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Global Health Patlipura Pvt Ltd. IM Cost Management Pvt. Lt
E-18, Defence Colony G-1430, C.R Park
New Delhi-110024 New Delhi – 110019


Arcop Associates Pvt. Ltd. TPC Technical Projects Consultants
(P) Ltd.
Plot -36b, Sec-32, Institutional Area B-74, Sector-57,
Gurgaon-122001 Noida – 201301, Uttsar Pradesh, India.

Technical Specifications











1.1 Scope
This specification applies to the Civil, Structural and other Works to be executed by the
Contractor. It is to be read in conjunction with and subject to the general conditions of contract
and in conjunction with the drawings, the schedule of rates and such other documents as may
from time to time be agreed upon as comprising part of this contract. Where these
specifications are not clear, relevant B.I.S. codes and C.P.W.D. specifications shall be
followed with prior permission of Project Manager.

1.2 Clearing
The contractor shall clear the site of all rubbish, remove all grass and low vegetation and
remove all bush wood, trees, stumps of trees, and other vegetation only after consultation with
the Project Manager as to which bushes and trees shall be saved. All disused foundations,
drains or other obstructions met with during excavation shall be dug out and cleared.

1.3 Site Levels

The contractor shall carry out the survey of the site and shall establish sufficient number of
grids and level marks to the satisfaction of the Project Manager, who shall decide on the basis
of this information, the general level of the plot and the plinth.

1.4 Bench-marks
Prior to commencement of construction, the contractor shall in consultation with the Project
Manager, establish several site datum bench-marks, their number depending on the extent of
the site. The bench-marks shall be sited and constructed so as to be undisturbed throughout
the period of construction.

1.5 Site investigation

The Project Manager might have got the soil investigation done and if so, the report will be
handed over to the contractor for their scrutiny. The contractor shall however inspect the site
and study the findings from the trial pits or bores in order to assess the problems involved in
and methods to be adopted for excavation and earthwork. The contractor shall ascertain for
himself all information concerning the sub-soil conditions, Ground water table periods and
intensity of rainfall, flooding of the site and all data concerning excavation and earthwork. Any
extra work required on this account, nothing will be paid extra.

1.6 Setting out the work

The contractor shall set out the works and during the progress of the building shall amend at
his own cost any errors arising from inaccurate setting out.

During the execution of the work contractor must cross check his work with the drawings. The
contractor shall be responsible for all the errors in this connection and shall have to rectify all
defects and/or errors at his own cost, failing which the Project Manager reserves the right to
get the same rectified at the risk and cost of the contractor.

1.7 Cleaning up and handing over

Upon completion of the work all the areas should be cleaned. All floors, doors, windows,
surface, etc. shall be cleaned down in a manner which will render the work acceptable to the
Project Manager. All rubbish due to any reason, shall be removed daily from the site and an
area of up to ten metres on the outer boundaries of the premises will be cleaned by the
contractor as a part of the contract. Upon completion of the project, the contractor shall turn
over to the Project Manager the following:
a) Written guarantee and certificates.
b) Maintenance manuals, if any, and
c) Keys.

1.8 Samples
The contractor shall submit to the Project Manager samples of all materials for approval and
no work shall commence before such samples are duly approved. Samples of precast
concrete panels, masonry units, building insulation, finished hardware, metal window and door
frames, terrazzo flooring, kota stone, marble etc. and every other work requiring samples in
the opinion of the Project Manager shall be supplied to the Project Manager, and these
samples will be retained as standards of materials and workmanship. The cost of the
samples shall be borne by the contractor.

Throughout this specification, types of material may be specified by manufacturers' name in

order to establish standard of quality, price and performance and not for the purpose of
limiting competition. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the tenderers may assume the price
of 'approved equivalent' except that the burden is upon the contractor to prove such equality,
in writing.

A detailed programme shall be submitted by the Contractor for the material approvals, within
four weeks of the Project Manager's order to commence. The detailed programme shall
include but not limited to:

Date/s of submitting the various material samples.

Date/s by which the Project Manager’s approval is required.
Date/s of placing orders on the Manufacturers/Suppliers.
Date/s of arrival of the approved material/s on to the site.

Date/s of the completion of the `Mock-ups', wherever required, and the Date/s by which the
Project Manager's inspection of such `Mock-ups' should be completed and the Date/s by
which the Project Manager should fully approve the said Mock-ups.

1.9 Tests
All materials and methods of tests shall conform to the latest rules, regulation and/or
specifications of the following authorities where specified herein as applicable. Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) shall be followed. In case no equivalent BIS, CPWD specifications
shall be followed is also available, Project Manager will have the option to have any of the
materials tested and if the test results show that the materials do not conform to the
specifications, such materials shall be rejected. A reasonable number of representative tests
will be deemed to be included in the rates tendered.

1.10 Mode of Measurements

All measurements will be taken in accordance with IS 1200 latest issue unless otherwise


2.1 General
This specification deals with the clearance of the Site of Works and preparation of the same to
commence the proposed construction activities. Wherever applicable, this is deemed to
include all preliminary works like, Site Clearance, General Levelling etc.

The contractor shall visit the site, inspect the same and decide for himself the nature of the
ground and the sub-soil to be excavated. No claim on account of extras will be entertained in
consequences of any misunderstanding or incorrect information or ignorance of the existing

2.2 Classification of Soils

The earth as met at site shall be classified as ordinary soil.

2.2.1 Trimming of Slopes

All slopes shall be trimmed by hand or mechanically true to line and profile and consolidated to
the Project Manager’s satisfaction. Any area appearing on the face or likely to be unstable,
shall be removed and the void thereof filled with approved material and compacted.

2.2.3 Shoring/Earth work support

The contractor shall shore and strut the sides of excavation confirming to various provisional
of relevant I.S. code while carrying out the excavation, to the satisfaction of the Project
Manager. Should there be any slips or settlement, not withstanding the shoring, the contractor
shall make good the same at his own expense, with concrete or other approved material, as
directed by the Project Manager. Shoring shall be removed gradually side by side with
backfilling to prevent any settlement and under no circumstances, until such time as the
foundation concrete has hardened enough, to take any loads brought on by the removal.
Under special circumstances, shoring shall be left in place, if so directed by the Project
Manager. No extra payment shall be made for shoring. The rate for the same shall be
included in the excavation items.

2.2.4 Dewatering
All excavation shall be kept free from water from any source. The contractor shall provide and
clear away on completion, all drains, pumps and other equipment, for this purpose. The
contractor shall be responsible for preventing any subsidence of adjoining ground due to

Contractor shall keep site dewatered till all construction works in basement and all other areas
are completed, including waterproofing. No extra amount shall be claimed by the contractor
on this account and his quoted rates shall be deemed to have been included for total

2.2.5 Contractor to keep excavation clear

Should any sand, mud, weed, rubbish or other materials be deposited on excavated area, by
sandstorm, rain, flood, landslips or from any cause, whatsoever, such materials shall be
removed by the contractor at his own expense.

2.2.6 Back filling

All materials used as fill shall be to the Project Manager's approval and shall be well
consolidated in layers not more than 200 mm thick. Final compacting must be done just
before concrete is to be laid.

All fill materials shall be compacted at a moisture content appropriate to the material being
used. The compacted filling shall achieve a density, which shall not be less than 95% of the
maximum dry density obtained. Filling shall be free of any wood, organic matter or any other
deleterious material.

Sand, soil, gravel to be used for backfilling of pits and trenches or for making up levels shall
be subject to approval of the Project Manager and subject to selection of proper materials.
The contractor shall take instructions of the Project Manager regarding the location in which
each type of excavated material is to be used according to its quality.

2.2.7 Measurements
i) Existing Ground Level shall be taken jointly and recorded before commencing the
excavation work. Depth of excavation in cutting shall be computed from these spot
levels. The G. L. shall be recorded, at maximum 5 mts interval. Average of these
reading shall be taken as the average ground level for the pits.

ii) Bottom width excavation shall be measured as given in foundation drawings and
details showing the width of the bedding concrete only and hence side clearance if
any will not measured separately. The contractor should cover this in his rate.

iii) Diagonal ridges, cross ridges, or dead man shall be left in position shown by the
Project Manager to enable accurate measurements being taken on the completion of
one work. Where the ground is not uniform or where the site is required to be
levelled, levels shall be taken before the start of the work and after the completion of
the work and the quantity of excavation in cutting computed from these levels. These
ridges or deadman shall be removed by the Contractor at his own cost after the

2.3 Excavation in all Soils

Excavation and/or removal of any other material on the site, shall be carried out accurately to
the lines, levels and dimensions shown in the drawings or as ordered by the Project Manager,
so as to allow proper and efficient concrete work and other work in clean and dry condition.
The method of excavation shall be at the discretion of the Project Manager but should the
dimensions of any excavation exceed those shown on the drawings or ordered by the Project
Manager or should the sides collapse, the contractor shall fill such extra space with concrete
or other approved material, at his own expenses.

All founding levels will be inspected by the Project Manager and suitability for bearing of the
bottom shall be determined before the concrete is placed. Records of all foundation levels
shall be submitted by the contractor to the Project Manager.

The final 150 mm depth of excavation shall be taken out by manual excavation unless
otherwise permitted by the Project Manager. Extra depth of excavation, if any, beyond those
shown in the drawings or ordered by the Project Manager, shall be filled up with Grade 10
concrete for which payment shall not be made to the contractor.

The contractor shall excavate any soft patches or rock outcrops below the founding level and
refill with M-10 concrete. The founding stratum shall be trimmed to required level and
rammed to the satisfaction of the Project Manager before concrete is placed.

2.4 Sweet Earth

The Sweet earth for plantation areas, shall be from an approved source and shall be mixed
with natural or artificial manure, as directed by the Project Manager.

2.5 Pre-construction Anti-termite treatment

i) Chemicals
The chemicals used for the soil treatment shall be any one or a combination of the following
with concentration shown against each in adequous emulsion:
Chemicals (EC's) Concentration
Chlorpyriphos / Landane 20% EC By weight

Chemicals are available in concentrated form in the market and concentration is indicated on
the sealed containers. To achieve the percentage of concentration specified above, chemical
should be diluted with water in required quantity before it is used. Graduated containers shall
be used for dilution of chemical with water in the required proportion to achieve the desired
percentage of concentration. e.g. to dilute chemical of 30% concentration add 59 parts of
water to one part of chemical to achieve 0.5% concentration.

Chemical shall be brought to site of work in sealed original containers. The material shall be
brought in at a time in adequate quantity to suffice for the whole or at least a fortnight's work.
The materials shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor and the Project Manager.
The empties shall not be removed from the site of work, till the relevant item of work has been
completed and permission obtained from Project Manager.

Hand operated pressure pump shall be used to carry out spraying operations to facilitate
proper penetration of chemicals in the earth. To have proper check for uniform spraying of
chemical, graduated containers shall be used. Proper check should be kept that the specified
quantity of chemical is used for the required area during the operation.

ii) Time of application

Soil treatment should start when foundation trenches and pits are ready to take mass concrete
in foundations. Laying of mass concrete should start when the chemical emulsion has been
absorbed by the soil and the surface is quite dry. Treatment should not be carried out when it
is raining or soil is wet with rain or sub-soil water. The foregoing applies also in the case of
treatment to the filled earth surface with the plinth before laying the sub grade for the floor.

The treated soil barrier shall not be disturbed after they are formed. If by chance, treated soil
barriers are disturbed, immediate steps shall be taken to restore the continuity and
completeness of the barrier system.
iii) Treatment for masonry foundation and basements
The bottom surface and sides (up to a height of 30 cm. from the bottom) of the excavations
made for masonry foundations and basements shall be treated with the chemical emulsion
mentioned above at 5 Ltrs. per Sq.m. of surface area.

iv) Treatment to backfill earth

After the masonry foundations and retaining walls of the basement come up, the back fill in
immediate contact with the foundation structure shall be treated with the chemical emulsion at
the rate of 7.5 Ltrs. per Sq.m. of the vertical surface of the sub-structure for each side. The
earth is usually returned in layers and the treatment shall be carried out in similar stages. The
chemical emulsion shall be directed towards the concrete or masonry surface of the columns
and walls so that the earth in contact with these surface is well treated with the chemical.

v) Treatment for RCC foundations and basements

The treatment described in (iii) & (iv) above applies essentially to masonry foundations where
there are voids in the masonry through which termites can seek entry in to the superstructure.
Hence the foundation require to be completely enveloped by a chemical barrier. In the case of
RCC foundations the concrete is dense being a 1:2:4 mix or richer, the termites are unable to
penetrate it. It is therefore unnecessary to start the treatment from the bottom of excavations.
The treatment shall start at a depth of 50 cm. below the ground level except when ground
level is raised or lowered by filling or cutting after the foundations have been cast. In such
cases the depth of 50 cm shall be determined from the new soil level resulting from filling or
cutting mentioned above and soil in immediate contact with the vertical surface of RCC
foundations. From this depth, the back fill around the columns, beams and RCC basement
walls shall be treated at the rate of 7.5 Ltrs. per Sq.m. The other details of the treatment shall
be as laid down in (iv) above.

vi) Treatment of top surface of plinth filling

The top surface of the consolidated earth within the walls shall be treated with the chemical
emulsion at the rate of 5 Ltrs. per sq.m. of the surface before the sand bed or sub-grade is
laid. If the filled earth has been well rammed and the surface does not allow the emulsion to
seep through, holes up to 50 to 75 mm deep at 150 mm centres both ways may be made with
12 mm dia MS rod on the surface to facilitate absorption of the emulsion.

vii) Treatment at junction of walls and floor

Special care shall be taken to establish continuity of the vertical chemical barrier on inner wall
surfaces from the ground level (where it has stopped with the treatment described in (iv)
above up to the level of the filled earth surface. To achieve this, a small channel 3 x 3 cm
shall be made at all the junctions of wall and columns with the floor (before laying the

and rod holes made in the channel up to the ground level 15 cm. apart and the rod moved
back ward and forward to break up the earth and chemical emulsion poured along the channel
at the rate of 7.5 Ltrs. per Sq.m. of the vertical wall or column surface of the sub structure so
as to soak the soil right to the bottom. The soil should be tamped back in to place after this

viii) Treatment to soil along external perimeter of building

After the building is complete, the earth along the external perimeter of the building should be
roded at intervals of 15 cm. and to a depth of 30 cm. The rods should be moved back ward
and forward parallel to the wall to break up the earth and chemical emulsion poured along the
wall at the rate of 7.5 Ltrs. per Sq.m. of vertical surfaces. After the treatment, the earth should
be tamped back in to place. Should the earth outside the building be graded on completion of
building, this treatment should be carried out on the completion of such grading. In the event
of filling being more than 30 cm. the external perimeter treatment shall extend to the full depth
of filling up to the ground level so as to ensure continuity of the chemical barrier.

ix) Treatment for walls retaining soil above floor level

Retaining walls like the basement walls or outer walls above the floor level retaining soil need
to be protected by providing chemical barrier by treatment of retained soil in the immediate
vicinity of the wall, so as to prevent entry of termites through the voids in masonry, cracks and
crevices etc. above the floor level. The soil retained by the walls shall be treated at the rate of
7.5 Ltrs. per sq.m. of the vertical surface so as to effect a continuous outer chemical barrier in
continuation of the one formed under (iii).

x) Treatment of soil under apron along external perimeter of building

Top surface of the consolidated earth over which the apron is to be laid shall be treated with
chemical emulsion @ 5 Ltrs. per Sq.m. of the vertical surface before the apron is laid. If
consolidated earth does not allow emulsion to seep through, holes up to 50 to 75 mm deep at
150 mm centres both ways may be made with 12 mm dia mild steel rod on the surface to
facilitate saturation of the soil with the chemical emulsion.

xi) Treatment of soil surrounding pipes, wastes and conduits

When pipes, wastes and conduits enter the soil inside the area of the foundation, the soil
surrounding the point of entry must be loosened around each such pipe waste or conduits for
a distance of 15 cm. and up to a depth of 7.5 cm before the treatment is commenced. When
they enter the soil external to the foundations, they shall be similarly treated unless they stand
clear of the walls of the building by about 7.5 cm. for a distance of over 30 cm.
xii) Treatment for expansion joints
Expansion joints at ground floor level are one of the biggest hazards for termite infestation.
The soil beneath these joints should receive special attention when the treatment under (V) is
carried out. This treatment should be supplemented by treating through the expansion joint
after the sub-grade has been laid, at the rate of 2 Litre per linear metre.

xiii) Safety precautions

All chemicals used for anti termite treatment are poisonous and hazardous to health. These
chemicals can have an adverse effect upon health when absorbed through the skin, in haled
as vapours or spray mists or swallowed. Person using or handling these chemicals should be
warned of these dangers and advised that absorption through the skin is the most likely
source of accidental poisoning. They should be cautioned to observe carefully the safety
precautions given below:

These chemicals are usually brought to site in the form of emulsifiable concentrates. The
containers should be clearly labelled and should be stored carefully so that children and pet
cannot get at them. They should be kept securely closed.

Particular care should be taken to prevent skin contact with concentrates. Prolonged
exposure to dilute emulsions should also be avoided. Workers should wear clean clothing
and should wash thoroughly with soap and water, especially before eating and smoking. In
the event of severe contamination, clothing should be removed at once and the skin washed
with soap and water. If chemicals splash in to the eyes they shall be flushed with plenty of
soap and water and immediate medical attention should be sought.

The concentrates are oil solutions and present a fire hazard owing to the use of petroleum
solvents. Flames should not be allowed during mixing.

Care should be taken in the application of chemicals to see that they are not allowed to
contaminate wells or springs, which serve as sources of drinking water.

xiv) Spraying equipment

A pressure pump shall be used to carry out spraying operations to facilitate proper penetration
of chemicals in to the earth.


3.1 All concrete included in the works shall comply with the General requirements of this section
of the specification except where those requirements are modified by the provisions of later
Clauses relating to specialized uses for concrete in which case the requirements of those
Clauses shall take precedence.

3.2 Quality Assurance Plans and Supervision :

A competent person shall be employed full time whose first duty will be to supervise all stages
in the preparation and placing of the concrete. All test on materials, the making and testing of
cubes and the maintenance and calibration of all mixing and measuring plant shall be carried
out under his direct supervision in the presence of the Project Manager. Contractor shall set
up a laboratory with all testing arrangement at site. On award of the work contractor shall
submit their quality assurance plans, complete methodology & sequence of construction for
all activities.

