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Changes in ACI 318 Code

Provisions for Earthquake-

Resistant Structures, Part 1
Changes in sections governing structural systems, mechanical splices, and the
design of moment frames

by S.K. Ghosh and Andrew W. Taylor

“B uilding Code Requirements for Structural

Concrete and Commentary (ACI 318-19)”
maintains the format established in the previous
edition.1,2 However, Chapter 18—Earthquake-Resistant
Structures, has substantive and consequential changes. Out of
• 18.12—Diaphragms
• 18.13—Foundations;
• 18.14—Members
and trusses;
not designated as part of the seismic-
force-resisting system.

the 14 sections in Chapter 18, only 18.1—Scope, 18.5— 18.2—General

Intermediate precast structural walls, and 18.9—Special 18.2.1 Structural systems
moment frames constructed using precast concrete, remain Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category
unchanged. Section 18.11—Special structural walls (SDC) C are now required to satisfy 18.13—
constructed using precast concrete, was updated to include a Foundations, which now contains provisions for shallow
single change prompted by a requirement added elsewhere in as well as deep foundations supporting buildings
the chapter. However, Section 18.10—Special structural walls, assigned to SDC C.
underwent quite extensive changes. R18.2 Table R18.2—Sections of Chapter 18 to be
Using the section numbers in the Code as headers, this and a satisfied in typical applications, is updated.
second article will outline the significant changes in Chapter 18 18.2.6 Reinforcement in special moment frames and special
relative to the previous edition of the Code. Underlined and structural walls
stricken texts indicate additions and deletions, respectively. R18.2.6.1 Very important and extensive commentary is
Where warranted, a brief explanation is provided, and the added to point out that reinforcing bars meeting ASTM
significance of a change is discussed. Readers are reminded that A706 Grades 80 and 100 are permitted to resist bending
Code sections are identified by numerals separated by decimal moments, shear forces, and axial forces in special
points, and Commentary sections are identified by the letter R structural walls and wall components such as coupling
plus the corresponding Code section identifier. beams and wall piers. ASTM A706 Grade 80
This article, Part 1, covers changes in: reinforcement is also permitted in special moment frames.
• 18.2—General; However, Grade 100 bars are not allowed to be used in
• 18.3—Ordinary moment frames; special moment frames because there is insufficient data
• 18.4—Intermediate moment frames; to demonstrate satisfactory seismic performance.
• 18.6—Beams of special moment frames; 18.2.7 Mechanical splices in special moment frames and
• 18.7—Columns of special moment frames; and special structural walls
• 18.8—Joints of special moment frames. This section is revised to require that mechanical
Part 2 will cover changes in: splices be located outside of the regions of plastic hinges
• 18.10—Special structural walls; unless they are Type 2 mechanical splices of Grade 60
• 18.11—Special structural walls constructed using precast reinforcement. ACI 318-14 placed no restriction on the
concrete; bar grade for Type 2 mechanical splices because
@Seismicisolation | Ci | MARCH 2021 45
allowed only Grade 60 reinforcement in special seismic recognition of vertical earthquake accelerations. This
systems. increase was missing in the corresponding ACI 318-14
R18.2.7 This section has been revised to note that Type 1 Commentary figure.
mechanical splices of any grade of reinforcement and 18.4.3 Columns
Type 2 mechanical splices of Grade 80 and Grade 100 Within the potential plastic hinge region at the
reinforcement may not be capable of resisting the stress end of an intermediate moment frame column, the
levels expected in regions of potential plastic hinging. required hoop spacing in ACI 318-14 was the smallest of
The locations of these mechanical splices are therefore 8db of the smallest longitudinal bar enclosed, 24db of the
restricted. As in the previous edition, the restriction hoop bar, one-half of the smallest cross-sectional
applies to all reinforcement resisting earthquake effects, dimension of the column, and 12 in.
including transverse reinforcement. In ACI 318-19, the hoop spacing within this region is
limited to one-half of the smallest cross-sectional
18.3—Ordinary moment frames dimension of the column and:
18.3.4 Beam-column joints of ordinary moment frames • The smaller of 8db of the smallest longitudinal bar
that are part of the seismic-force-resisting system of an enclosed and 8 in. for columns with Grade 60
SDC B building are now required to satisfy the longitudinal bars; or
requirements in Chapter 15—Beam-Column and Slab- • The smaller of 6db of the smallest longitudinal bar
Column Joints, with factored joint shear Vu calculated on enclosed and 6 in. for columns with Grade 80
a plane at midheight of the joint using tensile and longitudinal bars.
compressive beam forces and column shear consistent 18.4.4 Joints
with beam nominal moment strengths Mn (Fig. 1). Requirements for beam-column joints of intermediate
moment frames are revised, and new requirements are
18.4—Intermediate moment frames added in through These joints are now
18.4.2 Beams required to satisfy all the following requirements: The text is slightly modified to agree with a Joint transverse reinforcement must consist of
change in Commentary Fig. R18.4.2, part of which is ties (25.7.2), spirals (25.7.3), or hoops (25.7.4).
reproduced here as Fig. 2. The illustration shows that At least two layers of horizontal transverse
factored beam shear Vu is given by Vu = (Mnl + Mnr)/ln + reinforcement must be provided within the depth of the
wuln/2, where wu = (1.2 + 0.2SDS)D + 1.0L + 0.2S. Here, shallowest beam framing into the joint.
the dead load factor of 1.2 is increased by 0.2SDS in If a beam framing into the joint and generating

