Washington City Paper 3/04 Issue

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Free Volume 31, No. 9 WashiNgtoNCityPaPer.Com marCh 4–10, 2011

The strange odyssey of
the D.C. area’s first North
Korean restaurateur22
By Mike PaarlBerg

Architectural heritage versus
the Heritage Foundation 16
H Street’s Argonaut sails again 29
Dining Out 110% Contributor 100% Contributors

All restaurants contribute 25% of proceeds to unless noted.
For an up-to-date list of restaurants, visit www.foodandfriends.org

Participating Restaurants Thursday, March 10th

District of Columbia DuPONT CiRCLE Scion Restaurant ROSEDALE yamas Mediterranean Grill Open kitchen ♥ 35%
Annie’s Paramount 202.833.8899 Langston Bar & Grille 301.312.8384 703.942.8148
ADAMS MORGAN Steak House 100% Skewers ♥ 50% 202.397.3637
Bistro 18 ♥
FOREST GLEN Sea Pearl Restaurant
The General Store ♥
202.232.0395 202.387.7400 TENLEyTOWN 703.372.5161
703.623.3673 Beacon Bar and Grill Tabard inn ♥ Café Ole 301.562.8787 LORTON
Cashion’s Eat Place 202.872.1126 202.785.1277 202.244.1330 zpizza *
202.797.1819 GARRETT PARk
BGR The Burger Joint Thaiphoon Restaurant Le Chat Noir 35% 703.372.1538
La Fourchette ♥
Black Market Bistro
202.299.1071 202.667.3505 202.244.2044
Bistrot Du Coin ♥ 50%
301.933.3000 OLD TOWN ALExANDRiA
202.332.3077 The District Line u STREET Chadwicks Old Town
Bistro La Bonne ♥ 35%
202.234.6969 ROCkViLLE
Perry’s 35% 202.483.3000 Addie’s 703.836.4442
202.234.6218 Café Dupont 35% urbana Restaurant & Wine Bar202.758.3414 301.881.0081 Hank’s Oyster Bar
Savour 202.797.0169 202.956.6650 Busboys & Poets 35%
Café Luna ♥ 50%
il Pizzico 35% 703.739.4265
202.299.1113 FOGGy BOTTOM/WEST END 202.387.7638 301.309.0610 Jackson 20
Shawarma Spot ♥ 202.387.4005 Coppi’s Organic Restaurant
Darlington House ♥
Hudson Restaurant Rocklands Barbeque & 703.842.2790
202.332.3797 202.872.8700 202.319.7773 Grilling Company Pizzeria Paradiso
The Diner 202.332.3722 Marshall’s Bar & Grill ♥ Eatonville 35% 240.268.1120 703.837.1245
202.232.8800 Dupont italian kitchen 202.333.1155 202.332.9672 SiLVER SPRiNG RedRocks
Blair Mansion ♥
202.328.3222 Tonic at Quigley’s Pharmacy Marvin Pizza Napoletana
Firefly ♥
Banana Café 202.560.2858 202.797.7171 301.588.1688 703.717.9873
202.543.5906 202.861.1310
GEORGETOWN Sala Thai ♥ Cubano’s 35% The Grille at
Café Berlin ♥
Floriana Café La Ruche 35% 202.462.1333 301.563.4020 Morrison House
202.667.5937 202.965.2684 Tabaq Bistro 35% 703.838.8000
202.543.7656 Ray’s The Classics
Grillfish Neyla 202.265.0965 301.588.7297 Villa Di Este
Capitol Hill Tandoor & Grill 202.331.7310 202.333.6353 utopia Art & Eat Thai at Silver Spring 703.549.9477
La Plaza ♥
Hank’s Oyster Bar Peacock Café 35% 202.483.7669 301.650.0666 zpizza *
Vicino Ristorante italiano ♥ 703.600.1193
202.462.4265 202.625.2740
202.546.9512 uPPER NORTHWEST
Lola’s Bar & Grill ♥
James Hoban’s irish Arucola Osteria ♥ 35%
Bar & Restaurant ♥
Pizzeria Paradiso 301.588.3372 PENTAGON CiTy/
202.547.5652 202.337.1245 202.244.1555 TAkOMA PARk CRySTAL CiTy
Mark’s kitchen ♥
Mi Vecindad ♥ Zed’s Ethiopian 35% Buck’s Fishing & Camping 35% Freddie’s Beach Bar
La Tomate 202.333.4710 & Restaurant 110%
202.546.4760 202.667.5505 202.364.0777 301.270.1884 703.685.0555
Mr. Henry’s ♥ 35% Lauriol Plaza ♥ LOGAN CiRCLE Comet Ping Pong 35% TWiNBROOk
Mosaic Cuisine & Café ♥
202.364.0404 Thaiphoon Restaurant
202.546.8412 1409 Playbill Café
indian Ocean ♥
202.387.0035 703.413.8200
202.265.3055 301.468.0682
Commissary ♥
The Old Siam Level One 35% ROSSLyN
202.544.7426 202.362.4444
Trattoria Alberto ♥
202.299.0018 Virginia Santa Fe Café 50%
Luna Grill & Diner 35%
202.835.2280 Logan Tavern ♥ Maryland ALExANDRiA
Domaso Trattoria
M Street Bar & Grill ♥
202.332.3710 BETHESDA zpizza *
CLEVELAND PARk/ 703.351.1121
WOODLEy PARk 202.530.3621 Posto 100% Bangkok Garden Restaurant 703.660.8443
Cactus Cantina ♥ 202.332.8613 301.951.0670 SHiRLiNGTON
bd’s Mongolian Barbeque Busboys & Poets 35%
202.686.7222 202.667.2100 MT. PLEASANT Foxfire Grill 703.379.9757
Dino 35% Tonic Restaurant 301.657.1080 703.914.9280
Nage Bistro Carlyle SPONSOR
202.686.2966 202.448.8005 202.986.7661 Black’s Bar & kitchen CLARENDON
Delhi Club ♥ 35%
Medaterra ♥ PALiSADES 301.652.5525
Brasserie Monte Carlo ♥
Panache Guapo’s Restaurant
202.797.0400 202.239.7760 BlackSalt Fishmarket 703.527.5666
301.656.9225 703.671.1701
Luna Grill and Diner ♥ 35%
& Restaurant DEL RAy
COLuMBiA HEiGHTS/ Pesce Seafood Bistro 202.342.9101
PETWORTH 202.466.3474 Guapo’s Restaurant Bombay Curry
Company ♥ 35%
Sala Thai ♥ PENN QuARTER 301.656.0888
Ella’s Wood Fired Pizza ♥
Pizzeria Paradiso SPRiNGFiELD
202.629.1643 202.223.1245 Hard Times Café 703.836.6363
The Heights ♥ 202.244.6512 301.951.3300 zpizza *
Argia’s ♥
Mehak indian Restaurant 50% Persimmon 703.313.8181
202.797.7222 202.265.7258
202.408.9292 301.654.9860 703.534.1033 TySONS CORNER
Poste Moderne Brasserie ♥ Raku
DOWNTOWN Rosemary’s Thyme Bistro Chima Brazilian Steakhouse
Busboys & Poets 35% 202.332.3200 Bubba’s Bar-B-Q Catering 703.639.3080
202.789.2227 202.783.6060 301.718.8680 703.560.8570
Sala Thai ♥
Russia House * zpizza’s contribution will be
Georgia Brown’s Restaurant & Lounge Ristorante Tosca 100% Clare & Don’s from Dine in & Carry-Out only.
♥ Participating for
202.393.4499 202.234.9433 202.367.1990 301.654.4676 Beach Shack 35%
Lima Restaurant & Lounge Trattoria Sorrento 703.532.9283 lunch and dinner.
202.789.2800 301.718.0344


Campaign Design: Gerlach Graphic

2 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

INSIDE D.C.’s Alternative
Vote F
“Best Bi or Us
ke S
-Best of hop”

22hermit g o n C a p it o l H il l
Open in

Sunday, April 3
707 East 8th Street, SE
A tale of espionage, sausage and a North Korean restaurant.
By Mike paarlBerg photographs By darrow MontgoMery

4 chatter 42 Film: Olszewski on The Adjust-

ment Bureau and A Somewhat
6 welcome to the Gentle Man

new city paper 44 Speed Reads: Ottenberg on

This Vacant Paradise

District line city list

7 Mainstream Conservaporn:
CPAC coverage—not just for 47-58 CITY LIGHTS: Smith
liberals anymore. Westerns’ bratty glam rock, Juan
Tejedor’s topographic artwork,
10 City Desk: Know your Browns!
Tyondai Braxton’s classical second
12 Heavy T, R.I.P.: Saying goodbye act, and other picks for the week.
to a troubled teen. 47 Music
14 Loose Lips: Another Gray aide 53 Comedy
under fire. 53 Books
16 Housing Complex: Original 53 Galleries
intent meets the building code 56 Dance
18 Cheap Seats: George Mason, 56 Theater
you’re no George Gipp. 60 Film
19 Savage Love
20 The Straight Dope 62showtimes
21 News of the Weird
D.c. feeD Diversions
29 Young & Hungry:
67 Dirt Farm
The Argonaut’s crafty re-opening
70 Crossword
32 The Beerspotter: Great Lakes
Conway’s Irish Ale
34 The Feed: Restaurants, Briefly

37 Inflated Reality: The realification
of Katie Balloons
39 Curtain Calls: Klimek on Juno
Serving the Washington D.C.
and the Paycock Community for 23 Years
40 Discography: Rae-Hunter on Bethesda 202-265-1564
Grails, Burton on Grayceon, Hirsh Chevy Chase 301-652-1777
on The Baseball Project

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 3

in which vince Gray’s supporters are labeled “one citidiots.”

children should not be penalized (by receiving lower per

capita funding), just because their parents cannot bear send-

by SUVs ing them to places that destroy any chance for acquiring
life-long love for learning.” “Funding should be the
same for every child no matter which public school
Lost amid the week’s other they attend,” agrees ward 1 Guy. Not so, says
Wilson Building scandals poster Kathy, who disagrees with the very idea
Was aLan suderman’s of calling the facilities “public,” since they’re
typically run by independent nonprofits.
revelation that
“Arguing that private, government con-
members of Mayor Vince Gray’s tran- tractors should get tax funding—without
sition team had pestered former D.C. proper government oversight strings—
transportation boss Gabe Klein on be- that is equal to that given a public enti-
half of private-sector clients—before ty that provides the same public service
preparing a transition report sharp- is absolutely LUDICROUS!,” she says.
ly critical of the Fenty appointee. The But some of Barras’ other defenders un-
“troubling” scoop got a shout-out in a dercut her arguments that too much bu-
Washington Post editorial and also came reaucratic oversight is lousy for charters.
up in a D.C. Council hearing. “I’m very “I think increasing oversight over char-
concerned about published press reports ters may be a good thing,” writes DC-
about possible conflicts of interest relat- ster, who goes on to add that “Public
ing to who gets the Circulator contract,” schools need to enroll all of the applying
said Ward 1’s Jim Graham. “We need to err students in the neighborhood, as Jonetta
on the side of clear removal from any deci- pointed out, and thus have a legitimate claim
sion-making process where you could stand to to greater funding.”
benefit yourself,” added Ward 6’s Tommy Wells. Barras’ piece also sparked some debate over
On our website, reaction is less unanimous, at the DC urban Moms message board. “My
as commenters wage a battle that echoes last year’s kids are in some very good charters in DC, but I also
election. “It’s stunning-amazing- that these folks who agree with her point that the whole point of charters
both had/have business before the city and served on is to be innovative and live or die on their merits,” writes
Gray’s transition team would not have recused themselves one anonymous poster. “It seems like the [Public Charter
and been walled off,” writes Drez. “This is just so basic.” School Board] has not done a good job of shutting down
“This feels a whole lot like a return to the Barry era,” adds the poorly performing ones or raising the bar—medio-
Hillman. But poster DCRez endorses the accusations of fering links. “Oh, and letting previous Directors that ran the cre charters have hurt the whole movement.” But anoth-
mismanagement, and accuses Suderman of ignoring the agency when it was last in the nation in just about every met- er anonymous poster defends the panel—and dings Bar-
veterans of the oft-lauded Anthony Williams administra- ric...run the transition? When it was spending 50% more than ras. “The Board is extremely scrupulous and has shut down
tion who also served on the transition. “DDOT needs to San Francisco for instance for horrible services for our constit- schools. And of course it is pro-charter. Wouldn’t you be
get its financial house in order and follow the contracting uents? No, that’s obviously not the best way to do it.” pro whatever board you sit on? That doesn’t mean they lack
laws of the District of Columbia Failure to do so makes all integrity.”
them ripe for waste, fraud and abuse.” Charter Dismemberers. Last week’s cover story by
With the flame war pretty much on schedule—a mayor- Jonetta Rose barras questioning D.C. charter school fund- Department of Corrections. Due to a reporting error,
al critic lampooning “One Citidiots;” a couple Gray support- ing riles many charter-school parents posting to our website. our story on armored-car robberies (“Brinks of Disaster,”
ers suggesting those who liken him to Barry are racist—some- The schools “should most certainly be held accountable 2/25/11) misstated a statistic. The figures for the number of
thing surprising happens: Gabe Klein himself jumps into the for what they achieve or fail to achieve with the public mon- bank robberies between 2008 and 2010 covered the District
fray. “Feel free to look at the financials online,” Klein says, of- ey,” writes a poster named alice. “However, charter school and Northern Virginia, not just the District.
publisHeR: Amy Austin eDitoR: michAel schAffer ManaGinG eDitoR: mike mAdden assistant ManaGinG eDitoR: michAel e. GrAss aRts eDitoR: JonAthAn l. fischer City liGHts eDitoR: erin Petty staff wRiteRs: lydiA dePillis, dAve mckennA, rend smith,
AlAn sudermAn assistant eDitoR: Alex BAcA senioR ContRibutinG wRiteR: JAson cherkis ContRibutinG wRiteRs: JonettA rose BArrAs, Brent Burton, Jeffry cudlin, sAdie dinGfelder, dAvid dunlAP Jr., BenJAmin r. freed, stefAnie GAns, trey GrAhAm, louis JAcoBson, mike kAnin,
steve kiviAt, chris klimek, steve kolowich, ryAn little, christine mAcdonAld, BoB mondello, Justin moyer, triciA olszewski, mike PAArlBerG, cAsey rAe-hunter, scott reitz, ted scheinmAn, chris shott, orr shtuhl, moe tkAcik, Joe wArminsky, michAel J. west
staff pHotoGRapHeR: dArrow montGomery eDitoRial inteRns: meGAn ArellAno, michelle BrAdBury, tAmArA el wAylly, lAuren mcewen, shAwn willis, williAm f. zemAn web pRoGRaMMeR: will Atwood mitchell online pRoDuCeR: emily kAiser
aDveRtisinG sales DiReCtoR: dAvid J. wAlker sales ManaGeR: Andrew Peck DiGital sales ManaGeR: sArA dick business DevelopMent ManaGeR: sheilA AlexAnder-reid senioR aCCount exeCutive: terri holtz aCCount exeCutives: nick diBlAsio, Joe hicklinG,
AliciA merritt, whit owens sales & MaRKetinG assoCiate: kelsey owens sales events ManaGeR: heAther mcAndrews ClassifieD aCCount exeCutive: rAchel cArrier aDveRtisinG assistant: keli AnAyA MaRKetinG inteRns: yAritzA ABreGo, JilliAn tAuB
CReative DiReCtoR: JAndos rothstein DesiGn DiReCtoR: Brooke hAtfield CReative seRviCes ManaGeR: nick tiPton speC aRt DiReCtoR: PAul clArk aD DesiGneRs: lisA deloAch, sArAh mountford BrAndon yAtes opeRations DiReCtoR: Jeff Boswell
senioR aD CooRDinatoR: JAne mArtinAche aD CooRDinatoR: AlyssA crivello DiGital aD ops speCialist: christine ernest CiRCulation ManaGeR: molly mcGinley infoRMation teCHnoloGy DiReCtoR: Jim Gumm netwoRK aDMinistRatoR: BriAn nelson

national aDveRtisinG: voice mediA GrouP, (888) 278-9866

loCal aDveRtisinG: wAshinGton city PAPer, (202) 332-2100, [email protected]
vol. 31, no. 9, MaRCH 4–10, 2011 wAshinGton city PAPer is PuBlished every week And is locAted At 2390 chAmPlAin st. nw, wAshinGton, d.c., 20009. cAlendAr suBmissions Are welcomed; they must Be received 10 dAys Before PuBlicAtion. u.s. suBscriPtions Are AvAilABle for $200
Per yeAr. issue will Arrive severAl dAys After PuBlicAtion. BAck issues of the PAst five weeks Are AvAilABle At the office for $1 ($5 for older issues). BAck issues Are AvAilABle By mAil for $5. mAke checks PAyABle to wAshinGton city PAPer or cAll for more oPtions.
© 2011 All riGhts reserved. no PArt of this PuBlicAtion mAy Be reProduced without the written Permission of the editor.

4 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 5
Welcome to traditional City Paper offerings like Loose
Lips, Housing Complex, and Cheap Seats,

to the New District Line will also be where you’ll find

City Desk, a page housing short news and in-

City Paper formational items and the Slice-of-D.C. pho-

tos we used to run on page three. The sec-
tion also has room for occasional first-person
In the winter of 1996, Washington City narratives or analytical pieces that have been
Paper hit the streets with a new look, starring longstanding City Paper traditions, but nev-
the logo we used until last week. At the time, er seemed quite at home under the “News”
we had just switched from old-fashioned cold banner.
type to desktop publishing. The wholesale re- • Arts Desk. Like City Desk, this irregu-
design was an effort to take advantage of op- lar page in the arts section, debuting later this
portunities provided with that change. month, will serve as a home for short reviews
It’s with a bit of wistfulness that I now say and features. You’ll find One Track Mind
goodbye to that logo, which I designed. But a here—or one of a variety of new short pieces
change was necessary. Fifteen years later, we’re we’ll unveil over the next few months.
adapting not to a new technology—technolo- • City List. You’ll now find our Critic’s
gy nowadays tends to bypass print altogeth- Picks and City Lights picks mixed into the list-
er—but to a new page size. Our old design ings sections. We’ll break music down by day
was made for a of the week,
paper rough- which will en-
ly a third bigger Washington able readers to
than the cur- quickly find
rent version. It out who’s play-
all seemed a bit ing tonight.
unwieldy on the • Comics
smaller sheet we P a g e . Like
currently use. many of our
The paper re a d e r s , we
you’re holding were sorry to
offers a more see the paper’s
compact logo comics go a few
and a modular years ago. Start-
layout that will ing next week,
let us tell readers more—on the cover, and they’ll be back, on a single dedicated page that
inside. The new design permits us to once will feature Derf’s excellent The City, Shawn
again feature uncropped images by our bril- Belschwender’s Clown Time, David Malki’s
liant staff photographer, Darrow Montgom- Wondermark, and Michael Kupperman’s Up
ery. And inside, smaller margins and signage All Night. You’ll still find Dirt Farm in its usu-
gives us the room to provide more content al place.
and bigger pictures. • Website. We will be revisiting the web-
In this redesign, we’ve also done some vi- site design and functionality later this year,
sual untangling and reorganizing—for exam- but we couldn’t wait to implement the new
ple, separating our comments section from the look here as well. We’re also launching a
news spread. Overall, we hope it’s a bit less new and improved online listings search this
fussy, more urban, and able to do a better job month—a major upgrade.
showcasing City Paper’s provocative content. Finally, while the big type is transformed,
For all the obvious visual differences you’ll you’ll find the small words are still 100 per-
note, what’s most important about the new cent City Paper—and they are still set in
design is not merely cosmetic. While we’ve Monotype’s News Plantin, the paper’s body
kept our most popular features, we’ve also font since long before I first arrived in 1995.
added new items to make the paper a more The body copy is the same size and leading as
valuable and enjoyable read: before the redesign.
• Chatter. With this issue, the paper brings A newspaper design is a bit like a set for a
back a dedicated reader’s page, where our ed- play—it might be attractive or interesting on
itors will curate the most interesting respons- its own, but its primary job is to support sto-
es to City Paper reportage from snail mail, e- rytelling. I’m looking forward to helping to
mail, Twitter, and around the Web. tell a lot of new City Paper stories.
• District Line. We’ve replaced the ge-
nerically named “News” section with a han- Jandos Rothstein
dle that’s familiar to anyone who has read the Creative Director
paper for more than a few years. In addition Washington City Paper

6 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

Softcore Conservaporn?
Ratio of
souRces to
RepoRteRs at
cpac 2011

A D.C. tradition moves beyond gawking at right-wing loons.

volves flooding the zone to make sure you
have that valued scoop. And liberal media
organizations have already perfected the art
of turning your opponents’ craziest sup-
porter into tomorrow’s news. At its best, it’s
a delightful skewering. Some speaker gets
caught up in an exuberant rant about how
the White House is taking the country on
the path to socialism, or Newt Gingrich says
something that might make less bombas-

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr/Creative Commons, illustration by Brooke Hatfield

tic Republicans squirm, and a funny post or
story results, one that plays up both the ab-
surdity and the real political sentiments in-
volved in such an event. The press room fills
up early, and reporters stay late interview-
ing luminaries as they walk off the stage, and
gauging the mood of the Republican faithful
by chatting with eager attendees. (This has
been going on for a while, and writers don’t
always limit themselves to reporting what
actually happens: CPAC was where, in 1997,
The New Republic’s fabulist, Stephen Glass,
hatched up a tale of wild debauchery that
was only later exposed as phony.)
The conference offers a parade of conser-
vatives behaving badly—attacking each oth-
er for being insufficiently zealous, and woo-
ing the base. That spectacle is soothing to the
left, and fertile territory for political report-
ers who have a beat to fill, day in and day out.
By Phoebe Connelly are no longer the sour group who lost the last porter for every 15 attendees. It’s practical- But there’s also a dark side. At an Andrew
election. Now, they’re driving the debate in ly embed-level coverage. (Though, as Slate’s Breitbart-sponsored GOProud party one night
Over the last few years, Washington national politics. The Koch brothers, who David Weigel was quick to point out to me, at during CPAC, a fellow reporter points out
journalists, particularly those whose audience fund some of the groups that keep events the 2010 Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Suhail Khan as one of their “gets” for the day.
tilts to the left, have enjoyed a not-so-secret ad- like CPAC going, are practically a household the ratio was more like one to three.) “I interviewed some real freaks today,” the re-
diction: conservaporn. name. It wasn’t just liberals who flocked to Ours is a political media environment porter tells me. “It’s like shooting fish in a bar-
When the big annual gatherings of the right watch CPAC last month. where the scoop is everything (even if the rel. It’s almost too easy. It is too easy.” Khan
rolled around, from CPAC to the Values Vot- Conservaporn, in 2011, has gone money is still made off slideshows of celeb- is on the board of the American Conservative
ers Summit, packs of liberal bloggers would mainstream. rity cleavage). Politico is staking its 2012 elec- Movement, the main organizer of CPAC. He’d
descend, armed with Flip cameras and Twit- CPAC is an annual gathering of the Re- tion coverage on a tripled staff and report- been under attack by conservative activists who
ter feeds. The moment some activist cracked publican Party faithful, the largest of its ers assigned to cover politicians’ every move. claimed that he represented a Muslim infiltra-
a joke about Barack Obama’s birth certificate kind, held at the Marriott Wardman Park ho- “There probably is in theory a point where tion of the right. But viewing political actors as
from the podium, it would go live on the Inter- tel in Woodley Park. This year’s conference, there’s too much,” executive editor Jim Van- gets—rather than as complex, motivated indi-
net. Outrage—and Web traffic—ensued. a few weeks ago, attracted over 11,000 reg- deHei told The New York Times in late Janu- viduals—limits the story they can tell.
But this year, something different was go- istrants—and 750 registered members of ary. “But we certainly haven’t discovered it.” With a convenient D.C. location and a
ing on. Republicans and their fervent base the press. That works out to about one re- Political journalism these days mostly in- ready-for-Twitter presidential straw poll, the

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 7

James O’Keefe, the conservative activist best bered attendees.” And like bloggers, conserva-
known for dressing as a pimp for an attempted tives have proven, if no less fascinating, certain-
undercover sting of the liberal organizing group ly less exotic upon longer examination.
ACORN. O’Keefe’s handler (or friend, it’s un- “What reporters don’t understand is that
clear), is perturbed by the attention O’Keefe is most of the attendees at the conference do
receiving from Montopoli and others. “It’s not not care at all about the potential 2012 field,”
like he’s a celebrity. This is just downtime. Why says Ana Marie Cox, formerly of Wonkette
conference is one of the more visible of the sized scooplets like the ones CPAC makes so won’t people leave him alone?” I raise my phone and Time, now with GQ. “They are there to
odd-year political events that generate piles easy to dig up. Politico has made a star of itself to type in O’Keefe’s name, and she stops me, network. To build their résumés. To learn
of blog posts and updates—all without pro- despite launching at the start of the 2007 re- “Are you taking a picture? I think it’s weird that how to put together a resume.” Cox told me
ducing actual political news, despite a satura- cession. The past year has seen a re-launch of people want his picture.” she’d run into a reporter she knew who had
tion of reporters. “The last few years I haven’t National Journal, as well as an over-100 staff- Among the liberal press, meanwhile, some apologetically dashed off after Rick Santo-
gone because it’s struck me as totally over- er expansion of Bloomberg’s D.C. office. The of the gawking seems to have been replaced by rum, a former U.S. senator from Pennsylva-
covered,” one D.C. writer e-mails me. “My Huffington Post, for all its unpaid bloggers, has serious work. Amanda Terkel, senior politics nia. “What is he going to get from Santorum?
entire Twitter feed is CPAC dispatches.” a thriving D.C. bureau; Talking Points Memo reporter for The Huffington Post, was at CPAC I mean seriously, what groundbreaking thing
is adding staff to its own D.C. operations. For for the first time this year. She says the lure is is Santorum going to say at CPAC?”
After the Tea Party’s rise in 2009 and all their churn, these are outlets providing sto- the level of access. “It’s is the big conservative The bright side of everyone getting on the
electoral triumph in 2010, by the time CPAC rolls ries that audiences, particularly online audi- event in Washington, D.C. And you get this conservaporn bandwagon is that it’s no lon-
around this year, the vibe is somehow different. ences, have proved they will click on. “Saying incredible access; people just walking around, ger enough to just post a video, or capture the
The same old liberal blogs and magazines send there’s a little too much horse-race coverage is they feel comfortable, they are with their base, gaffe. The Tea Party is old news. You can fill a
writers (including The American Prospect, where like saying there’s a little too much coverage of and they are willing to chat with journalists. blog with gaffes, but the pieces that get traffic
I used to be an editor). But the correspondents Dan Snyder,” Weigel says. You don’t have to go to Iowa.” over time, and get you remembered, are the
wind up asking serious questions about policy, So perhaps it’s inevitable that the mainstream Activists-behaving-badly coverage, she says, ones that offer something more substantive.
not just transcribing the freak show. The activ- media has taken a cue from liberal media when is always a risk when covering movement poli- “There’s always going to be a rush to be the
ists who come to this sort of thing have demon- it comes to conservaporn. At one point during tics, on either side. “This happened at the first first person to post what Michele Bachmann
strated the power they wield over Republican the Breitbart party, I’m standing next to Bri- Netroots Nation conference,” a liberal gather- said,” Weigel notes. “Last year there was still
leaders, and it’s not just the liberal publications an Montopoli, senior political reporter for CBS ing that launched in 2005, Terkel says. “The bl- a lot of coverage of the Tea Party stuff that
that have people on the conservative beat. (and a Washington City Paper alum). He paus- ogosphere was new, people were excited. Jour- was, you know, ‘I venture into the jungle’
The news business has changed. Despite es our conversation about Sophie B. Hawkins— nalists descended on it!” Terkel was there as a which is something I’m often accused of. And
the recession, political coverage has done quite who, disconcertingly, is the entertainment— blogger. “The number of media from major that was less so this year; there was more con-
well over the past few years, especially bite- because he wants to try for an interview with newspapers, at times felt like they outnum- text. I think it was pretty good.” CP

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8 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

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washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 9

City Desk
DEPT. OF POSITIVE SPIN: D.C. used to fear mayoral arrests and municipal insolvency.
Now we freak about bad SUV leases. Which means things are much better. Right?

Millions and Millions

A month ago, Mayor Vince Gray’s team released a terrifying
estimate of D.C.’s 2012 budget gap: $600 million. This week,
Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi declared the actu-
al shortfall will be $322 million. The difference, Gandhi said,
is due to higher than expected commercial property tax rev-
enue. If the budget is really getting healthier at a rate of $70
million a week, maybe the city can lease a Lincoln Navigator
for everyone by the fall!

A Tax By Any Other Name

Congress forbids D.C. from levying a “commuter tax” on
suburbanites, mostly because Maryland and Virginia have
votes in Congress and we don’t. But At-Large Councilmem-
ber Sekou Biddle has a scheme to dun at least some non-
residents who work here: city employees. (The city payroll
provides 37,600 of D.C.’s 726,000 jobs.) Biddle introduced
legislation this week to require new D.C. employees who re-
side elsewhere to make “voluntary” contributions to the Dis-
trict treasury of 4 percent of their salaries. How many work-
ers that would cover, and how much money it would raise,
remains to be seen—as does Congress’ reaction. For more,
see washingtoncitypaper.com/go/commutetax.



D.C. politics is rough for people named Brown—and confusing for ordinary citizens trying to sort out last month’s Navigatorgate
scandal from last year’s ballot-identification imbroglio. Our guide, complete with nicknames to help you tell them apart:

Brown Title Why You Know His Name Handy Nickname

Kwame D.C. Council Chairman This Brown was briefly the lucky recipient of two Lincoln Navigators—”fully loaded,” at his insistence, and paid for, at nearly “Fully Loaded”
$2,000 a month per vehicle, by taxpayers. After the story turned into a scandal, he gave the cars up.

Sulaimon Soon-to-be-former D.C. Health This Brown ran for mayor last year, winning only 209 votes but serving as a foil to incumbent Adrian Fenty. Winner Vince “Political Bullshit”
Care Finance Department Aide Gray then helped him get a $110,000-a-year government perch. Following reports on past law-enforcement troubles, he
was let go. He blamed “political bullshit” and plans to sue the Gray administration over his dismissal.

Michael A. At-Large D.C. Councilmember The son of a former Democratic party chief, this Brown is a generally popular councilmember. But he had a rough spell in “All-Met”
these pages last fall after a reporter accused him of inventing an All-Met basketball career in high school. As evidence, the
councilmember had staff show off a box score featuring a different player named Brown.

Michael D. D.C. Shadow Senator When this Brown ran for incumbent Phil Mendelson’s at-large D.C. Council seat last year, insiders worried that African “White Mike”
American voters would confuse him with Michael A. Brown, who wasn’t on the ballot. Mendelson fans circulated photos to
remind voters that Michael D. was white.

Chuck Godfather of Go-Go Oh, come on! This Brown is the greatest musician to ever come out of D.C. “Chuck Brown”

10 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

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washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 11

DISTRICTLINE On the Interwebs:
Fake pot! It’s really illegal!

R.I.P., ‘Heavy T’
Remembering a big kid
By Joe Eaton Yes, he had recently dropped 200 pounds; the weight had Hunter got good at fooling the government workers paid to
come off during his second stint at an inpatient weight-loss pro- chase him. A smart-aleck kid too fat to run fast, he nonetheless
The first time I heard of Terrell Hunter, he was a success gram in rural Virginia, where he’d been sent after having been regularly put them all “in a trick box,” as he put it. I thank him
story—a 15-year-old from Southwest who had dropped more declared a ward of the city following his near-death from heart for letting City Paper tag along and tell his story. I wish it could
than 200 pounds and was learning to box at the YMCA. It was failure. Since returning home, however, Hunter had gained most have changed something.
2007, and I was a new writer at Washington City Paper, report- of it back. Worse yet, his mother had once again lost custody There are a few things I won’t forget about Heavy-T. Like
ing at a conference on childhood obesity. After the talk, I cor- of him after social-services officials concluded she was unable or how the teen asked 30-year-old women for their phone num-
nered the woman who told Hunter’s story. I was short on ideas unwilling to hold the line on his weight. But this time, Hunter bers, but slept with his stuffed dog. Or the time he got caught,
and here was an easy one to pitch conned a social worker into tak-
my editors, an inspirational tale ing him to McDonalds, and then
where things work out, the way slipped out the side door with a
they are supposed to. Big Mac and an Oreo McFlurry. I
But as anyone who spends mainly remember the way the kid
much time reporting on children barely half my age never showed
in trouble in Washington will tell fear, even when the adults around
you, things rarely work out the way him had caved in to it.
they’re supposed to. They didn’t One afternoon, Montgom-
for Terrell Hunter. On Feb. 20, ery, Hunter, and I were hang-
four years after I met him, Hunter ing out at Hunter’s mother’s
died in his sleep at his grandmoth- house in Southwest when the
er’s house from complications of police started hammering on
obesity. He was 19. He weighed the door. Montgomery and I
436 pounds. He had been in in- panicked, jumped into a pantry
tensive care units of local hospitals closet and hid, two journalists
three times in the previous year. on the wrong side of an episode
The news of Hunter’s pass- of Cops. I remember Hunter
ing wasn’t a surprise to me, and looking at us, stone calm, as he
probably isn’t to anyone who rounded the corner and headed
Darrow Montgomery

read “The Battle Over Heavy- upstairs to find his shoes. Back
T,” the story that came out of downstairs, he put on his black
the many months photogra- Nike Air Max high tops, opened
pher Darrow Montgomery and the back door, and slid out, run-
I spent following him. It was not ning as hard as he could. As the
an inspirational tale. cops kept banging, we stood in
Soon after the obesity conference, I met Hunter and he told wasn’t going to foster care. He wasn’t going back to Virginia. In- the closet shaking with fear, wondering what to do now, and
me his story. Born and raised in the District, he rarely saw his fa- stead, he decided to run. how that kid kept it together.
ther, who had been just 15 when Hunter was born. If Hunter was From spring, though summer, and into fall, Hunter ducked Terrell Hunter is survived by his mother, Leslie Abbott; his
ever thin, he didn’t remember. By age 10, he weighed more than in and out of his mother’s home, hiding from police officers and father, Terrell Hunter Sr.; his stepfather, Bruce Wooten; sisters
200 pounds. Classmates at Bowen Elementary School ferried his Child and Family Services Agency workers, giving them the slip Sieda McCray and Jamika DeVaughn; a grandmother, Deborah
food to the second floor because he couldn’t brave the stairs. By whenever they caught up with him. He dropped out of Wood- Brown; and a grandfather, Charles Hunter. A wake will be held
13, he weighed more than 340 pounds, struggling with asthma row Wilson Senior High School. He stopped going outside dur- on March 5 at 10 am at Community of Hope at 905 Alabama
and a heart like a senior citizen. ing the day. He gained weight. Ave. SE, with a funeral immediately following. CP

12 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

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Another questionable appointment by the Gray administration
By Alan Suderman of me, but he just wouldn’t.” “finding it hard to believe that a member of
Gunn told Judge Lee Satterfield, who is the bar could have been so ill-informed, and
Another week, another campaign now the chief judge of D.C. Superior Court, made so little inquiry, about the nature of
supporter of Mayor Vince Gray’s who landed that Karim hadn’t struck her, but “could see it the proceedings.”
a cushy job with the District’s Medicaid agency in his eyes that it was a matter of time.” Gunn After the hearing, Satterfield granted Gunn
and turns out to have legal problems. also told the court that police had removed a a protective order, basing his decision “on his
Talib Karim, a Gray backer who recently rifle from their home; Karim said the rifle was assessment of the credibility and demeanor”
began a $133,000-a-year job as chief of staff his father’s firearm from the Korean War. of both her and Karim. The judge found that
in the Department of Health Care Finance, In court, Karim denied any physical abuse “since the [couple’s] child was born, and dur-
appears to have used physical force on his ex- and said his wife had been the one doing the ing the course of the marriage...[Karim] has
wife, according to D.C. Court of Appeals hitting. “Despite that, I never returned any pushed [Gunn], has aggressively held her down
rulings that upheld a protective order against type of strike or blow to her when she struck and grabbed her against her will.” Karim ap-
www.steckvergaraphotography.com him issued by a Superior Court judge.
301.633.5601 • 202.465.5292 Just last week, another Gray supporter,
Sulaimon Brown, was fired from his new-
ly landed job as a special assistant for the very
same department after concerns arose about
his past legal trouble, including a protective
“I would
imagine that
order issued against him. Karim’s hiring rais-
es even more uncomfortable questions about
the Gray administration’s vetting and hir-

we’ve all had

ing process, and about Gray’s judgment in
placing supporters in upper-level positions
in a department that handles close to a quar-

problems with
ter of the District’s overall budget. (The de-

Voting Began
Voting begins partment deals with Medicaid and adminis-
ters other public health insurance programs,

February 14!
February 14. our families.
serving approximately a third of the Dis-
trict’s residents.)
Karim’s most notable legal problems be-
Best oF 2011 hitting
gan in January 2008, when his wife called the
newstands March 25 police to report a domestic disturbance, ac-
cording to a Court of Appeals ruling issued
July 1, 2010. His wife, Delicia Gunn, filed a me,” Karim said, according to court records. pealed. And in affirming Satterfield’s ruling,
petition to get a protective order against Kar- Karim also maintained that his wife had filed the court of appeals said evidence suggested
reserve now! Call the advertising im. In the petition, Gunn says she and Karim a protective order against him in order to gain that Gunn’s prime concern for filing the protec-
department to book your had a heated argument on Jan. 5, 2008, and leverage in a custody battle over their child. tive order “may not have been primarily related
Best of D.C. ad today: she called the police twice. When she went The hearing did not go well for Karim, to domestic violence,” but there was “adequate
202-332-2100 to court to get a judge to approve the pro- who is an attorney and represented himself. if not overwhelming” evidence that the judge
washingtoncitypaper.com tective order, Gunn said Karim had on var- Satterfield became exasperated and lost pa- made the right decision in regard to “intrafam-
ious occasions “pushed me while I’m hold- tience with Karim’s lack of preparation for ily offenses,” while noting that “the level of any
Washington ing [the couple’s five-month-old] baby,” and the hearing, according to appeals court re- violence was not at all extreme.”
had “grabbed my arm and tried to force me cords. Karim “recognized that he was do- The court of appeals also ruled that Sat-
from not leaving my house” and “would pin ing a poor job in representing himself,” and terfield correctly rejected Karim’s request to
me down and not let me move and I would asked the judge to reschedule the case, the reschedule the hearing “solely because the
constantly tell him to let go of me, to get off court of appeals wrote. Satterfield said no, husband belatedly regretted his improvident

14 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

Source: EveryBlock.com
100 8
Calls to D.C. government’s “How’s Calls to D.C. government’s “How’s
My Driving?” line to complain about My Driving?” line to compliment
city-owned vehicles since Jan. 1, 2011 city-owned vehicles since Jan. 1, 2011

decision to represent himself.” (Which LL filed against him in 2003. He’s also been sued should submit their résumés directly to him.
believes is the legalistic way to phrase the old multiple times by a landlord and alleged to have In a later message, Karim wrote that “busi-
saw about a lawyer who represents himself defaulted on student loans and not paid child nesses and entrepreneurs interested in form-
having a fool for a client.) support. Karim says he’s had financial problems ing key relationships with the new Adminis-
In an interview, Karim tells LL his wife in his past and is working to resolve them. tration can email [Karim] to purchase tickets
had prevailed in her “allegations” because Karim is the brother of Omar Karim, a for the Muslim Dems VIP seating” at the
she’d been represented by a lawyer, which developer and fraternity brother to former Gray inauguration.
he says he couldn’t afford at the time of the Mayor Adrian Fenty who is at the heart of And in a message marked “DC Muslim
hearing. He says a “subtle” reading of the an ongoing council investigation into alleg- Dems Make History,” Karim wrote that on
appeal court’s decision shows that his lack of edly improper park construction contracts. Dec. 31, 2010, Gray “[lived] up to his promise
an attorney was the real reason why he lost, Omar Karim’s company, Banneker Ventures, to include the Muslim community in his Ad-
not because of the facts of the case. He then hired Gunn’s engineering firm for $70,000 to ministration, [and appointed] Talib I. Karim,
disparages Washington City Paper, saying the do work related to the park contracts, accord- Chairman of the Muslim Democratic Caucus
paper only reports the most “salacious” de- ing to The Washington Post. of DC, as a top official in the Department of
tails about city politics so other media will Talib Karim briefly made news during last Health Finance.” (The Post first reported last
follow along. Then he says it would be im- year’s mayoral campaign when his organiza- week that Karim had been hired.)
proper for LL to write about Karim’s per- tion, the Muslim Democratic Caucus, en- The department is actually called the De-
sonal past and do damage to his department dorsed Gray. The Post reported that Gray partment of Health Care Finance. Karim says
and its important work. was shocked by the endorsement and Kar- the transition team recommended him for the
“I would imagine that we’ve all had prob- im’s political split from his brother, an ar- job. City records show he started working for
DHCF on Jan. 3, 2011, the first full day of
Gray’s administration and two weeks before

It would be
DHCF Director Wayne Turnage took the
reins of the department. Last week, when
questioned about the hiring and firing of Su-
laimon Brown—who has accused the may-

one thing if I or of lying and has strongly suggested Gray

promised him a job prior to taking office—
Turnage said emphatically that “all decisions

had committed about personnel begin and end with me.”

