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1 Brian E.

935 Sunrise Drive
2 Red Bluff, CA 96080
(714) 613-
3 [email protected]

4 Pro-Se




13 Plaintiff,
COUNTY OF TEHAMA, DAVE 1. Fourth Amendment-Detention and Arrest
COUNTY, CITY OF RED BLUFF, 2. Substantive Due Process (42 U.S.C. § 1983)
17 DANIELLE EYESTONE MAYOR OF 3. Municipal Liability-Ratification
18 DEPARTMENT, KYLE SANDERS 4. Municipal Liability-Inadequate Training
QUINTAN ORTEGA, SERGEANT 5. Municipal Liability-Unconstitutional
20 RUBEN MURGIA, OFFICER HEIDI Custom, Practice, or Policy (42 U.S.C. §
21 BOWMAN, 6. False Arrest/False Imprisonment
22 7. Conspiracy Against Rights (18 U.S.C. §
Defendants. 241)
23 8. Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
(18 U.S.C. § 242)
24 , 9. Malicious Prosecution (42 U.S.C. § 1983)
10. Respondeat Superior
25 Defendant.



2 COMES NOW, Plaintiff Brian E. XXXX individually for his Complaint against

3 Defendants County of Tehama, Dave Hencratt Sheriff of Tehama County, City of Red Bluff,

4 Danielle Eyestone Mayor of Red Bluff, Red Bluff Police Department, Kyle Sanders Chief of

5 Police, Captain Quintan Ortega, Sergeant Ruben Murgia, Officer Heidi Curtis, Jennifer Bowman

6 and David Bowman, inclusive, and alleges as follows:


8 This Court has original jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C §§ 1331 and 1343(a)(3)-(4)

9 because Plaintiff asserts claims arising under the laws of the United States including 42 U.S.C. §

10 1983 and the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution. This Court

11 has supplemental jurisdiction over Plaintiff’s claims arising under state law pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

12 § 1367(a), because those claims are so related to the federal claims that they form part of the same

13 or controversy under Article III of the United States Constitution.

14 Venue is proper in this Court under 28 U.S.C. §1391(b) because Defendants reside in this

15 district and all incidents, events and occurrences giving rise to this action occurred in this district.


17 1. This civil rights and state tort action seeks compensatory and punitive damages from

18 Defendants for violating various rights under the United States Constitution and state law in

19 connection with the Plaintiff being falsely arrested and falsely imprisoned on December 03, 2019.

21 2. At all relevant times, Plaintiff Brian XXXXX was an individual residing in the City of

22 Red Bluff, County of Tehama, California.

23 3. At all relevant times, Defendant Jennifer Bowman was an individual residing in the

24 City of Red Bluff, County of Tehama, California.

25 4. At all relevant times, Defendant David Bowman was an individual residing in the City

26 of Red Bluff, County of Tehama, California.

27 5. At all relevant times, Defendant COUNTY of TEHAMA is a charter county and has

28 the ability to sue and be sued.

1 6. At all relevant times, Defendant Dave Hencratt, Sheriff of Tehama County was an

2 individual residing in the County of Tehama.

3 7. At all relevant times, Defendant CITY of RED BLUFF (“CITY”) is and was a

4 municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of California. CITY is a general law

5 subdivision of the State of California with the capacity to be sued. CITY is responsible for the

6 actions, omissions, policies, procedures, practices, and customs of its various agents and agencies,

7 including the Red Bluff Police Department and its agents and employees. At all relevant times,

8 Defendant CITY was responsible for assuring that the actions, omissions, policies, procedures,

9 practices, and customs of the Red Bluff Police Department and its employees and agents

10 complied with the laws of the United States and of the State of California. At all relevant times,

11 CITY was the employer of Defendants Danielle Eyestone Mayor of Red Bluff, Red Bluff Police

12 Department, Kyle Sanders Chief of Police, Captain Quintan Ortega, Sergeant Ruben Murgia,

13 Officer Heidi Curtis.

14 8. At all relevant times, Defendant Danielle Eyestone Mayor of CITY is responsible for

15 the actions, omissions, policies, procedures, practices, and customs of its various agents and

16 agencies, including the Red Bluff Police Department and its agents and employees. At all

17 relevant times, Defendant Danielle Eyestone Mayor of CITY was responsible for assuring that the

18 actions, omissions, policies, procedures, practices, and customs of the Red Bluff Police

19 Department and its employees and agents complied with the laws of the United States and of the

20 State of California.
21 9. At all relevant times, Defendant Red Bluff Police Department was responsible for

22 Assuring that the actions, omissions, policies, procedures, practices, and customs of the Red Bluff

23 Police Department and its employees and agents complied with the laws of the United States and

24 of the State of California.

