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Software Requirements Specification

Jewellery stock management System

Kaushik Ahmed
ID: 133-35-546

Bipul Chandra Roy

ID: 133-35-539

Aditi Golder
ID: 141-35-628

Submitted To

Md. Mahmudul Hasan

Department of SWE
Daffodil International University

Department of SWE
Daffodil International University

Submission Date: 27-Jul-2016

Table of Contents
Project Plan and Feasibility Study................................................................................................................................3
1.2.The Project Idea......................................................................................................................................................4
1.3.Proposed Time line.................................................................................................................................................5
1.4.Feasibility Study.....................................................................................................................................................5
Software Requirement Specification............................................................................................................................6
2.1.2.PROJECT SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................7
2.2.Overall Description...............................................................................................................................................7
2.2.1.PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE...............................................................................................................................................7
2.2.2.USER CLASSES AND CHARACTERISTICS............................................................................................................................8 System Administrator...............................................................................................................................8
2.2.3.OPERATING ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................................................................8
2.2.4.ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES.................................................................................................................................8 Protocols...............................................................................................................................8 Performance........................................................................................................................8 Dependency......................................................................................................................................8
2.3.Functional Requirements.......................................................................................................................................9
2.3.1. Show Stock Report............................................................................................................................................9
2.3.3. Entry Product Report........................................................................................................................................9
2.3.4.Edit Report.........................................................................................................................................................9
2.5.Delete Product Report...........................................................................................................................................9
2.3.6.Show All Item....................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.7.Entry Item..........................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.8.Edit Item............................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.9.Delete Item........................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.10.Manage User...................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.11. Reset Data......................................................................................................................................................9
Figure1: Use Case Diagram………………………………………………………………………………10
Figure2: Activity Flow Diagram………………………………………………………………………….11
2.4.Non-functional Requirements..............................................................................................................................12
2.4.1.PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................................12
2.4.2.SECURITY REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................................................12
2.4.3.SOFTWARE QUALITY ATTRIBUTES...........................................................................................................................12-13



This document is aimed to cover the complete description of the Jewellery Management System.
The software will provide all information (like stock report, item list, product information,
product quantity etc.). The developers believe that this software can play a significant role in the
field of Jewellery Management System. Jewellery shops sells and buys various types of
Jewellery items and it is very difficult to categorize these items on the basis of their
manufacturing dates, type of gold/diamond etc. Used to manufacture. It is also very difficult to
analyse the overall transaction for a particular period of time and which ornaments are not
available in the shop. To solve these problems this system has been developed.

This system will follow the steps and rules to meet user requirements on demand and on time.
Apart from this it will remove the difficulties faced by the admin to manage their shop and can
be easily handled by the admin without any technical knowledge of the platform used and about
the system. Through this system employees working under a particular shop can be easily
managed and overall transactions of particular date and time can easily be viewed. It can keep
track of all your business activity in a jewellery shop from small segments to large and very large


I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to
complete this report.

We are grateful to the project supervisor Md. Mahmudul Hasan for his supervision throughout
the project time. Md. Mahmudul Hasan is also acknowledged for his kind advises even without
being part of the team.

I would like to express my gratitude towards our parents for their kind co-operation and
encouragement which help us in completion of this project.

Project Plan and Feasibility Study

This chapter cover by the project proposal and feasibility study.

1.1 Background

At present all the activities in transaction are handled manually. Manual data processing system,
whole providing economy, flexibility and adaptability at low data volumes become more
complex when the volume of data becomes large. As an organization expands in size and
function, a stage is reached when manual procedures become inadequate and inefficient. No
matter how many clerks are employed a stage is reached then it becomes impossible to systemize
such a large amount of information. What is required then is an upgrading in the class of
information processing technology.
The present system is not sufficient to hold all the information that is necessary for the
processing. So the library is in need of new computerized system, which is very flexible, user-
friendly and capable of holding the system in a robust manner.
In an ideal situation, Automation of Jewellery shop will follow the steps and rules to meet user
requirements on demand and on time. Apart from this it will remove the difficulties faced by the
admin to manage their shop and can be easily handled by the admin without any technical
knowledge of the platform used and about the system. Through this Automation of Jewellery
shop employees working under a particular shop can be easily managed and overall transactions
of particular date and time can easily be viewed.
The current Jewellery shop does not provide the method to back up the database which is very
important for any business transactions; another important matter is security system that is very
essential for business. Current Jewellery shop provides the details of overall business
transactions but they do not provide information on sells/purchase in and sells/purchase out. By
using this technique shop manager can use their business strategy such as cost cutting method for
their business process to gain maximum profit.

1.2 The Project Idea

The Automation of Jewellery shop will be measured with purchasing and selling of Jewellery
shop. Current Jewellery shop provides the details of overall business transactions but they do not
provide easy way information on sells/purchase in and sells/purchase out.
Maintaining the same quality or upgrading the present one is not an easy task because quality is
the ultimate picture of the entire business. Good quality of a product depends on many factors
e.g. sound infrastructure, better management control, etc. So to obtain the optimum quality,
jewellers have to upgrade those ingredients by which the quality is affected. To upgrade those
ingredients the jewellers have to depend on some types of data. So, if the decision making person
of the business wants to have a grip on the total business, he/she will have to have a knowledge
of the entire flow of data and information within the organisation .It cannot be done without the
help of a Business Related Software. Jewellery management system is developed which can keep
track of all your business activity in a jewellery shop from small segments to large and very large

1.3 Proposed Timeline

ID Task Name Start Date Finish Date Duration

1 System Analysis 14/07/2016 18/07/2016 5 days
2 Coding 20/07/2016 04/08/2016 15 days
3 Testing 06/08/2016 10/08/2016 5 days
4 Documentation 11/08/2016 13/08/2016 3 days
5 Extra 11/08/2016 15/08/2016 5 days
Total Time Duration: 33 days.