Gray’s spokeswoman, Linda Wharton-
Boyd, tells LL the administration is looking

some kind of
into Karim’s background. “The initial vetting
process only revealed financial challenges and
an intra-family/child custody dispute with a

heinous crime.”
former wife,” she e-mails. “Given the mayor’s
Monday directive of an extensive top down re-
view of all excepted service appointees, addi-
Great Selection of Craft Beers
—Talib Karim tional details have come to light. The matter is Happy Hour 4-7 pm, M-F
under review by the agency director.”
The parts of Karim’s résumé that are avail-
lems with our families,” Karim says. “It dent Fenty supporter. able online show he’s had a varied career. His
would be one thing if I had committed some “I literally fell on the floor,” Gray told the previous jobs include working as a counsel on
kind of heinous crime.” Post after Karim’s group voted to endorse Capitol Hill, first for Texas Democratic Rep.
Gunn filed a second protective order against him in August. Sheila Jackson Lee and more recently for
Karim in January 2010, saying he was harassing The endorsement lead to Karim working on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Ka-
her on a continuous basis and she was “fearful Gray’s transition team. On the Muslim Demo- rim says much of the work he did on the Hill Near the Dupont Circle metro
of her life and safety.” A judge signed a tempo- cratic Caucus’s Yahoo! Group message board, was related to health care–related issues. 2100 P Street NW t: 202-833-8899
rary order, before Gunn asked in March 2010 Karim posted notices about meetings for cau- Karim tells LL he was a “natural fit” to be
that the case be dismissed because she said Ka- cus members to learn more about efforts to paired with Turnage, who recently worked
rim had stopped harassing her. Gunn did not “help Muslims in DC secure jobs in the in- for the state of Virginia. Why? Because Kar- YOUR CHECK OF $25 OR MORE
return a phone call seeking comment. coming Gray administration and DC Council.” im is familiar with how to navigate the world MON-THURS ONLY . EXPIRES MARCH 15, 2011
Besides the protective orders, court records Karim told caucus members that if they were of District politics and government. LL can’t *Cannot be used in conjunction w/ any other
discounts or specials including happy hour.
show that Karim had a $5,522 federal tax lien interested in a District government job, they argue with him there. CP

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 15

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washingtoncitypaper.com March 4:42 PM
4, 2011 17
Redskins Rashomon! City report says Brandon
Banks “appears to laugh at” white-clad man
before stabbing. Other witnesses disagree.

cheap seats

Stuck on the Club Level

At George Mason, football can’t compete with hoops hysteria
By Dave McKenna O’Connor’s bona fides as a hoops administrator.
But O’Connor hasn’t ever tried out his ad-
George Mason also has a football team. ministrative mojo on Mason’s gridiron. Pascale
Actually, Mason has had a football team for says that shortly after becoming AD, O’Connor
nearly two decades, though the Washington told him to give up the NCAA dream.
Redskins’ recent courting of the school as a “We had a meeting and he said that the
potential training camp host got more fan at- only two varsity sports are men’s basketball
tention than Mason’s team ever did. and women’s basketball,” Pascale says.
“Not many people know about us,” says Jack Pascale stuck around for more than a de-
Langley, the starting quarterback this season. cade after that meeting, and admits he nev-
Joe Pascale is the father of Mason foot- er hid his disdain for the brass. He wasn’t
ball. Until 2008, he was the only football canned until June 2008. “That was after I’d

Darrow Montgomery
coach Mason ever had. The program’s ano- done all the recruiting for the [next] season,
nymity stings. after I’d done all the scheduling, and too late
“All the work, all the years, for what?” Pas- for me to find any other coaching job,” says
cale says. Pascale, 67, founded the football Pascale, who now works for Fairfax County
club in 1993, when friends on the school’s schools. “Nice guys.”
Patriot Gamer: Pascale started GMU’s football club with NCAA dreams.
Board of Visitors asked him to come over from John Moorhead, a punter, was the only
Georgetown University, where he was an as- Pascale-era holdover on this year’s squad. an NCAA program. That sure makes basketball look good!
sistant coach. He says administrators pledged “When I first talked to Coach Pascale at “There are schools around here that com- “The bottom line,” McGeehan continues,
to help elevate the program to NCAA status. freshman orientation,” Moorhead says, “he pete with a first-class program—Maryland, “is you can make it look like a program makes
(NCAA programs grant scholarships, club told me within two years we’d go from a club Virginia, Virginia Tech—plus the Red- money or loses money. It’s all up to who keeps
sports usually don’t.) It never happened. team to an NCAA Division I-AA program.” skins,” says O’Connor, “so we’d have to do the books. Basketball people kept the books.”
Pascale had already restored football as an Pascale did all a coach could do to make it the right way.” Mason spokesperson Adam Brick confirms
NCAA sport at Catholic University in the mid- that happen. His teams won several league ti- John McGeehan, a Fairfax business lead- that the school would use stadium and scholar-
1970s. He left in 1984 as the winningest head tles, even though Mason’s schedule was silly er, got involved with Mason football early in ship figures cited by McGeehan, but says they’re
coach in Catholic history. strong for a club squad, teeming with teams Pascale’s tenure. He says the roadblocks ad- based on CAA rivals: “If we aspire to NCAA
Pascale says Mason’s rebuilding job should that were either already NCAA sanctioned or ministrators threw in the coach’s way inspired 1-A, yeah, we would use those numbers.”
have been easier than Catholic’s, given the en- on the verge, including Tuskegee Institute, him to help raise money for stadium improve- In the first game after firing Pascale, against
thusiasm local businesses and students showed South Alabama, and Georgia State. ments and a endowed football scholarships, a Lincoln University in September 2008, Ma-
when he arrived. But his honeymoon at Ma- “We beat the hell out of South Alabama,” rarity in club football. son was held to minus-7 yards rushing dur-
son ended after just a year, with the 1994 hir- Pascale says. “And we beat Georgia State bad, McGeehan says he “doesn’t believe any” of ing a 34-7 loss. The Philly school was playing
ing of athletic director Tom O’Connor. too, scored up in the 60s. And now they’re the budgetary excuses, and claims sports offi- its first football game in 48 years. Where 90
O’Connor is most definitely a basketball both pretty big time, and Mason’s nothing.” cials crunch numbers as creatively the Nobel players routinely came out for Pascale’s team,
guy. His GMU bio shows that before taking O’Connor denies pro-basketball equals Laureates in GMU’s economics department. Mason’s student newspaper reported only 22
over Mason athletics, O’Connor had been anti-football, and points out that his résumé “O’Connor came in with a football bud- players dressed for 2010.
head basketball coach at Dartmouth and shows he’s played and coached high school get that counted 85 players, all on full, out- “They told me they wanted to go in a new
Loyola. He’s served on the NCAA’s Basket- football, and oversaw a football program of-state scholarships,” McGeehan says. “In direction,” Pascale says. “What direction is
ball Championship Committee, the body at Santa Clara University when he was AD D1-AA football, you can have up to 60 schol- that?”
that oversees men’s March Madness, and was there. Every decision he’s made has been in arships, not 85, and the players are definitely Moorhead said when he first joined the Ma-
named its chairman in 2008. the best interest of Mason’s bottom line. not going to be all out of state. Then he bud- son team, he enjoyed getting the free sweatsuits
O’Connor is a folk hero to most Masonites. “It’s not where we’re in a mode where we geted a 40,000-seat stadium, when the aver- emblazoned with “George Mason Football.”
In 2006, on his watch, Mason basketball had said we don’t want football,” he says. “It’s a age attendance for football in the CAA [Ma- “But I’d put them on and walk around, peo-
a “Hoosiers”-esque run to the Final Four. cost issue.” son’s NCAA conference] was 11,000. He ran ple would say, ‘Mason has a football team?’”
The Patriots head into this week’s Colonial O’Connor says economic feasibility studies up the numbers to say football’s too expen- he says, chuckling. “That sucked.”
Athletic Association tournament with the he’d commissioned showed it would take $90 sive. Meanwhile, Mason makes a licensing Moorhead, who’ll leave Mason in May hav-
nation’s longest active winning streak. million—$4 million for operating the football deal with [a soft drink company], and every ing never played an NCAA football game, no
So there’s no yardage in quibbling with team and $86 million for a stadium—to start dime from that goes in the basketball budget. longer wears the sweatsuits. CP

18 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

I’m a 41-year-old attractive, happily married
“Hello? Heterosexuals? Your legislators need to hear from you,
and they need to hear from you now.”

you didn’t let yourselves get bitter), and— if she isn’t completely exhausted (and it ap-
woman. My husband and I have been togeth- most importantly—instead of freaking out pears she wasn’t, as she was still awake when
er for 15 years. When we first met, the sex was and shooting down each other’s sexual fanta- your “very unsatisfying orgasm” was over)—
absolutely incredible. After we got married, the sies, you’re helping each other realize those to come through with a loving assist when
sex was good, not great. This was because we fantasies. Brafuckingvo. you’re desperate and she’s not feeling it, i.e.,
were busy raising our children. (My husband So how do you find the right young man? lie with you, talk dirty to you, stick a finger up
had custody of 4-year-old twins, children from Trawl the ‘Net, like all the other horndogs, your butt—whatever—for the 5 or 10 minutes
his first marriage, when we married.) The rea- and get your husband to help. (You asked it takes you to drain your sack. —Dan
son I know our sex life suffered while we were your friend to have that three-way, right?
busy raising the kids is that after the girls went Your husband can place a few “hotwife” ads.) I’m writing to ask you to help me spread the
off to college, things went right back to abso- Yes, there are fakers and flakes on Craigslist— word about an issue close to my heart. I am a
lutely incredible. lots and lots—but there are some real boys to 23-year-old woman without medical insurance
One night, we were talking about our sexual be had; there’s also FetLife.com and Ashley- who relies on Planned Parenthood. They have
fantasies, and I confessed that since my mid-30s Madison.com and a million other hookup done SO MUCH for me. They have provided
I’ve fantasized about being with a younger man. sites. Cast a wide net. me with birth control, annual pap smears that
He told me that he’d be fine with me living out Once you’ve found a potential Benjamin: I can actually afford, and emotional support
that fantasy if I would have a MFF threesome Make sure you know his real name, meet in that helped me get over an abusive relationship
with him. I agreed, and we had the MFF three- public, discuss safety (condoms) and sex- and sexual assault.
some with a friend of mine. ual health (tested recently?), and be sure to The U.S. House of Representatives passed
Here’s my question: How do I go about find- let him know that someone else—someone a bill last week that would cut all federal fund-
ing a gorgeous, college-age man? I thought about heavily armed—knows where you are and ing for Planned Parenthood. This isn’t just
posting an ad on Craigslist, but you’ve said that who you’re with and when you’re supposed an attack on American women. Planned Par-
most of the people on Craigslist are flakes and to be back. enthood educates the entire community about
picture collectors. Do you have better suggestions Here’s the tricky part: If you don’t get a sexual health and sexually transmitted infec-
for finding a straight college-age guy for a no- good feeling when you meet in person—if he tions. I know I don’t need to preach to you. I
strings-attached encounter? I’m in the Pacific seems dodgy, if his pics lied, if he gives off a plan to write to my senators about this, and
Northwest, if that makes a difference. Also, I’m rape-y/serial-killer-y/lawyer-y-fit-vindicat- I am encouraging everyone I know to do so.
a complete newbie to this, so I’d appreciate a run- ing vibe—don’t go through with it. What I ask is that you mention this in your
down of all of the usual safety advice when meet- P.S. Oh, what the hell: MRSB’s e-mail ad- column as soon as possible.
ing a stranger for sex. dress is [email protected]. —Dan —My Body, My Choice
—Mrs. Robinson Seeks Benjamin
P.S. Here is my e-mail address in case any of I’m a 24-year-old straight male. For the past six Done and done, MBMC. We used to have
your gorgeous, male, college-age readers in the months, I’ve been dating an amazing GGG girl. a regular feature called “Straight Rights
Pacific Northwest are interested: [e-mail de- We have amazing sex. The other night, after a Watch.” It lapsed when the Democrats
leted]. week of no sex, I came on to her in bed on Satur- took the House in 2006 and political at-
day night. She turned me down and said that she tacks on the sexual freedoms of straight
I don’t print the e-mail addresses of readers was OK with me masturbating on the other side people decreased. But the GOP is back in
looking for hookups, MRSB, as I am a profes- of the bed so she could sleep. After a very unsat- charge of the House and many statehous-
sional advice columnist, thankyouverymuch, isfying orgasm, I told her I understood her need es, and attacks on the sexual freedoms of
not a yentapimp for wannabe Mrs. Robin- to sleep, since we had an early engagement the heterosexuals—attempts to ban abortion,
sons. (It also gives my lawyer fits. “What if next morning, but that this was difficult for me. restrict access to birth control, destroy
you print this woman’s e-mail address and She said we’d have great sex the next day, which Planned Parenthood (which doesn’t just
this woman meets a nice young man who we did. Which one of us needs to be GGG in this serve straight people), even make it legal
turns out to be Ted Bundy?” says my law- scenario, should it happen again? to kill abortion providers (!!!)—are back,
yer, who is old enough to remember who Ted —Fucking Early Engagement and so, sadly, is Straight Rights Watch.
Bundy was—and Mrs. Robinson—but some- Botches Lovely Evening Hello? Heterosexuals? Your legislators
how not too old to lawyer.) need to hear from you, and they need to
But save for asking me to print your e- A week is a long time to go without at your hear from you now. And there’s an easy way
mail address in the column, MRSB, I ap- age and at six months and prekids, I realize, to make your voice heard: Go to istandwith-
prove of everything you and your husband but it sounds like the girlfriend more than plannedparenthood.org and add your name
are doing. Married olds everywhere should made it up to you the next day. As for who to an open letter to Congress, then swing
follow your example: You got through the needs to be GGG in this scenario, should it over to plannedparenthood.org, click Do-
lean years with decent-if-uninspired sex, happen again (and it will)… nate, and give what you can.
you didn’t become bitter about all that de- GGG demands a little something of both —Dan Savage
cent-if-uninspired sex, you got back to inde- of you. GGG requires you to stop whining
cent-and-inspired sex once the kids headed about having to wait 24 whole hours for awe- Send your Savage Love questions to mail@
to college (which you were able to do because some sex, FEEBLE, and GGG requires her— savagelove.net.

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 19

URJ-WashingtonCity_4.937x5.35:Layout 1 2/22/11 3:12 PM Page 1

more than just a bagel
If enough wind turbines were constructed to sup-
ply a significant proportion of the Earth’s electri-

A TASTE OF JUDAISM… cal needs (let’s say 50 percent), would this notice-
ably alter the weather? —Marc

ARE YOU CURIOUS? The unimaginative are now thinking: What a
ridiculous question. Tell that to the editors of
Three FREE weekly class sessions in the the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
Washington, D.C. metro area, who published a paper on the subject last year—
beginning March 15, 17, 21 and 23.

Slug Signorino
a paper, moreover, that was in the finest Straight
Dope tradition of pushing the experimental en-
All are welcome, Jewish or not velope. The conclusions are a bit more technical
than I’d care to present in a newspaper of gen-
212.452.6506 eral circulation, but, in layperson’s language, ergy demand (not just electricity) is going to
curiousaboutjudaism here’s the takeaway: holy $#!+. take something like 44 terawatts of capacity
[email protected] The paper, “Weather Response to a Large in 2100. There’s talk of generating 10 percent
Wind Turbine Array,” has many fascinating of that with wind power—4.4 terawatts.
aspects, which I discussed at some length with • That’s a lot of windmills. In another
its authors, Daniel Barrie and Daniel Kirk- widely noted paper published in 2010, Chien
Photo courtesy of istockphoto.com Davidoff. The highlights: Wang and Ron Prinn of MIT write: “Presum-
• They simulated the effects of a hypothet- ing these turbines are effectively generating at
To register go to: ical wind farm covering 23 percent of the land full capacity only 1/3 of the time, about 13 mil-
area of North America, some 5.7 million square lion of them are needed to meet an energy out-
www.curiousaboutjudaism.org/metrodc kilometers. That’s close to 9 million turbines.
• The simulated turbines collectively gen-
put of [4.4 terawatts], and they would occupy
a continental-scale area.” If they were spaced
erated almost 2.5 terawatts of imaginary elec- 800 meters apart, 13 million turbines would oc-
tricity. Total world electric power capacity right cupy more than 8 million square kilometers—
now is estimated to be around 5 terawatts. In roughly 5 percent of the world’s total land area,
other words, the two Dans were calculating the equal to more than a third of North America. (I
weather impact of extracting 50 percent of the ignore offshore installations.) Cost: $45 trillion.
world’s electricity from the wind, assuming we • Only a fraction of those turbines would
did it all in one place. be installed in the U.S.; nonetheless, we’re
20 DC Chamber Policy Forum — Agenda 2011 • Using a computational climate model,
the two calculated that with the turbines op-
looking at a good-sized project. The Depart-
ment of Energy estimates that meeting 20
11 Making Washington A Healthy Place to Do Business
erating normally, wind speeds within the ar- percent of the country’s electricity demand
ray would drop and winds nearby might shift with wind power in 2030 will require 300
direction—nothing too dramatic. But if you gigawatts of generating capacity. That trans-
suddenly stopped all the turbines at once, lates to 150,000 turbines in 46 states.
Member Tickets $75 well, you might be able to change the course The biggest U.S. wind farm at the moment,
Non-Member Tickets $125 of storms in the North Atlantic. In short, un- the Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Tex-
Visit www.dcchamber.org to register der the right circumstances, you could use as, has 421 turbines. The Cape Wind Project
For more information please 18 wind turbines to mess with the weather.
That’s interesting all by itself; other stud-
in Nantucket Sound off Massachusetts, which
received federal approval in 2010, calls for 130
call 202-347-7201 or email h
[email protected] Marc ies have also found significant local and global turbines. Now scale that up to 150,000.
weather effects. But potential climate change Generating an equivalent amount of elec-
The DC Chamber of Commerce is proud to present its Annual Policy Forum— is only part of the impact of large-scale wind tricity with fossil fuels would cause much
Agenda 2011. Under the theme of Making Washington a Healthy Place to do power. Consider: worse environmental damage. But large-scale
Business, the DC Chamber will host an engaging and provocative discussion on • Barrie and Kirk-Davidoff agreed their wind power will, at minimum, transform the
how to make Washington DC a place where businesses and their employees hypothetical wind farm is far larger than any- landscape to an extent not seen arguably since
both thrive. Following the forum, the Chamber will host a Legislative Reception
thing likely to be built. That’s true in the the clearing of the virgin forest. Sure, that
with the District’s elected and appointed leaders.
sense that no one is proposing one giant tur- worked out OK, and if in the end it just means
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011 Time: 2:00 – 5:30 pm bine array. (For one thing, the decreased wind the countryside is dotted with windmills. But
inside the array would make the whole thing you have to wonder: what else might change?
Location: Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Amphitheater
less efficient.) But the fantasy farm gives you —Cecil Adams
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004
an idea of the resources required to generate
Reception Sponsor a substantial amount of electricity using the Is there something you need to get straight? Take
Forum Sponsor
wind. It’s estimated that meeting world en- it up with Cecil at straightdope.com.

20 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

NEws of
thE Weird
Lead Story
• Tombstone, Ariz., the site of the legendary
1881 “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral” that in-
spired the 1957 move, is about 70 miles from
the Tucson shopping center where a U.S. con-
gresswoman, a federal judge, and others were
shot in January. A Los Angeles Times dispatch


later that month noted that the “Wild West”
of 1881 Tombstone had far stricter gun con-
trol than present-day Arizona. The historic
gunfight occurred when the marshal tried to
enforce the town’s no-carry law against local
thugs. Today, however, with few restrictions
and no licenses required, virtually any Arizo-
nan 18 or older can carry a handgun openly,

and those 21 or older can carry one concealed.

Leading Economic Indicator

• The government of Romania, attempting
both to make amends for historical persecu-
tion of fortune-telling “witches” and to col-
lect more tax revenue, amended its labor law
recently to legalize the profession. However,
“queen witch” Bratara Buzea told the Asso-
ciated Press in February that official recogni- * Zumba * Cardio Dance * Ballet * Hip Hop *
tion might make witches legally responsible
for future events that are beyond their con- * Chair Play * Coyote Ugly * Urban Funk *
trol. Already, witches are said to be fighting
back against the government with curses— * Dance & Sculpt * Dance Technique *
hurling poisonous mandrake plants into the
Danube River and casting a special spell in-
volving cat dung and a dead dog.

Compelling Explanations
• British loyalist Michael Stone still claims it
was all a misunderstanding—that he did not
intend to assassinate Irish Republican Army
political leaders in 2006, despite being ar-
rested at Northern Ireland’s legislature car-
rying knives, an axe, a garotte, and a bag of
explosives including flammable liquids, gas
canisters, and fuses. He was later convict-
ed, but continued to insist that he was mere- BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST
ly engaged in “performance art.” (In January IN DC IN DC IN DC IN DC IN DC IN DC
2011, a Northern Ireland court of appeals re-
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
jected his claim.) —Chuck Shepherd NBC4 CityPaper CityPaper & Washington Washington Washington
1st Runner-up Washington Blade Blade Blade

Send your weird news to weirdnews@earthlink. 202.234.5678 Blade


net or visit newsoftheweird.com. Capitol Hill | Downtown IN DC IN DC IN DC IN DC IN DC IN DC
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2010 Washington Washington Washington Washington Wasihngton
CityPaper Blade Blade Blade Blade Blade

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 21

22 March
22 march 4, 2011 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com
From North Korea to Northern Virginia, a tale of
espionage and sausage. By Mike Paarlberg
PhotograPhs by Darrow MontgoMery

The first thing you notice on the menu is what isn’t there: balls of pheasant meat.
beef. It’s the essential feature of South Korean restaurants, particular- The authenticity might explain why the new restaurant stands out
ly in barbecue form: beef ribs and bulgogi. in a region already dense with eateries from the peninsula. For that
But Pyongyang Soondae—Pyongyang Sausage—isn’t a South often elderly chunk of the Korean immigrant population that traces
Korean restaurant. It’s North Korean, so the menu skews toward sea- their ancestry to the North, the spot is unique. Owner Ma Young-Ae
food, poultry—and pork, pork, pork. The staple meat of the South is has been advertising heavily in the local Korean press, both print and
nowhere to be seen, except in a single soup dish. That would be naeng- TV, since opening her restaurant last fall. Among the customers lunch-
myun, the one northern dish every Korean knows, a buckwheat noo- ing on pork liver and intestines are Lim Sung-Il, 73, and his wife Hye-
dle soup with cucumbers and slices of beef, served cold, often with ice Gyung, 71, both of whom left Pyongyang as kids. Both made the trek
cubes in the broth. from Maryland to Pyongyang Soondae’s storefront, lured by child-
Most Korean restaurants advertise “Pyongyang naengmyun” as hood culinary memories.
a mark of authenticity, regardless of whether their chefs have ever Sitting near the border of Alexandria and Fairfax County on Lit-
been to the totalitarian-ruled city that serves as the soup’s namesake. tle River Turnpike—the restaurant-saturated main drag of Northern
Pyongyang Soondae does them one better, serving its version with Virginia’s Korean community—the restaurant doesn’t tout its unlikely

washingtoncitypaper.com marchmarch
washingtoncitypaper.com 232011 23
4, 2011 4,
origins, at least not in English. Its only Eng- sticks, she wound up in the army’s musical
lish-language sign, in the parking lot, features wing, or Yesuldan, performing songs of trib-
the name of the previous restaurant to occupy ute to the regime.
the narrow building. “Pyongyang Soondae” Eight years into her service, at age 25, Ma
is written above it, in Korean. joined North Korea’s security apparatus as
Which makes it the perfect place to find a an intelligence officer. She had married well,
restaurant owned by a former spy and oper- to a high-ranking army officer named Choi
ated by North Korean defectors. Gwang-Chul. He worked at one point for
Kim Jong-Il’s personal architect, designing
Clad in a red apron decorated with cats Kim’s summer home. Choi’s younger broth-
and hearts, Ma Young-Ae, 48, looks like the er, who worked in intelligence, pulled some
quintessential ajuma—a Korean woman who strings to get her the job.
has settled comfortably into middle age and the Working as an undercover agent afford-
privileges that accompany it: being bowed to, ed Ma the rare license to travel. Her assign-
getting seated first on the bus, giving unsolicit- ments took her to China, where she first got
ed advice to strangers. Her day revolves around into trouble.
restaurant work. By 9:30 in the morning, she’s “There was a flood,” Ma says, “and we
shopping for supplies. She works until at least couldn’t cross the river back [into North
10:30 each night. In her spare time, she listens Korea].” Bored, she wandered into a Ko-
to music and watches movies. She likes action rean church. The congregation, she recalls,
flicks, especially those about the FBI. was friendly. They had heard of the famines
A little more than a decade ago, Ma was an across the border and assumed she was a ref-
undercover agent for North Korea’s Ministry ugee, welcoming her with food. (“I didn’t tell
of Public Security, conducting drug investiga- them I was a government agent,” Ma says.)
tions. Her job was to bust smugglers—farm- The church members also sang hymns.
ers, mostly—who were exporting opium to They asked if Ma could play the piano. She
China. It was an odd assignment, considering could. They asked if she knew any hymns.
the North Korean government’s document- She did not. So they told her to play any
ed involvement in the drug trade itself: along songs she knew. There was a tune she had of-
with weapons and counterfeit “superdollars,” ten performed in the army, an anthem prais-
opium has been a key source of revenue for ing Kim Il-Sung. She proceeded to play it,
the cash-strapped regime. Ma says her job singing of the Great Leader’s revolution-
was a bit less righteous: She was tasked with ary glories, until the horrified congregation
busting smugglers operating without govern- asked her to stop.
ment approval. After a few days, the river receded and Ma
Besides a slight North Korean accent—pro- returned to Pyongyang. She wrote a report
nouncing ni as nei—there is little that would about her investigation, leaving out the part
make Ma stand out among Northern Virgin- about visiting the church. “After I turned it
ia’s large Korean community. in, they said, ‘write it again,’” she says. “So
Until she gets to talking about politics, I did. And they said, ‘write it again.’” She
that is. A devout Christian with the zeal of admitted to going to the church. At an un-
a convert—she found Jesus in South Korea, derground prison, she says, she was inter-
where she lived after abandoning the athe- rogated for a month. “They threw things at
ist North—Ma is waging a missionary cam- “Where do you think you are, me, and wanted to know if I was a Chris-

bitch? You just watch. We will

paign against the state that once employed tian,” she says.
her. Her political activities are evident on the Ma escaped the worst punishment, she be-
walls of her restaurant, decorated with pic-
tures of her with Hillary Clinton and mem-
kill you,” Ma recalls a North lieves, thanks to her husband’s connections.
She got off relatively easy—suspended from
bers of the South Korean parliament. She
travels to New York frequently to lead pro-
Korean official telling her. the force, but later reinstated, with a promo-
tion to boot.
tests at the offices of the North Korean am- But it wasn’t long before Ma was in trou-
bassador to the United Nations, the only of- ble again. She was tailing a Korean-Chinese
ficial North Korean delegation in the U.S. businessman who had built a textile factory
Last year, following North Korea’s contro- in North Korea. But the North Korean gov-
versial sinking of a South Korean naval ves- ernment was broke, and did not want to pay
sel, she was back, waving a picket sign at the from North Korea just before the peninsu- to go to college,” she says, “but because of his investment returns. So Ma says she was as-
ambassador. She says a North Korean offi- la’s partition. Most chosun saram settled in the my mother, I didn’t have the opportunity.” signed to investigate trumped-up charges that
cial pulled her aside to growl at her: “Where Jilin Province of northeastern China. But Instead, at 17, Ma joined the army, long he was a spy.
do you think you are, bitch?” she recalls, Ma’s brother joined the northern army dur- the country’s dominant institution—and a When the charges were brought, the busi-
through an interpreter. “You just watch. We ing the Korean War; the family followed him place that offered opportunities unavailable nessman turned to Ma, whom he believed
will kill you.” back in 1968, when Ma was five years old. Ma elsewhere. A music lover who could play the to be a North Korean commerce official. He
Ma’s family was chosun saram—Korean- says her mother’s southern roots meant they piano and accordion as well as the yanggeum, pleaded with her to pass along a letter pro-
descended Chinese citizens who migrated were perpetually under suspicion. “I wanted a stringed instrument played with bamboo claiming his innocence. She did. For that, Ma

24 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

says, a warrant was issued for her arrest. an-Chinese merchant, had paid a bribe. Ma
Her brother-in-law in the Ministry of Dear Eater: North wasn’t taking any chances with the legal asy-
Korean grub in the DMV,
Public Security tipped her off. This time, her lum process after that. The merchant’s family
not across the DMZ.
husband’s connections wouldn’t save her. “I paid a forger 25,000 yuan for a fake passport
didn’t mean to flee,” she says. But when the and airfare for Ma to South Korea. At age 38,
call came in, she was close to the Chinese bor- she was on a plane bound for Seoul.
der anyway. She says she seized the opportu- At the time, Ma believed her husband’s
nity without even telling her husband. military rank would spare him from the dire
consequences that befall other defectors’ fam-
For a police state, North Korea ilies. And, she thinks, it did—for a time. But
has a surprisingly porous border. Unlike the years later, after Ma had moved to the U.S.
Yalu River, which forms the longest part of and started campaigning against Pyongyang,
the Chinese-North Korean frontier, the Tu- it caught up with her. In 2004, she got news
men River is shallow and slow. Parts of it from her sister in China that he had been exe-
are left unprotected by either country. Those cuted. “I was upset,” she says, “but more up-
who work with North Korean refugees say it set thinking how my son [then living in South
is not uncommon for whole families to sneak Korea] would take it.”
across and back multiple times. Ma crossed
for good in 2000. A disproportionate number of defec-
Most refugees don’t make it much farther tors who make it to the South end up running
than that. In China’s Yanbian Korean Auton- restaurants. Lee Cheong-Guk, one of Pyong-
omous Prefecture, they can blend in with the yang’s top chefs, as well as Yo Man-Chol, an-
ethnic Korean residents. But jobs are scarce, other North Korean intelligence officer, both
and many established residents see recent mi-
grants as beggars or thieves. Shady operations
abound in an area where the dominant activ-
Chicken Rectum, Hold the Grass opened restaurants in Seoul after defecting.
It turns out that culinary nostalgia sells.
Older North Koreans who migrated South
ity is human smuggling. North Korean wom- The words “North Korean food” pork mixed with rice and vermicelli noo- before the war hunger for northern cuisine.
en are in hot demand in China, a product of conjure up images of...nothing. Pyong- dles. The sausage is quite good, though not And the estimated 20,000 more recent North
gender imbalances from the one-child poli- yang Soondae’s location in Northern Vir- so much a meal in itself—better ordered as Korean refugees in the South represent a good
cy. Many are forced into marriages with older ginia, rather than its namesake city, means a side dish for a soup or larger plate. A nice source of restaurant labor. Though they’re
bachelors and widowers; some men in rural its kitchen has access to a bounty unavail- option is the soondae regular meal, which greeted with a government stipend and job-
villages pool their money together to pur- able to most North Koreans. This alone pairs a sampling of sausage with a ferment- skills classes, many also face prejudice that
chase a “shared bride.” In South Korea, sev- makes it a novelty. Considering the homo- ed fish dish or plate of pheasant dumplings. makes salaried employment tough. They’re
eral porn sites feature North Korean women geneity and small size of the Korean pen- The pork liver and intestine soup is good sometimes accused of being spies, especially
stripping over live feeds. insula, one might expect food that’s little for those who, well, like liver and intestines. after periodic flare-ups with the North.
Ma, who had developed contacts in Chi- different from the Korean joints that al- Otherwise, the seafood pancakes, with more In fact, North Korean agents occasionally
na, was luckier. For several months, she hid ready dominate Little River Turnpike. grains in the flour-squid-shellfish batter, are infiltrate refugee communities in South Ko-
out with the family of a Korean-Chinese I certainly did. As a hapa Korean Amer- delicious and less greasy than the haemul rea, in order to assassinate some of the high-
merchant in the city of Tumen. Eventually, ican from Fairfax, I grew up on Korean pajun of the South. er-profile defectors: two alleged spies were
she made her way to Beijing. Her ultimate food, and thought I’d tried every combi- Another surprise is how mild the dish- caught last April trying to kill Hwang Jang-
destination was South Korea. But, she says, nation of kimchi, barbecue, and red pep- es are. Koreans love to add red pepper to ev- Yeop, former chairman of the North Kore-
a South Korean embassy official told her per paste possible. erything, whether fresh or in powder or paste an parliament and the highest-ranking defec-
Seoul wasn’t taking any more asylum cases at However, I hadn’t tried roasted chick- form. Combined with generous helpings of tor to date. More often, South Koreans accuse
the time. He gave her some money and told en rectum before. The dish (called ddak kimchi, a good meal is eye-watering and na- refugees of being leeches on the welfare sys-
her to lay low among the city’s Korean-Chi- ddong jib, or “chicken shit house” in the sal-passage-opening. But at Pyongyang Soon- tem. One study found the unemployment rate
nese community. wonderfully literal Korean language) is dae, chef and owner Ma Young-Ae chooses among North Korean refugees to be 14 per-
Instead, she went back to Tumen, where not uniquely North Korean—they have it to leave her dishes mostly unseasoned, letting cent at the time, compared to 4 percent for
she was arrested. in the South as well, just not at your typi- the customer choose how much pepper and the country as a whole.
Ma says she was tortured by Chinese po- cal restaurant. The dish is late-night drunk vinegar to add at the table. Again, Ma fared better than most. Follow-
lice. “They beat me with an ashtray,” she says. food, a Korean version of jumbo slice: Servers do not speak English. But non- ing resettlement, she formed a North Kore-
“They hit me in my face and my hands.” Her spicy, heavy, and designed to soak up the Korean speakers will be able to make it an folk music group with nine other defectors
right hand and collarbone were broken; the soju after a hard night out. through the menu, which has English trans- and began playing concerts, calling them-
injuries are still visible from where the bones I had it stone-cold sober and in the mid- lations, by pointing. Most items are be- selves “Pyongyang Yesuldan,” after her old
were improperly set. Police suspected she was dle of the day, and it was pretty tasty. The tween $6 and $12. Famine jokes are proba- army group of the same name. It was a time
not a poor farmer, as she claimed. “I was too rectums are chewy, with a texture similar to bly not appreciated, so do not ask for grass of rapprochement with the North, and the
pretty,” she says. It wasn’t that the authori- gluten-based meat substitutes. And you get or bark. —M.P. novelty of North Korean refugee all-star band
ties were especially eager to detain a senior of- your money’s worth: eight to ten of them on attracted an audience. With proceeds from
ficial; it was that they believed a better-con- a bed of onions and peppers is $10. Pyongyang Soondae, 6499 Little Riv- her performances, she opened the first of her
nected refugee could afford a bigger bribe. But Pyongyang Soondae’s name referenc- er Turnpike, Annandale. (202) 360-2746. Pyongyang Sausage restaurants, in Seoul.
They eventually got her to confess. Ma es its sausage, the North’s other big contri- Hours: Monday through Saturday from 10 “I wasn’t a very good cook,” Ma says. But,
spent 35 days in lockup, certain she was go- bution to Korean cuisine after naengmyun, a a.m. to 10:30 p.m.; Sunday from 11 a.m. she reasoned: “At least when you own a res-
ing to be killed. Instead, she was miraculous- cold noodle dish. Its soondae are made with to 11 p.m. taurant, you never go hungry.”
ly sprung. It turned out her host, the Kore- She also paid to have her teenage son, Choi

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 25

Hyo-Sung, smuggled out of North Korea. She and other servers politely answer ques-
“You can get anyone out with enough money,” tions from customers about the political sit-
she says, waving her hand. Suzanne Scholte, uation, the famine, and other topics of curi-
chairwoman of the North Korea Freedom Co- osity that attract clientele to the restaurant as
alition, says it can cost anywhere from $1,500 much as the food. (There is one non-Korean
to $30,000 to get someone from the North to on staff, Mari Cruz, 26, from Honduras, who
the South. Ma says she paid smugglers $500 to works as a kitchen assistant. Having worked
get her son out of North Korea, and $3,000 to in three Korean restaurants before, she says
get him out of China. she is comfortable with the work. The only
But Ma ran into other troubles. During difference is the food. “And they don’t rip me
the years between 1998 and 2008, successive off,” she says.)
South Korean presidents embraced the “Sun- Ma being Ma, she says that her troubles
shine Policy” toward the Pyongyang regime, didn’t end with her move to the Washington
paving the way for aid and investment, as well area. She claims that she had received threat-
as a series of televised reunions of families ening phone calls from an intelligence officer
separated by the demilitarized zone. working in the South Korean embassy; she
Critics, including Ma, called it appease- says she later heard from ministers who had
ment. South Korean hawks accused the gov- previously booked her that the man had been
ernment of trying to silence Pyongyang’s pressuring them not to host her performanc-
opponents. Scholte, of the North Korea Free- es. She filed a lawsuit against the government,
dom Coalition, says it amounted to “a gag
rule on high-level defectors.” Since the most
“I wasn’t a very good seeking damages for harassment. A spokes-
person for the South Korean embassy, Han
prominent defectors had jobs at Seoul’s Min- cook,” Ma says of her first Bo-Wha, responded that the case had been
istry of Unification, they could be fired for
speaking out of line. restaurant. “At least when dismissed by a South Korean court; Ma says
she is appealing the decision.
Ma was neither a high-level defector nor a
government employee. Nevertheless, her out-
you own a restaurant, you Victor Cha, director for Asian affairs at the
National Security Council under George W.
spokenness got the attention of Scholte’s or-
ganization, which sponsored a 2002 U.S. visit,
never go hungry.” Bush’s administration, says that claims of
South Korean government intimidation of
where she spoke at a congressional hearing in defectors are “not implausible at all.” Cha
favor of a bill tightening the screws on Pyong- says that Seoul “was hypersensitive about
yang. Passed in 2004, the measure also opened the North Korean human rights issue being
the doors for the first North Korean refugees used as a regime-change policy” by the Bush
to come to the U.S. As of March 2010, the administration.
Government Accountability Office reports Today, Ma traverses easily between the spir- Ma’s latest incarnation of Pyongyang But Ma has stranger claims still. She says
that 94 North Koreans had resettled here; Ma itual, temporal, political, and cultural realms. Soondae is as much a refugee aid office as she received death threats from a man iden-
says the number is now around 120. Her performances at churches alternate be- a restaurant. She opened it on Nov. 1, af- tifying himself as a North Korean defector in
In 2004, Ma came to the U.S. a second tween the serene, warbled singing of Korean ter selling her restaurant in L.A. She de- L.A., who threatened to kill her with a ham-
time, touring Korean churches as a speaker folk tales about farmers, mountains, and frogs votes a portion of the restaurant proceeds to mer. She believes a Korean minister in the
and performer. In South Korea, Christians and fiery denunciations of Kim Jong-Il. refugee rescue and relief work, and efforts U.S. who had offered to pay her to do refugee
outnumber Buddhists by a small margin, but For her 2004 tour, Ma and her new hus- to oppose the Pyongyang government. Of relief work in China was also secretly working
Korean immigrants to the U.S. are dispro- band, a fellow defector who goes by the fake the approximately 15 North Koreans who on behalf of the Chinese government, plot-
portionately Christian, and the church plays name Choi Un-Chol, were accompanied by have been resettled in the D.C. area un- ting to kidnap her and have her deported back
a central role in the community. (When two a South Korean government handler. She der the North Korean Human Rights Act, to North Korea. She fears that North Korean
Koreans meet in the U.S., the first question claims that he confiscated her passport and eight work for Ma; two of them currently agents will infiltrate the U.S., posing as defec-
is usually “what church do you go to?” The return ticket, then pressured her to drop the live with her. (She says they’ll move once tors, in order to kill her.
second: “Why don’t you go to my church?”). political content from her performances. She they get on their feet.) Seated at a dining table at Pyongyang
This role, along with frequent factional quar- ignored him. In Chicago, she says, an argu- Most of the refugees also attend the same Soondae, Ma tells of the dire threats to her
rels and splits among congregations, explains ment between her husband and the handler church, First Presbyterian Church of the life in a matter-of-fact tone, as though they
the proliferation of Korean churches in Cali- erupted into blows. The handler left mid- East, in Chantilly. The minister, Rev. Lee are the normal hazards of a 48-year-old
fornia, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, and tour, but Ma and her husband (who uses a Guang-Hyun, says six of his 50 parishio- woman running a sausage restaurant. May-
any area with a sizeable Korean community. false identity because he still has family in ners are North Korean; he says his church’s be it’s paranoia. But as a North Korean de-
For decades, the plight of North Koreans the North) stayed. Her passport had ex- involvement in North Korean refugee relief fector and ex-spy, she has more reasons than
has been the cause célèbre for Korean church- pired, and she says she was told by the South work is a big draw. most to be paranoid.
es in South Korea and abroad. Aid work for Korean consulate in New York that she could So far, business has been good. “Every- Still, Ma does not seem the least bit agi-
North Korean refugees is usually handled not renew it. one is surviving,” Ma says, adding that she tated. Rather, she appears wearily resigned to
by ministers, who make little distinction for Ma says she and her husband sought po- has been able to pay her employees on time. whatever fate God has in store for her. For the
humanitarian relief and proselytizing. For litical asylum in the U.S., which they were Most are North Korean. Besides Ma and her moment, at least, it involves serving buck-
many, fighting the communist regime is a holy granted. She settled in Los Angeles, run- son, all go by fake names, worried of repri- wheat noodle soup and dumplings to a steady
cause. The so-called Hermit Kingdom rep- ning a restaurant there for a few years. She sals against family members back home. A stream of customers. CP
resents not merely a dictatorship, economic moved to Virginia after Scholte convinced 26-year-old waitress going by the name Kang
basket-case and humanitarian disaster, but Ma that her political activities would be bet- I-Sul crossed the Tumen River three years ago Translation assistance by Kim Soni and Park
also the last frontier for soul-saving. ter advanced being closer to the U.S. capital. and made it out of China through Mongolia. Eun-Jung

26 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

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washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 27

28 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com
Young & HungrY
Poste’s sous chef shares her secret
to making great broccoli—and explains
why she can’t stand cooked spinach.