Fig. 2: Moment and shear diagrams for

calculation of factored shear force on a
Fig. 1: Free body diagram for calculation of factored shear force Vu at midheight of a beam in an intermediate moment frame
beam-column joint in ordinary and intermediate moment frames (adapted from ACI 318-19 Fig. R18.4.21)
46 MARCH 2021 | Ci |
joint shear has depth h, exceeding twice the column at the critical sections for connections between columns
depth, analysis and design of the joint is required to be and two-way slabs without beams. A higher limit of
based on the strut-and-tie method of Chapter 23. 0.5fvc is now allowed for unbonded post-tensioned Longitudinal deformed reinforcing bars slab-column connections with effective prestress in each
terminated in a joint are required to extend to the far face direction meeting the requirements of Both stress
of the joint core and to be developed in tension per 18.8.5 limits are waived if the connection meets the
and in compression per 25.4.9. requirements of 18.14.5. Spacing of joint transverse reinforcement within
the height of the deepest beam framing into the joint is 18.6—Beams of special moment frames
required not to exceed the maximum hoop spacing within 18.6.3 Longitudinal reinforcement
the region of potential plastic hinging at the end of an The maximum reinforcement ratio of 0.025 for
intermediate moment frame column ( longitudinal reinforcement in special moment frame Knee joints with headed beam reinforcement beams is now restricted to Grade 60 reinforcement. A
require special consideration. Joint failure can occur by a maximum ratio of 0.020 is imposed on beams with Grade
diagonal crack that extends beyond the headed bars, or by 80 reinforcement.
top face blowout above the beam bars (Fig. 3). The 18.6.4 Transverse reinforcement
column is required to extend above the joint to confine ACI 318-14 limited the spacing of hoops within
the top face of the joint. The extension must be by at least the region of potential plastic hinging at the ends of
the depth of the joint (column dimension parallel to the special moment frame beams to the least of d/4; 6db of the
beam reinforcement generating joint shear). As an smallest primary flexural reinforcing bars, excluding
alternative to extending the column above the joint, the longitudinal skin reinforcement required by; and
beam reinforcement is required to be enclosed by 6 in.
additional vertical joint reinforcement providing In ACI 318-19, the spacing of hoops within the region of
equivalent confinement to the top face of the joint. potential plastic hinging at the ends of special moment
Typically, this reinforcement consists of a series of frame beams is limited to the least of d/4, 6 in., and:
U-shaped bars with the legs pointed downward, enclosing • 6db of the smallest primary flexural reinforcing bars
the top layer of flexural reinforcement. for beams with Grade 60 flexural reinforcement; or Slab-column joints are now required to satisfy • 5db of the smallest primary flexural reinforcing bars
transverse reinforcement requirements of 15.3.2, so any for beams with Grade 80 flexural reinforcement.
column with one or more free edges must have at least
one layer of joint transverse reinforcement between the
top and bottom slab reinforcement. Table 1: Beam-column joints of intermediate moment Values for nominal joint shear strength Vn in
frames must satisfy: fVn ≥ Vu where φ = 0.75 in ACI 318-191 (Table
accordance with 21.2.1; Vn is the nominal shear strength Beam in Confinement by
of the joint, as given in Table (reproduced herein direction of transverse beams
as Table 1); and Vu is the factored shear force at midheight Column Vu according to 15.2.8 Vn, lb*
of the joint, calculated as shown in Fig. 1.
18.4.5 Two-way slabs without beams Continuous Confined 20λ f c′ Aj ACI 318-14 limited shear stress caused by or meets
15.2.7 Not confined 15λ f c′ Aj
factored gravity loads without moment transfer to 0.4fvc Continuous or
meets 15.2.6
Confined 15λ f c′ Aj
Not confined 12λ f c′ Aj

