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Request for Proposal (RFP)


Government of Pakistan
Ministry of Finance


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1. Sealed tenders are invited from well reputed firms/companies/JVs/Consortium registered with
Taxation Authorities and having their own well established offices and supervisory structure in order to carry
out data entry and digitization of historical records of investments pertaining to 153 National Savings Centers
(branches) of CDNS across Pakistan.
2. The detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) which would be integral part of this Tender may be
obtained from undersigned during office hours or can be downloaded from or
3. The Procurement Method as per PPRA Rule 36(b) [Single stage-Two Envelope Procedure] will be
observed for this tender. The bids along with supporting documents in sealed separate envelopes (one for
Technical bid & other for financial bid) must reach at office of the undersigned latest by 09-October-2019 up
to 11:30 a.m. The envelopes/bids should be addressed to the undersigned. Bids will be opened on the same
day at 12:00 Noon at Conference Room of Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS), 23-N, Civic
Centre, G-6 Markaz, Islamabad in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who wish to attend
the proceedings.
4. A pre-bid Meeting/Demonstration will be convened in the conference room of CDNS at the address
mentioned in para 3, at 03:00 p.m. on 02-October-2019 to facilitate the Bidders requiring clarifications
regarding the RFP document. Therefore, all the prospective Bidders, in their own interest, are advised to
attend the pre-bid meeting/demonstration.

5. The Procuring Agency reserves the right to reject any/all or a part of bids for which reasons may be
conveyed if desired in writing. A Bid Security is required and acceptable in the shape of a Bank Draft/Pay
Order/Demand Draft/ Banker’s cheque/CDR only, issued from any scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, of
PKR 100,000/- (Rupees One Hundred Thousand only), placed in Technical Bid, in the favour of CDNS,

6. For any query related to this Tender Notice, please feel free to contact the undersigned.

Automation and Modernization of CDNS
Ph: 051-9215753
23-N, Savings House, CDNS, Civic Centre, G-6 Markaz, Islamabad

