas cards in two departments: Printing and
Laminating. These departments are supported by two service departments: Personnel and
Maintenance. Personnel uses the number of employees as an allocation base and Maintenance
uses machine hours. The expected level of activity for next quarter is shown below:

No. of employees Machine hours

Personnel 40 -

Maintenance 60 -
Printing 120 60,000

Laminating 180 40,000

Allocations are made in the order shown above. Budgeted costs for next year quarter are P
93,000 for Personnel and P 68,000 for Maintenance.

16. What is the total amount of service cost that should be allocated to the Printing Department
under the direct and step method?

Direct method Step method

A. P 68,700 P 77,070

B. P 77,070 P 78,000

C. P 78,000 P 81,100

D. P 78,000 P 77,070

Super Soak produces two types of sponges: Natural and Super-Suds. Both are produced on
the same assembly line but are considered separate d ivisions. The company wants to know how
to allocate manufacturing overhead to the products. The relevant data for the possible allocation
bases are given below

Natural Super-Suds

Material used P 40,000 P 25,000

Direct labor hours P 20,000 P 35,000

Direct labor costs P 100,000 P 145,000

Machine hours P 6,000 P 15,000

Output units 25,000 30,000

The company incurred manufacturing overhead of P 48,000.

17. Using direct labor hours, how much overhead will be allocated to the Super-Suds

A. P 29,544

B. P 30,545

C. P 30,455

D. P 34,054
18. Using machine hours, how much overhead will be allocated to the natural?

A. P 13,714

B. P 28,500

C. P 17,455

D. P 34,286

Hackers Corp. accumulated the following information for its two products A and B.

Product A Product B Total

Production volume 2,000 1,000

Total direct labor hours 5,000 20,000 25,000

Setup cost per batch P 1,000 2,000

Batch size 100 500

Total set-up cost incurred P 20,000 P 40,000 P 60,000

Direct labor hour per unit 2 1

A traditional costing system would allocate set-up costs on the basis of direct labor hours.
An ABC system would trace costs by spreading the cost per batch over the unit in a batch.

19. What is the set-up cost per unit of Product A under each costing system?

Traditional ABC system

A. P 4.80 P 10.00

B. 2.40 10.00

C. 40.00 200.00

D. 4.80 20.00

A summary of the usage of the service department services by other service departments as
well as by the two producing departments is as follows:

Equipment Building Production Dept.

Service Cost Center Supervision Maintenance Occupancy Dept.1 Dept.2

Supervision 0 10% 5% 40% 45%

Equipment 0 0 0 45% 55%

Building occupancy 10% 10% 0 35% 45%

Direct costs in the various departments are as follows:

Department Direct Cost Label

Supervision P 35,000 S1

Equipment maintenance 30,000 S2

Building occupancy 90,000 S3

Production Dept. No 1 350,000 P1

Production Dept. No 2 450,000 P2

20. If the direct method of allocation is used, how much of the supervision department’s cost
would be allocated to the building occupancy department? (start with Building occupancy, then

A, 0

B. P 1,750

C. P 3,500

D. P 5,250

21. If the direct method of allocation is used, how much of the equipment maintenance costs
would be allocated to production department No. 1?

A. 0

B. P 13,500

C. P 16,500

D. 30,000

22. If the step method of allocation is used, how much would be allocated from supervision to
production department No.1

A. P 14,000

B. P 16,471

C. P 17,600

D. P 18
23. If the step method of allocation is use, how much would be allocated from supervision to
building occupancy?

A. 0

B. P 1,750

C. P 2,200

D. P 2,444

Stargazer Company logged 7,250 machine hours for the month of June. P 42,500 was spent
for manufacturing overhead and this overhead is allocated on the basis of machine hours. The
company operates 5 departments; however, one department was closed for the month of June
due to poor market conditions for its product. It was decided that this department (#3) should be
allocated a lump sum P 5,000 as its share of June overhead.

24. If this policy is followed, how mch overhead would be charged to Department 2, which used
1,750 machine hours?

A. P 1,207

B. P 9,052

C. P 10,259

D. P 20,714

Consolidated Magnets, Inc. has 3 plants. Each plant produces identical magnets but uses
only different manufacturing processes. Each plant sells to different customers setting its prices.
Headquarter’s costs total P 350,000. Factors that are considered for allocation purposes are as

Payroll Unit Volume Peso Volume Assets

Plant A P 335,000 15,000 P 500,000 P 300,000

Plant B P 450,000 19, 000 P 500,000 P 300,000

Plant C P 280,000 17,500 P 750,000 P 800,000

Totals P 1,065,000 51,500 P 2,150,000 P 1,700,000

25. What is the amount of headquarters costs allocated to Plant A if payroll is used as the
allocation base?

A. P 75,053
B. P 92,019

C. P 110,094

D. P 1,019,357

26. What is the amount of headquarters costs allocated to Plant B if sales volume, in pesos is
used as the allocated base?

A. P 81,395

B. P 129,126

C. P 146,512

D. P 268,605

Camille Company has underapplied overhead of P 45,000 for the year ended December 31.
Before disposition of the underapplied overhead selected December 31 balances from Camille
Company’s records are as follows:

Cost of goods sold P 720,000


Direct materials 36,000

Work in process 54,000

Finished goods 90,000

Under Camille’s cost accounting system, over or under applied overhead is allocated to
appropriate inventories and cost of goods sold based on year end balances.

27. In its income statement, Camille should report cost of goods sold of

A. P 682,500

B. P 684,000

C. P 756,000

D. 757,500

Happy Burger Co. has a commissary that supplies food and other products to its restaurant.
It has two service departments, computer services ( SI) and administration and maintenance (S2),
which support two operating departments, Food products ( P1) and supplies ( P2 ). As internal
auditor, you are checking the procedures for cost allocation and find the following results:
Cost allocated to P1:

P 30,000 from S1

? from S2

Cost allocated to P2

P 15,000 from S2

? from S1

Total costs for the two service departments-P 80,000

S2’s services are provided as follows:

20% to S1

50% to P1

30% to P2

28. Using direct method of allocating service departmet costs, compute the total service
department costs incurred by S2.

A. Zero

B. P 20,625

C. P 40,000

D. P 50,000

Porthos Co. has identified an activity cost pool to which it has allocated estimate d
overhead of P 1,920,000. It has determined the expected use of cost drives for that activity to be
160,000 inspections. Product W require 40,000 inspections and Product X require 30,000

29. The overhead assigned to product W is

A. P 40,000

B. P 640,000

C. P 360,000

D. P 480,000

30. The overhead assigned to product X is

A. P 30,000

B. P 640,000

C. P 480,000

D. P 360,000

1. Employers are required to prepare W-2 forms for every employee at the end for the calendar
year. These forms are used by the employee for.

A. Filing for social security benefits when retired

B. Filing an income tax return every year

C. Filing for unemployment benefits when unemployed

D. Determining how much income tax to withhold from an employee’s earnings for each pay
period next year

2. The employer’s portion of SSS premium is:

A. An expense for the employee

B. An expense for the employer

C. A revenue for the employee

D. A revenue for the employer

3. Income taxes withheld are levied on the

A. Employee only

B. Employer only

C. Both employee and employer in equal amounts

D. Both employee and employer in unequal amounts

4. “Take home pay “ or net pay means

A. Gross pay plus the amount paid for you by your employer for SSS premiums and Medicare

B. Gross pay less all deduction

C. The mount earned per hour times number of hours worked

D. Gross pay less only income tax withheld.

5. Which of the following deductions are not levied on the employer?

A. Income taxes withheld

B. SSS premiums

C. Medicare contributions

D. None of the given

6. Which of the following is usually prepared daily by employees for each job worked on?

A. Labor time ticket

B. Time card

C. Punch card

D. Cost control card

7. Factory workers fringe benefits are usually charged to

A. Work in Process account

B. Direct labor

C. Administrative expense

D. Factory overhead control

8. Idle time of factory workers is usually charged to

A. Work in Process account

B. Direct labor

C. Administrative expense

D. Factory overhead control

10. Fringe benefits of sales personnel is usuall charged to

A. Work in Process account

B. Direct labor

C. Administrative expense

D. Factory overhead control

Twenty workers paid at a wage rate of P 10.00 per hour. Worked 40 hours each entirely Job
1010 during the past week. Eight other who are paid at a wage rate of P7.50 per hour, spent half
of their 40 hours week on Job 1010 and the remainder of their time on Job 1010. In addition.
Kyle Motus a part-timer, worked on Job 1010 for 16 hours but was unable to work 4 hours
because of the inefficiency of his fellow workers in a prior stage. Kyle earns P 9.25 per hour.
Salaries for supervisors and maintenance personnel related to Job 1010 and 1011 amounted to P

11. Assuming that payroll withholdings are ignored and Jobs 1010 and 1011 are the only jobs
being performed, What is the entry to record labor cost?

A. Work in process inventoty-Job 1010 10,373

Work in process inventoty-Job 1011 1,825

Factory overhead control 37

Payroll payable 12,235

B. Work in process inventoty-Job 1010 9,748

Work in process inventoty-Job 1011 1,200

Factory overhead control 1,287

Payroll payable 12,235

C. Work in process inventoty-Job 1010 9,748

Work in process inventoty-Job 1011 1,200

Factory overhead control 37

Loss 1,250

Payroll payable 12,235

D. Work in process inventoty-Job 1010 10,998

Work in process inventoty-Job 1011 1,200

Factory overhead control 37

Payroll payable 12,235

F & B Company pays time and a half for hours in excess of 40 hours per week. An
individual is paid P 24,000 per hour andworked 44 hours a week.