25 10. Defendants Kyle Sanders Chief of Police, Captain Quintan Ortega, Sergeant Ruben

26 Murgia, Officer Heidi Curtis are police officers for the Red Bluff Police Department. Kyle
27 Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Ruben Murgia and Heidi Curtis were acting under color of law within

28 the course and scope of their duties as officers for the Red Bluff Police Department at all relevant
1 times. Also at all relevant times, Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Ruben Murgia and Heidi Curtis

2 were acting with the complete authority and ratification of their principal, Defendants CITY and

3 Red Bluff Police Department.

4 11. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Ruben Murgia are supervisory officers for

5 Red Bluff Police Department who were acting under the color of law within the course and scope

6 of their duties as officers for the Red Bluff Police Department. Defendants Kyle Sanders,

7 Quintan Ortega, Ruben Murgia were acting with the complete authority and ratification of their

8 principal, Defendants CITY and Red Bluff Police Department.

9 12. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega are managerial, supervisorial, and

10 policymaking employees of the Red Bluff Police Department, who were acting under the color of

11 law within the course of their duties as managerial, supervisorial and policymaking employees for

12 the Red Bluff Police Department. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega were acting with the

13 complete authority and ratification of their principal Defendants CITY and Red Bluff Police

14 Department.

15 13. In doing the acts and failing and omitting to act as hereinafter described, Defendants

16 Kyle Sanders Chief of Police, Captain Quintan Ortega, Sergeant Ruben Murgia, Officer Heidi

17 Curtis were acting on the implied and actual permission and consent of Defendants Tehama

18 County, CITY, Danielle Eyestone Mayor of CITY, and Red Bluff Police Department.

19 14. At all times mentioned herein, each and every defendant was the agent of each and

20 every other defendant (with the exception of Defendant Jennifer Bowman, and David Bowman)
21 and had the legal duty to oversee and supervise hiring, conduct and employment of each and

22 every defendant.

23 15. All of the acts complained of herein by Plaintiff against Defendants were done and

24 performed by said Defendants by and through their authorized agents, servants, and/or

25 employees, all of whom at all relevant times herein were acting within the course, purpose, and

26 scope of said agency, service, and/or employment capacity. Moreover, Defendants and their
27 agents ratified all of the acts complained of herein.

28 16. Defendants Dave Hencratt, Sheriff of Tehama County, Danielle Eyestone, Mayor of
1 CITY, Defendants Kyle Sanders Chief of Police, Captain Quintan Ortega, Sergeant Ruben

2 Murgia, Officer Heidi Curtis, Jennifer Bowman, David Bowman are sued jointly and severally.


4 17. Within six months of the incident, Plaintiff filed written Notice of Claim with the Red

5 Bluff Police Department. Over thirty days have elapsed since filing of that notice, and this matter

6 has not been settled or otherwise disposed of. Plaintiff filed written Notice of Claim with the

7 County of Tehama, Dave Hencratt Sheriff, City of Red Bluff, Danielle Eyestone Mayor. Over

8 thirty days have elapsed since filing of that notice, and this matter has not been settled or

9 otherwise disposed of.


11 18. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 17

12 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.

13 19. In early 2019, Defendant David Bowman asked Plaintiff if he would return to Red

14 Buff California to attend his wedding in August of 2019.

15 20. Plaintiff agreed and returned to Red Bluff California for the wedding on

16 approximately August 9, 2019.

17 21. After the wedding, Plaintiff decided to stay in Red Bluff California and get

18 reacquainted with his family members since he previously joined the military, left California and

19 had not returned in some time.

20 22. While getting reacquainted with Defendants David and Jennifer Bowman and their
21 children, Plaintiff spent considerable time with them.

22 23. Plaintiff witnessed several occasions where Defendant Jennifer Bowman (in Plaintiff’s

23 opinion) would be “abusive” towards the children by making the children kneel on hardwood

24 floors staring at the wall with their hands behind their backs for unreasonable amounts of time.