Craft Work
H Street NE’s original culinary gentrifier reinvents itself.
He inherited the recipe from a previous chef, who quit one
day after the restaurant’s January grand reopening. The hasty
exit was just the latest in a series of calamities—including fire,
theft, and tax troubles—to befall the beloved boîte.
Even my server seemed skittish about the wings, a sur-
prise at this time of mass obsession with all things malt-
and hops-related.
Other local eateries have employed similar stout-based reci-
pes. At Chinatown’s brew-centric Regional Food and Drink,
for instance, there are no fewer than three menu items infused
with chocolate stout, all of them desserts: a decadent brownie, a
cleverly titled “bieramisu,” even an ice cream float.
The Argonaut’s unique approach (what is this, chicken
mole in a pint glass?) flips this convention on its clucking head.
Is this supposed to be an appetizer? Or a dessert? Either way, it
makes sense mainly as a gimmick to impress the beer geeks.
In fact, the Argo, now fully recovered from last summer’s
devastating kitchen fire, is poised to woo brew enthusiasts
like never before. Re-launched with 24 shiny new taps (up
from just four), the joint has a beer list that’s harder to navi-
gate than the Symplegades. Call it the Quest for the Golden
Photos by Matt Dunn

Pot Luck: The Argonaut Yeast: The overhauled menu includes micro-brews from Cal-
can make your corn on ifornia, Colorado, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, New Hamp-
the cob taste like the sea. shire, Ohio, and even Florida.
Adventurers beware: As the multiple asterisks on the
menu suggest, the venue’s actual stockpile of beers chang-
By Chris Shott the standard sides of celery and blue cheese dressing. On vi- es a lot faster than its printing capabilities. Also note the
sual inspection, the blackish wings look like they were mari- disclaimer that certain varieties are “limited in their year-
All sorts of foods go well with beer, and all sorts nated in used motor oil, or perhaps just left on the curb to col- ly availability or production, so we’ll rotate our selection of-
of brews pair well with food. Spicy hot wings and lukewarm lect grime overnight. Maybe this is what the locals mean when ten.” In fact, weeks after reopening, the Argo was already
lager? A classic combo. But, chocolate stout-flavored chicken they say that H Street hasn’t completely lost its grit. out of several stellar drafts, notably Gonzo Imperial Porter,
wings? The District’s craft beer craze has officially hopped Luckily, they taste a lot better than they look. Flying Dog Brewery’s potent (9.2 percent) tribute to the late
the suds shark. “We’re still trying to perfect the recipe,” says Demetrios Hunter S. Thompson.
The dark chocolaty poultry stands out like a greasy black Recachinas, the Argo’s interim chef, kitchen manager, and part- There are still plenty of high-octane options, of course. And
thumb from even the heavily beer-focused menu at the recent- time bartender. “Stout is a great flavor, but when you’re working the folks in the kitchen tend to incorporate ingredients from the
ly reopened Argonaut, the pioneering dive bar turned brunch with it, if you try to reduce it or anything like that, it gets super, bar into other food items, too. In addition to the dubious stout
spot at the rapidly gentrifying intersection where H Street NE super bitter.... We thought if we could control the flavor of the wings, both the Argo’s honey-drizzled onion rings and its crispy
meets Maryland Avenue and Benning and Bladensburg roads. chocolate, then it would be a good combination.” fried cod, served with fries and a tasty lemon curry sauce, are
You’ve probably heard of beer-can chicken. This is some- It’s an ongoing experiment that Recachinas, the former brewski-infused. The batter is made from the light-colored me-
thing else entirely. A little sweet, a little bitter and more than food manager at the D.C. Central Kitchen and one-time sous dium-bodied house IPA, which, in keeping with the eatery’s
a little dry, the bits of bony bird are bathed in hot sauce, but- chef for American cooking dominatrix Carole Greenwood at nautical theme, the staff calls “booty beer.”
ter, and Bell’s Special Double Cream Stout, then served with Buck’s Fishing and Camping, isn’t quick to claim as his own. “We’re very beer-heavy here,” says Recachinas. “Adding

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 29


Sailing Into New Waters: Roasted portabella stacks aren’t normal dive bar fare.

it to the batter basically infuses another layer owner; Magnuson the managing partner.)
of flavor.” “We opened in ’05 as a dive bar with very
little food and that worked really well...un-
Back in 2005, the Argonaut was one of til it didn’t,” Pines notes. Much like the cou-
eight properties snatched up as part of pro- ple (now doting parents) and the surrounding
lific D.C. restaurateur Joe Englert’s effort to residential areas (now settling into comfort-
“clean up” H Street, as Englert described able yuppiedom), the Argo has since opted for
it: “to recruit just not restaurants, but bak- a more family-friendly vibe. “We needed to
ers, chocolate shops, museums, flower shops become more of a restaurant and less of a bar,
and more to the strip.” The local trade journal so we hired a chef and managed to change our
Foodservice Monthly dubbed it the “Joe En- entire direction—and double our business!—
glert Entertainment District.” in two months.”
In a part of town previously known for For Act III, it seems, the restored Ar-
carry-out dispensed from behind bulletproof gonaut has managed to step it up on both
glass, the ensuing culinary gentrification in- fronts.
volved places that served Moroccan tapas, Its renewed focus on domestic crafts, in
German wursts, and Japanese sushi served particular, seems a direct challenge to H Street
with an ironic side of tater tots. Today’s H neighbor Granville Moore’s status as the
Street corridor offers duck confit at Smith neighborhood beer mecca. The culinary reca-
Commons, Philadelphia-style hoagies at libration, meanwhile, includes a concerted ef-
Taylor Gourmet and the uncomfortably fort to hop aboard the locavore bandwagon.
named “white trash crème brulee” from That’s where Recachinas, with his nonprof-
Dangerously Delicious Pies. it background and his penchant for sourcing
If you buy the notion that today’s young fresh local ingredients, comes in.
professionals regard food and drink the way Argonaut’s pasta du jour, for instance, is
their parents approached sex, drugs, and rock handmade at Floriana in Dupont Circle. Over
‘n’ roll, then consider H Street a burgeoning the past several weeks, the restaurant has ad-
Haight-Ashbury—albeit one promising a bet- vertised artisanal raviolis stuffed with short
ter kind of crabs. rib, lobster, and curry chicken, among the fea-
By those standards, the old Argonaut might tured proteins. But for all three of my recent
today seem pedestrian. The reinvented one, visits, it was the same entrée every night: green
though, keeps pace with the neighborhood’s pillows of spinach pasta, stuffed with ricotta,
increasingly baroque tastes. swimming in a creamy soup alongside floating
Proprietors Scott Magnuson and Shaar- chunks of garlic, mushroom, and cherry toma-
en Pine bought into Englert’s vision early on. to, sprinkled with parmesan shavings.
The affable couple serves as the public face of Recachinas wasn’t immediately sure how
the Argonaut. (Englert remains the principal well the localized ethics would sit with fans

30 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com


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washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 31

DCFEED(cont.) DCFEED(cont.)
of the Argonaut’s original fish tacos, still the venue’s signature
dish. Lightly breaded in cornmeal and flour, the flaky fish comes
served on warm flour tortillas, topped with cheddar, diced to-
matoes, and a crunchy slaw of cabbage, red onion, and car-
rot. The new morality threatened to upend this tradition, call-
ing for the elimination of the house’s standard tilapia, with its
origins in far-flung East Asia, in favor of Atlantic mahi-mahi.
“We were expecting a little push-back from our customers,”
the chef says, “but no one said a word.”
Perhaps the pièce de résistance, menu-wise, comes courtesy
of an upgrade in kitchen equipment, namely a newly installed
triple-decker steamer machine, producing piping hot pots of
seafood and vegetables.
There is nothing little about the Virginia littleneck clams,
hauled in from the Chesapeake and steamed in white wine, but- THE BEERSPOTTER
ter and herbs, which came out quite large, in fact, meaty and de-
licious, alongside Pacific Dungeness crab legs and whole Gulf
Great Lakes
shrimp with heads and antennae intact. Maybe the tastiest part Conway’s Irish Ale
of the entire steamer pot combo, though, was the corn on the Where Spotted:
cob, which seemed to capture the flavor vapors of the various Red Palace, 1210 H St. NE
shellfish while everything was stuck in the sauna together. Price: $6/12 oz.
Between the porters and the steamer, there’s a lot to like
about the resuscitated Argonaut. Maybe more if Recachinas Brown Is the New Black
can figure out a winning formula for stout wings. Irish ale is one of the for-
“It’s a fun project to perfect,” he says. CP gotten beers here in Amer-
ica, where the style’s preva-
lent ambassador is the pallid
Smithwick’s. But proper-
ly crafted, it’s a gentle cas-
cade of caramel, a warm-
ing celebration of toasted
barley with scarcely a hop in
sight. Great Lakes’ version is
particularly rich at 6.5 per-
cent alcohol by volume, a
sort of big brother to its Eliot
Ness brown ale. In this case,
brother knows best.

Red Palace, the fresh result
of combining The Red & The
Black and Palace of Won-
ders, sports an ideal beer list
for a neighborhood hangout,
with a dozen or so good,
standby craft beers and the
occasional seasonal to shake
things up. The last time I was
there, on a quiet Tuesday, the
programming fit the mood:
a doubleheader of Indiana
Jones and the Last Crusade
and Conan the Barbarian,
comfort viewing for a com-
fort beer. —Orr Shtuhl
Interim chef Demetrios Recachinas TWITTER.com/BEERSPoTTER

32 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

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The trate first-time visitors, especially when it gets
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paid for at the front counter and are made at
the coffee bar in back, which can be confus-
ing if you’re also scouting for a place to sit as
RESTAuRANTS, BRIEfLy you’re trying to figure out where your coffee
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early to outflank the morning rush and secure
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$$$$ get to watch the baristas in action. And if the
Hours: Mon-Sat, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun, noon-7 p.m. weather is nice, try to get a seat in the narrow
outdoor patio. The view’s not great, but you’ll
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“Say it one more time so I can write it down,” Georgetown. —Michael e. Grass
I asked my friend, who helped me figure out
why I’ve always denounced the existence of
the ubiquitous veggie burger. My friend re-
707 G St. NW, (202) 543-1724
peated the epiphany while we were at Ever-
lasting Life restaurant on Georgia Avenue in Hours: Mon-Thur, 4:30 p.m.-1 a.m.; Fri, 4:30 p.m.-
Pleasant Plains: “When you take the first bite 3 a.m.; Sat, 11 a.m.-3 a.m.; Sun, 11 a.m.-1 a.m.
of this veggie burger, the flavor, and certainly
the texture, imitates a regular burger. It’s fla- A yOuNG & HuNGRy CONTRIBuTOR
vorful, for sure. But after you swallow, you’re SAyS: Who says fine dining is dead? These
missing that savory, fulfilling feeling. There’s days, even your neighborhood sports bar is
just not that, you know, that extra feeling,” serving tuna tartare. Albeit deep-fried to a
as he pantomimed that zenith gulp. And then crisp. Behold, the daring tuna tartare spring
we started talking about fleshy cow burgers roll, which sounds a lot like ceviche suicide
while dining on a Garvey burger, Asian noo- to me. Here you have raw fish, wrapped in
dles, marinated kale, macaroni TVP, and car- rice paper and dunked into a vat of scald-
rot supreme (imagine tuna salad, but with ing oil, the very application of heat threat-
minced carrots instead of fish). But back ening to ruin the whole point of prepar-
to the burger. Formed into a patty and then ing the uncooked seafood part in the first
fried, Everlasting Life’s textured vegetable place. Yet, somehow, it works: warm and
protein, better known by its three-initialed crispy on the outside, chunky and remark-
TVP, in this burger mimics the look, texture, ably still chilly on the inside. This kinky hot-
and flavor of a beef burger. The homemade and-cold combo, served with a creamy green
sauce, a combination of soy cheese (also made edamame puree and a side of the chef’s spe-
in-house), barbecue sauce (ditto), and mus- cial sweet-and-spicy dark soy ginger dipping
tard, adds a welcome depth and helps imitate sauce, commands top billing among the var-
that real burger flavor. —Stefanie Gans ious foodstuffs at Redline, a sports-themed
gastropub—er, “gastrolounge”—within
www.bambudc.com Patisserie Poupon view of the Verizon Center. More than any
other dish on Redline’s current roster, the
online 1645 Wisconsin Ave. NW, (202) 342-3248 tuna tartare spring roll perfectly embodies
menu $$$$ the plight of sports-bar fare in an age when

Hours: Tues-Fri, 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat, 8 a.m.-5:30
p.m.; Sun, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
even dumb jocks have learned about molec-
ular gastronomy thanks to Top Chef: How
OuR ASSISTANT MANAGING eDITOR to package haute cuisine as comfort food—
Asian Restaurant & Sushi Bar SAyS: Since I tend to dislike overly sweet without coming across as too fancy for the

Dine In treats, it’s strange to go out of my way to get

something sugary. But on lazy mornings, es-
post-hockey crowd that populates a spot op-
posite a sports arena? You can’t fault execu-
Carry-out pecially on the weekends, it’s not uncommon tive chef Fabrice Reymond, who hails from
for me to hike over to Georgetown’s Patisser- the more intricate world of fine wines and
Delivery ie Poupon to grab a delectable pear tart. Sure, white tablecloths, for desperately trying to
Sun - Thu 11am to 10pm • Fri - Sat 11am to 10:30pm the French pastry and coffee shop has plenty elevate the concept. But the sports bar, as a
of other wonderful items in its front glass case genre, lately seems a bit, um, played out. Not
202-364-3088 but without fail, I’ll ask for the pear tart, with every Francophone delicacy works so mar-
5101 Macarthur Blvd NW | Palisades, DC its sweet, flaky crust that sometimes, but not
always, forms a cute star shape. It’s best paired
velously in a sports setting. It’s hard to imag-
ine the average American spectator finding

$10 Bento Box Lunch Specials! with an espresso and the morning’s newspa-
per. Patisserie Poupon might confuse and frus-
the same comfort in tuna tartare no matter
how crunchy it is. —Chris Shott

34 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

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36 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com
CPARTS Latex is the
new bLack.

Inflated Reality
Lessons in verisimilitude for D.C. artist and TLC star Katie Balloons
toothbrush centerpieces, and snowflake-like ceiling hangings.
For Laibstain, doing the show was a sudden immersion in
a reality TV world where “reality” often seems only tangen-
tially related to the product that hits the screen. Laibstain—
whose Unpoppables creations include, in addition to the wed-
ding dress, French-inspired cocktail dresses and a “crazy plant
lady” costume—is billed as the show’s fashion expert, although
she hadn’t considered balloon fashion as being a particular spe-
cialty of hers beforehand. Prior to the show, in fact, she was un-
accustomed to making clothes for anyone other than herself—
though you wouldn’t know it. On an adjustable dress form,
Laibstain weaves small balloons, called 160s, to create her fash-
ions. The balloons follow the contours of her clients’ bodies and
are surprisingly flattering. Laibstain’s wedding dress has detail-
ing at the bodice; a dress she created for a fashion show has cap-
sleeves and a flirty “ruffle” at the hem of the skirt. The cre-
ations look more hyper-futuristic than bulbous.
That sort of reinvention is fairly common in shows like
this. “It is absolutely impossible for reality shows to convey
a realistic depiction of life,” says media critic Jennifer L.
Pozner, author of Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth
About Guilty Pleasure TV. “It’s storytelling—it’s not about

journalism. Producers are using real people as props to achieve

a particular master narrative.”
But that’s precisely what Somekh, already well known in
Pop Couture: D.C. resident Katie Balloons creates a wedding dress in an episode of The Unpoppables. the world of balloon art, was hoping for. Somekh, who lives
in Los Angeles, where most of the filming took place, was the
By Erin Petty to the BURST! party at Arlington’s Artisphere complex. subject of the 2005 documentary Balloonhat, and has long had
In each of these cases, the artists are shown to be given only dreams of translating his work into television. Somekh devel-
Three days before a fancy wedding, Addi Somekh, Brian three days to prepare. However, producers make arrangements oped the show’s concept with a television producer, who took it
Asman, and Katie Laibstain are suddenly handed a mis- at least several weeks in advance. Laibstain’s appearance at the to the production company Authentic Entertainment. Authen-
sion: Make the bride’s dress, complete with five-foot train. Artisphere was reported four days before the party. tic then brought the show to TLC, home to another one of their
Make it look spectacular. Make it fit perfectly. Laibstain, 26, who lives in Bloomingdale, first began work- shows, Toddlers & Tiaras. Somekh sought out Laibstain and the
And make it out of balloons. ing with balloons four years ago, as a supplement to her fledg- San Francisco-based Asman to form a made-for-TV balloon
There is, of course, only one world in which such a chal- ling acting career in Richmond. She started off making simple team. “I looked for people I could work with on TV that would
lenge could possibly take place: Yes, this all happened on real- balloon animals, but her future changed after she attended her be great to work with in real life,” he says. “Beyond working
ity television. Somekh, Asman, and Laibstain, better known in first balloon convention. “And then I saw these amazing balloon well together, Katie and Brian and I get along really well.”
the District as Katie Balloons, are the stars of TLC’s new se- sculptures, and I knew I would be able to do them even better,” Photos of Laibstain’s balloon fashions on the website
ries The Unpoppables. The show, which finished airing its first she says. “I knew it was a business that I would be able to con- Balloon HQ first caught Somekh’s attention. “I saw a pic-
six-episode season last week, documents the trio—who togeth- quer within a few years.” The Newport News native relocated to ture of Katie online in a dress she had made; it was tight, and
er comprise the balloon collective New Balloon Art—as they D.C. in 2008 and started her one-woman balloon business. Lai- so funky,” he says. “I’d never seen anything like it before. I
create large-scale balloon installations at events that range from bstain’s creations have appeared at events that range from baby thought, if this woman is making stuff like that this young,
the aforementioned wedding, to a celebration at a fire museum, showers to corporate parties, and include a giant hockey player, she has unlimited potential.”

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 37

don’t want to just get wrapped up in this industry. Some of The show’s other challenge for Laibstain was the glimpse
the horror stories I was told by the crew—some of the mar- it gave her of her perfectionist ways. “Even though she hates
riages split up. It’s just really hard to have a personal life.” the b-word, I’m her boss,” Somekh says. In the Artisphere
Despite all the attention she’s gotten from the show, she episode, Laibstain becomes dissatisfied with the flower pot
finds herself with extra time on her hands now. She’s cut her portion of her plant lady costume and wants to start over.
workload in half since returning from L.A. in early Decem- Somekh doesn’t think she has time and tells her no one’s fo-

Continued ber to accommodate potential demands of the network. In

the past three months she’s made trips to L.A. and New York
cus will be on the pot anyway, but Laibstain protests. “Ka-
tie’s kind of like a wild horse,” he tells the camera. “She
for reshoots and promotional events. “I feel like I’m in pur- wants to do what she wants to do, but we have to keep each
Laibstain didn’t hesitate. “When Addi called, it was like gatory since I’ve gotten home,” she says. “They’ll call me other in check.” But he says he sees that drive as part of her
getting a call from Elvis,” she says. “He’s legend in the artistic vision: “She’d really rather die than make a
balloon world.” bad balloon sculpture.”
But what followed was brutal. Laibstain flew out Laibstain seems at peace with the show’s portrayal
to Los Angeles last September for two months to make of her as an uncompromising perfectionist. “It’s in-
The Unpoppables. She estimates that while shooting, her teresting to see myself the way other people see me,”
workdays averaged 19 hours; about 60 percent of that she says. “We all have growth to do. I just get to do
time was spent filming and 40 percent sculpting. The mine in front of millions of people.”
“idle” time spent filming caught her off guard. “There’s Nevertheless, she hopes the show is renewed. “I
a lot of standing around, and often times that’s when worked so hard on that first season, and there’s a part
we need to be building,” she says. “I’d be thinking to of me that has such deep faith that we’re going to get
myself, ‘Oh my gosh, I have to be working, I have bal- a second season,” Laibstain says. “It was one of the

Darrow Montgomery
loons to make.’ But then I had to remember, ‘No, we most amazing and rewarding things I’ve done.”
have a show to make.’” There’s no word yet as to when TLC will deter-
Between the long days and being 3,000 miles away mine whether The Unpoppables will be renewed or
from her life in D.C., Laibstain says shooting was not. “It varies from series to series,” says a TLC rep-
“emotionally and physically exhausting.” She also has resentative. “We all have our fingers crossed.”
Love in This Shrub: Katie Balloons’ “plant lady” creation
fears about the show’s implications on her personal at the Artisphere. Laibstain hopes it’s sooner rather than later. If all
life; she broke up with her long-term boyfriend short- goes well, she could be back to work filming the sec-
ly after filming wrapped, although she says the split was a to California at a moment’s notice.” She says she took only ond season later this month. “I’m kind of at my wit’s end with
long time coming. “I feel like in the long run it’s going to be three jobs in December, usually her busiest month, and she’s the suspense,” she says. “I keep on smiling, but deep down,
worth it, but I want to stay close to my friends,” she says. “I cleared her schedule entirely this month. I’m scared. Also excited, anxious, thrilled.” CP

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38 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com
TheaTerCurtain Calls

Emerald Vile: What starts out as a Dublin comedy takes a bleak turn.

bad luck o’
adaptation “the only Hitchcock movie that
one can say that there is absolutely nothing of

the irish
Hitchcock in it.”
WSC company player Joe Palka deserves
his promotion here to the leading role of “Cap-
Juno and the Paycock tain” Jack Boyle, a retired merchant seaman
By Sean O’Casey
who, to paraphrase the family’s breadwinner—
Directed by Shirley Serotsky
Washington Shakespeare Company at that’d be his saintly wife, Juno (Cam Magee)—
Artisphere to March 20 does more work with a knife and fork than he
ever did with a shovel. To be fair, he was a sail-
Sean O’Casey’s 1924 Juno and the Paycock or in his prime years, which seems a salient
feels like a shrugging comedy about pover- point regardless of whether you believe his
ty, familial neglect, and alcoholism before it claims of “pains in me legs” that rule him out
gradually hardens into a head-shaking tragedy as a laborer. To what degree Serotsky wants us
about poverty, familial neglect, and alcohol- to condemn him as a layabout is opaque—per-
ism. Then add gang violence and unplanned haps intentionally so, perhaps not.
pregnancy to the litany of plagues—and nev- When the family receives word of an unex-
er mind that the gang in question claims a pected windfall, Jack goes on a tear of conspic-
self-governed Irish Republic as the end that uous consumption (as opposed to the bloody-
justifies its thuggish means. cough kind usually featured in plays like this),
You can say at least this much for Washing- running up bar tabs and bringing home indul-
ton Shakespeare Company’s inventively staged gences like a gramophone. All this unfolds as
production of this middle chapter in O’Casey’s the ink is barely dry on the treaty establishing
Dublin Trilogy: It gives each of the piece’s tonal the Irish Free State, a prize for which Jack’s
poles its due, boasts a handful of sterling per- son Johnny (a palpably frayed Jay Hardee) has
formances, and looks a peach. Indeed, Jessica given one of his arms and half of his wits—we
Moretti’s set, which takes away two walls of call it Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder now. But
the Boyle family’s circa-1922 tenement apart- as a stone-faced comrade reminds him, “No
ment and positions the audience on either side man can ever do enough for Ireland.”
to peer at one another across it, is almost too It might all be too relentlessly dour to bear
inviting for the claustrophobia this story needs. if not for lively supporting turns from a pair
The view of the time and place director Shir- of performers better known for their direct-
ley Serotsky affords us never comes into focus ing work of late: WSC artistic director Chris-
as sharply as our fellow patrons’ mugs, but she topher Henley stirs our sympathy and our
seems more interested in rendering O’Casey’s loathing as Jack’s two-faced drinking buddy,
text faithfully than in underlining its contem- Joxer, and as Mrs. Madigan, Kathleen Aker-
porary resonance. She’s hardly the first to han- ley is as warm and decent a neighbor to the
dle this material with white gloves: The influ- audience as she is to the pitiful, splintering
ential critic Andrew Sarris called its 1930 film Boyle clan. —Chris Klimek
butterflyDC.com Spaghetti It’s derivative, perhaps, but not offensively so. violin family is Dekker’s labelmate Jackie Per-

Besides, it’s called classic rock for a reason. ez Gratz, who sings and plays electric cello in
It’s challenging to maintain attention over the chamber-metal trio Grayceon. In addition
a full-length album’s worth of downtempo in- to Gratz, the San Francisco-based outfit fea-
Deep Politics strumentals, and it is to Grails’ enormous cred- tures a guitarist, Max Doyle, and a drummer,
Grails it that the majority of Deep Politics sticks. The Zack Farwell, but no bassist. Few bands try
Temporary Residence
band may not have fully transcended its influ- to forge metal without electric bass. But any
Voting By now, the term “post-rock” can safely ences, but it’s keen at incorporating them in a
way that draws focus to their chief strength, en-
doubts about the ampleness of Grayceon’s low
be consigned to the junk heap of history, along end are quashed on “Shellmounds,” the gal-
began with “alternative” and “Islamofascism.” So semble performance. If there is a through line loping highlight of the Grayceon’s third full-
February how to describe the music of Grails, a Port- on Grails’ latest, it is a certain kind of film mu- length All We Destroy. Even when Doyle plays
14! land, Ore., act that trades in moody, long- sic. Someone should introduce Grails to David spare, undistorted guitar, as he does on the Al-
form instrumentals? Chamber-doom? Neo- Fincher—this stuff would fit well with the di- bion-leaning intro, Gratz’s churning accompa-
cinematic? At its formation, the band was rector’s upcoming adaptation of The Girl With niment gives the song undeniable heft.
hitting lumped into the avant-metal category, some- the Dragon Tattoo. Trent Reznor can’t have all It doesn’t hurt that, when he does stomp
March 25 where between the fussy prog of Isis and the the cake. Until there’s a proper movie pairing, on the distortion, Doyle has one of the meat-
nihilistic squall of Neurosis. Several releases you’ll have to settle for a blacklight and your iest guitar tones in metal. According to sev-

later, Grails have settled on a style more in- imagination. —Casey Rae-Hunter eral metal blogs, Doyle plays without a pick.
formed by Ennio Morricone than Mastodon. If true, this unusual approach might explain
With immersive compositions and muscular,
if restrained, musicianship, their latest, Deep cellocalypSe not only the otherworldliness of his tone—the
roundness of the notes as they move through

Politics, further refines the expansive sound All We Destroy the air—but also the abundance of notes them-
hinted at on efforts like the Black Tar Proph- Grayceon selves. Even when chugging through brutal
ecies series. Like fellow travelers Kayo Dot, Profound Lore chord changes on the opening of the Zeppe-
Grails are redefining “heavy” through a smart lin-esque “A Road Less Traveled,” Doyle al-
synthesis of beauty and ballast, and the result Anyone who thinks cello is for wimps ways seems to be peeling off in new directions,
is as gripping as it is evocative. needs to hear Eric Dolphy. The skronky saxo- weaving in and out of Gratz’s barbed-wire
Opener “Future Primitive” establishes phonist is perhaps best remembered for his 1964 melodies in a way that makes Grayceon sound

and hiS Latin Jazz Band

the album’s template, with ominous strings album Out to Lunch! But according to drummer like something other—and something more—
and a shuddering, cyclical bass riff soon joined and blogger Aesop Dekker, who plays in the than a metal act with a cello instead of a bass.
Saturday, March 12 at 8pm by spaghetti-twang guitar and impish vio- black metal bands Agalloch and Ludicra, Dol- Were Grayceon simply an instrumental
Warner Theatre lin. Whereas musical forebears Godspeed! phy’s highest achievement is 1960’s Out There, band, it would be enough. But Gratz also hap-
You Black Emperor would have pushed to- a modernist set distinguished by its thick sound pens to be a singer with an unusual approach.
ward a cacophonous crescendo, Grails stick and unorthodox instrumentation. Asked by Though she can growl with the best of them—
to a modular approach, introducing subtle el- NPR to name his five favorite jazz recordings, and while sitting down, to boot—she most of-
ements to sustain the ominous mood. Dekker included Out There, he writes, “because ten sings in a clear, sometimes pretty voice. As
The East-meets-Western soundscapes of Ron Carter’s burly cello.” heard on the chug-free album-closer “War’s
continue with “All the Colors of the Dark,” Another musician who knows a thing or End,” Gratz often evokes Brit-folk chanteus-
which is reminiscent of John Zorn’s sunstroke two about the muscularity, not to mention ver- es of yore, like Pentangle’s Jacqui McShee and
classic The Big Gundown, a twisted Morricone satility, of the second largest member of the Trees’ Celia Humphris. It is a style well-suited
tribute. Both compositions evoke a big sky,
but Grails’ is pregnant with storm clouds.
“Corridors of Power” offers a brief respite
from the sour tidings, but it’s also the weak-
est track on Deep Politics. Here, Grails stum-
ble into a mystical rainforest, replete with
Gheorghe Zamfir-esque pan pipes and ambi-
ent synths jacked from late-period Tangerine
Dream. They regain their footing with the ti-
tle track, however, which features the kind of
gauzy piano Thom Yorke is so fond of warbling
over. Maybe someone can do a mash-up.
There are a couple of indirect nods to Black
“As Elvis is to rock and James
Sabbath on “Almost Grew My Hair,” which
Brown is to soul, Poncho Sanchez
boasts a stinging guitar figure reminiscent of
is to salsa.” ~ Los Angeles Times
Tony Iommi’s solo in “Fairies Wear Boots.”
wpas.org Likewise, “I Led Three Lives” owes something
to Animals-era Pink Floyd, particularly the
(202) 785-wpas (9727) throbbing bass line and paint-peeling axework. Strings Theory: Grayceon has a cello instead of a bass, but it’s no gimmick.

40 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

to the lyrics on All We Destroy, which are strife- Play, lists the career accomplishments over- the Red Sox take two titles 20 years later. relieved and she’s stroked and bored” to en-
weary if not anti-war. The bloody knife in the shadowed by a single error, and finally con- While a couple of songs that are pure- joy “Little Deuce Coupe.” And though the
chorus of opener “Dreamer Deceived” may siders the upside of being a scapegoat. ly about baseball with no larger point—such frenzied “Panda and the Freak” is nominal-
very well be a metaphor. But, by time Gratz Not that there isn’t room for exuberance. as “Pete Rose Way,” which only hints at ly about nicknames, it’s so wildly celebra-
implores someone to “sheath your blade” on “Chin Music” is a happy, loping salute to what made Rose such a unique character— tory that its real subject is thrilled giddiness.
the last song, it’s obvious that at least one of the most aggressive assholes in pitcherdom. are foul tips (sorry), others are home runs If you can’t relate to that, you may be miss-
these weapons is real. (Calling for a guitar solo, Wynn slyly mur- (really sorry). The garage-y, Beach Boys- ing something crucial in your own life. Even
For those who need further proof, con- murs, “Hit me.”) Competing team loyalties esque number “Ichiro Goes to the Moon” if it’s not baseball. —Marc Hirsh
sider “Shellmounds,” where Gratz sings, are addressed in “Fair Weather Fans,” which is obsessed with specs (“a curve with a
“Oh, it breaks my heart in two/to imagine captures the feeling of how, say, a kid whose 12 to 6 dive”), but you don’t have to be a online
all the bones/all the bones and shards and beloved Orioles took the 1983 World Series baseball fan to dig it any more than it was Download MP3s from this week’s reviewed al-
shattered shells.” She seems to be lamenting can swell with adult hometown pride when necessary to salivate over “She’s ported and bums at washingtoncitypaper.com/go/music
the damage of war—not a very metal sen-
timent. But it is a very powerful moment
on a record that, like a certain black metal
musician’s favorite Dolphy album, derives
strength from difference. —Brent Burton
BaSed godS Open to the public
Volume 2: High and Inside Lieutenant Colonel A. Phillip Waite, Commander and Conductor
The Baseball Project No tickets needed
Yep Roc
Concerts begin at 3 p.m.
You’d figure The Baseball Project would
have exhausted its concept by now. It’s a
Doors open at 2 p.m.
side-project supergroup joining two insepa-
rable dyads—Steve Wynn and his wife Lin-
da Pitmon; Scott McCaughey and R.E.M.’s
DAR Constitution Hall
Peter Buck from the Minus 5—that plays ex- 18th and D Streets, NW
clusively baseball-themed material. Consider:
America’s pastime, surely, can only yield so Washington, D.C.
many songs; the idea probably felt pretty old
Nearest Metro: Farragut North
pretty quickly; and isn’t there a new R.E.M.
album due in a week? Why does The Baseball
Project, which began in 1992 but didn’t pro- Info: 202-767-5658
duce an album until 2007, still exist?
The answer lies in the game itself, which
has enough outsized characters and legendary
(and legendarily bizarre) incidents to fuel The
Baseball Project forever—well, maybe. Vol-
ume 2: High and Inside shows no discernible
drop in commitment or quality from either
the band’s previous output or the members’ Sunday, March 6
day jobs, drawing variously on the jangle, folk
rock, and power-pop they’re known for. Country Music Rockers
As before, the best songs on High and In-
side make baseball irrelevant except as the set-
ting for ruminations on human nature and the
vagaries of circumstance. Baseball-as-meta-
phor is treacherous ground in sportswriting, with
let alone rock ‘n’ roll, but McCaughey and
Wynn pull it off. “1976” does it simply, us- Guest Emcee Jenni Chase
ing the death of a long-ago-idolized player to
ponder aging, nostalgia, and the past. “Buck-
98.7/WMZQ Today’s Country
ner’s Bolero” packs more complex issues into
a song that’s sure to fall on deaf ears in Bos-
ton: It catalogs the litany of failures (not his)
that culminated in Bill Buckner bobbling The www.usafband.af.mil
washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 41

Fate Crimes
A big-budget tangle with the men who pull the strings. Plus! Norway’s The Wrestler
The Adjustment Bureau memory and life will be wiped. He’s told he
Directed by George Nolfi and Elise are to stay apart, but not why.
What makes The Adjustment Bureau so in-
A Somewhat Gentle Man
triguing is its butterfly-effect premise, ap-
Directed by Hans Petter Moland
plied to potential lovers who seem so natu-
By Tricia Olszewski ral together. Nolfi, who penned The Bourne
Ultimatum and Ocean’s Twelve, may have Da-
At 7:05 a.m. one New York workday, vid and Elise meet cute, but once they do
former Senate hopeful David Norris was sup- their conversations are easy and realistic, not
posed to spill his coffee. That meant he’d dash the too-clever (or, worse, thinks-it’s-clever)
home to change clothes. That meant he’d miss crap you find in most romances. Damon and
his bus. And that meant he wouldn’t run into Blunt’s characters are likable and decently
Elise, whom he once encountered in a ho- rounded, with ambitions beyond getting laid.
tel bathroom when he thought he was alone, They’re worth rooting for against the shad-
working on his concession speech the night he owy types keeping them apart.
lost the election. They were to go their separate Until you find out—as David inevita-
ways, and all would be right with the world. bly does—the reason why. Even before that,
At least that’s how things are run in The though, the ideas of fate and freedom keep The
Adjustment Bureau, writer-director George Adjustment Bureau compelling. (One of the se-
Nolfi’s adaptation of a Philip K. Dick story. nior adjusters, played by Terence Stamp, ex-
Nolfi’s directorial debut is like Sliding Doors plains that humans only appear to have agen-
crossed with The Matrix, an entertaining sci- cy, because during one of the periods in which
fi romance that’s exciting in more than the they were granted it, “We had the Dark Ages
usual will-they-or-won’t-they ways. Because for five centuries.”) The film is a curious little
the force keeping our central couple apart hybrid of actioner and love story, with a sense
isn’t wacky friends or crazy exes or ridiculous of danger that keeps things moving at a quick
self-doubt. It’s men in hats. clip. There are even some cool effects: Those
Yes, it sounds moronic, but trust me. Da- hats allow the adjusters to teleport through
vid (Matt Damon, as always a low-key charm- doorways, which means a character can jump
er) is a reformed fratboy and political wunder- from, say, a courthouse to Yankee Stadium to
kind. When he meets Elise (Emily Blunt) in Ellis Island. At its heart, the film is a sweet ro-
Illuminati-Gotten Gains: Damon and Blunt fight the guys controlling reality.
the bathroom, they have a fine conversation mance, but with its heady ideas and exciting
but never swap info because she’s kinda on the action, there’s no room for treacle. one anymore and would love a relationship sembles Mickey Rourke’s Randy the Ram.)
run, having crashed a wedding at the hotel. So with his kid, who’s now about to have his There’s humor throughout, which is typically
David is thrilled to see her on a bus shortly af- Hans Petter Moland’s A Somewhat own child. So when Jensen lends him a car very gentle but sometimes laugh-out-loud: Ul-
terward—he never did spill coffee on himself, Gentle Man is like a Norwegian version of The to stalk the rat, Ulrik instead uses it to spy rik is told he isn’t allowed to smoke whenever he
because one of the men who pulls the strings, Wrestler. Stellan Skarsgård plays Ulrik, a po- on Geir (Jan Gunnar Røise), eventually mak- lights up. When he gets into Jensen’s car to fi-
Harry (Anthony Mackie), was dozing. Oopsy. nytailed gangster just out of jail after serving ing a cautious visit that’s generally well-re- nally tail his snitch, it won’t start. Then there’s
But David + Elise is not part of The Plan, so 12 years for murder. But you get the feeling ceived. Otherwise, Ulrik’s day-to-day con- his trysts with Karen, lightning-quick encoun-
the men in hats (led by John Slattery) resort to he doesn’t want to leave, and it’s hard to blame sists of working as a mechanic, wondering ters in which she yells her bloody head off as he
intimidation to keep the two apart. Because he him: Waiting for him outside the prison gates is why the secretary at his shop (Jannike Kruse) thrusts dutifully.
is now ahead of his intended time line, David an expanse of gray sky and snow, a crappy room seems so damaged, listening to Jensen blath- The concern of the film, like The Wres-
catches a glimpse of the Adjustment Bureau that’s probably dingier than his cell, and pres- er about settling scores, and watching Polish tler, is redemption, finding a new purpose in
at work: When he walks into his office, high sure from his hotheaded and spiteful boss, Jens- TV with Karen, at least until she decides it’s life, making a fresh start. As Ulrik tentative-
from running into Elise, he barely notices his en (Bjørn Floberg), to kill the guy who ratted time to get it on. ly, and then confidently, moves toward these
co-workers are frozen as he runs to tell his con- Ulrik out. He has a grown son, Geir, who tells With its casually handled subplots, A Some- goals, you’ll find yourself engrossed—not
fidante Charlie (Michael Kelly) the news. But people his father’s dead. And after a dozen years what Gentle Man is ultimately a character study just somewhat but completely. CP
Charlie is also inanimate; he’s having his brain alone, Ulrik’s haggard landlady, Karen (Jorunn of a rather quiet character. Skarsgård under-
recalibrated by the bureau, a group whose Kjellsby), doesn’t seem like such a bad prospect plays his man of few words, but he’s capti- Web extra
work one normally never sees. But David does, when one day she brings him his usual dinner, vating and charming nonetheless, particular- We blog and blog and blog about
which means a stern talking-to and the threat and then drops trou and spreads her legs. ly when he watches Geir and smiles ear to ear. the D.C. Independent Film Festival.
that should he ever reveal what he’s seen, his Ulrik doesn’t really want to kill any- (It’s in such moments that he most strongly re- washingtoncitypaper.com/artsdesk

42 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

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washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 43

If you can BooksSpeed ReadS
read this,
you can help…
sabotages herself with small destructive acts of
rebellion, which lead to painful wisdom. “Had

Beach Gothic
she known sooner what was valuable in life—
love, education, compassion—she would have
prepared herself.” Instead she is tolerated in
This Vacant Paradise the magical realm of money, but always tee-
By Victoria Patterson ters on the brink of destitution. The sad part,
Counterpoint, 309 pps.,$25
of course, is that even knowing what is valu-
able guarantees nothing, poses no barrier to
Novels about the rich and empty disaster, but merely sets a person, like her ac-
face a self-evident problem: the emptiness. quaintance Nora, on a different path. But then,
Washington Literacy counciL Victoria Patterson takes on those topics in This unlike Esther, Nora is not beautiful, cannot
The Washington Literacy Council needs Vacant Paradise, about the misadventures of Es- reasonably aspire to the status of trophy wife
one-on-one tutors for adults to improve ther Wilson amid the marriage market of ritzy and so perforce makes her own way, while Es-
basic literacy skills. Volunteers are asked Newport Beach, Calif., crowded with glittering ther caroms from one catastrophe to the next,
to commit to one hour a week for a year. mansions, lovely palm trees, upscale shopping most of them self-inflicted.
emporia, and multi-millionaires. The difficul- This Vacant Paradise superbly depicts a
Call 202.387.9029 ty is it’s not just this paradise
or email [email protected] that’s vacant. It’s everybody
or visit our website at in it: the wealthy grandmoth-
www.washingtonliteracycouncil.org, er, the loaded boyfriend, the
download a tutor application bored, golf-playing business-
and fax it to us at 202.387.0271. men and their vapid wives.
All contributions are tax-deductible. Largely this is because this is a
book about the effects of mon-
The Washington Literary Council
is a 501(c)3 organization.
ey—“raised in secure affluence
and having never experienced
the misfortune and upheav-
al of poverty, they were dis-
ciplined to steer clear of any-
thing out of the norm”—and
how people wallow and find
false security in it.
This Vacant Paradise
sketches how striving con-
For Playful Adults stantly for money and mem-
Bring bership in an elite class curdles
and r this ad
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human relations. This is not
a new concern. Emile Zola
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Fair is surely the masterpiece
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GAG GIFTS AND MORE! less social climbing in all their
sordid reality, something that This Vacant Par- certain milieu, despite the occasionally lazy
Rockville - New Location! In Metro Pike Center adise valiantly aims at but sometimes misses, prose and its tendency to lapse into the tropes
11550 Rockville Pike, Suite F, Rockville, MD
settling instead for repulsive personal details of chick lit. Exclusive, moneyed, WASP-y,
Phone: 301-984-0020
(across from White Flint Metro in rear - unconnected to its themes of money and class heterosexual society in Newport Beach comes
next to Kinko’s) and their disfiguring—indeed crushing—ef- across loud and clear, and it is ghastly, ruth-
PLUS SIZES AVAILABLE fects on a certain type of female personality. lessly relegating to the margins those who

Esther, however, is complicated. Hard but manage to hang onto their humanity. For in
Tysons, Virginia
Phone: 703-556-8839 at times humane, always on the lookout for the the end it is Esther’s inability to sell herself to
8373 Leesburg Pike • (Next to Gold’s Gym) main chance, supported by well-to-do rela- the highest bidder, her love for her desperate
OPEN 7 DAYS tives, her credit card maxed out, working at and and psychically wounded brother, and all the
see website for directions stealing from a swanky little women’s clothing qualities that in other circumstances could be
WWW.NIGHTDREAMS.COM store, Esther sees a lucrative marriage as her considered virtues that undo her.
1782005 ticket out of dependency. But she repeatedly —Eve Ottenberg

44 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com


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46 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

Music ..............
Comedy ............
Books ...............
Galleries ............

SearCh LISTIngS aT waShIngTonCITYpaper.Com

Dance ............ 56
Theater ............. 56
Film................... 60

BOHEMIAN CAVERNS 2001 11th St. NW. (202) 299-

0800. Charles McPherson Trio.

JO JO’S 1518 U St. NW. (202) 319-9350. Just Us Band.

rock JOHNNY’S HALF SHELL 400 N. Capitol St. NW. (202)
9:30 CLUB 815 V St. NW. (202) 265-0930. Good 737-0400. Charles Woods Quartet.
Charlotte, Forever the Sickest Kids, The Century, Run-
ner Runner. MANdARIN ORIENTAL 1330 Maryland Ave. SW.
(202) 554-8588. Sharon Clark Quartet.
BIRCHMERE 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria.
(703) 549-7500. Rahsaan Patterson, Avery Sunshine. RITZ CARLTON HOTEL TYSONS CORNER 1700 Tysons
BLACK CAT 1811 14th St. NW. (202) 667-7960. Blvd., McLean. (703) 415-5000 The Christopher Lin-
Eugene Mirman and Pretty Good Friends, Reggie
Watts, Kumail Nanjiani. City Lights PiCk: friday man Jazz Ensemble.

TWINS JAZZ 1344 U St. NW. (202) 234-0072. Michael

smith westerns
IOTA CLUB & CAFE 2832 Wilson Blvd., Arlington.
(703) 522-8340. Snowmine, Molly Hagen, Bravenoise. Thomas Quintet.

