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search; Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, in Canada differents states

Hello dear, nice to meet you how are you doing today? i saw your profile you have a
very nice picture, I like us to get together as friends I hope this okay, please do

==================================== Hi Gorgeous, I have complement on your pretty

photo and remarkable profile and I'd find you intriguing after viewing your
profile. I really like to know you more....If interested in a conversation please
respond by communicating with me. I hope to hear back from you. Hugs and enjoy the
rest of your day.

How is the situation of things is over there in regards to the economic standard
and security?

Life is precious and i think nations economy grows as a result of good government
and understanding of the people... What do you think?
There is a saying that it is difficult to find a prominent person of high
principles which are responsible for online regards to good friendship. tell me
your opinion on this?

I am a responsible man who once had a lovely family in the states, I am a widower
with son, i love my kid so much and i also miss him, because he is the reason for
my joy today.

may I ask to know you better, i mean tell me are you married? how old are you? do
you have kids and how many and where you work?

I am a soldier from the United States Army, i am among the United States Army
Troops Force currently in Syria war for peace keeping mission, and am looking
forward to my retirement very soon, you must have heard about the war on the news


Well I will appreciate us being good friends in sincerity, honesty and trust.

Although we just got to know each other,,,and i believe as time goes on there may
be something great for us in the future ...What do you say?

i will like us to share ideas and discuss about more issues as we talk more about
ourselves, and i believe as time goes on there may be something great for us in the
future ...What do you say?

Thanks alot I assure you that we will be best of friends that people will envy you
and I, all we need to do is to be sincere in our communication as good friends...

What are your Hobbies....Interest...Life style...Religious believe....and Plans
for life.

I enjoy going to the beach, play golf, snooker, football, swimming, love the ocean
and mountain view, movies and also enjoy some travel and weekend trips but i have
not done any of that in years since i lost my wife cause all i do now is work, work
and work so when i get back everyday am tired and just sleep off...so i do not have
to think or feel lonely

I believe in a healthy relationship, I value honesty and trust. i love my daughter
who is 9 years old. She is the most precious and only family i have now, i know you
will like to meet her and you ever have the opportunity to meet her,you will like

I want you to know that distance and language is not a problem in a relationship as
i will come and meet you over there as we get to know more about each other.

I am a very passionate man, and i need a passionate woman to be my partner, i have
got to know the value of a woman in a man's life.

I am supportive, caring and have a loyal and tolerant character very humble,
honest, understanding and truthful. i am a very passionate, physical person that
would want the same in a mate, deeply romantic, optimistic, hopeful, wise and

I have a good, honest heart and don't like being lied to. I don't need to be
buttered up. If you are straight with me from the get-go, I'm more likely to grow
to care for you.

I haven't had much time to get out and meet someone new because of the nature of my
job so I am giving this service a shot

I need a woman who can communicate what she desires and has the ability to listen
and the ability to share her heart .I want to share my life with someone who won't
be as a playmate. You need to be ready to make a commitment if the relationship


Carolyn you have very much attracted me. You are very touch my soul. Maybe we can
give to each other that which we seek: love, understanding, care about each
other. I am tired from loneliness. I wish to fall asleep and wake up in embraces of
the beloved in the morning,making breakfast by bed for the woman i love and all
those romantic attitudes....I am gonna end this now so i dont bore you with more of
what i have to say.Take good care of yourself and have a wonderful day.
I admire the way you think,your outlook in life and how you express
yourself.......The relationship between two people includes love and passion also
understanding.The love is respect, trust, unity of hearts.It is when you want to do
everything to make that special person who you love and you want to see she is
happy with a huge smile on her face.If love exists then passion will be between
people,but if there are no trust and no faith, love will die!

The lonely life i live these days seems not to be the best so i just want to find
that right woman that will share my love and life with.I seek for a woman with a
heart of Gold and not a perfect woman.I want a woman that i can share my
fears,cares,success,pains,happiness and joy with.I want a woman that will rock my
world and i would do same for her.If you asked of my likes..I love the happy
life,im a fun loving person,i enjoy walks on the beach,traveling,scuba diving and
lots more.Nothing would feel so good as coming home and spending quality time with
the one you love,all cuddled up on bed,in the couch,front of the fire place of
laying outside looking at the sky.Go on vacation trips together and feel the love
and union of a family.Theres always joy when true love prevails.As time goes on we
would both get to know all about each other,as the saying goes,a journey of 1000
miles begins with a step.