12. The weekly earnings of the employee will amount to

A. P 960

B. P 1,032

C. P 1,104
D. P 1,036

Escudero Manufacturing Co. has provided you with the following information

Raw materials purchased P 135,000

Beginning raw materials inventory 100,000

Ending raw materials inventory 175,000

Factory overhead( including P85,000 of indirect

Labor and P 20,000 of indirect materials) 227,500

Total manufacturing cost

13. Direct labor cost for the year amounted to

A. P 677,500

B. P 672,500

C. P 642,500

D. P 692,500

Ronald Factory provides for an incentive scheme for its factory workers which features a
combined minimum guaranteed wage of P 875 per week and piece rate of P 11.25. Production
report for the week show.

Employee Units produced

R 67

O 78

L 80

A 82

N 72

D 75

14. The portion of the weekly payroll that should be charged to factory over head is

A. P5,325.00

B .P5,275.00
C .P5,217.50

D. P 217.50

Litton Mfg. Co. pays their employees on a combined minimum rate and piecework rate
plan. The minimum guaranteed daily wage is P 420. Any employee who produces more than 10
shirts receives a bonus.

15. If Mr. Unson produced 14 shirts, what amount should be charged to factory overhead

A. 0

B. P 88

C. P 268

D. P 168

1. In a process costing system that assumes that normal spoilage occurs at the end of a process.
The costs attributable to normal spoilage should be assigned to

A. Ending work in process inventory

B. Cost of goods manufactured and ending work in process inventory

C. Cost of goods completed

D. A specific loss account highlighting the inefficirncies

2. An equivalent unit of material or conversion cost is defined as

A. The amount of material or conversion cost necessary to complete one unit or production

B. A unit of work in process inventory

C. The amount of material or conversion cost necessary to start a unit or production

D. 50% of the material or conversion cost of a unit of finished goods inventory assuming a
linear production pattern.

3. In a process costing system, how is the unit cost affected in a cost of production report when
materials are added in a department subsequent to the first department and the added materials
result in additional units?

A. It causes an increase in the preceding department’s unit cost

B. It causes a decrease in the preceding department’s unit cost that requires an adjustment of the
transferred in cost.
C. It causes an increase in the preceding department’s unit cost but does not require an
adjustment of the transferred in cost

D. It causes a decrease in the preceding department’s unit cost but does not require an
adjustment of the transferred in cost.

4. Which of the following does not occur with process costing?

A. Allocation of on a period basis

B. Allocation of cost upon completion of job

C. Allocation of cost with regards to stage of completion

D. Calculation of equivalent units

5. Which of the following is true of abnormal spoilage?

A. It is considered to be part of production

B. It is normally treated as a period cost

C. It is normally treated as a product cost

D. It is prorated between cost of goods sold and inventory

6. Prior department costs are most similar to:

A. Conversion costs that are added continuously throughout the process

B. Costs in beginning inventory

C. Materials added at the beginning of the period

D. Transferred-out-cost

7. Normal spoilage costs are most often classified as:

A. A product cost

B. A period cost

C. Deferred charge

D. Extraordinary item

8. Which of the following products would most likely be accounted for with a process costing

A. A public accounting firm

B. A retailer

C. Airplane manufacture
D. Gasoline refinery

9. Process costing should be used in assigning cost to products in which of the following

A. If the product is composed of mass produced homogeneous units

B. If the product is manufactured individually based on an order received

C. When the product is composed of heterogeneous units in a job shop

D. Whenever cost allocation is not used

10. An error was made by RAGC Company in computing the percentage of completion of the
current year’s ending work in process inventory. The error resulted in the assignment of a lower
percentage of completion to each component of the inventory than actually was the case. There
was the case.There was no beginning work in process inventory. What is the effect on the

1. The computation of equivalent unit in total

2. The computation of costs per equivalent unit

3. Cost assigned to cost of goods completed for the period

1 2 3

A. Understated understated overstated

B. Understated overstated overstated

C. overstated Understated Understated

D. overstated overstated Understated

11. Which of the following production operations would be most likely to employ a process cost

A. Shipbuilder

B. Aircraft manufacturer

C. Bottler of mineral water

D. Homebuilder

12. The total amount in the Costs To Account for schedule must equal the total amount on the

A. Quantities Schedule
B. Equivalent Production Schedule

C. Cost to Account for Schedule

D. Costs Accounted for Schedule

13. The system flow in which the initial raw materials are placed into process in the first
department and flow through every department in the factory is called a

A. Sequential product flow

B. Parallel product flow

C. Selective product flow

D. Uniform product flow

14. The analysis of the activity in a department or cost center for a period is called a

A. Quantity report

B. Cost of production report

C. Cost of goods manufactured report

D. Equivalent production report

Glendale Company is using process costing system. The following were taken from the
books for Department 2 for the month of June. Quality control inspection is done at the end
materials are added 100% after inspection.

Units received 50,000

Units completed and transfer red 40,000

Units in process, end (60% completed ) 5,000

Units lost ( Normal ) 5,000

1. Equivalent production for materials is:

A. P 50,000

B. P 45,000

C. P 40,000

D. P 43,000

2. Equivalent production for conversion costs is:

A. P 43,000

B. P 44,000
C. P 47,000

D. P 45,000

The Mixing Department’s output during the period consists of 20,000 units completed and
transferred out and 5,000 units in ending work in process 60% as to materials and conversion

3.The equivalent units of production are:

A. P 22,000

B. P 23,000

C. P 24,000

D. P 25,000

Lopez Company has unit costs of P 10 for materials and P 30 for conversion costs. If there are
2,50o units in ending work in process, 40% complete as to conversion costs and fully complete
as to material cost.

4. The total cost assignable to the ending work in process inventory is

A. P 45,000

B. P 55,000

C. P 75,000

D. P 100,000

Same data as in 1 & 2, this time we assume that the lost units are classified as abnormal.

5. Equivalent production for materials is:

A. P 50,000

B. P 45,000

C. P 40,000

D. P 48,000

A company’s records show the following information for August :

A. Started this month, 38,000 units

B. Ending inventory, 12,000 units. 15% complete as to materials and 10% complete as to
conversion costs

6. How many units were transferred out during the month?

A. 22,000 units

B. 26,000 units

C. 18,000 units

D. 42,000 units

7. How many units were started and completed during the month?

A. 18,000 units

B. 22,000 units

C. 26,000 units

D. 30,000 units

8. For materials, how many equivalent units were produced?

A. 25,000 EU

B. 26,000 EU

C. 27,800 EU

D. 50,000 EU

9. For conversion costs, how many equivalent units were produced?

A. 24,000 EU

B. 27,200 EU

C. 27,000 EU

D. 50,000 EU

10. The full cost of the finished output that passed the quality control check?

A. P 7,040

B. P 7,920

C. P 7,200

D. P 8,100
Normal spoilage was computed to be 2,000 units. Spoilage is discovered at the end of the
process and is debited to Finished Goods Inventory, It is not spread over good units produced.
Costs per equivalent unit were: Prior department P 3.00; Materials P 2.00; Conversion costs P

11. The journal entry to remove all the costs of spoiling the 2,000 units from work in process is
as follows:

Debit Credit

A. FG inventory for 6,000 WP Inventory for 6,000

B. FG inventory for 6,000 WP Inventory for 6,000

C. FG inventory for 12,000 WP Inventory for 12,000

D. FG inventory for 18,000 WP Inventory for 18,000

Stockton Company adds materials at the beginning of the process in Department M.

Data concerning materials used in March production are as follows:

Started during March 50,000 units

Completed and transferred 36,000 units

Normal spoilage 4,000 units

Work in process at March 31 10,000 units

12. The equivalent units for materials are:

A. 50,000

B. 34,000

C. 40,000

D. 46,000

Materials are added at the start of the process in Cesar company’s blending department, the
first stage of the production cycle. The units started during the month were 210,000. Completed
and transferred 110,000 and in process end (50% comp) were 70,000. Under Cesar’s cost
accounting system, the costs incurred on the lost units are absorbed by the completed units only.
Ellery Company instituted a new process in October 2016. During October 10,000 units were
started in Department A of the units started. 1,000 were lost by shrinkage in the process at
October 31. The work in process at Oct. 31 was 100% complete as to materials and 50%
complete as to conversion cost. Materials costs of P 27,000 and conversion costs of P 40,000
were charged to Department A in October;

13, What were the total costs transferred to Dept B?

A. P 53,900

B. P 56,000

C. P 61,600

D. P 62,000

14. What were the costs of the units in process October 31

A. P 10,400

B. P 11,000

C. P 15,000

D. P 18,000

A sporting goods manufacturer buys wood as a direct material for baseball bats. The Forming
department processes the baseball bats, and transfers the bats to the Finishing department where
additional work is applied. The forming department began manufacturing 10,000 bats during the
month of May. There was no beginning inventory. Costs for the Forming department for the
month of May follows:

Direct materials P 33,000

Conversion costs 17,000

A total of 8,000 bats were completed and transferred to the Finishing department, The remaining
2,000 bats were still in process at the end of the month. All of the forming department’s direct
materials were placed in process, but on average only 25% of the conversion cost was applied to
the ending work in process in ventory.

15. The cost allocated units transferred to the Finishing department

A. P 50,000

B. P 40,000

C. P 53,000

D. P 42,400

16. The cost allocated to the units in process at the end of the month
A. P 2,200

B. P 4,000

C. P 4,800

D. P 7,600

Alonzo Manufacturing uses a process costing system to accumulate cost related to the
production of “ Supergrow” an industrial strength hair grower. Material costs and conversion
costs for last quarter are provided below:

Materials Conversion Costs

Current cost for the quarter P 281,650 P 348,705

Equivalent production 262,000 258,000

All materials are added at the beginning of the production process

17. If the number of bottles completed during the quarter is 255,200. What is the total cost that
should be assigned to these bottles?