1.4 Feasibility Study

Use of this system, the work activities and keep tracking all information is being growing faster
than ever. Now a days, a common people are habituated with technology such as computer,
smartphone, internet etc. This service we are trying to ensure the jewellery shop owners to
provide which they became helpful.

This system maintenance is very cheap. Just we have to insure the internet. So, there is no way
that we can say the service will be costly.

Now a days, the internet service is very good in Bangladesh. However we can use anywhere in
this country and we can access it anywhere in the world where internet is available.

We can use it any computer or any smartphone which support internet and browser.

Software Requirement Specification

2.1. Introduction

In the Software Requirement Specification, the overall needs of the proposed software will be
defined. This document will help the developers by setting up specific goals to develop the

2.1.1. Purpose

The purpose of the Software Requirements Specification document is to provide a detailed

analysis of all the requirements to design and implement the full system. This document
discusses the human and system interfaces and behaviours as it relates to using the system. It
includes the use-case diagrams as the supporting information.

2.1.2 Project Scope

This system will provide the following feature:

 Daily Transaction Report

 Securely Admin Login
 New Entry of Selling and Buying with details
 Modify or Delete Entry Report by admin
 Create new user to maintenance this system
 Modify or Delete User Account.
 Store the amount of Product
 Display all product information in different categories.
 Reset all Transaction by the User.
 Save all Transaction report in a file.

2.2 Overall Description

2.2.1 Product Perspective

To objective of this project is to digitalize the jewellery shop. This automation system will store
the purchasing and selling or other important document. We know Jewellery shop is using
written document but it is very time expensive and can't report generated short time. It can’t be
provided when it is needed. In this Automation of Jewellery shop that will be solved above
mentioned problem.
We give to try our best security to this system. Because it’s very important for jewellery
management system.

2.2.2 User Classes and Characteristics Admin

This system Admin has all privilege. Admin can entry product report. Edit/delete those report.
Show/edit/delete items. Admin can manage user. He can add or remove user or edit user
information. He can reset all data. He can see stock report. Salesman

This system Salesman can only entry product report. Edit/delete those report. Show/edit/delete
items. Admin can manage user. He can also see the stock report.

2.2.3. Operating Environment

The system is entirely based on server-client communication. Therefore there are two major
components: the server and the client. This system is develop by Codigniter framework. The
preferred database is MySQL and web server should be in PHP. Neither depend on operating
environment, any common environment will work. The web client is a JavaScript enabled web

2.2.4. Assumptions and Dependencies Communication Protocols

The web module will be on TCP/IP protocol. Server/Hardware Performance

The project team is not responsible for providing servers or hardware. However, the performance
of a software sometimes depends on the hardware or server machine in which it is running. Browser Dependency

The web module of the software will be compatible with any JavaScript enable open standard

2.3. Functional Requirements

Functional requirements of a system are the requirements those defines the system. This section
describes the functional requirements of the system.

2.3.1 Show Stock Report

In homepage show the all stock report of jewellery shop.

2.3.2 Login
Admin and salesman must login for enter the system.

2.3.3 Entry Product Report

Admin or salesman entry the product buying or selling report in categories.

2.3.4 Edit Product Report

Entry product report can edit of this function of product report.

2.3.5 Delete Product Report

Entry product report can delete.

2.3.6 Show All Item

Show all item of product in categories.

2.3.7 Entry Item

Entry product item.

2.3.8 Edit Item

Entry product item can edit.

2.3.9 Delete Item

Entry product item can delete.

2.3.10 Manage User

Admin manage user. From this option admin can edit or delete user and user information.

2.3.11 Reset Data

Reset data option is to reset all data of this system.

See Stock Report


Entry Product Report

Edit/Delete Product Report

Show All Item

Admin Salesman

Edit/Delete Entry

Manage User

Reset Data


Use Case of Jewellery Management System

Invalid Login

See Stock Report Admin


Entry Product Report

Manage User

Edit/Delete Product
Add/Remove/Edit User

Show All Item

Reset Data
Entry Item

Edit/Delete Item


Activity Flow Diagram

2.4. Non-functional Requirements

2.4.1. Performance Requirements

● Server software does not require any special hardware other than the minimum hardware
required for running enterprise OS, PHP 5, MySQL 5.5.8 database, Apache 2.2.17.
● Extra disk storage will be required for archives and electronic documents. Increases of
memory enables efficient query processing.
● Processors with clock speed 3.0 GHz, at least 4GB RAM and 300 GB hard disk is
recommended for the server.
● The web client will need a personal computer with any common operating system.

2.4.2. Security Requirements

The system may require digital certificate for some restricted access such as updating schedule,
cancelling appointment, administrative activities, verification of user accounts etc. Viewing
schedule does not require digital certificates. For all private access, a user must be authenticated
by the system using secure channel.

2.4.3. Software Quality Attributes

 The system should have capabilities to adapt new releases of Operating System, database
and server side development tools.
 The service should be available all the time, aside from the failure of network or
communication media.
 System should respond to the user with the correct result in a correct way. If security
policy depicted that a result should go through a secured channel it should go through a
secured channel.
 All communications such http(s) must be abide by ISO Z39.5 information exchange
 Well documentation and standard annotation will make the software easily maintainable
and manageable.
 The software will be an implementation of a collection of standard OOP design which
will be reusable to add new components to the software.
 The art of design and implementation should make the software easily testable at
component level and as a whole.

 It should be user friendly and will not take too much crawling to reach the targeted user


[1] Ramesh Gavva and Kasarla shanthan: Jewellery Management System. Overview:

[2] Shiva Prasad: Jewellery Management system. Overview:






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