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Impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer behaviour

Questions :-
1. Are you able to identify the product because of the celebrity associated with it?
 Yes
 No
2. what is the main reason for the companies to choose celebrities for promoting their own product in
the market?
 Brand reputation and image
 To increase sales and profit
 To compete others
3. What is your preference ?
 Buying a product with a big and famous brand but did not use your favorite celebrity for
the advertisement
 Buying a products with less famous brand but use your favorite celebrity for the
4. Do u believe that celebrity endorsement , motivates u to purchase ?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
5. Will you stop buying a brand if your favourite celebrity endorsing it got involved in a scandal?
 Agree
 Disagree
 Neutral
6. What type of celebrity endorsement influences you personally to purchase a product?
 Sportsmen
 Filmstar
 Famous personalities
 Bloggers
7. Which of the following medium do you think is more likely to convey celebrity endorsed
 Youtube
 Television
 Magazines/ newspaper
 Social media handles
8. How frequently do you encounter celebrity endorsed advertisements ?
 Very often
 Occasionaly
 Hardly
 Never
9. Do you buy a product endorsed by your favourite celebrity ?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
10. Do you think celebrity endorsement is an important factor when you make ai decision
 Yes
 No

Based on strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree question
pattern :-
11. Your celebrity endorsed purchasing decision is based upon what qualities?
 Expertise
 Likeability
 Trustworthy
 Quality standards
 Brand

12. What are the factors listed below influence you to purchase celebrity endorsed products?
 Creditability of the celebrity
 Attractiveness of the celebrity
 Match up between the product and the celebrity

13. What will be your purchasing intention on celebrity endorsed products ?

 Celebrity endorsement helps in brand promotion
 The favourite celebrity will give a positive image to the product
 A comparison is made between the product I own with the celebrity endorsed products
 When the companies invest in celebrity endorsement their revenue will increase
 I believe that the products endorsed by the celebrities are often not used by them

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