BizPro 1 Case!

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BizPro 1.

Inter-University Business 360 Case Competition
An Initiative by Department of Marketing, Comilla University

“A Cyclist is a disaster for the economy. They don’t buy cars so

don’t get loans for that. They don’t buy gasoline or spend a lot of
money at the mechanic. They don’t pay for insurance or parking!

Moreover, they stay fit and healthy god dammit!... The economy
doesn’t need healthy people— they don’t support the pharma
industry or private health services.”

Bicycle is a vehicle for personal transport using human propulsion, the

bicycle, colloquially called bike is driven by the traveler. While automation is
expected everywhere, bicycle has still a market. It is an eco-friendly mode of
In Bangladesh, the market demand for bicycle is about 1.65 million a year
which has an estimated value of 40000 million BDT. Both local and foreign
companies are serving here in Bangladesh. 80 percent of market share is
captured by imported bicycle— Phoenix, Core, Veloce, Trek and many more;
while the rest belongs to the local ventures— Meghna Group, Duranta
Bicycle, Siraj Bicycle, Alita Bangladesh Ltd. with many more.
Meghna Group is holding the first place having Duranta and Siraj Bicycle
following it. Foreign companies like Phoenix, Core, Trek etc. are capturing
most of the customer with their attractive designs and cheap price. On the
other hand, local ones have to import the raw materials to manufacture
bicycle, which results in a higher price than those of imported ones.
Nonetheless, people’s perception to the foreign products plays an invisible
role while purchasing.
Duranta started its journey to the bicycle industry in 2014. It has a capacity
of manufacturing approximately 700000 of bicycles annually. It has a wide
range of product offerings for zero aged to adult. It also sells accessories and
provides online service.
Bangladesh’s bicycle industry, an emerging export sector, has huge potential
in the global market. Bicycle is one of the latest products in Bangladesh's
export basket and the export scenario is really encouraging as export
earnings are growing by around 13 per cent per year.
Bangladesh started exporting bicycles to the European market in 1999 with
the initiative taken by Meghna Group. Now nearly 20 companies are
producing bicycles for both domestic and global market. Duranta looks
forward to gaining the highest domestic market share.
Bangladesh is the second-largest non-EU exporter of bicycles to the EU
market and the 8th-largest exporter globally. According to Bangladesh
Bicycles and Parts Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BBPMEA),
bicycle manufacturers export more than 17 million bicycles every year.
According to Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), the country’s bicycle sector

Export earnings Fiscal Year

$85.73 million 2017-2018
$82.86 million 2016-2017
$99.15 million 2015-2016
$126 million 2014-2015
$112.89 million 2013-2014
$78.48 million 2012-2013

Duranta started its exporting business in 2015. Now it is exporting to more

than 5 EU countries. It has some global partners like Sports Direct, Argos,
Toys R Us, S’COOL .

What you need to do?

1. Analyze the Case Scenario & Business Aspect of Duranta.
2. Find out the Symptoms & Root Problems behind this condition using all possible tools/
3. Recommend feasible solutions that best describe the given business situation.
How will you do?
1. Send your result within 1500 words in PDF format excluding your Team Intro.
2. Deadline to submit the result: 24 hours later from now!

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