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CONFUCIANISM • Major system of though in China • Developed from the teachings of Confucius and his disciples:
Mencius and Hzun Tzu • Has influenced the Chinese attitude toward life, set the patterns of living and standards of
social value and provided the background for Chinese political theories and institutions. • Also known as Ruism,
Confucianism can be regarded as a religion, tradition, teaching or an ideology.
CONFUCIUS • Is the Latinized name for Kong-Tzu or K’ung Fu-tzu • born on September 28, 551 BC during the Zhou
dynasty. • He was born into a middle-class family but after his father’s death, the family was consigned to poverty. •
Confucius worked in the fields and as a bookkeeper but later on became a teacher. • He became an influential
philosopher, politician and educator during a tumultuous period of Chinese history.
Characterized as a system of social and ethical philosophy rather than a religion. • Affirmation of accepted values
and norms of behavior in primary social institutions and basic human relationships. • Conformity and acceptance of
social roles • Cultivation of conscience and character CHARACTERISTICS


HUMANENESS ren Compassion & benevolence RIGHTEOUSNESS yi Justice & morally right RITUAL PROPRIETY
li Proper customs in rituals KNOWLEDGE zhi Understanding w/ truths INTEGRITY xin Honesty


FIVE CONSTANTS People should know their place in life and society. They should respect people above and below
them. • Father – Child > kindness and obedience • Husband – Wife > love and loyalty • Elder – Younger Brother >
nobility and respect • Friend – Friend > humaneness and deference • Ruler – Subject > benevolence and sincerity
IDEAS IN EDUCATION True education, according to Confucianism, is self-education. “Self-illuminative sincerity is
called nature. The self- illumination of sincerity is called education.” Confucius' view of education is based on the
conviction that “Man is born with uprightness”. Even immoral persons have an upright essence. So, Confucius said,
“By nature men are alike.” He honored and respected all human beings, and for him all men were able to learn about
the good and to do good. Therefore, “In education there should be no class distinction.”
EDUCATIONAL THEORY OF VALUE What knowledge and skills are worthwhile learning? What are the goals of
education? THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE What is knowledge? How is it different from belief? What is a mistake? What
is a lie? THEORY OF HUMAN NATURE What is a human being? How does it differ from other species? What are
the limits of human potential?
EDUCATIONAL THEORY OF LEARNING What is learning? How are skills and knowledge acquired? THEORY OF
TRANSMISSION Who is to teach? By what methods? What will the curriculum be? THEORY OF SOCIETY What is
society? What institutions are involved in the educational process?
EDUCATIONAL THEORY OF OPPORTUNITY Who is to be educated? Who is to be schooled? THEORY OF
CONSENSUS Why do people disagree? How is consensus achieved? Whose opinion takes precedence?
CONTRIBUTIONS •Confucius promoted education for the poor and underprivileged. •Confucius set up private
institutions to teach students of all social classes. •Confucian education system remained the standard in China for
over two thousand years •For Confucius, education is essential because excellence comes from the cultivation of
individual's virtues and intellect.
IN EDUCATION • Status and Hierarchy •Collectivism and Group Orientation • Respect for authority • The importance
of Family and Scholarship


Early Christian Education  During this era, Christianity arose.  Roman Catholic Church was the “Center of Education
and Literacy”
Constantine I/The Great  The first Emperor who converted to Christian.  Recognized Christianity as the Official
State Religion.  The Roman Catholic church rose to power.
Hierarchy of Roman Catholic Church Bishop of Rome/Pope (Center of the Empire) Patriarch (Group of Provinces)
Archbishops (Provinces) Bishops (The Diocese) Priests (Local Churches)
Aim of Early Christian Education The primary aim of Early Christian Education was the Moral regeneration of the
Types of Early Christian Education The types of Early Christian Education are Moral and Religious training. Moral
Training teaches us the values and virtues in life. Religious Training teaches us all about Christianity.
Contents of Early Christian Education Basic elements of the Church Doctrine, Church Rituals and Moral virtues of
Christ are the contents of Early Christian Education.
Agencies and Organization Christian Homes was second only to the church as the agency of Early Christian
1. CATECHUMENAL SCHOOLS were organized for the instruction of those who desired to become members of the
church but lacked the requisite knowledge of church doctrine. CATECHUMENS are the probationers who receive the
instruction in religious discipline, moral values and doctrine.
2. CATECHETICALSCHOOLS the school were called Catechetical because they used the catechetical or question
and answer method.
3. CATHEDRAL SCHOOLS were organized. They remained as higher schools of Christian Learning.
Methods Used Impromptu exposition and exhortation method, Example method, Catechetical method, and Rote


Hindus focus on shiksha (education) as value based worthwhile learning (Chinta Mani Yogi). They believe that
through education, one can attain the skills essential for living/survival but vidya is attained for life. Through shiksha,
one can become successful but having vidya, is having the ability to attain wisdom. Thus not all educated individuals
are necessarily budhiman (wise).

Current usage of the term vidya includes the following;

To attain knowledge, as in vidya prapt karna (to learn about something in as specific field/area).
To provide knowledge, as in vidya pradaan karna (to teach).
To concentrate in studies, as in vidya par dhiyaan diya karo (be devoted towards studies).
The formal Education system, as in vidya pradaan karna bahoot zaruri hai (it is very important to attain knowledge).
The person who provides vidya or gyaan to the novices or buddhihin is normally referred to as “acharye” which
means a knowledgeable person. An archarye is a person who can be a teacher, a village elder, a guide or an
instructor. This term is normally referred to people who are gyaani in a particular field. For Example, a person
specialised in mathematics will be called “Bhaskaracharya” meaning mathematician. Derived from the term acharye
is guru (teacher/educator).

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