3.3 Materials

a) Cement
Cement shall in general comply the following specifications :-

i) Types
The cement used shall be ordinary portland cement conforming to IS 8112 - 1989
(Latest revision) of grade 43/ IS 12269 - 2013 (Latest revision) with maximum fly ash
content of 30 %, for all works except where specifically mentioned in the Drawings,
Bill of Quantities, and/or directed by the Project Manager . PPC confirming to 1489
(Part I) - 1991 (Latest revision) can also be allowed without fly ash.

All cement shall be fresh when delivered. Cement shall be delivered in sound and
properly secured bags or other packages ready for immediate use and shall be used
direct from the bag. The contractor shall maintain for Project Manager' inspection a
record of receipts and consumption of cement indicating the source, the age and the
date of receipt of cement. Cement containing lumps which cannot be broken by a
light touch of fingers shall not be used in the works. Admixtures shall not be used
without written consent of the Project Manager.

ii) Sources
Cement shall be obtained from sources, which are approved by the Project Manager.
Makes and sources of cement shall not be varied from those used for trial mixes;
should a change be unavoidable the contractor shall submit his proposals for the prior
approval of the Project Manager and then carry out new trial mixes unless otherwise
directed by the Project Manager. Cement of different kinds shall not be mixed at any

iii) Manufacturers' Test Certificates for Cement

The Contractor shall request the cement manufacturer to forward to his site office the
Certificate of conformity in accordance with IS (Latest Revision), and he shall cause a
copy to be supplied to the Project Manager within 48 hours of the arrival of the
certificate, which shall not be later than 14 days from the day of delivery of the
relevant consignment. The test certificate shall be related to the date of delivery at
site of consignment. The frequency of deliveries shall be such as to ensure that no
cement is more than 3 months old when used in the works.

iv) Samples of Cement

Samples of cement to be used in the works shall be deposited with the Project
Manager for his approval together with a certificate stating the name and address of
the Manufacturer, the name and address of the supplier from whom it was purchased.
The Project Manager may from time to time take samples of the cement being used in
the works for testing.

v) Storage of Cement
The contractor shall provide a proper separate weatherproof store building with raised
floor for cement storage on the site and shall at all times protect the cement from
damp or any other deleterious influences. Each consignment of cement shall be kept
separately and the contractor shall be careful to ensure the consignments are used in
the order in which they are received.

Incase cement gets affected from damp or any other deleterious influence, such
cement shall not be used for construction work.
b) Aggregates
i) Materials used as aggregates shall be obtained from a source known to produce
aggregates satisfactory for concrete and shall be chemically inert, strong, hard,
durable, of limited porosity and free from adherings, coating, clay lumps, coal residues
and organic or other impurities that may cause corrosion of reinforcement or may
impair the strength or durability of the concrete. Aggregates shall be tested in
accordance with the requirements of IS. 383 or IS. 515 and the results of such tests
shall be as hereinafter specified, the percentages being by weight unless the context
indicates otherwise.

ii) Fine aggregates shall be natural sand or sand derived by crushing material like gravel
or stone and shall be free from coagulated lumps. Sand derived from stone
unsuitable for coarse aggregates shall not be used as fine aggregates. The caustic
soda test for organic impurities shall show a colour not deeper than that of the
Standard solution. The amount of fine particles as ascertained by the Laboratory
Sedimentation test shall not exceed 10% for crushed stones. The settling test for
natural sand or crushed stone shall be made, and after being allowed to set in for
three hours the thickness of the layer of silt deposited on the coarser material shall
not exceed 8%.

The grading of a natural sand or crushed stone i.e. fine aggregates shall be such that
not more than 5 (five) percent shall exceed 5 mm in size, not more than 10% shall
pass IS sieve No. 150 not less than 45% or more than 85% shall pass IS sieve No.
1.18 mm and not less than 25% or more than 60% shall pass IS Sieve No. 600

Only washed sand of quality and grading specified herein above shall be used.
Admixture of sand obtained by crushing natural stone may be permitted by the Project
Manager, provided the mixture satisfies the requirements for the fine aggregates here
in above specified. But not more than one part of the sand obtained by crushing
natural stone may be added to two parts of washed sand.

iii) Coarse Aggregate

Coarse Aggregates shall be crushed stone. The pieces shall be angular, rounded in
shape and shall have granular or crystalline or smooth (but not glossy) non-powdery
surface. Fragile, flaky and laminated pieces, and mica shall not be present.

The "Aggregates Crushing Value" shall not exceed 45%. The amount of fine particles
occurring in a free state or as a loose adherent shall not exceed 1%. When
determined by the laboratory sedimentation test, after twenty four hours immersion in
water. A previously dried sample of the coarse aggregates shall not have gained in
weight more than 5%.

Size of coarse aggregate shall be maintained within tolerance limit of 2.5%.

The grading of coarse aggregate shall be such that not more than 5% shall be larger
than 20 mm and not more 10% shall be smaller than 5 mm and not less than 25% or
more than 55% shall be smaller than 10 mm.

Maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be of 20 mm unless otherwise noted.

The grading of coarse aggregate of nominal size of 40 mm shall be such that not
more than 5% shall be larger than 40 mm and not more than 5% shall be smaller than
5 mm and not less than 10% or more than 35% shall be of 10 mm size.
Aggregate (Fine and Coarse) shall be thoroughly washed with clean water if so
directed by the Project Manager.

Fragile, flaky and laminated pieces, and mica shall not be present. Aggregate should
be free from fine holes and stone should not be weathered.
3.4 Steel Reinforcement
The reinforcement steel shall in general comply the following specifications, these
specifications shall also be binding on the contractor incase reinforcement steel is supplied by
the Client / Project Manager.

Steel for bar and fabric reinforcement shall conform to mild steel of tested quality conforming
to IS. 432 (Latest), or high yield strength deformed bar conforming to IS. 1786 or 1139 (Latest)
or as specified in the drawings. The steel shall be kept clean and free from pitting, loose rust,
mill scale, oil, grease, earth, paint or any material which may impair the bond between the
concrete and the reinforcement or which may cause corrosion of the reinforcement or
deterioration of the concrete. Fabric reinforcement (IRC weld mesh or equivalent) shall be
delivered to site in flat sheets only.

Storage of Reinforcement
Before and after bending, reinforcement shall be stored on raised racks in separate lots by
size and type and protected from damage, contamination and the effects of the weather. For
the purposes of identification each lot shall be marked plainly and securely by approved

Bar bending schedule:

Contractor shall prepare bar bending schedule in triplicate on the basis of structural drawings
and obtain approval of the same for the Project Manager before taking up cutting of
reinforcement. The schedule shall form basis of measuring of reinforcement.


All the tests on materials (including Client supplied), equipment, and workmanship that shall be
necessary in connection with the execution of the Work, as decided by the Project Manager and
as called for in the Contract Documents, shall be carried out at the cost of the Contractor at the
place of work or of manufacture or fabrication or at the Site or at an approved testing laboratory
or at all or any such places. The Contractor shall provide all assistance, instruments, machines,
labour and materials as are required for the examining, measuring and testing as described
above, which shall be got calibrated from approved laboratory at the specified frequency to
ensure accuracy of results, the testing and all expenses connected with the tests as described
above shall be borne by the Contractor.

The reinforcement steel supplied by the Clients will be got tested as per directions of the Project
Manager. Cost of tests will be reimbursement by Clients.

Contractor to set up at site concrete testing & building material test laboratory.

Fabrication shall be accurately done to the dimensions, spacing and minimum cover as per
structural drawings. Spacers shall be of cement mortar (1:2) cubes however shall not be
leaner than the approved design mix. Steel chairs, spacer bars shall be used in order to
ensure accurate positioning of reinforcement. All joints in steel reinforcement shall be
overlapped. The length of over lap for tension and compression joints in mild steel
reinforcement above 16 mm diameter may be welded if permitted by the Project Manager in

Welded Laps
Wherever specified, welded laps shall be provided and paid for separately unless specifically
included in the item of work. No payment shall be made to the contractor for welding as per
Project Manager’s requirements, if the same is necessitated due to the reasons attributable to
the Contractor. The welding of bars shall be carried out as per IS: 2751-1979, IS:9417-1979.
Before doing welding of bars at site, the contractor shall make minimum 3 joints and get them
tested in an approved laboratory at his own cost. The following precautions shall be taken:
a) If the cold twisted deformed bar has an untwisted end at lapping point, then this
portion shall be cut off prior to welding.
b) Bars shall be free from rust at joints to be welded.
c) Bars shall be aligned and kept in proper axis in order to minimize crookedness in bar
after welding.

3.5 Water

Water for mixing concrete shall be clean and free from harmful material and comply with the
requirements of Clause 5.4 of IS:456:latest.

Water shall be only from sources / bore wells approved by the Project Manager, and shall be
used in a manner as directed by the Project Manager.

Testing of Water
Prior to the commencement of the works, or whenever there is a change in the source of
supply or when directed by the Project Manager, the contractor shall arrange for samples of
water, for mixing concrete, to be submitted to an independent Government authorised testing
laboratory, acceptable to the Project Manager for tests to determine that the water complies
with this specification and is satisfaction in all other respects for the manufacture of high
quality concrete.

3.6 Grades and Strength Requirements of Concrete

Concrete shall consist of the material described under previous sections, using separate
coarse and fine aggregate in an appropriate combination determined in the course of the
preparation of mix design described hereinafter. The overall grading shall be such as to
produce a concrete of the specified quality, which will work readily in to position without
segregation and without the use of excessive water. In the case of mass concrete or blinding
concrete specified by nominal mix the use of "all-in" (20 mm and down) aggregate may be
approved by the Project Manager. No addition of water shall be made at site. It shall be a
homogeneous mix before use at site.

Only specified quantity of water shall be added to the cement and aggregate during mixing to
produce concrete having a sufficient workability to enable it to be well consolidated, to be
worked in to the corners of the shuttering and around the reinforcement to give the specified
surface finish, and to have the specified strength. Water cement ratio shall be maintained as
per IS. 456-(latest) unless specified otherwise. When a suitable amount of water has been
determined, the resulting consistency shall be maintained through out the corresponding parts
of the work and tests shall be conducted to ensure the maintenance of this consistency
according to the standard method of test for consistencies of concrete (slump test) as below:

Description of work Maximum slump in mm.

Beams and slabs 25 to 75 mm
Columns & Walls 50 to 100 mm
Slabs & Staircase upto 25 mm
Footings upto 25 mm

Incase of pumpable concrete the slump & workability required for pumping the concrete shall
be achieved by the contractor at his own cost. Nothing extra shall be paid for use of extra
cement and / or plasticisers.

Concrete Grades
Grade of concrete used in the works shall be shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Project Manager. Minimum cement contents shall be as per Is 456- (latest) or specified
otherwise. The grade of concrete to be adopted in the construction shall be as follows:-
a) For mud mat, lean concrete , mass filling the concrete mix will be nominal mix
concrete of 1:5:10 , 1:4:8 , 1: 3:6 ( Cement : Coarse sand : 20mm Down
aggregates ) grade as specified in the construction drawings These mixes may be
prepared using mechanical mixer .

b) For all RCC work concrete used will be controlled concrete with grade of concrete M-
20 or more as per construction drawings. The cement contents in the mix design
shall not be lesser than as indicated in the table below. The water cement ratio and
other parameters shall be strictly adhered to as per the table below:

Grade Min. cement Water Cement Compressive Strength

Kg/Cum.(*) ratio 7 days 28 days
Field test

M - 10 170 0.6 70 100

M - 15 240 0.6 100 150
M - 20 320 0.55 135 200
M - 25 350 0.50 170 250
M - 30 400 0.45 210 300
M - 35 450 0.45 245 350

Note:- the actual requirements of cement contents are likely to be more than the minimum
indicated. The limit has been fixed strictly from the concrete’s durability point of view.

Approved admixtures may be used strictly as per IS 456-(latest) and nothing extra will be paid
for the use of the same. Admixture used should not impair durability of concrete nor combine
with constituents to form harmful compounds nor increase the risk of corrosion of
reinforcement. Dosages of retarders , plasticisers and supertplasticisers if used shall not
exceed 0.5 , 1.0 and 2.0 percent respectively by weight of cementitious materials.


As the guarantor of quality of concrete used in the construction, contractor shall carryout mix
design and the mix so designed shall be approved by the Project Manager, however approval
by Project Manager shall not relive the contractor from his responsibility towards quality &
sufficiency of design mixes. The mix shall be designed to produce the grade of concrete
having workability and a characteristic strength as indicated in the drawings. The target mean
strength of concrete mix should be equal to the characteristic strength plus 1.65 times the
standard deviation as indicted below.


M10, M15 3.5

M20, M25 4.0

M30 to 50 5.0

Mix design shall be carried out as per SP-23 (Hand book concrete mixes) Proportion / Type of
aggregates shall be made by trial in such a way so as to obtain dense possible concrete with
required workability. All ingredients of concrete should be used by mass only. Contractor shall
carry out the mix design and get it tested from the laboratory / Institution as per the
instructions of Project Manager. Test report shall indicate

1. Workability Test of fresh concrete

2. Analysis of fresh concrete
3. Setting time of concrete < Initial setting time
Final setting time
4. Strength Test < 7 days
28 days
5. Cement Type

6. Grades of aggregate and their specific gravity.

7. 28 days strength results.

8. Quantity of water.

9. Quantity and make /grade of chemical admixture, if required.

No substitutions in materials used on the work or alterations in the established proportions be

made without additional test to show that the quality and strength of concrete are satisfactory.
Design mix shall not be converted into volume mix under any circumstances.

3.7 Batching and Mixing

3.7.1. Only controlled design mix will be used for concrete with strength more or equal to M25.
Volume batching may be allowed ( Using mechanical Mixers ) for mixes up to M10 , for these
leaner mixes mass volume relationship shall be checked frequently to ensure specified grading
is maintained.

For the production of controlled concrete contractor shall set up, on site, Microprocessor based
Batching Plant. The batching equipment shall be tested and calibrated as per manufacturers
manual and to the satisfaction of Project Manager, before starting the production of concrete,
to provide uniform & consistent cement concrete mix conforming to approved mix design
Batching / Mixing plant shall conform to the requirements of IS 4925 & 4926. Cube samples
from each batch shall be taken as per the requirement of IS 456-(latest), in the presence of
Project Manager. Cubes shall be tested to record 7days & 28Days cube strength. Contractor
shall be responsible for the quality of concrete which will be indicated as per the cube strength
results at the end of 7days & 28days. However 28days strength results will be treated as final.

Contractor shall make his own trial mixes for different grade and submit the report of the final
design mix to be adopted for different grades to Project Manager for his approval and records (
Contractor shall take in cognisance while designing concrete mixes, time required for
transporting and placing the cement concrete mix at final position ). Contractor shall specify
along its bid the type and make of the proposed batching plant with brief specifications. All the
concrete shall be pumpable including column & wall. Contractor to make provision for
adequate no. of pumps as required for horizontal & vertical concreting.

The accuracy of the measuring equipment should be within plus or minus 2% of the quantity of
cement being measured and within plus or minus 3% of the quantity of aggregate , water ,
admixture being measured. All measuring equipment should be maintained in a clean,
serviceable condition.

Mixing with mechanical mixer ( for M20 or richer ) will only be permitted in exceptional
circumstances and then with the specific arrangement of the Project Manager. No water shall
be added to mixed concrete other than the quantity of water allowed for in the mix design and
incorporated in batching..

Concrete or mortar which has commenced to set shall not be remixed with additional water and
in no circumstances shall such concrete or mortar be used in the work.

3.7.2 Ready mix concrete (RMC) with flyash is permitted to be used in the RCC work. RMC shall be
obtained from approved manufacturers of RMC. The contractor will be solely responsible for
the quality and requisite strength of concrete. Sampling testing and other specifications defined
herein for concrete work will be applicable to RMC before use of RMC necessary data and
design mix classification be submitted to the Project Manager for approval.
3.8 Concrete Admixtures & Plastisizers

Admixtures are materials added to the concrete before or during mixing with a view to modify
one or more properties of concrete in plastic or hardened state. Concrete admixtures are
proprietary items of manufacturers and shall be obtained from established manufacturers
having proven track record, with Project Manager’s approval.

3.9 Transporting Concrete

From batching plant concrete to the location of proposed construction shall be transported
through transit mixers or concrete pumps only . Contractor shall specify the make & type and
number of transit mixers to be deployed along with concrete pumps with their make , capacity
. The path to be used by transit mixers will be strictly as per the instructions of Project
Manager. From the transit mixers concrete shall be transported to the final floor level / position
through pumping only .Concrete and mortar shall be transported speedily and deposited in its
place in the works without contamination, loss of ingredients or segregation.. Buckets of
builders hoist shall be large enough to contain an integral number of batches .No concrete
shall be placed in the works until the contractors' proposed method of transporting concrete
have been approved.

3.10 Concrete placement

The concrete shall be placed in the positions and sequences indicated on the drawings, in this
specification and/or as directed by the Project Manager.

Contractor shall give adequate notice to the Project Manager of his intention to concrete any
section of the works.

Except where otherwise directed, concrete shall not be placed unless the representative of the
Project Manager is present and has previously examined and approved the positioning, fixing
and condition of the reinforcement or any other items to be embedded and the cleanliness,
positioning and suitability of the concreting surface.
The concrete shall be deposited as nearly as possible in its final position. It shall be placed in
such a manner as to avoid segregation of the concrete and displacement of the
reinforcement, other embedded items, or formwork. It shall be brought up in horizontal layers
not exceeding 450 mm in compacted thickness unless otherwise authorised or directed by
Project Manager. Concrete shall not be placed simultaneously on each side of large
horizontal specified or approved construction joints.

Shutters for walls or thin sections of considerable height shall be provided with openings or
other devices that will facilitate the cleaning of the accumulation of hardened concrete on the
shutters or on the metal reinforcement above the level of the concrete and the removal of
concrete in the case of segregations.

