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Sports and Games

 List down 10 different sports and games (5 sports, 5


A. Sports
1. Volleyball, game played by two teams, usually of six players
on a side, in which the players use their hands to bat a ball
back and forth over a high net, trying to make the ball touch
the court within the opponents’ playing area before it can be
returned. To prevent this a player on the opposing team bats
the ball up and toward a teammate before it touches the
court surface that teammate may then volley it back across
the net or bat it to a third teammate who volleys it across the
net. A team is allowed only three touches of the ball before it
must be returned over the net.
Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan,
physical director of the Young Men’s Christian Association
(YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts. It was designed as an
indoor sport for businessmen who found the new game of
basketball too vigorous. Morgan called the sport
“mintonette,” until a professor from Springfield College in
Massachusetts noted the volleying nature of play and
proposed the name of “volleyball.” The original rules were
written by Morgan and printed in the first edition of the
Official Handbook of the Athletic League of the Young Men’s
Christian Associations of North America (1897). The game
soon proved to have wide appeal for both sexes in schools,
playgrounds, the armed forces, and other organizations in
the United States, and it was subsequently introduced to
other countries.
2. Basketball, game played between two teams of five players
each on a rectangular court, usually indoors. Each team tries
to score by tossing the ball through the opponent’s goal, an
elevated horizontal hoop and net called a basket.
Basketball players cannot kick the ball or hit it with their
fist. No player can touch the basketball while it is traveling
downward towards the basket or if it is on the rim. This is
called goaltending. (touching the ball on the rim is legal in
some games).
In the early years the number of players on a team
varied according to the number in the class and the size of
the playing area. In 1894 teams began to play with five on a
side when the playing area was less than 1,800 square feet
(167.2 square metres); the number rose to seven when the
gymnasium measured from 1,800 to 3,600 square feet
(334.5 square metres) and up to nine when the playing area
exceeded that. In 1895 the number was occasionally set at
five by mutual consent; the rules stipulated five players two
years later, and this number has remained ever since.
3. Baseball, game played with a bat, a ball, and gloves
between two teams of nine players each on a field with four
white bases laid out in a diamond (i.e., a square oriented so
that its diagonal line is vertical). Teams alternate positions as
batters (offense) and fielders (defense), exchanging places
when three members of the batting team are “put out.” As
batters, players try to hit the ball out of the reach of the
fielding team and make a complete circuit around the bases
for a “run.” The team that scores the most runs in nine
innings (times at bat) wins the game.
The term base-ball can be dated to 1744, in John
Newbery’s children’s book A Little Pretty Pocket-Book. The
book has a brief poem and an illustration depicting a game
called base-ball. Interestingly, the bases in the illustration are
marked by posts instead of the bags and flat home plate now
so familiar in the game. The book was extremely popular in
England and was reprinted in North America in 1762 (New
York) and 1787 (Massachusetts).
4. Badminton, court or lawn game played with lightweight
rackets and a shuttlecock. Historically, the shuttlecock (also
known as a “bird” or “birdie”) was a small cork hemisphere
with 16 goose feathers attached and weighing about 0.17
ounce (5 grams). These types of shuttles may still be used in
modern play, but shuttles made from synthetic materials are
also allowed by the Badminton World Federation. The game
is named for Badminton, the country estate of the dukes of
Beaufort in Gloucestershire, England, where it was first
played about 1873.
Points are scored by striking the shuttlecock with the
racquet and landing it within the opposing side's half of the
court. Each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before
it passes over the net.
The roots of the sport can be traced to ancient Greece,
China, and India, and it is closely related to the old children’s
game battledore and shuttlecock. Badminton is derived
directly from poona, which was played by British army
officers stationed in India in the 1860s. The first unofficial all-
England badminton championships for men were held in
1899, and the first badminton tournament for women was
arranged the next year.
5. Golf, a cross-country game in which a player strikes a small
ball with various clubs from a series of starting points (teeing
grounds) into a series of holes on a course. The player who
holes his ball in the fewest strokes wins. The origins of the
game are difficult to ascertain, although evidence now
suggests that early forms of golf were played in the
Netherlands first and then in Scotland.
A golden rule in golf is to play the ball as it lies. That is,
where it comes to rest. You can't move the ball to a preferred
spot (or get your caddie to do it for you). You also can't make
the ball lie better by either pressing your club behind the ball
to flatten the ground or pressing behind the ball with your
The origin of golf has long been debated. Some
historians trace the sport back to the Roman game of
paganica, which involved using a bent stick to hit a wool- or
feather-stuffed leather ball. According to one view, paganica
spread throughout several countries as the Romans
conquered much of Europe during the 1st century BC and
eventually evolved into the modern game. Others cite
chuiwan (ch’ui-wan) as the progenitor, a game played in
China during the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) and earlier and