A. P 618,860

B. P 629,922

C. P 629,200

D. P 638,000

18. The cost allocated to the bottles in process at the end of the month

A. P 31,036

B. P 20, 798

C. P 20,620

D. P 11, 495

Materials are added at the start of the process of Calvin Company’s blending Department, The
first stage of the production cycle. The following information is available for the month of July.
Units started- 210,000 completed and transferred – 110,000 units in process end- 70,000 ( 50%
complete ) . Under Calvin’s cost accounting system, the costs incurred on the lost units are
absorbed by the remaining good units.

19. The equivalent units for materials

A. 120,000

B. 145,000

C. 180,000

D. 210,000

20. The equivalent units for conversion costs

A. 120,000

B. 145,000

C. 180,000

D. 210,000

M Company has two producing departments. Department A and B. Department A works

on raw material XYZ and then transfers it to Department B. After Dept B puts on its finishing
touches, it transfers the product to Finished Goods Inventory.

20. If Dept. A had put 95,000 units into process, during the period and had ending work in
process of 21,000 units, what is the number of units transferred to finished goods inventory, If
dept. B’s ending units in process are 12,000?

A. 104,000

B. 85,000

C. 74,000

D. 62,000

21. M Company adds direct materials at the beginning of the production process in Department
A. If Department A’s ending units in process are 60% complete as to conversion costs, what is
Department A’s equivalent units for materials?

A. 80,000

B. 86,600

C. 95,000

D. 102,400
The following information for Dept B of Kitkat Company for the month of May

Received from Dept A 600,000 units

Completed and transferred to Dept C 500,000 units

Additional information

A. Ending work in process is 75% complete

B. May’s production costs total P 2,760,000

22. The equivalent units of production is

A. 500,000

B. 570,000

C. 575,000

D. 600,000

23. Dept B’s unit cost of production for May is

A. P 4.60

B. P 4.80

C. P 5.02

D. P 5.52

Virgo Company completed 280,000 units of Product A and has 10,000 units which were 50%
complete as to conversion cost. Direct materials which were introduced at the start of
processing, cost P 435,000 while conversion cost amounted to P 142,500. There were no
beginning inventories.

24. The equivalent units as to conversion cost were

A. 142,500

B. 280,000

C. 285,000

D. 290,000

A company produces plastic kitchenware and uses process costing system. Products go
through three departments- Mixing, Molding and Packaging. During the month of August, The
following information is made available for the Mixing Department.
Unit started 160,000

Unit completed and transferred 140,000

Units in process, end ( 25% complete ) 20,000

Materials are added at two points in the process. Material A is added at the beginning of the
process and Material B when the units are 50% completed. Conversion costs are incurred
uniformly throughout the mixing process.

25. The equivalent production for Material A

A. 140,000

B. 145,000

C. 150,000

D. 160,000

26. The equivalent production for Material B

A. 140,000

B. 145,000

C. 150,000

D. 160,000

27. The equivalent production for Conversion cost

A. 140,000

B. 145,000

C. 150,000

D. 160,000

Cosby Company uses a process costing system. The company adds all materials at the
beginning of the process. Information concerning the materials used in the Molding Department
during March is as follows:

Units started during March 112,000

Units completed and transferred 97,000

Units in process, end ( 50% complete ) 15,000

Material cost P 57,120

28. What was the material cost of the work in process inventory at March 31?

A. P 11,220

B. P 7,500

C. P 5,100

D. P 7,650

29. If Department A had put 95,000 units into process during the period had ending units in
process of 21,000, what is the number of units transferred to finished goods inventory, if
Department B’s ending units in process are 12,000?

A. 104,000

B. 83,000

C. 74,000

D. 62,000

M Company’s direct materials are added at the beginning of the production process in
Department A. Department A’s ending in process inventory ( 10,000 units ) are 60% complete
and the units completed and transferred to Department B are 20,000.

30. What is the equivalent production for conversion cost?

A. 30,000

B. 26,000

C. 20,000

D. 6,000

Chocnut Company adds materials at the end of the process in Department B. During the period
50,000 units were transferred in from Department. At the end of the period 10,000 remains in the
in process inventory which are 80% complete.

31. What is the equivalent production for materials for Department B

A. 58,000

B. 50,000

C. 48,000

D. 40,000
Canlubang Inc. manufactures golf bags in a two department process. The finishing
Department adds hardware to the assembled bags and overhead is applied in this department on a
direct labor basis. For June, the following production data and costs were gathered.

Assembly Department

Units started 9,050

Ending WIP Inventory ( 100% complete for materials, 70%

complete for labor and 90% complete overhead) 400


DM DL OH Total

Current 104,075 64,296 27,931 196,302

Finishing Department

32. Total costs of units completed and transferred to the Finishing Department is

A. P 188,750\

B. P 188,570

C. P 189,750

D. P 198,750

33. Total costs of units completed and transferred to the warehouse

A. P 217,935

B. P 220,848

C. P 223,149

D. P 227,942

34. Total costs of units in process, end in the Finishing Department

A. P 8,107.50

B. P 5,194.50

C. P 2, 893.50

D. P 1, 893.50

1. Which of the following characteristics applies in process costing but not to job order costing?

A. Identifiable batches of production

B. Equivalent units of production

C. Averaging process

D. Use of standard cost

2. An equivalent unit of material or conversion costs is equal to

A. The amount of material or conversion cost necessary to complete one unit of production

B. A unit of work in process inventory

C. The amount of material or conversion cost necessary to start a unit of production into work in

D. Fifty percent of the material or conversion cost of a unit of finished goods inventory

3. Assuming that there was no beginning in process inventory and the ending work in process
inventory is 100% complete as to material costs, the number of equivalent units as to materials
costs would be

A. The same as the units placed in process

B. The same as the units completed

C. Less than the units placed in process

D. Less than the units completed

4. What are transferred in costs as used in a process costing system?

A. Labor that is transferred from another department within the same plant instead of hiring
temporary workers from the outside

B. Cost of the production of a previous internal process that is subsequently used in a succeeding
internal process

C. Supervisory salaries that are transferred from an overhead cost center to production cost

D. Ending work in process inventory of a previous process that will be used in a succeeding

5. Spoilage from a manufacturing process was discovered during an inspection of work in

process. In a process costing system, the cost of the spoilage would be added to the cost of the
good units produced if the spoilage is

Abnormal Normal
A. No Yes

B. No No

C. Yes Yes

D. Yes No

6. In the computation of manufacturing cost per equivalent unit, the weighted average method of
process costing consider

A. Current costs only

B. Current costs plus cost of ending work in process inventory

C. Current costs plus cost of beginning work in process inventory

D. Current costs less cost of ending work in process inventory

7. When using the first-in-first-out method of process costing, the total equivalent units of
production for a given period of time is equal to the number of units

A. In work in process at the beginning of the period times the percent of work necessary to
complete the items, plus the number of units started during the period less the number of units
remaining in work in process at the end of the period times + the percent of work necessary to
complete the items

B. In work in process at the beginning of the period plus the number of units started during the
period plus the number of units remaining in work in process at the end of the period times the
percent of work necessary to complete the items

C. Started into process during the period plus the number of units in process at the beginning of
the period

D. Transferred out during the period plus the number of units remaining in work in process at the
end of the period times the percent of work necessary to complete the items.

8. The units transferred in from the department to the second department should be included in
the computation of the equivalent units for the second department for which of the following
method of process costing


A. Yes Yes
B. Yes No
C. No Yes
D. No No
9. Indeveloping a predetermined overhead rate for use in a process costing system which of the
following could be used as the base in computing the rate?
A. Actual factory overhead
B. Estimated factory overhead
C. Actual direct labor hours
D. Estimated direct labor hours
E. Any of the above could be used as a base
10.Which of the following statements are true?
I. The weighted-average method of process costing is computationally simpler than the FIFO
method of process costing.
II. Manufacturing companies that use process costing would usually have more productsthan
manufacturing companies that use job-order costing
III. The production report prepared by companies using process costing will indicate the cost
and quantity of materials purchased during the period.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only
E. I,II and III
11. Which of the following statements are false?
I. A firm uses the weighted-average method of process costing and al materials are added at the
beginning of the production process. When computing equivalent units of production for
materials, total equivalent units will equal total physical units
II. Unit cost under the weighted-average method will always be greater than unit costs under the
FIFO method
III. the only difference between weighted-average and FIFO methods of process costing is in
the treatment of beginning work in process
A. None of the above
B. I only
C. II only
D. I and III only
E. I, II and III
12. Which of the follow are needed to calculate the cost assigned to ending work in process
under the FIFO method of process costing
Unit cost Equivalent Units Cost-IP beg
A. No No Yes
B. Yes No No
C. Yes Yes No
D. Yes Yes Yes
13. Which of the following statements are FALSE?
I. The final step in a process costing production report is the calculation of the unit costs
II. For cost control the FIFO method of process costing is better than the weighted-average
IIII. The weighted-average method of process costing will always assign more cost to units
completed & transferred than the FIFO METHOD.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only
E. I,II and III
14. Beginning WIP is 45% complete and ending WIP is 10% complete as to conversion costs.
Materials are added at the beginning of the process. If a company uses weighted-average, the
total equivalent units for materials will equal:
A. EU to complete beginning inventory
B. Units started into the process this period
C. Units started into the process this period plus units in beginning inventory
D. Units transferred out
15. In comparing the FIFO and weighted-average methods for calculating equivalent units
A. The FIFO method tends to smooth out costs more over time than weighted-average method
B. The weighted-average method is more precise than the FIFO method because the weighted-
average method is based only on the work completed in the current period
C. The two method will give similar results even if physical inventory levels and production
costs ( materials and conversion costs ) fluctuate greatly from period to period
D. The FIFO method is better than the weighted-average method for judging the performance in
a period independently from performance in preceding period