25 Plaintiff also witnessed on several occasions Defendant Jennifer Bowman call the children “dirty

26 little fuckers and nasty humans”.

27 24. Plaintiff confronted Defendant Jennifer Bowman about her actions to which she

28 became enraged with the Plaintiff telling him to leave the residence.
1 25. Plaintiff informed Defendant David Bowman of the incidences and Defendant David

2 Bowman condoned Defendant Jennifer Bowmans’ actions.

3 26. Plaintiff’s concern for the safety and well being of the children caused disdain with

4 Defendants Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman, thus setting the stage for retaliation against

5 Plaintiff in any way shape or form.

6 27. At some time prior to December 2, 2019, Defendant Jennifer Bowman asked the

7 principal at Metteer Elementary School in Red Bluff California to remove Plaintiff from the

8 emergency contact list for her children.

9 28. On December 03, 2019, Defendant Jennifer Bowman called the Red Bluff Police

10 Department to respond to Metteer Elementary School reporting a male trespassing on school

11 grounds and refusing to leave.

12 29. Defendants Chief Kyle Sanders, Capt Quintan Ortega and Officer Heidi Curtis

13 responded. Defendant Kyle Sanders initially made contact with Plaintiff and detained him.

14 Plaintiff was not on school property when he was detained.

15 30. Defendant Heidi Curtis made contact with Defendant Jennifer Bowman who falsely

16 accused Plaintiff of “stalking” her children at the elementary school. Defendant Jennifer

17 Bowman falsely accused Plaintiff of being “psychotic”

18 31. Defendant Heidi Curtis continued to talk with Defendant David Bowman who

19 basically confirmed all of Defendant Jennifer Bowmans’ allegations.

20 32. While talking with Defendant Jennifer Bowman, it is with information and belief that
21 Defendant Heidi Curtis decide to arrest Plaintiff prior to continuing the investigation and/or

22 talking with Plaintiff.

23 33. Defendant Heidi Curtis instructed Defendant Kyle Sanders that she was going to talk

24 to the principal and that if Plaintiff tried to leave to “10-15” him. “10-15” is police code for

25 “prisoner in custody”.

26 34. Defendant Heidi Curtis talked to the principal who stated that Plaintiff was taking off
27 of the emergency contact list and she told him he could not be on school property.

28 35. Plaintiff asked why he had to leave and when explained, Plaintiff left the property
1 without incident.

2 36. Defendant Heidi Curtis exited the elementary school to talk with Plaintiff. Upon

3 exiting the school, Defendant Heidi Curtis turned off her body camera prior to talking to Plaintiff.

4 37. Defendant Heid Curtis arrested Plaintiff based on false allegations and information

5 from Defendants Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman.

6 38. Defendant Heidi Curtis willfully, wantonly, and maliciously arrested Plaintiff and

7 imprisoned Plaintiff without probable cause. It is with information and belief, that is why she

8 turned her body camera off before talking with Plaintiff and it was miraculously turned on after

9 the arrest when Plaintiff was in custody in the back of her patrol car.

10 39. Plaintiff was falsely arrested, imprisoned and charged with California Penal Code §

11 646.9 Stalking (felony), California Penal Code § 626.8 Remain on School Property

12 (misdemeanor) and California Penal Code § 647.6(a)(1) Annoy/Molest Child (misdemeanor).

13 40. Plaintiffs’ bail was set at $160,000.00 and he was unlawfully imprisoned for three

14 days.

15 40. All original charges were eventually dismissed and Plaintiff plead guilty to trespass of

16 a business.


18 41. As a direct and proximate result of all Defendants, Plaintiff suffered the following

19 injuries and damages:

20 (a) Violation of his rights to the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United
21 States Constitution to be free from an unreasonable search and seizure of their

22 person;

23 (b) Violation of his right to Due Process of Law under the Fourteenth Amendment to

24 the United States Constitution;

25 (c) Violation of his California Constitutional rights under Article I, Section 12 to be

26 free from an unreasonable search and seizure;

27 (d) Violation of his California Constitutional rights under Article I, Section 7 to due

28 process;
1 (e) Emotional trauma and suffering, including fear, embarrassment, humiliation,

2 emotional distress, frustration, extreme inconvenience, anxiety;

3 (f) Loss of Liberty.