JAMMIN’ JAVA 225 Maple Ave. E., Vienna. (703) 255- U-TOPIA 1418 U St. NW. (202) 483-7669. Collector’s Edition.
When you’re channeling T. Rex and Nuggets as much as the young dudes in Smith Westerns,
1566. Atomic Tom, Andy Zipf.
it helps to have youth on your side. The bratty Chicago upstarts had a hit with their self-titled
JAXX 6355 Rolling Rd., Springfield. (703) 569-5940.
Epitome of the Weak, All Out, Upper 90, The Chuck debut in 2009, touring the U.S. with Girls while still barely out of high school. Having avoided Blues
Fenech Band, Rising Chaos, Silence the Blind, Aban- a sophomore slump with January’s Dye It Blonde thanks to golden-baked glam ballads like BANGKOK BLUES 926 W. Broad St., Falls Church.
doning Arborland, Proper Addiction. (703) 534-0095. Deja Blue, Blue Book Value.
“Weekend,” Smith Westerns combine blatant Bowie-aping with contemporary teenage ennui
MCGINTY’S PUB 911 Ellsworth Dr., Silver Spring. (301)
as only a band of lovelorn, city-punk longhairs should. There’s plenty of arrogance on tracks like ZOO BAR 3000 Connecticut Ave. NW. (202) 232-
587-1270. Buster Brown and the Get Down.
“All Die Young,” which could be grating. But Smith Westerns are young enough to mean it. SmiTH 4225. Lisa Lim, Tom Maxwell, Zach Sweeney.
ROCK & ROLL HOTEL 1353 H St. NE. (202) 388-7625.
Smith Westerns, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, The Ten- WeSTeRnS peRfoRm WiTH UnknoWn moRTAl oRCHeSTRA AnD TenniS SYSTem AT 9:30 p.m. AT RoCk &
nis System. (sold out) Roll HoTel, 1353 H ST. ne. SolD oUT. (202) 388-7625. —Mike Kuntz Folk
ST. ELMO’S COFFEE PUB 2300 Mount Vernon Ave., WOLF TRAP 1645 Trap Rd., Vienna. (703) 255-1868.
Alexandria. (703) 739-9268. Kevin Skorik.
Imani Winds.
N. Bethesda. (301) 581-5100. Junior League Band.
dJ Nights LUX LOUNGE 649 New York Ave. NW. (202) 347-
8100. Lux Fridays. .

VELVET LOUNGE 915 U St. NW. (202) 462-7625.

18TH STREET LOUNGE 1212 18th St. NW. (202) 466-
3922. DJ Chris Brooks.
MAdAM’S ORGAN 2461 18th St. NW. (202) 667-
5370. DJ India.
Alma Tropical, Changing Modes. KENNEdY CENTER MILLENIUM STAGE 2700 F St.
BLACK CAT BACKSTAGE 1811 14th St. NW. (202) MOdERN 3287 M St. NW. (202) 338-7027.
NW. (202) 467-4600. Raghu Dixit.
r&B 667-7960. DJ Stereofaith. DJ Stylus Chris.
SCIENCE CLUB 1136 19th St. NW. (202) 775-0747.
BABYLON CLUB 3501 S. Jefferson St., Falls Church. JimP Collective.
(202) 265-7839. DJ Eskimo.
(703) 820-3900. Fri., 3/4, Elle Marchelle.
THE LIBRARY BAR & GRILL 3514 12th St. NE. (202) MARYGOLdS 8827 Annapolis Rd., Lanham. (301)
LANGSTON BAR ANd GRILLE 1831 Benning Rd. NE. CHIEF IKE’S MAMBO ROOM 1725 Columbia Rd. NW. 832-0517. Brookland Happy Hour with DJs Blackstar
(202) 332-2211. DJ Big Apple Eddie & DJ Bobby Bishop. 306-0041. Familiar Faces with Lissen.
(202) 397-3637. Live soul music. and Hene.
TWELVE RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 1123 H St. NE. FUR NIGHTCLUB 33 Patterson St. NE. (202) 842-3401. U STREET MUSIC HALL 1115 U St. NW. (202) 588- TRAdEWINdS 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs.
(202) 398-2655. Live R&B. Gunplay, Fat Trel. 1880. Todd Terry, Sam Burns, Anicet. (301) 449-1234. Rare Essence.

American Art Luce Unplugged
Luce Unplugged, a new acoustic concert series, fuses live performances by fresh local musicians
Museum with “opening act” gallery talks by Luce staff on a favorite artwork of the performers. Free.

Sunday, March 6 Christylez Bacon

GRAMMY Nominated, progressive Hip-Hop artist from Southeast, DC performs West African djembe drum, acoustic guitar, and human beat-box.
Photo courtesy of Veronika Lukasova

Art talk on Claire Falkenstein’s Corona at 1:30 p.m. – concert at 2 p.m.

Luce Foundation Center, Museum 3rd floor | tinyurl.com/luceunplugged | 202.633.5435

Smithsonian American Art Museum 8th and F Streets NW – 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily – Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro

washingtoncitypaper.com march 4, 2011 47

MOdERN 3287 M St. NW. (202) 338-7027. DJ Black
MUSE 717 6th St. NW. (202) 842-9800. Rodrigo Ottoni.

rock SCIENCE CLUB 1136 19th St. NW. (202) 775-0747.

Chronic with DJ “Chunky Beats” Hooper.
1353 H Street NE (202) 388-ROCK (7625) 9:30 CLUB 815 V St. NW. (202) 265-0930. Corey
Smith, Matt Stillwell (early show). U STREET MUSIC HALL 1115 U St. NW. (202) 588-
more listings at www.rockandrollhoteldc.com
1880. Tittsworth, Torro Torro, Denman.
BLACK CAT BACKSTAGE 1811 14th St. NW. (202)
Follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/rocknrollhotel 667-7960. Alex Winston, Typefighter.
facebook.com/RockAndRollHotel IOTA CLUB & CAFE 2832 Wilson Blvd., Arlington. Jazz
(703) 522-8340. Chris Collat Band, Emily Wells, Zelos. BOHEMIAN CAVERNS 2001 11th St. NW. (202) 299-
TickeTs available through ticketalternative.com 0800. Charles McPherson, Larry Willis Trio.
JAMMIN’ JAVA 225 Maple Ave. E., Vienna. (703) 255-
villianS and at the Hotel Box Office Wed–Sat, 6PM–10PM
1566. Native, Caspian, Chiaroscuro. COLUMBIA STATION 2325 18th St. NW. (202) 462-
6040. Jam session with Peter Edelman Quintet.
Friday RenTals Planning a private party? The Rock and Roll JAXX 6355 Rolling Rd., Springfield. (703) 569-5940.
Hotel has a number of options to suit your needs Na Palm, OCD: Moosh and Twist. JOHNNY’S HALF SHELL 400 N. Capitol St. NW. (202)
MCGINTY’S PUB 911 Ellsworth Dr., Silver Spring. (301) 737-0400. Charles Woods Quartet.
FooD Try our veggie burger & Philly Fire Cracker spicy beef 587-1270. Westpole. MANdARIN ORIENTAL 1330 Maryland Ave. SW.
sausage Every Wednesday, 1/2 off burgers and $3 mixies! REd PALACE 1212 H St. NE. (202) 399-3201. The (202) 554-8588. Cheryl Jones Quartet.
Parlotones, Xylos. RITZ CARLTON HOTEL PENTAGON CITY 1250 South
TEnniS THU 3/3 Trivia NighT at Rock & Roll Hotel / Free / 730pm
Hayes St., Arlington. (703) 506-4300. The Christopher
ROCK & ROLL HOTEL 1353 H St. NE. (202) 388-7625.
Saturday FRI 3/4 SMiTh WeSTerNS Tennis, La Sera, Holiday Shores. Linman Jazz Ensemble.
3/5 w/ Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Tennis System
ST. ELMO’S COFFEE PUB 2300 Mount Vernon Ave., U-TOPIA 1418 U St. NW. (202) 483-7669. Ed Hahn
villaiNS w/ DJ Xiao Yang @ Hotel bar Free 21+ Alexandria. (703) 739-9268. Michelle Swan. Quintet.
rock & roll SpelliNg Buzzz
VELVET LOUNGE 915 U St. NW. (202) 462-7625. Sea-
SAT 3/5 TeNNiS w/ La Sera / Holiday Shores monster, Drawbridges, Luncheon. Blues
MaSS appeal w/ AutorRock @ Hotel bar Free 21+ BANGKOK BLUES 926 W. Broad St., Falls Church.

SUN 3/6 rival SchoolS
w/ Police & Thieves, Radar Fiction
r&B (703) 534-0095. Choptank Murphy, Bluestone.
appEal MON 3/7 YelaWolF, CyHi The Prynce, Low Budget’s (202) 398-2655. Live R&B. Bethesda. (301) 951-0115. Alan Scott.
Kaimbr MAdAM’S ORGAN 2461 18th St. NW. (202) 667-
3/5 Wed 3/9 Nicole aTkiNS & The Black Sea
w/ Cotton Jones, Lightfoot
dJ Nights 5370. Johnny Artis Band.

18TH STREET LOUNGE 1212 18th St. NW. (202) 466- ZOO BAR 3000 Connecticut Ave. NW. (202) 232-
THU 3/10 eli paperBoY reed & The True loveS 3922. DJ Chicus, DJ Jahsonic. 4225. Big Boy Little.
w/ The Electrocutions
Rival CAFE SAINT-EX/GATE 54 LOUNGE 1847 14th St. NW.
SchoolS FRI 3/11 The Silver liNerS, The Honeyguns, The Blue
Line, Redline Addiction
(202) 265-7839. DJ DK. Folk
Sunday CHIEF IKE’S COSMO LOUNGE 1725 Columbia Rd. BIRCHMERE 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria. (703)
clockWork w/ Ratt Moze, Chris Nitti, Phillip Goyette NW. (202) 332-2211. DJ East 137 & DJ Redstar.
3/6 FREE @ Hotel bar 21+
549-7500. Arlo Guthrie, Abe Guthrie, The Burns Sisters.
FUR NIGHTCLUB 33 Patterson St. NE. (202) 842-3401. WOLF TRAP 1645 Trap Rd., Vienna. (703) 255-1868.
SAT 3/12 eMpreSarioS (live band) - Fort Knox Recordings, Gabriel and Dresden. John Eaton.
DC w/ Funk Ark (live band),Thunderball (dj set)
LUX LOUNGE 649 New York Ave. NW. (202) 347-
gkYk w/ DJ Keenan + Metaphysical @ Hotel bar Free 21+ 8100. Lux Saturdays.
SUN 3/13 The rural alBerTa advaNTage
MAdAM’S ORGAN 2461 18th St. NW. (202) 667- KENNEdY CENTER MILLENIUM STAGE 2700 F St.
w/ Pepper Rabbit
5370. DJ India. NW. (202) 467-4600. Kailash Kher.
Wed 3/16 BoYce aveNue w/ Alex Goot
YElawolf MARX CAFÉ 3203 Mt. Pleasant St. NW. (202) 518-

THU 3/17 Black dog proWl w/ Chute, Force Major
FRI 3/18 SWiFT TechNique
7600. DJ Luis.
3/7 w/ A Cool Stick, Soul Cannon, Ponderosis MUSIC CENTER AT STRATHMORE 5301 Tuckerman
Ln., N. Bethesda. (301) 581-5100. Baltimore Sym-

to suBmit
epicdaNceparTYw/DJ DocRok@Hotelbar Free21+ phony Orchestra.
SAT 3/19 MiXTape


& ThE black SUN 3/20 SaleM

to citylist:
TUe 3/22 ellie gouldiNg w/ The Knocks
Wednesday THU 3/24 FujiYa & MiYagi w/ Brahms, Warm Ghost
FRI 3/25 aSoBi SekSu w/ Cults / Sun Airway ONLINE: washingtoncitypaper.com rock
BeckY w/ Djs Stereo Faith + Trevor Martin EMAIL: [email protected] 9:30 CLUB 815 V St. NW. (202) 265-0930. STS9.
@Hotelbar Free21+
FAX: (202) 332-8500 BLACK CAT 1811 14th St. NW. (202) 667-7960. Dum
SAT 3/26 STaNk w/ Dj Metaphysical @Hotelbar Free21+ Dum Girls.
SUN 3/27 FaMilY porTraiT w/ The Twerps MAIL: City List, Washington City Paper
IOTA CLUB & CAFE 2832 Wilson Blvd., Arlington.
Eli REEd Wed 3/30 STarFucker w/ Casiokids
2390 Champlain St. NW, (703) 522-8340. Tami D’mar, Matthew McGinn, Dayna
& ThE TRuE Washington, DC 20009 Kurtz.
lovES THU 3/31 The Felice BroTherS w/ Diamond Doves
FRI 4/1 civil TWilighT w/ A Silent Film, The Rassle
PLEASE INCLUDE JAMMIN’ JAVA 225 Maple Ave. E., Vienna. (703) 255-
3/10 • your name 1566. That 1 Guy.
SAT 4/2 luckY duB CD Release Party
• e-mail JAXX 6355 Rolling Rd., Springfield. (703) 569-5940.
THU 4/7 SeNSeS Fail w/ The Ghost Inside, Man Borderline, Home Brewed, shangoband, The Under-
Overboard, Transit, Voyage In Coma • contact name studies, All in Karma, Rick Franklin, World of Light, LEDs
FRI 4/8 violeT SaYS 5 w/ The Fif, Phila Da Future, Dj • event name and Smoke Machines, Melissa Carroll, Rogue Mind.
EmpRESaRioS Beezy, Host Jae Mills REd PALACE 1212 H St. NE. (202) 399-3201. Mother
TUe 4/12 The greeNhorNeS w/ Hacienda
• event description
Saturday Mother, Velvet, Dance for the Dying.
3/12 • price
THU 4/14 Toro Y Moi w/ Adventure ROCK & ROLL HOTEL 1353 H St. NE. (202) 388-7625.
• venue & address Rival Schools, Polica and Theives, Radar Fiction.
Wed 4/20 j-roddY WalTSoN aNd The BuSiNeSS
• public contact number
VELVET LOUNGE 915 U St. NW. (202) 462-7625. Paul
• event date(s) & time(s) Michel, Solar Powered Sun Destroyer.

48 march 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

Merriweather Post Pavilion • Columbia, MD Sixth and I Historic Synagogue
Washington, D.C.

with the Miles High Big Band
and featuring The Embassy Brats APRIL 13
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Streetlight Manifesto w/ A Loss For Words & Larry and His Flask SATURDAY, MAY 14
Whitesnake •Tesla
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G.W. Lisner Auditorium • Washington, D.C.

Apocalyptica w/ Caverns Single-Day tickets On Sale Friday, March 4 at 10am THIS SUNDAY! SECOND

Late Show! 10pm Doors. All 12/7 tickets will be honored. ............Su 13
Lucinda Williams w/ Dylan LeBlanc ..............................................Tu 15 Sugarland
w/ Little Big Town & Matt Nathanson BAND
MAY 22
In association with Metropolitan Talent Presents
w/ The Secret Sisters ..............................Th 17
SOJA w/ Mambo Sauce & Chris Boomer ..............................................F 18 TICKETMASTER:
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DeVotchKa w/ Mariachi El Bronx ......................................................Tu 22
The Mountain Goats ..........................................................................F 25 w/ Robyn
G.M.U. Patriot Center • Fairfax, VA

Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group w/ Zechs Marquise ..................Su 27


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Several Species: The PINK FLOYD Experience ....................F 1 Aphrodite Live 2011 Tour
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House of Pain w/ Big B • Dirtball • Sozay ........................................Tu 5 TICKETMASTER:

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Toad the Wet Sprocket ....................................................................Sa 9 www.ticketmaster.com

Old 97's w/ Teddy Thompson ..............................................................Su 10 D.A.R. Constitution Hall • Washington, D.C.
The Dirty Heads w/ New Politics & Ballyhoo ..................................M 11
The Go! Team w/ Dom ........................................................................W 13
Black Veil Brides • Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows •
I See Stars • VersaEmerge • Conditions ............................Su 17
Mogwai w/ Errors ................................................................................Tu 19
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Tickets for 9:30 Club shows are available through Ticketfly.com, by phone at 1-877-4FLY-TIX, and at the 9:30 Club box office. PARKING: THE OFFICIAL 9:30 parking lot entrance is on
9th Street, directly behind the 9:30 club. Buy your advance
9:30 CLUB BOX OFFICE HOURS are 12-7PM Weekdays & Until 11PM on show nights. 6-11PM on Sat & 6-10:30PM on Sun on show nights. parking tickets at the same time as your concert tickets!

ROCHE’S 4-1-1

TUNE IN TO DC101 every Tuesday at 4:11pm.
Be the first to hear new concerts coming from 9:30 Club and I.M.P.
washingtoncitypaper.com march 4, 2011 49
TWELVE RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 1123 H St. NE. MAdAM’S ORGAN 2461 18th St. NW. (202) 667-
(202) 398-2655. Live R&B. 5370. One Nite Stand.

dJ Nights Jazz
1811 14TH ST NW
18TH STREET LOUNGE 1212 18th St. NW. (202) 466- BLUES ALLEY 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Rear. (202)

3922. DJ Sam “The Man” Burns, DJ Thomas Blondet. 337-4141. Amij.
AMERICAN ICE COMPANY 917 V St. NW. (202) 758- MAdAM’S ORGAN 2461 18th St. NW. (202) 667-

3562. Country Night with Bobby Sugar. 5370. One Nite Stand.
STEVE’S BAR ROOM 1337 Connecticut Ave. NW. TRYST 2459 18th St. NW. (202) 232-5500. Will Rast Trio.
(202) 293-3150. Sunday Fundays with DJ ChildsPlay.



(REGGIE WATTS, KUMAIL NANJIANI) COLUMBIA STATION 2325 18th St. NW. (202) 462- NW. (202) 467-4600. Natyalakshana.
FRI 4 PEEL: DJ STEREOFAITH $5 6040. Jam session with Peter Edelman Quintet.
SAT 5 dAHLAK 1771 U St. NW. (202) 527-9522. DC Jazz Jam.

HIP HOP, AND 90S POP $7 GEORGIA BROWN’S 950 15th St. NW. (202) 393-
SAT 5 4499. Jazz brunch.


TWINS JAZZ 1344 U St. NW. (202) 234-0072. Rodney rock
Richardson, Joe Herrera.
9:30 CLUB 815 V St. NW. (202) 265-0930. The Pogues.
U-TOPIA 1418 U St. NW. (202) 483-7669. Wayne
MON 7 BLACK CAT BACKSTAGE 1811 14th St. NW. (202)
Wilentz and Jim West.
667-7960. Des Ark, Pygmy Lush, Hey Girl.
ZOO BAR 3000 Connecticut Ave. NW. (202) 232-
TUE 8 4225. Mike Flaherty’s Dixieland Direct Jazz Band.
JAMMIN’ JAVA 225 Maple Ave. E., Vienna. (703) 255-
PYGMY LUSH 1566. Along Those Lines, Static Cinema, Kurtis Parks
Band, Big Paper Airplanes, Playground Etiqutte.
Blues REd PALACE 1212 H St. NE. (202) 399-3201. The

FLANAGAN’S HARP & FIddLE 4844 Cordell Ave., Coronas, The Kin, Via Audio.
THU 10 Bethesda. (301) 951-0115. Mary Ann Redmond.

18TH STREET LOUNGE 1212 18th St. NW. (202) 466-
FRI 11


A WEEK W/ NO COVER CHARGE NW. (202) 467-4600. L. Subramaniam. CHIEF IKE’S MAMBO ROOM 1725 Columbia Rd. NW.
FRI 11
(202) 332-2211. Reggae night with DJ Jahnny Aleus.

moNday SCIENCE CLUB 1136 19th St. NW. (202) 775-0747.
Brown Rice Collective.
MAR 25 THE JOY U STREET MUSIC HALL 1115 U St. NW. (202) 588-
rock 1880. Prince Paul, Stereo Faith, Jerome Baker III.


9:30 CLUB 815 V St. NW. (202) 265-0930. Scissor Sisters.
MAR 29
BLACK CAT BACKSTAGE 1811 14th St. NW. (202)
PURE AT HEART $17 667-7960. Heavy Cream, Xray Eyeballs, Thee Lolitas. BLUES ALLEY 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Rear. (202)
APR 2 WARPAINT $15 337-4141. Cheikh Ndoye, Fredric Yonnet, Leni Stern,
TUE 15
AN EVENING WITH IOTA CLUB & CAFE 2832 Wilson Blvd., Arlington.

APR 5 Tosin Aribisala.
WIRE $20
(703) 522-8340. Dinosaur Feathers, Motel Motel.

TRYST 2459 18th St. NW. (202) 232-5500. Peter Edel-
APR 8 JAMMIN’ JAVA 225 Maple Ave. E., Vienna. (703) 255-

man Quartet.
1566. Chase Coy, Jimmy Robbins, School Boy Humor.

TWINS JAZZ 1344 U St. NW. (202) 234-0072. The
MAJOR ENTERTAINER MIKE H APR 16 REd PALACE 1212 H St. NE. (202) 399-3201. Astro-
Capital Focus Band.
THU 17 $10 $15 nautalis, Sims, Ardamus.
APR 17
FRI 18 $20
U-TOPIA 1418 U St. NW. (202) 483-7669. Bill Heid.
ROCK & ROLL HOTEL 1353 H St. NE. (202) 388-7625.

Yelawolf, CyHi The Prynce, Low Budget’s Kaimbr.
SAT 19
AWESOME 80S DANCE PARTY STATE THEATRE 220 N. Washington St., Falls Church. Blues
(703) 237-0300. Rebelution, Giant Panda Guerilla Dub MAdAM’S ORGAN 2461 18th St. NW. (202) 667-
Squad, The Green.
SAT 19
5370. Johnny Artis Band.



You know the name Bob mould from Hüsker Dü and Sugar, from his solo work, from his old
MON Washington City Paper column (ok, maybe not that last one). He’s also been an active mem-
MAR 21
ber of the lGBT scene for decades. Since going solo in the ’90s, he’s contributed tracks to ben-
TRES MOUNTAINS efit AiDS research and marriage equality, and he’s been known to run with the fursuit scene
and other gay niches. Blowoff, mould’s DJ night with local eDm producer Richard morel, is a

party for hairy, muscled, shirtless dudes of all ages. it’s a singular demographic, to be sure, but
if you can get behind the premise, there’s absolutely nothing like it. Blowoff has to be the only
Vegan & Vegetarian
Menu Items, Organic Coffee
leather-friendly, bear-centric queer dance party hosted by a punk legend-cum-DJ you’ll ever

Open late! attend. That is, until it returns to the 9:30 Club next month. BloWoff TAkeS plACe AT 11:30 p.m.
AT THe 9:30 ClUB, 815 V ST. nW. $12. (202) 265-0930. —Ryan Little
COM 1-877-725-8849
1 877-725
SAT (7PM-12AM)

50 march 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

Metro tWo
Free parkin cks aWay
a rtisphere g even
and Weeken ings
vote for
Open Mic Blues JaM
w/ Big Boy little every Thursday

Fri. Mar. 4 hot rodS & old gaS

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Sat. Mar. 5
feat. Bret littlehaleS
4 performance venues + 3 visual art galleries + 4,000 sq. foot ballroom + Free Wi-Fi
Sun. Mar. 6 mike flaherty’S
dixieland direct
Jazz Band
Fri. Mar. 11 Sookey Jump BlueS Band
thu March 3 / 6-9pm / Free
3000 Connecticut Avenue NW Public opening reception for Hamtdaa: Together, a visual art exhibition celebrating the art and culture
(across from the National Zoo) of the Mongolian-American community in Arlington
202-232-4225 zoobardc.com

2010 Academy Award Nominee for Best Animated Feature
sat March 5 / 11am & 2pm / $6


An animated masterpiece from the producers of Kirikou and the Sorceress and Triplets of Belleville.


yes iotaday yes

great music & yummy food
open FEBRUARY late

brkfst 6:30-11:00am m-f-- lunch/dinr

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sat March 5 / 2pm / Free

cafe/lounge/wi-fi/easy eats Learn about Mongolian arts, history and unique cultural traditions in round-robin activity sessions
yours all day long
for the whole family.

th cERtAin signAls 9:00 $10

03 w/blackberry belles
fr snowminE 9:00 $10
04 w/molly
chRis collAt BAnd
sat March 5 / 8pm / $22
sa 9:00 $10
05 w/emily wells w/zelos
Experience the boundless energy and unmistakable joie de vivre of traditional Quebec music with fiddle, accordion,

tAmi d’mAR cd release7:30

harmonica, guitar, & bouzouki.
su $12
06 w/matthew mcginn
w/dayna kurtz

mo dinosAUR FEAthERs 8:30 $10

07 w/motel motel Grammy-nominated
08 front porch party and
iota gumbo special!!! Mardi Gras Party!
w opEn mic 8:00 free tue March 8 / 7:30pm dance lesson; 8:30pm live music and dance / $15
09 w/ hosts todd & james
two sign ups: 7:30pm & 10:00pm Celebrate New Orleans style with beads and King Cake and a seven-piece band with full horn section.

th wE wERE kings 8:30 $10

10 w/delta rae w/colourslide

fr AmAtEUR hoUR
11 w/gist
9:00 $10
sa Emmit swimming
12 9:00
=m-F opEn 6:30Am & s-s 8:00 Am=
tue March 8 / 6:30pm reception; 7:30pm talk / pay-what-you-can
cover charge for shows The history, current trends and urban design considerations for public art in Arlington and across the U.S.
first - come - first - served

check website for updates

iotaclubandcafe.com Two blocks from Rosslyn Metro (blue/orange) Free parking evening and weekends with validation; use N. Kent Street entrance
2832 WILSON BLVD Entrance into Artisphere and our art galleries is free; select events ticketed
ARLINGTON VA 703/522-8340
2 1/2 BLOCKS EAST OF Purchase online: www.artisphere.com | 703-875-1100 | 1101 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA
washingtoncitypaper.com march 4, 2011 51
World Folk
BIRCHMERE 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria. WOLF TRAP 1645 Trap Rd., Vienna. (703) 255-1868.
(703) 549-7500. Atlan, Lilt. California Guitar Trio.
NW. (202) 467-4600. Gulabi Sapera. World

NW. (202) 467-4600. Tanusree Shankar.

rock TRAdEWINdS 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs.
(301) 449-1234. Big G and the Band.
9:30 CLUB 815 V St. NW. (202) 265-0930. The Pogues.

BIRCHMERE 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria.
(703) 549-7500. Robyn Hitchcock, Joe Boyd.
BLACK CAT BACKSTAGE 1811 14th St. NW. (202)

667-7960. Say Hi, Blair, Yellow Ostrich.
JAMMIN’ JAVA 225 Maple Ave. E., Vienna. (703) 255-
1566. Tony Lucca, Jerad Finck, Brad Rhodes. 9:30 CLUB 815 V St. NW. (202) 265-0930. OMD, Oh Land.

JAXX 6355 Rolling Rd., Springfield. (703) 569-5940. BLACK CAT 1811 14th St. NW. (202) 667-7960. Wild
Rotting Christ, Melechesh, Hate, Abigail Williams, Flag, Yellowfever, The Aquarium.
Lecherous Nocture. IOTA CLUB & CAFE 2832 Wilson Blvd., Arlington.
(703) 522-8340. We Were Kings, Delta Rae, Colours-
ROCK & ROLL HOTEL 1353 H St. NE. (202) 388-7625.
Nicole Atkins and the Black Sea, Cotton Jones, Lightfoot.
JAMMIN’ JAVA 225 Maple Ave. E., Vienna. (703) 255-
ST. ELMO’S COFFEE PUB 2300 Mount Vernon Ave., 1566. Jesse Malin & the St. Marks Social, Josh Abt, The
Alexandria. (703) 739-9268. Innocent Flannel. Regulars, American Babies.
VELVET LOUNGE 915 U St. NW. (202) 462-7625. Fan MCGINTY’S PUB 911 Ellsworth Dr., Silver Spring. (301)
Tan, Painted Face, Sensual Harassment. 587-1270. Chris Murphy
ROCK & ROLL HOTEL 1353 H St. NE. (202) 388-7625. Eli
dJ Nights “Paperboy” Reed and the True Loves, The Electricutions.
18TH STREET LOUNGE 1212 18th St. NW. (202) 466- STATE THEATRE 220 N. Washington St., Falls Church.
3922. DJ Kalani, DJ Version Sounds, DJ John Bowen (703) 237-0300. Dark Star Orchestra.

CAFE SAINT-EX/GATE 54 LOUNGE 1847 14th St. NW. VELVET LOUNGE 915 U St. NW. (202) 462-7625.
(202) 265-7839. Soul Call Paul. Daddy Lion, Goodman Brown.

SCIENCE CLUB 1136 19th St. NW. (202) 775-0747.
Formula with Vishal Kanwar.
1880. Le Castle Vania, Smash Gordon, DJ Lisa Frank. (202) 398-2655. Live R&B.

Jazz dJ Nights
18TH STREET LOUNGE 1212 18th St. NW. (202) 466-
BLUES ALLEY 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Rear. (202)
3922. DJ Sean Haney.
337-4141. Aziza Miller.
GEORGIA BROWN’S 950 15th St. NW. (202) 393- (202) 265-7839. DJ Wondermike.
4499. Jazz evenings.
CHIEF IKE’S MAMBO ROOM 1725 Columbia Rd. NW.
JO JO’S 1518 U St. NW. (202) 319-9350. Colie Wil- (202) 332-2211. Deja Vu ‘80s dance party.
liams featuring Ol Soul for a New Day.
HEAVEN & HELL 2327 18th St. NW. (202) 667-4355.
TRYST 2459 18th St. NW. (202) 232-5500. Lovesome ‘80s Rewind.
Thing Jazz Trio.
MOdERN 3287 M St. NW. (202) 338-7027. DJ Sound-
U-TOPIA 1418 U St. NW. (202) 483-7669. Paul Piper. traxx and DJ Face.

City Lights PiCk: sunday

Jamaican singer Gyptian’s “Hold You” (or “Hold Yuh”)
struck a chord with more than just reggae fans in 2010.
Thanks to 10-plus remixes with the likes of nicki minaj
and major lazer, the song became a crossover hit among
R&B, rap, soca, and reggaeton followers. The updates
feature a variety of additional rapped and sung verses, but
it’s Gyptian’s falsetto melody and the minimalist, finger-
plunking keyboard beat that still hypnotize. He’s been setting his patois-tinged vocals to music
since his 2005 roots-reggae single “Serious Times,” and in 2008 he began incorporating sleek
urban accents into his material. When the performer known as the Sexy Rasta was last in the
area five months ago, he rushed through a 25-minute set. Hopefully this time, the ladies’ man will
deliver a performance that lasts. GYpTiAn AnD eTAnA peRfoRm AT 11 p.m. AT DC STAR, 2135 QUeenS
CHApel RD. ne. $25. (202) 635-0089. —Steve Kiviat

52 march 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

SCIENCE CLUB 1136 19th St. NW. (202) 775-0747. DJ settlers. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW.
Q and Crew. Wed., 3/9, at 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. Audio and Video at www.lisner.org
LINdA FAIRSTEIN Discusses and signs Silent Mercy,
Jazz a thriller that follows New York assistant D.A. Alex SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 8PM

BLUES ALLEY 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Rear. (202)

337-4141. Stanley Jordan.
Cooper through a case involving the city’s powerful
religious community. Barnes & Noble Downtown, The Music of Lou Harrison
555 12th St. NW. Thu., 3/10, at 6:30 p.m. Free. (202)
Post-Classical Ensemble
JO JO’S 1518 U St. NW. (202) 319-9350. Jazz Trio with
Harrison seamlessly wove the spirituality of Indonesian gamelan into his own
Thad Wilson or Brian Settles. STEVEN GOLdMAN ANd CONTRIBUTORS Discuss western tradition. This unique event includes gamelan music, film clips and the
1905 RESTAURANT 1905 9th St. NW. (202) 332-1905. and sign Baseball Prospectus 2011, the annual statistical most commanding piano concerto composed by an American.
Hot Club of DC, Nicki Gonzalez & Matvei Sigalov Duo, guide to baseball. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut
and Laissez Foure play on a rotating schedule of nights. Ave. NW. Mon., 3/7, at 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 8PM
ST. ELMO’S COFFEE PUB 2300 Mount Vernon Ave.,
Alexandria. (703) 739-9268. Not So Modern Jazz
CHARLES KING Discusses and signs Odessa: Genius
and Death in a City of Dreams, a book that chronicles Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Quartet. the rise and fall of the largely Jewish Ukrainian port city
on the Black Sea. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut
Legendary South African Choir
TWINS JAZZ 1344 U St. NW. (202) 234-0072. Major 6th. Ave. NW. Sat., 3/5, at 6 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. Ladysmith Black Mambazo create a joy-infused environment everywhere they
sing, marrying the intricate rhythms and harmonies of their native South Africa
U-TOPIA 1418 U St. NW. (202) 483-7669. Wayne WALTER MOSLEY Discusses and signs When the Thrill to the sounds and sentiments of Christian gospel music. “Their voices ... will soar in
Wilentz Trio. is Gone the third book in the Leonid McGill mystery melodic tenor, alto and bass harmonies.” – Washington Examiner
series. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW.

Blues Tue., 3/8, at 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 8PM
CARLA L. PETERSON Discusses and signs Black
Marcel Khalife in

Flamenco Weekend:
COLUMBIA STATION 2325 18th St. NW. (202) 462- Gotham: A Family History of African Americans in
6040. Atomic Swing Club. Nineteenth-Century New York City. Politics and Prose,
5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Fri., 3/4, at 7 p.m. Free.
Concierto Andalouse & Gala Flamenca
Pan American Symphony Orchestra
Folk (202) 364-1919.
TOM SHROdER ANd JOHN KONRAd The Washing- Joining PASO for a riveting performance of Spanish and Arabic
WOLF TRAP 1645 Trap Rd., Vienna. (703) 255-1868.
ton Post journalist and oil rig captain discuss and sign music isthe Middle East’s most famous oud player, folk singer,
Tom Paxton.
Fire on the Horizon: The Untold Story of the Gulf Oil and composer Marcel Khalifé, with flamenco dancers from Spain.
Disaster. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave.
World NW. Sun., 3/6, at 5 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 7PM
NW. (202) 467-4600. Asima.
SARA WHEELER Discusses and signs The Magnetic
North: Notes from the Arctic Circle, an account of a
Paco Peña: Flamenco Vivo
trip to the North Pole, which includes experiences with Flamenco Music and Dance
a crew of Russian icebreakers and a group of reindeer
Bringing life to intoxicating rhythms, colors and sounds of Andalucía,
herders. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Spanish flamenco guitar master Peña and his company of young talented
Thu., 3/10, at 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. dancers, singers and musicians set the stage alight in bursts of glorious
Columbia Pike, Arlington. (703) 486-2345. Fri., 3/4 & BENJAMIN WITTES Discusses and signs Detention and improvisation and virtuoso flamenco technique. “Peña and his troupe of singers,
Sat., 3/5, Gallagher. Thursdays, Live stand-up comedy. Denial: The Case for Candor After Guantanamo, an dancers, and musicians exude apowerful magnetism that gleams with vitality.” - The Age
Saturdays, Open mic stand-up comedy. argument for a better approach to detention centers.
Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Sat., FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 8PM
dC IMPROV 1140 Connecticut Ave. NW. (202) 296-7008.
Gal Costa
3/5, at 1 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919.
Fri., 3/4–Sun., 3/6, Jeffrey Ross. Thu., 3/10, Joe Recca.

BookS GallerIeS Brazilian Vocal Legend

ARLINGTON ARTS CENTER 3350 Wilson Blvd., One of the visionaries of modern Brazilian music, vocalist Gal Costa’s recordings
ROBBIE CONAL The guerrilla poster artist and political Arlington. Tue.–Sat., 11 a.m.–5 p.m. (703) 248-6800. helped launch Brazil’s Tropicália movement in the late 1960s. Costa performs songs
activist discusses and signs Not Your Typical Political OngOing: “On the Road.” Mixed media works by vari- by composers Caetano Veloso, Antonio Carlos Jobim and others.
Animal, a collection of 20 years’ worth of drawings ous artists. “New Blood.” Work by new gallery artists.
and paintings. Busboys and Poets 14th & V, 2021 14th SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 8PM
To April 3.
St. NW. Fri., 3/4, at 8:30 p.m. Free. (202) 387-7638.
STEVE EARLY Discusses and signs The Civil Wars in U.S.
days–Fridays, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. (202) 638-3000. OngO-
Jil Aigrot · Songs of
Labor: Birth of a New Workers’ Movement or Death ing: “Open Source.” Work by George Mason Univer- Édith Piaf, Jacques Brel, and Charles Aznavour
Throes of the Old?. Busboys and Poets 5th & K, 1025 sity art students. To March 25. French vocalist Jil Aigrot masterfully breathes new life into the cherished
5th St. NW. Tue., 3/8, at 6:30 p.m. Free. (202) 789-2227. classics of her native country in a new program. Her interpretations of Piaf,
CIVILIAN ART PROJECTS 406 7th St. NW. Wednesdays,
JONATHAN EVISON Discusses and signs West of Here, Thursday, and Saturdays, 1–6 p.m.; Fridays, 4–8 p.m; as the singing voice in the acclaimed movie La Vie En Rose and on the concert
a novel about the people of the Olympic Peninsula’s and by appointment. (202) 347-0022. OngOing: “Bor- stage, have resulted in worldwide acclaim.
journey to restore the area after a dam marred its land- dering on Painting.” Mixed media by Seth Adelsberger.
scape, and the attitudes of some of the first European “Laying Tracks.” Photos by Jason Falchook. To April 9.
Ira Glass
Radio on the TV: Stories about
City Lights PiCk: monday This American Life, the Television Show

The Wizard of Oz captured the American imagination at

Acoustic Africa
its best and most Technicolor, but as “1939” demon- Featuring Habib Koité (Mali), Oliver “Tuku” Mtukudzi
strates, life for many Americans the year of its release (Zimbabwe), and Afel Bocoum (Mali)
was hardly a trek down the yellow brick road. The national museum of American History’s small FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 8PM
exhibition captures a nation on the brink of major change—in politics, pop culture, technology,
and civil rights—and on the cusp of war. Thanks to fDR’s federal Art project, photographers like
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas
Carl mydans captured life during the still-going Great Depression, while marian Anderson and
Cuban rumba legends
Billie Holiday used their vocal talents to protest inferior treatment of African Americans. A more Tickets available at the Lisner Box Office (Tues-Fri, 11am to 5pm),
prosperous, and more trying, era was inevitable, but it remained just over the rainbow. THe exHi- Ticketmaster Outlets, 202-397-SEAT, and ticketmaster.com
BiTion iS on VieW DAilY 10 A.m. To 5:30 p.m. AT THe nATionAl mUSeUm of AmeRiCAn HiSToRY, 14TH
STReeT nW AnD ConSTiTUTion AVenUe. fRee. (202) 633-1000. —Karisse Carmack

washingtoncitypaper.com march 4, 2011 53

CONNER CONTEMPORARY 1358 Florida Ave. NE. Tue.– HEMPHILL FINE ARTS 1515 14th St. NW. Tuesdays–
Sat., 10 a.m.–5 p.m. (202) 588-8750. ClOsing: “Win- Saturdays, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. and by appointment. (202)
dowboxing I.” Work by Cordy Ryman. “High Pressure 234-5601. OngOing: “Viewing Rm.” Work by various
3701 Mount Vernon Ave.
System.” Work by Brandon Morse. To March 5. artists. To March 26.
Alexandria, VA • 703-549-7500 CROSS MACKENZIE GALLERY 1054 31st St. NW. HONFLEUR GALLERY 1241 Good Hope Rd. SE. Tues-
For entire schedule go to Birchmere.com
Find us on Facebook/Twitter!
Tuesdays–Fridays, noon–6 p.m.; Saturdays, noon–5 days–Fridays, noon–5 p.m.; Saturdays, 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tix @ Ticketmaster.com 800-745-3000

Jesse Cook
p.m. (202) 333-7970. Opening: “Covers.” Magazine (202) 536-8994. Opening: “Try a little tenderness as
cover paintings by Cindy Kane. painful as it seems.” Works by Ben Skinner. To April 8.
Mar 3
6 7pm WATCH Awards Ceremony
CURATOR’S OFFICE 1515 14th St. NW. Wednesdays– IRVINE CONTEMPORARY 1412 14th St. NW.
Saturdays, noon–6 p.m. and by appointment. (202) Tuesdays–Saturdays, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. (202) 332-8767.
387-1008. OngOing: “Amend.” Photos by Nicholas
Irish Trad.
ClOsing: “Saturnalia.” Work by various gallery artists.
8 Superstars! ALTAN w/LILT
The Discovery Series and Sheila Pye. To March 19. To March 5.
9 Live and Direct from 1967!
Hitchcock & Joe Boyd
ImanI WInds FLASHPOINT 916 G St. NW. Tuesdays–Saturdays, LONG VIEW GALLERY 1234 9th St. NW. Wednes-
GRAMMY-nominated noon–6 p.m. (202) 315-1310. OngOing: “Standing
White Bicycles”
days–Saturdays, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.; Sundays noon–5 p.m.
ensemble’s only Atop the Ladder.” Mixed media work by Juan Tejedor.
(202) 232-4788. OngOing: New gallery artists group
To March 26.
D.C.-area appearance
Tony Rice Unit show. To March 13.
w/Sierra Hull & Highway 111
Fri., March 4 FOUNdRY GALLERY 1314 18th St. NW. Wednesdays–
Sundays, noon–6 p.m. (202) 463-0203. Opening:
“Touch Points.” Water colors by Katherine Blakeslee.
Arlington. Daily, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (703) 875-1100.
OngOing: “Sweet-Meat Cherry-Whip Flip.” Photos by
The Fabulous ’40s To March 27.
Victoria F. Gaitán. To March 12.
CD release party for a GALLERY AT VIVId SOLUTIONS 2208 Martin Luther
14 In the Bandstand • All Standing, Doors 6pm
new all-music album! MOCA dC 1054 31st St. NW. Wed.–Fri., 1 p.m.–6

The Saw Doctors

King Jr. Ave. SE. Tuesdays–Fridays, noon–5 p.m.; Satur-
The Further Adventures of
Sat., March 5 days, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. (202) 365-8392. Opening: “Car- p.m., Sat., 1 p.m.–5 p.m. (202) 342-6230. Opening:

w/AM Taxi
tograph.” Works by Gerard Lange. To April 8. “Erotica 2011.” To April 2.
CalIfornIa GuItar trIo
Rachelle Ferrell
GOVINdA GALLERY 1227 34th St. NW. Tuesdays– STUdIO GALLERY 2108 R St. NW. Wednesdays &
From Beethoven and Bach
Saturdays, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. (202) 333-1180. OngOing: Thursdays, 1–7 p.m.; Fridays 1–8 p.m.; Saturdays, 1–6
to “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Photos of Washington-area R&B musicians by Fer- p.m. (202) 232-8734. Opening: Photography by Iwan
Wed., March 9 Bagus. “La Serenissima–Views of Venice.” Works by
nando Sandoval. To April 2.

20 ‘Chinaberry
Elizabeth Grusin-Howe. “Mostly Grey.” Works by Peter
al dI mEola
Gaelic Storm
World sInfonIa
Rodney Crowell Sidewalks Tour’
Market St., Ste. 103, Reston. Tuesdays–Saturdays,
Karp. To March 26.

pursuiT oF radical 11 a.m.–5 p.m. (703) 471-9242. Opening: “Emerg- TOUCHSTONE GALLERY 901 New York Ave. NW.
23 Madstone Productions Presents
rhapsody Tour 2011 ing Visions: A Sense of Place.” Collaborative projects Wednesdays & Thursdays, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.; Fridays,
tueS. & Wed., March 15 & 16 between art and English students from Herndon and 11 a.m.–8 p.m.; Saturdays & Sundays, noon–5 p.m.