Highland Inc. uses a process costing system. The following data are available for one
department for October 2016
Work in process, beg. 10,000 60% 30%
Work in process, end. 5,000 80% 70%
The department started 45,000 units into production during the month and completed and
transferred 50,000 units to the next department
1. Assuming a weighted-average method of accounting for units and costs, the equivalent units
for material for October would be
A. 54,000 units
B. 50,000 units.
C. 48,000 units
D. 44,000 units
2. Assuming a FIFO method of accounting for units and costs, the equivalent units for
conversion cost for October would be
A. 50,500 units
B. 46,500 units
C. 44,500 units
D. 48,000 units

The following information pertains to the month of July for Stanley Company:
Beginning work in process inventory- P 17,500( 100 units: 100% complete for materials and
60% complete for labor and overhead)
Units completed- 60,000 units
Cost per equivalent unit: Materials P2.50; Labor and overhead P 2.00)
3. Given the data above, the cost of units transferred out during the monthis:
A. P 260,000
B. P 242,500
C. P 254,500
D. P 250,500

The Pink company have a process cost system and uses he weighted-average method. The
following information is applicable for the month of September
In process, beginning 5,000
( 100% complete as to materials,30% complete as
To labor & overhead)
Units started in September 25,000
Units completed in September 22,000
In process end. 8,000
( 100% complete as to materials, 50%
complete as to labor & overhead)
In process, beginning 10,000
Materials 4,500
Added during the month
Materials 47,000
Labor and overhead 73,500
4. Based on this information, the cost of the units completed is
A. P 135,000
B. P 113,500
C. P 107,800
D. P 120,250
5. The cost of the ending Work in process inventory is:
A. P 27,200
B. P 39,200
C. P 21,400
D. P 32,400
Department A is the first stage of Lovely Company’s production cycle. The following
information is available for conversion costs for the month of May 2016.
Work in process, beginning ( 25%complete) 8,000 units
Started in May 40,000 units
Completed in May and transfer to Dept B 38,000 units
Work in process ending ( 60%complete) 10,000 units
6. Using the FIFO method, the equivalent units for conversion costs for the month
A. 42,000 units
B. 38,000 units
C. 44,000 units
D. 36,000 units
Minnesta Company has a process costing system in operation and uses the weighted-
average method to account for cost flows. The following information for the assembly
department was obtained from the accounting records for September ( all materials are added at
the beginning of the process):
Work in process inventory, Sep 1 ( 25% converted) 40,000
Transferred in during the month 100,000
Work in process inventory, Sept 30 ( 50% converted) 20,000
September costs Transferred Labor &
In Materials Overhead
Beginning WP inventory P 80,000 P 37,600 P 5,000
Cost added-Sept 251,000 122,400 66,500
7, The total cost to be accounted for section of the production Report for the month will show ab
anount equal to
A. P 562,500
B. P 231,500
C. P 439,900
D. P 520,000
8. The equivalent units for material for the month is
A. 100,000 units
B. 120,000 units
C. 140,000 units
D. 160,000 units
9. The unit cost for labor and overhead for the month is:
A. P 0.50
B. P 0.125
C. 0.52
D. 0.55
10. The equivalent units for conversion costs equaled 47,500 units. The beginning inventory
consisted of 15,000 units, 60% complete. The ending inventory consisted of 10,000 units, 75%
complete. Assuming a FIFO basis of computing equivalent units, the number of units started
during the month was
A. 41,500units
B. 31,000units
C. 44,000units
D. 34,000 units

Charlene Casuals, Inc. uses a process costing system to accumulate costs related to silk
scarf production. Selected data for scarf production for last quarter is provided below:
Materials Conversion Cost
Units cost, FIFO method ? P 2.25
FIFO equivalent units 4,200 4,500
Cost in beginning wwork in process 630 270
Total cost to be accounted for P 24,780 ?
11. What are the unknown amounts above?
? ??
A. P 5.75 P 2,270
B. P 5.75 P 10,395
C. P 5.90 P 2,000
D. P 5.90 P 10,395

Use the following information for questions 12 to 15

Beginning Inventory:
Prior department cost P 4,800 3,000 units
Materials 1,080 20% complete
Conversion costs 600 25% complete
Current work:
Prior department cost P 9,600 8,000 units

Materials 20,460

Conversion costs 7,640

8,000 units were started this period

The ending inventory has 2,000 units, which are 45% complete as to materials, 65% complete
with respect to conversion costs. FIFO costing is used.

12. What are the total units to be accounted for?

A. 8,000 units

B. 10,000 units

C. 11,000 units

D. 13,000 units

13. How many units were started and completed this period?

A. 6,000 units

B. 8,000 units

C. 10,000 units

D. 11,000 units

14. What are equivalent units produced for materials?

A. 6,000 units

B. 8,000 units

C. 9,300 units

D.9,900 units

15. What are the equivalent units produced for conversion costs?

A. 8,000 units
B. 9,300 units

C. 9,550 units

D. 10,300 units

For the month just ended, the following data were generated by Alonzo Corporation Physical

Units in process, beg 4,000 gallons

Materials, chemical (? Complete )

Materials, cans (0% Complete )

Labor and overhead (25% converted)

Started in process 21,000 gallons

Transferred to shipping 20,000 gallons

In process,end

Materials, chemical ( 100% Complete )

Materials, cans (? Complete )

Labor and overhead (80% converted)

Costs for the month

Work in process beg

Materials, chemical P 456,000

Labor ( P 100 per hour) 62,500

overhead 18,750

The month’s cost added

Materials, chemical 2,284,000

Materials, cans 70,000

Labor 350,000

Overhead 105,000

The company manufactures high quality paints. Production begins with the blending of the
various chemicals which are added at the beginning of the process and end with the canning of
the paint. Canning occurs when the mixture reaches the 90% stage of completion . The gallon
cans are theen transferred to the shipping department for crating and shipment. Direct labor and
overhead are added continuously throughout the process. Overhead is allocated on the basis of
direct labor hours at the rate of P 30 per labor.

16. Using the weighted average method, the cost per equivalent unit for direct materials cans
amounted to

A. P 3.50

B. P 3.33

C. P 2.80

D. P 2.92

17. Using the weighted average method, the cost of overhead in the work in process, end
amounted to

A. P 20,625.00

B. P 24,516.00

C. P 23,125.70

D. P 25,781.26

18. Using the weighted average method, the cost per equivalent unit for direct materials,
chemicals amounted to:

A. P 109.60

B. P 91.36

C. P 108.76

D. P 130.48

The alecks Company manufactures one product that passes through three departments in a
continuous process. For the mont of July P 46,500of direct materials were issued and P 85,600
of direct labor was incurred in Department A. The factory overhead rate is 75% of direct labor
costs. The work in process in Department A was P 26,200 at the beginning of the month and P
22,400 at the end of the process.

19. The cost of the units transferred to Department B is

A. P 200,100

B. 192,300

C. P 196,300
D. P 222,500

During March 2016, Balance Company ‘s Department equivalent units costs were computed as

Materials P 1.00

Cnversion costs 3.00

Materials are introduced at the end of the process in Department Y. There were 4,000 UNITS.
(40% COMPLETE as to conversion cost) in process at March 31,2016

20. The total costs assigned to the March 31,2016 work in process inventory should

A. P 4,800

B. P 8,800

C. P 7,200

D. None of the given

Marvin Company’s production process starts in the Compounding Department. The

following information for the month is provided

Work in process, beginning (50% complete) 40,000 units

Started during the month 240,000 units

Work in process, ending (60% complete) 25,000 units

Direct materials are added at the beginning of the process in the Compounding department.

21. Using the average method, the equivalent units of production ( direct materials and
conversion costs) for the month is

A. 280,000 and 270,000

B. 270,000 and 280,000

C. 240,000 and 250,000

D. 255,000 and 255,000

Motus Wonder Drug Company manufactures “Milagro” from the following successive
process: Extracting, Mixing and Packaging. Materials are added in the Mixing Department in the
form of additives, Motus uses the average cost method in accounting for work in process.
Pertinent information from the Mixing Department during May 2016 show

Beginning Inventory Added in May

Cost charged to Mixing

Cost from Extracting P 29,120 P 251,680

Direct material P 4,940 P 41,860

Direct labor P 1,560 P 40,560

Factory overhead 3,120 81,120

Also during the month, Mixing had units in beginning inventory of 1,000, transfers from
Extracting of 2,000 units added to process in the Mixing Department of 6,000; transfers to
Packaging of 7,800 and units in ending inventory ( 100% materials and 50% labor and overhead)
of 1,200.

22. What are the total equivalent units for (1) materials, (2) labor, (3) overhead in the Mixing

A. (1) 7,800 (2) 7,800 (3) 7,800

B. (1) 7,800 (2) 7,500 (3) 7,500

C. (1) 1,200 (2) 300 (3) 300

D. (1) 9,000 (2) 8,400 (3) 8,400

The Extracting Department is the first stage of Norman’s manufacturing cycle Here materials
are added at the beginning of the process. Pertinent data on Extracting Department for May
2016 show; work in process, beginning ( 60% complete) of 100,000 units; production started
during the month of 600,000 units; work in process ending (70% complete) of 52,500 units.
Norman uses the weighted average method.

