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Mary’s College of Catbalogan

Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking Skills in the 21st Century Grade: 12
Section: HUMSS Date: ____________________
Transfer Goal/s: Become effective members of the 21 century society capable of sustaining Christian values amidst social
challenges whilst enhancing their skills and God-given talents
Essential understanding: Awareness of current trends is a necessary condition to engage in critical thinking as global
citizens who are socially responsible
Essential questions:
What prompts a trend as a social change which affect my community and the world in general?
How does knowing a trend affect my choices and actions as God’s steward?
Focus: Day 1: What is a Trend
Activating prior knowledge/Motivation: Quote reflection&Historical review quiz
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: Why do people adapt to change?
The students/pupils will know… Exploring: What will happen if we or the community
Meaning of a trend that we live in do not change?
Leading: How important is it to identify a trend?
The students/pupils will be able to… Essential: How does knowing a trend affect my choices
Define a trend and actions as God’s steward?

C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)

Strategies / Activities: c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
Day 1: What is a Trend Core value: Faith
 Introduce the unit Related value: Nationalism –exercises responsibly
 Present essential questions and faithfully the rights and obligations of citizenship of
 Discuss the performance task local, national and global levels
 Lecture/discussion c.2. Social Orientation: Insensitivity towards others
 Round-table discussion c.3. Lesson Across Discipline: Social Studies – What
 Worksheet are the different events in the Philippine history which
contributed to great changes?
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: “For what is a man
profited if He shall gain the whole world, and lose his
own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his
soul?” – Matthew 16:26


Complete the table in Activity page 8


Summary: Trends are _____________
Action: As a Marian, what can you do to fully respond to trends?
 Assignment: Bring a thing which you are most fascinated with as a child. Prepare to show this in front of the
whole class.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Mae C. Regulacion Ms. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L Bernate, RVM
SHS Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented
Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:

St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan

Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking Skills in the 21st Century Grade: 12
Section: HUMSS Date: ____________________
Transfer Goal/s: Become effective members of the 21 century society capable of sustaining Christian values amidst social
challenges whilst enhancing their skills and God-given talents
Essential understanding: Awareness of current trends is a necessary condition to engage in critical thinking as global
citizens who are socially responsible
Essential questions:
What prompts a trend as a social change which affect my community and the world in general?
How does knowing a trend affect my choices and actions as God’s steward?
Focus: Day 2: Trend and Fad
Review: What is trend?
Activating prior knowledge/Motivation: Trivia Time
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: Why is change inevitable?
The students/pupils will know… Exploring: What will happen if we or the community
Differentiate a trend from a fad that we live in do not change?
Leading: How important is it to identify a trend from a
The students/pupils will be able to… fad?
Differentiate a trend from a fad Essential: How does knowing a trend and fad affect my
choices and actions as God’s steward?

Strategies / Activities: C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)

Day 2: Trend and Fad c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
 Presentation of assignment Core value: Faith
 Lecture/discussion Related value: Witness to Gospel Values – dares to
 Think-Ink-Pair-Share be different to do only what is good or support only
what is right
c.2. Social Orientation: Declining morality
c.3. Lesson Across Discipline: Social Studies – How did
society change from pre-historic to 21st century?
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: “Ye that love the Lord,
hate evil: He preserveth the souls of his saints; He
delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.” –
Psalms 97:10


Answer the questions in page 12


Summary: How is a trend different from a fad?
Action: As a Marian, how do you respond to fads?
 Assignment: Research about the different trends which happened for each century of human history.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Mae C. Regulacion Ms. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L Bernate, RVM
SHS Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented

Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:
St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan
Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking Skills in the 21st Century Grade: 12
Section: HUMSS Date: ____________________
Transfer Goal/s: Become effective members of the 21 century society capable of sustaining Christian values amidst social
challenges whilst enhancing their skills and God-given talents
Essential understanding: Awareness of current trends is a necessary condition to engage in critical thinking as global
citizens who are socially responsible
Essential questions:
What prompts a trend as a social change which affect my community and the world in general?
How does knowing a trend affect my choices and actions as God’s steward?
Focus: Day 3-4: Trendspotting
Review: What are the different trends/fads that you can see in our community?
Activating prior knowledge/Motivation: Guess the pic
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: Why is change constant?
The students/pupils will know… Exploring: What will happen if we or the community
Trendspotting that we live in do not change?
Leading: How important is it to identify a trend?
The students/pupils will be able to… Essential: How does knowing a trend affect my choices
1. Explain the process on how to spot a trend and actions as God’s steward?
2. Point out the elements that make up a trend
C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)
Strategies / Activities: c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
Day 3-4: Trendspotting Core value: Faith
 Lecture/Discussion Related value: Witness to Gospel Values – dares to
 Case analysis be different to do only what is good or support only
 Group presentation what is right
c.2. Social Orientation: Declining morality
c.3. Lesson Across Discipline: Science – knowing the
different problems in a scientific field which requires
thorough investigation
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: “Ye that love the Lord,
hate evil: He preserveth the souls of his saints; He
delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.” –
Psalms 97:10


Complete the table in Rethink Critically page 25


Summary: Why is spotting a trend important?
Action: As a Marian, what are the possibilities of current trends which you think are most helpful to you in strengthening
you faith?
 Bring two copies about fashion and make a list of characteristics you notice regarding fashion trends as you
look at them.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Mae C. Regulacion Ms. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L Bernate, RVM
SHS Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented

Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:
St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan
Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking Skills in the 21st Century Grade: 12
Section: HUMSS Date: ____________________
Transfer Goal/s: Become effective members of the 21 century society capable of sustaining Christian values amidst social
challenges whilst enhancing their skills and God-given talents
Essential understanding: Awareness of current trends is a necessary condition to engage in critical thinking as global
citizens who are socially responsible
Essential questions:
What prompts a trend as a social change which affect my community and the world in general?
How does knowing a trend affect my choices and actions as God’s steward?
Focus: Day 5-6: Elements and Characteristics of a Trend
Review: What are the forces that cause trends?
Activating prior knowledge/Motivation: Your words vs mine
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT B. Broadening of Concept (Meaning)
A. Presentation of Concepts Connecting: How do you describe a trend?
The students/pupils will know… Exploring: What will happen if do not know anticipate
Characteristics of a trend for the future?
Leading: How important is it to identify a trend?
The students/pupils will be able to… Essential: How does knowing a trend affect my choices
1. Describe the different characteristics of a trend and actions as God’s steward?
1.2 Identify parts of a whole.
1.3 Identify emerging patterns C. Integration (Meaning and Transfer)
1.4 See, discover and differentiate relationships between c.1.Ignacian Core / Related values:
causes and consequences Core value: Faith
Strategies / Activities: Related value: Witness to Gospel Values – dares to
Day 5-6: Elements and Characteristics of a Trend be different to do only what is good or support only
 Lecture/Discussion what is right
 Formal interview c.2. Social Orientation: Laziness
 Group presentation c.3. Lesson Across Discipline: Science – knowing the
different problems in a scientific field which requires
thorough investigation
c.4. Faith/Biblical Reflection: “Ye that love the Lord,
hate evil: He preserveth the souls of his saints; He
delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.” –
Psalms 97:10


Answer the questions in page 35


Summary: What makes a trend important in the 21st century?
Action: As a Marian, what are the current trends that you think challenges you moral values or faith?
 No assignment
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Mae C. Regulacion Ms. Vilma T. Cabueñas S. Ma. Jesusita L Bernate, RVM
SHS Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal
Status of Implementation Modification:
_______ Implemented
_______ partially Implemented
_______ Not Implemented

Date Observed: Remarks:

Observed By:

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