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Faculty of Construction and Engineering Technologies 2020- 21: Pearson Edexcel BTEC HNC [RQF] CBE/BSE Unit 03.

Pearson BTEC HNC Assignment Brief 2020-21

Qualification Unit number and title

BTEC HNC 01: Individual Project

Construction and the Built Environment Assignment
(Building Services Engineering) The potential for Modern Methods of Construction
to continue to transform the industry.

Student Name / CWC Reference Assessor Name

Charles Wheeler

Date issued Completion Date Submitted on

12/01/21 25/05/21

Project Brief:

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Formulate a project that will provide a solution to the identified problem.
LO2 Manage a product within agreed timescales and specification, documenting the process
LO3 Evaluate potential project management solutions.
LO4 Produce a project report and deliver a presentation of the final project outcomes.

Assignment Brief and Guidance

You work for Sheikh Wheeler Construction [SWC] as a Sustainability Consultant.
City of Westminster College has been demolished and will be replaced by a £147m leisure centre.
The centre will contain a family leisure pool, a competition pool, a training pool, a 1,000m2 gym, two
multi-sports halls, climbing walls and other facilities as the council commits to encouraging more people
into active lifestyles.
The initial superstructure construction design is based on a steel and concrete frame with a timber roof.
The building services elements are still under consideration but the client is demanding an approach to
maximise passive energy influences. SWC however are committed to realising the benefits of Modern
Methods of Construction (MMC).
The SWC Board and the Client understand that MMC covers many different areas including offsite
construction, modular buildings, new materials and even 3D printing but need more details.
In discussions with the Client during the RIBA stage gate process the client requested at the Sustainability
checkpoint that SWC detailed the implications of MMC for sustainability.
You have been instructed by the SWC Board to produce a report with accompanying presentation to
address this issue.

Assess Ass
Faculty of Construction and Engineering Technologies 2020- 21: Pearson Edexcel BTEC HNC [RQF] CBE/BSE Unit 03.

The requirements of your project are:
1. Develop a project plan including some stage gates.
2. Conduct your project and meet with your assessor to get sign off at each stage.
3. Apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
4. Keep notes of your progress throughout the project in your logbook.
5. You need to reflect on the success of your project and your own performance in a
personal performance review at the end of the project. This is a written reflection of
around 500 words.
Submission Format:
The submission comprises two related items:
1. A 10-minute verbal presentation, including slides (using PowerPoint or similar
presentation software). In addition allow for a further 5 minutes of questions and
answers to follow, and you are expected to be able to respond to questions with
reference to your research, making use of slides to support your answers.
2. In addition, you should prepare a set of presentation notes for distribution to your
audience, prior to the presentation. These notes should highlight ‘key points’ from
your presentation. These should NOT be printouts of the presentation slides, but
edited to provide the audience with information to support their understanding of
your presentation and to facilitate their questions after.
You are encouraged to make use of images, graphics, drawings and other research material
in support of your presentation. Any material that is derived from other sources must be
appropriately referenced using a standard form of citation.
The final page(s) of your presentation notes should include a bibliography of any texts
used in support of your research. This is to be presented according to an academic standard
reference format.

Assess Ass
Faculty of Construction and Engineering Technologies 2020- 21: Pearson Edexcel BTEC HNC [RQF] CBE/BSE Unit 03.

Further Guidance for Students

You should read this information before starting on your assignment. You should refer to
these instructions as you complete work for this assignment.
• Read the assignment brief and think about what it is asking.
• How can you approach the problem and requirements being posed?
• Apply a range of secondary research sources to plan/scope and support the assignment
and its findings. Secondary research sources may include textbooks, journal articles,
newspapers and magazine articles (not factual accounts).
• Primary research sources may include original first-hand accounts, legal documents,
regulations and legislation, results of experiments and market research data collection.
Apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate data collected
from primary research.

Learner Declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this project is my own and research sources are fully

Student signature and date:

Assess Ass
Faculty of Construction and Engineering Technologies 2020- 21: Pearson Edexcel BTEC HNC [RQF] CBE/BSE Unit 03.

Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Formulate a project that will provide a solution to the D1 Evaluate the relationship
identified problem. between project and
identification, feasibility, and
P1 Select an appropriate M1 Explain why the project project planning, with
construction-based project, specification is of fundamental consideration of the impact of
giving reasons for your choice. importance to a successful project scope on time and
project outcome. resources
P2 Identify the main
components of a project plan

LO2 Manage a product within agreed timescales and

specification, documenting the process throughout.

P3 Identify potential resources, M2 Prepare and update a project

costs and timescales. management plan, using standard
systems of time and resource
P4 Describe a range of
appropriate techniques for
generating realistic solutions
LO3 Evaluate potential project management solutions. D2 Appraise your own
performance in managing the
P5 Explore project management M3 Compare the outcomes of
strategies to determine the your initial planned resources,
suitability for a given project. timescales and costs against the
actual project outcomes.
P6 Justify the selection of your
preferred solution, making
reference to your initial project
LO4 Produce a project report and deliver a presentation of the
final project outcomes.

P7 Produce a written report M4 Present your final project

identifying each stage of the outcomes and recommendations
project, to a selected audience.
P8 Utilise appropriate forms of
referencing and citation in the
preparation of a written report.
P9 Prepare a presentation of your
final project outcomes, utilising
industry standard software

Assess Ass
Faculty of Construction and Engineering Technologies 2020- 21: Pearson Edexcel BTEC HNC [RQF] CBE/BSE Unit 03.

Unit 3 Assignment 2 will cover LO3 and LO4.
The scenario used for Assignment 2 will be the same as for this assignment.

Assess Ass
Faculty of Construction and Engineering Technologies 2020- 21: Pearson Edexcel BTEC HNC [RQF] CBE/BSE Unit 03.

Achievement Summary

Assessor to complete:

Pass Tick Merit Tick Distinction Tick



P7 D2

P8 M4


Assignment Feedback:

Formative [Action Plan]:

Assessor signature and date:

Assess Ass
Faculty of Construction and Engineering Technologies 2020- 21: Pearson Edexcel BTEC HNC [RQF] CBE/BSE Unit 03.

Internal verifier signature and date [if applicable]:

Lead IV signature and date [if applicable]:

Assess Ass

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