23. What are theequivalent units of production for (1) materials and (2) conversion costs,
respectively for May 2016?

A. (1) 637,500 (2) 446,250 units

B. (1) 600,000 (2) 420,000 units

C. (1) 700,000 (2) 684,250 units

D. (1) 62,500 (2) 43,750 units

Production in July resulted in 100 lost units of which 60 was considered normal and 40
abnormal. The 100 units were complete with respect to materials but only 40% complete with
respected to labor and overhead were P 10, 15 and P 9 respectively. The unit costs have been
determined after including normal and abnormal lost units separately in the computation of total
equivalent units

24. The cost of loss units charged to factory overhead would be:

A.P 2,040

B. P 1,176

C. P 1,360

D. P 784

Gardenia Company uses the weighted-average method. It had P 8,000 of conversion cost in
the beginning Work in process Inventory and added P 64,000 of conversion cost during 2016.
The company completed 40,000 equivalent units for conversion costs during the year. The
company had 10,000 units in the ending Work in process Inventory that were 30% complete as to

25. The amount of conversion costs assigned to the unit in process.

A. P 12,600

B. P 5,400

C. P 11,200

D. P 4,800

Ten-ten Company produces a small standard component in a process operation. There is a

quality control check at the end of the processing. Items which fail this check are sold off as
scarp for P 1.80 per unit. The expected rate of rejection is 10%. Normal loss is not given a cost
except that whatever scrap value. It has is credited to the process account. The cost/value of the
abnormal loss or gain, net of scrap is written off to the profit and loss account.

Data for July are as follows:

Materials input 1,000 units P 5,100

Conversion cost 3,000

Output to finished goods 800 units

26. What was the full cost of the finished output that passed the quality control check?

A. P 7,040

B. P 7,920

C. P 7,200

D. P 8,100

Complete the following process account of Lei Manufacturing Company by supplying the peso
amounts of (A) and ( B ) on the credit side of the account.

Process Y

May 1 May 1-31

6,000 units P 4,800 16,000 units completed (A)

1/3 completed

May 1-31 May 31

Mat 12,000 @ P 0.50 6,000 2,000 units ½ completed

Labor 3,600
Overhead 5,400

27. The peso amount of the 16,000 units completed (A) is

A. P 17,800

B. P 18,200

C. P 17,600

D. P 16,400

28. The peso amount of the 2,000 units ½ completed ( B) is

A. P 2,200

B. P 1,600

C. P 2,000

D. P 1,400
Krish Company has a Mixing Department and a Refining Department. Its process costing
system in the Mixing Department has two direct materials cost categories( material AA and
material BB) and one conversion cost pool. The company uses first-in-first-out cost flow method.
The following data pertain to the Mixing Department for October 2016.


Work-in-process, Oct 1: 50% completed 30,000

Work-in-process, Oct 31: 70% completed 50,000

Units started 120,000

Completed and transferred 100,000


Work-in-process, Oct 1 P 436,000

Material AA 1,440,000

Material BB 1,500,000

Conversion costs 600,000

Material AA is introduced at the start of operations in the Mixing Department and Material BB
is added when the product is three-fourths completed in the Mixing Department. Conversion
costs are added uniformly during the process.

29. The respective equivalent units for Material AA and Material BB in the Mixing Department
for October 2016 are:

A. Both 100,000 units

B. 150,000 units and 120,000 units

C. 120,000 units and 100,000 units

D. 120,000 units and 150,000 units

30. The cost of goods completed and transferred out to the Refining Department was:

A. P 3,861,500

B. P 3,201,000

C. P 2,700,000

D. P 3,101,000
Hannibal Co. processes its product is three consecutive departments. A,B and C. The
following data are given on the third department’s for June of the current.

Quantity data

In process, June 1 (4/5 completed) 5,000 units

Transferred in 22,000 units

In process, June 30 ( ¾ completed) 8,000 units

Cost data:

In process, June 1 P 30,610

Transferred in 110,000

Cost added in June

Materials 15,750

Labor 8,400

Overhead 6,300

31. What is the unit cost of the units completed and transferred?

A. P 6.45

B. P 1.45

C. P 6.44

D. P 6.50

Summer Company makes a single product in two departments. The production data for
Department B for 2014 follows


In process, August 1 ( 40% completed ) 4,000 units

Received from Department 1 30,000 units

Completed and transferred 25,000 units

In process, August 31( 60% completed ) 6,000 units

Costs In processMay 1 Added during May

Received from Dept. 1 P 14,400 P 97,200

Materials 3,800 67,500

Conversion costs 1,940 981,000

Materials are added at the start of the process and losses normally occur during the early stages
of the operation.

32. Cost of goods manufactured using FIFO method

A. P 195,250

B. P 193,040

C. P 211,040

D. P 218,440

33. Cost of the ending work in process inventory using average costing

A. P 44,640

B. P 45,840

C. P 46,362

D. P 46,80

The Antipolo Company operates three successive departments. Product cost are tracked by
department and assigned using process costing system. Overhead is applied to production in each
department at a rate of 80% of the department’s direct labor cost.

The T-accounts information, on the next page, pertains to departmental operations for June.

Work in process- Beg 70,000 C & T 480,000

Beg. 20,000 C&T ?
Striping Trans. In ?
DM 90,000 Work in Process -
Adhesion DM 22,600
DL 80,000
DL ?
FO ? Ending
17,000 FO ? Ending 20,600
Work in Process- Packaging Finished Goods

Beg CofGM ? Beg 185,000 CofGS 770,000

CofGM 880,000 Ending ?
Trans In. ?

DM ?

DL ?
Ending 40,000
FO 90,000
34. The cost of goods transferred out from the Striping is

A. P 173,000

B. P 227,000

C. P 237,000

D. P 273,000

35. The direct labor cost incurred in the Adhesion Dept is

A. P 76,000

B. P 95,000

C. P 96,000

D. P 171,000

36. The direct material cost charged to the Packaging Dept is

A. P 87,500

B. P 90,000

C. P 112,500

D. P 117,400
37. The cost of goods put into process for the month of June is

A. P 717,600

B. P 803,600

C. P 957,000

D. P 957,600


1. When two products are produced during a common process, what is the factor that
determines whether the products are joint products or one principal product and a by-
product ?
a) Potential marketability for each product.
b) Amount of work expended in the production of each product.
c) Relative total sales value
d) Management policy.
2. A by-product is best described as
a) A product that is produced from materials that would otherwise be considered
b) A product that has a lower selling price than the main product.
c) A product manufactured along with the main product, a sales value that does not
cover its cost of production.
d) A product that usually yields a small amount of revenue when compared to the
revenue from the main product.
3. Which of the following components of production re allocable as joint cost when a single
manufacturing process produce several salable product ?
a) Materials, labor, overhead.
b) Materials and labor only.
c) Labor and overhead only.
d) Overhead and materials only.
4. Relative sales value at split-off is used to
a) Allocate separable cost.
b) Determine relevant cost.
c) Determine the break-even point in sales pesos.
d) Allocate joint cost.
5. For purposes of allocating joint cost to joint products, the relative sales value at split-off
is equal to
a) Sales price at point of sale reduced by cost to complete after split-off.
b) Total sales value less joint cost at point of split-off.
c) Separable product cost plus a normal profit margin.
d) Sales price at ultimate point plus cost to complete after split-off.
6. At the split-off point. Products may be salable or may require further processing in order
to be salable, Which of the following have both of these characteristics ?

a) NO NO
7. One of the accepted methods of accounting for by-product is to recognize the value of the
by-product as it is produced. Under this method, inventory cost for the by-product would
be based on
a) An allocation of some portion of joint cost but not any subsequent cost.
b) Neither an allocation of some portion of joint cost nor any subsequent processing
c) Subsequent processing costs less an allocation of some portion of joint cost.
d) An allocation of some portion of joint costs plus any subsequent costs.
8. An inventory valuation procedure which is particularly adaptable in accounting for by-
products is
a) First-in, first-out
b) Last-in, first-out
c) Market price of the products, less cost of disposition.
d) Common costs.
9. In accounting for by-products, the value of the by-product may be recognized at the time
c) NO NO
10. By-products could have which of the following characteristics ?
a) NO NO
c) NO NO
11. In the reversal cost method, manufacturing cost applicable to the by-product ending
inventories should be reported in the
a) Income statement
b) Balance sheet
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
12. Which method of accounting for by-products allocates a portion of joint costs to the by-
product ?
a) Net realizable method
b) Reversal cost method
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
13. Joint cost are
a) Invisible
b) Present throughout the production process of joint products
c) Common costs
d) Common of direct materials, direct labor, and Factory overhead
14. If two or more products share a common process before the are separated, the joint cost
should be allocated in a manner that
a) Assigns a proportionate amount of the total cost to each product by means of a
quantitative basis
b) Maximize total earnings
c) Maximize variations in a unit of production cost
15. The joint cost allocation method that will assign the same gross profit rate for all products
a) Average unit cost method
b) Relative sales value method
c) Weighted average method
d) Reversal cost method

Lee Co. produces two joint products, Bex and rom. Joint production costs for June. 2016
were P30,000. During June,2008, further processing costs beyond the split-off point needed to
convert the products into salable form, were P25,000 and P35,000 for 1,600 units of Bex and 800
units of Rom, respectively. Bex sells for P50 per unit, and Rom sells for P100 per unit. Lee uses
the net realizable value method value method for allocating joint product costs.

1. For June,2026, the joint costs allocated to product Bex were

a) P20,000
b) P16,000
c) P13,500
d) P10,000
Life Co. manufactures products X and Y from a joint process that also yields a by-product,
Z. Revenue from sales of Z is treated as a reduction of joint costs. Additional information is as



Units produced 20,000 20,000 10,000 50,000

Joint costs ? ? ? P262,000

Sales value at split-off P300,000 P150,000 P10,000 P460,000

Joint costs were allocated using the sales value at split-off method.