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1. Introduction to National Savings Organization
1.1. Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) is an attached department of the Finance Division,
with a vision to “promote and inculcate the value of thrift for mobilization of savings” and a mission
to “be the preferred institution for small savers to facilitate objective of financial inclusion”.
1.2. Following are the core objectives of the CDNS:
a) Inculcate the habit of thrift among masses.
b) Provide secure deposit avenues to small savers thus contributing towards the goal of financial
c) Provide a safety net to special segments of society like widows, senior citizens (60 years and
above) and retired government servants, disabled/special persons, families of martyr of armed
forces, Law Enforcement Agencies and civilians who are victims of war on terrorism in the
absence of effective social security system.
d) Channelize the un-conventional savings to the financial system.
e) Assist the government in policy formulation regarding savings.
f) Provide non-inflationary and non-bank borrowing to the government to bridge overall fiscal
deficit (OFD).
1.3. CDNS is a premier financial institution offering retail government securities and savings products
(known as National Savings Schemes (NSS)), level playing field to small savers through diversified
product mix. It is a key contributor towards financial inclusion with an investor base of around 7
Million and a portfolio of about PKR 3,700 billion, which is around 33% of total banking deposits.
Its share in domestic debt of government is around 24%. Most of its products are designed for low-
income segments of the society, however due to operational and IT constraints, it is unable to play its
role to extend financial services to the low-income segments. Existing product mix of NSS are
ranging from short-term to long-term in terms of tenor and for students, youth, widows, senior
citizens and pensioners in terms of segments of society. At present, NSS are being offered through a
network of 376 National Savings Centres (NSCs). Apart from offering NSS through National
Savings Centres (NSCs), these are also being offered through agency arrangements with Pakistan
Post and network of commercial scheduled banks operating in Pakistan. Thus, outreach of NSS is in
every nook and corner of the country.
1.4. It is apprised that CDNS is putting efforts for inculcating the habit of savings in general public. It
also supports the ‘National Financial Inclusion Strategy’ and is gradually increasing the access of
financial services for households and businesses, CDNS endeavors to improve the usage of digital
financial services and payment systems in the country. It is also worth mentioning here that CDNS
has recently taken several impudent initiatives for revamping of CDNS business application software
from distributed to centralized architecture. This includes offering Alternate Delivery Channels
(ADCs), Biometrics, Automated Teller Machine (ATM) & Point of Sale (PoS) Cards and access to
accounts through cell phones & web/ internet, Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) Systems
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through core banking system etc. Thus, substantial improvement in customer service, decreased
employee workload, and extension of additional value-added facilities to the investors, and
promotion of financial inclusion in the country. In order to establish the Digital Financial Services &
Payment Systems (“DFS & PS”) and technology based driven business operations, several national
and multinational firms/organizations are facilitating CDNS in achieving its vision of adoption of
state of the art, modern, digital, effective and efficient ways and means of doing business. The
notable facilitators includes World Bank, Karandaaz, Pakistan, M/s Access Consulting formerly
known as Grant Thornton Technologies in joint venture with M/s Paysys Labs, M/s Alvarez &Marsal
(“A&M”), M/s TPS, M/s Union Pay, National Telecommunication Corporation (“NTC”), M/s
KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co, Dar Al Sharia Pakistan, EY Ford Rhodes; Haidermota BNR& Co and Al
– Tamimi & Co, Department for International Development (“DFID”)/National Financial Inclusion
Secretariat (“NFIS”), SBP, 1-Link, NIFT etc.
1.5. Financial Inclusion Program (“FIP”) is a grant program sponsored by the United Kingdom
Government Department for International Development (“DFID”). The Goal of the “FIP” is to
promote inclusive economic growth and improve livelihood opportunities for poor and marginalize
groups in Pakistan. The purpose of the “FIP” is to improve access of financial services for poor and
marginalized groups and for micro, small and medium enterprises in Pakistan. The “DFID” through
SBP, Karachi has agreed to financially support CDNS on Co-Financing basis for “Automation and
Modernization of CDNS”. Accordingly a “Project Document” has been signed between CDNS and
SBP, Karachi with the approval of Finance Division. To Implement the Project, CDNS has
established a Project Implementation Unit/Project Management Unit (“PIU”)/(“PMU”) headed by a
Project Director. Under this project 153 National Savings Centers (“NSCs”) including 12 offices
shall be automated. Except One NSC located under the Administrative Control of RDNS Karachi,
rest of the “NSCs” belongs to various partly automated Regions of CDNS i.e. RDNS Peshawar,
Abbottabad, Gujranwala, Multan, Bahawalpur, Sukkur, Quetta respectively. This Project is a non
PSDP Project and is solely based on the initiative taken by CDNS with the approval of Finance
Division and shall be executed by CDNS itself with the support of SBP, Karachi.
The various National Savings Schemes are as follows:
Savings and Deposits Certificates
a. Defense Savings Certificate (DSC)
b. Special Savings Certificate (SSC)
c. Regular Income Certificate (RIC)
d. Bahbood Savings Certificate (BSC)
e. Short Term Savings Certificate (STSC) [having 03 further types]
Savings and Deposits Accounts
a. Savings Account (SA)
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b. Special Savings Account (SSA)
c. Pensioners Benefit Account (PBA)
Prize Bonds (PB)
Rs.100 [student welfare bonds], Rs.200, Rs.750, Rs.1, 500, Rs.7, 500,
Rs.15, 000, Rs.25, 000 bearer Prize Bonds and Rs. 40,000/- (Registered Premium Prize Bond)
SC-1 (used for Certificates)
SC-1 is the application form in which customer gives its bio-data, amount to invest,
nominations etc. Back side of the SC-1 is used for profit payment (as an alternative to ledger),
will be displayed during pre-bid Presentation.
DA-1 (used for Accounts)
DA-1 is the application form in which customer gives its bio-data, amount to invest,
nominations etc. Back side of the DA-1 is blank, as separate ledgers are maintained for
transactions, will be displayed during pre-bid Presentation
Ledger Card (used for Accounts)
It is like a big sized register and used for all type of transactions related to Accounts, will be
displayed during pre-bid Presentation.
Specimen Signature Card (used for Accounts)
A Specimen Signature Card with an Account Number, Name, Signature written by the
customer that a branch or NSC keeps so that they can verify the customer name, Signature on
a cheque or other document.

2. Description of Work
The Project Implementation Unit/Project Management Unit (“PIU”)/(“PMU”) of Central Directorate of
National Savings (CDNS), invites proposals/bids (Technical and Financial) from well reputed Pakistani
firms/companies/JVs/Consortium registered with Taxation Authorities and having their own well established
offices, supervisory structure and proper setup in order to carry out data entry and digitization of historical
records of investments pertaining to 153 National Saving Centres (branches) across eight (08) regions of
Pakistan.(List Attached at Annexure-H). The entire work required under this RFP shall be awarded to a Single
firm/company/JVs/Consortium on “Turnkey Basis”. No any partial work shall be considered to be awarded to
any other firm/company/JVs/Consortium in any case.

