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Excellent 4 points Good 3 Points Fair 2 Points Poor 1 Point

Main Theme Excellent Good Fair Poor
25% The student has great The student has The student has some The student has little
Meaning and Subject knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
meaning and subject or meaning and subject or meaning and subject or meaning and subject or
main theme of the main theme of the main theme of the theme of the political
political cartoon. political cartoon. political cartoon. cartoon.
Symbolism Excellent Good Fair Poor
25% The student has great The student has The student has some The student has little
Visual Symbols and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
Metaphors understanding of the use understanding of the use understanding of the use understanding of the use
of Visual Symbols and of Visual Symbols and of Visual Symbols and of Visual Symbols and
Visual Distortion Metaphors Metaphors Metaphors Metaphors
Visual Distortion Visual Distortion Visual Distortion Visual Distortion
Stereotypes and caricatures
Irony Irony Irony Irony
Argument not slogan
Stereotypes and Stereotypes and Stereotypes and Stereotypes and
Uses and misuses caricatures caricatures caricatures caricatures

Argument not slogan Argument not slogan Argument not slogan Argument not slogan

Uses and misuses Uses and misuses Uses and misuses Uses and misuses
In the political cartoon In the political cartoon In the political cartoon In the political cartoon
Conclusion and Bias Excellent Good Fair Poor
25% The student has great The student has The student has some The student has little
Message Portrayed knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
message an bias that is message an bias that is message an bias that is message an bias that is
portrayed in the political portrayed in the political portrayed in the political portrayed in the political
cartoon. cartoon. cartoon. cartoon.
Presentation Excellent Good Fair Poor
25% The student presents the The student presents the The student presents the The student does not
Knowledge of Material material in a clear and material in a clear and material in a somewhat present the material in a
concise manner and concise manner and clear and concise manner clear and concise manner
displays great knowledge displays knowledge and and displays some and displays little
and understanding of the understanding of the knowledge and knowledge and
material being presented material being presented understanding of the understanding of the
material being presented material being presented

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