2. The joint costs allocated to product X were:

a) P 75,000
b) P100,000
c) P150,000
d) P168,000
Lane Co. produces main products K and W. The process also yields by-product Z. Net
realizable value of by-product Z is subtracted from joint production cost of K and W. The
following information pertains to production in july, 2008 at a joint cost of P54,000.



K 1,000 P40,000 P0

W 1,500 35,000 0

Z 500 7,000 3,000

3. If lane uses the net realizable value method of allocating joint costs, how much of the
joint cost should be allocated to product K.
a) P 18,800
b) P 20,000
c) P 26,667
d) P 27,432
Abel Corp. manufactures a product that yields the by-product “YUM.” The only costs associated
with Yum are selling costs of P.10 for each unit sold. Abel accounts for sales of YUM by
deducting YUM’s separable costs from YUM’s sales, and then deducting this net amount from
the major product’s costs of good sold. YUM’s sales were 100,000 units at P1.00 each.

4. If Abel changes its method of accounting for YUM’s sales by showing the net amount as
additional sales revenue, then Abel’s gross margin would
a) Increase by P 90,000
b) Increase by P 100,000
c) Increase by P 110,000
d) Be unaffected
5. If Abel changes its method of accounting for YUM’s sales by showing the net amount as
other income, then Abel’s gross margin would
a) Decrease by P 90,000
b) Increase by P 100,000
c) Increase by P 110,000
d) Be unaffected
O’Donnell Company manufactures Product J and Product K from a joint process. For Product J,
4,000 units were produced having a sales values at split-off of P15,000. If Product J were
processed further, the additional costs would be P3,000 and the sales value would be P20,000.
For Product K, 2,000 units were produced having a sales value at split-off of P10,000. If Product
K were processed further, the additional costs would be P1,000 and the sales value would be
6. Using the sales value at split-off method, the portion of the total joints costs allocated to
Product J was P9,000. What were the total joint costs ?
a) P14,400
b) P15,000
c) P18,400
d) P19,000
From a particular joint process, Watkins Company produces three products X, Y, and Z. Each
product may be sold at split-off or processed further. Additional processing requires no special
facilities, and production costs of further processing are entirely variable and traceable to the
products involved. In 2016, all three products were processed beyond split-off. Joint production
costs for the year was P60,000. Sales value and costs for 2012 are as follows:


Units produced 6,000 4,000 2,000

Sales values at split-off P25,000 P41,000 P24,000

If processed further

Final Sales value 42,000 45,000 32,000

Separable costs 9,000 7,000 8,000

Joint costs are allocated to the product in proportion to relative physical volume of output.

7. The relevant unit cost for a decision to sell product Z or process further is
a) P 5.00
b) P 12.00
c) P 4.00
d) P 9.00
8. See item 7. To maximize operating income, Watkins should subject the following
products to additional processing
a) X only
b) X, Y, and Z
c) Y and Z only
d) Z only
Michelle Company produces joint Product A and B from a process that also yields a by-product
Y. the by-product require additional processing before it can be sold the cause assign to the by-
product is its market value minus additional cost incurred after split-off information concerning a
batch produced in January,2016 at a joint cost of P40,000 is as follows:



A 800 P44,000 P4,500

B 700 32,000 3,500

C 500 4,000 1,000

9. How much of the joint cots should be allocated to the joint products ?
a) P35,000
b) P36,000
c) P37,000
d) P39,000
Justine Michelle Company manufactures three products. The total joint costs associated with
these products is P52,500. Product number one is not marketable at split-off. However
additional, processing costing P15,000 with yield a product salable at P30.00 per unit. Product
number two can be sold for P15 per unit at split-off, but management prefers to utilize available
space in performing an additional process at a cost of P18,000 which increases the price of the
final product to P40. Product number three is usually sold at a split-off at P50 per unit. For the
year, 2,900 output units were produced. Product number one’s production exceeded product
number two’s three hundred, while product number three’s production exceeded product number
one’s by two hundred.

10. The joint cost allocated to product number one is:

a) P6,522
b) P9,211
c) P16,580
d) P18,103
Fortune products manufactured three joint products, JKA, JKB, and JKC and a by-product JJD,
all in a single process. Results for the month of July were as follows:

Materials used 10,000kgs P24,000

Conversion cost 28,000

No. of kilos Product Sales Value/Kilo

4,000 JKA P11,000

3,000 JKB 10,000

1,000 JKC 26,000

2,000 JJD 1.00

Revenue from by-product is credited to the sales account. Process costs are apportion on a
relative sales value approach.

11. What was the cost per kilogram of JKA for the month ?
a) P5.72
b) P5.50
c) P5.61
d) P5.20
The Wood Company produces three joint products at a joint cost of P100,000. Two of these
product were process further. Production in sales were

Product Weight Sales Addt’1 processing cost

A 300,000 lbs. P245,000 P200,000

B 100,000 lbs. 30,000 None

C 100,000 lbs. 175,000 100,000

12. If the net realizable value method is used ,how much of the joint costs would be allocated
to product C ? Assume that B is accounted for as a joint product.
a) P38,889
b) P50,000
c) P41, 667
d) P62,500
13. Assume B is a by-product whose sales value is credited to the joint production costs. If
net realizable value is used, how much of the joint costs would be allocated to product C?
a) P45,000
b) P50,000
c) P43,750
d) P62,500
14. If joint costs are allocated based on relative weight of the outputs how much of the joint
costs would be allocated to product A? (all products are joint products)
a) P43,750
b) P60,000
c) P50,000
d) P62,000
Justine Michelle Company makes two product, A and B. They are initially processed from the
same materials and then, after split-off, further processed separately additional information is as

A B Total

Final sales value P9,000 P6,000 P15,000

Joint cost prior to split-off ? ? 6,600

Cost beyond split-off 3,000 3,000 6,000

15. Using the net realizable value approach, compute the assigned joint cost of A and B
a) P3,300 and P3,300
b) P3,960 and P2,640
c) P4,400 and P2,200
d) P4,560 and P2,040
Lego Plastics, Inc. has two joint products, ABBA and ADDA, and uses the net realizable value
method of allocating joint costs. The total joint costs for the year 2012 amounted to P300,000.
During the year, additional processing cost after split-off were P160,000 for ABBA and P240,000
for ADDA. Lego produced 16,000 units of ABBA and 8,000 units of ADDA during the year.
The selling price for ABBA is P20.00 and for ADDA is P50,000

16. The portion of joint costs allocated to ADDA during the year is
a) P175,000
b) P225,000
c) P180,000
d) P150,000
Janice Corporation, processes direct materials up to the split-off point, where products R and S
are produced and thereafter sold. For the month just ended, the following information were made

Direct materials processed 20,000 gallons (yield-19,000 gallons of


product and 1,000 gallons of



R 10,000 gallons

S 9,000 gallons

Unit selling Price

R P1,500 per gallon

S P1,000 per gallon

The cost of buying 20,000 gallons of direct materials and processing up to split off point to yield
a total of 19,000 gallons of good product was P19,500,000. The beginning inventories totaled
100 gallons for R and 50 gallons for S. Ending inventories amounts reflected 600 gallons for R
and 1,050 gallons for S.

17. Using the volume of production as the basis for allocating joint cost, the assign costs to R
and S would be
a) R, P9,750,000 and S, P9,750,000
b) R, P10,550,000 and S, P8,950,000
c) R, P10,028,571.43 and S, P9,471,426.57
d) R, P10,263,157.89 and S, P9,236,842.11
Chem Manufacturing Co. process direct materials up to the split-off point, where two products
(X and Y) are obtained and sold. The following information was collected for the month of

Direct materials processed: 10,000 gallons (yield is 9,500 gallons of good

and 500 gallons of shrinkage)

Production: X 5,000 gallons

Y 4,500 gallons

Sales: X 4,750 at P150 per gallon

Y 4,000 at P100 per gallon

The cost of purchasing 10,000 gallons of direct materials and processing it up to the split-off
point was P 975,000. The beginning inventories totaled 50 gallons of X and 25 gallons of Y.
Ending inventory amounts reflected 300 gallons of product X and 525 gallons of product Y.
January costs per unit were the same as February.

18. Using physical volume method in allocating joint costs compute for (1) product X
approximate production cost per unit and (2) approximate amount of joint cost in product
Y’s ending inventory.
a) (1) P 102.33 (2) P 50.917
b) (1) P 102.63 (2) P 53.886
c) (1) P 114.80 (2) P 60.145
d) (1) P 120.00 (2) P 60. 285

Donna Corporation manufactures products (Bud, Cud, and Dud) from a joint process.

The total costs for January is P250,000. Other information for January show:

Bud Cud Dud

Quantity 3,000 4,000 3,000

Processing cost after SO P50,000 P75,000 P125,000

Ultimate sales value 150,000 275,000 225,000

19. What is the total production cost for (1) Bud. (2) Cud. And (3) Dud using the market
value method ?
a) (1) P 100,000 (2) P 150,000 (3) P 250,000
b) (1) P 125,000 (2) P 175,000 (3) P 200,000
c) (1) P 137,500 (2) P 200,000 (3) P 225,000
d) (1) P 112,000 (2) P 200,000 (3) P 187,500
Procedures Inc. purchases its major materials from Consolidators Co. and processes them up to
split-off point, where two products (AA and CC) are obtained. The products are then sold to an
independent company that markets and distributes them to retail outlets. For the month just
ended the data on the next page were made available.

