Updated - Understanding Roels, Responsibilities and Relations in Education and Training

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Table of Contents
1.1 Teaching role and responsibilities in education and training................................................................3
1.2 Key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and
1.3 Ways to promote equality and diversity................................................................................................6
1.4 Importance to identify and meet individual learner needs...................................................................6
2.1 Ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment............................................................8
2.2. Important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others...............................................10
3.1 The teaching role involves working with other professionals..............................................................12
3.2 Boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles..................................................12
3.3 Points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners.................................................................13

Table of Figures:
Figure 1 The Teaching and Learning Cycle...................................................................................................4
Figure 2 Equality and Diversity Act..............................................................................................................5
Figure 3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs........................................................................................................7
Figure 4 Kolb’s Learning Cycle.....................................................................................................................8
Figure 5 Creating a Safe Learning Environment...........................................................................................9
Figure 6 The Cycle of Respect....................................................................................................................10

Students have a wide determination of needs and requirements and it is fundamental to

recognize and meet their specific needs. Distinguishing a specific need may occur, the most

well-known time is during the student induction period, however, their conditions can change

or they may have been concealing a specific need, thus teachers and staff should consistently

hope to recognize a person's needs. When a learner's need has been distinguished it is

fundamental that if it is beyond the extent of a teacher's job, they refer their student to an

appropriately trained professional or office if they cannot manage their needs. Even if the

teachers feel it is within the extent of their teaching role, it is ideal to look for counsel or refer

the student to somebody who can help as teaching establishments have professionals who are

prepared in specific areas that teachers are not or are not prepared as thoroughly.

1.1 Teaching role and responsibilities in education and training

An important aim for an instructor is to assist the students in order to give them the

stage to accomplish their learning aim. Within the job of a trainer or teacher, the individual may

likewise need to accept different jobs, relying upon their real occupation job, if they are to

guarantee that their students are learning something. Responsibility for learning and educating

is fundamental to progress since these are the two parts that complement one another. If a

teacher does not assume the liability for instructing against his or her students, the teacher

cannot expect that the students should figure out how to learn, and cannot persuade them to

be fruitful (Mevlut Gunduz., 2016). The teacher or trainer recognizes the client and the

applicable association. This is significant as it allows preparation that gives the student the most

reasonable way to accomplishment in their preferred subject. It is the duty of the teacher to
evaluate the student information so that improvement can be checked and used to settle on

choices on coming teaching. It can support evaluating learning out whenever and used to

assess the adequacy of different stages. More duties and responsibilities comprise personal

conduct, succeeding proficient rules, setting a unique model by being a decent example, and

having a hold on the information related to the subject.

Figure 1 The Teaching and Learning Cycle

1.2 Key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of

practice relating to own role and responsibilities
The instructors consistently need to shield themselves and the most perfect approach to

do it is to adhere to the strategies for specific practices. Teachers are the model for their

students, they should not abuse, discriminate, dress inappropriately, and be messy of late. It

comes on the side of all the instructors as a direction to a way to be an excellent instructor

(citizens advice., 2021). In a constantly emerging culture, the job of teaching is becoming

important and more complex. Equality and Diversity Act (2010) aims at securing disabled

students and prevent discrimination based on disability as it gives lawful rights to them in

education, admittance to public offices or administrations within a legitimate long-lasting

learning institute. Considering and understanding this Act is vital for a teacher to survey each

student's needs and to address these issues.

Figure 2 Equality and Diversity Act

The institution should make it obligatory for the instructors and students to consider

and agree with the Wellbeing and safety at work Act 1974. It guarantees they put the health of

representatives and students first. As trainers, they should limit the dangers associated with

repetitive strain injury (RSI) among the students. Disability Act (2010) includes the individuals

who got a medical state that needs extra care and special consideration and assists them, as

instructors to handle them similarly and not let them feel like they are getting avoided (bartleby

et al., 2021). It sets out when somebody is viewed as disabled and protected with

discrimination. It incorporates the idea that students are disabled if they have a mental or

physical impairment.

1.3 Ways to promote equality and diversity
Diversity and Equality, or multiculturalism, is encouraging and dealing with the contrasts

between individuals. Diversity is about perceiving and regarding these distinctions to generate a

comprehensive atmosphere. Promoting equality in education is fundamental for both teachers

and the students (Ashe & Nazroo., 2017). Such information causes them to comprehend how

they ought to be treated and how to deal with others.