24 In the Bandstand All Standing, Doors 6pm

South Lakes High Schools. To April 14. and by appointment. (202) 347-2787. Opening: “Sur-


The Discovery Series
latInoamErICano PETER WOLF Kenny
Villa-Lobos, Piazzolla, White
Ponce, and Ginastera 26 TOM RUSH
Over The Rhine Lucy Roche
Fri., March 18
28 Bob Schneider (solo) MANCINI
luCy KaplansKy OLIVIA
special guesT:
29 Kaki King R J
mark erelli OE
Perceptive folk singer
30 & 31 An Evening with

The Wailin’ Jennys

thurS., March 24

April 1 The Jazz Crusaders

CravIn’ doGs
feat. Joe Sample, Wilton Felder, Wayne Henderson
25Th anniversary


special guesT:

JARS OF CLAY ‘Shelter Tour’

The michael clem Trio
Local folk favorites

Matt Maher, Derek Webb, Audrey Assad
Sat., april 2

Órla fallon, formErly “MUSIC MATTERS” TOUR w/
of CEltIC Woman Anthony

Sensational Irish singer/
harpist with a new release 7&8
Trapper City Lights PiCk: tuesday
9 Junior Brown The Wranglers
Wed. & thurS., april 6 & 7 Ruthie &

10 “standing atop
The Discovery Series
KatE lIndsEy, BUDDY GUY Sullivan

KIm pEnsInGEr 12&13
Tower of Power
Aimee Mann
the ladder”
WItman, pianisT for visual artist Juan Tejedor, real-world topography is a starting point, not a destination. in
14 Livingston Taylor Buskin &

15 Girlyman & Susan Werner

Wolf Trap Opera alumna sings Batteau the small but wide-ranging exhibition “Standing Atop the Ladder,” the Washington-
Bizet, Liszt, Ives & Argento
Fri., april 8 based artist offers intricate paintings and mixed-media works with inspirations that range

16 Carrie Newcomer & Debi Smith

John musTo
from satellite images to transportation maps to the stars. in “pangea as it exists Today,” Teje-

thE InspECtor dor pieces Africa and South America back together, flips them so they’re unrecognizable, and
‘Soul Survivors’ feat.
libreTTo by mark campbell
ERIC ROBERSON & VIVIAN GREEN shades the areas based on how much human development has occurred. in “Bus Drawing—

Nanci Griffith Kennedys

World prEmIErE The
pacific migrations,” Tejedor draws dendritic forms on a wall in graphite, based on the flight
commissioned by WolF Trap
Wed. & Fri., april 27 & 29 patterns of birds; in “Bus Drawing,” he abstracts the grids, diagonals, and organic shapes of
Sun., May 1 21 New Riders of the Purple Sage bus routes in D.C. and Alexandria. But two works from the “night Sky” series, in which Tejedor
& Commander Cody attaches little balls of putty irregularly to rows of filaments, are the most compelling. The
TickeTs: 1(877)WOLFTRAP 23 Cleve Francis works’ inspiration is evident from their titles, but the pieces equally suggest birds perched on

29 HOT TUNA (Electric)

utility wires at sunset. THe exHiBiTion iS on VieW TUeSDAYS To SATURDAYS fRom noon To 6 p.m. AT
30 Stephanie Mills W
flASHpoinT, 916 G ST. nW. fRee. (202) 315-1306. —Louis Jacobson
Groups Save! Call (703) 255-1851 ESLEY

54 march 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

DMV’s Hottest New International Venue!

3501 S Jefferson St Falls Church, VA 22041
703-820-3900 • www.babylonfc.com
• Open for lunch and dinner 11am to 2am
Watch a Video Tour of Babylon at:

• Full menu til 1:30am! Ample Free Parking

• Show times and cover charges vary
• Call for more information, to book birthday party
sections, or for VIP spaces

Joy of Jazz hosts the Mix, Mingle, & Groove after work
networking event. Line dancing w/ instructor, free appetizers,
DJ“Simply DJ”6-10pm || LATE NIGHT starts at 10pm. Birthday
Spectacular, hosted by G.I.P. Events… DJ Capo spins.

BABYLON’s favorite songstress in her long-anticipated solo debut.
Fresh from her sold out Vegas lounge tour, Elle will dazzle with
contemporary R&B and smoky jazz standards. DJ“Simply DJ”fills
the dance floor. 6:30-10pm || AFTER PARTY with DJ Trini from
93.9FM WKYS.*

Performing habesha cultural favorites with full band, LIVE on
stage 7-10pm. Traditional dancers, coffee ceremony and dinner
specials. Shisha and VIP sofas. || INTERNATIONAL FUSION CLUB Friday, March 4th: ELLE MARCHELLE
PARTY with DJ DNA || Hosted by Shelly / Meklit / Mame. ….Dazzles the Babylon faithful!
Marine ChaMber enseMbles

Fitsum & Abdu lead our All Star reggae jam session, ZEMA
BAND live on stage. Mimi adds her Aster Aweke tribute set! DJ
Piojo from 99.1FM El Zol spins Amharic, dancehall, club classics
between sets and late. Party starts at 7pm… Best Sunday event
in the DMV!

NETWORKING EVENT with the inimitable DJ Rabi… Check out his
famous Deep International Mix. NO COVER. Club & Restaurant
professionals social night.


The Hicham Anmari Band performs a classic Arabic stage show.
Special guest Leila Atef. Stageside and VIP sofa seating available
by reservation. 10pm-CLOSE.


DJ Mamush triumphant return from Africa Tour… COLLEGE
NIGHT and BEST REGGAE MIX || Half off door with student ID –
daytime prices on shisha etc. til 11pm. Music starts 9pm || By
Zion Prod. / Mame


Mix, Mingle, & Groove party by Joy of Jazz. Line dancing w/
instructor, appetizers, DJ“Simply DJ”6-10pm || LATE NIGHT CLUB
hosted by G.I.P. Events… DJ Capo.

This high-energy dance band will have the house rockin’. They
never fail to fill the floor and thrill the bar. LIVE Jazz / R&B dinner
show and DJ Dance Party with DJ“Simply DJ”between sets, 6:30-

Shostakovich 10pm || AFTER PARTY with DJ Trini from 93.9FM WKYS.*

Sunday, March 6 at 2 p.m.

John Philip Sousa Band Hall FRIDAYS… CLUB AFTER PARTY with
7th & L Streets, SE Washington, D.C. 93.9FM. DJ Trini on the Mix!
Concert Information: 202-433-4011
www.marineband.usmc.mil First Time Guests: Bring this ad for $5 off any cover charge. Tickets or Table Reservations available through the Club or promoters.

washingtoncitypaper.com march 4, 2011 55

faces.” Paintings by Michele Cormier. “Inspiration.”
Landscape paintings by Betsy Forster. To March 27. TheaTer
AT HOME AT THE ZOO Edward Albee expands on
his career-making one-act The Zoo Story with a new
Atlantic Art Center. 8230 Georgia Ave., 2nd Fl. Tues- drama that presents a meticulous look at the lives of
days–Thursdays, noon–6 p.m.; Fridays, noon–7 p.m.; three New Yorkers. A husband and wife engage in
Saturdays, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; Sundays, noon–5 p.m. an everyday conversation that veers into dangerously
(301) 273-3660. Opening: “Reflections Past and Pres- personal territory; the revelations and confrontations
ent.” Works by Lila Oliver Asher. To March 27. catapult them from their delicately balanced world
onto life-changing paths. Kogod Cradle at Arena
WAVERLY STREET GALLERY 4600 East-West High- Stage, 1101 6th St., SE. Tuesdays and Wednesdays at
way, Bethesda. Tuesdays–Saturdays, noon–6 p.m. 7:30 p.m.; Thursdays and Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays

DC’s Legendary Jazz Club

(301) 951-9441. ClOsing: “21+21.” Third annual at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
invitational show. To March 5. $40–$85. Closes April 24. (202) 488-3300.

Established in 1926 WIP GALLERY AT ARTISPHERE 1101 Wilson Blvd., BASRA BOY Rosemary Jenkinson’s world premiere

2001 11th ST NW - (202)299-0800

Arlington. Daily, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (703) 875-1100. one-man show an account of the young folk getting

Amiri Baraka
OngOing: “Rosslyn: A Work in Process.” To March 13. high and getting into fights and trying to get laid,
trying to escape boredom. Josh Sticklin vibrates like a
WOHLFARTH GALLERIES 3419 19th St. NE. Wednes- hopped-up hummingbird as Speedy, a kid who decides
days–Saturdays, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. and by appointment. to make the army his ticket out of Belfast. His pal Stig
Friday (202) 526-8022. OngOing: “Sea to Mountain.” Sculpture (also Sticklin, of course) can’t believe he’s falling for the
Feb 25th
government’s line, enticed by the promise of adventure

William Parker
and works on paper by Carmela Knepler. To March 12.
and a cash bonus. And Sticklin is a charmer, charis-
matic and tireless. It isn’t energy he wants for; just clar-
ity and precision. When he’s Stig and when he’s Speedy
PEOPLE GO TO GET UGLY isn’t always readily apparent. His physical and verbal

GULABO SAPERA & PARTY Performs the snake stamina are impressive–he’s basically running and yap-
Succulent Soul Food and Live Music charmer’s traditional dance of celebration, or Kalbelia.
Feb 26th
ping full-tilt for 70 minutes–but Basra Boy could use a

Mardi Gras
Part of the Maximum India festival. Kennedy Center moment or two of quietude for the audience to locate
Millennium Stage, 2700 F St. NW. Tue., 3/8, at 6 p.m. itself in the continuity of the story. (CK) Keegan The-

Inside Music of
Free. (202) 467-4600. atre at Church Street, 1742 Church St. NW. Saturdays

Curtis Mayfiled
at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.; Sundays at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.

the Madam
NATYALAKSHANA Classical dance forms are given $20–$25. Closes March 12. (703) 892-0202.
with a modern twist by performers from A perfor-
THE CHOSEN The story of two boys, two fathers, and
mance by members of the Instiute of Choreography two very different Jewish communities in Williams-
Artist in Residence and Innovative Dance in Bangalore. Part of the
Maximum India festival. Kennedy Center Millennium
burg, Brooklyn. Two passionate, intelligent boys com-

Heidi Martin pete for opposing teams in a baseball game. When

Stage, 2700 F St. NW. Mon., 3/7, at 6 p.m. Free. (202)
Reuven is injured by Danny, a unique friendship is born.
467-4600. Based on the novel by Chaim Potok. Theater J at Arena
Mar 1st
Stage, 1101 6th St., SE. Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.;

NIGHT OF FLIGHT Joy of Music’s youth dance compa-
Thursdays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.;
nies, Urban Impact and Groove Elements, will perform
and Booze
Sundays at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. $30–$60. Closes

with the resident adult company, Dcypher Dance, at March 27. (202) 488-3300.
the Reston Hospital Center and Washington Wizards’
THE COMEdY OF ERRORS Though you’d think a
$6 Absolut Drinks and joint event, Night of Flight. Verizon Center, 601 F St.
NW. Sat., 2/26 at 5 p.m. $25–$99. (202) 628-3200.
play with a pair of identical twins named Antipholus,

Fri & Sat

another pair named Dromio, and a plot widely regard-
$2 Red Bull add on ed as among the most convolutedly farcical in dramatic
Mar 4th & 5th
FIERCE LOVE (REMIX) San Francisco’s Pomo Afro

literature, wouldn’t need a lot of add-ons, director
$250 for the best set of B--S! Homos performs remixes of the company’s classic piec-
es. Performances highlight Black gay life in the early Aaron Posner and his cast manage to get a high per-

(that’s BEADS you pig!)
centage of the evening’s laughs with non-textual jests.
1990s are updated with pop culture references and
(BM) Folger Elizabethan Theatre, 201 East Capitol St.
new pieces. Dance Place, 3225 8th St. NE. Sat., 3/5, at SE. Tuesdays–Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.; Fridays at 8 p.m.;
Featuring the Johnny Artis
8 p.m & Sun., 3/6, at 7 p.m. $22. (202) 269-1600. Saturdays at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m. and
7 p.m. $30–$60. Closes March 6. (202) 544-7077.
mance by the contemporary Indian dance troupe. Ken- CYMBELINE It’s later, lesser, loopier Shakespeare–but
Fri & Sat
nedy Center Millennium Stage, 2700 F St. NW. Wed., it turns out that even when the Bard’s at less than

Mar 11th & 12th
3/9, at 6 p.m. Free. (202) 467-4600. his best, a stylish staging can be something striking
indeed. (TG) Shakespeare Theatre Company at Lans-
MONDAYS WORd dANCE THEATER Performs “Preludes: Duncan, burgh Theatre, 450 7th St. NW. Tuesdays & Wednes-
Funk and R&B Sand & Chopin.” Lang Theatre at Atlas Performing days at 7:30 p.m.; Thursdays & Fridays at 8 p.m.; Satur-

Soul Jazz Griot

Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. Sat., 3/5, at 5 p.m. & Sun., days at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m. and 7:30
TUESDAYS 3/6 at 7 p.m. $30. (202) 399-7993. p.m. $35–$88. Closes March 6. (202) 547-1122.
Rock ‘n Roll and Soul
Mar 13th
Roots and Bluegrass

Every Second Sunday

City Lights PiCk: wednesday

Ladies Night

w/ Latin & World Beats

Whalum lll
FRI/SAT/SUN in 2009, then-22-year-old director Tomás Rehorek made a bit of a splash on the festival
Local & National Blues Acts circuit with his debut feature Changes. While there has been no shortage of excellent Czech
cinema in recent years, much of it—including Divided We Fall, I Served the King of England,
SPECIAL EVENTS ON Tuesday and Protector—still dwells on World War ii or the Cold War. Rehorek’s film is a modern, urban
OUR 2ND FLOOR Mar 15th

Bohemian Caverns
assembly of four interwoven storylines, mixing a young couple unable to conceive, a single
Tuesday: Live Band @ 9pm

Jazz Orchestra
mother flailing to make ends meet, a middle-aged track coach emptied of confidence, and an
Wednesday: Open Mic @ 8pm aged spinster wasting away in her farmhouse. The visual style—on-the-run cinematography
Thurs & Sun: Karaoke @ 9pm
Mondays @ 8pm
cutting between street life, domestic anguish, and religious iconography—is colorful and
Fri & Sat: House Party manic, not unlike Danny Boyle at his jumpy best. How the four plots combine isn’t exactly
w/ DJ India @ 10pm "This group is
something special." clear, but Rehorek’s early command of color and music is gripping. ChaNgES SCReenS AS pART
Madam’s Organ Restaurant & Bar ~ M.West - CityPaper of THe CzeCH emBASSY’S “lionS of CzeCH film” SeRieS AT 8 p.m. AT THe AVAlon THeATRe, 5612
2001 11th st. nw 202.299.0800
2461 18th Street, NW • (202) 667-5370 ConneCTiCUT AVe. nW. $11. (202) 966-6000. —Benjamin R. Freed
www.madamsorgan.com www.bohemiancaverns.com

56 march 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

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(Solo Guitar) The Tonight Show)
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Blues alley 1073 Wisconsin Ave. (in the alley) • (202) 337-4141 • www.bluesalley.com

Giacomo Puccini

Madama Butterfly
Domingo-Cafritz Young Artist Performance
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 7:30 PM
FREE pre-performance lecture at 6:15 PM
Kennedy Center Opera House

See the stars of tomorrow at yesterday’s prices.

Tickets start at $15!
Each order includes a complimentary copy of Commentaries on CD: Madama Butterfly
and an informative Guide to Madama Butterfly.
Order today at www.dc-opera.org/yap or 202.295.2400 • 800.US.OPERA
Use Source Code MBYAP when ordering.
Some restrictions may apply. Commentaries on CD: Madama Butterfly and Guide to Madama Butterfly included while supplies last. Limit one CD and one guide per order. Wheelchair accessible seating is available in all price categories for all operas. Contact Audience Services or email [email protected].

washingtoncitypaper.com march 4, 2011 57

dR. HORRIBLE’S SING-ALONG BLOG A musical tragi- NW. Wednesdays–Sundays at 8 p.m. $20. Closes April
comedy based on the Joss Whedon’s internet series, 2. (202) 265-3055.
produced during the 2007-08 Writer’s Guild strike,
OEdIPUS EL REY On a bare stage, a brutal Chicano
that originally starred Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan
drug lord watches his wife give birth, then shoots her
Fillion. Landless Theatre at the District of Columbia Arts
up with heroin so she won’t realize he’s getting rid of
1140 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 202.296.7008 | dcimprov.com Center, 2438 18th St. NW. Thursdays–Sundays at 7:30
the baby. A fortune-teller had said the kid would grow
p.m. $25. Closes March 27. (202) 462-7833.
up to kill his dad, and in this L.A. barrio, no kingpin
ROSS LOUNGE SHOWS RECCA ORLEY UPCOMING HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW A musical about the life takes chances. He hands the infant off to his lieuten-
EVENTS of the renowned African American singer and ground-
breaking actor Ethel Waters. From humble beginnings,
ant with orders to make the baby disappear. But this
kid’s name being Oedipus, there’ll be no stopping him
THE DICSC IMPROV she made her way to Broadway, film, and television; from killing his father, a fate determined as much by
April 6 she is considered one of the most influential jazz and gang culture as by the gods in playwright Luis Alfaro’s

blues singers of her time. Starring Bernardine Mitchell. visceral update of Greek myth. Director Michael John
MAR 3 - 6 MAR 6 MAR 10 - 12 MAR 16 - 20 Metro Stage, 1201 N. Royal St., Alexandria. Thursdays Garcés’ staging blends candle-lit spirituality and
Apr 15 - 17 and Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.; matter-of-fact brutality into a plausibly raw, modern
“Roastmaster General” Great American Comedy HBO & Winner of BET’s America’s Premier
on Comedy Central Festival Audition “Coming to the Stage” Comic Hypnotist from MICHAEL MCDONALD Sundays at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. $45–$50. Closes March myth. (BM) Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, 641
Apr 21 - 23
*special event* Showcase Entertainment Tonight 20. (703) 548-9044. D St., NW. Wednesdays–Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays
at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays at 3 p.m.; call for other
AN IdEAL HUSBANd Oscar Wilde’s comedy revolves
Apr 28 - May 1
times. $30–$65. Closes March 6. (202) 393-3939.
around blackmail, political corruption, and public and
private honor in late 19th-century England, where ON THE RAZZLE Tom Stoppard’s reworking of a Vien-
Give the Gift of “an ideal husband” must be above reproach in both nese farce about a pair of shop clerks who sneak off
spheres. Sir Robert Chiltern is a well-regarded politi- to the big city seeking a bit of adventure rattles along
LAUGHTER!!! cian happily married to a loving wife. His status as an reasonably amusingly in Olcott’s ever-in-motion stag-
MAR 24 - 26 MARCH 30 MAR 31-APR 3 APRIL 7 - 10 gift certificates, ideal husband is threatened when evidence of a past ing for Constellation Theatre Company. The puns are
Comedy Central Local college comics NBC’s “30 Rock”, The pitbull of comedy cds, & comedy indiscretion appears. Sir Robert turns to his friend impressive, and if the cast is a little ragged around the
Lord Goring, who takes matters into his own hands. edges, and the staging more frenetic than polished,
& “Chelsea Lately”on E!
*special event*
compete for a
spot in the finals
Comedy Central and
“The Late Show”
from HBO,Showtime
& “The Tonight Show”
school classes Shakespeare Theatre Company at Sidney Harman Hall, chalk that up to over-reaching by an admirably ambi-
610 F St., NW. Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.; tious troupe. (BM) Constellation Theatre at Source,
Thursdays & Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 2 p.m. & 8 1835 14th St. NW. Thursdays–Saturdays at 8 p.m.;
p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. $20–$98. Closes Sundays at 2 p.m. $25–$30. Closes March 6. (202)
April 10. (202) 547-1122. 204-7741.
dREAMCOAT Andrew Lloyd Webber’s classic musi- conceived production puts design hard to work, with
cal tells the story of Jacob’s favorite son, Joseph, and lighting and sound schemes that comment on Naomi
how he rose from slavery in Egypt to becoming the Wallace’s alternately blunt and poetic dialogue. The
Pharaoh’s right-hand man. Olney Theatre Center, 2001 sets and costumes, caked in the most convincing
Olney-Sandy Spring Rd., Olney. Wednesdays–Fridays, 8 sort of filth, certainly convey the play’s grimy sense of
p.m.; Saturdays, 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. and place. It’s all very effective–up to the point where it
7:30 p.m. $34–$54. Closes March 20. (301) 924-3400. begins to feel like Wallace has said what she came to
say about class and money and power and passion,
JUNO ANd THE PAYCOCK Sean O’Casey’s 1924 Juno
and hasn’t quite turned her thoughts yet to how she’ll
and the Paycock starts off feeling like a shrugging com-
get her characters off the stage. There are indelible
edy about poverty, familial contempt, and alcoholism
images aplenty here, on the stage and in the actors’
before gradually hardening into a tragic dirge about
mouths. It’s just there are maybe one or two to spare.
poverty, familial contempt and alcoholism. Say this
(TG) Forum Theatre at Round House, 8641 Colesville
for Washington Shakespeare Company’s inventively
Road, Silver Spring. Thursdays and Fridays at 8 p.m.;
staged production of this middle chapter in O’Casey’s
Saturdays at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m. $25.
Dublin Trilogy: It gives each of the piece’s tonal poles
Closes March 12. (240) 644-1100.
its due, boasts a handful of sterling performances,
and looks a peach. (CK) Washington Shakespeare REd HERRING Michael Hollinger’s farce of features a
HUGGY LOWDOWN Company at Artisphere, 1101 Wilson Blvd., Arlington. spy versus a counter-spy, set in the cold war and involv-
AND Thursdays-Saturdays at 8 p.m.; matinees Saturdays & ing everything from the H-bomb to the FBI to Joseph
CHRIS PAUL Sundays at 2 p.m. $20-$35. Closes March 20. (800) McCarthy’s daughter. Washington Stage Guild at the
494-8497. Undercroft Theatre of Mount Vernon Place United
Methodist Church, 900 Massachusetts Ave., NW.
MORGUE STORY A famous comic book artist, frus-
Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.; Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at
trated with her personal relationships, meets two
2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays at 2:30 p.m. $40–$50.
weird men with equally weird lives. One is a perverted
Closes March 27. (240) 582-0050.
sociopathic coroner; the other is a chronically catalep-
Nov 26 - 28
Tom Joyner Morning Show
tic insurance agent. They could only meet in one place: THE WEIR Set in one location in real time, The Weir

on Magic 102.3FM
The morgue. Adapted from the Brazilian underground is the kind of interior, Irish-to-its-chilly-bones piece

*special event*
film. Molotov Theatre at Playbill Cafe, 1409 14th St. at which Keegan Theatre excels. This is a story about

City Lights PiCk: thursday

wordless music
Composing classical music is a common career move for aging rock stars too ambitious
or artistic for post-prime stadium tours. nothing, after all, says “serious musician” like
conducting an orchestra at Carnegie Hall. But if Billy Joel and paul mcCartney’s output
has underwhelmed, don’t write off Tyondai Braxton. The former frontman of the post-
rock group Battles, Braxton collaborated in 2009 with new York’s Wordless Music
Orchestra to create Central Market. it’s an album of pulsing, dissonant pieces that fit
comfortably in the company of Stravinsky and other classical innovators. At least, that’s the
premise for this free concert at the library of Congress, where Wmo will perform Braxton’s
compositions alongside the work of John Adams, louis Andriessen, and other 20th century
classical luminaries. WoRDleSS mUSiC oRCHeSTRA WiTH TYonDAi BRAxTon peRfoRmS AT 8 p.m.
AT THe liBRARY of ConGReSS’ CooliDGe AUDiToRiUm, 101 inDepenDenCe AVe. Se. fRee; TiCkeTS
ReQUiReD. (202) 707-5000. —Sadie Dingfelder

58 march 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

an unprecedented celebration of

Indian arts and culture in Washington, D.c.


WED., MAR. 23, 8PM

Juan de Marcos &
The Afro-Cuban All Stars
Juan de Marcos Gonzalez, “the Quincy Jones
of Cuba” and Buena Vista Social Club founder,
brings together another triumphant show at
Strathmore. “The audience was dancing in the


aisles!” (The New York Times).
Tickets $25–$52 (Stars Price $22.50–$46.80)

Harmonic textures of guitar and powerful lyrics fuse with sublime Carnatic
melodies played on violin, backed rock, funk, and ethnic rhythms.
march 3 at 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. | monsoon club | Tickets $15

When We Dead Awaken

This visually powerful work from Chorus
Repertory Theatre revolves around the
TUES., MAR. 8, 8PM
mind’s struggle with reality. Performed Cirque Mechanics
in Manipuri with English surtitles. A free
discussion follows the performance on Boom Town
March 4.
FRI., MAR. 25, 8PM
march 4 & 5 at 7:30 p.m. An Evening with Naturally 7
Cirque Mechanics fires up a
Eisenhower Theater | Tickets from $18
giddy gold rush of astonishing
There is no band behind this seven-piece
Vatsala mehra: An Evening of Ghazals, Sufi, Thumri, and Geet
acrobatics in their hilarious new
show—swaying on telegraph ensemble—or, to be precise, the singers are
D.C.’s own “Ghazal Queen” sings songs showcasing the remarkable range and the band! With their phenomenally flexible
emotionality of her voice.
poles, balancing on whiskey

march 8 at 8 p.m. | Eisenhower Theater | Tickets from $20

jugs, and putting a whole new voices, Naturally 7 vocally creates a full range
kind of wild into the Wild West! of instrumental sound, including bass, drums,
malavika Sarukkai: Sakthi Sakthimaan—Energies Auspicious and Fearsome Tickets: $25–$45 guitars, horns and synthesizers. Their sold-out
A hallmark dancer and choreographer in the traditional bharatanatyam style, concerts prove that audiences are getting the
Sarukkai preserves key elements while providing a personal interpretation of the
(Stars Price $22.50–$40.50)
dance’s cultural significance.
distinction and loving it.
march 10 at 7:30 p.m. | Terrace Theater | Tickets $40 Tickets $22.50–$45 (Stars Price $20.25–$40.50)

Utsav Lal, piano

Dubbed “the Raga Pianist,” 18-year-old piano prodigy Utsav Lal seeks to meld the
best of Eastern and Western music through his compositions.
march 13 at 7:30 p.m. | Terrace Theater | Tickets $25

Broken Images
starring Shabana azmi
Award-winning actress Shabana Azmi stars in
Girish Karnad’s psychological thriller about a
relatively unknown Hindi short story writer who
suddenly becomes wealthy and famous by SUN., MAR. 20, 7PM
writing a best-seller in English. Directed by Alyque
Padamsee. Performed in English. The Del McCoury Band Friday Night Eclectic
march 16 at 8 p.m. Just like the hip party you would host—if you
Eisenhower Theater | Tickets from $39
Discover the pure joy of
bluegrass and you’ll see lived in a mansion with an art gallery, a cool band
why this Grammy winner and a bartender. Doors open at 8PM. Advance

Visit the festival web site for more theater, dance, music, film, and
feels as he does: “Don’t tickets $10 (Stars Price $9), $12 at the door.
literature events, plus exhibitions, cuisine, and more! complete schedule
ever let it be said, darling,
at kennedy-center.org/india that what I do don’t bring Educated Consumers, First Name Basis
and Bo Jankans (hop hop) MAR. 11
Tickets at the Box Office or charge by phone (202) 467-4600
me joy…I’m a guitar-
Order online at kennedy-center.org/india picking, bluegrass-singing, Subcontinental Drift: A South Asian Salon (feat.
TTY (202) 416-8524 Groups call (202) 416-8400 never grow up boy.” Fourth Stream and U.S. Dept. of Bhangra) MAR. 18
Tickets $25–$48
The HRH Foundation
(Stars Price $22.50–$43.20) Scrapomatic featuring Mike Mattison (Folk rock)
This performance MAR. 25
ExEcUTIVE cOUNcIL is part of the
Guitar Festival Promotional Partner PBR.

www.strathmore.org (301) 581-5100

major support is provided by David and alice Rubenstein.
Strathmore Ticket Office
5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, MD
M/T/TH/F 10AM–5PM, W 10AM–9PM, SA 10AM–2PM
GROUPS SAVE! (301) 581-5199

washingtoncitypaper.com march 4, 2011 59

the importance of stories, about how the ritual of New in Town. Helms plays Tim Lippe, a choir-boy insur-
narrative can make sadness and loneliness and disap- ance salesman from a town so small “if there’s a bad egg
pointment bearable. In a world of mysterious happen- around, people find out pretty fast.” Tim is sent to Cedar
ings that beggar explanation, this is one inexplicable Rapids, Iowa, for a big conference during which he rooms
phenomena that turns out to be as reliable as the tides. with a vulgar loudmouth (John C. Reilly) and learns to let
Ultimately, it’s the stories that involve otherworldly loose from a flirty woman (Anne Heche). (TO) (See wash-
encounters the least that haunt their tellers the most. ingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
(CK) Keegan Theatre at Church Street, 1742 Church
St. NW. Thursdays–Saturdays at 8 p.m.; Sundays at 3 dRIVE ANGRY The second Nic Cage movie in as many
p.m. $30–$35. Closes March 13. (703) 892-0202. months–is he really that big of a star, or is his price tag
just that low? Here, he plays a father seeking to avenge
WHO’S AFRAId OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? Chicago’s his daughter’s death. (See washingtoncitypaper.com
Steppenwolf Theatre brings their production of Edward
for venue information)
Albee’s acerbic classic to Arena, starring Amy Morton
and Pulitzer Prize-winner Tracy Letts. Kreeger Theater at EVEN THE RAIN Subtlety isn’t exactly the strong suit of
Arena Stage, 1101 6th St., SE. Tuesdays and Wednes- Iciar Bollain’s Bolivia-set drama, Even the Rain. But it’s
days at 7:30 p.m.; Thursdays and Fridays at 8 p.m.; Sat- easy enough to overlook. Spain’s official entry for Best
urdays at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m. and 7:30 Foreign Language Film consideration is a movie about
p.m. $40–$90. Closes April 10. (202) 488-3300. a movie; specifically, the parallels that the production
crew of a controversial Christopher Columbus film see

Film between the story they’re trying to tell and the political
upheaval that’s going on around them. (TO) (See wash-
THE AdJUSTMENT BUREAU At 7:05 a.m. one ingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
n New York workday, former Senate hopeful David
GNOMEO ANd JULIET The Shakespeare classic gets
Norris (Matt Damon) was supposed to spill coffee on
himself on his way to his desk job. That meant he’d an update with garden gnomes. James McAvoy and
run back home to change clothes. That meant he’d Emily Blunt voice the title characters, who–between

CSPAC_CityPaper_022811:Layout 1 2/24/11 3:19 PM Page 1

miss his bus. And that meant he wouldn’t run into Elise pink flamingos and lawn mower races–have as many
(Emily Blunt), a dancer he improbably met in a hotel obstacles to overcome as their quasi namesakes when
bathroom while he thought he was alone, working on they are caught up in a feud between neighbors. (See
his concession speech the night he lost the election. washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
They’d each go their separate ways, never meeting HALL PASS Best friends Rick (Owen Wilson) and Fred
SPRING 2011 @ CSPAC again, and all would be right with the world. At least (Jason Sudeikis) have each been married for a while,
that’s how things are run in The Adjustment Bureau,
and their eyes are beginning to wander. They initially
ABBEY THEATRE writer-director George Nolfi’s adaptation of a Philip K.
rejoice when their wives (Jenna Fischer, Christina
Dick short story. Nolfi’s directorial debut is like Sliding
Applegate) grant them a “hall pass”–one week of
Doors crossed with The Matrix, an entertaining sci-fi
freedom, no questions asked. But soon they find that
love story that’s exciting in more than the usual will-
they-or-won’t-they ways. (TO) (See washingtoncitypa- the single life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. (See wash-
per.com for venue information) ingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
I AM NUMBER FOUR Producer Michael Bay’s
n BEASTLY An update of Beauty and the Beast
starring Vanessa Hudgens, Mary Kate Olsen, and douchebag fingerprints are all over I Am Number Four,
new Hollywood It Boy Alex Pettyfer. (See washington- a Twilight-meets-Transformers mash-up that will leave
citypaper.com for venue information) you alternately bored and confused. (TO) (See wash-
ingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
n RANGO Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, and Abigail
Breslin lend their voices to this animated film THE ILLUSIONIST The Illusionist is practically wordless,
about a household pet who goes on an adventure to but the visual story it tells will warm your heart before it
discover its true self. (See washingtoncitypaper.com for breaks it. This film proves Pixar-worthy in its storytelling,
venue information) animation, and ability to move a viewer to tears. (TO)
(See washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
n AGentle
Man is like a Norwegian version of The JUST GO WITH IT Another Valentine’s Day, another
Wrestler. Stellan Skarsgard plays Ulrik, a ponytailed Jennifer Aniston rom-com. She plays the assistant to
gangster who’s just been released from jail after serv- Adam Sandler’s surgeon. In order to help him romance
ing 12 years for murder. You get the feeling he doesn’t a much younger schoolteacher, she travels with him to
SACHAL VASANDANI QUARTET want to leave, and it’s hard to blame him: Waiting for Hawaii and poses as his soon- to-be ex-wife. No sur-
him outside the prison gates is an expanse of gray skies
sunday, march 13 . 6PM and snow, a crappy room that’s probably dingier than
prise, things don’t work out as the surgeon plans. (See
washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
Indian-American jazz vocalist and composer Sachal Vasandani has his cell, and pressure from his hotheaded and spiteful
boss, Jensen (Bjorn Floberg), to kill the guy who rat- KABOOM Copulation practically overcomes the alleged
ALSO APPEARING a singular, deep-brewed voice and the uncanny ability to straddle
ANTHONY DE MARE the fine line between jazz and pop in songs that teem with
ted Ulrik out. He has a grown son, who tells people
his father’s dead. Skarsgard underplays man-of-few-
premise of writer-director Gregg Araki’s college-set
thriller. The plot centers on Smith (Thomas Dekker), a
LIAISONS: Re-imagining emotion and intellect. $35 words Ulrik, but he’s captivating and charming none- nearly 19-year-old who lusts after his roommate, the
Sondheim theless. The point of the film, again like The Wrestler, improbably named Thor (Chris Zylka), but spends most
seems to be redemption, finding a new purpose in life, of his time with his “vagitarian” best friend, Stella (Haley
from the Piano ABBEY THEATRE making a fresh start. As Ulrik tentatively then confi- Bennett). The central mystery involves a murder that
saturday, april 2 . 8PM Ireland’s National Theatre presents dently moves toward these goals, you’ll find yourself Smith may or may not have witnessed. (TO) (See wash-
engrossed, not somewhat but completely. (TO) (See ingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
UMD School of Music Terminus by Mark O’Rowe washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
MARYLAND OPERA march 17 & 18 . 8PM THE KING’S SPEECH The Duke of York, son of Britain’s

STUDIO Serial killers. Avenging angels. Love-sick demons. This is the stuff n TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT In this 80s throwback
rom com, Topher Grace plays Matt Franklin, a
king in 1925, is about to deliver an address at the Brit-
ish Empire Exhibition. He steps up to the microphone
The Barber of Seville of Terminus. Hold on tight as three strangers are ripped from their recent MIT graduate. Instead of embracing youp-
piedum, he moves home and takes a part-time job at
and then–silence. Followed by a stutter in which he
april 8 – 16 daily lives and thrown into a fantastical world that promises to can barely get a word out. Fast forward to 1934, and
a video store. When he runs into his high school crush,
the duke known as Bertie still has a stutter, but the
shock and thrill. Recommended for mature audiences only. $35 Lori Frederking (new Hollywood It Girl Teresa Palmer),
perspective has shifted to behind-the-scenes and the
and she invites him to a party, he thinks he might have
mood lightens considerably. Tom Hooper’s film, written
a chance with the girl of his dreams. With Anna Faris,
by David Seidler, has the appearance of royalty with the
Dan Fogler, and Chris Pratt. (See washingtoncitypaper.
com for venue information) personality of a commoner–a stubborn, self-deprecat-
ing, and quite witty commoner. (TO) (See washington-
BIG MOMMAS: LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON Martin Law- citypaper.com for venue information)
rence reprises his role as FBI agent Malcolm Turner and
as Turner’s alter-ego Big Momma. After his stepson UNKNOWN After a car accident in Berlin, Dr. Martin Har-
Trent (Brendan T. Jackson) witnesses a murder, the two ris (Liam Neeson) awakens to find that his wife (January
of them go undercover in drag together. (See washing- Jones) no longer recognizes him and that another man
(Aidan Quinn) has assumed his identity. While on the run
Where it’s more than a great performance toncitypaper.com for venue information)
from mysterious assassins, he struggles to uncover the
CEdAR RAPIdS Nerd-down Ed Helms from The
claricesmithcenter.umd.edu 301.405.ARTS (2787) Hangover and you get Ed Helms from Cedar Rapids, a
truth with the aid of an unlikely ally (Diane Kruger). (See
washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)
fish-out-of-water workplace comedy that wishes it were
a raunchier Office Space but is more like a backward Film clips are written by Tricia Olszewski and Erin Petty.

60 march 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com


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Washington City Paper
Fri 3/4 • 2x5.141’’
JobID#: 488137
Name: 0304_Car_WashPap.pdf #94 2/28/11 11:23 AM pt
I Am Number Four (PG-13) 104 mins. Tangled (PG) 100 mins.
Fri.-Sat. 12:20, 3:00, 5:40, 8:30, 11:10; Sun. 12:20, Sat. 10:00; Sun. 2:45
3:00, 5:40, 8:30; Mon.-Thu. 3:00, 5:40, 8:30
Just Go With It (PG-13) 110 mins. E Street Cinema
Fri.-Sat. 11:10, 2:00, 4:50, 7:50, 10:50; Sun. 11:10, 555 11th Street NW.
2:00, 4:50, 7:35, 10:15; Mon.-Thu. 2:00, 4:50, 7:35, (202) 452-7672
127 Hours (R) 95 mins.
Justin Bieber Never Say Never 3D (G) 105 mins. Fri. 2:15, 6:45, 11:30; Sat. 10:00, 2:15, 6:45, 11:30;
March 4–10, 2011 Times currenT as of 4 p.m. Wednesday Fri. 4:20; Sat. 2:15, 5:00; Sun.-Tue. 4:20; Wed. 4:15,
7:15; Thu. 4:20
Sun. 10:00, 2:15, 6:45; Mon.-Thu. 2:15, 6:45
Barney’s Version (R) 132 mins.

Dinosaurs 3D: Giants of Patagonia (NR) 40 mins. Justin Bieber Never Say Never: The Director’s Fan Fri. 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:50; Sat. 10:15, 12:50, 3:50,
Fri.-Sat. 2:25, 4:25, 6:25; Sun.-Thu. 2:25, 4:25 Cut 3D (G) 115 mins. 6:50, 9:50; Sun. 11:15, 2:15, 5:15, 8:15; Mon.-Tue.
Fri. 1:20, 7:20; Sat. 7:35; Sun.-Tue. 1:20, 7:20; Wed. 2:15; Wed. 2:15, 5:15; Thu. 2:15
Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk 3D (NR) 44 1:20; Thu. 1:20, 7:20
AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center mins. Black Swan (R) 110 mins.
8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring Fri.-Thu. 10:25, 12:25 The King’s Speech (R) 111 mins. Fri. noon, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45; Sat.-Sun. 10:00,
Fri.-Sun. 1:00, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10; Mon.-Thu. 1:15, noon, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45; Mon.-Thu. noon, 2:15,
(301) 495-6700 4:10, 7:10, 10:10
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center 4:45, 7:15, 9:45
42nd Street (NR) 89 mins. No Strings Attached (R) 110 mins.
Sun.-Mon Washington Dulles International Airport 14390 Air & Blue Valentine (R) 114 mins.
Space Museum Parkway, Chantilly Fri. 11:55, 2:50, 5:25, 8:20, 11:05; Sat. 4:45, 7:15, Fri. noon, 4:15, 9:00; Sat.-Sun. noon, 4:15, 9:00;
Arugba (NR) 97 mins. 9:50; Sun. 11:55, 2:50, 5:25, 8:20; Mon.-Tue. 2:50, Mon.-Thu. noon, 4:15, 9:00
(202) 357-2700 5:25, 8:20; Wed. 1:25, 4:00; Thu. 2:50, 5:25, 8:20
Thu. 9:45
Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag (G) 40 mins. Cedar Rapids (R) 86 mins.
The Athlete (Atletu) (NR) 89 mins. Rango (PG) 107 mins.
Fri.-Thu. noon, 2:45 Fri. 1:15, 3:30, 5:45, 8:00, 10:30; Sat. 10:45, 1:15,
Thu. 7:00 Fri.-Sun. 12:30, 3:10, 6:00, 8:50; Mon.-Thu. 3:10,
3:30, 5:45, 8:00, 10:30; Sun. 10:45, 1:15, 3:30, 5:45,
Legends of Flight (NR) 40 mins. 6:00, 8:50
Black Orpheus (Orfeu Negro) (NR) 106 mins. 8:00, 10:00; Mon.-Thu. 1:15, 3:30, 5:45, 8:00, 10:00
Fri.-Thu. 11:00, 1:45, 4:30 Take Me Home Tonight (R) 114 mins.
Fri. 7:00, 9:15; Sat. 9:30; Sun. 9:00; Tue.-Wed. 9:00 Even the Rain (Tambien la lluvia) (NR) 103 mins.
To Fly (NR) 34 mins. Fri.-Sun. 11:00, 1:45, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30; Mon.-Thu.
Black Swan (R) 110 mins. Fri. 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 9:50, 12:15; Sat. 11:15, 1:40,
Fri.-Thu. 1:00, 3:45 1:45, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30
Fri.-Thu. 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 4:30, 7:20, 9:50, 12:15; Sun. 11:15, 1:40, 4:30, 7:20,
True Grit (PG-13) 110 mins. 9:50; Mon.-Thu. 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 9:50
The Fighter (R) 114 mins.