Raw materials purchased 25,000 units


AA 15,000 units

CC 15,000 units


AA 14,500 units @ P2

CC 15,000 units @ P5

The cost of purchasing 25,000 units of raw materials and processing them up to the split-off
point to yield equal number of production of AA and CC of 15,000 units each amounted to
P37,500. There were no beginning inventories but there were 500 units of AA at the end of the

20. Using the sales value at split-off method, the approximate weighted cost proportion (may
be rounded) of AA and CC were
a) AA, 29% and CC, 71%
b) AA, 33% and CC, 67%
c) AA, 49% and CC, 51%
d) AA, 50% and CC, 50%
Joie Company manufacture to joint products R and S. Joie produced 12,000 units of R with an
after split-off sales value of P45,000. However, if R were to be processed further, additional cost
of P6,000 will be incurred but the sales value will increase to P60,000. Joie produced 6,000
units of S with an after split-off sales value of P30,000. However, if S were to be further
processed, additional cost of P3,600 will be incurred but the sales value will go up to P36,000.
Under the relative sale value at split-off approach, the allocation to R from the total product cost
is P27,000.

21. What is the total joint product cost ?

a) P75,000
b) P27,000
c) P45,000
d) P67,500
Worth Inc. manufactures products A, B and C from a joint process. Additional information is as

A B C Total
Units produced 4,000 2,000 1,000 7,000

Joint cost P36,000 ? ? P60,000

Sales value at SO ? ? P15,000


Cost after SO P7,000 P5,000 P3,000 ?

SV at final point P70,000 P30,000 P20,000

22. Assuming that joint products are allocated using the net realizable value at split-off
approach, what joint costs were allocated to product B and C?
a) P12,000 for B and P12,000 for C
b) P14,400 for B and P9,600 for C
c) P15,000 for B and P9,000 for C
d) P16,000 for B and P8,000 for C
Petal manufactures three products, (petals, twigs and stems) from a joint process. The total costs
for January is P250,000. Other information for January show:

Petals Twigs Stem

Quantity 3,000 4,000 3, 000

Processing cost after split-off P50,000 P75,000 P125,000

Ultimate market value 150,000 275,000 225,000

23. What are the total production costs for (1) Petals, (2) Twigs, (3) Stems using the average
a) (1) P137,500 (2) P200,000 (3) P225,000
b) (1) P100,000 (2) P150,000 (3) P 250,000
c) (1) P125,000 (2) P175,000 (3) P200,000
d) (1) P112,500 (2) P200,000 (3) P187,500
The universal Manufacturing Company produces three products by a joint production process.
Direct material is put into production in Department A and at the end of processing in the
department three products appear. Product X is sold at the split-off point with no further
processing. Product Y and Z require further processing before they are sold. Product y is
processed in Department B and Product Z is processed in Department C. the company uses the
estimated net realizable value method of allocating point production costs. A summary of costs
and other data for the year ended December 31 follows;



Units sold 10,000 30,000 40,000

Units on hand 20,000 0 20,000

Sales P 15,000 P 81,000 P 141,750



Direct materials cost P 56,000 P0 P0

Direct labor cost 24,000 40,450 101,000

Factory overhead 10,000 10,550 36,625

There were no work in process inventory on hand on December 31, 2016

24. The estimated net realizable and the allocated joint costs of product Y are
a) P 45,000 and P 18,000 respectively
b) P 30,000 and P 18,000 respectively
c) P 45,000 and P 27,000 respectively
d) P 30,000 and P 27,000 respectively
Paper Pulp company purchases trees form Manila seedling and processes them up to the split-off
point, where two products (paper and pencil casings) are obtained, the products are then sold to
an independent company that markets and distributes them to retail outlets. The following
information was obtained for the month of August.

Trees processed: 50 trees (yield id 30,000 sheets of paper

and 30,000 pencil casing and no scrap)

Production : Paper 30,000 sheets

Pencil Casings 30,000

Sales : Paper 29,000 at P 0.40 per page

Pencil Casings 30,000 at P 1.00 per casing

Cost of purchasing 50 trees and processing them up to the split-off point is P 15,000.

Paper Pulp Company’s accounting department reported no beginning inventories. However ,

ending inventory amounts reflected 1,000 sheets of paper in stock.

25. What are the paper’s and pencil’s approximate weighted average cost proportions using
the sales value at split-off method, respectively?
a) 28.57% and 71.43%
b) 33.33% and 66.67%
c) 49.00% and 51.00%
d) 50.00% and 50.00%
26. What are the approximate joint cost assigned to the paper ending inventory if joint cost
are allocated using the sales value at split-off method?
a) P 142.50
b) P 500.00
c) P 4,350.00
d) P 7,500
27. What is the approximate production cost per unit for each pencil casing if the sales value
at split-off method is used ?
a) P 0.250
b) P 0.255
c) P 0.335
d) P 0.357
Northern Company processes direct materials up to the split-off point where two products (A and
B) are obtained and sold. The following information was gathered for the month of July.

Products Units Produced Selling Price per Unit Units Sold

A 5,000 P 150.00 4,750

B 4,500 100.00 4,000

The cost of purchasing the direct materials and processing it up to the split-off point to yield a
total of 9,500 units was P 975,000. The beginning inventories totaled 50 units for A and 25 units
for B. Ending inventory amounts reflected 300 units of A and 525 units of B. July’s costs per unit
were the same as June.

28. What is products A approximate gross margin percentage using the physical value
a) 32%
b) 33%
c) 35%
d) 38%
A chemical company manufactures joint products Pep and Vim and a by-product, Zest. Cost are
assigned to the joint product by the market value method, which considers further processing
costs in subsequent operation. For allocating cost to the by-product. The market value, or
reversal cost method is used. Total manufacturing cost for 10,000 units was P 172,000 during the
quarter. Production and cost data are on the next page:

Pep Vim Zest

Units produced 5,000 4,000 1,000

Sales price per unit P 50,000 P 40,000 P 5,000

Selling and admin. Expense per unit P 2.00

Operating profit per unit P 1.00

29. The value of Zest to be deducted from the joint cost is

a) P 5,000
b) P 2,000
c) P 3,000
d) None of the given
30. The gross profit for Pep is
a) P 70,000
b) P 100,000
c) P 80,000
d) None of the given

1. Which of the following variances is least helpful for control purposes?
a. Material efficiency variance
b. Production volume variance
c. Variable rate variance
d. Labor rate variance
2. Which of the following is true of standard costing?
a. Standard costing uses predetermined overhead rates times a standard base.
b. Standard costing uses actual rates times a standard base.
c. Standard costing uses an actual base times a predetermined rate.
d. Standard costing uses actual rates exclusively
3. Which type of direct material variances for price and efficiency result if actual number of
pounds of material used exceeds overhead pounds allowed but actual cost per pound was less
than standard cost per pound?
Efficiency Price
a. Favorable Favorable
b. Favorable Unfavorable
c. Unfavorable Favorable
d. Unfavorable Unfavorable
4. Standard costing will produce the same results as actual or conventional costing when
standard costs variances are allocated to
a. cost of good sold and inventories
b. a balance sheet account
c. an income and expense account
d. none of the above
5. When computing variances from standard costs, the differences between actual and and
standard price multiplied by actual quantity yields a
a. combined price-quantity variance
b. price variance
c. volume variance
d. mix variance
6. What does a credit balance in a direct labor efficiency variance account indicate ?
a. The average wage rate paid to direct labor employees was less than the standard rate.
b. The standard hours allowed for the units produced were greater than actual direct labor
hours is used.
c. Actual total direct labor costs incurred were less than standard direct labor costs
allowed for
the units produced
d. The number of units produced was less than the number of units budgeted for the
7. If raw matrials are carried in the raw materials inventory at standard cost, then it is reasonable
to assume that
a. the price variance is recognized when materials are purchased
b. the price variance is recognized when materials are placed into production
c. the company does not follow generally accepted accounting principles
d. the raw materials inventory account is overvalued
8. In a standard cost system, when production is greater that the estimated unit or denominator
level, there will be
a. unfavorable capacity variance
b. a favourable materials and labor usage variance
c. a favourable volume variance
d. a favourable budget variance
9. Suppose a standard cost system is being used. What do you call the variations in the use of
materials which can be calculated by comparing the record of materials withdrawn with the
standard consumption?
a. Volume variance
b. Quantity variance
c. Efficiency Variance
d. Price Variance
10. Which department is customarily held responsible for a material usage variance?
a. Quality control
b. Purchasing
c. Engineering
d. Production


During August, 2016, a company produced 1,000 units of a product using 3,600 pounds of
direct material at a cost of P 2.20 per pound. The direct material standard requires 4 pounds of
material per unit of product at a standard price of P 2.00 per pound.
1. The material efficiency variance is
a. P 880 unfavorable
b. P 880 favorable
c. P 800 favorable
d. P 800 unfavorable

The standard direct labor cost for a product is 3 hours at P6 per hour. Budgeted production was
10,000 units for the year and actual production was 12,000 units. Actual direct labor cost was
P 210, 375 for 38, 250 hours.
2. Compute for (1) The labor rate variance and (2) labor efficiency variance
a. (1) P 19,125 F and P 13,500 U
b. (1) P 19,125 U and P 13,500 F
c. (1) P 19,125 F and P 49,500 U
d. (1) P 19,125 U and P 49500 F

The following data are used for question 3 to 12

The Big Book Company builds wooden bookshelf wall units. The company’s standard costs are:
Wood 25 pounds at P 6.40 per pound
Trim 8 pounds at P 10.00 per pound
Direct labor 5 hours at P 12.00 per hour
Variable overhead P 30.00 per unit
Fixed overhead P 130,000 per period, applied at the rate of
P 20.00 per unit
A recent month’s transaction were: 160,000 pounds of wood were purchased at P6.50 per pound;
50,000 pounds of trim were purchased at P9.60 per pound. 155.00 pounds of wood were issued
to production; 48,500 pounds of trim were issued to production. Direct labor incurred was
31,000 hours at an average cost of P11.50 per hour. Overhead costs were P302,000, of which
P181,000 were variable. Six thousand units were produced during the month.