Placing concrete in cold weather

No concrete shall be mixed or placed while the ambient temperature is above 45 degree C. on
a rising thermometer or below 5 degree C. on a falling thermometer. The contractor shall
supply an accurate maximum and minimum thermometer and hang it in an approved position
on the works. Aggregates that have been exposed to frost shall not be used until completely
thawed. Concrete shall be maintained by approved means at a temperature of not less than 4
degree C. during placing, and for a period of three days thereafter. All concrete placed during
cold weather or when a frost is predicated or is likely to occur or occurs contrary to
expectation, shall be protected from freezing by approved means.

Placing of concrete in wet weather

Concrete shall not be mixed and or placed in rainy weather or when there is likelihood of
impending heavy showers. If it becomes necessary to place concrete during rainy weather,
the contractor shall provide adequate protection by means of tarpaulin or similar other water
proof material to immediately cover fresh concrete to prevent rain falling over it. This
protection shall be left on the concrete for a period of 24 hours after placing of concrete.

3.11 Concrete placement under water

Concrete placed under water shall be deposited through a tremmie pipe the diameter of which
shall be atleast 8 times the size of the largest aggregate used in the concrete mix.

The construction of and the method of handling the tremmie pipes shall be approved by the
Project Manager. The pipes shall be waterproof and sufficiently strong to withstand severe
handling conditions and any joints must be sealed with adequate gaskets.

At the commencement of tremmie work the bottom of the pipe shall be sealed before being
lowered in to position. The seal shall only be broken by the concrete being placed. The
concrete placed in contact with a horizontal construction joint shall have a lower proportion of
coarse aggregate and a higher proportion of cement than the remainder of the concrete. The
proportion shall be agreed with the Project Manager's Representative.
All underwater concrete shall be placed in still water within a cofferdam or formwork which
shall extend above water level.

The proportions of the mixes shall be agreed in accordance with the strength and workability
required by the specification. To allow for losses an addition of 10% of cement shall be added
to mixes of concrete scheduled to be placed under water.

3.12 Maintenance of Plant and Equipment

The contractor shall keep, weigh batching machines, mixing machines, compressors,
vibrators and other plant and equipment for concrete and mortar work clean, well maintained
and adjusted and where appropriate, shall check the accuracy of the measuring devices at
regular intervals, all to the approval of the Project Manager's Representative. Mixer blades
shall be replaced when worn down by 20 mm.

3.13 Night Work

Concrete shall not be mixed, placed, compacted or finished during the hours of darkness,
except where necessary to complete a pour. However, concreting in darkness for these
exceptions shall be only after obtaining the express permission in writing from the
Architect’s/Project Manager's representative and in his presence only.

3.14 Compacting Concrete

The concrete shall be fully compacted through out the full extent of the layer. It shall be
thoroughly worked against the moulds, and around any reinforcement and other embedded
items without displacing them, and in to corners of the moulds. Successive layers of the same
lift shall be thoroughly worked together adjacent to the common face. The date of laying
concrete shall be marked for curing and removal of form work.

Immersion vibrators shall be of approved type and shall have frequency of not less than 10000
oscillations per minute. They shall penetrate the full depth of the concrete to be vibrated and
be immersed at sufficiency close spacing so that the whole volume of the concrete is
satisfactorily and uniformly compacted.

Where the underlying layer is of fresh concrete, immersion vibrators shall also penetrate that
layer to ensure homogeneity. Immersion vibrators shall be withdrawn slowly to prevent
formation of voids. Vibrators shall not be used to work the concrete along the moulds or in
such a way as to damage shuttering or other parts of the structure or to displace the
reinforcement or other embedded items. Immersion vibrators shall only be operated by those
who have received proper instruction and training in their use.

External vibrators shall be of approved type and shall have a frequency of not less than 3000
oscillations per minute. They shall be securely and rigidly clamped to the shuttering. External
vibrators shall only be used on shuttering which is strong enough to withstand the vibration
without displacement, distortion or other damage.
The contractor shall ensure that sufficient standby vibrators and ancillary equipment are
available during concreting operations.

3.15 Quality Control

i) In order to ensure that the quality of materials and the mix proportions are suitable for
the particular grade of concrete required are so maintained, sampling and testing shall
be carried out regularly during the course or the works.

iii) As frequently as the Project Manager's representative may require and in any case at
least once a day while concreting is in progress, the contractor shall sample and carry
out a determination of the moisture content and a mechanical analysis of the fine
aggregate and each nominal size of coarse aggregate shall lie within the respective
limits specified.

iii) Workability testing shall be carried out in accordance with IS:456. The results shall lie
within the range upon which the accepted mix design is based. Testing shall be
carried out at such a frequency that the required workability is consistently achieved.

iv) Samples of concrete shall be taken at random in accordance with IS: 516 at the time
and place of deposition of the concrete.

v) Notwithstanding the foregoing, additional samples shall be taken by the contractor

when directed by the Project Manager. The test cube procedure shall be in
accordance with IS: 516 throughout.

vi) Compliance with the specified characteristic strength shall be assumed if :

a) Each of the six cubes in a group has a test strength not less than the
characteristic strength or,

b) Not more than one cube has a test strength less than the specified
characteristic strength but not less than 85% of the specified characteristic
strength and the average strength of the group of four test results is not less
than the specified characteristic strength plus the standard deviation of the

3.16 Seven day cube tests

Acceptance of concrete is based on the 28th day results. However, the contractor shall
establish a relation ship between 7 days and 28 days strengths by carrying out 7 days tests at
the time of performing the laboratory testing and from subsequent quality control testing. This
relation ship shall be used in interpreting any further test results to predict the probable value
of the corresponding 28 days cube strengths. The contractor shall without delay advise the
Project Manager of any sample that appears likely to fail to meet the specification and the
contractor shall take any necessary action to minimize the effect of such failure.

3.17 Acceptance Criteria

The general Acceptance Criteria of any and all of the concrete work shall be as per the
relevant Clauses of IS. 456.

If any of the works tests are not up to the standard, the Project Manager shall have the power
to stop the work until the reason is investigated and steps taken to prevent further low results.
The contractor shall not be entitled to any claims on account of such delays. Any concrete
carried out from the batch that is afterwards found to be faulty, will be liable for rejection and if
so directed, the contractor shall at his own expenses dismantle and replace the defective work
and any work built thereon or shall take such other measures as may be deemed necessary
by the Project Manager. At the discretion of the Project Manager, the contractor may be
allowed to prove by means of a load test to be carried out at his own expense, that the
concrete is capable of safely withstanding the loads as specified in the test.

3.18 Construction joints

Construction joints shall be provided in the position described on the drawings or elsewhere
and where not so described on the drawings or else shall be in accordance with the following:

a) A joint shall be formed horizontally at the top of a foundation and 75 mm below the
lowest soffit of the beams meeting at the head of a column.

b) A joint shall be formed in the rib of a large tee beam and all beams 25 mm below the
soffit of the slab.

c) Concrete in a haunch or a splay on beam or a brace, and in the head of a column

where one or more beams meet, shall be placed without a joint at the same time as
that in the beam or beams or brace.

d) Concrete in the splay at the junction of a wall and slab shall be placed throughout
without a joint, but if the provisions of a joint is unavoidable, the joint shall be vertical
and the middle of a span.

e) A joint in a slab shall be vertical and parallel to the principal reinforcement, where it is
unavoidable, at the right angles to the principal reinforcement, the joint shall be
vertical and at the middle of the span.

f) Expansion joints, hinges or other permanent structural joints shall be provided in the
positions and of the form described in the drawings or elsewhere. Before placing new
concrete against concrete that has already hardened the face of old concrete shall be
cleaned and roughened and scrubbed and loose aggregate removed from the form.
Immediately before placing the new concrete the face shall be thoroughly wetted and
a coating of neat cement grout applied thereto. The new concrete shall be well
rammed against the prepared face before the grout sets.

3.19 Form Work and scaffolding / Staging :-

Form work to the fresh concrete shall be sufficiently rigid and shall be such as to
prevent loss of slurry from the concrete and details and design of the form work shall
conform to IS 14687. The tolerances on the shape , lines and dimensions shall be as
per CL. 11 of IS 456 –2000.

All staging and scaffolding work shall comprise of MS .Pipes / Structural steel
sections with necessary coupling arrangement. ( NO WOODEN BALLIES /
PROPS WILL BE PERMITTED ) . Adequate size foundation blocks / base plates
shall be provide below staging members to disperse the loads as per the founding

Form work construction

i) The contractor should submit detailed drawing of the centering & shuttering and get
the same approved from the Project Manager before laying concrete also he should
get the centering shuttering approved in writing before start of concreting. The
concreting should be done in the scientific and methodical manner so as to give a
uniform finish in line and level, so that minimum rendering or plastering is done. The
work found defective, should be dismantled & redone and site cleared.

ii) Form work shall be so constructed that concrete can be properly placed and
thoroughly compacted. Form work shall be firmly supported and adequately strutted,
braced or tied to maintain position and size . Forms shall have sufficient strength and
rigidity to with stand the weight of wet concrete and necessary pressure due to
ramming and vibration of concrete and movement of men material and other loads
without excessive deflection from prescribed limits. It shall be capable of adjustment
to the lines , levels and dimensions of the finished concrete.

iii) All form work shall be constructed to be rigid during the casting of concrete and
constructed so that the surfaces adjacent to the concrete are with plus minus 6 mm or
the required surfaces when supporting the concrete and sufficiently watertight to
prevent loss of liquid from the concrete, and it shall be capable of being removed
without shock or vibration to the concrete. Forms shall be cleaned with compressed
air immediately before placing concrete to remove all rubbish. The inside faces of the
form work shall be treated with a mould oil of type to be approved by the Project
Manager and every care shall be taken to prevent mould oil from getting on to the

iv) Beams boxes shall be erected with an upward camber of 6 mm for each 3 M. of span.

v) Around the periphery of the building beyond building line , staging shall be erected by
the contractor free of cost , using structural steel members duly braced to sustain
all loads , with all safety measures like netting , temporary railings / parapets ,
platforms etc. to provide free access to external façade of the building at each floor
level for construction and inspection. . Staging shall grow along with the building .

Removal of Form work (Striking Time)

Unless certainly specified in the drawing, or directed by the Project Manager, the following
shall be minimum intervals of time, which should be allowed between the placing of the
concrete and the striking of the mould where ordinary Portland cement is used and ambient
temperature does not fall below 15 degree Celsius.

a) Walls, column & vertical faces 16 to 24 hours as may be decided

of all structural members by the Project Manager.
b) Slab
i) Spanning upto 4.50 m 7 days
ii) Spanning over 4.50 M 14 days

Note : Soffit forms of the slab may be removed after 3 days , props to be fixed immediately
after removal of shuttering .
c) Beams and arches
i) Spanning upto 6 M 14 days
ii) Spanning 6 M to 9 M 21 days
iii) Spanning over 9 M 28 days

1. For other types of cement, the stripping time recommended for ordinary portland
cement may be suitably modified. Forms shall not be released un till the concrete has
achieved a strength of at least twice the stress to which concrete may be subjected to
after removal of the form.

2. The number of props left under, their sizes and disposition shall be such as to be able
to safely carry the full dead load of the slabs, beam or arch as the case may be
together with any live load likely to occur during curing or further construction.

However, the Contractor shall delay the removal of shuttering as long as necessary in order to
avoid damaging the work. Where shuttering to soffit is removed prior to the props this is only
permissible if the design of the shuttering allows such a sequence of operations without the
props being in any way disturbed. If the shuttering and props are not independent, both must
be left in place until propping is no longer required.

Where shuttering to sides is removed prior to the shuttering soffit, the side shuttering shall be
removed without disturbing the shuttering to the soffit.

No concrete structure shall be loaded until the concrete is at least 21 days old and only then
with the approval of the Project Manager and subject to such conditions as may be imposed.

The contractor may be required to produce evidence that the concrete has attained a strength
sufficient to support the live and dead loads to which that part of the structure may be
subjected. This evidence shall consist of reports of compression tests made on job cured test
cubes. The cost of such tests shall be borne by the contractor. The foregoing provisions of
this clause shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to ensure that the stability and
strength of any structure or part of a structure is not impaired by the release of shuttering.

Proposals for form work

Not less than 8 days before the contractor proposes to construct any form work his detailed
proposals thereof shall be delivered to the Project Manager. Proposals shall comprise all
relevant information including calculations, detailed drawings, rates of placing of concrete,
sequence of placing of concrete and details of any external vibrators which are proposed to be

No form work shall be constructed until the Contractors' proposals have been received and
approved by the Project Manager.

Type of form work

Two qualities of form work shall be used i.e Rough form work and wrought form work, as
noted on the Project Manager's drawings or described hereafter.

Rough form work may be constructed of sawn timber or other material as agreed by the
Project Manager. The edges of the boards shall be planned or otherwise rendered grout tight.
Provided it remain grout tight, rough formwork may be used any number of time. This form
work shall be adopted for surfaces not exposed/buried needing no surface finish viz.
Foundations/Pile caps.

Wrought form work, to all surfaces for which a smooth fair faced finish is required, shall be
constructed of purpose-made metal, water proof ply wood panel, hardboard lined form work
or of planed timber with edges shot so that tight joints can be formed which will prevent loss of
liquid from the concrete. The use of a particular material for wrought form work shall be
consistently maintained throughout the structure. The surfaces of the form work in contact
with the concrete shall be smooth and free from all blemishes. The number of times wrought
form work may be used shall be subject to the surfaces, joints and edges being clean and

Surfaces of concrete
The contractor shall ensure that the finished face of concrete offers a suitable keyed surface
for the application of the finishing media, e.g. plaster, sand and cement screed, etc. The
contractor shall also ensure that where thin films of finished, e.g. skim coats "Snowcem",
paint, etc. are to be applied that the previous provisions regarding supporting of form work are
complied with, so that the concrete faces to be treated are left smooth, unblemished and true
to line both vertically and horizontally and require no making good before applying the finish.

Should the contractor fail however, to comply with the provision of this Clause, he shall submit
details of his proposed method of redoing the situation to the Project Manager and must
obtain written consent from the Project Manager to the proposals before continuing with any
further work on the affected surfaces.

Tolerances in concrete surfaces

The permissible tolerance in the surface of the hardened concrete shall not exceed the
following limits :
Type of irregularity
Departure of member planes from position and level. + 12 mm
Variation in cross-sections + 6 mm
Sharp changes in plane + 2 mm
Departure from 3 M. template of any part of planes + 3 mm

3.20 Curing
Canvass, Hessian or other approved screens shall be erected at all points where concrete is
being placed to shade the concrete from the direct sun or from drying winds and such screens
shall be kept in position until the surface of the concrete has been protected as specified in
the following Clauses. The contractor shall be responsible for removing such screens and
preparing surface of concrete .
As soon as possible after it has been placed and concrete shall be covered with Hessian or
other approved material to protect it from the sun and all concrete surfaces shall be kept
visibly wet continuously for 14 days after placement, the Hessian being kept in position
throughout this period. Surfaces cast against forms shall also be kept moist and covered with
Hessian for these periods if the form work is removed before the periods have elapsed.

The top surface of slab shall be kept flooded with water at all times till the curing period of 14
days is over. Columns, wall and beam sides and other surface shall be completely covered by
gunny bags and kept thoroughly wet continuously for the period specified for curing. The
ceiling of slabs shall be frequently sprayed with water until the end of curing period.

The contractor shall ensure that all times there is an adequate supply of fresh water available
for curing the concrete.
Alternatively curing compound of approved make & as per manufacturer be used.

3.21 Examinations and Repairs

The contractor shall not proceed with the surface finish or making good of concrete surfaces
until he has received the Project Manager's written permission to do so and he shall not apply
cement slurry or mortar or any other coating to the concrete surfaces as struck from the
shuttering or do anything else which would hinder the proper inspection of the concrete by the
Project Manager.

Concrete which is defective, has honeycombs, or which contains defective parts shall be cut
out completely unless the Project Manager agrees that a repair may be satisfactorily effected.
This agreement shall not preclude subsequent condemnation of the repaired work.

The method of repairing defective concrete which the contractor proposes to adopt shall be
submitted to the Project Manager for his prior written agreement in each particular case.

No repairs or remedial work shall be carried out without prior inspection and instructions of the
Project Manager. (No extra shall be paid to the contractor for the repair works).

3.22 Fair face finish to concrete surfaces

Concrete surfaces shall be finished smooth fair faced where indicated as such on the
drawings. These areas shall be entirely free from honey combing, stains, fins, lipping, nail or
screw marks, raised grain marks, air holes or any other imperfections. They shall also be of
even texture throughout. Very slight variations between member and member may be
acceptable but any such variations within a single member cannot be tolerated. The concrete
faces shall not be marked with mould oil.

The form work to these areas shall be wrought form work as specified herein.

Following inspection by the Project Manager the whole surface shall be rubbed down by hand.
Any surfaces with major imperfections, i.e. greater than can be easily, completely and
permanently obliterated by rubbing down shall be reported immediately to the Project

Remedial work is not normally possible to the above fair faced finish surfaces and the
Contractor will be required to demolish and recast defective works.

3.23 Reinforcement Fabrication

Bending Schedules
The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager, for the Project Manager's approval,
bending schedule for all the works, not less than Ten days before the contractor intends to
bend the reinforcing steel.

The Approval of the Project Manager shall in no way absolve the contractor of his
responsibilities under the Contract.

Programme of reinforcement details required

The Contractor shall provide a programme which gives the Project Manager at least 28 days
prior notification of any reinforcement details required. The contractor shall justify the
practicability of his programme to the Project Manager should it seem unreasonable before
the programme be regarded as valid notification. If progress on site falls behind the
contractors' programme, the issue of reinforcement details may be delayed by a period
corresponding to the delay in construction.

Bending and placing reinforcement

Reinforcement shall be cut and bent to the shapes and dimensions shown on the finally
agreed bending schedules in accordance with the requirements of IS: 2502 and to the
tolerances set out therein.

High Yield reinforcement must be bent without the application of artificial heating.

Mild steel reinforcement may be sent either hot or cold but shall not be heated to a
temperature greater than 850 C., and if heated not cooled by quenching.