Fourth Amendment-Detention and Arrest (42 U.S.C. § 1983)
5 (Against Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Ruben Murgia, Heidi Curtis, Jennifer
Bowman & David Bowman)
42. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 41
of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.
43. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega and Heidi Curtis detained Plaintiff without
reasonable suspicion and arrested him without probable cause.
44. Defendants Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman knowingly, willfully and wantonly
provided false information and statements against Plaintiff.
45. When Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega and Heidi Curtis placed Plaintiff in
handcuffs, they violated Plaintiff’s right to be secure in his person against unreasonable searches
and seizures as guaranteed to Plaintiff under the Fourth Amendment to the United States
Constitution and applied to state actors by the Fourteenth Amendment.
46. The conduct of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Jennifer
Bowman and David Bowman was willful, wanton, malicious and done with reckless disregard for
the rights and safety of Plaintiff and therefore warrants the imposition of exemplary and punitive
damages as to Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Jennifer Bowman and
David Bowman.
47. As a result of their misconduct, Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi
Curtis, Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman are liable for Plaintiff’s loss of liberties either
because they were integral participants in the wrongful detention and arrest, or because they
failed to intervene to prevent these violations.


27 Substantive Due Process (42 U.S.C. § 1983)

(Against Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Ruben Murgia, Heidi Curtis, Jennifer
28 Bowman & David Bowman)

4 48. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 47 of this

5 Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.

6 49. Plaintiff had a cognizable interest under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth

7 Amendment of the United States Constitution to be free from state actions that deprive him of

8 life, liberty or property in such a manner as to shock the conscience, including but not limited to

9 unwarranted state interference in Plaintiff’s liberties.

10 50. Plaintiff had a cognizable interest under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth

11 Amendment of the United States Constitution to be free from state actions that deprive him of

12 life, liberty or property in such a manner as to shock the conscience.

13 51. The aforementioned actions of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi

14 Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman, along with other undiscovered

15 conduct, shock the conscience, in that they acted with indifference to the constitutional rights of

16 Plaintiff and with purpose to harm unrelated to any legitimate law enforcement objective.

17 52. As a direct and proximate cause of the acts of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan

18 Ortega, Ruben Murgia, Heidi Curtis, Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman, Plaintiff suffered

19 emotional distress, mental anguish and pain.

20 53. The conduct of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben

21 Murgia, Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman was willful, wanton, malicious, and done with

22 reckless disregard for the rights and safety of Plaintiff and therefore warrants the imposition of

23 exemplary and punitive damages as to Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis,

24 Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman.


26 Municipal Liability-Ratification (42 U.S.C. § 1983)
(Against Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department, Kyle Sanders,
27 Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia)
1 54. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 53 of

2 this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.

3 55. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia acted

4 under the color of law;

5 56. The acts of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia

6 deprived Plaintiff of his particular rights under the United States Constitution.

7 57. Upon information and belief, a final policymaker, acting under color of law, who had

8 final policymaking authority concerning the acts of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega,

9 Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia, ratified Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis

10 and Ruben Murgia’s acts and basis for them. Upon information and belief, the final policymaker

11 knew of and specifically approved of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and

12 Ruben Murgia’s acts.

13 58. Upon information and belief, a final policymaker has determined (or will determine)

14 that the acts of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia were

15 “within policy.”

16 59. By reason of the aforementioned acts and omissions, Plaintiff has suffered loss of

17 liberties. The aforementioned acts and omissions also caused Plaintiff’s pain and suffering and

18 mental anguish.

19 60. CITY and Danielle Eyestone are vicariously liable for the wrongful acts of Defendants

20 Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia pursuant to § 815.2(a) of the
21 California Government Code, which provides that a public entity is liable for the injuries caused

22 by its employees within the scope of the employment if the employee’s acts would subject him or

23 her to liability.

24 61. Accordingly Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department,

25 Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia each are liable to Plaintiff for

26 compensatory damages under 42 U.S.C.§ 1983.