Bids submission Timelines/Deadlines

 Bids submission deadline: 09-October-2019 at 11:30 AM
 Opening of Technical Bids: 09-October-2019 at 12:00 Noon

3. Scope of Work
3.1. Geographical Spread and Size
As stated in the description of work, the CDNS intends to procure the services of a suitable Bidding Firm in
order to carry out data entry and digitization of tentatively ~0.8 million historical records (that may be
increased or decreased) of investments pertaining to 153 National Saving Centers (branches) under the
jurisdiction of the following eight (08) RDNS:
1. Abbottabad
2. Peshawar

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3. Gujranwala
4. Multan
5. Bahawalpur
6. Sukkur
7. Quetta
8. Karachi (Only One Branch)

3.2. Required Activities

The selected Bidding Firm/Bidder shall be required to complete the following tasks and activities during the
course of the contract period pursuant to this Tender Notice/RFP:

1. Collection of historical data from each of the 153 NSCs/ branches in the eight (08) aforementioned
RDNSs. The Bidding Firm must ensure that none of the application forms, ledgers & documents be
taken out of the premises of the NSCs. The collection of this historical data includes data capture and
archiving, for which the most effective method is to be proposed by the bidder(s)/firm(s). For data
capture and archiving/ scanning of record purposes the selected firm may require to un-bind the
Branch Record. In such a case the Firm would be responsible to hand over the branch all the records
in proper binding and tidy form (in same condition as they received prior to scanning) at its own cost.
The firm will ensure that all properly scanned documents are made available in digital format on
reliable media with agreed naming convention (indexing). The same may be asked by the Procuring
Agency at any time to provide the same to CDNS.

This data includes the following:

a. Application for Purchase of DSC/SSC/RIC (Form No.: SC-1 –attached at Annexure-1)
b. Application for Opening of Account (Form No.: DA-1 – attached at Annexure-2)
c. Account Ledgers, maintained in large paper-based Register (attached at Annexure-3)
d. Specimen Signature Cards (attached at Annexure-4)

2. Data entry of collected/scanned data using a suitable “Data Entry Application” to be provided by
the selected firm at its own cost. The Bidding Firm must also ensure that a robust quality assurance
mechanism is in place so that the data entered in the data entry application is verified during the entry
process. The firm must elaborate what data quality checks will be applied during data entry and its

3. Submission of complete database (including data of scanned images and the soft copy of data
entered) including any required reports to CDNS. In case during data entry the firm faces any issue
(e.g. data on scanned image is not in proper format or data is not available etc.), the firm will be
responsible to identify the records and provide separate report for them. The firm is expected to
liaison with branch to get these records corrected and in case it is not possible to do so in given
timelines then identify all erroneous records (in the shape of report) before merger into the CDNS
Oracle Database.

4. Merger of the database Bidding Firm shall be responsible for merger of historical data entered by
Firm by using it’s own “Data Entry Application” and the record to the main/active CDNS Oracle
database, for which the Bidding Firm shall coordinate with the CDNS software/data management
team for its access.

5. Provide Complete Merger details using data reporting formats that as per the requirement of CDNS,
specimen formats may be shared by CDNS with the Successful Bidder(s)/Firm (around 8-10 Reports).

3.3. Proposed Data Entry Process Flow

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CDNS data management team proposes following data entry flow. Bidding Firm may needs to move
forward by using following steps:-

a. Verified Balance Books in soft form will be provided by the Officer Incharge of the NSC
concerned to the Bidding Firm for attachment in the “Data Entry Application” to be provided by
the Bidding Firm
b. Quality Scanning of all the documents (DA-1, SC-1, Ledger & Specimen Signature Card) shall be
performed by the Firm using Bidder(s)’s own scanning devices
c. The Bidding Firm will make up-to-date data entry on the basis of balances attached for respective
scheme at the designated site by using the “Data Entry Application” and accessing the Merger
environment server (placed at NTC Data Center, Islamabad) by establishing a Point to Point Link
through Bidder(s)’s own resources.
d. The Bidding Firm should ensure the QC and QA with 100% accuracy for complete job.
e. The Bidding Firm is responsible for, after completion of the data of all the schemes, for
successful merger of data from the Server (as mentioned at Article 3.3(c)) to the Production
Server /database Server under the guidance of CDNS data management team.
f. It should be noted that all the activities mentioned at Point Article 3.3 (a-e) above should be
completed within a month for one branch/NSC. The Bidding Firm is expected to work in
parallel on multiple branches to ensure timely completion of the entire work within 18 months
from the date of signing of the agreement
g. Cross checking of the merged data into main application as per requirement of the
h. For reporting purpose on up-to-date Data Entry Status/Progress (as per the format given below)
the Firm should maintain daily Log and provide an online 24/7 access of the same to the
PIU/PMU/CDNS/RDNS’, as well as submission of the same in writing on weekly basis and on
request within 1 day.