Mild steel reinforcement temporary left projecting from the concrete at construction or other
joints shall not be bent out of position unless shown on the drawings or agreed by the Project
Manager. Where such bending and subsequent rebinding takes place the radius of the bend
shall not be less than 4 bar diameters.

Reinforcement shall be fixed without forcing in the position shown on the drawings within a
tolerance of 5 mm or 5% of the minimum dimension of cross section, whichever be the
greater and maintained so that it is not displaced during concreting or other operations.

Horizontal bars shall be supported sufficiently to prevent displacement. This may be plastic
spacers, chairs bent from steel bar, or by concrete blocks. The method and sufficiency of the
support shall be subject to the approval of the Project Manager.
Where concrete blocks are used, they shall be precast from concrete (not mortar) of the same
class as the concrete in which they are to be embedded, except that the largest size of
aggregate shall be 10 mm. Each block shall be secured to the reinforcement with wire or a
clip embedded in the centre of the block so that, it shall not be in contact with the shuttering or
subsequently cause rust marks on the concrete. Intersections of reinforcement shall be
bound together with 16 gauge annealed soft iron binding wire.

Unless otherwise noted on the drawings, no intersections of reinforcement may be fixed by

welding without the permission of the Project Manager. High yield and cold worked steel shall,
in no circumstances, be welded together.

Should any difficulty arise during the placing of steel in obtaining the appropriate cover, the
contractor shall immediately draw the attention of the Project Manager to the difficulty and
shall carryout such corrective measures as the Project Manager may suggest.

Protection of reinforcement and concrete

The Contractor shall ensure that movement of men and material subsequent to steel fixing is
organized so that reinforcement is not thereby displaced.

Reinforcement left projecting from any concrete shall be protected so that there is no risk of
corrosion staining to any exposed concrete surface or to any other part of the works. For this
purpose a stiff grout wash will normally be acceptable to the Project Manager, this wash shall
be wire-brushed vigorously before further concrete is placed to remove any ill- bonded

3.24 Measurement & accountability:

i) Measurements of reinforcement shall be based on approved bar bending schedule.

ii) Accountability of reinforcement as per Annexure-2 of Volume-I. The reinforcement steel

Clients supply free of cost. All cut pieces, scrap, will be Client’s property. The binding wire
will be provided by the contractor and shall from part of quoted rates of the item shall be
accounted in the quoted rates of reinforcement steel.

3.25 Precast concrete units

Precast concrete materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with specifications unless
indicated otherwise. Where different tolerances are indicated in this specification or on the
drawings from these in the more severe tolerances shall apply. The units shall all be cast in
properly made strong moulds to form the shapes required. For work described as "finished
fair" the mould shall be lined with sheet steel or other approved material and care should be
taken to ensure no damage is caused to edges or surfaces when units are removed from the

The concrete shall be of the mixes given on the drawings and shall be thoroughly vibrated in
the moulds.

All precast work shall be cast under cover and shall so remain for seven days and shall be
kept damp in order that the units are properly matured. No units shall be lifted until 18 days
have elapsed since casting and no unit shall be erected until it has been approved by the
Project Manager as free from defects.

No cracked units will be accepted for incorporation in the works.

All reinforced structural precast units shall have the tops clearly marked.

Un-reinforced precast units, such as sills and copings, shall be lightly reinforced as necessary
to facilitate handling.



i) The bricks shall conform to the IS No. 1077-1986 of minimum crushing strength of 75
Kg./cm2. (First Class)

ii) The building bricks are to be the best quality table moulded kiln burnt, patent bricks,
hard sound, square with sharp arises, even and uniform in shape and colour free from
cracks, stones, flaws and other defects. Samples of bricks are to be submitted to the
Project Manager for approval before full quantity is ordered. All supply of brick to
conform to the sample approved. No brick after 24 hours immersion in water shall
absorb water more than 15% of its own weight.

iii) The cement and sand shall be as described under 'Cement Concrete' and the mortar
unless specified otherwise in Bill of Quantities is to be composed of one part cement
to four parts of coarse sand by volume, thoroughly mixed by hand. Hydrophobic
cement used in mortar shall be thoroughly machine mixed. No mortar that has
started to set shall be used in the work.

iv) Every brick shall be thoroughly soaked in water before use. Broken bricks shall not
be used except as closers. The courses shall be truly horizontal and the work strictly
plumb, joints shall be broken vertically and they shall not exceed 12mm in thickness.
All joints in brick work are to be well filled with mortar.

v) The brick work shall not be raised more than 12 single courses per day and shall be
built in English bond, except brick on edge and half brick thick walls shall be built in
stretcher bond. Except for brick on edge work, the bricks shall be placed with "frog"
facing upwards.

vi) All joints in brick work on both the faces shall be raked out 6mm deep as the work
proceeds, and before the mortar sets.
vii) The brick work is to be carried out with all necessary set backs, projections, cuttings
and toothings in conformity with the drawings.

viii) The brick work shall be cured by watering and continuously kept wet for 10 days, and
the work shall be well protected during rainy season.

ix) All uneven, irregular and bad brick work poor in workmanship shall be demolished if
deemed necessary by the Project Manager and rebuilt by the contractor at the
contractors' expenses. If necessary the contractor will have to provide wooden plug,
etc. for his own work and for which there will be no special payment on that account.
The work will have to be executed at any height and lift and will not form the criterion
for any extra amount.

x) Should any efflorescence be observed in brick work, it should be washed down by

clean water and brick surface treated with such chemicals as are deemed necessary
by the Project Manager without any extra charge and at the contractors' own
expenses, till efflorescence subsides. Should the efflorescence persist, the brick work
shall be demolished if deemed necessary by the Project Manager and the work rebuilt
with new bricks including making good all the work disturbed without any extra

xi) Half brick masonry: All brick work under 115 mm thick shall be reinforced with one no. 16
gauge 25mm wide MS flat / 02 nos. 8mm dia Reinforcement bar in every fourth coarse. The
said flat / Reinforcement steel shall be cast in or securely fixed to adjoining concrete walls or
columns by screw with fastener. No extra for the cost of MS flat / Reinforcement bar will be

xii) Wall under structural members- Allowance shall be made for leaving, temporarily
open courses immediately below all structural members built into the walls. The open
courses shall be left to permit full deflection of structural members. The open courses
shall then be made good and pointed up after the structural members have been fully
loaded and before the completion of the work.


4.2.1 General

The mortar/Chemical Bonding Agent shall not be spread so much ahead of the actual laying
of the units that it tends to stiffen and lose it’s plasticity there by resulting in poor bond.

Consistency as per requirement of site must be maintained at the point of laying over bed.

Laying of AAC block masonry shall be in accordance with the recommendations of IS 6041 of
1985 and IS 1905 of 1987. The joint thickness shall be 10mm.

The laying of block may be started either at the corners first or it may be started from one end
and proceed to the other direction.

Lay 10mm thick cement mortar/Chemical bonding agent as per manufacturer’s specification
uniformly over bed. Wet the blocks on all sides by using a tray filled with 20/25mm water and
place them one by one and press it firmly to have proper bond.
Fill the joints between the blocks.

The first course of the cellular block masonry shall be laid with great care making sure that it is
properly aligned, levelled and plumbed, as this may assist the mason in laying succeeding
courses to obtain a straight and truly vertical wall.

The mortar/ Chemical bonding agent joint shall be struck off flush with wall surface and when
the mortar/ Chemical bonding agent stiffening, it shall be compressed tightly.
Before laying the mortar/ Chemical bonding agent, two 10mm square rods can be placed on
both the sides of the block to obtain uniform joint.

Ensure all the surfaces of the block which come in contact with cement mortar Chemical
bonding agent are wet to have proper bonding.

4.2.2 Laying of Mortar

The mortar Chemical bonding agent shall not be spread so much ahead of the actual laying of
the units that it tends to stiffen and lose its plasticity there by resulting in poor bond
Consistency as per requirement of site must be maintained at the point of laying over bed.

Mortar/ Chemical bonding agent joint shall be struck off flush with wall surface and when the
mortar Chemical bonding agent starts stiffening, it shall be compressed tightly to have a key
for plastering.

Use of strong mortar with light weight concrete blocks is not advisable, use of compatible
mortar is advisable. Lean mortars distribute and accommodate more readily the strains
arising from thermal, moisture and chemical changes. According to IS 6041 : 1985 blocks
shall be embedded with a mortar, the strength of which is relatively lower than that of mix used
in making of blocks.

4.2.3 Laying of Block Masonry

Laying of AAC Block masonry shall be in accordance with the recommendations of IS 6041 of
1985 and IS 1905 of 1987. The joint thickness shall be 10mm.

The laying of block may be started either at the corners first or it may be started from one end
and proceed to the other direction. The first course of the cellular block masonry shall be laid
with greater care, making sure that it is properly aligned, levelled and plumbed, as this may
assist the mason in laying succeeding courses to obtain a straight and truly vertical wall.

The design of wall should be such that cutting of blocks is minimised when leaving space for
door and windows.

4.2.4 Slenderness Ratio

Design of AAC Block masonry is based on the same parameters as that of brick masonry, as
Indian Standard BIS : 1905 (masonry code) applicable to brick masonry is also applicable with
the same provisions to AAC Block masonry. Therefore slenderness ratio of AAC masonry
walls shall be as per guidelines of Indian Standard for masonry walls.

4.2.5 Chases

Guide lines for chases is masonry walls as per Indian Standard BIS : 1905 need to be
The cutting of chases, recesses etc. should be done with out damage to the surrounding
It is desirable to use such tools for cutting which depend upon rotary motion not on heavy
impact for cutting action.


5.1 General
It is the intent of this specification to secure a completely water tight basement, toilets and
terraces etc. guaranteed for at least 15 (Fifteen) years from the date of final completion. The
guarantee shall be executed & extended by the Contractor & not by the water proofing agency.
The contractor shall provide all materials, labour, plant, equipment, incidentals and everything
necessary for securing a fully waterproof job as called for above.
All water proofing work shall be carried out by specialists as approved by the Project Manager.
Installation and materials shall be as per best practices for obtaining water proof work and as
recommended by the manufacturer.

Water proofing work shall be commenced only after the surface is prepared, smooth
rendered, cleaned free of dirt, dust and foreign matters, inspected and approved. Compressed
air shall be used for effective cleaning of all surfaces. The vents and other projections through
the roof shall be made absolutely secure before flashing.

5.2 Basement Waterproofing System

The specified waterproofing system for the underground structure / basement comprises of
the following systems for vertical &horizontal surface and different parts of the basement viz.
Raft Slab, Retaining Wall, Pile head Treatment. Each generic product specified shall meet the
key performance properties mentioned below.

5.2.1 Waterproofing system for basement Raft slab
Providing and installing (Masterpren BG/FR) 2.0mm thick single ply twin coloured (sea green
and dark grey) plasticised PVC loosely laid membrane waterproof system. The system to be
sandwitched between two 300 GSM geotextile installed over the hardened well levelled
surface of the PCC or Blinding levelling course The (Masterpren BG/FR) PVC membrane
system shall be compartmentalized not less than 250 Sqmt and upto 300 Sqmt& injection
pipettas (4-5 nos) using PVC surface waterstop & pitpettas at required locations, based on the
site requirements. To be done before the raft concreting.
Joints shall be welded using automatic double seam welding machine.

5.2.2 Testing of Joints:

Overlap of membrane shall be minimum 80mm and the double seam welding is done. A
pocket is created throughout the length of the membrane. Both the ends of the membrane are
plugged and using pressure testing machine air pressure of 2 bars is applied. Introduce
pressurized air by means of a foot pump at approximately 2 bar, wait for 1 minute to ensure
the complete expansion of the inside groove and then start the actual testing taking the
pressure back for 2 bar. After a 10 minute interval again check the air pressure. A 20%
pressure decrease (due membrane expanding and lose from the attached testing equipment
is acceptable.) It ensures the air tight joint, in turn is watertight.
Termination of Waterproofing

5.2.3 Termination at Pile:

Pile head shall be levelled using non shrink grout Masterflow 718 followed by PVC membrane
is dressed up to the outer surface of the as close as possible to reinforcement.. This
membrane is then encapsulated in with a epoxy grout MasterSeal 914. The grout has a
minimum thickness of 10mm below the membrane and minimum 15mm on top of it. 25mm
Grout is extended to the edge of outer surface of the interface and extend to minimum 25mm
beyond reinforcement followed by minimum 10mm thick grout in the center.

5.2.4 Termination at Retaining wall

PVC water stopper shall be casted with the casting of retaining wall over which PVC
waterproofing shall be terminated.

5.2.5 Waterproofing membrane for retaining wall

Providing and installing MasterSeal BG 5500 liquid spray applied system @ 1.8mm total
thickess consisting of MasterSeal M800 two component polyurathene waterproofing
memberane, MasterSeal 2525 a moisture insensive primer and sand broadcasting.
MasterSeal M800 shall have high elongation ≥400%, 99% solid content , two component
polyurethane waterproof membrane, fast curing in 30 seconds. Shall be applied on retaining
wall from positive side. A fully bonded robust waterproof system for vertical retaining wall
complying to the product properties specified below.
Polyurathene Waterproofing shall be installed after application of moisture insensitive primer
MasterSeal P 2525 followed by sand broadcasting

5.2.6 .Protection of waterproofing

Waterproofing shall be protected using 8mm thick drain board or sand bags (to be provided
by civil contractor and extravated soil at site free of cost). Anything else shall only be approved
after concent and agreement of the Manufacturer.

5.2.7 System for watertight construction joints:


All construction joints shall be treated using Hydro-swelling waterbar to be installed using a
water swellable adhesive on the vertical and horizontal edges of cast sections of the retaining
wall before erecting formwork for casting the adjacent sections. The swelling of the waterbar
shall be reversible in nature

5.2.8 Compartmentalization of the PVC Membrane

This enables the waterproofing project to be divided into sectors, allowing future
repair operations to be carried out by injection of water-reactive resins.It is composed of
shaped joints of the same type of material (PVC) and iswelded to the existing waterproof
liner.The material shall be capable of being welded to the surface PVCwater stop with welding
fins, to compartmentalize the structure at the construction joints.
The PVC surface water stops with welding fins of thecompartmenting system are welded by
hot air gun to the existingwaterproofing membrane.It is essential that the compartments
should by limited in size to approximately min 250 sqmts or as per the site condition and
requirement. In this phase control and injectionelements are installed.Then a mechanical
protection waterproof layer should beinstalled.

The slip membrane under the membrane shall be a geotextile manufactured from virgin
polypropylene and shall be with a specific weight of minimum 300gsm.

The horizontal protection over the membrane shall be geotextile layer followed by minimum 50
mm thick screed, to facilitate the installation and tying of reinforcement bars for casting of raft.
The encapsulation of interface junction of membrane with upstands or pile head, shall be
treated as shown in the section details using Non Shrink grout to achieve smooth and level
surface followed by epoxy grout material MasterSeal 914 by encapsulation methodwith the
following properties:

Properties of Non Shrink Grout

S.No Properties Value

1 Compressive strength
1 day 20 N/mm2
3 days 35 N/mm2
7 days 55 N/mm2
28 days 65 N/mm2

2 Flexural strength (ASTM C 9 MPa

78) 28 days

3 Density (wet) 2.1 Kg/L

4 Modulus of Elasticity 28 days >30 GPa

5 Bond Strength to concrete >2 MPa

28 Days
Properties of Epoxy Grouts
S.No Properties Values
1 Mixed Density 2400 Kg/Cu.m
2 Volume Solids 100%
3 Pot Life 50 Minutes at 25°C
25 Minutes at 40°C
4 Compressive Strength (BS 6319, Part 2) 80 MPa at 1 Day
90 MPa at 3 days
100 Mpa at 7 days
5 Flexure Strength (BS 6319, Part 2) 25 MPa at 7 Days
6 Tensile Strength (BS 6319, Part 7) 11 MPa at 7 days



The retaining wall waterproofing system specified shall be spray applied fast curing, heat
resistant polyurethane seamless waterproofing membrane and all other essential components
from a single manufacturer to ensure the waterproofing integrity of the structure. The
waterproofing membrane has high elasticity, excellent tensile strength, high tear strength and
exceptional abrasion resistance.
It shall have properties as listed below.

5.3.1 Polyurethane Spray Applied system consists of the following components:

1) Primer (hand applied) suitable as per the substrate.
For concrete substrate the primer shall be Epoxy Base having the following properties
Property Test Method Results
Density 1.09 + 0.05 at 25ºC
Flexural strength ASTM C-580-02 35 MPa at 7 days
Tensile strength BS:6319 pt 7 22 MPa at 7 days
70 MPa at 1 Day
Compressive Strength ASTM C 579 75 MPa at 3 Days
80 MPa at 7 Days
> 1.5 MPa at 25°C
Adhesive bond strength to concrete ASTM D4541
(Concrete failure)

2) Waterproofing membrane - (MasterSeal M800 a fast curing, spray applied

polyurethane membrane)

Property Test Method Results

Solids Content DIN 53213 100%
Density DIN 53213 0.9-1.0 g/cm3
Ready for Light Traffic DIN 53213 Max. 60 seconds
Tensile Strength DIN 53504 8 – 10 MPa
Elongation at break DIN 53504 >400%
Tear propagation resistance DIN 53515 12 kN/m
Crack Bridging EN 10204 > 6mm
Dynamic Crack Bridging
(1000 cycles, heat ageing at ZTV-SIB 90 28days,no change
Shore Hardness DIN 53505 75
Taber Abrasion Resistance DIN 53516 150mg
Vapour Permeability BS 3177 19.21 g/m2/day
Water Absorption BS2782:Part 3 2.98%
Water tightness DIN 1048 10 bar (100m) back pressure
Resistance to Water Pressure MOAT No. 27 No Leaks
Root Penetration Resistance DIN 4062 Passed
Skid Resistance HAPAS, UK Passed
Chemical Resistance ASTM D 1308:02 No averse effect
Adhesion Conica Research
(Steel) Laboratory >10 N/mm2
(Concrete) 3.3N/mm2 (concrete failure)

The product system shall be installed by an experienced specialist applicator, certified by the
manufacturer with experience of more than three years in the recommended waterproofing
The product shall be installed by an experienced specialist applicator.
The product system shall be installed by an experienced specialist applicator, certified by
BASF with experience of more than three years with Masterpren membrane waterproofing
system only
Approved products
The following products from their respective manufacturer for each type of product meet the
specified key properties in Section D and are approved for use in this job..