28 Municipal Liability-Failure to Train (42 U.S.C. § 1983)

1 (Against Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department, Kyle Sanders,
Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia)

3 62. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 61 of
4 this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.
5 63. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia acted
6 under color of law.
7 64. The acts of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia
8 deprived Plaintiff of his particular rights under the United States Constitution.
9 65. The training policies of Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone and Red Bluff Police
10 Department were not adequate to train its officers to handle the usual and recurring situations
11 with which they must deal.
12 66. Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone and Red Bluff Police Department were
13 deliberately indifferent to the obvious consequences of their failure to train their officers
14 adequately.
15 67. The failure of Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone and Red Bluff Police Department
16 to provide adequate training caused the deprivation of Plaintiff’s rights by Defendants Kyle
17 Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia; that is, Defendant’s failure to train is
18 so closely related to the deprivation of the Plaintiff’s rights as to the moving force that caused the
19 restriction of free liberties.
20 68. On information and belief, Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone and Red Bluff Police
21 Department failed to train Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben
22 Murgia properly and adequately.
23 69. CITY and Danielle Eyestone are vicariously liable for the wrongful acts of Defendants
24 Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia pursuant to § 815.2(a) of the
25 California Government Code, which provides that a public entity is liable for the injuries caused
26 by its employees within the scope of the employment if the employee’s acts would subject him or
27 her to liability
1 70. By reason of the aforementioned acts and omissions, Plaintiff has suffered loss of

2 liberties. The aforementioned acts and omissions also caused Plaintiff’s pain and suffering and

3 mental anguish.

4 71. Accordingly Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department,

5 Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia each are liable to Plaintiff for

6 compensatory damages under 42 U.S.C.§ 1983.


9 Municipal Liability-Unconstitutional Custom or Policy (42 U.S.C. § 1983)

(Against Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department, Kyle Sanders,
10 Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia)

11 72. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 71 of

12 this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.

13 73. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia acted

14 under color of law.

15 74. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia acted

16 pursuant to an expressly adopted official policy or a longstanding practice or custom of

17 Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department.

18 75. On information and belief, Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis

19 and Ruben Murgia were not disciplined, reprimanded, retrained, suspended, or otherwise

20 penalized in connection with Plaintiff’s false arrest and imprisonment.

21 76. Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department and Defendants

22 Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia, together with other CITY

23 policymakers and supervisors, maintained, inter alia, the following unconstitutional customs,

24 practices, and policies:

25 (a) Providing inadequate training regarding false arrest and imprisonment

26 Employing and retaining as police officers individuals such as Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan

27 Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia whom Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff

28 Police Department at all times material herein knew or reasonably should have known had
1 dangerous propensities for abusing their authority;

2 (b) Inadequately supervising, training, controlling, assigning, and disciplining CITY

3 officers, and other personnel, including Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis

4 and Ruben Murgia, whom Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department

5 knew or in the exercise of reasonable care should have known had aforementioned propensities

6 and character traits;

7 (c) Maintaining grossly inadequate procedures for reporting, supervising,

8 investigating, reviewing, disciplining, and controlling misconduct by CITY officers and

9 Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia;

10 (d) Failing to adequately discipline CITY police officers, including Defendants Kyle

11 Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia, for the above referenced categories of

12 misconduct, including “slaps on the wrist,” discipline that is so slight as to be out of proportion to

13 the magnitude of misconduct, and other inadequate discipline that is tantamount to encouraging

14 misconduct;

15 (e) Encouraging, accommodating, or facilitating a “blue code of silence,” “blue

16 shield,” “blue wall,” “blue curtain,” “blue veil,” or simply “code of silence,” pursuant to which

17 police officers do not report other officers’ errors, misconduct, or crimes. Pursuant to this code of

18 silene, if questioned about an incident of misconduct involving another officer, while following

19 the code, the officer being questioned will claim ignorance of the other officers’ wrongdoing.

20 77. By reason of the aforementioned acts and omissions, Plaintiff has suffered the loss of
21 liberties due to false arrest and false imprisonment. The aforementioned acts and omissions also

22 caused Plaintiff’s pain and suffering and mental anguish.

23 78. Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department and Defendants

24 Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia, together with various other

25 officials, whether named or unnamed, had either actual or constructive knowledge of the deficient

26 policies, practices ad customs alleged in the paragraphs above. Despite having knowledge as
27 stated above, these defendants condoned, tolerated, and through actions and inactions thereby

28 ratified such policies. Said defendants also acted with deliberate indifference to the foreseeable
1 effects and consequences of these policies with respect to the constitutional rights of the Plaintiff.

2 79. By perpetrating, sanctioning, tolerating and ratifying the outrageous conduct and other

3 wrongful acts, Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia acted

4 with intentional, reckless, and callous disregard for Plaintiff’s constitutional rights. Furthernore,

5 the policies, practices, and customs implemented, maintained, and still tolerated by Defendants

6 CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department and Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan

7 Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia were affirmatively linked to wand were a significantly

8 influential force behind the false arrest and false imprisonment of Plaintiff.