3. What was the total actual cost of wood purchased?

a. P 1,007,500
b. P 1,024,000
c. P 1,040,000
d. P 480,000
4. What was the total standard costs of wood purchased?
a. P 500,000
b. P 992,000
c. P 1,024,000
d. P 1,040,000
5. What was the wood price variance?
a. P 48,000 F
b. P 16,000 U
c. P 48,000 U
d. P 16,000 F
6. What was the total actual cost of trim purchased?
a. P 1,488,000
b. P 500,000
c. P 465,600
d. P 480,00
7. What was the trim price variance?
a. P 5,000 F
b. P 20,000 U
c. P 5,000 U
d. P 20,000 F
8. What was the trim efficiency variance?
a. P 10,000 F
b. P 20,000 U
c. P 5,000 U
d. P 15,000 F
9. What was the direct labor price variance?
a. P 12,000 F
b. P 15,500 F
c. P 3,500 F
d. P 19,000 F
10. What was the direct labor efficiency variance?
a. P 3,500 U
b. P 3,500 F
c. P 12,000 U
d. P 15,500 F
11. Using the two-way variance analysis for combined fixed and variable overhead,
What was Big Book’s overhead spending variance?
a. P 1,000 U
b. P 8,000 F
c. P 9,000 F
d. P 10,000 U
12. Using the two-way variance analysis for combined fixed and variable overhead, what was
Big Book’s overhead production volume variance?
a. P 1,000 U
b. P 10,000 F
c. P 9,000 U
d. P 10,000 F
Janice Company uses the standard costs system. The following information on its direct labor
cost are provided.
Standard direct labor hours 75,000
Actual direct labor hours 72,500
Direct labor efficiency variance (favourable) P 10,000
Direct labor rate variance (favourable) 14,500
Total payroll 275,500
13. What is Janice Company’s actual direct labor rate?
a. P0.20
b. P4.00
c. P3.60
d. P3.80
Star Company uses a standard cost system. Information for raw materials for product RB for the
month of October is as follows:
Standard unit price P1.60
Actual purchase price per unit P1.55
Actual quantity purchased 2,000 units
Actual quantity used 1,900 units
Standard quantity allowed for actual production 1,800 units
14. What is the material purchase price variance?
a. P 90 favorable
b. P 90 unfavorable
c. P 100 favorable
d. P 100 unfavorable

Information on Marvin’s Company direct materials costs is as follows:

Actual units of direct materials 20,000
Actual direct material cost P40,000
Standard price per unit of direct materials P 2.10
Direct material efficiency variance (favourable) P 3,000
15. Marvin Company’s direct material price variance was
a. P1,000 favorable
b. P1,000 unfavorable
c. P2,000 favorable
d. P2,000 unfavorable

Home Company manufactures tables with vinyl tops. The standard material cost for the vinyl
used per Type-R table is P7.80 based on six square feet of vinyl at a cost of P1.30 per square
foot. A production run of 1,000 tables in January resulted in usage of 6,400 square feet of vinyl at
a cost of P1.20 per square foot, at a total cost of P7,680.

16. the usage of variance resulting from the above production run was
a. P120 favorable
b. P 480 unfavorable
c. P520 unafvorable
d. P640 unfavorabl

Justine Corporation uses a standard cost system. Direct labor information for product TEN for
the month of Jne is as follows
standard rate P 6.00 per hour
actual rate paid P6.10 per hour
standard hours allowed for actual production 1,500 hours
labor efficiency variance P600 unfavorable
17. What are the actual hours worked?
a. 1,400
b. 1,402
c. 1,598
d. 1,600

Selina Company established a standard cost on direct materials at P25 per unit. An actual cost of
Direct materials fluctuated during the period. Of the 10,000 units purchased, 60% had cost of
P24.70, 20% were purchased at P24.90 and the balanced at P25.60
18.What is the direct material cost variance?
a. P3,000 unfavorable
b.P6,000 unfavorable
c. P800 favorable
d. P 100 unfavorable

Wham produces one product only, Whammy, and uses the standard cost system. The direct labor
Standard cost of whammy is 1.5 hours at 180.00 per hour. The actual hours used is 1,000 hours at
P183.00 per hour. The company produced 500 units
19. what is the unfavourable direct labor efficiency variance?

Nicole Company uses a standard cisting system in connection with the manufacture of a “ one
sizefit all” article of clothing. Each unit of finish product contains 2 yards of direct materials.
However, a 20% direct material spoilage calculated on input quantities occur during the process.
The cost of direct material is P3.00 per yard.

20. The standard direct material cost per unit of finished product is
a. P. 4.80
b. P 6.00
c. P 7.20
d. P 7.50
Nikki Agri, makes and sells a lawn fertilizers called fastgro. The company has developed a
standard cost for one bag of fastgro as follows:

Item Standard Quantity Std. Cost/bag

Direct materials 20 pounds P8.00

direct labor 0.1 hours 1.10

Variable overhead 0.1 hours 0.40

The company had no beginning inventories of any kind on january1. Variable overhead is applied
to production on the basis of direct labor hours. During January, the following activity was
recorded by the company.

Direct materials purchased 85,000 pounds at a cost P32,300

Direct labor hours worked 390 hours at a cost of P 4,875

Actual Variable Mfg. overhead P 1,475

Production of fastgro 4,000 bags

Inventory of direct materials- Jan. 31 3,000 pounds

21. The materials price variance for January is

a) P 1,640 F
b) P 1,700 F
c) P 3,650 U
d) P 1,300 U
22. The material quantity variance for January is

a) P 800 U
b) P 300 U
c) P 300 F
d) P 750 F
23. The labor rate variance for January is

a) P 475 F
b) P 475 U
c) P 585 F
d) P 585 F
24. The total variance for variable overhead for January is

a) P 85 F
b) P 40 F
c) P 100 U
d) P125 F
The David Company makes and sells a single product called Goliath and employs a standard
costing system. The following standards have been established for one Goliath.

Direct materials 6 board feet P9.00

Direct labor 0.8 hours 9.60

There were no inventories of any kind on August 1. During August, the following events

 Purchased 15,00 board feet at the total cost P24,000

 Used 12,000 board to produce 2,100 Goliath
 Used 1,700 direct labor hours at a cost of P 20,000
25. To record the purchase of direct materials, the general ledger would include what kind of
entry to the Material Price Variance account ?

a) P 1,500 credit
b) P 1,500 debit
c) P 6,000 credit
d) P 6,000 debit
26. To record the use of direct materials in production, the general ledger would include what
kind of entry to the Materials Quantity Variance account?

a) P 3,600 debit
b) P 3,600 credit
c) P 900 debit
d) P 900 credit
27. To record the incurrence of direct labor cost and its use in production, the general ledger
would include what kind of entry to the labor rate Variance account?

a) P 240,000 credit
b) P 400,000 debit
c) P 340,000 debit
d) P 400,000 credit
Information on Rex Company’s direct materials costs for May 2016 is as follows:

Actual quantity of direct materials purchased and used 30,000 lbs

Actual cost of direct materials P84,000

Unfavorable direct materials usage variance P3,000

Standard quantity of direct materials allowed for May production 29,000 lbs

28. For the month of May, what was Rex Company’s direct materials price variance?

a) P 2,800 favorable
b) P 2,800 unfavorable
c) P 6,000 favorable
d) P 6,o000 unfavorable

Wallpaper Creation manufactures Madonna wallpaper. The following information relates to

production for last quarter.

White wallpaper (1 roll at P66.00 per roll) P66,00

Pictures of Madonna (25 pcs at P5.000) 125.00

Direct labor (0.75 hours at P52.000 per hour) 39.00

Variable overhead (0.75 hours at P24.00 per hour) 18.00

Standard cost per unit P248.00

Variable overhead is based on direct labor hours. Actual cost data for the quarter:

Wallpaper purchased 2,000 rolls at P65.50 per roll

Wallpaper used 1,560 rolls

Pictures purchased 38,000 for P 182,400

Pictures used 37.950

Actual direct labor hours 1,090

Average direct labor rate/hour P54,000

Variable overhead cost P28,600

Rolls produced 1,500

Rolls sol 20

29. What is the materials price variance (white wallpaper ) for the quarter ?

a) P 780 favorable
b) P 1,000 favorable
c) P 3, 960 unfavorable
d) P 28,040 unfavorable
30. what is the material quantity (usage) variance for pictures for the quarter ?

a) P 2,100 unfavorable
b) P 2,250 unfavorable
c) P 2,250 favorable
d) P 7,600 favorable
31. What is the labor efficiency (usage) variance for the quarter?

a) P 360 unfavorable
b) P 1,000 favorable
c) P 1,820 favorable
d) P 2,180 unfavorable
32. What is the variable overhead spending variance for the quarter?

a) P 630 favorable
b) P 840 favorable
c) P 1,600 unfavorable
d) P 2.440 unfavorable
Tub. Co. uses a standard cost system. The following information pertains to direct lab or for
Product B for the month of October.

Actual rate paid P8.40 per hour

Standard rate P8.40 per hour

Standard hours allowed for actual production 2,000 hours

Labor efficiency variance P1,600 unfavorable

33. What were the actual hours worked ?

a) 1,800
b) 1,810
c) 2,100
d) 2,200
34. What is the labor rate variance?

a) P 720 unfavorable
b) P 840 unfavorable
c) P 880 unfavorable
d) P 880 favorable
35. Total labor variance

a) P 720 unfavorable
b) P 1,320 unfavorable
c) P 2,440 unfavorable
d) P 2,480 unfavorable

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