Fri.-Sat. 11:30, 2:20, 5:30, 8:10, 11:00; Sun. 11:30,
Fri.-Mon. 2:20, 4:40, 7:05; Tue. 2:20, 4:40; Wed. The King’s Speech (R) 111 mins.
2:20, 5:30, 8:10; Mon.-Thu. 2:20, 5:30, 8:10
2:20, 7:05; Thu. 2:20, 4:40, 7:05 Fri. 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:40, 12:15; Sat. 10:30, 1:00,
Unknown (PG-13) 109 mins. 4:00, 7:00, 9:40, 12:15; Sun. 10:30, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00,
Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) (NR) 96 mins.
Sun. 1:00; Mon. 7:00
West End Cinema Fri.-Thu. 1:30, 4:40, 7:30, 10:20 9:40; Mon.-Tue. 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:40; Wed. 11:00,
2301 M Street NW 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:40; Thu. 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:40
Libeled Lady (1936) (NR) (202)419-3456 AMC Mazza Gallerie Monty Python and the Holy Grail (PG) 89 mins.
Sat. 7:20; Sun. 4:45 5300 Wisconsin Ave. NW Fri. midnight; Sat. midnight
The Fighter (R) 114 mins.
Platinum Blonde (1931) (NR) 89 mins. Fri.-Sat. 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30; Sun. 12:30, 2:45, (202) 537-9553 Oscar Nominated Shorts 2011: Animation (NR)
Sat. 3:00; Tue. 7:00 5:00, 7:15, 9:30; Mon.-Thu. 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 Fri. 3:00, 7:30, 11:45; Sat. 11:00, 3:00, 7:30, 11:45;
Carmen in 3D (PG-13) 175 mins.
Secret Agent (1936) (NR) 86 mins. Sat. 1:00; Wed. 6:30 Sun. 11:00, 3:00, 7:30; Mon.-Thu. 3:00, 7:30
Inside Job (PG-13) 108 mins.
Sat. 1:00; Sun. 7:00 Fri. 4:30, 7:00; Sat. noon, 4:30, 7:00; Sun. noon, Oscar Nominated Shorts 2011: Live Action (NR)
Drive Angry 3D (R) 104 mins.
Shall We Dance (NR) 109 mins. 4:30; Mon.-Tue. 4:30; Wed. 4:30, 7:00; Thu. Fri. 2:10, 5:05, 7:40, 10:10; Sat. 5:05, 7:40, 10:10; Fri. 12:45, 5:15, 9:30; Sat.-Sun. 12:45, 5:15, 9:30;
Fri. 4:45; Sat. 5:00; Wed. 6:30 Sun. 11:30, 2:10, 5:05, 7:40, 10:10; Mon.-Tue. 2:10, Mon.-Thu. 12:45, 5:15, 9:30
Kaboom (NR) 88 mins.
The Social Network (PG-13) 120 mins. Fri.-Sat. 11:00 5:05, 7:40; Wed. 2:10; Thu. 2:10, 5:05, 7:40 A Somewhat Gentle Man (En ganske snill mann) (NR)
Fri.-Thu. noon, 9:20 Gnomeo & Juliet 3D (G) 84 mins. 105 mins.
Putty Hill (NR) 87 mins.
Fri. 12:30, 2:40, 4:50, 7:00, 9:10; Sat.-Sun. 10:20, Fri. 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15; Sat. 10:05, 12:15,
Fri.-Thu. 3:30, 5:30, 7:20, 9:00
12:30, 2:40, 4:50, 7:00, 9:10; Mon.-Thu. 2:40, 4:50, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15; Sun. 10:05, 12:15, 2:45, 5:15,
Washington Psychotronic Film Society The Social Network (PG-13) 120 mins. 7:45, 10:00; Mon.-Thu. 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45,
The Passenger, 1021 7th St. NW Fri. 2:10, 9:15; Sat. 1:00, 2:10, 9:15; Sun. 1:00, 2:10; 10:00
(202) 736-1732 Mon.-Tue. 2:10; Wed.-Thu. 2:10, 9:15 Hall Pass (R) 98 mins.
Fri. 2:20, 5:00, 7:30, 10:05; Sat.-Sun. 11:40, 2:20,
The Dungeons of Harrow (1962) 5:00, 7:30, 10:05; Mon.-Thu. 2:20, 5:00, 7:30 Regal Gallery Place
Tue. 8:00 AMC Loews Cineplex Uptown 707 7th St. NW
Just Go With It (PG-13) 110 mins.
3426 Connecticut Ave. NW (202) 393-2121
Fri. 1:50, 4:30, 7:10, 9:50; Sat.-Sun. 11:00, 1:50,
National Air and Space Museum (202) 333-FILM #799 4:30, 7:10, 9:50; Mon.-Thu. 1:50, 4:30, 7:10 The Adjustment Bureau (PG-13) 99 mins.
Lockheed Martin IMAX Theatre 7th St. & Independance The Adjustment Bureau (PG-13) 99 mins. Fri.-Sat. noon, 12:40, 2:30, 3:30, 5:00, 6:40, 7:40,
Ave. SW Justin Bieber Never Say Never: The Director’s Fan
Fri.-Sat. 1:30, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30; Sun. 1:30, 4:00, Cut 3D (G) 115 mins. 9:20, 10:20, midnight, 12:50; Sun.-Thu. noon,
(202) 633-4629 7:00; Mon.-Thu. 4:00, 7:00 12:40, 2:30, 3:30, 5:00, 6:40, 7:40, 9:20, 10:20
Fri. 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 10:00; Sat.-Sun. 11:20, 2:00,
Hubble 3D (G) 45 mins. 4:40, 7:20, 10:00; Mon.-Thu. 2:00, 4:40, 7:20 Beastly (PG-13) 95 mins.
Fri.-Thu. 10:20, 12:25, 3:00, 5:05 AMC Loews Theatres Georgetown RISE Encore (NR) 120 mins. Fri.-Sat. 12:20, 2:40, 5:05, 7:20, 9:40, 11:50; Sun.-
Legends of Flight (NR) 40 mins. 3111 K St. NW Mon. 7:30 Thu. 12:20, 2:40, 5:05, 7:20, 9:40
Fri.-Thu. 11:25, 1:30, 4:05 (202) 342-6441 Big Momma’s: Like Father, Like Son (PG-13) 107
Rango (PG) 107 mins.
To Fly (NR) 34 mins. The Adjustment Bureau (PG-13) 99 mins. Fri.-Sun. noon, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:20; Mon.-Thu. mins.
Fri.-Thu. 2:25 Fri.-Sat. 11:40, 2:30, 5:20, 8:00, 10:40; Sun. 11:40, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50 Fri.-Thu. 12:30, 3:00, 5:40, 8:20, 10:50
2:30, 5:20, 8:00, 10:25; Mon.-Thu. 2:30, 5:20, 8:00, Unknown (PG-13) 109 mins. Drive Angry 3D (R) 104 mins.
National Gallery of Art 10:25 Fri.-Sun. 12:05, 2:45, 5:20, 8:00, 10:40; Mon. 2:45; Fri.-Sat. 12:25, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:15, 12:40; Sun.
Tue.-Thu. 2:45, 5:20, 8:00 12:25, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:15; Mon. 12:25, 2:50,
East Building Auditorium 4th St. & Constitution Ave. NW Beastly (PG-13) 95 mins.
10:15; Tue.-Thu. 12:25, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:15
(202) 842-6799 Fri.-Sun. 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:00; Mon.-Thu.
2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:00 Avalon Theatre The Fighter (R) 114 mins.
A Woman Like That (NR) 93 mins. Fri.-Sat. 1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30, 12:15; Sun.-Thu.
Sat. 1:00 Biutiful (R) 147 mins. 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW
1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30
Fri.-Sun. 11:50, 6:10; Mon.-Thu. 6:10 (202) 966-6000
For the Love of Movies: The Story of American Film Gnomeo & Juliet 3D (G) 84 mins.
Criticism (NR) 80 mins. Black Swan (R) 110 mins. The Adjustment Bureau (PG-13) 99 mins.
Fri. 12:15, 2:10, 4:20, 6:30, 8:40, 11:00; Sat. 11:55,
Sat. 4:00 Fri.-Thu. 3:20, 9:40 Fri.-Thu. 12:30, 3:00, 5:30, 8:00
2:10, 4:20, 6:30, 8:40, 11:00; Sun. 11:55, 2:10, 4:20,
Women Art Revolution—A Secret History (NR) 83 Carmen in 3D (PG-13) 175 mins. Changes (NR) 6:30, 8:40; Mon. 2:10, 4:20, 6:30, 8:40; Tue.-Thu.
mins. Sat. 1:00; Wed. 6:30 Wed. 8:00 11:55, 2:10, 4:20, 6:30, 8:40
Sun. 4:30 Cedar Rapids (R) 86 mins. The Fighter (R) 114 mins. Hall Pass (R) 98 mins.
Fri.-Sun. 1:10, 3:50, 6:20, 8:45; Mon.-Thu. 3:50, Fri.-Sat. 2:15, 7:45; Sun. 7:45; Mon. 2:15, 7:45; Tue.- Fri.-Sat. 12:10, 2:45, 5:15, 8:00, 10:30, 12:50; Sun.-
National Museum of Natural History 6:20, 8:45 Wed. 2:15; Thu. 2:15, 7:45 Thu. 12:10, 2:45, 5:15, 8:00, 10:30
Johnson IMAX Theatre 10th St. & Constitution Ave. NW Drive Angry 3D (R) 104 mins. Inside Job (PG-13) 108 mins. I Am Number Four (PG-13) 104 mins.
(202) 633-4269 Fri.-Thu. 10:30 Fri. 11:30, 5:00; Sat.-Sun. 5:00; Mon.-Thu. 11:30, Fri.-Thu. 12:15, 2:55, 5:30, 8:10, 10:45
Arabia 3D (NR) 40 mins. Hall Pass (R) 98 mins. Just Go With It (PG-13) 110 mins.
Fri.-Sat. 11:25, 1:25, 3:25, 5:25, 7:25; Sun.-Thu. Fri.-Sat. 12:25, 3:15, 5:50, 8:40, 11:15; Sun. 12:25, Race To Nowhere (PG-13) 83 mins. Fri.-Sat. 1:00, 3:45, 7:05, 9:55, 12:35; Sun.-Wed.
11:25, 1:25, 3:25, 5:25 3:15, 5:50, 8:40; Mon.-Thu. 3:15, 5:50, 8:40 Tue. 8:00 1:00, 3:45, 7:05, 9:55; Thu. 1:00, 3:45, 9:55

62 march 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

Justin Bieber Never Say Never 3D (G) 105 mins. Cedar Rapids (R) 86 mins. Justin Bieber Never Say Never 3D (G) 105 mins. Biutiful (R) 147 mins.
Fri.-Sun. 12:05, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45, 10:20; Mon. 12:05, Fri. 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:30, 9:50; Sat.-Sun. 10:35, Fri.-Sat. 1:05, 3:25, 6:05, 8:30, 11:00; Sun.-Thu. Fri. 12:40, 3:50, 7:00, 10:05; Sat. 9:35, 12:40, 3:50,
2:35, 10:20; Tue. 12:05, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45, 10:20; 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:30, 9:50; Mon.-Thu. 3:00, 5:15, 1:05, 3:25, 6:05, 8:30 7:00, 10:05; Sun. 9:35, 12:40, 3:50, 7:00; Mon.-
Wed. 12:05, 2:35, 5:00, 10:20; Thu. 12:05, 2:35, 7:30, 9:50 Thu. 12:40, 3:50, 7:00
5:10, 7:45, 10:20 The King’s Speech (R) 111 mins.
The Illusionist (L’illusionniste) (PG) 82 mins. Fri.-Thu. 1:25, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 Black Swan (R) 110 mins.
Rango (PG) 107 mins. Fri. 12:40, 2:55, 5:05, 7:10, 9:30; Sat.-Sun. 10:40, Fri. noon, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00; Sat. 9:30, noon,
Fri.-Sat. 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:00, 12:30; Sun.- 12:40, 2:55, 5:05, 7:10, 9:30; Mon.-Thu. 2:55, 5:05, Mars Needs Moms in Disney Digital 3D (PG) 88
mins. 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00; Sun. 9:30, noon, 2:30, 5:00,
Thu. 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:00 7:10, 9:30 7:30; Mon.-Thu. noon, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30
Thu. 12:01
Take Me Home Tonight (R) 114 mins. The King’s Speech (R) 111 mins. Blue Valentine (R) 114 mins.
Fri.-Sat. 1:20, 4:30, 7:00, 9:35, 12:10; Sun.-Thu. Fri. 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:45; Sat.-Sun. 10:15, Mars Needs Moms: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG)
88 mins. Fri. 12:20, 3:00, 5:40, 8:10, 10:40; Sat. 9:40, 12:20,
1:20, 4:30, 7:00, 9:35 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:45; Mon.-Thu. 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 5:40, 8:10, 10:40; Sun. 9:40, 12:20, 3:00, 5:40,
4:00, 7:00, 9:45 Thu. 12:01
Unknown (PG-13) 109 mins. 8:10; Mon.-Thu. 12:20, 3:00, 5:40, 8:10
Fri.-Sat. 12:50, 3:40, 7:10, 9:50, 12:25; Sun.-Thu. The Last Lions (NR) 88 mins. Rango (PG) 107 mins.
Fri. 1:20, 2:25, 3:50, 4:55, 6:20, 7:25, 8:50, 9:55, Cedar Rapids (R) 86 mins.
12:50, 3:40, 7:10, 9:50 Fri. 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:20, 9:35; Sat.-Sun. 10:25,
11:20, 12:25; Sat. noon, 1:20, 2:25, 3:50, 4:55, 6:20, Fri. 12:30, 2:40, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30; Sat. 10:20, 12:30,
12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:20, 9:35; Mon.-Thu. 2:45, 5:00,
7:25, 8:50, 9:55, 11:20, 12:25; Sun. noon, 1:20, 2:40, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30; Sun. 10:20, 12:30, 2:40, 4:50,

7:20, 9:35
2:25, 3:50, 4:55, 6:20, 7:25, 8:50, 9:55; Mon.-Thu. 7:10; Mon.-Thu. 12:30, 2:40, 4:50, 7:10
1:20, 2:25, 3:50, 4:55, 6:20, 7:25, 8:50, 9:55 The Illusionist (L’illusionniste) (PG) 82 mins.
P&G Montgomery Mall Cinemas
7101 Democracy Blvd., Bethesda Red Riding Hood (PG-13) 120 mins. Fri.-Sat. 12:50, 5:10, 9:40; Sun.-Thu. 12:50, 5:10
AMC Magic Johnson Capital Center Thu. 12:01
800 Shoppers Way, Largo (301) 767-9555 The King’s Speech (R) 111 mins.
Take Me Home Tonight (R) 114 mins. Fri. 12:10, 2:50, 5:30, 8:05, 10:40; Sat. 9:30, 12:10,
(301) 324-4220 Gnomeo & Juliet (G) 84 mins.
Fri.-Sat. 1:00, 3:20, 5:35, 7:55, 10:20, 12:40; Sun.- 2:50, 5:30, 8:05, 10:40; Sun. 9:30, 12:10, 2:50, 5:30,
Fri.-Sat. 10:00, noon, 2:30, 4:30, 6:45, 8:55; Sun.
The Adjustment Bureau (PG-13) 99 mins. Thu. 1:00, 3:20, 5:35, 7:55, 10:20 8:05; Mon.-Thu. 12:10, 2:50, 5:30, 8:05
10:00, noon, 2:30, 4:30, 6:45; Mon.-Thu. noon,
Fri.-Sat. 11:50, 2:35, 5:15, 8:00, 10:40, 12:45; Sun.-
2:30, 4:30, 6:45 True Grit (PG-13) 110 mins. The Last Lions (NR) 88 mins.
Thu. 11:50, 2:35, 5:15, 8:00, 10:30
The King’s Speech (R) 111 mins. Fri.-Sat. 10:00, 12:25; Sun.-Thu. 10:00 Fri. 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:40, 9:50; Sat. 10:50, 1:00,
Beastly (PG-13) 95 mins. 3:10, 5:20, 7:40, 9:50; Sun. 10:50, 1:00, 3:10, 5:20,
Fri.-Sat. 11:30, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00; Mon.-Tue. Unknown (PG-13) 109 mins.
Fri.-Sat. 10:00, 12:10, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40, 11:30; 7:40; Mon.-Thu. 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:40
11:30, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30; Wed. 2:30, 5:00, 7:30; Thu. Fri. 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:15, 12:40; Sat. 11:55, 2:30,
Sun. 10:00, 12:10, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40; Mon.-
11:30, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30 5:10, 7:50, 10:15, 12:40; Sun. 11:55, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50,
Thu. 11:55, 2:25, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40
Rango (PG) 107 mins. 10:15; Mon.-Thu. 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:15 Arlington Cinema ‘n’ Drafthouse
Big Momma’s: Like Father, Like Son (PG-13) 107
Fri.-Sat. 11:00, 1:35, 4:20, 7:00, 9:35; Sun.-Thu. 2903 Columbus Pike, Arlington

11:00, 1:35, 4:20, 7:00 (703) 486-2345
Fri.-Sat. 10:05, 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:10, 11:55; Sun.
10:05, 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:10; Mon.-Thu. 12:50, 127 Hours (R) 95 mins.
3:40, 6:30, 9:10 Majestic 20 Sat.-Mon. 9:50; Wed. 9:50; Thu. 7:30
Drive Angry 3D (R) 104 mins. 900 Ellsworth Drive, Silver Spring Alexandria Old Town Theater The Green Hornet (PG-13) 108 mins.
Fri.-Sat. noon, 2:50, 5:30, 8:10, 11:00, 12:20; Sun.- (301) 565-8884 815 1/2 King St., Alexandria Fri. 9:50; Mon. 7:30; Tue. 9:50; Wed. 7:30; Thu.
Thu. noon, 2:50, 5:30, 8:10 The Adjustment Bureau (PG-13) 99 mins. (703) 683-8888 9:50
Gnomeo & Juliet (G) 84 mins. Fri. 1:45, 2:45, 4:30, 5:15, 6:55, 7:40, 9:20, 10:10,
The Adjustment Bureau (PG-13) 99 mins. Tangled (PG) 100 mins.
Fri.-Thu. 11:20, 1:50, 4:20, 6:40, 9:00 11:50, 12:35; Sat. 12:15, 1:45, 2:45, 4:30, 5:15, 6:55,
Fri. 5:45, 8:10; Sat. 1:00, 2:15, 5:45, 8:10; Sun. 1:00, Sat. 11:30; Sun. 12:30
7:40, 9:20, 10:10, 11:50, 12:35; Sun. 12:15, 1:45,
Hall Pass (R) 98 mins. 2:15, 5:45, 8:00; Mon.-Thu. 5:45, 8:00
2:45, 4:30, 5:15, 6:55, 7:40, 9:20, 10:10; Mon.-Thu. Tron: Legacy (PG) 127 mins.
Fri.-Sun. 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:30, 10:20; Mon.-Thu. 1:45, 2:45, 4:30, 5:15, 6:55, 7:40, 9:20, 10:10 The King’s Speech (R) 111 mins.
11:00, 1:45, 4:40, 7:30, 10:20 Sat. 4:15; Tue. 7:15
Fri. 5:15, 7:45, 10:00; Sat. 12:30, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45,
Battle: Los Angeles (PG-13) 116 mins.
I Am Number Four (PG-13) 104 mins. Thu. 12:01 10:00; Sun. 2:30, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45; Mon.-Thu. 5:15,
Fri.-Sat. 10:20, 1:05, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20, 12:10; Sun. 7:45 Cinema Arts Theatre
10:20, 1:05, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20; Mon.-Thu. 1:05, 3:50, Beastly (PG-13) 95 mins. Fair City Mall, 9550 Main St., Fairfax
6:35, 9:20 Fri.-Sat. 1:30, 3:40, 6:00, 8:20, 10:30, 12:30; Sun.- (703) 978-6991
Thu. 1:30, 3:40, 6:00, 8:20, 10:30 AMC Courthouse
Justin Bieber Never Say Never 3D (G) 105 mins. 2150 Claredon Blvd., Arlington 2011 Academy Award Nominated Short Films: Ani-
Fri.-Thu. 1:20, 6:50 Big Momma’s: Like Father, Like Son (PG-13) 107 mated Shorts (NR)
(703) 998-4262
mins. Fri.-Thu. 10:05, 2:35, 7:10
Justin Bieber Never Say Never: The Director’s Fan Fri.-Sat. 12:55, 3:45, 6:30, 9:10, 11:40; Sun.-Thu. The Adjustment Bureau (PG-13) 99 mins.
Cut 3D (G) 115 mins. 12:55, 3:45, 6:30, 9:10 Fri. 1:45, 4:45, 7:30, 10:10; Sat.-Sun. 11:15, 1:45, 2011 Oscar Shorts (NR)
Fri.-Sun. 10:30, 4:00, 9:30; Mon.-Thu. 4:00, 9:30 4:45, 7:30, 10:10; Mon.-Thu. 4:45, 7:15, 9:55 Fri.-Thu. 12:15, 4:30, 9:00
Cedar Rapids (R) 86 mins.
Rango (PG) 107 mins. Fri. 2:55, 5:50, 8:15, 10:25; Sat.-Sun. 12:30, 2:55, Barney’s Version (R) 132 mins. 2011 Oscar Shorts: Animated (NR)
Fri.-Sat. 10:25, 1:10, 4:10, 7:00, 9:50, 12:15; Sun.
10:25, 1:10, 4:10, 7:00, 9:50; Mon.-Thu. 11:05, 1:40,
5:50, 8:15, 10:25; Mon.-Thu. 2:55, 5:50, 8:15, 10:25 Fri.-Sun. 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45; Mon. 3:45, 6:40,
9:30; Tue. 3:45; Wed.-Thu. 3:45, 6:40, 9:30
Fri.-Thu. 10:05, 2:35, 7:10
4:20, 7:00, 9:50 Drive Angry 3D (R) 104 mins. 2011 Oscar Shorts: Live Action (NR)
Fri.-Sat. 2:00, 4:20, 6:45, 9:25, midnight; Sun.-Thu. Black Swan (R) 110 mins. Fri.-Thu. 12:15, 4:30, 9:00
The Roommate (PG-13) 93 mins. 2:00, 4:20, 6:45, 9:25 Fri. 1:30, 4:10, 7:00, 9:40; Sat.-Sun. 10:40, 1:30,
Fri.-Sat. 10:10, 12:40, 3:20, 5:50, 8:20, 10:50; Sun. The Adjustment Bureau (PG-13) 99 mins.
Gnomeo & Juliet (G) 84 mins. 4:10, 7:00, 9:40; Mon.-Thu. 4:10, 7:00, 9:40
10:10, 12:40, 3:20, 5:50, 8:05, 10:25; Mon.-Thu. Fri.-Thu. 9:50, 12:20, 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, 9:40
12:40, 3:20, 5:50, 8:05, 10:25 Fri.-Thu. 1:10, 3:15, 5:30, 7:35 The Fighter (R) 114 mins.
Fri. 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 10:00; Sat.-Sun. 11:00, 1:40, Cedar Rapids (R) 86 mins.
Take Me Home Tonight (R) 114 mins. Gnomeo & Juliet 3D (G) 84 mins. Fri.-Thu. 10:10, 12:10, 2:25, 4:35, 7:40, 9:50
Fri. 2:15, 4:25, 6:25, 8:35, 10:40; Sat.-Sun. 12:05, 4:30, 7:20, 10:00; Mon.-Thu. 3:50, 6:50, 9:25
Fri.-Sat. 11:30, 2:10, 4:50, 7:40, 10:10, 12:40; Sun.-
Thu. 11:30, 2:10, 4:50, 7:40, 10:10 2:15, 4:25, 6:25, 8:35, 10:40; Mon.-Thu. 2:15, 4:25, Just Go With It (PG-13) 110 mins. The Fighter (R) 114 mins.
6:25, 8:35, 10:40 Fri. 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:55; Sat.-Sun. 10:20, 1:15, 4:15, Fri.-Thu. 9:45, 4:40, 9:35
Unknown (PG-13) 109 mins.
Fri.-Sat. 11:10, 2:00, 4:55, 7:50, 10:45; Sun.-Thu. The Grace Card (PG-13) 101 mins. 7:15, 9:55; Mon. 4:05, 6:45, 9:20; Tue. 4:05, 9:20; The Illusionist (L’illusionniste) (PG) 82 mins.
11:10, 2:00, 4:55, 7:50, 10:35 Fri. 2:35, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30, 12:10; Sat. 12:10, 2:35, Wed.-Thu. 4:05, 6:45, 9:20 Fri.-Thu. 10:00, noon, 2:00, 4:05, 6:05, 8:00, 9:45
4:50, 7:10, 9:30, 12:10; Sun. 12:10, 2:35, 4:50, 7:10, No Strings Attached (R) 110 mins.
9:30; Mon.-Thu. 2:35, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 The King’s Speech (R) 111 mins.
Bethesda Row Cinema Fri. 1:20, 4:20, 7:10, 9:50; Sat.-Sun. 10:30, 1:20, Fri.-Thu. 9:55, 12:25, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:05
7235 Woodmont Ave, Bethesda Hall Pass (R) 98 mins. 4:20, 7:10, 9:50; Mon.-Thu. 4:20, 7:05, 9:50
Fri. 1:15, 3:05, 4:00, 5:40, 6:35, 8:05, 9:05, 10:35, True Grit (PG-13) 110 mins.
(301) 652-7273 The Rite (PG-13) 112 mins. Fri.-Thu. 12:05, 2:20, 7:20
11:35; Sat. 12:25, 1:15, 3:05, 4:00, 5:40, 6:35, 8:05,
Fri. 1:00, 4:00, 6:50, 9:30; Sat.-Sun. 10:10, 1:00,
Another Year (PG-13) 129 mins. 9:05, 10:35, 11:35; Sun. 12:25, 1:15, 3:05, 4:00,
4:00, 6:50, 9:30; Mon.-Thu. 4:00, 6:30, 9:10
Fri. 1:10, 4:05, 6:55, 9:40; Sat.-Sun. 10:30, 1:10, 5:40, 6:35, 8:05, 9:05, 10:35; Mon.-Thu. 1:15, 3:05,
4:05, 6:55, 9:40; Mon.-Thu. 1:10, 4:05, 6:55, 9:40 4:00, 5:40, 6:35, 8:05, 9:05, 10:35 Take Me Home Tonight (R) 114 mins.
Fri. 12:20, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:20; Sat.-Sun. 10:00,
Barney’s Version (R) 132 mins. I Am Number Four (PG-13) 104 mins.
12:20, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:20; Mon.-Thu. 4:50,
Fri. 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:55; Sat. 10:20, 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, Fri.-Sat. 12:45, 3:30, 6:10, 8:45, 11:15; Sun.-Thu.
7:10, 9:45
9:55; Sun. 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:55; Mon.-Thu. 1:15, 12:45, 3:30, 6:10, 8:45
4:15, 7:15, 9:55
I Am Number Four: The IMAX Experience (PG-13)
AMC Loews Cineplex Shirlington
Biutiful (R) 147 mins. 104 mins.
Fri. 1:45, 4:50, 8:15; Sat.-Sun. 10:45, 1:45, 4:50, Fri.-Sat. 1:40, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40, 12:15; Sun.-Wed. 2772 S. Randolph Road, Arlington
8:15; Mon.-Thu. 1:45, 4:50, 8:15 1:40, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40; Thu. 1:40, 4:15, 7:00, 9:25 (703) 333-FILM #756
Black Swan (R) 110 mins. Just Go With It (PG-13) 110 mins. 127 Hours (R) 95 mins.
Fri. 4:35, 7:25, 10:00; Sat.-Sun. 11:30, 4:35, 7:25, Fri.-Sat. 2:05, 4:45, 7:30, 10:05, 12:35; Sun.-Thu. Fri. 2:55, 7:20; Sat.-Sun. 10:10, 2:55, 7:20; Mon.-
10:00; Mon.-Thu. 4:35, 7:25, 10:00 2:05, 4:45, 7:30, 10:05 Thu. 2:55, 7:20

washingtoncitypaper.com march 4, 2011 63

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toncitypaper.com/washington/ 7931. 7303.
Garage, Estate, Yard Sales .......... 66 Viewad?oid=oid%3a1128396. Stop bIllS/callS HaraSS-
vermont tHerapy run
are you StreSSed? 77 acu-
pressure- try our relaxing mas- free dIabetIc SupplIeS
Patty/703-370-5311. krav maga. offIcIal down by stress? Visit our cozy, free talking glucose meter free
ment. It is still possible to get a sage. Walk-ins are welcomed.
Health & Wellness ......................... 64 HIgHly rated by Washing- chapter 7 bankruptcy. afford- training center, Krav Maga. The
official self defense and fight-
warm and friendly asian profes-
sional therapists. We will pamper Monday through Saturday 10am- grants for diabetics. american
able. Stop credit harassment, 8pm. 703/359-8999. 11094D dream program for diabetics!
ton checkbook & angies List you and will rejuvenate you from
Housing for Rent.................................. Website will provide comprehen- reposessions and garnishments.
Dc/MD. 202/639-0300 or
ing system of the Israeli Defense
Forces and numerous US Law tired body. 1018 Vermont ave, Lee highway, Suite 102, Fairfax, Money to pay utility bills repair
home, roof bathroom medicare
sive information: license, insur- NW, Washington Dc 20005 Va 22030
Enforcement agencies. reality medicaid private ins. 800-518-
Studio........................................... 71 ance, project pictures, customer
testimonials & reference list.
301/231-6063 Patricia McDon-
ald, ESQ. patriciamcdonald.com based self defense, classes for
202/628-1948 for appointment
or come visit us any time, 10am
StrengtH, condItIonIng, 8427 24hrs http://www.free-glu-
men and women. Simple, effec- coacH. Personal Fitness Train- cose-meter-rx.com http://www.
affordable handyman Services
One bedroom ............................. 71 are available INEX construction,
bulk traSH removal. all
items. attics, basements, yards
tive, easy to learn, great total
to 10pm. ing - Fitness, nutrition, motiva-
tion! Maximize your physical
Inc., www.inex.us, 301-424- body workout. $20 intro special vIagra 100mg and cialis
and garages, clean-up, construc- potential! reverse your biological relaxIng full body mas-
Two bedroom ............................. 71 0010 or [email protected] tion, debris. Low rates. Demoli- includes orientation and 2 begin- 20mg! 40 pills + 4 free for only
$99. #1 Male Enhancement, age! “Maximum” Bob Whelan, sage by female asian massage
tion available. 202/635-7860. ner classes. Monkey Bar Gym therapist in Northern Virginia.
I’m a reSponSIble, depend- Discreet shipping. Save $500 consultant Boston celtics. www.
Three + bedrooms .................... 71 able, detail-oriented female seek- kInd, truStWortHy male
conditioning Program, $59/mo.
intro. 202/328-1201, KMDc@
buy the blue pill now! 1-888- WhelanStrengthTraining.com, Offering Swedish, deep tissue,
ing work as a personal assistant 236-8014 202-638-1708. and sports massage in conve-
caregiver-companion looking for
Housing for Sale ............................. 71 in northern Virginia. I’m willing elderly who needs home assis-
meet beautIful Women in marIna’S full body Swed-
nient incall location. Weekend
appointments also available.
to help with office/personal tance. Non-driver so access to blonde mature europe- Washington, by reading the new ish massage with a special touch. 703/867-8993.
Housing Wanted............................. 71 work/errands, children, and
pets. More information online
you via Metrobus/train is impor- an, Downtown upscale location magazine “Washington Man”. additional 4-hand massage
StartIng over Support
tant. Please call me at 240-462- close to Metro. available day- The website is http://washing- available. Professional, friendly,
at: http://classifieds.washingt-
Instruction ........................................ 65 oncitypaper.com/washington/
8528 or email at rlcdaimos@
yahoo.com Thanks!
time/early evening by appoint-
ment. 202/427-2770
tonman.wordpress.com/, and
in addition to dating advice, we
young, tall. Outcall possible.
11am-12am, 7 days a week.
Group: Whitman Walker clinic
is offering a free 10-week con-
Viewad?oid=oid%3a1106152. feature nightlife news. For indi- 202/422-3639, 202/384-3340. fidential discussion group for
Moving & Hauling .......................... 70 Patty, 703/370-5311. ImmIgratIon caSeS. tHe
harvey Law Group, LLc. Natu-
moon tHerapy at Tyson’s vidual dating and pickup tips,
tHaI angel maSSage the
women whose long-term rela-
corner. Visit our attractive, contact me. tionship with another woman
I’m SeekIng receptIon- ralization, citizenship, asylum
Music ................................................ 67 ISt, data entry/office clerk and refugee cases, visa lottery,
friendly, experienced, licensed
professional asian massage deep doWn It’S a better mas-
experience of being touched
by an angel. Best of East and
has ended. For more informa-
job. although I struggle w/ tion, call 202-797-3580 or email
deportations, temporary worker sage. We offer therapeutic and West massage. acupressure,
Office & Commercial Space........ 71 computer programs, done program. 202/291-2914, www.
therapists today! No appoint-
ments needed. Open daily from
Swedish full body massage for relaxation, stretching and hair
[email protected].
office work for many years; theharveylawgroup.com, info@ your personal needs and pref- removal. In/outcall by appt. only enjoy Wonderful maS-
10am-10pm, open weekends/
Pets .................................................... 66 good typist/receptionist. More
information? See online ad:
holidays. Please come to relax
erence. Book an appointment
today 301/718-1808 www.Mas-
703-400-0441 Sage! Experienced male hands
willing & able to help you get rid
http://classifieds.washingt- dIvorce: dc $250, MD $375, and have a great conversation. sageBethesda.com profeSSIonal relax-
Real Estate Agents & Loans........ 71 oncitypaper.com/washington/ plus court costs, uncontested. Free dry sauna, and shower.
maSSage by ron. Trained
atIon tHerapy, specializing
of stress, fatigue, toxins & waste
products. Dc/Va. appointments
Viewad?oid=oid%3a1106161. Simple wills from $75, living 703/288-0202, 8453-I, Tyco in light to medium heavenly
and licensed male bodyworker at 703-402-6698.
Shared Housing .............................. 70 Seeking northern Virginia work. wills $25. Free initial consulta-
tion. call attorney John Nantz,
road, Vienna, Va 22182.
giving therapeutic, stress-reliev-
Swedish combined with deep
tissue therapy for full body relax- orIental maSSage Spa.
Patty, 703/370-5311.
202/966-1027. Soft, but Strong touch ing, sports and Thai massage, ation. By a certified, licensed, and We’ve nice chinese & Korean and
Services ............................................ 64 Strategyone – tax Prep
20+ yearS cleanIng Expe-
by magic hands goes gently Fairfax, Va. 703-501-2297, friendly therapist at a comfort- Philippines! Private rooms, clean,
- Fast. Easy. convenient. For through your muscles. russian http://www.massagebyronjon. able and convenient new loca- quiet & comfortable. Full body
rience in the Washington Dc
Vacation Getaways.........................71 only $80 you can hire a trained
accountant with years of person- metropolitan area. Your place
female therapist offers full-body com. tion. Outcalls to major hotels, massage & deep clean body. 301-
massage. 4 hands possible. mSp tHerapy 6559 MSP evening and night appointments 801-0040, $125/1.5 hr. at 18552
have never been cleaned like
Volunteers ........................................ 65 al and business tax experience,
ensuring your maximum refund. this before. can provide refer- Incalls/outcalls. contact Yana at
ThEraPY 6559 Edsall rd Spring-
field, Va 703-914-0050 Swed-
are also available for singles and
couples. 202/713-3459
Office Park Dr., Montgomery Vil-
lage, MD. 20876
call today and avoid paying more ences upon request. Great rate!
Wheels .............................................. 67 than you need to! P:202-486- call rosario at 703-581-0769 or
email at [email protected].
8232 W:Strategy1financial.com
perSonal SHopper,
faSHIon shopping, grocery
shopping, gift shopping $100
grantWrIter md-dc-va
lookIng for fiscal sponsor and
Approved May 3, 2010 Have you used
minimum reasonable rates call to work with small FBO/aVO/
Jennifer 202-455-3239 non-profits-businesses-organi-
zations for your grantwriting/
lookIng for elderly care other non-profit/for-profit needs/
Dirtfarm ............................................. 67 position. Live out, good refer-
ences and experience. Depend-
available for paying office/IT-

Ink Well Crossword Puzzle .......... 70

able and reliable. Own car. Please
call 240-271-1011.
administrative/website position.
E-mail: allenk1101@comcast.
net 202/396-1225 M-F 10am-
Methamphetamine users are needed for a medical
affordable legal Ser-
vIceS. Immigration, contracts,
4:30pm. www.WNPFM101.
com. research study. Volunteers should be between the
criminal, corporate, public ben-
efits, wills, family and more.
Flexible appointments. Free con- Health & ages of 18-45, in good general health and taking
sultation 2nd Saturday of every
month. 11am-3pm. The harvey Wellness no regular medications. Testing will take place at
the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center and
Law Group PLLc at 202/291- In tySonS corner, well-
2914, info@theharveylawgroup. established facility with more
com, www.theharveylawgroup. than 10 years service. calm and
a cleanIng ServIce,
cozy place with a young staff.
Please come and relax your body. the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD.
Inc. Established 1985. Quality call 703-506-0303.
service at a fair price, insured,
bonded, & licensed. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Free estimates. call
make $20 In 10 minutes or
less research Volunteers Needed
recruiting volunteers to partici-
Volunteers will be paid for completion of all study
procedures. Travel expenses will be covered.
703/892-8648. www.aclean- pate in a research evaluation of
ingserviceinc.com. Major credit the BioFlash MrSa test. Proce-
cards accepted. dure: Two nasal swabs will be

Please call 410-550-6266 or 410-550-2588

QualIty @ a discount! reno- collected from each volunteer
vations and repairs! We do it and will be used to evaluate the
all! Bathrooms, kitchens, floors, BioFlash MrSa test. No Personal
drywall, painting, landscaping,
and much more! You name it,
Information That can Be Linked
To The Volunteers From The
or email [email protected] for more information.
we fix it! Free estimates. Don’t Nasal Swabs collected Will Be
delay, call today- 202-506-0390 recorded Innovative Biosensors, Principal Investigator: Una D. McCann IRB No.: NA_00031313
or 202-412-6276 Inc contact, Emily McIntyre, to