9 80. CITY and Danielle Eyestone are vicariously liable for the wrongful acts of Defendants

10 Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia pursuant to § 815.2(a) of the

11 California Government Code, which provides that a public entity is liable for the injuries caused

12 by its employees within the scope of the employment if the employee’s acts would subject him or

13 her to liability.

14 81. Accordingly Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department,

15 Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia each are liable to Plaintiff for

16 compensatory damages under 42 U.S.C.§ 1983.



19 False Arrest/False Imprisonment

(Against Defendants CITY, Danielle Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department, Kyle Sanders,
20 Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt)


22 82. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 81 of

23 this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.

24 83. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia, while

25 working as officers for Red Bluff Police Department and acting within the course and scope of

26 their duties, intentionally deprived Plaintiff of his freedom of movement by menace, fraud, deceit

27 and unreasonable duress. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben

28 Murgia detained Plaintiff without reasonable suspicion and arrested him without probable cause.
1 84. Plaintiff did not knowingly or voluntarily consent.

2 85. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia detained

3 Plaintiff for an appreciable amount of time.

4 86. The conduct of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben
Murgia was a substantial factor in causing harm to Plaintiff.
87. CITY and Danielle Eyestone are vicariously liable for the wrongful acts of Defendants
Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia pursuant to § 815.2(a) of the

9 California Government Code, which provides that a public entity is liable for the injuries caused

10 by its employees within the scope of the employment if the employee’s acts would subject him or

11 her to liability.
12 88. The conduct of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben
Murgia was malicious, wanton, oppressive, and accomplished with a conscious disregard for the
rights of Plaintiff, entitling Plaintiff to an award of exemplary and punitive damages.
89. As a result of their misconduct, Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi

17 Curtis and Ruben Murgia are liable for Plaintiff’s injuries, either because they were integral

18 participants in the wrongful detention and arrest, or because they failed to intervene to prevent

19 these violations.
Conspiracy Against Rights (18 U.S.C. § 241)
(Against Defendants CITY, Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Jennifer
23 Bowman and David Bowman)

90. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 89 of
this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.
91. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia while working
as officers for Red Bluff Police Department in concert with Defendants Jennifer Bowman and
1 David Bowman conspired to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate Plaintiff in his free exercise

2 or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United

3 States.

4 92. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Jennifer

5 Bowman and David Bowman conspired to falsely arrest and falsely imprison Plaintiff based false

6 allegations provided by Defendants Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman.

7 93. The conduct of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben

8 Murgia, Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman was a substantial factor in causing the harm to

9 Plaintiff.

10 94. CITY and Danielle Eyestone are vicariously liable for the wrongful acts of Defendants

11 Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis and Ruben Murgia pursuant to § 815.2(a) of the

12 California Government Code, which provides that a public entity is liable for the injuries caused

13 by its employees within the scope of the employment if the employee’s acts would subject him or

14 her to liability.

15 95. The conduct of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben

16 Murgia, Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman was malicious, wanton, oppressive, intimidating

17 and accomplished with a conscious disregard for the rights of Plaintiff, entitling Plaintiff to an

18 award of exemplary and punitive damages.

19 96. As a result of their misconduct, Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi

20 Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Jennifer Bowman and David Bowman are liable for Plaintiff’s injuries,
21 either because they were integral participants in the conspiracy against rights, or because they

22 failed to intervene to prevent these violations.


24 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law (18 U.S.C. § 242)

(Against Defendants County of Tehama, CITY, Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis,
25 Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt)
26 97. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 96 of
27 this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.

28 98. Defendants, Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Dave
1 Hencratt acted under the color of law.

2 99. Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia while working

3 as officers for Red Bluff Police Department in concert with Dave Hencratt deprived Plaintiff of

4 his right to be free from false arrest and false imprisonment which is a right secured to him by the

5 Constitution or laws of the United States.

6 100. The conduct of Defendants County of Tehama, CITY, Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega,

7 Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt was a substantial factor in causing the harm to

8 Plaintiff.

9 101. County of Tehama, CITY and Danielle Eyestone are vicariously liable for the

10 wrongful acts of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia and

11 Dave Hencratt pursuant to § 815.2(a) of the California Government Code, which provides that a

12 public entity is liable for the injuries caused by its employees within the scope of the employment

13 if the employee’s acts would subject him or her to liability.

