Using The FIBA Scoresheet: Pre-Game Fouls

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Using the FIBA Scoresheet

• First named Team is the A team. • Personal fouls are recorded beside the
• Second named Team is the B team. player’s number and in the Team Foul
• If a team presents fewer than 12 boxes.
players, draw a line through the P
• Personal Foul – Side Ball
remaining spaces for the number,
Personal Foul – One Free Throw
name etc.
Personal Foul – Two Free Throws
At the ends of each period, circle (‘O’) the
Personal Foul – Three Free
last score for both teams. Using one thick P3 Throws
line underlining both the score and the
number of the player who scored those Technical Foul against a Player –
T2 Two free throws and mid court
Enter score of that period in the possession.
Unsportsmanlike Foul –Number of
designated box at the bottom of the
U Free Throws as directed by the
Rule a vertical line at the end of player’s referee and mid court possession.
st nd rd
fouls for the 1 , 2 and 3 period. Disqualifying Foul – Number of Free
Place 2 parallel lines = for unused time- D Throws as directed by the referee
outs of each half. and mid court possession.

POST-GAME ** Coach Technical Fouls and Bench

At the end of the game, circle (“O”) the Technical Fouls are recorded against the
score for both teams using thick lines = coach and are NOT Team Fouls.
underline both the score and the number
of the player who scored those points. Bench Technical Foul - Two Free
Draw a diagonal line to the bottom of the B2 Throws and mid court possession
column (running score). – recorded against the coach.
Place 2 parallel lines = through unused
time-outs and team fouls. Coach Technical Foul – Two Free
Place 1 line through unused player, coach C2 Throws and mid court possession
and assistant coach foul boxes. – recorded against the coach
Enter the final score and the name of the
winning team. Team Fouls are recorded in the boxes
All Scoretable Officials shall print their below the Teams Name. Whenever a
name in upper case on the scoresheet. player commits a personal, technical,
unsportsmanlike or disqualifying foul, the
SCORING scorer shall record the foul against the
team of that player by marking a large ‘X’
in the designated spaces in turn.

1st Quarter X X X X
2nd Quarter X X = =

At the end of each quarter: place 2 parallel

lines = in unused team foul boxes
Time-outs are recorded in the boxes below
2 Points scored to Number 6. the team’s name by entering the minute of
3 points scored to number 7 the playing time of the period or extra
1 Free throw made to number 8. period in the appropriate boxes below the
Missed free throws are NOT recorded. team name.
1 Half 5 =
2 Half 4 7 =
At the end of each half or extra period,
unused time-outs shall have 2 parallel
lines = drawn inside the boxes
• At least 5 minutes before the game both coaches shall:
- Confirm their agreement with the names and the corresponding
numbers of their team members. If there is a player listed on the
scoresheet who is no longer participating in the tournament please put
a line through their full name in order for them to be removed from the
scoresheet for future games.
- Include the names of the coach and assistant coach on the
- Indicate the five (5) players who are to start the game by marking a
small ‘x’ beside the player’s number in the ‘Player in’ column.
- Sign the scoresheet
- The coach of team ‘A’ shall be the first to provide the above
• At the beginning of the game, the scorer shall circle the small ‘x’ of the five (5)
players in each team who are to start the game.
• During the game, the scorer shall draw a small ‘x’ (not circled) in the ‘Player
in’ column, beside the number of a player when he/she enters the game for
the first time as a substitute
• Red and black (or red and blue) pens should be used on the scoresheet – it is
important to alternate each quarter – start with red and finish with black/blue
• Important information in regard to jump balls and alternating possession in
which the scoretable personnel need to be aware of includes:
- The team that does not gain control of the live ball on the playing court
after the jump ball which began the first period will start the alternating
- The team entitled to the alternating possession throw-in shall be
indicated by the alternating possession arrow in the direction of the
opponents’ basket. The direction of the alternating possession arrow
is reversed immediately when the alternating possession throw-in
- The team entitled to the next alternating possession at the end of any
period shall start the next period with a throw-in at the centre line
extended, opposite the scorer’s table. Ensure the direction of the
arrow is immediately reversed after the throw-in.
- End of 2nd quarter, adjust arrow due to teams swapping baskets –
advise referees when this has been done
• At the end of the game the scorer shall complete the summary sheet and
check all player points totals add up to the game total. Please ensure all
players are listed on the summary sheet in order of player number and not the
order in which they score points.

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