For Daily Reporting:

Date Branch/NSC Name of Scheme No. of Data Entry Status

Code Branch/NSC Records Scanned Data Verified

For Weekly Reporting:

Status of Data Entry for the period from _____ to _____

Code Name of NSC Scheme 1 Scheme 2
Scanned Entered Verified Scanned Entered Verified

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i. The firm should have expertise in Oracle 12C, Design and development of Data Entry
Applications besides having expertise required for any data entry Project.
j. The Selected Firm must know and adhere to the standards, norms of Financial Data Handling /
Management, its scantily, sensitivity, integrity and secrecy and impact of wrong Data Entry on
entire Financial Solution.
k. The Selected Firm shall also provide the list of all the staff (Name, Father Name, CNIC, Address)
engaged in this assignment to CDNS

Note: The Bidding Firm may suggest further enhancements or value addition to improve the quality
of deliverable in the process flow suggested by CDNS.

4.1. Estimated Quantum of Historical Record
The successful firm will be responsible for data entry at 153 NSCs. Following table explains the quantum of
data entry work approximately (as the data may vary due to new investments and Withdrawals/Encashment of

Entry Type Quantity

Approximate Data Entry of Historical Records of NSCs, It is number of ~0.8 million
live investors that have to be covered within 153 NSCs.
4.2. Project Location/List of NSCs/Branches
The list of 153 NSCs/Branches for which Data Entry & Digitization is required to be made is attached at Annexure – H
4.3. Data Entry & Digitization Completion Time Line
All data have to be entered & digitized systematically and efficiently in a Phased-manner and must be completed within
18 months from the date signing of the agreement as per the requirements and satisfaction of PIU/PMU/CDNS
4.4. Facilities / Support to be provided/ Obligations of the Procuring Agency
4.4.1. The procuring agency will provide seating area for the staff of Bidding Firm to visit branches and
capture/scan records.
4.4.2. The procuring agency will allow access to the Central application servers. However Bidding Firm
may include the detailed support expected from the Procuring agency in it’s proposal. Any software
components or hardware required for the purpose of scanning/capture, data entry, merger of data etc.
will be arranged by the Bidding Firm at its own cost.
Note: The absence of addressing any requirement of RFP in the Technical Proposal may result in the
Technical Proposal being declared as “Non-Responsive” which may lead to the disqualification of the Bidder
for which no claim shall be entertained.

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4.5 Pricing
4.5.1 Rates quoted in the proposal shall be valid for entire data entry & digitization of 153 NSCs as
mentioned in this RFP and are inclusive of all taxes and be mentioned in PKR only.
4.5.2 Prices quoted in the proposal must be based on a fixed price.
4.5.3 It is pertinent to mention here that Bidding Firm shall make dedicated and sincere effort to ensure
maximum accuracy in the entered data, consequently at the stage of data authentication by branch/
officers from ZIAO, The Procuring Agency reserves the right to make no payment against incorrect
data/ errors reported, however Procuring Agency may consider payment on case to case basis and on
the basis of errors reported.

