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Name:Edrian Clyde N. Gonzaga

Grade & Strand:11 HUMMS A

Example: S – Symbolic saving acts of Christ today

S – ________________________________________________
A – _______________________________________________
C – _______________________________________________
R – _______________________________________________
A – _______________________________________________
M – _______________________________________________
E – _______________________________________________
N – _______________________________________________
T - ________________________________________________


1.) List three ways you can nurture your Christian Faith.

- pray and live your faith, be yourself, continue pursuing your own relationship with Jesus, and live your

- Make sure you are surrounded by good, honest and wonderful people. even if some individuals aren't
kind to you, be kind to them.

-Allow inspiration to assist you stay connected through faith. 

2.) As a Christian, how do you witness to Christ at home and in school?

-Being a witness for Christ at school is a wonderful goal for students. Whether attending a public or a
private Christian school, there will be kids who are lost and in need Jesus

3.) How does the Eucharist help you grow closer to Jesus and become more compassionate to others?

-When we receive the eucharist, we build a closer relationship to Jesus. When we accept him, he
becomes our spiritual bread of life who gives us strength nourishes our soul and purifies our heart it is
also the love of Jesus that he was crucified on the cross. All who unite with Jesus might become one
body with him.
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4.) Why is Christ called the primordial sacrament of God?

Jesus, the Primordial Sacrament when we recognize that Jesus is a sacrament, we must also admit that he
is the Primordial Sacrament – meaning, he is the first and the source of all sacraments. Everything is made
real in him. The fact that a divine person became man is a mystery. God does not change

5.) Relate the ritual sacraments to the process of human growth. How do they bring us closer to God?

-Sacraments bring you closer to god by reminding about the ideas related to love of everything including
one’s self. Sacraments are also referred to by good people, who, by being loving themselves, bring people
closer to God.


Write a short reflection on this:

“The Holy Eucharist is the summit of Christian worship.”

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I Am a Sacrament of Christ

The sacraments make Christ visible to us today. What are the things that you do now that make you a sacrament
of Christ to others?


(Note: Non Catholics may attend their own church worships and are allowed to modify the questions below)

Attend a Eucharistic Celebration in your Parish.

PARISH: ___________________________________________________ Date & Time: _______________________________

PRIEST PRESIDER:___________________________________________ Readings: __________________________________

Answer the self-evaluation below based on your experience in joining the Eucharistic Celebration

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

1. I realize that the Mass means encountering the Risen Christ

through sacramental symbols and through the Holy Spirit
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Brief Explanation:

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

2. I realize that most complaints about the Mass are due to

misunderstanding or sheer laziness

Brief Explanation:

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

3. I believe that I receive the Risen Christ in Communion

Brief Explanation:

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

4. It is a challenge for me to genuinely repent my sins

Brief Explanation:

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

5. It a challenge for me to listen attentively to God’s Word in the

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Brief Explanation:

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

6. It is a challenge for me to listen attentively to the Priest’s homily.

Brief Explanation:

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

7. It is a challenge for me to recite the responses, prayers and

participate actively in the singing

Brief Explanation:

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

8. It is a challenge for me to give others the sign of peace

Brief Explanation:

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

9. I believe that the Mass can renew my faith and deepen my

relationship with Christ
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Brief Explanation:

Most of Some-
ALWAYS the time times Never

10. I “live” the Mass in my daily life.

Brief Explanation:

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