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Carrie M. Ward et. al., *

6003 Executive Blvd Suite 101 *
Rockville, MD 20852 *
Substitute Trustees *
Plaintiffs, *
vs. * CASE NO. CAEF16-43695
Frederick L. Savage *
6726 Darkwood Court *
District Heights, MD 20747
Defendant *



COMES NOW, Frederick L. Savage, Defendant by and through Pro Se, and objects to

the foreclosure sale conducted by Carrie M. Ward et. al., (“Substitute Trustees”), and to Report

of Sale therein, and asks this court to reconsider its order to ratify said sale on the following


I. Substitute Trustees materially violated Maryland’s Foreclosure Mediation Statute

Real Property §7-105.1, when they prematurely sold Defendants home after a request for

foreclosure mediation was made on 07-26-2017 but mediation was not yet held. This action

denied Defendants due process of law by extinguishing his property rights before the foreclosure

mediation process was complete.

II. Substitute Trustees advertised and executed the sale of Defendants home while

foreclosure mediation was still pending, in violation of Maryland Rules §14-209.1(b) and



1. On or about 07-26-2017 Defendant was served with a final loss mitigation affidavit by


2. On or about 07-26-2017 Defendant filed a request for Foreclosure Mediation.

3. To this day Defendant has not been nofified of a mediation date or heard whether or not the

mediation was denied.

4. On or about October 10, 2017 Defendant, not represented by counsel filed an Emergency

Motion to Stay Foreclosure Sale pursuant to Maryland Rule §14-211.

5. On or about October 11, 2017 while the foreclosure mediation date was still pending,

Substitute Trustees sold Defendants home in a foreclosure auction.

6. On or about October 13, 2017 Defendants Emergency Motion to Stay Sale was denied.

7. On October 23, 2017 Substitute Trustees filed a Report of Sale with the Prince Georges

County Circuit Court.


I. Substitute Trustees’ Materially Violated Maryland’s Foreclosure Mediation Statute,

Real Prop., 7-105.1, When They Prematurely Sold Defendants Home While A Request For

Mediation Was Pending.

The Maryland Legislature passed the foreclosure mediation statute to address the rapidly

increasing amount of foreclosures and mortgage fraud cases in the state, the consequences of

which include increased homelessness and decreased property values. Maryland’s foreclosure

mediation statute lays out a clear procedure for owner-occupied foreclosure cases.

1. First, lenders, usually through their Substitute Trustees, must correctly file a

complete Final Loss Mitigation Affidavit, which must include a form and instructions to Request

a Foreclosure Mediation. Real Prop., §7-105.1(g)(1)(ii)(2).

2. To avail themselves the right to mediation, the homeowner must submit their

request for a mediation session to the Circuit Court. If the Court grants the Request for

Mediation, the case is referred to OAH which notifies both parties of the time and place where

the foreclosure mediation will take place. Real Prop., §7-105.1(h)(1).

3. Once mediation is requested, a foreclosure sale may not take place before 15 days

after mediation. Real Prop., §7-105.1(l)(3)(i).

The statute balances the due process concerns of homeowners by prohibiting a

foreclosure sale before the mediation process is complete. By selling the Defendants home prior

to the chance of mediation, Substitute Trustees violated Defendants due process rights.

A. Substitute Trustees’ material violation of the foreclosure mediation statute

impermissibly denied Defendant due process of law by extinguishing his

property rights before the foreclosure mediation process was complete.

The U.S. and Maryland Constitutions guarantee due process of law for

deprivations of life, liberty or property through state action. U.S. Const Amend. XIV; Md.

Const. Decl. of Rts. Art. 24. State action includes “mortgage foreclosure conducted

pursuant to a legislatively enacted statute and rules promulgated by the Court of

Appeals”. Knapp v. Smethurst, 139 Md. App. 676 at 706 (2001). Foreclosure mediation

is a vehicle of due process.

The mediation statute aims to enforce homeowner’s due process rights in several

ways. First, the statutes requires that certain representatives from the lending party who

have the power to settle the matter attend the mediation. Real Prop. §7-105.1(j)(1)(iv).

Requiring decision makers to attend the mediation, the Maryland Legislature

acknowledges the magnitude of the mediation’s forum. Without those parties, mediation

would not adequately serve the homeowner’s right to be heard.

The statute also requires mediations to be conducted by a neutral third party who

reports the outcome of the mediation to the Circuit Court. Real Prop. §7-105.1(j)(3).

The mediator offers not only a neutral perspective, but also through his report to the

Court, is a representative of the “law of the land” Md. Const. Decl.

Finally, the statute prohibits foreclosure sales before mediation takes place. Real

Prop. §7-105.1(l)(3). This is so that lenders cannot extinguish a homeowners property

rights before the homeowners participate in this crucial part of the foreclosure process.

By circumventing the foreclosure procedures outlined in Maryland’s foreclosure

mediation statute, Substitute Trustees denied Defendant due process of law by

extinguishing his property rights in his home without giving him the opportunity first to

be heard in mediation and determine whether there were any alternatives to foreclose

available to him. This violates not only the spirit and express intent of the foreclosure

mediation statute, it is also unfair and unjust and should not be ratified by this Court.

II. Substitute Trustees’ advertised and executed sale of Defendants home while foreclosure

mediation was still pending, in violation of Maryland Rules §14-209.1(b) and §14-305(2).

The Maryland Rules require that foreclosing parties refrain from advertising owner-

occupied residential property while foreclosure mediation is pending. Md. Code Ann., MD Rule

14-209.1(b). Further, a sale should not be ratified unless it was fairly and properly made. Md.

Code Ann., MD Rule 14-305(e)(2). Substitute Trustees’ actions fail on both accounts.

A. This Court has both equitable and statutory authority to invalidate the

foreclosure sale on its own initiative.

Assuming arguendo that these exceptions are not properly brought or were never

filed, the rules above give this Court the equitable authority to invalidate the foreclosure

sale on its own initiative, in the interest of justice.

This Court has explicit statutory authority to strike the sale on its own initiative

under Maryland Rule 14-207.1, which was adopted on an emergency basis by the Court

of Appeals in 2010. This rule provides in part “if the court determines that the pleadings

or papers filed do not comply with all statutory and Rule requirements, it may give notice

to the plaintiff and each borrower, record owner, and party that the action will be

dismissed without prejudice or that some other appropriate order will be entered by

reason of the non-compliance if the plaintiff does not demonstrate within 30 days that the

papers are legally sufficient or that the deficiency has been cured”. Maryland Rule 14-


Therefore, this Court may elect to deny the ratification of the foreclosure sale if it

determines that the sale was not properly and fairly made, notwithstanding the filing or

validity of exceptions. For the reasons stated above this Court should exercise its

discretion to invalidate Substitute Trustees premature and illegal sale of Defendants


WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully requests that this Honorable Court

1. VACATE the October 23, 2017 order ratifying the foreclosure sale


2. ORDER that the foreclosure sale herein be setaside;

3. ORDER such other and further relief as the nature of the Defendants cause

may require.



Pro Se
6726 Darkwood Court
District Heights, MD 20747


I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day of , a copy of the

foregoing was emailed and mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, to:

BWW Law Group, LLC

6003 Executive Blvd Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: (301) 961-6555
Fascimilie: (301) 961-3545
Email: [email protected]

Pro Se


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