4.6 Term of Contract:

The Contract for the “Data Entry and digitization of historical records of investments pertaining to 153
National Saving Centres (branches) across eight (08) regions of Pakistan” shall have to be completed within
one and half year from the effective date of the Contract/Agreement.
4.7 Ownership of Data/ Retention of Data/Application
Any data sets or databases (whether in raw form or cleaned) including the tools/application [for Scanning, Data
Entry, Merger/Transfer of Historical Data to the Centralized Production Server Database) to be developed by the
Bidding Firm at its own cost, shall become the property of the PIU/PMU/CDNS. The Bidding Firm will give an
undertaking that it has removed all data (whether in physical copy or soft copy) from any of its computer
equipment/storage etc. after completion of the job/ work upon written request of CDNS at the time of completion
of the Project. The selected firm would be responsible for retaining the scanned and entered data for six months
after the expiry of the contract. After six months the selected bidder shall be responsible to hand over all related
data in soft form on reliable media/ machine to the CDNS.
4.8 Payment Terms
4.8.1 For services rendered pursuant to this RFP, the Procuring Agency shall pay The Selected Vendor as
1. Upon 100% completion of data entry process at one NSC/Branch and merger of the same (Based
on the number of records merged) in centralized/production environment, Bidding Firm will raise
an invoice for payment, however 80% of the payment to firm will be made on the basis of data
merged in the centralized/production environment against the invoice raised for the respective
branch/NSC. The remaining 20% of payment will be paid after branch/ officers from give a sign-
off on verification/authentication of the entered data from generated reports.
2. The Selected Vendor shall submit to the Procuring Agency following documents among others as
a. Invoice including taxes (if applicable) duly signed and stamped by The Selected Vendor.
These invoices should be signed and stamped both by the Selected Vendor and
controlling Regional Directorate of the National Savings/officer In-charge of Respective
Branch (which-ever is applicable) ;
b. Summary and Reports (as per agreed format) of Data Entered/Merged duly verified by
officer in-charge or Regional Head for which invoice is being raised.
c. A certificate by The Selected Vendor to the effect that he had not claimed the relevant
payment in his previous claims that have already been paid; and
d. The Procuring Agency reserves the right to scale down the amount of invoice as per its
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3. The Payment terms of 80% and 20% are indicative and shall be finalized during contracting stage.
4. The quoted price should be based on per record (inclusive of all taxes), keeping in view the
tentative Number of Records as mentioned in Article 3.1 and Article 4.1 of this RFP. However
during the execution of work, if number of records at respective NSCs found to be in excess of
the estimated Number of Records, the Procuring Agency shall pay the Selected Firm for any
extended number of records as per the approved rate and payment criteria mentioned in the RFP
or as agreed in the agreement/contract to be signed with successful bidder.
4.9 Implementation Schedule & Penalty
i. Issuance of letter of acceptance/work order to successful bidder as per PPRA Rules.
ii. Signing of Agreement/contract within 10 days after the acknowledgement of letter of
acceptance/work order.
iii. Submission of un-conditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (“PBG”) amounting
to PKR. 1,000,000/- (Rupees One Million Only), valid up-till three months after the Term of
Contract/Agreement to be submitted at the time of signing of Agreement. The (“PBG”) may be
released by the Procuring Agency three months after successful completion of contract period.
However the Procuring Agency reserves the right to forfeit (“PBG”) on poor Performance of the
Vendor besides taking other necessary actions under the law.
iv. Finalization of tool/Application [to be used for Scanning, Data Entry & Digitization of Historical
Records and Transfer to Centralized Production Server Database] within one month after
Issuance of letter of acceptance/work order, failing which the Procuring Agency may forfeit the
(“PBG”) and reserves the right to cancel the Agreement.
v. The Selected Vendor is bound to complete the Data Entry & Digitization of Historical Records
at 153 NSCs (including Scanning & Merger/Migration to a Centralized Database) within one and
half Year (18 Months) as per schedule provided by the Project Director/CDNS.
vi. It is pertinent to mention here that errors reported by the Officer Inchrage/Validation officer,
shall be corrected by the Procuring Agency’s own resources, subsequently Data Entry Charges
claimed by the Bidding Firm, of such in-corrected records, will not be made to Bidding Firm.
Further in case of the ratio of errors is more than 10% of the total records entered by the firm
pointed by the Officer Incharge/Validation officer, then firm will be fined a penalty of 2% of the
total records of that branch, and the Bidding Firm is responsible to deposit the Penalty amount in
National Bank of Pakistan and submit the Challan Form (in original) to the Procuring Agency.

4.10 Instructions for Bidders

4.10.1 Communication
Enquiries regarding this RFP shall be submitted in writing, three days prior to the Pre-Bid meeting (after
which no query shall be responded) to:
Project Director
Automation and Modernization of Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS),
Ministry Of Finance.
23-N, Savings House, G-6 Civic center, Islamabad.
Direct: 051-921-5753.