Type of product Approved products Manufacturer

1 Single Ply PVC membrane system  Masterpren BG/FR  BASF

2 Hydro-swelling waterbar  MasterSeal 910  BASF

3 Epoxy Grout / Mortar  MasterSeal 914  BASF

4. Non Shrink Grout  MasterFlow 718  BASF

5 Two component Polyurethane  MasterSeal M800  BASF

6 Moisture Insensitive epoxy primer  MasterSeal 2525  BASF
7 Sand broadcasting  MasterSeal SRA3  BASF

Applicator shall apply each product strictly as per the written application guidelines by the

5.3.2 Testing
The performance of applied system shall be tested as below:
After completion of installation of the PVC membrane system each joint shall be tested as per
the test procedure defined by the manufacturer and recorded.
Quality Control Documents



1. Dr. Fixit Pidigrout 10M : Free flow cementitious grout

2. Liquid Applied Polyurethane Membrane.
3. Dr. Fixit Pidigrout EG-3L: Three component epoxy resin based grouts.

Tools and Machineries

1. Cleaning tools, brushes, gloves, buckets etc.

2. Shuttering plate.
3. Mechanical Mixer equipment.

Surface preparation

1. Initial cleaning the surface.

2. The entire area shall be taken up for thorough surface preparation mechanical removal of debris,
laitance and protrusions, etc.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE (Refer drawing for Pile Head Treatment)

1. Fix the shuttering plate with 15mm clear cover (ensuring that shuttering plate should be leak
2. Pouring the free flow cementitious grout Dr. Fixit Pidigrout 10M.
3. Curing after 6hrs of initial setting.
4. Removing the shuttering plate after 24hrs and curing as per standard procedure.
5. After 48 hrs. apply coat of elastomeric Polyurethane membrane with a minimum overlap on
75 mm on Dr. Fixit Prebond on horizontal face and till reinforcement on pile head.
6. Protecting the entire system with 10mm thick low exotherm epoxy grout, Dr. Fixit Pidigrout



Examination: Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with
requirements and other conditions affecting performance.
• For applications over blinding, a concrete mud-slab, compacted subgrade or vertical soil
retention system, verify that compacted sub-grade or concrete mud-slab is smooth and sound;
and ready to receive integrally bonded HDPE sheet.
• Verify that vertical soil retention systems are prepared using drainage composite, plywood,
shotcrete or other approved means to achieve a uniform, sound and continuous substrate
ready to receive the integrally bonded HDPE Sheet.
• Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.

1. Dr. Fixit Pre bond: 1.2mm thick HDPE Membrane.
2. Hydrophilic Water bar: Flexible strip water bar.

Tools and Machineries

1. Buckets, cleaning tools, brushes, gloves etc.
2. Gloves, safety shoes and hard helmet.
3. Hot air welding machine.
4. Mechanical fixing accessories.


1. The water proofing area should be protected with proper barricades.

2. Horizontal Surfaces - The substrate must be free of loose aggregate, slush, mud, sharp
protrusions and stagnated water (Civil contractor/client scope).
3. Ground water level needs to be kept under the PCC level, continues dewatering to be done till
completion of concreting (Civil contractor/client scope).
4. The surface does not need to be dry, but standing water must be removed.
1. Place the membrane HDPE film side to the substrate with the granular side facing towards the
concrete pour. End laps should be staggered to avoid a build-up of layers.
2. Leave the plastic release liner on selvedge in position until overlap procedure is completed.
3. Accurately position succeeding sheets to overlap the previous sheet 75 mm along the marked
selvedge. Ensure the underside of the succeeding sheet is clean, dry and free from
contamination before attempting to overlap.
4. Peel back the plastic release liner from between the overlaps as the two layers are bonded
together. Ensure a continuous bond is achieved without creases and roll firmly with a heavy
roller. Hot blower may be used to ensure sealing of the ends if necessary.
5. The membrane HDPE membrane shall be taken on inside wall of vertical shutters of retaining
wall upto 50mm below the top of Raft level.
6. Corners: Seal lapped terminations and cut edges of sheet waterproofing at inside and outside
corners with detail tape.
7. Seal penetrations through sheet waterproofing to provide watertight seal with Prebond tape
patches or elastomeric Polyurethane liquid-membrane troweling as recommended by
membrane manufacturer.
8. Repair tears, voids, and lapped seams in waterproofing not complying with requirements.
Tape perimeter of damaged or nonconforming area extending 150 mm (6 inches) beyond
repaired areas in all directions. Apply a patch of sheet waterproofing and firmly secure with
Prebond tape.
9. Repair any location of adhesive damage on membrane using appropriate size membrane
patch as in above detail or by using Prebond tape, after properly cleaning the surface.
10. Correct deficiencies in or remove waterproofing that does not comply with requirements; repair
substrates, reapply waterproofing, and repair sheet flashings.
11. Inspect the membrane before placing of the reinforcement steel and final placement of Raft
concrete (the membrane can be easily cleaned by water jet if required)




Examination: Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with
requirements and other conditions affecting performance.
• Verify that concrete has cured and aged for minimum time period recommended by
waterproofing manufacturer.
• Verify that concrete is visibly dry.
• Verify that concrete substrates are smooth, float finished and monolithic.
• Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.

Surface Preparation:
• Clean, prepare, and treat substrates according to manufacturer's written instructions. Provide
clean, dust-free, and dry substrates for waterproofing application.
• Mask off adjoining surfaces not receiving waterproofing to prevent spillage and overspray
affecting other construction.
• Remove grease, oil, bitumen, form-release agents, paints, curing compounds, and other
penetrating contaminants or film-forming coatings from concrete.
• Remove fins, ridges, mortar, and other projections and fill honeycomb, aggregate pockets,
holes, and other voids.
• Prepare, fill, prime, and treat joints and cracks in substrates using polymer modified
cementitious mortar prepared using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.


1. On the positive side of the retaining wall, apply Dr. Fixit Extensa R over the entire surface at
an average thickness of 2mm with the specially designed spray equipment, in order to get a
seamless waterproofing layer throughout the surface.
2. Dr. Fixit Extensa shall upto raft vertical face with a mininmum overlap of 150 mm, this junction
shall be further secured by a strip of Dr. Fixit Samshield XL as shown in the approved
3. Dr. Fixit Extensa R is a fast setting water based product which will tenaciously adhere to the
concrete. It is applied to form a seamless, high water resistant membrane with an elongation
of > 1000%.
4. Seal exposed edges of Extensa at top ends with metal flashing and Polysulphide sealants, Dr.
Fixit Pidiseal PS 42P.
5. Once Dr. Fixit Extensa is cured properly, protect Dr. Fixit Extensa R with a proper protection
layer of HDPE Drainboard as approved before soil filling.
6. Begin soil backfilling after this installation

 Any Other precaution:

 During installation of Dr. Fixit Extensa R, please ensure the substrate is dry. There should
not be any active water leakage during installation of Dr. Fixit Extensa R.
 The concrete substrate must be cured well before application of Dr. Fixit Extensa system.
 Tie rod holes, penetration points must be sealed properly using non shrink cementitious
grout Dr Fixit Pidigrout 10M prior to installation of waterproofing system.


• Application being done by in-house application team of M/s Pidilite, and so the Supervisor
of the team or as mutually agreed, shall inspect substrate conditions; surface preparation;
membrane application, flashings, protection, and drainage components; and shall furnish
reports to the concerned member of PMC/ Architect / Client as per approved protocol.

PROTECTION: Protect membrane in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations until

placement of concrete. Inspect for damage just prior to placement of concrete and make repairs in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

1. Positioning of swellable water bar in the joint is very important.
2. Cleaning of joint of loose concrete, debris, dust and loose mortar is very important.
3. Unroll the water bar coil slovenly and carefully on the joint without pulling and stretching it.
4. Water bar to be nailed in to the concrete center.


1. They are vulnerable to get damaged during construction.
2. Compaction of concrete around water bar should be taken care otherwise it can dislocate &
could lead to a risk of honeycomb formation which may lead to leakage through concrete itself
rather than through joint.
3. Do not stretch or pull the swellable Water bar and make it longer than its existing length.

This specification covers the waterproofing system for concrete decks podiums or roofs of
structure with built-ups or with landscapes.

The Waterproofing System

The specified waterproofing system for the podium or roof deck above ground comprises of
systems covering the horizontal & the vertical surface and different parts of the deck area of the
roof or the podium; each generic product specified shall meet the key performance properties in
Section A. Schematic diagram of the waterproofing system is attached as appendix.
a) Waterproofing system for Podium Deck slab with Hardscape or landscape over it:
Providing and installing spray applied Polyurathene waterproof system of thickness average
upto 1.8mm.The system to be installed over thehardened well levelled surface of the concrete
or screed surface with levelled smooth finish and in slope.
It shall be spray applied covering every possible surface and area of the deck to be made
watertight after the surface preparation is complete as per the manufactueres system layer
built-up. It shall cover all types of substrates. Suitable primers to be used depending on the
type of substrate ( viz. concrete / Bitumen/ metal / wood etc.) to enhance the bonding.
(For System Layer Built-up and Installation details please refer to the Submittal and
Method Statement of the system by the manufacturer)NA:

Key performance properties of the specified products

The roof or Podium deck shall be made waterproof using two component Polyurethane spray
applied, a BBA approved waterproof system shall be free from bituminous material and shall not
be based on polyurea chemistry. The waterproofing system specified shall be, spray applied fast
curing, heat resistant polyurethane seamless waterproofing membrane and all other essential
components to ensure the waterproofing integrity of the structure. The waterproofing membrane
has high elasticity, excellent tensile strength, high tear strength and exceptional abrasion

MasterSeal Roof 3500 System consist of the following components:

1] Primer - Moisture Insensitive Primers for Concrete shall be
MasterSeal 2525
(Or Primer as per the Substrate. As specified by the
2] Sand Board Casting - Graded Quartz Sand
3] Waterproofing membrane - Spray applied advance Polyurethane Waterproof Membrane
4] UV Top Coat - UV Stable Top Coats of Required colour to be used for
exposed surface only . Colours as per RAL Shades as
Total thickness of system - Average 1.8 mm
The system shall be installed by a specialist waterproofing applicator recognized by BASF -
Construction Chemicals.

Waterproofing Membrane (MasterSeal M800): Technical Properties

The waterproofing base coat shall be(MasterSeal M 800), spray applied fast curing, heat resistant
polyurethane seamless waterproofing membrane.The waterproofing membrane MasterSeal M800)
shall have high elasticity, mechanical properties and Green Certification. It shall have properties as
listed below.
This waterproofing system shall be installed by a specialist waterproofing applicator recognized by
BASF Construction Chemicals.

Approved products
The following products from their respective manufacturer for each type of product meet the specified
key properties in Section D and are approved for use in this job..

Type of product Approved products Manufacturer

1 Primer  MasterSeal P 2525  BASF
2 Sand  Mastertop SRA No 3  BASF
3 Waterproofing Membrane Spray applied  MasterSeal M800  BASF
4 UV Stable Top Coat for Exposed area  MasterSeal TC 269  BASF

Please refer to the Method of Statement for preparation, mixing, application and finishing details, as
per the manufacturer.

• Clean the entire surface with mechanical methods i.e. by hand grinding or wire brushing or
vacuum cleaning, to remove sharp edges, loose or foreign materials, oil, grease and laitance,
• Covings of size 75x75 mm should be provided all around the junction of slab and parapet
wall/beam/upstand with C.C 1:2:4 admixed with Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP 10% by weight of
• All openings around the rain water pipes are packed with 5% by weight of cement Dr Fixit
Pidicrete URP admixed mortar in the ratio of 1:4 (cement : sand)and well compacted and
• Prime absorbent surfaces like concrete, cement screed with Dr. Fixit Primer PU or Dr. Fixit
Pidipoxy MIEP. Allow the primer to cure according its technical instruction.
• Once the primer is dry, apply Dr. Fixit Flexi PU 270 (I) liquid applied, polyurethane based,
single component, low VOC, elastomeric, seamless, waterproof membrane, applied in 2
coats over one coat of solvent free primer at a total consumption of min. 1.8 kg/ Sq.Mt. to
achieve a DFT of 1.5 mm having an elongation capacity of over 400%
• Lay Geotextile membrane of 200 GSM over the membrane to protect it from screed.
• The membrane should be further protected by sand: cement screed of minimum 40-50 mm
thickness . ( OPTIONAL )

Providing &laying approved HDPE drainage board for easy disposal of water to drain. After drainage
board , providing & laying a geo-textile mat of 150gsm to contain the soil & filtration .

5.7 Injection method waterproofing treatment

a) Horizontal Surface: After the excavation and PCC levelling course, water proofing
course shall be laid consisting of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 sand) and mixed
with Acrylic water proofing chemicals and embedding aggregate by hand pack at
random in two layers each of 25mm thick thus the total water proofing course shall be
about 50mm thick. After the necessary curing, and fixing raft reinforce cement in
partition provide 20 mm pipe sleeves at 1.2 m c/c on both ways by tying it with
reinforcement in such a manners to ensure that the bottom end of the pipe remain
free from getting chocked and the length of the pipes shall be that of total thickness of
the raft plus 25 mm above to protrude from the surface of the raft.

After concreting the raft, grouting Acrylic based waterproofing chemical mixed with
neat cement slurry through the pipe sleeves shall be carried and for the required
period. The projected pipe ends shall be cut after grouting the mouths. The same
procedure shall be adopted for all joints around the column wall joints.

b) Vertical Surfaces: The vertical surfaces shall be treated by making holes on the
surface at 1.20 m centre to centre on both ways and also at 0.75 m along construction
joints, corners and fixing nozzles of 20 mm dia pipe and inject Acrylic based
chemicals mixed with neat cement slurry as explained above. After grouting the pipe,
nozzles shall be removed and the packets shall be made good. The external surface
of the walls shall be neatly plastered with cement mortar (1:3) admixed with Acrylic
Chemicals of 12 to 15 mm thick.

5.8 Brick Bat Coba Water Proofing (Brick Bat Coba)

Brick bat coba treatment shall be got done from an approved agency. The surface should be
prepared and construction joint if any are to be raked and cleaned. Cement slurry mixed with
approved chemical compound is to be spread on the surface so as to fill the undulation and
other porous areas.

20 mm thick cement mortar mixed with approved chemical in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) is laid over the prepared surface.

A layer of brick bat is laid over the mortar to required slope. The joints between the brick bats
should be kept 15-25 mm wide. These joints be filled with cement mortar 1:4 mixed with
specialized chemical compound as approved by the Project Manager. Curing is done
continuously for two days.

The top surface should be finished smooth with 20 mm thick cement mortar (mixed with
specified quantity of approved chemical). Curing of the treatment should be done for two

The side wall shall be provided with 20 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 mixed with specialized
chemical compound upto a height of 30 Cm. A 20 mm thick gola with brick bats shall be
provided and finished with cement mortar 1:4 mixed with approved chemicals compound. The
gola shall be cured continuously for two weeks. The work shall be got done from a specialized
agency duly approved by the Project Manager.

5.9 Tapecrete Waterproofing

All the chasings or cuttings in the floors and walls shall be carried out prior to the
commencement of the treatment. The prepared surface than shall be plastered with 12mm
thick cement mortar 1:4 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), mixed with `CICO' admixture, as per
manufacturers' specifications. The plastering shall be carried out throughout the sunk portion
and carried up to all sides of the walls. The specialist then shall carry out `TAPECRETE'
waterproofing treatment comprising of 3 coats of tapecrete with Ist coat of tapecrete mixed
with grey cement in proportion of 1:2 (1 part tapecrete : 2 grey cement), 2nd coat of tapecrete
mixed with grey cement and silica sand in proportion of 1:2:1.5 (1 Tapecrete : 2 grey cement :
1.5 silaca sand) , 3rd coat of tapecrete mixed with grey cement in proportion of 1:2. After the
first coat of Tapecrete all corners, junctions, joints of pipes and masonry to be sealed with
Epoxy putty. The treatment is laid underneath and behind all pipes. The specification on
verticals is taken 150mm above the finished floor level and to full height where tubs/wash
basin and WC are being fixed. The top surface shall be protected with 12mm thick plaster in
cement mortar 1:4 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand).



This specification covers the insulation and waterproofing system for terrace using Spray
Applied puff insulation and Polyurethane waterproofing system

The Insulation System

The specified insulation system is meant for Thermal insulation of the roof would be done
using spray polyurethane rigid foam insulation. The thermal insulation built-up would be done
in a highly technical manner using the latest technologies, products and innovations. Thermal
insulation built-up which would consist of 40 mm average thick layer of spray applied
polyurethane insulation

The Waterproofing System

The specified waterproofing system is meant for the water tightness of terrace slab covering
the horizontal & the vertical surface and different parts; each generic product specified shall
meet the key performance properties in Section A. Schematic diagram of the waterproofing
system is attached as appendix.
Waterproofing system for Terrace slab with built-up over it:
Providing and installing two component spray applied Polyurathene Waterproof system of
thickness average of1.8mm avg thickness. The system to be installed over puff insulation
Thewaterproofing shall be spray applied covering every possible surface and area of the deck
to be made watertight after the surface preparation is complete as per the system layer built-
up. It shall cover all types of substrates.