64 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

Heaven-on-eartH. you’ve Therapy,Physical Therapy from patIent pIano teacHer fInd out about Exciting shifts. 18 years or older, own to register. Visit us on the web months programs. www.iicd- and print arts coverage. Pluses
trIed the rest, now come to the Specialized care center. call I enjoy teaching both children Peace and Justice Events In Dc transportation. Email resume: at www.Doctorshelp.org. We volunteer.org call 413-441-5126 include reporting ability, social
best! 240/418-9530, Bethesda. 301-740-8500 for appointment. and adults, beginners and those area by Visiting www.Laaa.MP [email protected]. also offer staffing and medical [email protected] networking expertise, and a pas-
MWF 9am to 7pm. also accept returning to the piano. Off-street Blog and Twitter.com/SeePeace employment assistance through sion for working daily deadlines.
joIn bIggeSt loSer’S Jillian tecHnology SaleS bro- earn $75-$200 per hour.
Michaels and clean house’s Niecy Federal BcBS. parking for students at NWDc and Join Us. Please Support The kerS Needed. Full or part-time job search. Media make-up artist train- We want Washington city Paper
Nash at the Get radical Women’s studio near Metro. 202-234- Peace Movement and Share the positions available. call 202/349- ing. ads, TV, film, fashion. One to be the best arts and entertain-
free talkIng glucoSe sites with your Friends aSSocIate producer, tHe ment guide in town. Position
conference March 26th, ren- meter free grants for diabetics 1837 4043 or email info@cloninterna- week class. Stable job in weak
Joe Madison Show at Sirius XM pays 30K per year with generous
naissance Washington hotel. This 800-518-8427 http://www.free- guItar leSSonS 202-234- volunteer docentS tional.com. radio. conceptualizes, devel- economy. Details at http://www.
event will sell out get your tickets awardMakeUpSchool.com. benefits including health care,
glucose-meter-rx.com 1837 rock, classical, folk. Begin- needed at Gadsby’s Tavern ebay Secret drop Ship List ops and produces programs.
now www.getradicalconference. 310/364-0665. dental, and prescription. Please
ners welcome. Play a song your Museum to give tours and assist on cD! More than 500 compa- Oversees editing & audio board
com for more info. pregnant? conSIderIng email cover letter about why you
first lesson. NWDc studio with with public programs. Share your nies. Super low prices. Use for operation. BS/Ba Degree pre- janney extended day
adoptIon? Talk with caring want this job and a resume to
anaStaSIa’S full-body off street parking near Metro. love of history with the public! eBay, Trade Shows, Flea Markets ferred. 5 years previous radio/ an afterschool program seeks
agency specializing in match- listingsguru@washingtoncitypa-
m a S S a g e new in town. For more information call Michele or Fundraisers! Send $9.97 to: TV experience required. apply experience professional who is
ing birthmothers with families learn guItar today! per.com or to 2390 champlain
Young, friendly, beautiful, East Longo at 703/746-4242 or visit Marketing Ventures, Box 33, at https://careers-siriusxm.icims. dedicated to the development,
nationwide. Living expenses Guitar instruction: robert Fiester St NW, Washington, Dc 20009,
European. Incall and outcall. www.gadsbystavern.org. randallstown, Maryland 21133 com/jobs/6106/job. education, and care of children
paid. call 24/7 abby’s One True teaches all styles/levels. 20+ attn: Michael Schaffer. hiring
Please call 202/422-2426. 11am- Gift adoptions 1-866-413-6293. 1-2-1 mentorIng pro- [email protected] ages 4–11 during their out of immediately.
12midnight. Bethesda, MD. years experience. Technique, keSWIck Hall, an Orient- school hours. Must have experi-
Void in Illinois. theory, chords, scales, improv, gram in Falls church, Va is dance StudIo In Lanham, Express property, seeks expe- commercIal ImagIng
looking for volunteer mentors. ence in the following: summer
free medItatIon claSS female tHerapISt offerS songs. Make your guitar sing! Maryland is seeking to hire dance rienced Executive Pastry chef. producer at Sirius XM radio.
age 21+, commitment of 1 year, camp, after school programs
centered around calm abiding. full body massage in convenient www.funkyguitar.com, 301/262- instructors to teach dance classes Qualified candidates will pos- Work with sales staff, clients, and
Thursdays 4-6 pm. Mentees in and Early Education. Gsitney@
http://www.palyuldc.org/medi- 0522. to children ages 3-18 in the art of sess a solid work history as commercial Production Manager
Northern Virginia location near middle school. call Jessica at yahoo.com
tation.html ballet,tap,jazz and hip-hop. New Pastry chef, ideally in hospital- to create audio commercials for
Tysons corner. 703/505-9620.
703/219-2106 or e-mail jreyes@ evening and weekend classes b e H a v I o r a l H e a lt H Sirius XM advertising clients. Min.
eScape to tHe pleasure of the nvfs.org. ity industry. Email for complete
beSt brazIlIan bIkInI Sug- now forming. resumes can be job description or send resume agency hiring. case Manag- 3 yrs exp. in audio production.
Orient. Let us relieve your stress
aring/Body Sugaring. all service pHoenIx rISIng volun- emailed to beverly.meredith@ ers, certified addictions counsel- apply at https://careers-siriusxm.
with a professional full body mas- St. coletta of Greater Wash- to [email protected],
and products buy one full price, teerS. Franconia United Meth- mydancemakers.com or faxed ors, administrative asst., health icims.com/jobs/6098/job.
sage by one of our very pretty ington offers volunteer services or come by the hr office with
the second is 50% off. www. odist church, 6037 Franconia to 301-731-4838 Information Technician, QI Man-
chinese ladies. $99/1.5hrs;10am- to other non-profit organiza- resume Mon-Fri,9-4:30. We
sueskincare.com, sueskincare@ road, alexandria, serves bagged ager, Social Workers LIcSW and
10pm,Walk in’s Welcome! 9059 tions needing help with mailings, undercover SHopper get are located near charlottesville
hotmail.com. Sunrise hair Studio meals to homeless fourth Friday LGSW PT/FFS; clinical Manager.
Shady Grove ct, Gaithersburg, shredding, filing, organizing and paid to shop! retail and dining at 701 club Dr., Keswick, Va
full service salon. 119 South Fair- of the month 5:30 pm, and pre- resume to: [email protected].
MD 20877.240/888-2091 assembling projects, etc. Please establishments need undercover 22947(434)817-7699
fax Street alexandria Va 22314. pare meals the Thursday before http://www.hillcrest-dc.org
call Joe at 301-816-2180 or email clients to judge quality and
fIt perSonal traInIng 703-548-1202 6:30 pm. call 703 971-5151. major aIrlIne noW hir-
joseph.mcredmond@stcoletta. customer service. Up to $100 back-end Web develop- $$$Help Wanted$$$
Our training staff has over 100 ing at Washington National,
let me guIde you to let go org to request volunteers. per day. Please call 1-800-721- er rad campaign Web agency extra income! assembling
years of PT experience and the volunteerS needed for BWI, and Dulles airports: Flight
of your mind and celebrate your 8268. focused on nonprofit sector. cD cases from home! No expe-
highest regarded certifications joIn cHarlIe’S place in the capitol Visitor center. help us to attendants, reservations, ramp
body. certified therapeutic body competitive Salary and Benefits, rience necessary! call our live
in our field. You will not find a fight against homelessness. To enhance the Visitor Experience commercIal cleanIng agents, Baggage handlers,
work. Monday-Saturday 8am- full time position. Email resume operators now! 1-800-405-7619
more complete and comprehen- volunteer, please visit our website at the capitol! Please contact contract Solicitor/Partner
6:30pm. Military discount. David, Mechanics, aircraft Fueling/Ser- and cover letter to info@radcam- ext. 2450 http://www.easywork-
sive personal training service any- Volunteer coordinator at 202- Needed. Exp. partner needed to
202/251-4543. at www.charliesplacedc.org or vice, customer Service, admin- paign.com Full job description at greatpay.com.
where. call us today and ask us 593-1774 or cvcvolunteer@ solicit new contracts. Experience
call 202-232-3066. istrative, and others. No experi- http://www.radcampaign.com/
why we are the right choice for excellent deep tISSue aoc.gov a must! call aSL Systems 410- paId In advance! Make
ence necessary. $14 to $22/hour. radwebdeveloper
your personal training. 202/255- massage, stretching by cMT for 2.23.2011 Help! SenIor/ 988-0705 $1000 a week mailing bro-
7814, www.fit-dc.com. oldIeS but goodIeS cOcK- 202-973-4000. lIStIngS edItor-WaSH-
neck/back pain, injury rehab, non-drIver seeks volunteer faSt groWIng company chures from home! Guaranteed
Er SPaNIEL rEScUE is hosting an Ington cIty Paper needs
excellent SWedISH, deep relaxation. Men/women, last assist downsize/trade/barter/recy- seeking Part time Personal assis- cIrculatIon repS need- income! Free supplies! No experi-
adoption event where you will a listings guru to compile our
Tissue massage, hot Stone mas- minute welcome. 7dys/wk till cle items stored: clean soft-toys = tant/office clerks/bride helpers. ed. Experience reality Maga- ence required. Start immediately!
meet the most adorable cockers events listings and edit our
sage or Thai massage by an 11pm. 17th/Kalorama NW by Disney, collectibles/linens, com- of all ages. www.cockerspaniel- The positions can grow into office zine is hiring people to assist www.homemailerprogram.net
forters. 2 hand-made adirondack with circulation and promotions. weekly city Lights arts preview
asian or European Professional harrisTeeter. Tim 202.957.1559 rescue.com management and offers growth
Therapist. 3106 M St, NW, Dc. www.dcpromassage.com DcPro- chairs, mirrored headboards, opportunity for the qualified can- Will train. Paid Daily! $9hr plus coverage in our adams Morgan
office. Online and in print, this Buy Sell Trade
www.qispadc.com. 10am-8pm. Massage on FaceBook. dorm-trunks, champion Juicer, didates.the positions require the bonuses! Part-Time. Flexible
utensils. 202/973-2102 No long- publication seeks to provide a
202-333-6345/202-333-6344. following attributes: computer Schedule. Plenty of perks. www. for Sale brand new head
male atHlete gIveS Swed- distance! comprehensive and flawless
appointment or walk-ins. ask fIlm promo vIdeo $600 literate on Macs and Pc’s with an experiencerealitymag.net call Elite 26” Men’s Front-Suspen-
ish sports deep tissue massage, guide to most everything that’s
daily specials. hiring. Help an adult learn to read, Saturday afternoon. 5 cast mem- ability to learn new tasks quickly. Today 202.285.6944 sion Mountain Bike price $1300
including stretching, on a table happening in town. To manage
bers involved with blogging Pr ability to work without direct [email protected]
female maSSage tHera- downtown. Soothing and relax- write or speak English. Volun- pHone actreSSeS from that function, we want someone
supervision, Strong written and
pISt in Northern Virginia. Swed- ing environment with fireplace. teer tutor information sessions media, sipping lounge cocktails home. Best pay outs, busy sys- who loves details; opening times, If So tHen “Seasons of Belief”
verbal skills, ability to multi-task
ish stress releasing massage and Flexible hours, shower and park- are held on an ongoing basis. discussing headlines. Provide tem, bilingual/SP a +. Weekends closing times, venue names, ital- will help you on your journey. It
and willingness to do what it
sports massage available. Evening ing available. Brian, 312/961- registration is required. call lighting. 3 cameras. mixed a must! Land line/good voice. ics, commas, and has a passion will help you to learn the lessons
takes to get job done, Intelli-
and weekend appointments also 7724. 301-610-0030 or email info@ down dvd or card. Free adver- 1-800-403-7772 Lipservice.net for arts and entertainment. But of your life as you script your
gent, enthusiastic, and pleasant
available. Incall/outcall. 703/623- literacycouncilmcmd.org tising negotiable. Bi-monthly we also want an ace editor who own belief system; available at
to work with. Send your resume
5564. gig. [email protected] volunteer In afIrca or can coax magic out of short- Books.Google.com
defend abortIon rIgHtS. to [email protected] Brazil community Development
202/649-0797 form arts picks, and who wants
SSWrc WorkSHop: Washington area clinic Defense medIcal bIllIng and Phle- with the poor in rural areas. to contribute to both the cap- art Wanted! lookIng to
employment & Benefits SIngIng leSSonS! dc Task Force, WacDTF, needs vol- dc baSed radIo station, The botomy Training Workshops. call No experience necessary. Fees sule reviews and the longer-form buy Israeli paintings, ivory, jade
counseling; Wed. March 9, always dreamt of singing? Learn unteer clinic escorts Saturday Flow, is looking for sales & pro- Doctor’s help at 301-567-5422 apply/scholarships available. 9-20 portions of the paper’s online bezalel items, american paint-
3:00 p; 7961 Eastern ave., Silver correct technique, fix vocal prob- mornings, weekdays. Trainings, motions people. Serious inqui-
Spring MD . Work Incentives Spe- lems, learn songs, style musician- other info: 202/797-6577, http:// ries only. Fun environment. Great
cialist David Mitchell, will discuss ship, performance opportunities. www.wacdtf.org, wacdtf@ perks! Email listen@rocktheflow.
employment and benefits coun- all ages, styles, levels. “have the wacdtf.org. com and enter city Paper in the
seling. More Info. 301-589-2303 voice you’ve always dreamed subject box or call 410-982-6710
x111. www.silverspringdropin- of”. Sidra rausch, 202/492- dog WalkerS needed! today.
center.blogspot.com 3172, [email protected], Friends of homeless animals, a
www.creativemusicproductions. non-profit, no-kill animal rescue, glen ecHo park seeks part-
dental voIce for Mental time hall Manager to manage
health, Lisa Stillman, rDh; Satur- com. needs strong dog walkers week-
ends at our Loudoun county dance events/private rentals in
day March 19th, 2:00 - 3:30pm audIo engIneerIng Spanish Ballroom, Bumper car
rSVP Miriam 589-2303 x108 shelter. cat people needed too!
courSeS Learn “hands-on” Must be 18. For more informa- Pavilion, Ballroom annex. Work
myarmolinsky aT santegroup sound engineering “one-on- with groups who sponsor dances
DOT org SSWrc 7961 Eastern tion visit www.foha.org.
one” with a platinum-winning and/or private parties to ensure
ave., Silver Spring, MD Work- engineer/instructor at cue volunteer for adult lit- appropriate management of
shop & health Booth; www. Studios’ professional recording eracy! You really can make a dif- events, provide technical sup-
silverspringdropincenter.blog- facilities. Flexible scheduling/ ference in someone’s life. Tutor- port, oversee financial transac-
spot.com sensible rates. Pro Tools, signal ing and teaching opportunities tions, open/close venues, liaise
automobIle accIdent/ processing, mic placement, and available in Northern Virginia. with Park rangers/Park Police
Worker’S comp close to much more! www.learnstu- For info, contact Belle, 703/237- on safety/security issues, and
South-EastDc, at Oxon hill. diorecording.com Falls church, 0866, [email protected], or represent Partnership to public.
receive chiropractic,Massage Va 703/532-9033 visit www.lcnv.org. Sunday afternoon and evening

Egg Donors
Financial Compensation begins at $8,000
If you are a healthy woman between
the ages of 20-29 and would like to help
infertile couples please email
[email protected]

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 65

olIn-fox farmS 2011 cSa
purchase the jacket and trou- Friendship heights. 202-244- E-mail contact information at
community Supported agricul- sers, please email pncsharma@ 0224 http://kulturasbooks. [email protected] or call
Estate, Yard
ture Featuring Locally Grown vpweb.com/ 571-432-9998. all vendors
Natural,Organic,Sustainable erotIcbakery uSa delIv- accepted will have option of
2 glaSS top endtables/sofat- applying for Liberty Market SW
Vegetables. Space is limited. ery 24/7 866-396-8429 http://

Buy Sell Trade

Online registration is now avail- able-$40 Sits on marble block. at the water front harbor due to
www.eroticbakeryusa.com/ Gateway computer-XP Profes-
able. For more information Visit index.html 866-396-8429 open in Spring. Visit www.liber-
www.olinfoxfarms.com sional-$90. Queen Br set-$300, Huge annual rummage tynorthcommunitymarket.com
adult gay dvd rental www. headboard, mattress, boxspring, SaLE. Save the date! Benefits to submit your application.
celIng fan, 52” 5 Blade, List illuminawty.com rent as many bedframe, dresser/mirror, night- Bannockburn Nursery School,
ings, European paintings, Jewish brand neW 16” Tire - Good- Senator edWard ken- $145.95, sell $50.00, web link for gay adult titles as you want for stand, lamp, linen set. Twin Br Saturday, March 12, 9am to 1pm. InvItaIonS, cardS, and
paintings, hungarian paintings, year Eagle LS2 all-Season Tire. nedy’S “My Senator and Me: more details:http://www.lighting- only $9.95 per month! Free ship- set-$200, cherry, headboard/ Stuff For all at great prices. Mark Jewelry: all hand-made hoshika’s
Poland paintings, judaica, and Brand New. Never used. Size a Dog’s Eye View of Washington, direct.com/hunter-kingsbury-tra- ping. No late fees. No pop-ups. footboard, mattress, boxspring, your calendars now! Questions? pretty and playful crochet jewelry
silver. We also buy paintings that 215/55r16. $75. Free Local Dc.” autographed by Senator ditional-classic-52-5-blade-ceil- Totally discreet. Satisfaction guar- rails/slats, nightstand, lamp. call 301-320-4252. & whimsical cards! Please visit:
need restoration. Please contact Delivery. 703-605-4122 Kennedy on Dec 15, 2007. also ing-fan-from-the-core-collection/ anteed! www.illuminawty.com [email protected], 301/653- http://hoshikacards.com/
[email protected]
toppS baSeball cardS.
antI-terrorISt prod-
uctS, buy or rent, Now open
“PaW-Stamped” by Splash. con-
tact: [email protected]
p1668598. [email protected],
703 865-6105 WHoleSale neW prom
Wholesale New Prom & Wed-
3689. Pets beSt of baltImore 2008!
Sweet Pepita is handmade
commuter bIcycle WItH Http://paWkeeper.blog-
1991 box of 726 different cards 24/7/365 We have a life-time vIvItar bIg vIeW, BV30, order onlIne tHrougH ding Gowns. www.lamodalisa. one-of-a-kind apparel. Sewn in
are in mint condition $18. Or lock and lights, and helmet, in Spot.com/ unIQue bed
warranty guarantee on all prod- 35MM, compact, focus-free, Our SSL Secure Line. Enter com or call 518-378-0557. Only Baltimore from recycled t-shirts
340 of my 1988’s for $6. also point-and-shoot camera. Flash, excellent riding shape. Schwinn http://pawkeeper.blogspot.com/
ucts. Includes parts and labor. In Through Our Main Labs Store. $10 per dress and $50 per gown. and 100% organic cotton. Shop
438 1987’s for $13. 1982 stick- this video we discuss our anti- red-eye reduction system. Built-in world sport. also could use as Unique Bed & Biscuit Inn offering
Legal Stimulants / www.main- retail for $150 - $2,000. Need sweetpepita.com
ers available. Great birthday gift Terrorist Products http://tinyurl. quartz date function. automatic labswebsite.com all order are racing bike. 571/239-2394 the comforts, love and care that is
idea. 301/762-7775. com/m6vxdz film loading. Uses aa batteries shipped by UPS. not available in crates & kennels. unexpected collage art,
tIffany bracelet for sale WIcker Headboard cards, and colorful Jewelry by
not included. Not digital. Looks Expert advice given to your dog
2009 brand neW folding SpankIng bondage art Wanted: aurora Ho Slot paid $315.00 asking $100.00 and Wicker Dresser. $125 for heidi Leech. Thoughtfully com-
New, $13. 301/762-7775. questions and concerns. http://
bicycle by dahon. 8 speed with www.bondage69.net Fine art cars hO scale slot cars, any OBO great for holiday gift, please either,$225 for both, firm/cash. www.thepawkeepers.com/ posed, sometimes zany, stitched
fenders, kickstand, bell, com- custom & commissioned work Wanted: collector brand, any condition, aurora, call 301-793-1196 These are quality wickers in Show collage art for a wall or journal
puter speedometer, rain cover, done. Models wanted WantS to buy your hO scale aFX, Tyco, etc., track sets, maga- room condition. Pictures at pIenSe doS veceS antes cover, styro print and illustration
travel bag, front and rear led slot cars by aurora, aFX, Tyco, S ta m p c o l l e c t I o n S citypaper online. mycraigslistac- de regalar una mascota! Esta
vIntage antIQue orIgI- zines, etc. 703/819-1656 purcHaSed or appraised. cards, and colorful, geometry-
lights, 571/239-2934 etc. [email protected] or [email protected] persona desea realmente una
nal formica and chrome 1950’s I purchase U.S., Worldwide, inspired jewelry at www.hei-
703-819-1656 Wa x pa c k S b a S e b a l l mascota? Va a vivir por muchos
bIg brotHer real-tIme kitchen table and 4 match- and single-country collections, We Stock a full line of latex dileech.etsy.com.
cardS - 1987 unopened sealed anos! Pienselo Dos Veces antes
GPS tracker, buy or rent. rent ing chairs, yellow and chrome orangutan beanIe baby case. Possible rookie cards of covers,FDcs, anything philatelic! free and non latex balloons. de tomar la decision! Un animal nanjodogz polymer
$125/week. Open 24/7/365! original condition 40” x 25” and - his name is Bananas. This cute the following players and more: also autographs, paper memora- Excellent substitute if your aller- es una vida preciosa! clay dog sculpture, pendants,
888-344-3742 or 818-298- when open to full size 40” x 43” little one was born on June 30, Barry Bonds, BoJackson, Will bilia. american Philatelic Society gic to latex balloons. Balloons artwork, beads with the main
3292 Monty@DPL, Surveillance- $495 call 703-231-5335 2000 per his TY tag and wants member. Phone alex:301-309- cHIncHIllaS, gerbIlS,
clark, rafael Palmiero, Barry Lar- sold plain or with printing. ask focus on the dog in various
Equipment.com to join your collection for only 6637 or E-mail Stampex1@ guInea pigs, hamsters, mice,
beautIful mIcHael tHom- kin, ruben Sierra, Bonilla, Wally for bulk discounts. Open 7 days. breeds. We also create other
$9. 301/762-7775 gmail.com. rats for adoption. Small angels
adult dvd rental www. aS black and white stripe pure Joyner, Moyer, Devon White. $3/ (866) 512-5666. rescue 301-668-0404 info@ adorable critter beads. custom
illuminaughty.com rent as many silk chairs. Originally paid $1400 faSt balloon ImprIntIng pack- 301-762-7775 We Stock gIant weather smallangelsrescue.org orders welcome. Visit my shop
adult titles as you want for only Wanted ISraelI & WaNTED at: http://nanjodogz.etsy.com
per chair but selling for $999 for and branding with your logo. ask 25 brand neW dresses. balloons in sizes from 3 ft to 50
$9.95/month! Free shipping. No Israeli & Jewish paintings Polish Save a lIfe! Open up your
both. If interested call (202)701- how fast we can imprint your casual style. Different style. ft. 866-512-5666 beyond form: expreSS-
late fees. No pop-ups. Totally Paintings school of paris paintings heart & home to a rescued cat
9973. logo, photo or words onto bal- Ing art exhibit at Del ray
discreet. We are the cheapest on Msrp $39 each, all for $290. treaSure HouSe Sale: Bezalel Items ,judaica antiques awaiting adoption. all you need
loons. 866-512-5666 artisans runs 3/4-3/27/11.
the Web! Satisfaction guaran- copper pan for commodity Beautiful design spring dresses. Beautiful, brand new, never ,silver , jade , ivory please send is a little extra room & a lot of
teed! illuminaughty.com Scale. Looking for commodity gentleman WISHeS to buy [email protected] used, white Italian import lun- info to [email protected] or love. We provide starter supplies; reception, Friday 3/4, 7-10 pm.
scale pan/plate, 9 1/4” in diam- old paintings-still lifes,portraits, cheon/dinnerware china service leave phone num and we will vet care. www.homealone.pet- all-media show exploring the
Wa x pa c k S b a S e b a l l nudISt magazIneS color, energy and simplicity inher-
eter and has depth of 3/4”. I will genre or folk scenes, illustra- from Decatur house formerly, contact you. thank you finder.com
cardS - 1987 unopened sealed tions, cowboys, indians, ships, adultS Nudist magazines ent in abstract artwork. Details at
pick-up. Please send me info adults only. nudistmags4sale@ now National center for White
case. Possible rookie cards of on what you have. contact: landscapes, village/city/ocean/ house history located at Lafay- adult legal StImulantS jacob, a 2-3 year old, black www.TheDelrayartisans.org or
the following players and more: river/marine views or mythical, operamail.com and More! http://www.mainlab- and white am Staff for adop- [email protected].
[email protected] ette Square. chic and distinctive
Barry Bonds, BoJackson, Will religious, historical scenes, etc. Q u a rt e r S aW n o a k 5 for newlyweds, hostesses, new swebsite.com order-on-secure- tion: friendly, housetrained,
clark, rafael Palmiero, Barry Lar- nIce paperback bookS - a online-store / Visit today! neutered, microchipped, knows come to tHe gesture sessions
call 202-537-1222 or use rfas- drawer highboy dresser circa home owner gift, etc. Great way
kin, ruben Sierra, Bonilla, Wally box of 26 paperback books. all [email protected]. commands. http://www.home- to loosen up and participate in a
1910 also known as tiger oak to add to or complement exist- coInS: kennedy HalveS. fun, fast-paced drawing expe-
Joyner, Moyer, Devon White. $3/ are clean and in excellent condi- ing dinnerware service, etc. Will wardtrails.org
neW - lImIted Edition Spank- 47” h 33” w 20” d excellent Mixed years 1965-70 40% Silver. rience. Drop-in, no need to
pack- 301/762-7775 tion. You may examine before agree to very reasonable prices.
ing Bench for use in a Loving original condition! $695 call 20 coins roll. Each contains .1479 catS & kIttenS for adoption. register in advance. Bring your
buying. $13... rockville, MD. 202-341-5208
antIQue boW front china Domestic Discipline relationship 703/231-5335 cute and cuddly rescued felines supplies. Dates, directions and
301-762-7775 ounces pure silver, roll of 20 coins
cabinet- 58”h 36”W 14”D excel- http://bondage69.net/spank- 100% pure WHIte caffeine WII meSSenger bag, gray contain 2.958 ounces silver. Sell- ISO forever homes. Visit our web- fees at www.theDelrayartisans.
lent condition! $650 call 703- Well prInted veterInary ing_bench.htm Use care within and white, new, still in plastic site at www.homealone.petfind- org or Dra.LifeDrawing@gmail.
and small mammal books for Powder 226.80-Grams 8oz / ing price just increased to $95.04
231-5335 consensual adult relationship Main Labs Inc. http://www. for sale $30.00 contact t. rodd er.com to view photos/bios. com.
sale. hard back books in good per roll. 301-762-7775.
kaceS grafIx cymbal mutually acceptable that depicts mainlabswebsite.com order-on- at [email protected] tHe paWkeeperS IS a unique
condition. Price for books nego- Fetish role Playing Spanking OTK SellIng all my shoes and jeWelry WorkSHopS!
bag, black with red skulls $25. tiable. call rico - pager anytime our-secure-online-store http:// caSH for recordS & cDs. Bed & Biscuit Inn for your family learn to make designer jew-
cash only! contact T. rodd at in a Loving Domestic Discipline www.twitmainlabs.com sandals. Brands include BcBG pets We are a home away from
202/405-2014. relationship Free appraisals. I buy collections runway, DKNY, Nine West, Via elry in a weekend. Workshops,
[email protected] of lps 33, 45, 78. I make house home, offering a comfortable Supplies, Jewelry Marketplace!
k’nex buIldIng Set, #12147 mt. comfort cemetery Spiga, Miu Miu, Gucci. Prices
maxflI golf bag. Brand brand neW road racing calls. No collection too large or alternative to a kennel with lov- Beads and Baubles Festival
- builds 20 models. Green plas- plots (2), alexandria. Look at this range from $15 to $50. If inter-
NEW - $35. Never used. colorful bicycle fuji. carbon fiber, ultegra small. call Steve: 301/646-5403 ing and caring personal home Marriott@Metrocenter Wash-
tic storage case with handle, price! Wakefield section, Lot 617, ested call (202) 701-9973.
pink/grey pattern design, snap shimano components + $400 or email: sbrumme@comcast. care. http://www.thepawkeep- ingtonDc april 9-10th 2011!
includes instruction booklet. all Sites 1 & 2. $2700 each or $5200
on club cover. mycraigslistac- worth of accessories, brand new. net toppS football cardS - ers.com/ class Description/Schedule/
parts are in the set. Nor for chil- for both. Bought for 4K apiece.
[email protected] Maxfli $1450 571/239-2394 Email Mr. Pratt @ noelpratt2nd@ 1991 Factory Set in Mint con- tHInk tWIce! gIvIng registration available Online.
dren under three. Smoke free/pet maxImum Impact 4.6oz
brand quality bag in time for the nudISt magazIneS. yahoo.com cans & More! http://www.main- dition. 660 cards in this set. someone a Pet as a Gift? are register Today! Vendors wel-
free home. $19. 301-762-7775.
season. adultS only. nudistmags4sale labswebsite.com / order-on-our- Includes Joe Montana, Dan they committed to caring for it come! Email:beadstudio@live.
kImball pIano for sale. SHIrtS. Some brand NEW, Marino, Emmett Smith, Elway for its lifetime? Many unwanted com http://www.washingtond-
antIQue oak 48” pedestal at operamail.com secure-online-store!
$999. Upright, mahogany brown, some nearly new. Sizes 2XL-6XL. and more. $30. 301/762-7775. “Gift” Pets end up euthanized at cbeadexpo.vpweb.com
table with protruding paw feet, pHone Sex, Hot, Erotic, con- Tennis shoes & other shoes in a Steal! neW men’s suit with
like new. 202/678-2346. animal shelters, or abandoned to
beautiful table with very unusual versation, any subject, anytime. good condition, nearly new. Size tags and seams - JOS. a Bank portable, body-Worn Spank you otk Even Good
base no leaves sell as is $850 call black metal, glaSS- a worse fate. Girls Need Spanking Fine art
Solo-Independent, confidential, 10 1/2, 11. Prices negotiable. call “Signature” collection, 2-but- undercover surveillance
703-231-5335 topped dining room table w/4 discreet service. Must be 18+ rico, 202/405-2014-pager. any- ton black, size 38, waist 32, all equipment buy or rent! Now fabulouS felIne adop- Print signed by artist www.bond-
autHentIc louIS vuItton chairs for sale. L: 58-inch, W: Visa/ Mastercard, credit, Debit, time after 4PM M-F. Weekends new & unaltered. Unworn. Will open 24/7/365, 888-344-3742, tIon Event. rescued cats & Kit- age69.net Measures 12” tall x
Speedy 30 Damier handbag 30-inch. Ideal for an apartment Prepaid, $1.00 per minute, www. anytime. email PDF of price tag, $795. http://www.dpl-surveillance- tens ISO forever homes; Sunday 18” wide Depicts Spanking OTK
$100. Bag has some signs of or small dining room. Kalorama/ jolenesbedroom.com, The Best asking $114. noelpratt2nd@ equipment.com/92192251. 12n-3p; chateau animau, 733 in a Loving Domestic Discipline
Dupont cirle. 202.270.9622. Phone Sex Ever! call Jolene! dc beauty company is the yahoo.com 8th St. SE; capitol hill; near East- relationship
wear in the corners. If interested first place to come to find Beauty html. Monty
call (202)701-9973. geoSyStemS compoSt (602)283-3838, (800)573-2995 ern Market Meto http://www.
and Personal care information, b e a u t I f u l c a p ta I n ’ S don’t vote republIcan! jImI HendrIx prIntS &
bIn - Brand New - 18 cubic homealone.petfinder.com
WWW.maInlabSWebSIte. Sunbeam electrIc fry- products and services! visit www. cHaIr - The Boling chair co. Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Shirts $20 Limited Numbered
com order on our secure Feet composting System. rug- pan - automatic- Perfect for beautyresourcewebsite.com. Siler city, Nc. This leading pre- pet SupplIeS delIvered to Signed Edition of 93 Screen
ged, lightweight black plastic republican Video on Youtube:
online store! Liquid aroma 6 Bacon, Frying eggs, Pancakes, mier manufacturer used finest your door www.DogsrUsLLcS- Printed (silkscreen) prints http://
36 inches Diameter x 36 inches leaderS not polItIcIanS h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
for $36. Legal stimulants sale! hamburgers, ham, Potatoes, White Oak to produce Pattern tore.com put a smile on your best designermite.net/Jimi_hendrix.
tall. Turns grass clippings, leaves, Fish, Sausage, Pork chops, america needs Leaders not watch?v=QOwJP7p2kkY http:// friends face. htm
Super Toot! order-on-our-secure- 6711 - Walnut finish. Sells $1100
kitchen waste into compost to Minute Steak, Liver, French politicians Video on Youtube: www.cafepress.com/designer-
online-store. retail. comfortably seats a 300 t H e pa W k e e p e r S . c o m bondage SpankIng art
enrich your soil. $28... 301-762- Toast, Fried chicken. Tempera- h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / pounder. $229, firm. 301/762- mite http://designermite.net/
brand neW leatHer coat 7775. watch?v=QOwJP7p2kkY www. bed&bIScuIt for thepaw- www.bondage69.net Models
ture range from “warm to 420 7775 Sonja dIamond mIneS is
3xL large. Brown color. 3/4 designermite.net www.design- keepers.com Bed&Biscuit for wanted
SurprISe - WHen it comes degrees”. $25... Please call 301- having Silver, clothing, hand-
length. also have one that is 3XL. ermite.net/leaders_not_politi- boat & breakfaSt “La Bella Dogs The Pawkeepers have a
to your property, what do you 762-7775. bags, Decor, Shoes Sale. 30%- tHe ra SerIeS Paintings - 13
[email protected]. cians_3.htm www.cafepress. Vita” on the Bay hailing out of mission to provide an alternative
expect in case of loss: hurricane, you pay $5 for the design, 70% below retail prices april to crating and caging your family paintings http://designermite.
com/friendspolitica/6031762 Solomons Island, Maryland on
kulturaS SecondHand & tornado, earthquake, flood, fire? plus shirt and shipping costs. 16th-17th 10am-6pm (717) pet. The Pawkeepers provide lov- net/ra/
a beautiful yacht. Tell them
out-of-print books of Tenleytown Want to control the element of Fees are rolled into your order. deSIgnermIte.net Http:// you saw it here. www.arbanY- 314-7266 Georgetown Univer- ing families for customer’s pets in artIStS and crafterS
and Dupont circle is looking to surprise with the rule book by No quota to meet. I make shirts deSIgnermIte.net/ vInyl achtcharters.com romantic sity hotel and conference center private homes. Wanted for popular summer First
purchase books for store credit. your side? www.DisasterPre- for your business, event or your Designermite.net http://designer- Day Gift certificates available! 3800 reservoir rd, NW Washing- Sunday arts Festivals in historic
4918 Wisconsin ave., & 1728 pared.info own personal self expression. mite.net/ Vinyl Lettering, Vehicle 443/404-1559 ton Dc 20057 Free Parking annapolis Maryland. Limited to
connecticut ave. Business hours www.holmworks.com. Graphics, Signs, Banners, Logo
beautIful neIman mar- about 100 artists and crafters
Bastards Arts
11 to 7pm 202-244-0224 http:// Design, Murals, Pinstriping, Wanted ISraelI paInt- “modern SIren” by rorie
cuS Miu Miu coral suede pumps/ der Herr IS Mein hirte. Bible IngS, Judaica Paintings, per festival. reserve your space
www.kulturasbooks.vpweb. Decals, Magnetic Signs, house- ray, DVD, For Sale includes book-
sandals. Originally paid $470, but Verse in Old German. Magnifi- today. application is on our
& Crafts
com/ american paintings, hungar- let, used once. Best offer. 703-
selling for $50.Size 38. If inter- cent Embroidered on tan cloth Signs, Window Lettering, Graphic website at http://www.firstsun-
ian Paintings,Ivory, Jade Polish 957-6429 catin.egypt@yahoo.
pIcture framIng metal ested call (202)701-9973. on early 19th century Wood Design, helmet Graphics. Video dayarts.com
Paintings, Judaica, Bezalel items. com. also have “Targeting Mr.
12ft long ea., silver, gold and Frame. Only $525. Pick-up near on Youtube http://www.youtube. We also buy paintings that need troy montana jeWelry -
black new, I have about 80 of 10 SHeetS of clear acrylic com/watch?v=g8rxhUhxcvk right”. Deal for both! Gotta WWW.kItkatkorner.com
FB/GWU Metro Station. contact: restoration. Please send info to Specializing in handmade State- country Store of yester-
these frames. Will sell all for 96 in. X 53 in. & 1 in. thick bul- pay rent! ment Oriented Jewelry. Voted
let, resistant, 125 lbs ea., 8 sm. [email protected] recondItIoned/refur- [email protected] year original design products that
$350.00 call (202) 285-3548 antIQue SIlvertone table “Best Place to Buy Jewelry” in
misc. sheets 1 in. thick. $500.00 neW book by Djape, full of bISHed applIanceS. good coucH/W HIdeWay are safe non-toxic child & baby
donatIonS donatIonS. WaSHerS, dryers, refrigera- top Victrola excellent condition! the 2010 “Best of Dc”. Please
or best offer. 703 865-6105 or Samurai Sudokus, just like those bed for free. Needs new cushion friendly made with love and of
uSed furniture wanted, must tors, stoves, dishwashers. all $595 call 703-231-5335 vote for me now for 2011. Link
[email protected] from The Washington Post. covers. available for your pickup first quality materials. handmade
be in good condition. Dc/MD/ brands, Whirlpool, GE, Maytag, is on my website. www.TroyMon-
Visit www.djape.net for details. on 28 March 2011. My address crafts with bygone era prices are
Va. Will pick up. Visit us at www. record box Sale at Second etc. 30/60/90/120 day warranty. tanaJewelry.com
Bookstores contact me at djape@ is: Springfield, Va 22150. My kept intentionally low.
paylessfurnitureandmovers.com. Story Books! 12160 Parklawn Same day service in most cases.
djape.net phone is: 703-569-5576. Larry vendorS Wanted! tHe tHree-Hour SHort/
call 202-239-7807, 443-872- Drive, rockville, MD 20852 904 Brunswick St., Baltimore, do you Have a taco cart,
Goldschmidt is my name. announcIng the opening of long pose sessions start with
8895. 301/770-0477 thousands of Welcome to jW Personal MD 21223. Serving Dc/MD/Va. lunch truck, or other concessions new open-air markets in heart some short warm-up poses and
records to chose from only $1 Shop I sell costume Fashion 202/239-7807, 443/872-8895. antIQue golden oak
pacIfIc nortHWeSt Iron business? I have the domain of Dc. Liberty North community move into longer poses lasting
per disc or $50 for a box of 100. Jewelry, Gemstone Jewelry, Sil- sideboard buffet- 48”w 72”h
- unusual new photographic rIde my aSS bumper sticker name for you! www.MyTacocart. Market right by the new Safeway 10-45 minutes. Drop-in, no need
Open daily 10am-8pm. ver Jewelry, Pearl Jewelry, and 22”d with beveled mirror, exc
travelogue by British author. are If you are going to ride my ass at com asking $499 obo over $49. and Bus-boys and Poets by New for advance registration. Details,
accessories. high quality certified restored condition! $850 call
you a lover of creative photog- molly Sprocket antIQueS least pull my hair www.cafepress. Visit MyTacocart.com and click York and Mass ave. opening directions and fees at www.
and Lower price. http://www. 703/231-5335
raphy? a transport enthusiast? have moved from Leesburg! Our com/bondage69 the domain for sale link. soon. Looking for the follow- theDelrayartisans.org or Dra.
an industrial archaeologist? an new address is 126 Fairfax Pike, Sort-of-vIntage clotH- ing: arts/crafts, photography- [email protected].
armchair traveler? You have to Stevens city, Va 22655. antiques mcIntoSH amp model 250 brand neW karen Millen Ing noW looking for summer/ Hp color laSer Jet cP 1215 ceramics and classes fashion,
like rust! Price $78.75 See www. from 1700’s-1940’s 540/868- very clean low hours autofomer women’s tailored pinstripe pant- spring clothing consignments. Printer. asking price is $200- jewelery, food, collectibles, StunnIng orIgInal art-
orlogikbooks.com 1520 Monday-Saturday: 10am- type 043-667- 668 power level suit for sale for $200. For images, We love great quality, great fun, 250 or best offer. contact Ms. furniture/antiques, bakery, cof- Work. To purchase beautiful oil
7pm Sunday: 10am-6pm www. 50 watts hard to find now. Seri- see http://www.designersuits. great condition, great labels. Wilkerson @ 202-561-7510. fee/tea, produce, lighting/home paintings, abstract style, from a
mollysprocketantiques@verizon. ous audio buyer call 202 285- org.uk/karen-millen-tailored- Sort-of-Vintage at 4918 Wis- In good condition; need toner decor, perfumes/cologne, other local artist and teacher, please go
net 3548 suit/. For questions and/or to consin ave., NW Tenleytown/ cartridges. interesting products/services. to http://nickmoses.com/ Note