When the teachers endorse equality and show such subjects, the teachers can create a

non-violent environment for the students to trial, talk about, discover, and form morals,

standards, and conclusions. When the students are trained to regard diversity, they get

information and consideration that can assist them with improving the professional

connections, and deal with prejudgment (cpdonline., 2021). The teachers can play their role by

Evading stereotypes in resources and examples, creating a comprehensive culture for staff

members and the students, and actively promoting multiculturalism in the lesson. It can also

include using assets with multicultural themes and arranging activities that mirror the diversity

of the classroom.

1.4 Importance to identify and meet individual learner needs

The teachers should accept that all of the learners must secure equivalent prospects,

education, and upcoming aspirations from their knowledge. The teacher should understand

that they can meet the students with numerous elements. They will train learners that are

disabled or challenged. Because of this, it is of great worth that a teacher identifies and deals

with the matters of the students without discernment. Every student is interesting and brings

to the appropriate environment for learning their diverse style of learning, the pool of skills,

knowledge, and inspiration (pcrest., 2021). In student-focused instruction, it is important for

the teachers to think about the level of information and ability improvement attained by the

learners prior to guidance.

Figure 3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Learners, particularly young ones, are typically going through the method towards

considering their capabilities. The teacher is sufficiently capable to tell that a student has a

special ability or expertise. When the teacher differentiates them and offers the fundamental

support, they assist the learners with finding and develop them (Master et al., 2016). For

example, the instructor will realize how to design the schedule for guiding, general

management, and interactions among different students. Every action considers the needs and

wants of the students with the end goal that all the needs of the students are met.

Figure 4 Kolb’s Learning Cycle

2.1 Ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment

It is important to encourage a learning environment in which the students have a sense

of security, and willing to deal with the challenges, especially for learners who may do not have

positive views about the traditional classroom. Teachers need to help the students and provide

them with a safe and supportive classroom environment that facilitates the commitment and

active participation of all the students (Timothy C. Clapper., 2010). The adult education

classroom can assume an important part in assisting the students with building up to larger and

stronger networks. Classrooms give the students and staff companionship, abilities, and

contacts beyond their immediate networks. Purposefully developing connections and

relationships in the classroom can develop significant, supportive connections among the

teachers and the students.

Figure 5 Creating a Safe Learning Environment

The determination of the students and the belief that they can accomplish their

objectives are significant influences in their perseverance in progressing learning. Grown-up

learners may have negative sentiments about themselves because of school, because of

disappointment experienced in their lives, losing employment, or not having the option to read

and write well. Nonverbal messages are a fundamental segment of communication in teaching

students. It is not just what the teachers say to their students that is important yet in addition

how they say it (Simon Pickstone-Taylor., 2015). The teachers should include the students as

active members in learning. Students memorize things by practicing, making planning,

composing, creating, and managing. They should change their teaching strategies. The teachers

should incorporate pretending, debates, conversation, demonstrations, brainstorming, varying

media presentations, contextual investigations, small group work, and guest speakers.

2.2. Important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for
Teachers should show others how it is done and model great practice. If they show

appropriate behaviour, ideally their learners will emulate this. They consider acting with

honesty, carrying on in the way for the job, and respecting other colleagues and staff members.

It is important to show that all the students have similar guidelines which will promote equality

within the classroom. If all the students follow the standard procedures, they are less inclined

to be problematic, which may keep others in the class from learning. It is vital to challenge any

inappropriate behaviour by giving immediate feedback, the behaviour should not be repeated if

negative input is given. Giving immediate criticism, whether negative or positive, should

empower the students and learners to carry on with a particular goal in mind (myqual., 2021).

Encouraging appropriate behavior and respect is significant in assisting with creating a

reasonable environment for learners to work in. Building up guidelines almost immediately with

learners can help with raising the emerging issues later on.