Key performance properties of the specified products
1. Insulation Material
Sr No Parameter Test Method Results
1 Grade of Product Polyurethane
2 Core density DIN EN ISO 845 40 Kg/m3
3 Thermal conductivity (λ), DIN 52612 < 0.024 W/(m.K)
4 Comp. Strength DIN 53423 > 175 kPa
5 Flexural Strength DIN 53423 > 250 KPa
6 Water absorption DIN 52428 <2.5%
7 Closed cells ISO 4590 90%
8 Fire Retardancy DIN 4102-1 Class B2

2. Waterproofing Material
The Terrace slab shall be made waterproof using Polyurethene Spray applied waterproof
system. The waterproofing system specified shall bespray applied fast curing, heat resistant ,
seamless waterproofing membrane and all other essential components from single
manufacturer to ensure the waterproofing integrity of the structure. The waterproofing
membrane has high elasticity, excellent tensile strength, high tear strength and exceptional
abrasion resistance. Waterproofing shall have 100% solid content and free from solvents and
shouldn’t be based on polyurea or synthetic resin or bituminous material.
Two Component spray applied Polyurathene system consist of the following components:

1] Waterproofing membrane - Spray applied advance Polyurethane Waterproof Membrane

2] Protection - Horizontal Areas: Screed Laid to slope
Vertical Areas: Prior to waterproofing apply epoxy promer ,
sand broadcasting followed by spray waterproofing followed
by epoxt primer, sand broadcasting and polymer modified
plaster 15mm thick.
Total thickness of system - Average 1.8 mm
The system shall be installed by a specialist waterproofing applicator recognized by
Key performance properties

3) Treatment of Exposed surfaces: UV Top coat to be applied in all areas where

waterproofing is exposed.
4) Screed Laid to Slope:Providing and laying slope built-up cum protection layer of cement screed of
1:2:4 and working out a smooth finish. The screed shall have a minimum thickness of 50mm if
above waterproofing shall be laid in slope of 1:100. The screed shall be reinforced with a 6mm
steel @ 300mm c/c. The screed shall be cured by ponding for a minimum of 7 days.
5) Application of Sealant: Withing 24 hours Grove cutting @ 4X4 Sqmts panels of size
6mmX12mm using polysulphide sealant/polyurathene sealant

Method Statement of Entire roofing system

STEP 1: Cleaning and Surface preperation
The substrate on which Thermal Insulation (Spray PUR Foam) treatment is to be carried out,
should be sound, damaged portion repaired, thoroughly cleaned of any oils, greases, rust, etc.
by mechanical means (wire brushing, etc) to guarantee adhesion of the spray PUR Foam.
Ensure the surface is dust free and dry.
STEP 2: Insulation:
Thermal insulation of the roof would be done using spray polyurethane rigid foam insulation.
The thermal insulation built-up would be done in a highly technical manner using the latest
technologies, products and innovations. A thermal insulation built-up which would consist of
layer ofrequired thickness of, a two component high density spray applied polyurethane resin
foam. The spray PUR foam insulation is carried out by a smooth spraying action building the
required average thickness to obtain a layer of insulation on which waterproofing would be
carried out. The spray application is done using specially designed spraying machine.

STEP 4: Waterproofing Application:

Ensure surface for application is dry, free from dust, debris and all other contaminants which
may inhibit adhesion between the membrane and concrete. Spray the membrane using a 2
component spray machine. Allow the membrane to cure for at least 1 hour prior to subsequent
STEP 4: Laying of Geotextile 300 GSM

STEP 5: Screed Laid to slope:

Screed of Minimum M20 shall be laid with 6mm reinforcement c/c as per specifications above.


The entire roof area shall include the following works and materials to be supplied and installed by M/s
Nina Concrete System Private Limited, Pidilite’s inhouse application arm & a subsidiary of M/s Pidilite
Industries Limited, with a Waterproofing Guarantee of 25 years.
• The roof area shall be cleaned using a compressed air system, to ensure that the substrate is
free from dust, laitance, debris, etc. Appropriate repair materials shall be applied on any
cracks, crevices, etc., in the substrate
• All up stands for future installation should be pre installed .

• Any pipes or openings / protrusions shall be provided prior to taking up the surface
preparation. Since this application would be quite thick, adequate provision must be made to
provide water vents to the drain points in the roof, pointing upwards, so that rain water will
drain with ease into them & pass off into the down-take rainwater pipes.

• Spray apply two component, polymeric M.D.I. based polyurethane foam foamshield of 45-50
kg /m3 density . K value to PU foam should be 0.023 W/m.k as per ASTM C - 518 / 91 and
compressive strength should be 4.2 kg/cm2 as per ASTM D-1621/94, at an average thickness
of 50 mm to meet an initial system U value of 0.407 W/m2.K . PU Foam shall be sprayed in 4-
5 different layers perpendicular to each other while maintaining the average thickness of 8 –
10 mm each layer .

• Over this two coats of a brush/ spray applied single component pure PU flexi PU 270
waterproofing coating with solid content of 90 % as per ASTM C836 and elongation of 400%
as per ASTM D 412/DIN 52455 to be applied .

• Water ponding / Flood test after the application. Water shall be filled up and retained for at
least 24 to 48 hrs.

• After emptying the water, a geotextile membrane of 150 gsm shall be placed.

• A bitumen board meant for construction joints shall be placed vertically at 3 to 4 metres along
the length and breadth of the roof area. Each rectangular bay formed in this manner shall not
exceed 12 m2.
• Average 75mm thick (or suitable thickness for necessary slope) fibrated concrete screed of
M 20 grade with Glass / Polypropylene fibers shall be cast into these bays, from a RMC pump
(material, pump / machine shall be provided by you free of cost).

• All around on the roof, at the parapet wall junction, an angular fillet of 50 mm X 50 mm shall
be trowel applied in cement-sand mortar (material shall be supplied by you) in 1 : 3 proportion,
in which the sand shall be cleaned & washed off its silt content. Curing of the concrete screed
& angle fillet shall be done as per regular concrete curing practices, by means of regularly
wetting a hessian cloth.

• The bituminous filler board shall be exposed by means of a mechanical cutting machine, and
lose mortar shall be cleaned or vacuum-sucked to make a clean surface. The grooves formed
by exposing the filler board shall be sealed with polysulphide sealant,. The width of the sealant
fill shall not be more than approx. 10 mm and 10 mm deep.

• Over this providing and applying reflective tiles. ( Optional )

• Over this two finishing coats of Dr. Fixit Newcoat Ezee, fibre reinforced water based acrylic
coating with 99% SRI shall be applied with a roller . ( Optional )

5.12 Insulation & Waterproofing terrace :

Waterproofing: For waterproofing of terraces/roofs, multiple layers of Polymer modified

bituminous POLYMERIC POLYETHYLENE MEMBRANE felt which can take structural,
thermal movement i.e expansions, contractions, vibrations etc. The polymeric polyethylene
membrane consists of a central core of HMHDPE film ( High molecular high density
polyethylene) coated on both sides with high quality polymeric asphaltic mix and protected
with top and bottom layers of thermo fusible HMHDPE films. The specification once covered
and protected against ultra violet rays of the sun is resistant to ageing. Further to render the
specification TWO HUNDRED PERCENT WATERPROOF & long lasting we have
incorporated in the specification a layer of WONDER NON WOVEN POLYESTER FIBRE
marketed by the name of Geo Textile. Geo Textile is a very tough material which does not rot
or decay even it is kept immersed in water for years. Since it has the quality to breathe and
with bitumen applied on both side, it becomes totally waterproof and non destructible layer
unless it is damaged mechanically.

INSULATION: Light weight rigid expanded polystyrene THERMOCOLE of 24 kg cubic meter

density of 50mm thickness to be used. For ABSOLUTE WATERPROOFING laying two layers
of Polymeric Polyethylene membrane felt of 1 mm thickness, each layer laid on the base in hot
asphalt over a coat of bituminous primer with 75mm & 100mm side and end laps with
staggered joints. For EFFECTIVE INSULATION Expanded polystyrene THERMOCOL of 24
kg. Cum density 50mm thickness is laid directly on top of the

Waterproofing specification laid in hot asphalt. Expanded polystyrene is then covered with non
woven polyester matt spot stuck with hot asphalt with 75mm and 100mm side and end laps
respectively. And on verticals a layer of Polymeric Polyethylene membrane felt, a layer of Geo
Textile and a layer of hessian felt type 3 r grade 1, each layer laid in hot asphalt over a coat of
bituminous primer with 75mm and 100mm side and end laps respectively.

The insulation & waterproofing specification should be laid directly on the RCC slab after it has
been rendered smooth. A chase of 50mm depth is cut in parapets at a height of 230mm
above the proposed finished roof level for the specification to be tucked in. Immediately after
the insulation & waterproofing specification has been laid on the base it should be covered
with minimum 50mm thick cement concrete1:4:8or1:5:10(with 12mm and down size
aggregate )laid to slope and finally tiles/stone etc laid in mortar and on verticals with brick
cladding. Measurement for horizontal and vertical shall be taken separately and charged for at
according rates.
(A) Horizontal :
(a) A layer of bituminous primer
(b) A layer of hot refined mineral asphalt.
(c) A layer of Polymeric Polyethylene felt of 1mm thickness with 75mm and 100mm side and end
laps respectively.
(d) A layer of hot refined mineral asphalt.
(e) A layer of Polymeric Polyethylene felt of 1mm thickness with 75mm and 100mm side and end
laps respectively.
(f) A layer of hot refined mineral asphalt.
(g) A layer of Expanded polystyrene –THERMOCOLE of 24kg cubic meterdensity of 50mm
(h) A protective layer of non woven polyester matt with 75mm and 100mm side and laps, spot
stuck with bitumen and joints sealed with hot bitumen .

(B) Vertical :
A layer of polymeric polyethylene membrane felt, a layer of non woven polyester matt and a
layer of hessian felt type 3 grade 1, each layer laid in hot asphalt over a coat of bituminous
primer with 75mm and 100mm side and end laps respectively.

5.13 Guarantee
The waterproofing work shall be guarantee for 10 years on the non judicial stamp paper of


6.1 General

All flooring shall be laid to the best practice known to the trade. The flooring shall be laid to the
level except where slopes are called for on the drawings in which case the slopes shall be
uniform and so arranged to drain in to the indicated outlets.

Particular care shall be exercised to ensure that all flooring, skirting and dado are perfectly
matched for colour and finish. Sufficient extra tiles (not less than 5%) shall be cast/ordered to
ensure an adequate supply of matched floor tiles. The contractor shall furnish for approval by
the Project Manager, samples of each type of floor finish.

6.2 Cement Concrete flooring (IPS Flooring)

Indian patent stone flooring shall be 40mm or of specified thickness and laid in two layers,
bottom layer 28mm thick or as specified in 1 part of portland cement, 2 parts of coarse sand
and 4 parts of crushed stone aggregate 12mm down well graded machine mixed with not
more than 5.5 gallons of water for each bag of cement and top layer 6mm thick in one part of
portland cement, 2.5 parts of selected crushed stone chips with just enough sand maximum
part to make workable mix, machine mixed with not more than 5 gallons of water. Top layer to
be laid before the bottom layer has hardened. Flooring shall be laid in squares or bays as
directed and each layers shall be well compacted by ramming with heavy teak wood floats.
The top shall be brought to a smooth and even surface free from blemishes and finished
smooth with neat cement by steel trowelling. The flooring shall be kept wet for seven days for

Where ironite/hardonite topping is specified in the "Bill of Quantities" the bottom layer shall be
50mm thick or in the item of B.O.Q. and the top layer shall be 12mm thick mixed with
ironite/hardonite as per manufacturers specification and finished fair.

6.3 Granolithic Flooring

The general specifications for granolithic floors, where called for, shall be as per the cement
flooring except that the top 12mm finish shall be of granolithic consisting of 1 part of cement
and 1.1/2 part of well graded crushed aggregate. The aggregate shall be of approved quality.

1. The surface to receive flooring shall be clean, free from dirt and free from foreign material.
2. Any undulations or mortar remaining on the floor shall be trimmed.
3. Base course shall be trimmed.
4. The base shall be cleaned and watered before laying the floor.
5. Work includes at all depths and heights.
6. The finished surface shall be kept wet for a maximum period of one week.


1. Concreting shall have a concrete base of M20 of specified thick.
2. Flooring shall have hard top on the concrete base.
3. Flooring shall be laid in strips, the size of which is mentioned on the drawings.

Cement - Portland
Sand - River sand
Aggregate - Max. size 10 to 20mm
Water - Potable
Floor hardener (Optional) - @3kG/Sqm

1. Mix cement, sand and aggregates as per grade M20 thoroughly with water to get an
appropriate consistency.
2. Prepared concrete shall be laid immediately after mixing.
3. The base shall be free from water and other foreign materials, dust and dirt.
4. A coat of cement slurry of the consistency of thick cream shall be brushed on the surface of
the base course.
5. The concrete shall then be spread over this base evenly and leveled carefully.
6. Low areas shall be filled with concrete and humps removed. Devacumisation shall be done
for removing the voids.
7. The whole concrete surface shall be leveled, compacted by ramming and trowelling.
8. Prepared surface shall be allowed to set.
9. Hardner screed
a) Hard top to be prepared as per the specifications with Nitohardner and one part of dry
b) The hard top shall be provided over concrete base immediately after it is set, compacted
and leveled with a steel trowel.
c) The surface shall be trowelled to bring the hardener coat to a leveled surface.
d) Excessive trowelling shall be avoided.
e) After the initial set, further compaction shall be done by steel trowelling.
f) Final brushing shall be made before the floor top becomes too hard.

1. Curing shall commence as soon as the surface is hard enough to receive the water.
2. The surface shall be covered with sacks or sand and shall be kept continuously wet for a
period of at least one week.


7.1 General

7.1.1 All plaster work shall be of the best workmanship and in strict accordance with the dimensions
of the drawings. All plastering shall be finished to true levels including plumbs, without
imperfections, and square with adjoining work. It shall form proper foundations for finishing
materials such as paint etc. Masonry and concrete surface to which plaster is to be applied
shall be clean, free from efflorescence, sufficiently rough and keyed to ensure proper bond.
7.1.2 Wherever directed all joints between RCC frames and masonry walls, shall be expressed by a
groove in the plaster. This groove will exactly coincide with the joint beneath. At the corners of
all windows and doors or other openings and wherever instructed, 24 gauge expanded
galvanized metal mesh strips 300 mm wide shall be placed diagonally to prevent plaster

7.1.3 Where grooves are not called for, the joint between concrete and masonry in filling, chasing
for conduits, pipes, boxes etc. shall be covered by 24 gauge expanded galvanized metal
strips, 300 mm wide installed before plastering. The contractor shall supply all necessary
labour, material, tools and scaffolding necessary for the completion of the work detailed. He
shall be responsible to take proper precautions to all works from damage. Any work rejected
through non-compliance with the specifications or damaged work shall be removed and
replaced at the expense of the contractor.

7.1.4 All chasing, installation of conduits, boxes, etc. shall be completed before any plastering is
commenced on a surface. Chasing or cutting of plaster will not be permitted. Broken corners
shall be cut back less than 150 mm on both sides and patched with plaster of Paris as
directed. All corners shall be rounded to a radius. Contractor shall get samples of each type of
plaster work approved by the Project Manager.

7.1.5 The materials used for plastering shall be proportioned by volume by means of gauge boxes.
Alternatively it may be required to proportion the materials by weight.

7.2 Plaster Work

7.2.1 The joints in the brick work, concrete blocks, shall be raked to a depth of 15 mm while the
masonry is green. Concrete surfaces to receive plaster shall be suitably roughened. All walls
shall be washed with water and kept damp for 10 hours before plastering.

7.2.2 The plaster unless specified otherwise shall be average of 15 mm thick on walls and minimum
6 mm thick for the ceiling. The finished texture shall be as approved by the Project Manager.
The mix for plaster unless otherwise specified, shall be one part cement and four parts sand,
to walls and one part cement, 3 parts sand to ceiling.

7.2.3 The interior plaster shall be applied in one coat only. The surface shall be trowelled smooth to
an approved surface. All plaster work shall be kept continuously wet for seven days.

7.2.4 The external plaster shall be minimum 20 mm. Preparations of walls to receive plaster work
shall be the same as in internal plaster. Both layers of all external plaster shall be
waterproofed with approved water proofing powder added to cement in proportion of 1.5 Kg. to
50 Kg. of cement as per the manufacturers' instruction, for both the coats.

7.2.5 For sand faced cement plaster, the finishing coat shall be in cement mortar 1:3, sand used
shall be of selected colour, properly graded and washed so as to give a grained texture.
Finishing plaster coat shall be 8 mm thick, uniformly applied and surface finished with special
rubbing by sponge pads and other tools and recommended by the Project Manager.

7.2.6 For rough cast plaster, the backing shall be floated with 3 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 with
fine sand, spread in small areas not exceeding 2 at a time. While this coat is still wet,
the rough cast containing a mixture of 1 part of cement, 2 parts of fine sand and 1 part of
gravel, 3 to 6 mm size, shall be dashed on the floating coat, to a uniform thickness of 15 mm
thick and finished even.

7.3 White Washing

7.3.1 White washing with Lime

The wash shall be prepared from fresh stone lime (Narnaul/Satna or Dehradun quality). The
lime shall be thoroughly slaked on the spot, mixed and stirred with sufficiencies to water to
make a thin cream. This shall be allowed to stand for a period of 24 hours and then shall be
screened through a clean coarse cloth. 40 gm of gum desolved in hot water, shall be added to
each 10 entire delimiters of cream. The approximate quantity of water to be added in making
ht cream will be 5 liters of water to 1 Kg. of lime.

Indigo (Neel) up to 3 gm. per Kg. of lime desolved in water, shall then be added and wash
stirred well. Water then shall be added at the rate of about 5 liters per Kg. of lime to produce a
milky solution.

7.3.2 Preparation of surface

Before white washing is started, the surface shall be thoroughly brushed free from mortar
droppings and foreign-matter. Any unevenness shall be made good by applying putty made of
plaster of Paris mixed with water on the entire surface including filling up the undulations and
then sand papering the same after it dry.

7.3.3 Application
The white wash shall be applied with moon brushes to the specified number of coats. The
operation for each coal shall consist of a stroke of the brush given from top downwards,
another from bottom upwards over the first stroke, and similarly one stroke horizontally from
the right and another from the left before it dries up.

7.4 White washing with whiting

Preparation of mix : Whiting (ground white chalk) shall be dissolved in sufficient quantity of
warm and thoroughly stirred to form a thin slurry which shall then be screened through a clean
coarse cloth. Two Kg. of gum and 0.4 Kg. of copper sulphate dissolved separately in hot water
shall be added for every cum of the slurry which shall then be diluted with water to the
consistency of milk also as to make a wash ready for use.

Other specifications described in above shall be applied in this case also.

7.5 Colour Washing

The mineral colours not affected by lime, shall be added to white wash. Indigo shall however,
not be added. No colour wash shall be done until a sample of the colour wash of the required
tint or shade has been got approved from the Project Manager. The colour shall be of even
tint or shade over the whole area.