14 102. The conduct of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben

15 Murgia, Dave Hencratt was malicious, wanton, oppressive, intimidating and accomplished with a

16 conscious disregard for the rights of Plaintiff, entitling Plaintiff to an award of exemplary and

17 punitive damages.

18 103. As a result of their misconduct, Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi

19 Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt are liable for Plaintiff’s injuries, either because they were

20 integral participants in the conspiracy against rights, or because they failed to intervene to prevent
21 these violations.

Malicious Prosecution (42 U.S.C § 1983)
24 (Against Defendants County of Tehama, CITY, Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis,
Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt, Jennifer Bowman, David Bowman)

26 Awabdy v. City of Adelanto, 368 F.3d 1062, 1066 (9th Cir. 2004) (“In order to prevail
on a § 1983 claim of malicious prosecution, a plaintiff “must show that the defendants
27 prosecuted [him] with malice and without probable cause, and that they did so for the
purpose of denying [him] equal protection or another specific constitutional right.”
28 Freeman v. City of Santa Ana, 68 F.3d 1180, 1189 (9th Cir. 1995). Malicious prosecution
1 actions are not limited to suits against prosecutors but may be brought, as here, against
other persons who have wrongfully caused the charges to be filed. Galbraith v. County
2 of Santa Clara, 307 F.3d 1119, 1126-27 (9th Cir. 2002). ”)

4 104. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through 103
5 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.
6 105. Defendants County of Tehama, CITY, Red Bluff Police Department, Danielle
7 Eyestone, Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt, Jennifer
8 Bowman, David Bowman prosecuted and/or caused charges to be wrongfully filed against
9 Plaintiff with malice and without probable cause for the purpose of denying Plaintiff equal
10 protection under the law.
11 106. The conduct of Defendants County of Tehama, CITY, Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega,
12 Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt, Jennifer Bowman, David Bowman was a substantial
13 factor in causing the harm to Plaintiff.
14 107. The conduct of Defendants County of Tehama, CITY, Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega,
15 Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt, Jennifer Bowman, David Bowman was malicious,
16 wanton, oppressive, intimidating and accomplished with a conscious disregard for the rights of
17 Plaintiff, entitling Plaintiff to an award of exemplary and punitive damages.
18 108. As a result of their misconduct, Defendants County of Tehama, CITY, Kyle Sanders,
19 Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt, Jennifer Bowman, David Bowman
20 are liable for Plaintiff’s injuries, either because they were integral participants in the conspiracy
21 against rights, or because they failed to intervene to prevent these violations.
22 109. County of Tehama, CITY and Danielle Eyestone are vicariously liable for the
23 wrongful acts of Defendants Kyle Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia and
24 Dave Hencratt pursuant to § 815.2(a) of the California Government Code, which provides that a
25 public entity is liable for the injuries caused by its employees within the scope of the employment
26 if the employee’s acts would subject him or her to liability.

Respondeat Superior
2 (Against All Defendants)
3 110. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation in paragraphs 1 through

4 109 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.

5 111. Defendant’s intentional tortious acts were undertaken within the scope of their

6 employment.

7 112. As a result of Defendant’s tortious conduct in the course of their employment

8 Plaintiff was damaged.


11 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Brian Bowman, requests entry of judgment in his favor against
12 Defendants County of Tehama, CITY, Daniell Eyestone, Red Bluff Police Department, Kyle
13 Sanders, Quintan Ortega, Heidi Curtis, Ruben Murgia, Dave Hencratt, Jennifer Bowman and
14 David Bowman inclusive as follows:
15 A. For compensatory damages in whatever amount may be proven at trial.
16 B. For punitive damages against individual defendants in an amount to be proven
17 at trial;
18 C. For statutory damages;
19 D. For interest
20 E. For litigation expenses;
21 F. For costs of suit; and
22 G. For such further other relief as the Court may deem just , proper and
23 appropriate.



1 Respectfully Submitted,

4 Brian E. XXXXX
935 Sunrise Drive
5 Red Bluff, CA 96080
(714) 613-
6 [email protected]
7 Pro-Se

Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury.





Respectfully Submitted,

Brian E. XXXX
19 935 Sunrise Drive
Red Bluff, CA 96080
20 (714) 613-
[email protected]
21 Pro-Se






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