The main thing that we are both seeking is to understand how we match each other
and if we have a real chance to be together.Carolyn, I am so happy that you
appeared in my life� you are like a breath of fresh air to me....I am so happy that
you are in my life, the person who I would like to come to, the person whom I would
like to see near with me, the person who has a deep inner world and the person who
is full of love to give.I promise to be honest with you and I am so glad that we
met. We do not have anything to hide from each other and with each letter we know
something new about each other.As for me, I think that it is possible to fall in
love with a person whom you have never seen face to face cos what the heart feels
is far greater than what the eye sees, but I also believe that 1000 letters will
never replace a real meeting! I will be waiting for your letter Carolyn.I search
only for serious attitudes. I do not search for entertainments. I wish to love and
beloved. I wish to meet a serious woman whom i can create a amicable and happy
family. The family constructed on love, respect, trust and care about each other
and also my lovely daughter.I am very kind, gentle, romantic man. In my heart it is
full of love, tenderness, cares and all this I wish to give to the only and the
beloved woman. I am that man for which house, wife, children are most important in
my life.I will love the woman and she will be my only woman on all Planet Earth.
For me there will not be other women. I wish to make my lovely wife happy. I wish
to speak to my beloved wife with alot of gentle and tender words every day, each
hour, every minute and second.
person instead of only being concerned with your own desires and needs. I'm 175cm ,
i weigh 75kg, with an athletic physique, and I have always been a very sports-
oriented / active person. I have light black hair and blue eyes. I enjoy movies,
music, fine dining, traveling. A quiet walk or just talking over some wine and soft
music with someone special is always a great ideal to pass out time too.


1: What is ur favorite color?

2. What kind of car do u drive and what color is it?
3. Would u want to get married again or even have another child?
4. When is your birthday?
5. do you like to play with the heart of a man?
6. What are ur favorite types of food?
7. Do u attend church?
8. How tall are you?
9. What type of music do u listen to?
10. Are u right handed or left handed?
11. Do u take showers or bath?
12. If you were giving three chances to make a choice in life what would you
13. Are u an affectionate person?YES Do u like to kiss?
14. Do you have any tattoos or body piercing?
15. Are you a handy woman?, for example if I bought a ceiling fan can u put it in?
16. Do you like to cook? YES Can u cook?
17. What would ur ideal mate be like in terms of education, body type, and overall
18:would you ever apologise to your husband when ever you at fault or your prefer
him apologise?
19. If you and I were a couple and we have a disagreement, how would u handle it?
unresolved and act like nothing happened?
20. When was the last time you had sex? Are u what Americans call a freak in bed?I
enjoy the physical part of a relationship .freaky??
21. what is your favourite -place to go?
22. Is there any male (s), beside myself, that ur trying to get to know or want to
23. Do u wear jewelry?
24. Where were you born?
25. What made u decide to reply to my messages at American bearshare?
27. Are u a night or morning person?
28.what is your favourite -movie?
29 .What was your most memorable childhood moment?
30.What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
31.What was your most embarrassing moment?
32.What was the single most significant turning point in your life?
33.What things do you feel passionate about?
34.Do you believe in love at first sight?
35.What's the difference between love, romance and sex?
36.Do you believe it is proper for people to express their feelings in public?
37.What is your idea of a dream... ?
38.If you had three wishes, what would they be?.
39.What do you want most from life??
40.What do you do when you feel sad or depressed?
41.What do you do when you feel angry or upset?
42.What three words best describe you?
43.What is your idea of a perfect date?
44.What is your favorite romantic gesture?
45.What are the top ten gifts you love would like to receive?
46.What is your idea of the perfect romantic gift?
47.What is your idea of the perfect romantic vacation?
48:would you ever spend fund on assisting your partner when in need or in
trouble ??

Today we had a meeting with the general,

he kept on telling us that there is an important message, that the President of
syria will be attacked. But we know that its the Talibans terrorist plan.
Therefore, we must attack them and try to arrest them in charge of the regional
headquarters of the plots, Assuming the mission is completed by the syria army,
because the area is in their jurisdiction, but the task we have to carry out is to
save the president of damascus syria, because the damascus syria military lack
proper training and skills to carry out this mission, We have not yet concluded
when we will perform this task,
but I will let you know if the task will continue. Under normal circumstances, we
will have three units that will continue for this mission, if we need to continue.
I am responsible for the third row. This is my unit, i was choosen as the head of
my team which consist about 30 soldiers. The damascus syria president begged the
general to do this task as a favor, even if it is not in our jurisdiction, and the
distribution is a special task. Only the damascus government and the 3 units that
is involved is aware of the attack. it is called a secret mission. This is a very
confidential matter my beloved wife because it is not in our area. I always say, it
will record only as a normal patrol, while we continue to attack.

I do not know if the White House (US Government) is aware of it Honey, I am telling
you this because I love you, I want you to please keep this as a secret. We do not
want this message to be leaked out, I hate to tell you this, but I am telling you,
because any one being caught would be severely punished, because I do not want you
to worry about me so much, I want you to know that I love you so much and can't
exist without you honey, the mission day of attack would commence on sunday night.
Please pray for me darling. I do not want to die. I want to live with you and be
reunited with you my darling, i want to love and cherish you,our daughter all the
days of my life. I hope we can be happy together all the rest of our life, i cant
wait to be with you soonest my angel, i cherish you so much, you fill me with so
much happiness and comfort, hope to hear from you soonest darling.

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