A priming coat of white wash with lime or with whiting shall be applied. Three or more coats,
shall then be applied on the entire surface till it represents a smooth and uniform finish.
Other specifications described in above shall apply in this case also.

7.6 Cement Primer Coat

Cement primer shall be used as lease on wall finish of cement lime or lime cement plaster or
asbestos cement surface before oil distemper paints are applied on them. Only approved
cement primer shall be used. Primer coat shall be preferably applied by brushing and not by

Preparation of surface
The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, old white or colour wash by washing and
scrubbing. The surface then be allow to dry for atleast 48 hours. It shall then be sand papered
to give a smooth and even surface. Any unevenness shall be made good by applying putty,
made of plaster of Paris mixed with water on the entire surface including filling up the
undulations and then sand papering the same after it is dry.

Cement primer shall be applied with a brush. Horizontal strokes shall be given first and vertical
strokes shall be applied immediately afterwards. The entire operation will constitute one coat.
The surface shall be finished as uniformly as possible leaving no brush marks. It shall be
allowed to dry for atleast 48 hours, before oil emulsion paint is applied.
7.7 Cement Paint
Cement paint shall be (conforming to IS:5410 - 1969) of approved brand and manufacture.

Preparation of surface
The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all mortar dropping, dirt, dust, alga, grease and
other foreign matter by brushing and washing. The surface shall be thoroughly wetted with
clean water before the cement paint is applied.

Preparation of mix
Cement paint shall be mixed in such quantities as can be used up within an hour of its mixing
as otherwise the mixture will set and thicken, affecting flow and finish.

Cement paint shall be mixed with water in two stages. The first stage shall comprise of 2 parts
of cement paint and one part of water stirred thoroughly and allowed to stand for 5 minutes.
Care shall be taken to add the cement paint gradually to the water and not vice versa. The
second stage shall comprise of adding further one part of water to the mix and stirring
thoroughly to obtain a liquid of workable and uniform consistency. In all cases the
manufacturers instructions shall be followed meticulously. The lid of cement paint drums shall
be kept tightly closed when not in use, as by exposure to atmosphere the cement paint rapidly
becomes air set due to its hydrophobic qualities.

The solution shall be applied on the clean and wetted surface with brushes or spraying
machine. The solution shall be kept well stirred during the period of application. It shall be
applied on the surface which is on the shady side of the building so that the direct heat of the
sun on the surface is avoided. The method of application shall be as per manufacturer's
specifications. The completed surface shall be watered after day's work.

Water cement paint shall not be applied on surface already treated with white wash, colour
wash distemper dry or oil bound, varnishes, paints etc. It shall not be applied on gypsum,
wood and metal surfaces.

7.8 External Composite Insulated Finish

1. Checking the leveling and vertical degree of the substrate.
2. Preparing the bedding bonding mortar of approved make.
3. Back wrapping mesh at the openings like windows.
4. Applying adhesive mortar onto the unprinted side of the XPS/EPS which has been
brushed with primer.
5. Affixing XPS/EPS with hand pressure.
6. Drilling and installing fasteners within 8 to 24hrs .
7. Applying interfacial agent/primer onto the affixed foam board.
8. Preparing approved polymer mortar for the surface course
9. Back wrapping mesh reserved at door, windows and other penetrations
10. Smearing the base mortar for the first time
11. Embedding the mesh cloth
12. Smearing the base mortar for the second time
13. Filling the breaking points and expansion joints with approved seal paste.
14. Mending the scaffold openings and perform holes
15. Apply of the finish/texture/paint on dry surface.



8.1.1 This specification covers the fabrication and transportation to site and erection on prepared
foundations and structural steel work consisting of beams, columns, vertical trusses,
bracings, shear connections etc.

9.1.2 Fabrication, erection and approval of steel structures shall be in compliance with :
- These General Specifications and IS : 800 - 1984

- Drawings and supplementary drawings to be supplied to the contractors during

execution of the work.

8.1.3 Providing shop primer coat for steel structures. Grouting of holding-down bolt pockets and
below base plates where required.

8.1.4 In case of conflict between the Clauses mentioned here and the Indian Standards, those
expressed in this specification shall govern.

8.2 Scope

8.2.1 The fabrication and erection of the steel work consists of accomplishing of all jobs here-in
enumerated including providing all labour, tools and plant all materials and consumables
such as welding electrodes, bolts and nuts, oxygen and acetylene gases, oils for cleaning
etc. of approved quality as per relevant IS. The work shall be executed according to the
drawings, specifications, relevant codes etc. in an expeditious and workman like manner,
as detailed in the specifications and the relevant Indian Standard Codes and Standard
Practice and to the complete satisfaction of the Project Manager.

8.3 Fabrication Drawings

8.3.1 The contractor shall prepare all fabrication and erection drawings on the basis of design
drawings supplied to him and submit the same in triplicate to the Project Manager for
review, Project Manager shall review and comment, if any, on the same. Such review, if
any, by the Project Manager, does not relieve the contractor of any of his required
guarantees responsibilities. The contractor shall however be responsible to fabricate the
structurals strictly conforming to specifications and reviewed drawings.

8.3.2 Fabrication drawings shall include the following :

- Member sizes and details

- Types and dimensions of welds and bolts
- Shapes and sizes of edge preparation for welding
- Details of shop and field joints included in assemblies.

Bill of material

- Quality of structural steels, welding electrodes, bolts, nuts and washers etc. to be

- Erection assemblies, identifying all transportable parts and sub-assemblies,

associated with special erection instructions, if required.

- Calculations where asked for, for approval.

8.3.3 Connections, splices etc. other details not specifically detailed in design drawings shall be
suitably given on fabrication drawings considering normal detailing practices and
developing full member strengths. Where asked for calculations for the merit shall also be
submitted for approval.

8.3.4 Any alternate design or change in section is allowed when approved in writing by the
Project Manager.
8.3.5 However if any variation in the scheme is found necessary later, the contractor will be
supplied with revised drawings. The contractor shall incorporate these changes in his
drawings at no extra cost and resubmit for review.

8.3.6 Project Manager review shall not absolve the contractor of his responsibility for the
correctness of dimensions, adequacy of details and connections. One copy will be
returned reviewed with or without comments to the contractor for necessary action. In the
former case further three copies of amended drawings shall be submitted by the contractor
for final review.

8.3.7 The contractor shall supply three prints each of the final reviewed drawings to the Project
Manager within a week since final review, at no extra cost for reference and records.

8.3.8 The Project Manager will verify the correct interpretation of their requirements.

8.3.9 If any modification is made in the design drawing during the course of execution of the job,
revised design drawings will be issued to the contractor. Further changes arising out of
these shall be incorporated by the contractor in the fabrication drawings already prepared
at no extra cost and the revised fabrication drawings shall be duly got reviewed as per the
above Clauses.

8.4 Materials

8.4.1 Rolled Sections

The following grades of steel shall be used for steel structures :

Structural steel will generally be of standard quality conforming to IS: 226. Whenever
welded construction is specified plates of more than 20 mm thickness will generally
conform to IS: 2062.

8.4.2 Welding Materials

Welding electrodes shall conform to IS: 814.

Approval of welding procedures shall be as per IS: 823.

8.4.3 Bolts, Nuts & Washers

Bolts and nuts shall be as per IS: 1367 and tested as per IS:1608. It shall have a minimum
tensile strength of 44 Kg/mm2 and minimum elongation of 23% on a gauge length of 5.65
(A- Original cross sectional area of the gauge length). Washers shall be as per IS: 2016.

8.4.4 All materials shall conform to their respective specifications. The use of equivalent or
higher grade or alternate materials will be considered only in very special cases subject to
the approval of the Project Manager in writing.

8.4.5 Receipt & Storing of Materials

Steel materials supplied by the contractor must be marked for identification and each lot
should be accompanied by manufacturer's quality certificate, conforming chemical analysis
and mechanical characteristics.
All steel parts furnished by supplier shall be checked, sorted out, straightened, and
arranged by grades and qualities in stores.
Structurals with surface defects such as pitting, cracks, laminations etc. shall be rejected if
the defects exceed the allowable tolerances specified in relevant standards or as directed
by the Project Manager.

Welding wire and electrodes shall be stored separately by qualities and lots inside a dry
and enclosed room, in compliance with IS: 816 - 1969 and as per instructions given by the
Project Manager. Electrodes shall be perfectly dry and drawn from an electrode even, if

Checking of quality bolts of any kind as well as storage of same shall be made conforming
to relevant standards.

Each lot of electrodes, bolts, nuts, etc. shall be accompanied by manufacturer's test

The contractor may use alternative materials as compared to design specification only with
the written approval of the Project Manager.

8.4.6 Material Tests

The contractor shall be required to produce manufacturer's quality certificates for the
materials supplied by the contractor. Notwithstanding the manufacturer's certificates, the
Project Manager may ask for testing of materials in approved test houses. The test results
shall satisfy the requirements of the relevant Indian Standards.

Whenever quality certificates are missing or incomplete or when material quality differs
from standard specifications the contractor shall conduct all appropriate tests as directed
by the Project Manager at no extra cost.

Materials for which test certificates are not available or for which test results do not tally
with relevant standard specifications, shall not be used.

8.5 Fabrication

Fabrication shall be in accordance with IS: 800 Section V in addition to the following :

Fabrication shall be done as per approved fabrication drawings adhering strictly to work
points and work lines on the same. The connections shall be welded or bolted as per
design drawings. Work shall also include fabricating built up sections.

Any defective material used shall be replaced by the contractor at his own expense, care
being taken to prevent any damage to the structure during removal.

All the fabricated and delivered items shall be suitably packed to be protected from any
damage during transportation and handling. Any damage caused at any time shall be
made good by the Contractor at his own cost.

Any faulty fabrication pointed out at any stage of work shall be made good by the
contractor at his own cost.

8.5.1 Preparation of Materials

Prior to release for fabrication, all rolled sections warped beyond allowable limit shall be
pressed or rolled straight and freed from twists, taking care that an uniform pressure is

Minor warping, corrugations etc. in rolled sections shall be rectified by cold working.
The sections shall be straightened by hot working where the Project Manager so direct and
shall cooled slowly after straightening.

Warped members like plates and flats may be used as such only if wave like deformation
does not exceed L/1000 but limited to 10 mm (L-Length).

Surface of members that are to be jointed by lap or fillet welding or bolting shall be even so
that there is no gap between overlapping surfaces.

8.5.2 Marking

Marking of members shall be made on horizontal pads, of an appropriate racks or supports

in order to ensure horizontal and straight placement of such members.
Marking accuracy shall be atleast + 1 mm.

8.5.3 Cutting

Members shall be cut mechanically (by saw or shear or by oxyacetylene flame).

All sharp, rough, or broken edges, and all edges of joints which are subjected to tensile or
oscillating stresses, shall be ground.

No electric metal arc cutting shall be allowed.

All edges cut by oxyacetylene process shall be cleaned of impurities prior to assembly.

Cutting tolerances shall be as follows :

a) For members connected at both ends + 1 mm.

b) Elsewhere + 3 mm.

The edge preparation for welding of members more than 12 mm thick shall be done by
flame cutting and grinding. Cut faces shall not have cracks or be rough.

Edge preparation shall be as per IS : 823 - 1964.

8.5.4 Drilling

Bolts holes shall be drilled.

Drilling shall be made to the diameter specified in drawings.

No enlarging of holes filling, by mandrolling or oxyacetylene flame shall be allowed.

Allowed variations for holes (out-of-roundness, eccentricity, plumb-line deviation) shall be

as per IS:800.

- Maximum deviation for spacing of two holes on the same axis shall be + 1 mm.

- Two perpendicular diameters of any oval hole shall not differ by more than 1 mm.

Drilling faults in holes may be rectified by reaming the holes to the next upper diameter,
provided that spacing of new hole centres and distance of hole centres to the edges of
members are not less than allowed and that the increase of hole diameter does not impair
the structural strength. Hole reaming shall be allowed if the number of faulty holes does
not exceed 15% of the total number of holes for one joint.

8.5.6 Preparation of Members for Welding

Assembly of structural members shall be made with proper jigs and fixtures to ensure
correct positioning of members (angles, axes nodes etc.)

Sharp edges, rust of cut edges, notches, irregularities and fissures due to faulty cutting
shall be chipped or ground or filled over the length of the affected area, deep enough to
remove faults completely.

Edge preparation for welding shall be carefully and accurately made so as to facilitate a
good joint.

Generally no special edge preparation shall be required for members under 8 mm thick.

Edge preparation (bevelling) denotes cutting of the same so as to result in V, X K or U

seam shapes as per IS: 823.

The members to be assembled shall be clean and dry on the welding edges. Under no
circumstances shall wet, greasy, rust or dirt covered parts be assembled. Joints shall be
kept free from any foreign matter likely to get in to the gaps between members to be

Before assembly the edges to be welded as well as adjacent areas extending for atleast 20
mm shall be cleaned (until metallic polish is achieved).

When assembling members, proper care shall be taken of welding shrinkage and
distortions, as the drawing dimensions cover finished dimensions of the structure.

The elements shall be got checked and approved by the Project Manager or their
authorised representative before assembly.

The permissible tolerances for assembly of members preparatory to welding shall be as

per IS: 823-1964.

After the assemble has been checked, temporary tack welding in position shall be done by
electric welding, keeping in view finished dimensions of the structure.

8.5.7 Welding procedures

Welding shall be carried out only by fully trained and experienced welders as tested and
approved by the Project Manager. Any test carried out either by the Project Manager of
their representative or the inspectors shall constitute a right by them for such tests and the
cost involved thereon shall be borne by the contractor himself.

Qualification tests for welders as well as tests for approval of electrodes will be carried out
as per IS: 823. The nature of test for performance qualification of welders shall be
commensurate with the quality of welding required on this job as judged by the Project

The steel structures shall be automatically, semi-automatically or manually welded.

Welding shall begin only after the checks mentioned in Clause 5.1 to 5.6 have been carried

The welder shall mark with his identification mark on each element welded by him.
When welding is carried out in open air, steps shall be taken to protect the face of welding
against wind or rain. The electrodes, wire and parts being welded shall be dry.
Before beginning the welding operation, each joint shall be checked to ensure that the
parts to be welded are clean and root gaps provided as per IS: 823.

For continuing the welding of seems discontinued due to some reason, the end of the
discontinued seem shall be melted in order to obtain a good continuity. Before resuming
the welding operation, the groove as well as the adjacent parts shall be well cleaned for a
length of approx. 50 mm.

For single butt welds (in V, 1/2 V or U) and double butt welds (in K, double U etc.) the
rewelding of the root is mandatory but only the metal deposit on the root has been cleaned
by back gouging or chipping.

The welding seams shall be left to cool slowly. The contractor shall not be allowed to cool
the welds quickly by any other method.

For multi-layer welding, before welding the following layer, the formerly welded layer shall
be cleaned metal bright by light chipping and wire brushing. Backing strips shall not be

The order and method of welding shall be so that -

- No unacceptable deformation appears in the welded parts.

- Due margin is provided to compensate for contraction due to welding in order to avoid
any high permanent stresses.

The defects in welds must be rectified according to IS: 823 and as per instruction of Project

8.5.8 Weld Inspection

The weld seams shall satisfy the following :

- shall correspond to design shapes and dimensions.

- shall not have any defects such as cracks, incomplete penetration and fusion, under-
cuts, rough surfaces, burns, blow holes and porosity etc. beyond permissible limits.

During the welding operation and approval of finished elements, inspections and tests shall
be made as shown in annexure-B.

The mechanical characteristics of the welded joints shall be as in IS: 823.

8.5.9 Preparation of Members for Bolting

The members shall be assembled for bolting with proper jigs and fixtures to sustain the
assemblies without deformation and bending.

Before assembly, all sharp edges, shavings, rust dirt, etc. shall be removed.

Before assembly, the contacting surfaces of the members shall be cleaned and given a
coat of primer as per IS: 2074.

The members which are bolt assembled shall be set according to drawings and temporarily
fastened with erection bolts (minimum 4 pieces) to check the coaxiality of the holes.

The members shall be finally bolted after the deviations have been corrected, after which
there shall not be gaps.
Before assembly, the members shall be checked and got approved by the Project

The difference in thickness of the sections that are butt assembled shall not be more than
3% or maximum 0.8 mm whichever is less. If the difference is larger, it shall be corrected
by grinding or filling.

Reaming of holes to final diameter or cleaning of these shall be done only after the parts
have been check assembled.

As each hole is finished to final dimensions (reamed if necessary) it shall be set and bolted
up. Erection bolts shall not be removed before other bolts are set.

8.5.10 Bolting up

Final bolting of the members shall be done after the defects have been rectified and
approval of joints obtained.

The bolts shall be tightened starting from the centre of joint towards the edge.

8.5.11 Plaining of Ends

Planing of ends of members like column ends shall be done by grinding when so specified
in the design.

Planing of butt welded members shall be done after these have been assembled, the
spare edges shall be removed with grinding machines or files.

The following tolerances shall be permitted on member that have been planed.

- On the length of the member having both ends planed, maximum + 2 mm with
respect to design.

- Level differences of planed surfaces, maximum 0.3 mm.

- Deviation between planed surface and member's axis maximum 1/1500.

8.5.12 Holes for Field Joints

Holes for field joints shall be drilled in the shop to final diameters and tested in the shop,
with trial assemblies.

When three-dimensional assembly is not possible in the shop, the holes for field joints may
be drilled in shop and reamed on site after erection, on approval by the Project Manager.

For bolted steel structures, trial assembly in shop is mandatory.

The tolerance for spacing of holes shall be + 1 mm.

8.5.13 Tolerances

All tolerances regarding dimensions, geometrical shapes and sections of steel structures,
shall be as per Annexure B, if not specified in the drawing.

8.5.14 Marking for Identification

All elements and members prior to despatch for erection shall be shop marked.

The members shall be visibly marked with a weather proof light coloured paint. The size
and thickness of the numbers shall be chosen as to facilitate the indentification of

For the small members that are delivered in bundles or crates, the required marking shall
be done on small metal tags securely tied to the bundle, while the crates shall be marked

Each bundle or crate shall be packed with members for one and the same assembly; in the
same bundle or crate, general utility members such as bolts, quests etc. may be packed.