Continuous Confined 15λ f c′ Aj

or meets
15.2.7 Not confined 12λ f c′ Aj
Confined 12λ f c′ Aj
(a) (b) Not confined 8λ f c′ Aj

Fig. 3: Potential failure modes for a knee joint with headed top *
λ shall be 0.75 for lightweight concrete and 1.0 for normalweight
reinforcement: (a) diagonal cracking; and (b) top face blowout concrete. Aj shall be calculated in accordance with
@Seismicisolation | Ci | MARCH 2021 47
As in ACI 318-14, db is the nominal diameter of the longitudinal column bar, and 5db of the smallest Grade 80
smallest primary flexural reinforcing bars, excluding longitudinal column bar, and 6 in., unless a greater
longitudinal skin reinforcement. amount of transverse reinforcement is required by As with, this section has been updated 4 or 18.7.6.”
in ACI 318-19 to account for the addition of Grade 80
reinforcement. The section now limits hoop spacing s 18.8—Joints of special moment frames
outside of the region defined in to the least of 18.8.2 General
6 in. and: This provision is directed at minimizing bond
• 6db of the smallest enclosed longitudinal beam bars slip of longitudinal beam reinforcement extending
for beams with Grade 60 flexural reinforcement; or through a cast-in-place beam-column joint. In both ACI
• 5db of the smallest enclosed longitudinal beam bars 318-14 and ACI 318-19, this is achieved by defining the
for beams with Grade 80 flexural reinforcement. minimum depth h of the joint parallel to the beam
longitudinal reinforcement extending through the joint. In
18.7—Columns of special moment frames ACI 318-14, h was defined in Fig. R18.8.4. In ACI
18.7.3 Minimum flexural strength of columns 318-19, h is defined in Fig. R15.4.2 and is associated Columns of special moment frames are required with an expanded 15.4.2 that defines the shear strength of
to satisfy the strong column–weak beam requirement of beam-column joints: In ACI 318-19, h is at least the or, “except at connections where the greatest of:
column is discontinuous above the connection and the (a) (20/λ)db of the largest Grade 60 longitudinal
column factored axial compressive force Pu, under load bar, where λ = 0.75 for lightweight concrete and
combinations including earthquake effect E, are less than 1.0 for all other cases;
Ag fc′/10.” The underlined exception is new in ACI (b) 26db of the largest Grade 80 longitudinal bar; and
318-19. Added commentary in R18.7.3 explains that (c) h/2 of any beam framing into the joint and
special moment frame columns that are discontinuous generating joint shear as part of the seismic-
above the connection and have low axial stress are force-resisting system in the direction under
inherently ductile, so column yielding is unlikely to create consideration.
a column failure mechanism that can lead to collapse. Item (a) effectively replicates the requirements in
18.7.4 Longitudinal reinforcement in ACI 318-14. Item (b) is new. Item (c) defines joint This is a new section that effectively requires the depth h in terms of beam depth h. It effectively replicates
longitudinal bars to have a development length of no the requirements in in ACI 318-14, which has
more than 40% of the column clear height. R18.7.4.3 been deleted in ACI 318-19.
explains that splitting failure along longitudinal bars This is a new provision, and it requires that
within the clear column height can be controlled by joints with Grade 80 longitudinal reinforcement comprise
reducing the development length of longitudinal bars, and normalweight concrete. The commentary notes that there
it lists some of the relevant factors. The commentary is insufficient data regarding Grade 80 bars in joints
further emphasizes the benefit of satisfying the strong comprising lightweight concrete.
column–weak beam requirement. 18.8.3 Transverse reinforcement
18.7.5 Transverse reinforcement The first three provisions in this section remain ACI 318-14 limited the spacing of transverse unchanged from ACI 318-14. However,, which
reinforcement within the region of potential plastic would have been the counterpart of in ACI
hinging ( at the ends of special moment frame 318-19, has been deleted because the same requirements
columns to the least of: one-fourth of the minimum are stated in
column dimension; 6db of the smallest longitudinal bar; 18.8.4 Shear strength
and a value from 4 to 6 in., as calculated by Eq. ( This section is similar to, in that it governs the
In ACI 318-19, the limit of 6db of the smallest evaluation of joint shear strength per Vu ≤ ϕ Vn. However,
longitudinal bars applies to columns with Grade 60 the parameters are unique to special moment frames. In
longitudinal reinforcement. A tighter limit of 5db of the ACI 318-19,,, and define
smallest longitudinal bar applies to columns with Grade factored shear strength Vu, strength reduction factor ϕ, and
80 longitudinal reinforcement. nominal shear strength Vn, respectively. Vu is calculated This section has been revised as shown below. using the forces shown in Fig. 4; ϕ = 0.85 in accordance
“Beyond the length ℓo given in, the column shall with, and Vn is defined in Table
contain spiral reinforcement satisfying 25.7.3 or hoop and (reproduced herein as Table 1). In ACI 318-14, these
crosstie reinforcement satisfying 25.7.2 through and sections define Vn per Table (reproduced herein
25.7.4 with spacing s not exceeding the lesser least of 6 in., as Table 2 to highlight the changes), factors that create a
6db six times the diameter of the smallest Grade 60 confined face of a transverse moment frame joint, and the
48 MARCH 2021 | Ci |
Concluding Remarks
ACI 318-19 Chapter 18—Earthquake-
Resistant Structures, includes many
substantive changes. This article summarizes
the changes in Sections 18.2—General, plus
changes in Sections 18.3 through 18.8,
which govern the design of ordinary and
intermediate moment frames as well as the
design of beams, columns, and joints of
special moment frames. Many of the
modifications were made to account for
ASTM A706 Grade 80 bars, which are now
permitted as flexural reinforcement in
special moment frames.