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4.10.2 Pre-Bid Meeting/Demonstration
A Bidder requiring any clarification of the RFP document shall contact the Procuring Agency in
writing at the Procuring Agency’s address specified in the Clause 4.10.1. The Procuring Agency
will respond to any request for clarification, provided that such request is received three days prior
to dead line of pre-bid meeting date as specified in the Tender Notice. The Procuring Agency shall
forward copies of its response to all the Bidders who had attended the Pre-Bid Meeting, including a
description of the enquiry but without identifying its source. No any queries/enquires received after
three days prior to the Pre-Bid Meeting shall be entertained/responded by the Procuring Agency.

4.10.3 Submission of Proposal

Separate technical and financial bids must be marked on envelops “Technical Bid for Hiring of
Firm/Company for Data Entry & Digitization of Historical Records of Investment at 153 NSCs
(Branches) of CDNS, Across Pakistan” & “Financial Bid for Hiring of Firm/Company for Data Entry
& Digitization of Historical Records of Investment at 153 NSCs (Branches) of CDNS, Across Pakistan”
sealed and packed in another single envelope be submitted within due date and time. The Bid Security must
be attached in the Technical Proposals without which the proposal shall not be considered by the
Procuring Agency.
4.10.4 Mode of Delivery of Bids and Address
Proposals shall be delivered by hand or by Dak (through Pakistan Postal Service)/courier so as to reach the
address given at clause 4.10.1 by the due date and time. Late submission of the Proposals shall not be
5. Criteria for Technical Evaluation
For Technical Evaluation of bidding firm/company the following criteria shall be applied. For this purpose
firm shall submit documentary proof along with the Technical Bid in shape of sections/chapters etc. in an
organized manner with proper referencing and as per requirement /format mentioned in this RFP. Non-
submission of the same and/or not conforming to any of these parameters may lead to poor technical marking
during technical evaluation and no claim for poor marking from the bidder shall be entertained. False/wrong
or misleading information if shared may lead to disqualification of bidding firm from the tendering process.
Parameters for technical evaluation are described in table placed at Annexure-F for convenience of the
bidders. Any attempt directly or indirectly to influence the Purchase Committee of the Procuring Agency may
lead to disqualification of bidding firm from the tendering process
6. Format for Technical Proposals
In addition to the format given as Annexure-F, the technical proposal should be comprehensively prepared,
presented and structured in the form of chapters to include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following
information. Support material should not be part of the main proposal but should be placed in annexure.
Note: During the technical evaluation a bidder or all bidders may be called for detail technical
presentation/clarification, if desired by the procuring agency for which all costs shall be borne by the Bidder.
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6.1 General
The bidders should provide the following:
i. Company Profile (Separate for Each JV/Consortium Partner in case of JV) (Annexure A);
ii. An Authorization Letter from the JV Partners in the name of Lead Bidder.
iii. A brief description of the firm’s organization and an outline of recent experience on assignments of a
similar nature, with a particular focus on data entry & digitization expertise. For each assignment, the
outline should indicate inter alia the profiles of the staff involved, duration of the assignment, contract
amount, and the firm’s involvement (Annexure B);
iv. A detailed description of the methodology and work plan proposed for performing the assignment
(Annexure C);
v. The list of the proposed staff team by specialization/area of focus, the tasks that would be assigned to
each staff team member, and their timing (Annexure D);
vi. Updated and signed Curriculum Vitae of proposed team members. Key information must include
number of years working for the firm/entity and degree of responsibility held in various assignments
during the last ten (10) years (Annexure E).

LATE BIDS RECIEVED:- Any bid received, after the deadline for submission of bids, will be rejected and/or
returned unopened to the Bidder/its postal address whichever the case may be.

6.2 Financial Capabilities

The bidder(s) shall describe the financial position/strength/soundness of its company/firm/JV . Business
Statement for last 3 years should be included in the Technical proposal. Additionally, the bidder shall
provide information (including financial value of contracts) on any major contract that have been awarded to
them or their business partners or equity holders, where it is felt that this would be beneficial in supporting
their response to this RFP. The National Tax Numbers and Sales Tax Registration Numbers of the
company should also be indicated (Photo copies of concerned documents should be attached with
technical proposal).