66 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

that prices are negotiable and condition. Incl. case, mouth- Bowie. Please send us your Links Lustmord Monteverdi Oliveros
reduced for quick sale! Interested piece, neckstrap, swab. asking or other information about you. Pärt Perle reich Schütz Shchedrin
in exhibition opportunities. $425. call 410-795-0681. [email protected] Ziporyn etc.
Surreal art: look closely SaxopHone, Selmer, creSt v1100 poWeramp WoodbrIdge open mIc.
at the shadows and highlights alto, Super or “cigar cut- in 3 space Pro-Tec rack bag. 550 Every Friday at 13710 Jefferson
within the pictures, and you will ter”, 1932 vintage. 75% orig. watts/side @4 ohms. Includes Davis hwy. (route 1 S) From Dc
find much more hidden inside. lacquer. Outplays any mark vi. manual and speaker cables. Very take 95S take Woodbridge exit
Surreal art That Entices The Incl orig case and canvas shell, low mileage, excellent shape, on left. 2/10ths mile on right.
Mind. www.russmcintosh.com mouthpiece, swab, polishing perfect working order. $275. adjacent to Potomac Plaza. Joe’s
cloth. Excellent condition. asking Steve: 703-533-2007 or email Place. Good Food.
2011 ballSton a&c Mar- [email protected]
$3100. call 410/795-0681 or
ket is about to begin! Join us audIo engIneerIng
[email protected]. metal drummer Wanted courSeS Learn “hands-on”
on Saturday, april 9th, Opening
Day, and the second Saturday attentIon dmv artIStS with good double kick skills - sound engineering “one-on-
of every month until October, For artist Networking & consul- contact Mike (301)370-4139 one” with a platinum-winning
at arlington’s only 100% hand- tation Please visit the Website We are out of Gaithersburg Md engineer/instructor at cue
made Market. http://ballstonarts- www.BrainFreezeMusik.com We http://www.myspace.com/Metal- Studios’ professional recording
craftsmarket.blogspot.com have Services available for seri- Mushroomonbass or http://www. facilities. Flexible scheduling/
ous artists and welcome you to myspace.com/LifeDeniedusa We sensible rates. Pro Tools, signal
teacHIng artIStS are working on new cD, be pre- processing, mic placement, and
take a look!
needed:tHe art + Media pared to play out as well. much more! www.learnstu-
house(aMh)is initiating adult SeekIng poetS, vocalISt, diorecording.com Falls church,
classes beginning March 7 – april Mc, Guitarist, Percussionist, pro guItarISt avaIlable
Va 703/532-9033
15, 2011. classes will run once a Bass, Brass and Keyboard play- has pro gear, pro chops, plays
week on Monday through Friday ers! [email protected] Blues , Funk, r&B, Oldies, Disco, HIre dj entertaInment
evenings between 7-9pm; and Jazz, and GOGO. Professional, that sets the benchmark: wed-
lIve muSIc every Wednes- quick study, no drama, and very dings, reunions, dances, karaoke,
Saturday’s 10-3pm.
day thru Saturday @ the 219 reliable. contact sixx@sixxplayya. parties. Metro’s best DJ45rpm
StIckdog rufuS Http:// club 219 King St. alexandria Va. com (240) 533-5927 www.sixx- is the big-gig DJ with the most
deSIgnermIte.net/ Blues,Jazz,Funk. New comfort- playya.com www.facebook.com/ spectacular laser light shows.
StIckdog_rufuS.Html able cigar Lounge just added DennisSixxatkinson also rent audio, lighting &
cropped detail from Stickdog with flat screen T.V. effects: email dj45rpm@gmail.
rufus Designermite Stickdog cHrIStIan band tourIng
female percuSSIonISt com.
rufus Designermite.net http:// this summer. We promote a child
avaIlable for fill-ins. call sponsorship program. We have tHe-o tHe beatS III www.
Tracy at 301/343-7815 needs such as canned-food, undaworldmusic.com www.twit-
mite/7072389 Got a question if
We can do something? Just drop SIngerS needed. roSmur water, and gas money. We trust ter.com/undaworldmusic
us a line. Just opened Design- Music Group looking for vocalist God to provide. To learn more or
rIck SIbbett, profeSSIon-
ermite.net USa Blog at http:// to complete upcoming project. contribute please contact ban-
al Drummer/Percussionist for
designermiteusa.blogspot.com/ For more information email or [email protected].
hire, permanent or fill-in - all
call : rosmurmusicgroup@gmail. pa S y S t e m - B e h r i n g e r musical styles and genre’s. Email:
aSHIra malka’S callI-
com/ 240-351-0534 10-channel Eurorack Mixer; [email protected] Phone:
grapHIc-InSpIred paint-
ings at Beanetics in annandale’til beautIful “rare” kIm- crown XLS 602 amp; 2 cerwin 571-354-3352.
March 1st. ashiramalka.com ball consolette bird’s eye Vega 21” Powered Subs; 2 Maxx
Horn cHartS – affordable,
maple piano and matching 2x15’s Mains; Yamaha 15” floor
starting at $15. rock, Funk, Soul,
Wheels bench, excellent condition $795
call 703/231-5335 piano serial
monitor; harbinger floor moni-
tor; arM floor monitor; SKB rack.
$2899 rick 301-538-6978.
Disco, Standards, Big Band. Many
with rhythm parts and notation
2007 Honda accord 5 #485267 files available. Inexpensive way to
speed manual. 12k miles 9000 rockvIlle braSS band formuSIcIanS.net WantS increase your repertoire. Used by
orig owner. 4 door, 4 cylinder, has a vacancy for good cornet to be a meeting point where to working musicians. horncharts@
37 mpg, under warranty for 2 and alto horn players. It also has put in contact all kinds of musi- yahoo.com for list.
more years or 36k miles loaded. an immediate requirement for cians together. Drummer, guitar,
Moving over seas. dodoltala41@ Internet radIo muSIc
two percussionists. rehearsals singer,. In short, a place to find
yahoo.com station promoting venues/arts
Wednesday evenings in New- the musician you´re looking for
organizations/on-air advertis-
1998 Honda goldWIng port Mill MS, Kensington, MD, concerts, join a band,.
ers/bands/open mics/needs test
with travel trailer, custom paint 20895. apply at www.rockville- fm radIo boycott:radIo volunteers w/Skype/Blackberry/
job, lots of chrome and lights, brassband.org stations in Dc dont support local cells. Station playing mostly Black
19,000 miles. Too busy to ride, aSpIrIng pIanISt/buSI- hip hop so we are boycotting gospel/non-gospel music 24/7.
asking $10,000. 703/919-0126. neSS profeSSIonal form- WPGc and WKYS. Until they E-mail allenk1101@comcast.
ing jam sessions and weekly support the DMV we will not net 202-396-1225/10:00a.m.-
1988 Wrangler lare-
get togethers for musicians/ support them go to www.Daci- 4:30p.m. www.WNPFM101.com
do-2.5 , 5 speed, hardtop, hard
singers ages 40-50+ideal get pherDMV.com/radio-boycott for MD-Dc-Va local.
doors, no rust, no leaks, new
more playing/singing experi- more info
engine, clutch, radiator, water open mIc @ The 219 club,
pump, alternator and exhaust in ence mostly Black gospel music. lookIng for baSS player 219 King St. alexandria Va,
last 10k miles, exc original paint, E-mail allenk1101@comcast. and drummer to work with my March 9th, 23 and 30. Pa, and
runs great! $4600 call 703/231- net 202-396-1225/10:00a.m.- blues program. Need pro players amps provided. check out the
5335 4:30p.m. www.WNPFM101.com only. Play with touring acts when new comfortable cigar Lounge
MD-Dc-Va local. they come to town. contact me with flat screen T.V.
1991 jeep Wrangler-4 cyl-
experIenced funky Soul- at: [email protected]
inder,5 speed, new tires, good St. patrIck’S day Parade of
condition! $3900 call 703 231 ful musicians that sing leads dc/md area poWervIo- Washington, D.c. will be held
5335 wanted to rebuild local working lence/Hardcore band is Mar 13, 2011. Each Sunday lead-
bands. Keys, bass, guitar, horns. looking for a drummer and a ing up to the parade, fundraising
1997 jeep Wrangler-2.5, You need pro equip, reliable vocalist. [email protected] events will be held at Irish pubs/
5 speed, no rust, new top, paint transpo, fast learner. r&B, soul, restaurants. See Facebook for
in exc condition, runs exc $6900 funk, jazz, hits. Sam 301/248- need lead guItar with vox
event details.
call 703/231-5335 8866 [email protected]. for cover band. Our LG is mov-
ing out of town. check us out baSSISt cHeIkH ndoye &
gotta go! 2003 camry LE, rockabIlly, blueS, old- at TheNewDominionBand.org, Special guests all-Stars line-up
80k miles, regularly serviced, 4 IeS, roots rock & roll Lead songlist in blog. contact Jay at March 8th 2011 at 8pm: Karen
door, sedan, pw windows, steer- Guitar Player,Bass Player lar-lvy@ TheNewDominionBand@gmail. Briggs, Fred Yonnet, Leni Stern,
ing, ac, dual air bags, cd, excel- hotmail.com com. Lao tizer and Tosin aribisala. buy
lent running condition, good tickets: www.bluesalley.com
condition overall-few scratches. Wax muSeum nIgHt club f.c.oldS ambaSSador
Washington Dc that was very 202-337-4141
Good on gas. 8,250. obo susun- trombone #894441 W/
[email protected] much a part of the music scene Giardinelli 60 mouth piece and muSIcIantempS.com IS
in the 1980s with national music hard case, finish is in excellent neW, local and growing. Look
2009 nISSan verSa hatch- acts is on Facebook. Who did you condition, some small dings but here first to find that player you
back SL great gas mileage,does one Sports Lounge Landmark SaxopHone, alto, arm- days from 7-9pm at the United http://www.myspace.com/metal-
see? http://www.facebook.com/ Mall e-100 5801 Duke Street, Strong. Excel condition. 95% church on 20th and G Sts. NW. mushroomonbass or http://www. bell is perfect. $250. call 703 are missing. Become a valued
well in snow and ice, has blue- pages/Washington-Dc/Wax- 231 5335 member of our home Grown
tooth, 6 disc changer. Never been ground level alexandria, Va orig lacquer. Incl case, mouth- Limited parking. myspace.com/lifedeniedusa We
Museum-Night-club-Washing- 22304 $5 class from 6-7 are working on new cD, be pre- community!
in an accident and I don’t smoke. piece, neckstrap, swab. asking Sound & lIgHtIng rentals record your muSIc at
ton-Dc/268980526216?ref=nf pared to play out as well.
current mileage is 22,056 571- brooklyn band z02 head- $425. call 410-795-0681 for your party or wedding: music asparagus Media in Takoma “attentIon”attentIon”
379-9365 joIn a Home Grown com- too. DIY with BYODJ rentals serv- guItar SetupS, repaIrS, Park! Large live rooms for bands. tHe goSpel band the choozen
lines at the rams head Live in tHe pIece by Piece rhythm &
munity. Dc’s own Musician listing Building, and refinishing- Please Engineers and producers with the instrument is seeking a male or
2009 5x8 Haulmark Baltimore on March 11th. Open- Blues Quintet, now booking for ing NOVa. call 202-641-2063
for part-time players. Get in on check my web ad for complete experience and talent to help you female leadsinger please help
Enclosed Trailer Exc condition ing bands are King Belvedere, Kill 2011 Private parties, corporate for sound, lighting & karaoke
the beginning. www.Musici- details of the work I do. oipunk- sound amazing. acoustic piano, us. call rev brown at 1-571-722-
$1695 call 703 231 5335 Betty, Sweet cyanide, and One functions, Weddings, club dates, rentals for your party or Ipod
anTemps.com [email protected] 540-450-7360 drums, guitars, gear. See/hear 5006
Way Bullet. Doors Open at 8pm. christmas Parties, festivals, etc. event. 24-hr rentals.
2003 toyota camry LE, rap on tv: calling all DMV on Facebook: asparagus Media
all ages show. $12.00 Visit our web site at http://www. SaxopHone, tenor, kIng. female vocalISt needed StrIctly buSIneSS band
Black, 80k, 4 door sedan for sale, hip hop artists who want expo- Studios. 301-270-1770.
piecebypiece.us or contact Big brass sound. Low pitch tunes attractive, physically fit, naturally searching for serious Guitarist
8,500. or Best Offer. Excellent sure, hit me up for a spot on jImmy’S old toWn Tavern WaSHburn Hb30 SemI- & Male Singer most have own
Presents: children of the Grave 703/777-7132. lower than 440, made in early gifted, able to travel, willing to set
running condition-great mile- Da cipher Dc’s best hip hop HolloW electric. Sunburst transportation. Playing funk,
1900’s. Incl case, neck strap, up equipment for top 40 dance
age. Excellent shape, condition. tv show. www.facebook.com/ a Black Sabbath Tribute Experi- claSSIc rock drummer with hardshell case. Beautiful r&B, Souther n Soul-Maze,
mouthpiece, swab. asking $750. band. Must have transportation,
Few scratches. ac,cD, power supatim202 also check out www. ence LIVE 24 March 2011 Show interested in finding classic rock and lightly used. $275. For $300, cameo, Marvin Gaye, Lakeside.
call 410-795-0681. motivation. 410/334-6242
steering, automatic, consistent DacipherDMV.com starts at 9:30 PM Jimmy’s Old guitarist, bassist, vocalist, key- will throw in one cheap black contact Donnell cox at 301/278-
maintenance. Email catin.egypt@ Town Tavern 697 Spring Street boardist interested in Jamming acouStIc open mIc Sat- conn/beaufort amerI- Fender Starcaster, a dozen guitar 5133.
yahoo.com baSS player Wanted for herndon, Va 20170 can cHIcago Usa Mel-
covers & originals rock band. for weekend fun in a rehearsal urday nights cee’s Fine Dining mags, and a tiny Fender practice
lophone French horn- circa need a baSS Player? cool
space in Falls church, Virginia. 9901 Fairfax Blvd Fairfax, Va amp. contact: stephen3636@
In our 30s and 40s. Mostly for Same-Sex marrIageS! 1902, Serial #17018, Very Good Local Bassist looking to have
fun and occasional gigging and congratulatIonS D.c. all ages and playing ability wel- 22030 703.293.9898 www. yahoo.com
Used condition, Valves Move fun and audition for a band. call
recording. Silver Spring, MD. council, Mayor Fenty & other come.respond to rlalderman@ ceefinethaidining.com Saturday a g t / c u S t o m g u I ta r 240-388-1416.
Soul/r&b female SInger Freely, comes With 3 crooks,
[email protected] advocates who made it possible hotmail.com nights 7:30-10 pm www.nan- repaIr all kinds of repairs
looking for band. Songs written hard case Included $395 call d r u m m e r ava I l a b l e
for passing the bill on same-sex cykatztriplett.com for electrics, acoustics and
and need music. really want to WedneSday jazz jam at g u I ta r , m a n d o l I n , 703/231-5335 for gigs, sessions and short
jam and perform. Email Melo- Takoma Station Tavern, 7pm marriages! Let Signature Live! be vocalS. 45 years experience. tabla playerS Wanted. bass guitars including:setups,
doug parkS and The Lone- tours. Years of pro experience,
dee c. at Melodeecmusic@ to 10pm. come sit in with the the entertainment band for your Now offering lessons! Back- mudpiemusic.org is seeking col- adjustments, installations, pick-
wolves classic rock and r&B pro gear and reliable transpo.
gmail.com house band for some real Book reception. www.signaturenter- ground in bluegrass, oldtime, laboration with tabla players. ups, wiring, fretwork, broken
group. available for private func- clicktrack,sequence,jazz r&b,
tunes. No cover! 6914 4th Street tainment.org Please visit our website mudpi- headstocks and more. call for
WoodbrIdge open mIc. newgrass, jamgrass, blues, coun- tions or venues.For info Doug blues,oldies, neo, gospel, go-go,
NW, Washington Dc, www.tako- emusic.org Inquire at carlosof- repairs needed. 703/221-1420
Joe’s Place Pizza and Pasta, tHe loneSome ryder Band try rock, some jazz. Experienced Parks (703) 536-4738 Website african, classicrock. Nucleus
mastation.com [email protected] 703/878-774 www.fixyourax.
“Kickin’ country rock” for all luthier. Scott Morgan 678/215- www.reverbnation.com/doug- 301/379-8410, 301/248-8866
13710 Jefferson Davis hwy. com see web ad!
events! rickSibbett@comcast. 3108, or scottmorgan83@hot- maurIo marcuS avaIl- parksandthelonewolves [email protected]
(route 1 S) Every Friday 6:30- SaxopHone caSe, Selmer
net 571/354-3352 mail.com. Website www.smor- able for booking www.mau- before and after Inter-
9:30. From Washington, take chesterfield, for tenor. Fits mark rock band SeekS Solid neW HarveSt band in
ganmusic.com riomarcus.com email: blues@ net radio. www.eiderway.com/
95s and exit on left. 2/10th miles vi, vii, series ii or series iii. ask- IndIe band needS bass play- Drummer In the Wheaton, MD. search of bass player and horn
mauriomarcus.com Beforeandafter.html: Medieval,
on right opposite McDonalds. ing $400. call 410/795-0681 or er. Think psych soul meets psych WaSHIngton Interna- auditions & rehearsals will be player. 202-710-0055.
renaissance, Early Baroque,
Friendly people. [email protected] rock. We only want music as a tIonal cHoruS: join and metal lead vocalISt held on the weekends. Influenc- Modern classical, Jazz, Experi- rISe band & Show is a 10 pc.
SaxopHone, alto, bundy. Soulful SaturdayS preS- career. Looking for a like minded sing a repertoire of classical wanted for the band Life Denied es: U2, coldplay, Neil Young, & mental, Electronic, asian. Bab- reasonably priced group avail-
approx 90% orig lacquer. 5-7 entS line and hand dance party bass player. contact lrossjedi@ music from around the world. - contact Mike (301)370-4139 bitt Bartók Berg Byrd cage able for bookings playing all your
years remaining on pads. Excel every 1st and 3rd Saturday Wey- yahoo.com if interested. No auditions. rehearsals Tues- We are out of Gaithersburg Md Dufay Glass hildegard Josquin favorite Motown & r&B hits from

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 67

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large reWard 2gb blue loSt WebcomIc Help find Monday & Wednesday, 7-9pm, our free Shrove Tuesday Pancake
Scandisk digital camera memory it. here’s a hint: www.curls-stu- YMca 1711 rhode Island ave, Dinner on Mar 8, 6-7:30 pm. call
card w/dear baby photos locat- dio.com/curls NW. contact [email protected]. 703 971-5151.
ed in bright orange “golla” cell WWW.davIdbordWell.
aSH WedneSday ServIce. progreSSIve calendar
phone case cap. also Scandisk net
Franconia United Methodist of events, meetings and gather-
card reader inside. Please reach
church 6037 Franconia rd alex ings to raise consciousness about free pIano concert Fri-
immediately 240/888-8157,
invites you to our ash Wednes- Environment, Peace and Justice. day March 4 at 8pm at United
301/713-2838, kjschiff@gmail.
com. Thank you! day Service Mar 9 7:30 pm. Please visit www.BusBoysandPo- church,1920 G St NW. Liszt,
church is handicapped accessible ets.com/Events and learn about S c h u m a n n , r a c h m a n i n o ff
Save tHe date! National his- and assisted listening devices are what is happening in Dc Metro and chopin will be played by
panic Prayer Breakfast May 12th available. call 703 971-5151. Marylene Dosse. Donations
area and how you can partici-
at JW Marriott. accepted
joIn great Sage restaurant pate. Thank You
Heart 2 Heart: a charity as we take a tasty tour through SeekIng SpIrItual Home.
happy hour benefiting the ameri- lIncoln at tHe crossroads
Italian cuisine! Our next prix fixe Franconia United Methodist
can heart association Go red For alliance www.latcra.org Events
dinner is on Monday, March church, 6037 Franconia road,
Women campaign.Please rSVP scheduled. alexandria, is looking for you.
14th, at 6:30 p.m. Make your
to http://heart2heartcharityhap- reservation today! 443.535.9400 nuSSentIalS buSIneSS come and see us Sundays, 8:30
pyhour.eventbrite.com/ http://www.greatsage.com/ overvIeW Time Thursdays and 11:00 am. church is handi-
7:00pm - 9:00pm Saturdays capped accessible with assisted
neWSnet14.com neWS meSportS IS dc premier
9:45am-1200noon Location listening devices. call 703 971-
for Europeans everywhere. adult coed flag football league.
hampton Inn, 9421 Largo Dr 5151.
Speak frencH In a pleasant For more info and to register
please visit our websites at: West, Largo, MD contact ron- are you open to meeting
atmosphere with a glass of wine someone new and experiencing
www.mesports.leagueapps. ald Purvis 240-351-0046 health
every Thursday at the United new ideas? IDSocialconnect is
church, 20th & G Streets NW Dc, com and www.mesportsonline. & Wealth in 2011
com or call 202-460-9009, 202- the Meetup Group where you
6:00pm-7:00pm. Please visit ‘Les SHrove tueSday pan- can meet a diverse group of like-
compagnons’ at http://french. 441-8552 cake Dinner. Franconia United minded people and have tons of
meetup.com/535/calendar/. brIan SullIvan aStrolo- Methodist church, 6037 Franco- fun. Join at www.meetup.com/
tHe cHallengeS, Strug- ger I have lost his contact info. nia rd, alexandria, invites you to idsocialconnect.
g l e S , joys, and victories he is my astrologer since 85. I
encountered by “The hands Of need to get my chart done for
God Ministries.” Look at “Mercy this year 2011. If you know him
- call 202-271-7587
Ministry” to the poor and home-
less for stories of inspiration. neW afrIcan fIlmS Festi-
“The Work of his hands” http:// val - Transafrica Forum, afrikafé
mattmilamii.highcallingblogs. and aFI Silver present the sev-
com/ enth annual New african Films “4.666 w x 5.141” FC

can anybody pleaSe Festival, March 10-15, featuring
help my ex wife she is poor and the vibrancy of african filmmak- Right hand page/outside edge
crippeled please send whatever
you have and can give to Sandy
ing from across the continent.
Schedule and tickets at transaf- PLEASE BEGIN RUNNING: James Ostrand, Phone: 813.739.4813

MAR 1, 2011 RunTFN. Fax: 813.739.4801 james.ostrand@c
Brotten 46443 westfir road 12 rica.org/events/
westfir oregon 97492 tax deductIonS for your
cuban art exHIbIt good running vehicle/s or good EMAIL PDF TO: [email protected]
running computer/s, & or moni-


tors, etc. we are 501 (c)(3) 301
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washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 69

Classifieds INK WELL
nW $450 per month NS cozy
furnished room, includes utili-
ties, cable, internet, W/D, walk to
subway/shops. 301-899-2383
avaIlable july 2011. con-

Bulletin Board necticut near VanNess Metro.

Large, furnished MBr. Private
bath no tub, shower only, for
quiet, considerate NSF grad
make peace - hOW acting free HealtHcare forum oncitypaper.com/washington/ student, intern, research fel-
on these ideas, together, can - Monday, March 7th, 2011, St. Viewad?oid=oid%3a1086282. low, scholar. references, $400 a young kid’s
bring change. Visit http://www. John’s United Methodist church, 703/370-5311. deposit. $910/mo. Leave voice
angelfire.com/endlesspeace/ St.Paul St.& 27th St., Baltimore, message 202/297-7560. backpack
peacesteps. MD,7:30 p.m. E-mail bharvey@ lookIng for roommate. 35. Dry place for sail-
Open house Saturday Feb 26, $400.00 per montH-nSm-
smart.net for details.
meSportS IS WaSHIngton from 2-4pm. 2nd bedroom in a 2 furnISHed room includes ors to wash
Dc Premier adult Sports League lIve Standup comedy: bedroom unit looking for a neat utilities,w/d, five minute walk to
coed Softball registration For Wed nites rira Irish Pub in and clean renter. rent is $600 Suitland Subway. 301 899 2383 37. Plant, perhaps
more info and to register please arlington,Va. Thurs nites Topaz please contact Whitney at 202- 39. Split hairs
avaIlable ImmedIately
visit our websites at: www. hotel in Dupont circle,Dc. Sat 629-1510H today. Move in now or later. 40. Strike callers
mesports.leagueapps.com and nites hyatt hotel in Bethesda,MD.
Walk to SIlver Spring Nice private furnished sunny
www.mesportsonline.com or call $25 cash Prize Joke contest.For
202-460-9009/202-441-8552 more info:StandupcomedyToGo. Metro, Whole Foods-750$/mo- room in NW Dc, $380/mo. has 41. Promise to a con-
everything. Downtown Dc Bus
natIonal muSeum of
com to-mo furnished room, with utili-
& Metro. Will not respond with-
tact upon arriving
ties, WIFI, no smoking no pets
Women in the arts is free the “Have your fun without shorterm ok;private bath call out phone numbers & weblinks at the rendezvous
first Sunday of each month from fear as a caPE crusader.” Den- 301-526-8809 for appt Email: [email protected]
noon to 5pm. 1250 New York nis Sobin, president. Visit www. point with the
tHe curry eState has the lookIng for a room in the
avenue NW www.nmwa.org caPE-Dc.com to learn about
following amenities:Internet, greater dc area? Or maybe You suitcase
ways to avoid police entrap-
read me! free novels, stories furnished rooms, kitchen use, have an extra room and need 42. Electrician’s unit
ment and help alert citizens of
available online from local author. ac, and W/D on premise. $850/ to rent it fast? call us at 202-
abuse. citizens against Police 43. Final item at
PDFs sent to you via email. Online month all inclusive-No-pets-No- 470-6018
Entrapment caPE www.caPE-
lit saves paper! Visit http://tinyurl.
com/freelit for more info.
Dc.com smoking. call Eddie at 202-399- upper nW dc house to share. the end of a
4754- great for long/shorterm
WedneSday jazz jam at living. http://mysite.verizon.net/
2 rooms together for $140 a burlesque perfor-
Takoma Station Tavern, 7pm week & 2 room suite $185 w/
talfIlmfeSt.org marcH
to 10pm. come sit in with the
private bathroom. Share kitchen, mance, perhaps
15-27 4br for rent in first floor and washer/dryer, bathroom. access
house band for some real Book 44. Harry and Hermi-
free legal advIce for tunes. No cover! 6914 4th Street basement of a shared house in to transportation. 1/3 utilities/
Small business owners. Meet NW, Washington Dc, www.tako- Wheaton, MD, near bus stop. Security deposit 202-723-2223 one’s friend
with volunteer attorneys. Sat- mastation.com Share Ba, kitchen, & living room.
240/417-6410. brookland/catHolIcu. 46. Egg manufacturers
urday, March 19,2011 9:30am HaWaII avene. F for renovat-
eaSter Sunday ServIc- 47. Battle reenact-
– 12:00pm Where: reeves ctr beSt Home rIgHt in front of ed 2Bdrm apt w/ F international
eS. Franconia United Method-
2000 14th Street NW (U Street
Metro). For more info: http://
ist church, 6037 Franconia rd, University of Maryland college development professional (52). ment devices
alexandria invites you to Easter Park Metro. Upscale/Modern New kitchen, bathroom, carpet-
Services apr 24 8:30 and 11:00 newer home. has everything. ing. Furnished common areas. 48. Thumbs-ups
mooz-lum tHe movIe am. church is handicapped Walk right to Metro subway sta- Off-street parking. Walk &bus 51. Surname for some
extended showing until end accessible, and assisted listening tion. Very conveneint to Down- to metro. $600/mo inclWater
of February Washington, D.c. devices are available. call 703 town Washington, D.c. $450/ &heat. 240-565-7403 40% of Vietnam-
- aMc hoffman center 22 tix 971-5151. Month. Email: [email protected] ese people
- www.aMctheatres.com/mov- SIlver SprIng. 3br SFh.
great Info on Southern nW $600 per month NS large
ies/mooz-lum/ Qasim Basir cast: furnished room includes utilities,
Shared bath, W/D, d/w, FiOS 53. “Back to the
events www.gardenandgun. TV/Internet, gay-friendly, Nud-
Danny Glover, Summer Bishil, Nia cable, internet, W/D, five minute Future” nickname
com ist. 4.5 miles Glenmont/Silver
Long, Evan ross Synopsis visit:
www.MoozlumtheMovie.com WWW.SolaSnua.org con-
walk to subway/shops. Month to
month lease. 301-899-2383
Spring Metro. $600/mo. utils.
included, deposit required. No
Gentleman’s drunken relatives 6.Vocalize 55. Correspond
temporary IrISH arts! 49. “...” 7.Image file type
tHe courageouS Women
Of code Pink are Struggling for acceSSorIze your lIfe -
lookIng for a female room- pets/couples. Jay 301/806-8076,
[email protected].
Jargon 50. Big name in fan- 8.Drug book for MDs
57. Illegal mound
Peace, Justice and Global human Join the Little Black Dress club!
mate to rent an unfurnished room move
w/ private bathroom in arlington, maSter SuIte W/batH- tasy baseball 9.Taiwanese manu-
rights. They have Great Projects Socialize and network with Va starting in February. Move in room in Gallery Place, $1250
58. “So this turtle
and They Need Your Support. Interesting, adventurous, and 51. Stars blowing up facturer of thin
Please visit www.codePinkalert. Intelligent Women. info@lbd-
dates flexible. 1 block to claren-
don metro Orange Line. $1350/
p/month. Utilities incl. Share Across walks into ___
org and Give Them a helping club.com. month + utilities. soleilnicois@
kitchen/dining/livingroom. near
1. Be short 52. Device that causes computers ...”
hand. Thank You public transportation. Prefer
employment Support gmail.com
female.No pets/perfume/smok- 4. Sweeper’s need people to fall into 10. Arrow notch 61. Bacterial issue
WWW.latInvIp.com center-eSc invites job seekers
to weekly career Support Group
$900 condo to Share in ing/loud music/tv. furnished.1
11. Understand, as fountains and get 11. Fade, as prospects potentially treat-
lgbt counSelIng: We are a Gated community roommate quiet respectful person only. tal-
consortium of highly experienced
meetings at First Trinity Lutheran wanted: Will be availabe for [email protected] a joke hit by cars 12. Stopped being able by drinking
church, 501 4th St. NW Monday move in on april 16th all utilities
psychotherapists with a wide
evenings except holidays from 7 included, washer & dryer in unit, $385 uSd per month or less, 14. 1972 Michael 54. Bits of male word- such a taskmaster cranberry juice:
variety of specialties, approaches, rooms on bus & Metro Down-
and fees. Offices in Va, MD, Dc.
to 8:30. call 202/628-2919 for & gym Interested parties should
town. Free local and long dis- Jackson single play? 13. “Greatest Show Abbr.
more information. e-mail me Immediately! room-
Serving clients across the spec- 56. Gingko ___ on Turf” team
[email protected] tant phone calls, highSpeed WiFi
15. Parent’s authori- 62. Trendy NYC neigh-
Moving &
trum. Se habla Español. www.
internet. Satellite/cable TV, Etc.
lgbtc.com 202/319-8541 lookIng for a good room or Immediate move in. Free temp tarian explanation 59. Nom de ___ 19. Small bag of buds borhood, briefly
tHe ‘mommy, mInIya, &
ME’ ShOW is a series of fun-filled Hauling roommate fast? call us at 800-
488-8050 or goto www.room-
place available, email: gwu@
usa.com 16. ___ Digga (MC with 60. Term for modern
that might chill
you out
63. Where one might
family stage plays. The NEW traSHremoval, movIng, mateexpress.com.
$450-SuItland-nS male- “Dirty Harriet”) head to puke
Black history series is entitled Storage Will haul metal all areaS: roommateS. nIce furnISHed room in 17. Carrier to Narita words that 21. Caught in a trap due to motion
‘Enter racial: race & Family objects - washers, refrigerators, com. Browse hundreds of
Matters’. etc. Bargins-4-Less, Inc. Qual- online listings with photos and
private home, includes utilities,
International describe male 24. Former Ger- sickness
washer/dryer. Five minute walk
WWW.rumIforum.org ity service, great rates. all prices maps. Find your roommate with to Suitland Subway and Shops. 18. With 23-Across, things man president
negotiable. Local/long distance. a click of the mouse! Visit: http://
demand buSH-cHeney Truck rental available. Free esti- www.roommates.com.
Plenty of parking. Month to
sweetener in 64. Atom with extra Johannes
ImpeacHment hearings! call month leaase. Nice Location.
your congressman 202/224-3121
mate. call 202/239-7807, 443-
mount raInIer, md Single 301 423 2922 processed foods electrons, perhaps 25. Exchange rate
872-8895. Licensed, bonded,
and demand that the house Judi- insured. Dc/MD/Va. family house room available. clean SpacIouS roomS in geared toward 65. Basketball phe- abbr.
ciary committee hold hearings! Walk to train, quiet place. $550. house Males Only Near rhode
also, visit www.wexlerwants- max’S movIng and haul- 4117 31st St, Mount rainier, MD males? nom Bias who 26. Noted writer bur-
Island ave. Metro, Giant, cVS,
hearings.com. ing Dc/MD/Va. Junk removal, 20712. Two blocks away from OD’ed two ied in Baltimore
Foreman Mills Includes cable, 20. No. 2 end
house, office, apartment, yard, Washington. For more informa-
pa t t y b o o m b o o m - contract service, demolition and internet, w/d, 2full baths, phone days after being 30. “If you prick ___
tion call, 240-606-7931. 22. Kabob stick
redemptIon Wednesdays- construction, estate clean-up. No Drugs $140/wk $280.00
The hottest Wednesdays in Dc 202/437-4413. $650 nS nW Furnished room security deposit 202-367-7003
23. See 18-Across drafted we not bleed?”
is kicking off at 1359 U Street- includes utilities, cable, inter-
blazing roots, rock, reggae and contInental moverS: net, W/D, five minute walk to
capItol HeIgHtS/addI-
27. “___ pinch of salt 66. Librarian’s punish- 31. UK company ending
Son road Metro 1 extra large
soca w/ DJ Q and DJ Divine-Free local/long distance, stor- Petworth Subway and Shops.
room in house in nice neigboor- ...” ment 34. Explorer on many
all nite age, commercial, residential. Free Month to month lease. Nice
boxes. Great references. credit Location. 301-423-2922 hood. cable, large closet. LBGT
28. Appeal to, as 67. Summer clock set-
proteSt bank baIloutS!
Move your money to support
cards accepted. www.continen-
talmovers.net. 301/984-5908, $600.00 per montH-nS-
friendly. 500 a month call junie
at 301-336-4066 or rah7jah@ heartstrings ting at FBI HQ Last week: Remixes
your local community bank! 202/438-1489, 703/929-1302. furnISHed room, includes yahoo.com 68. Storm heading:
Details, go to www.moveyour- utilities, cable, internet, w/d, five 29. “I swear I won’t
bank.info. beSt rate moverS. home, minute walk to Petworth Sub- SS glenmont metro.
tell ___” Abbr.
office & apartment. Dc/Va/MD. way. Month to month lease. 301 Beautiful, safe bucolic country
SeekIng actorS of color Student discounts. Short-notice 899 2383 club neighborhood. Private bath, 32. Chemist’s ending 69. Stewart of the
for play, DcPS. 1-2 minute con- moves. Free estimates. Free kitchenette, Separate Entrance. “Twilight” movies
temporary monologue or poem. boxes. Best rates in town! call 24 room for rent on harvard Free easy parking. Large treed 33. Ancient social net-
headshot & resume. March 12th hours, 202/607-6156 - office. Street in columbia heights, Dc. yard, hiking/biking trail. Fur- working suffix 70. Awful sound to
& 13th, 2:30-5:30pm By appoint- $500 plus utilities which are nished/unfurnished. Flexible
ment only. Dc arts center, 2438 bulk traSH removal. all divided by other tenants. room lease terms. $695-$795 includes 34. Grocery store hear while riding
18th Street NW, WDc 20009 items. attics, basements, yards available asap. call Maria for all utilities. 301-871-5080 301- in a hot air bal-
rahima@dcsownentertainment- and garages, clean-up, construc- info and for a view of the house! 807-0025 [email protected]
option for males
group.com tion, debris. Low rates. Demoli- cell:(240)441-3310 with low income? loon
tion available. 202/635-7860. H o Wa r d u n I v e r S I t y /
are you a model in need of SS-dc-kenS 1 furnISHed columbIa HeIgHtS. Fur- 36. Beginner Spanish
a portfolio website. Visit this link
http://on.fb.me/gPyBVK to find Shared
room, cable incl, share bath-
room, 1/2 kitchen, close to (ride-
nished room for rent $475.00
page 5 pronoun Down
month plus utilities,cable/Inter-
1. Has a beef
out how can get a free Flash on,buses,Forest Glen Metro,495)
website to host your photos, list $480 includes most util. Pets in
net fee,application fee and secu- 38. Cavity treater’s
events and tout your resume. home. av: april 2011 e-mail:
rity deposit required. Dishwasher,
deg. 2. Make pooped
alexandrIa/ landmark: washer/dryer,shared kitchen and
WWW.SavannaHmuSIc- reSponSIble, mature, finan-
[email protected]
bath. Prefer non smoker. Ph 443 39. Equal exchange 3. Blow up
f e S t I va l . o r g m a r c H cially stable NS to share 3Br apt. large maSter bedroom 570 1971.
among males? 4. Listserv subscription
29-aprIl 9th. w/2 others. ac, dishwasher, with private full bathroom. Safe
roomS avaIlable Imme- option
microwave, balcony, pool, ten- neighborhood, walk to Vienna 45. Dance with terri-
frank lloyd WrIgHt Metro station $800 utility includ- dIately, $375 per month. has
nis, community club. $650/
ed Elec/Water./wireless Internet everything. Bus & Metro. cable/ fied 13-year-olds 5. Interest to an unfair
month, plus utilities. Older peo- Satellite, Large-screen plasma
ple welcome! More information cable TV. Move in immediately.
TVs. Free highspeed internet. held aloft by degree
at: http://classifieds.washingt- call Jen (703)225-8715
Several laptops & desktop com-

70 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

puters. Free laundry, free long Two blocks to Metro. $1850 + town, W/D. $725 - 775+ utils: ave. Beltway exit, 20 minutes;

classified ads

distance telephone calls. Send electric. habitat real Estate, Inc. 301.442.4232; steve.communi- downtown. $1250/mo. available
Email: [email protected] 202-232-3973 [email protected] immediately. 202/265-0368.
roomS & roommate ser- apartmentS, StudIoS, nW dc SpecIal nice 1 bed- Walk to metro in alexan-
vice! room rentals available in HouSeS all sizes in all cities room apartment with breakfast dria! 3 Br, 2 Ba luxury condo
all cities worldwide! Furnished
or Unfurnished, Short or Long
worldwide! Furnished or Unfur-
nished, Short or Long Term. rent-
bar, hardwood floors, skylights,
walk-in closet, ceiling fans. Quiet
in carlyle Towers, enclosed bal-
cony, parking & storage. Walk
commercial classifieds
Term. Sublets & rooms wanted! als, Sublets & rooms wanted! building, near train and bus lines. to 2 Metros, movies, restaurants Commercial classified ads are comprised
Browse & post free! call 1-877- Partially furnished optional. $950/
367-7368 or visit www.metro-
Browse & post free! call 1-877-
367-7368, or visit www.sublet. mo. call 301/262-9123.
and shops. Enjoy 2 gyms, pool,
tennis, 24-hr security and more.
of sections such as Employment, Housing
roommates.com/city_rentals/ com/city_rentals/dcmetro_rent- Offered for $3450/mo. www. for Rent, Housing for Sale, Services, and
dcmetro_rentals.asp als.asp
Housing to stonerealtyservices.com or
Brenda Stone, Keller Williams, Health & Wellness. Commercial ads may
Housing $1950 1br cleveland Park/
Van Ness metros. hardwood Rent Two 703-739-4663. be placed from our Web site, by fax, mail,
phone (additional $5 charge), or in person
Wanted Bedroom
Floors, Eat-in Kitchen, high ceil- brookland/ne 3 br, 1 1/2
ings, W/D, Dishwasher, Gym. 1-yr bath semi detached townhouse
lease. cats OK. (415) 513-6136. in quiet neighborhood. hard- at our office, 2390 Champlain St. NW,
SectIon8 ok. QuIet, clean randle HIgHlandS/Se -
family of three seeks a 3/4 bed- alexandrIa condo 2 Br 1 bath in small apartment
wood floors, full washer/dryer,
1/2 finished basement, back yard,
Washington, DC 20009. Commercial ads
room house in upper NW Michi-
gan Park, or the Brookland area.
mInuteS from Dc and Pen- building. hardwood floors, large
kitchen, cac. Walk to the new
screened in front porch. a few start at $20 for up to 35 words in print
tagon $1650. 1000 square feet,
Please forward all responses to: Granite countertops, hardwood Yes! Organic supermarket and
blocks from Providence hospital,
near Brookland Metro. $1850
($1 each additional word) and includean
[email protected] floors, Large sunroom, Soaking
Tub, Two walk in closets, Wash-
steps away from Pennsylvania
ave. bus routes. $850 +. habitat
+ utils. habitat real Estate, Inc. unlimited Web ad w/Free photos.
a famIly of 2 professors
and 5-year-old and 9-month-old er Dryer, free shuttle to Metro. real Estate, Inc. 202-232-3973
Premium Web placement is available
Housing for (generally $10) in addition to Open House
going to Dc for a conference, Garage Parking. available Imme- neWly renovated 2 bed-
hoping to stay approximately diately. call 571-215-8898 room 1 1/2 bathroom Townhouse
and Pet Friendly icons ($5/each). All
May 21 – June 1. Safe location.
Near Dupont circle preferred.
Please write donald_dragon@
WaSHIngton, dc Se Naylor
Gardens. Minutes from Down-
available. Within one block of
Friendship heights Metro. New Sale Commercial ads are guaranteed both Web
kitchen and bathrooms, hard- nW dc SHaW 1500 Block 9th
town Dc and Metro. Beautifully
landscaped community. Best wood floors throughout. Washer Street. Near Metro, new O Street
and print placement.
kept secret in Dc! Super special! and dryer. Lovely quiet back yard market, and downtown. Off
cHeap StudIo Space or
work/living space needed by Medium size 1 Brs from $795* /patio. anathai@waldemgmt.
street parking, room to expand.
More info, call 202/483-2453. Free online ads
mature, NS professional painter all utilities included! hurry! call
/ graphic artist. Water, electricity,
some natural light, easy access
today! 202-582-6100 *Prices
subject to change without notice.
16tH Street, nW Dc, 2Br
and 2Ba, washer/dryer, wood
$475,000 have additional prop-
Free classified ads can be placed via
required. Non-developed com- address: 2725 30th Street SE, floor, cac. New kitchen and reduced - $379,999 – 158 our Web site in sections such as Music,
Washington, Dc 20020 www.
mercial OK. amenities unneces-
sary. No speculators, no “studio” naylorgardensleasing.com leas-
appliances, parking available.
Quiet residential neighborhood.
chesapeake St., SW Brick home- Shared Housing, Buy/Sell/Trade, Wheels, VOTED BEST PROPERTY
4bedrooms/2 baths, wood-burn-
apartments please. 410/952- [email protected] Minutes walk to rock creek ing fireplace, located in quiet and Bulletin Board. All Web ads are MANAGEMENT COMPANY
2621 Park and Walter reed hospital.
1530 rHode ISland, NE - 1
convenient for transportation,
Bellevue/Dc, washer/dryer, large unlimited in size but are limited to 35
lookIng for HomeS in, Va, bedroom - On special $800 plus back yard. 10-20 minute drive to IN D.C. IN 2009 & 2010
Dc, and MD for rent to own. For utils. beautiful basement level available immediately. $1295/ Washington harbor, Downtown words if printed. Free ads may be printed
mo. 301/602-6096
more info visit please vist: http://
apt available aSaP! Upgraded Dc and 95 Beltway. located in
the city with a suburban feel. No
for no charge—a random selection is
Eat-in kitchen w/ maple cabinets avaIlable for leaSe is a
SeekIng 2 br apt or house for & refinished hardwood floors, spacious 2 bedroom apartment. investors. made for each print issue—but a Print
rent starting late april. Minimum On-site laundry, parking avail-
able $50/mo. 15 mins to rhode
Well equipped with dishwasher
and a large closet space in a
arIzona bIg beautIful Guarantee costs $10 per ad. Free ads are FOR RENT
1.5 baths, and within 1 mile of
Metro. capitol hill or NE south Island Metro and Shopping luxury building, the amenities
lots. $99/mo., $0 down, $0 inter-
est. Golf course, national Parks.
only accepted from our Web site.
center. 202-315-1103 www. include an fitness center, sauna, Brightwood Park
of Florida ave. call Sarah 248- 1 hour from Tucson International
890-4825. novodev.com jacuzzi, laundry room, basket- 1365 Kennedy St.NW #2—Efficiency, Hrdwd Flrs,
airport. Guaranteed financing.
brookland/ cua metro.
ball court, court yard, eleva- No credit check! 800-631-8164 adult ads Galley Kitchen,Walk-in Closet, Bldg + Priv. Outdoor
Housing for
tors, dry-cleaning service and a Entrance, Laundry in Bldg. , $800/mo + Elec. & Gas
One bedroom apt. washer/dryer, garage located in the building.
code 4054 www.sunsiteslan-
Adult ads can be placed from our web
$800/mo. plus gas and elec.
Rent Studio site, by fax, mail, or in person at our office.
[email protected] 1365 Kennedy St.NW #103—Efficiency, Hrdwd Flrs,
available January. 301/598-6231. $77,000 0% aSSIStance -
adamS morgan. Updtd Kitch., New Appliances, Lg Walk-Through
petWortH. 614 longfel-
Quiet building.
mt.pleaSant beautiful large
www.micasa-inc.org 8 complete- Adult Service ads cost $150 for 35 words Closet. Laundry in Bldg. $800/mo + Elec. & Gas
ly renovated condos; $95,000-
loW St. NW. 1 efficiency apt. mInuteS from george-
toWn 4550 Macarthur Blvd.
entrance and hallway, Lr and
$100,000 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath; in print ($3 each additional word) and
available. $650/mo. New ceramic Dr, high ceilings, hWF, intercom Cathedral Heights
tile and kitchen, newer washer/ NW. redecorated 1Br apartment system. Move-in immediately.
$160,000-$165,000 2 Bedrooms, include an unlimited-in-length Web ad. 3715 Woodley Rd. NW #9—JR 1BR/1BA, Bsmt Unit,
1 Bath. close to NY ave Metro. 6
dryer in laundry room, newer in very clean building in a great
neighborhood $1145/mo. al
Efficiency $900, 2Br from $1950
months free condo fees. hPaP-E Adult Employment ads are $30 for 35 HWFs, WD in Bldg., $1,250/mo + Elec. & Gas
W/W carpeting, gas heat/cooking +utils. call 202/299-0108,
utility included. close to Takoma utilities included. No pets. call 202/362-9441, ext. 16. 0% buyer assistance. cheryl@ words in print ($1 each additional word) Dupont
charlie 202-338-1054. EhO Phil- micasa-inc.orgH
Park, Ft. Totten Metro subway,
lips realty Management LLc. 2br apartment 1ba Florida and include an unlimited-in-length Web 1723 Q St.NW #303—2BR/1BA + Loft, Balcony, Den,
Real Estate
and Georgia ave. corridor. For HWFs,Wood FP. Avail 4/1. $2,900/mo, All Utils. Incl!
more info contact Byron Perkins, petWortH. 614 longfel-
ave., U St. $1200/mo. + utils.
2nd floor townhouse. Immedi-
ad. Special rules apply to our Adult ads;
please see the section on our web site for
Agents &
202/276-5594. loW St. NW. 1Br apt. available. ately available. red, Green Line Friendship Heights
$875/mo. Newer W/D in laundry Metro, nice neighborhood, off 5500 Friendship Blvd.#N1702—Studio,W2W Carpet,
glover park. 2626-2634 more information.
Tunlaw rd. NW. Freshly redeco-
rated studio from $985/mo. utili-
room, newer W-W carpeting,
newer ceramic tile in kitchen
and Ba, gas heat/cooking utility
street parking, hWF. 302 Florida
ave. NW. 202/723-7547, naha-
[email protected].
Loans Pool,WD in Bldg, 24/7 Desk, $1,200/mo., Utils. Incl!
Logan Circle
ties included. Excellent location, unIQue, Savvy, profeS-
walk to shopping & restaurants. included. close to Takoma Park,
percHed on tHe edge of two SIonal, here to Serve all of Legal notices 1101 L St.NW #103—1BR/1BA, Hrdwd Flrs, DW, WD
Ft. Totten Metro, and Georgia
No pets. 1 year lease. call char-
lie, 202/338-1054. EhO. Phillips ave. corridor. For more info of Dc’s hottest neighborhoods, Your real Estate Needs! Infor- For rates and information in BLDG, 600 Sqft., $1,500/mo + Elec. & Gas.
Dupont circle and adams Mor- mation, Service & Expertise, all
realty Management, LLc. contact Byron Perkins, 202/276-
gan, Buses stop right outside and for you! Don’t Delay, call or Text on Legal Notices call Petworth
bedroom WItH lIvIng the Dupont circle Metro station Today! 202-507-0702. www.
Moniquetherealtor.com - Fusion
202-332-2100 and ask for a Classified 700 Jefferson St.NW#104—1BR/1BA,HWFs,New Kitch.
room for rent, $500/mo. elec- In tHe Heart of adams is a brief ten minute walk. Enjoy & BA, DW/WD, Patio. Avail 3/25. $1,200/mo + E & G
tricity, parking, laundry, cable Morgan nice 1 bedroom apart- panoramic views of the entire realty - 1450 Mercantile Ln., Representative
included. 1 block from Metro sta- ment with, hardwood floors, city from your upper floor apart- Ste. 101 - Upper Marlboro, MD SW/Waterfront
tion. 202-702-3956. 2501 crest skylight, walk-in closet, Balcony, ment. Now is your chance-why 20774 - 301-772-5227 Office 301 G St.SW—Capitol Park Towers: Effs $975;1BRs
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properties, home evaluation,
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of classified ads for print is each Monday,
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No pets. call Joe 202/232-4641, apartment top floor of house, your dream of home ownership.
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Bedroom + between Monday 5pm and no later than
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No cancellations or refunds are allowed Spectacular View of the Potomac! $109,000.
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Rent One
m a r y l a n d - S I lv e r + per month. available now.
month security deposit. Mgr.
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bedroom 4.5 bath home great 232-3973
1bedroom apartment for entertaining. Master bdrm cancelled by contacting a Classifieds For more information,
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16tH Street nW 1Br, 2Ba. WItH 1bath In capitol hill for suite and 2nd master bedroom
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ing. hardwood floors, washer/ bike trails, hyattsville Busboys w/oak trees, cul-de-sac, nice
dryer, balcony, indoor parking. and Poets. 15 min to down- neighborhood. 2 minutes; Penn

washingtoncitypaper.com March 4, 2011 71


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011


72 March 4, 2011 washingtoncitypaper.com

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