described as “a game in which you hit a ball with a stick
while walking.” Chuiwan is thought to have been introduced
into Europe by traders during the Middle Ages. However,
upon close examination, neither theory is convincing.
B. Games
1. Tag, also called touch, or tig, children’s game in which, in its
simplest form, the player who is “it” chases the other players,
trying to touch one of them, thereby making that person “it.”
The game is known by many names, such as leapsa in
Romania and kynigito in parts of modern Greece. In some
variants the children pretend that the touch carries some
form of contagion ex: plague (Italy), leprosy (Madagascar),
fleas (Spain), or “lurgy fever” (Great Britain). In others, a
method of achieving immunity from touch is prescribed, as
by touching wood, iron, or a specified colour or assuming a
particular position (e.g., squatting).
Often limitations or handicaps are imposed on the
chaser: the child may be required to clasp hands and imitate
a horned animal (stag, bull, or goat) or squat and hop like a
frog while the others caper freely around him. In some
games the chaser throws a ball at the intended victim. As a
game progresses, the original chaser may enlist those
touched to help catch the others; sometimes the captives link
hands to form a chain, with the players on either end making
the capture.
2. Dodgeball, children’s game that requires a large, soft rubber
ball, the size of a volleyball or beachball, and several
players. Ten or more makes a good game.
Dodgeball Originated in Africa. They would literally
throw rocks at each other with the intention of incapacitating
them. Some scholars think it went even further than that, and
that it was a game played to the death. ... Other scholars
believe the game originated in Asia, Greece, or
Mesoamerica as early as 500 BC.
Dodgeball has three basic forms: one team against
another team; one player against all the other players; or
every man for himself. A popular version is circle dodge: in
one variation the players form a circle about 30 feet (9 m) in
diameter and throw the ball, trying to hit a single player, or an
equal number of players, within the circle. If a dodger within
the circle is hit, he is out of the game; if the dodger manages
to catch the ball, the thrower is out of the game and the
dodger who caught the ball can try to hit a player on the
outside circle. The game goes on until all the players but one
have been hit. In the every-man-for-himself version, one
player who is the thrower tries to hit the other players and
any dodger who is hit is out of the game. A dodger who
catches the ball thrown at him becomes the thrower. The last
surviving player wins.
3. Rock paper scissors is often used as a fair choosing
method between two people, similar to coin flipping, drawing
straws, or throwing dice in order to settle a dispute or make
an unbiased group decision.
Rock Paper Scissors is one of the few sansukumi-ken
games still played in modern Japan. It’s uncertain why Rock
Paper Scissors managed to surpass the popularity of all the
other sansukumi-ken games. Everyone believes that the
global success of rock paper scissors comes from the
universal appeal of its simplicity. Unlike other sansukumi-ken
games, rock paper scissors could be easily understood by
any audience.
A player who decides to play rock will beat another
player who has chosen scissors ("rock crushes scissors" or
sometimes "blunts scissors"), but will lose to one who has
played paper ("paper covers rock"); a play of paper will lose
to a play of scissors ("scissors cuts paper").
4. Crab soccer is an informal sport played by two teams,
commonly in physical education classes. As with regular
soccer, the objective is to kick an inflated ball into a goal to
score the most points. Unlike soccer, players support
themselves on their hands and move with their feet, in
motions that make them look like crabs, a method known as
crab walking. Crab soccer can be played either outdoors or
in a gymnasium, and is more commonly thought of as being
a sport mostly played by children. The game can be played
with a regular soccer ball, but is often played with a cage
Crab Soccer is a variation of soccer that has been
modified over the years. In America and Australia it is known
as Crab Soccer, but in Britain it is known as Crab Football.
The game of soccer originated in Britain in 1863. Since then,
Crab Soccer was created for a fun and different way for kids
to play soccer.
Only movement in the crab position is allowed for the
entire game. Players can only kick or hit the ball with their
feet and/or head;€“ no hands are allowed. The leader drops
the ball in the center of the field for a kick-off to begin the
game, as well as after each point is scored.
5. Hide-and-seek, old and popular children’s game in which
one player closes his or her eyes for a brief period (often
counting to 100) while the other players hide. The seeker
then opens his eyes and tries to find the hiders; the first one
found is the next seeker, and the last is the winner of the
round. In one of many forms of the game, the hiders try to
run back to “home base” while the seeker is away looking for
them; if all of the hiders return safely, the seeker repeats as
seeker in the next round.
Hide-and-seek was described by a Greek writer named
Julius Pollux in the 2nd century BCE, which is really taking it
way back. He calls the game apodidraskinda and describes it
as something nearly identical to today's version of hide-and-
seek. Today in Greece, hide-and-seek is called kryfto. Pollux
was a Greek scholar and rhetorician who rose to success in
Athens and Egypt, and he actually isn't the only person to
record hide-and-seek throughout history. In Elizabethan
England, it is mentioned in this text, except it describes the
children using blindfolds. And around the same time, hide-
and-seek makes an appearance in Shakespeare's Love's
Labors Lost, when he says, "All hid, All hid, an old infant