Pro Dasgupta, S.K. Ghosh Associates LLC (SKGA), Palatine, IL, USA,
provided a thorough review that significantly enhanced this article.
Fig. 4: Free body diagram for calculation of Vu at midheight of a
Bodhi Rudra, SKGA, provided much valuable help in putting together
beam-column joint in a special moment frame
the manuscript.

Table 2: References
Values for nominal joint shear strength Vn in ACI 1. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural
318-142 (Table Concrete (ACI 318-19) and Commentary (ACI 318R-19),” American
Joint configuration Vn Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2019, 623 pp.
2. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural
For joints confined by beams on all four faces* 20λ f c′ Aj†
Concrete (ACI 318-14) and Commentary (ACI 318R-14),” American
For joints confined by beams on three faces 15λ f c′ Aj† Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2014, 519 pp.
or on two opposite faces*
For other cases 12λ f c′ Aj†
Selected for reader interest by the editors.
Refer to

λ shall be 0.75 for lightweight concrete and 1.0 for normalweight
concrete. Aj is given in ACI Honorary Member S.K. Ghosh is
President, S.K. Ghosh Associates LLC,
Palatine, IL, USA, and Adjunct Professor
effective cross-sectional area in a joint, respectively. The of Civil Engineering, University of
latter two items are now addressed in 15.2.8 and, Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL. He is a
respectively. member of ACI Committee 318, Structural
18.8.5 Development length of bars in tension Concrete Building Code, and ACI This section deals with the development in Subcommittees 318-F, Foundations;
tension of headed bars terminating in exterior joints of 318-H, Seismic Provisions; and 550-A,
special moment frames; it has been modified as shown Diaphragms.
Andrew W. Taylor, FACI, of KPFF
“For headed deformed bars satisfying,
Consulting Engineers, Seattle, WA, USA,
development in tension shall be in accordance with
has more than 30 years of experience
25.4.4, by substituting a bar stress of 1.25fy for fy except
in structural engineering research and
clear spacing between bars shall be permitted to be at
design practice. He is Chair of ACI
least 3db or greater.”
Committee 318, Structural Concrete
R18.8.5.2 explains that the 1.25 factor is intended to Building Code, and a member of ACI
represent the potential increase in stresses due to inelastic Committee 378, Concrete Wind Turbine
response, including strain hardening that may occur in Towers, and the ACI Committee on Codes
beams of special moment frames. As given in, and Standards Advocacy and Outreach. His research interests are
the minimum center-to-center bar spacing is 3db (rather in the areas of reinforced concrete structures and performance-
than the minimum clear spacing of 3db required in based seismic design.
ACI 318-14).
@Seismicisolation | Ci | MARCH 2021 49

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