All bill of materials showing weight, quality and dimension of contents shall be placed in the

The members shall be marked with a durable paint, in a visible location, preferably at one
end of the member so that these may be easily checked during storage and erection.

All members shall be marked in the shop before inspection and acceptance.

When the member is being painted, the marking area shall not be painted but bordered
with white paint.

The marking and job symbol shall be registered in all shop delivery documents
(transportation, for erection etc.)

8.5.15 Shop Test Pre-assembly

For steel structures that have the same type of welding the shop test pre-assembly shall be
performed on one out of every 10 members minimum.

For bolted steel structures, shop test pre-assembly is mandatory for all elements as well as
for the entire structure in conformity with Clause 5.12.

8.6 Shop Inspection and Approval

8.6.1 General

The Project Manager or their representative shall have free access at all responsible times
to the contractors fabrication shop and shall be afforded all reasonable facilities for
satisfying himself that the fabrication is being undertaken in accordance with drawings and

Technical approval of the steel structure in the shop by the Project Manager is mandatory.

The contractor shall not limit the number and kinds of tests, final as well as intermediate
once, or extra tests required by the Project Manager.

The contractor shall furnish necessary tools, gauges, instruments etc. and technical non-
technical personnel for shop tests by the Project Manager, free of cost.
8.6.2 Shop Acceptance

The Project Manager shall inspect and approve at the following stages :

The following approvals may given in shop :

- Intermediate approvals of work that cannot be inspected later.

- Partial approvals

- Final approvals

Intermediate approval of work shall be given when a part of the work is preformed later :

- Cannot be inspected later

- Inspection would be difficult to perform and results would not be satisfactory.

Partial approval in the shop is given on members and assemblies of steel structures before
the primer coat is applied and includes :

- Approval of materials
- Approval of field joints
- Approval of parts with planed surfaces
- Test erection
- Approval of members
- Approval of markings
- Inspections and approvals of special features, like Rollers, loading platform
mechanism etc.

During the partial approval, intermediate approvals as well as all former approvals, shall be
taken in to consideration.

8.6.3 Final approval in the Shop

The final approval refers to all elements and assemblies of the steel structures, with shop
primer coat, ready for delivery from shop to be loaded for transportation, or stored.

The final approval comprises of :

- Partial approvals
- Approval of shop primer coat
- Approval of mode of loading and transport
- Approval of storage (for materials stored)

8.7 Painting and Delivery

8.7.1 Preparation of parts for shop painting

Painting shall consist of providing one coat of red oxide zinc chromate primer to steel
members before despatch from shop.

Primer coat shall not be applied unless :

- Surface have been wire brushed, cleaned of dust, oil, rust etc.

- Erection gaps between members, spots that cannot be painted or where moisture or
other aggressive agents may penetrate, have been filled with an approved type of oil
and putty.

- The surface to be painted are completely dry.

- The parts where water of aggressive agents may collect (during transportation,
storage, erection and operation) are filled with putty and provided with holes for
drainage of water.
- Members and parts have been inspected and accepted

- Welds have been accepted.

The following are not to be painted or protected by any other product :

- Surface which are in the vicinity of joints to be welded at site.

- Surfaces bearing markings

- Other surfaces indicated in the design.

The following shall be given a coat of hot oil or any approved resistant lubricant only.

- Planed surfaces
- Holes for links

The surfaces that are to be embedded or in contact with the concrete shall be given a cost
of cement wash.

The surfaces which are in contact with the ground, gravel or brick work and subject to
moisture, shall be given bituminous coat.

The other surfaces shall be given a primer coating.

Special attention shall be given to locations not easily accessible, where water can collect
and which after assembly and erection cannot be inspected, painted and maintained.
Holes shall be provided for water drainage and in accessible box type sections shall be
hermetically sealed by welds.

If specified elsewhere, in the schedule of quantities, the contractor shall paint further coats
of red-oxide after erection and placing in position of the steel structures.

8.7.2 Packing, transportation, delivery

After final shop acceptance and marking, the item shall be packed and loaded for

Packing must be adequate to protect item against warping during loading and unloading.

Proper lifting devices shall be used for loading, in order to protect items against warping.

Slender projecting parts shall be braced with additional steel bars, before loading, for
protection against warping during transportation.

Loading and transportation shall be done in compliance with transportation rules.

If certain parts cannot be transported in the lengths stipulated in the design, the position
and type of additional splice joints shall be approved by the Project Manager.

Items must be carefully loaded on platforms of transportation means to prevent warping,

bending or falling during transportation.

The small parts such as fish-plates, quests etc. shall be securely tied with wire to their
respective parts.

Bolts, nuts and washers shall be packed and transported in crates.

The parts shall be delivered in the order stipulated by the Project Manager and shall be
accompanied by document showing:

- Quality and quantity of structure or members

- Position of member in the structure
- Particulars of structure
- Identification number job symbol.

8.8 Field Erection

8.8.1 The erection work shall be permitted only after the foundation or other structure over which
the steel work will be erected is approved and is ready for erection.

8.8.2 The contractor shall satisfy himself about the levels, alignment etc. for the foundations well
in advance, before starting the erection. Minor chipping etc. shall be carried out by the
contractor on his expense.

8.8.3 Any faulty erection done by the contractor shall be made good at his own cost.

8.8.4 Approval by the Project Manager or their representatives at any stage of work does not
relieve the contractor of any of his required guarantees of the contract.

8.8.5 Storage and preparation of parts prior to erection

The storage place for steel parts shall be prepared in advance and got approved by the
Project Manager before the steel structures start arriving from the shop.

A platform shall be provided by the Contractor near the erection site for preliminary
erection work.

The contractor shall make the following verifications upon receipt of material at site.

- for quality certificates regarding materials and workmanship according to these

general specifications and drawings.
- Whether parts received are complete without defects due to transportation, loading
and unloading and defects, if any, are well within the admissible limit.

For the above work sufficient space must be allotted in the storage area.

Steps shall be taken to prevent warping of items during unloading.

The parts shall be unloaded, stored and stored so as to be easily identified.

The parts shall be stored according to construction symbol and markings so that these
may be taken out in order or erection.

The parts shall be at least 150 mm clear from ground on wooden or steel blocks for
protection against direct contact with ground and to permit drainage of water.

If rectification of members like straightening etc. are required, these shall be done in a
special place allotted which shall be adequately equipped.

The parts shall be clean when delivered for erection.

8.8.6 Erection & Tolerances

Erection in general shall be carried out as required and approved by the Project Manager.
Positioning and levelling of the structure, alignment and plumbing of the stanchion and
fixing every member of the structure shall be in accordance with the relevant drawings and
to the complete satisfaction of the Project Manager.

The following checks and inspection shall be carried out before during and after erection.

- damage during transportation

- accuracy of alignment of structures
- erection according to drawings and specifications
- progress and workmanship.

In case there be any deviations regarding positions of foundations or anchor bolts, which
would lead to erection deviations, the Project Manager shall be informed immediately.
Minor rectifications in foundations, orientation of bolts holes etc. shall be carried out as part
of the work, at no extra cost.

The various parts of the steel structure shall be so erected so to ensure stability against
inherent weight, wind and erection stresses.

The structure shall be anchored and final erection joints completed after plan and elevation
positions of the structural members have been verified with corresponding drawings and
approved by the Project Manager.

The bolted joints shall be tightened so that the entire surface of the bolt heads and nuts
shall rest on the member. For parts with sloping surfaces tapered washers shall be used.

8.9 Final acceptance and handing over the structure

8.9.1 At acceptance, the contractor shall submit the following documents :

- Shop and erection drawings - either in tracings or reproducible.

- 4 copies of each of the following :

 shop acceptance documents

 quality certificate for structural, plates, etc. (electrodes, welding wire, bolts,
nuts, washers etc.)
 List of certified welders who worked on erection of structures.
 acceptance and intermediate control procedure of erection operations.
8.9.2 Approval by the Project Manager at any stage of work does not relieve the contractor of
any of his required guarantees of the contract.

8.10 Method of Payments

8.10.1 Payment for steel work shall be made on basis of admissible weight of the structure
accepted, the weight being determined as described in such Clause 9.10.2 below :

The rate for supply, fabrication and erection, shall include cost of all handling and
transportation to Client's store/site o work where supply and fabrication only are involved,
trimming, straightening, edge preparation, preparation and getting reviewed of fabrication
drawings, and providing one or more coat of Red-oxide zinc chromate primer as specified
in the schedule of quantity.

In the case, Client supplies materials the rate shall include cost of steel materials taking
delivery of the materials, from Client's store all handling and rehandling, loading and
unloading, transport to site or work, returning of surplus materials to Client's stores etc.
complete as well as the cost of all handling and transport, scaffolding, temporary supports,
tools and tackles, touching up primer coat, grouting etc.

8.10.2 The actual lengths installed shall be measured and the weight of structural material/plate
shall be calculated wherever necessary on the basis of IS handbook. If sections are
different from IS section, then manufacturers handbook shall be adopted. No allowance in
weights shall be made for rolling tolerance.

8.10.3 Sections built out of plates, structural shall be paid on the actual weight incorporated
except for gussets which will be paid on the weight of the smallest rectangle enclosing the
shape. No deductions shall be made for skew cuts in rolled steel sections.

8.10.4 Welds, bolts, nuts, washers, etc. shall not be measured. Rate for structural steel work
shall be deemed to include the same.

8.10.5 No other payment either for temporary works connected with this contract or for any other
item such as welds, shims, pacing plates etc. shall be made. Such item shall be deemed
to have been allowed for in the rate quoted for steel work.

8.11 Grouting of Pockets

8.11.1 Grouting of pockets and under base plates will be done only after the steel work has been
levelled and plumbed and the bases of stranchions are supported by steel shims. The
space below the base plate and pockets shall be thoroughly cleaned.

8.11.2 The mortar used for grouting shall not be leaner than 1:2 (1 cement : 2 sand) (grade 300 in
case of concrete) and shall be mixed to the minimum consistency required. It shall be
poured under suitable head and tamped until the space has been completely filled.

8.12 Tolerances allowed in the erection of plant building without cranes

The maximum tolerances for line shall be conforming to IS 7215 (Latest Revision)

These tolerances shall apply to all parts of the structure unless the drawings issued for
erection purposes state otherwise.


Preamble to Specifications


9.1.1 Scope
This specification applies to the Piling Works be executed by the Contractor. It is to be read in
conjunction with and subject to the general conditions of contract and in conjunction with the
drawings, the schedule of rates and such other documents as may from time to time be
agreed upon as comprising part of this contract. Where these specifications are not clear,
relevant BIS codes and CPWD specifications shall be followed with prior permission of Project
9.1.2 Clearing
The contractor shall clear the site of all rubbish, remove all grass and low vegetation and
remove all bush wood, trees, stumps of trees, and other vegetation only after consultation with
the Project Manager as to which bushes and trees shall be saved. All disused foundations,
drains or other obstructions met with during excavation shall be dug out and cleared.

9.1.3 Site Levels

The contractor shall carry out the survey of the site and shall establish sufficient number of
grids and level marks to the satisfaction of the Project Manager, who shall decide on the basis
of this information, the general level of the plot and Pile cut of level.

9.1.4 Bench-marks
Prior to commencement of construction, the contractor shall in consultation with the Project
Manager, establish several site datum bench-marks, their number depending on the extent of
the site. The bench-marks shall be sited and constructed so as to be undisturbed throughout
the period of construction.

9.1.5 Site investigation

The Project Manager might have got the soil investigation done and if so, the report will be
handed over to the contractor for their scrutiny. The contractor shall however inspect the site
and study the findings from the trial pits or bores in order to assess the problems involved in
and methods to be adopted for Piling work. The contractor shall ascertain for himself all
information concerning the sub-soil conditions, Ground water table periods and intensity of
rainfall, flooding of the site and all data concerning Piling work. Any extra work required on this
account, nothing will be paid extra.

9.1.6 Setting out the work

The contractor shall set out the works and during the progress of Piling work shall amend at
his own cost any errors arising from inaccurate setting out.

During the execution of the work contractor must cross check his work with the drawings. The
contractor shall be responsible for all the errors in this connection and shall have to rectify all
defects and/or errors at his own cost, failing which the Project Manager reserves the right to
get the same rectified at the risk and cost of the contractor.

9.1.7 Cleaning up and handing over

Upon completion of the work all the areas should be cleaned. All rubbish due to any reason,
shall be removed daily from the site and an area of up to ten metres on the outer boundaries
of the premises will be cleaned by the contractor as a part of the contract. Upon completion of
the project, the contractor shall turn over to the Project Manager the following:
a) Written guarantee and certificates.
b) Final layout of piling plan
d) Top level of piles (concrete top)
9.1.8 Samples
The contractor shall submit to the Project Manager samples of all materials for approval and
no work shall commence before such samples are duly approved.. These samples will be
retained as standards of materials and workmanship. The cost of the samples shall be borne
by the contractor.

Date/s of the completion of the `Initial Test Piles’ and the Date/s by which the Project
Manager's inspection of such `Tests' should be completed and the Date/s by which the Project
Manager should fully approve the said Piles..

9.1.9 Tests
All materials and methods of tests shall conform to the latest rules, regulation and/or
specifications of the following authorities where specified herein as applicable. Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS), British Standards Code of Practice (BS) in case no equivalent BIS is
available. The Project Manager will have the option to have any of the materials tested and if
the test results show that the materials do not conform to the specifications, such materials
shall be rejected. A reasonable number of representative tests will be deemed to be included
in the rates tendered.

9.1.10 Mode of Measurements

All measurements will be taken in accordance with IS 1200 latest issue unless otherwise



The scope of work consists of:

Providing and laying pile foundation (piling work only) including Pile Capacity load test testing
etc. complete for Pile foundation work of City Centre block.


The work shall be done as per approved drawings and conforming to

a) Description of item in the schedule of quantities.

b) Particular specifications given herein.
c) National building code of India (Latest Edition)
d) IS codes of practice with upto date amendments:

i) IS-2911-1979: (Part1/Sec.2) IS code of practice for design and construction of pile

foundation Part -II – Bored Cast in situ pile

ii) IS 2911 (Part-1) Sec-3) IS code of practice for Driven Pre-cast Concrete piles
iii) IS-2911-1979 Part-IV- Load tests on piles

iv) IS 8009 Part–I and part-II - 1980: Calculation of settlement of shallow foundation
and deep foundations

v) IS-456-2000: Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.

vi) IS-1893-Part-I 2002: Criteria for Earthquake resistant design of structures

vii) IS-13920-1993: Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structure subjected to

seismic forces.

viii) All other relevant IS codes of practice (Latest additions)

e) CPWD specifications with upto date corrections including revised specification for
chapter on concrete and reinforcement concrete 2002.

f) Directions of the Engineer in charge.

9.2.3 In case of any conflict or variation or omission between in any of the above mentioned
stipulations, these shall prevail in the same order as given above.


The reinforced concrete shall be machine batched design mix concrete of specified grade,
manufactured in a ready mixed concrete plant All operations design of concrete mix for
required slump and strength, preparation of ready mixed concrete, proportion of admixtures if
any, moisture determination in aggregates grading and quantity of aggregate, and other
materials, placing in positions with tremix, pumping, and testing of concrete etc. shall all be
subject to approval of engineer in charge.
The Engineer in charge may order volume batching at his sole description at any time, should
ready mixed concrete not give satisfactory results of strength or suffer segregation, as
decided by Engineer in charge. In such event the following correlation shall be followed:

Grade Volume mix

M-30 1:1:2
M-25 1:11/4:21/2
M-20 1:11/2:3

Nothing extra shall be paid for the same, and contractor should ensure specified strength of
concrete at his risk & cost.

Only ordinary Portland cement 43/53 grade of approved make shall be used. Puzzolona / fly
ash cement shall not be permitted.

The contractor shall himself procure cement and store them in protected godowns. Which
shall be constructed by him within the tendered item rates for the work and nothing extra shall
be paid for the same.

A complete testing laboratory for materials, concrete etc. shall be established by the
contractor at site before the commencement of works operations, without any extra cost. The
testing equipment has to be supplemented as directed by Engineer in charge from time to
time. Nothing extra shall be payable for testing, except for load testing of piles as mentioned in
the tender schedule.

All piles shall be bored cast-in-situ piles of any dia of required length from cut off level
designed to carry specified safe load carrying capacity per pile (safe bearing capacity)
conforming to I.S 2911 part-I section-2-1979 with upto date amendments.

Boring shall be done by percussion or rotary drilling as per specified entire depth of pile.
The length of pile may be increased or decreased as required for the specified safe load
bearing capacity at the discretion of Engineer.

Cement contents in reinforced cement concrete shall be as per actual design. However it shall
not be less than the quantities given below:

M-30 = 400 kg. of cement per cum of concrete

Follow detail specifications for RCC work described in item 3. however the stipulations
mentioned above shall prevail upon these of item-3, incase of any confilict.

One test pile shall be installed and tested as soon as the work is commenced to determine the
safe bearing capacity of the pile

Nothing extra shall be paid for any temporary works, site office, etc.

Load Testing of test piles in the diameters 1000 mm dia and 600 dia.

9.2.4 Adjacent Structures:

When working near existing structure care shall be taken to avoid damage to such structures.
Fig.I of IS :2974 (Part-I)-1969 may be used as guide for studying qualitatively the effect of
vibration of persons and structures.

9.9.5 Casting and Curing:

The piles should be cast in a continuous operation from end to end of each pile. The concrete
should be thoroughly compacted against the forms and around the reinforcement by means of
immersion and / or shutter vibrators. The faces of the pile including those exposed at the top
of pile should be dense as far as possible. Immediately on completion of the casting the top
surface should be finished level without excessive trowelling. Care should be taken to ensure
that vibration from adjoining work does not affect the previously placed concrete for piles
during the setting period.

9.9.6 Testing of piles:

The safe load capacity of 1000 dia pile and 25 m long shall have minimum 375 T safe load

The safe load capacity of 600 dia pile and 20 m long shall have minimum 240 T safe load

All piles to be tested for pile integrity test.

The contractor shall be responsible to get necessary permission for driving piles in respect of
Noise / Disturbance of driving.

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