 Essay

Before the outbreak of the pandemic throughout the entire world,

sports is one of the crucial factors for us to stay fit and healthy.
We were used to seeing kids and adults alike playing outside
under the sun. But nowadays all we can see is silence like an
abandoned town. This has been a major change to all of us and
not only the athletes due to covid-19, we were forced to stay
indoors and do thing while waiting for hope that one day we can all
stop playing virtually and start playing in reality.
Sports is not only a matter of competitiveness held in big
competitions internationally. It is also a past time for many people
that they spend most of their time into. I myself used to play a lot
outside like volleyball and badminton. These days I mostly stay
locked up in my house scrolling through social media, waiting for
something new, letting my time waste as each hour passes by.
Since there is an ongoing pandemic among us all forms of sport
competitions were cancelled as well. It made me realize that sports
was not only a way to stay fit, be competitive and have fun but it is
also a form of entertainment that create bonds with many people
alike. Tricycle drivers back then would all hang out by the
television to watch Manny Pacquiao knock out his opponents in
less than three rounds or so. Teenagers would also gather around
the classroom to watch the latest match of their favorite basketball
teams. But now there is nothing to watch but Netflix that charges
us for more money in each new episodes of different shows. The
pandemic has surely affected a lot of us in a lot of ways. In order
for us to stay safe and health we are also forced to let go of our
active status in our fitness life making us gain weight or even lose
some. This new way of lifestyle is something we must adapt to as
long as covid-19 is still active outside our homes. For now we must
do everything that we can to stop the pandemic in order for us to
get back into sports and live in an active fitness life once more.
Being active in sports than being inactive surely makes a big
difference in our lives. It just shows how much of an impact sports
has in our lives. It not only makes us fit, stay healthy, play with
many people, and entertain us but it also defines most of us of who
we are. Sports shows us what we are truly capable of in
participating in it. It makes us feel complete while moving around
freely in this world.

1. How can you promote and active lifestyle in your home, at the
school (once you are all back) and at the community?
I will encourage each and one of the people at my home, school
and community to get back into a healthy lifestyle by showing them
how important it is in our lives. I’m going to invite people one at a
time in workouts, sports and many more until more people joins in
as well. To promote it even further I’ll even ask people who are in
the higher positions and my parents to help me in promoting my
ideas for an active lifestyle.
2. Are you physically active?
If yes, what are your physical exercises and how well do you
maintain your fitness’.
Yes, I do light workouts like squats, plank, simple leg raises and
more to maintain my body composition. Along with my workouts is
a proper diet in which I only intake the nutrition that is only
necessary for my body each day. I avoid any foods that I don’t
need to eat or if I’m not that hungry.

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