Figure 6 The Cycle of Respect

Lessons are changed and intriguing as this will assist to lessen the number of disruptions

in the class. If the appropriate behaviour is not kept up the class will not work appropriately,

this will bring about the students being not able to learn, students getting frustrated, bringing

about low attendance, and health and safety concerns (Canute S. Thompson., 2018). They can

improve the behaviour by being efficient and eager, having a great interest in your students and

energy for the subject, and testing inappropriate behaviour. It should also include keeping the

meetings active at every opportunity, the teachers should include all learners during

conversations and activities. The teachers should not show favouritism, losing temper,

conveying intimidations, or contacting learners inappropriately.

3.1 The teaching role involves working with other professionals

The instructors will be needed to work with other professionals notwithstanding their

students. They will work with other teachers or trainers, cleaning staff, administration staff,

specialists, overseers, and many other jobs relying on their institution. Like, the instructor may

need to deal with ICT specialists to set up a projector to deliver a lesson (Bautista & Ortega-

Ruiz., 2015). The challenge of accommodating the needs of youngsters with educational and

associated health needs is at the core of collaborative working practices (complexneeds., 2021).

The foundation of a child-focused and comprehensive method is crucial for assisting youngsters

with making the best of their abilities. In the school setting, staff works together to guarantee

that every kid gets an integrated and co-ordinated arrangement in response to their individual


3.2 Boundaries between the teaching role and other professional

Instructors are needed to keep up with standards and fulfill their responsibilities, to

learners, yet to foundations, associates, and other professional jobs. To do that a teacher

should define individual and professional limits, as it will set their limits and will recognize what

their professional job includes. Defining the limitations in any profession is helpful to identify

the professional responsibilities, privileges, and limitations of a professional worker like a

teacher (Hendrikx & Van Gestel., 2017). There are various kinds of limits that teachers should

maintain, for example, legislative prerequisites and professional sets of accepted rules that

impose limitations on the instructor, and the limits that they should follow the rules and

regulations so as to their lead with others. The teachers should consistently dress accordingly

and act professionally with all the colleagues, not simply their learners. For example, when

managing visitors or guardians, they are addressing their institution.

A teacher can be friendly with the student yet getting over-friendly, too emotionally

involved, or too personal behaviour for certain situations can be considered inappropriate. In

fact, professional behaviour for a teacher is fundamental; a teacher needs to be unbiased,

moral, and reasonable with all learners. A teacher ought to think about using caution with self-

revelation: it requires a discrete behaviour when they disclose individual information. A teacher

ought to concern about which obstructions the learners can confront; these boundaries could

be attendance or disabilities (Edwards et al., 2010). While interacting with individual

representatives, and acting capably, the teachers should show respect for their part within the


3.3 Points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners

There might be events when a teacher realizes the needs of an individual student that

are affecting their learning. It can include the issues like family matters, financial concerns, or

lack of transport. The instructor might assist with some problems, like working on and

delivering the lectures using the online resources for learners who cannot consistently attend

classes (iqualifyuk., 2021). The instructor ought to realize where to refer the student in such

cases. Like, the instructor ought to refer clinical or mental issues to the pertinent healthcare

expert like a psychiatrist or doctor. Assuming the student had language issues, maybe the

institution may have an expert that can assist the student, or it could refer them to another

institution. It could refer students' financial problems to the Citizens Advice Bureau or a

monetary advisor.

An environment like a classroom includes children with enthusiastic, interactive,

societal, or other difficulties that can restrict their capabilities to learn new things. Therefore,

when the teacher identifies and works on their weak points, the learners get a quality

education without any kind of limitations. It guarantees that the challenged learners do not feel

victimized. It is principal that the instructors recognize and meet the needs of the students. As

it permits them to give their vitalities beyond traditional teaching style into real education that

is helpful and worthy for every student. Thusly, the students are driven, engaged, supported,

and settled because they create ideal learning conditions.

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Edwards, A., Lunt, I., & Stamou, E. (2010). Inter‐professional work and expertise: New roles at

the boundaries of schools. British Educational Research Journal, 36(1), 27-45.

Gunduz, M. (2016). What Are the Teaching Responsibilities of Being a Teacher?. Educational

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Review, 19(8), 1105-1123.

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Pickstone-Taylor, S. (2015). Creating safe and supportive learning environments.

Thompson, C. S. (2018). The Construct of'Respect'in Teacher-Student Relationships: Exploring

Dimensions of Ethics of Care and Sustainable Development. Journal of Leadership

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