6.3 Experience
Bidder should mention its experience of doing business for example working with Banks/ Financial
Institutions /Government / Semi Government / Autonomous/Private Sector or Financial Sector Organization
etc.;. Bidder should provide the details of experience in similar contracts (if any). Photocopies of proofs of
such work may also be attached with proper referencing.
S. No. Nature of Contract Value of Size/Scope of Contract Name of the Customer with
Brief Contract Contact person & Contact

7. General Terms & Conditions

7.1. Bid Security
A bid security is required and acceptable in the shape of a Bank Draft/Pay Order/Demand Draft/ Banker’s
cheque/CDR only, issued from any scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, of PKR 100,000/- (Rupees One
Hundred Thousand), in the favour of CDNS, Islamabad. The Bid Security must be submitted with the
SEALED TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, without which the proposal shall not be entertained/ accepted. If
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a bidder withdraw its bid during the procurement process or a successful vendor fails to acknowledge the
letter of acceptance/signing of agreement etc.; , in such scenarios the Procuring Agency reserves the right to
forfeit the Bid Security besides taking other necessary actions under the law of the Land. Further the
Procuring Agency may ask the second lowest evaluated bidder for award of contract and so on (as per its
7.2. Validity of proposal
All proposal/bids and prices shall remain valid for a period of at least 18 Months (or any extended period of
contract, if required by CDNS) from the closing date of the submission of the proposal/bids.
7.3. Performance Bank Guarantee. (“PBG”)
The successful vendor shall be required to submit an un-conditional and irrevocable (“PBG”), amounting to
PKR. 1,000,000/- (Rupees One Million Only) on a stamp paper of PKR 2,000/- (Rupees two thousand
only), valid up-till three months after the Term of Contract/Agreement. The (“PBG”) shall be submitted at the
time of signing of Agreement. This (“PBG”) shall be issued by any scheduled bank operating in Pakistan and
the value for the outstanding deliverables of the contract will remain valid three months after the final and
formal termination of Contract by Procuring Agency. The Procuring Agency may forfeit the (“PBG”) if the
bidder`s performance found to be poor or bidder breaches any of its obligations under the contract agreement
or published RFP besides considerations for black listing the selected vendor/ company or any other action
taken under the law or all or waive off all or partially based on sound justification that may be beyond its
normal control, provided by the vendor and up to the satisfaction of procuring agency but the decision in this
regard would be the sole discretion of the procuring agency and in no way, the vendor may consider it as its
7.4. Currency
All currency in the proposal shall be quoted in Pak Rupees (PKR) only otherwise bids would be rejected.
7.5. Withholding Tax, Sales Tax and other Taxes/Levies
The bidder is hereby informed that the Government shall deduct tax/duties at the rate prescribed under the tax
laws of Pakistan, from all payments for services rendered purchase/supply by any bidder who signs the
contract with the Government. The bidder will be responsible for payment of all taxes/duties on transactions
and/or income, which may be levied by government from time to time.
7.6. Contracting (Signing of Agreement)
The selected vendor will submit Contract, for which draft may be obtained from procuring agency, and be
signed on a stamp paper of Rs. 5000/- (which shall be notarized properly) within ten (10) days of issuance of
work Order/letter of acceptance.
7.7. Governing Law
This RFP and any contract executed pursuant to this tender shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the laws of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan and all bidders responding to this

Page 14 of 35
RFP and parties to any contract executed pursuant to this RFP shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction to the
Courts at Islamabad.
7.8. Acceptance Criteria
As per PPRA Rule 36(b) - Single Stage-Two envelope procedure, the proposals will be evaluated technically
first. The Technical and Financial Proposals shall allocated 70 and 30 marks respectively. In Evaluation of
Technical Bids 42 out of 70 marks are the qualifying marks. Financial bids of only qualified bidders will be
opened. The distribution of 100 marks and formulae of financial bids evaluations will be as follows.
Technical Proposal (T) = 70 Marks. (42 are qualifying marks)
Financial Proposal (F) = 30 Marks.
Total (T+F) = 100 Marks.
The technical proposals/bids securing 42 marks i.e. 60% of total marks (70) allocated for Technical Proposals
or more in the technical evaluation will qualify for the next stage, i.e. financial bid opening. The bidder whose
quoted prices are lowest will get the maximum marks (i.e. 30 marks) in financial evaluation using formulae
given below:

(A) Bid Ratio = (a) Lowest quoted price / (b) Quoted price for which financial marks are required

[For lowest it would be 1]

(B) Bid Ratio x 30 = Financial marks of (b)

The cumulative effect of both Technical and Financial marks shall determine the position of the bidders.

The contract may be awarded to the bidder(s) whose bid is approved on the basis of evaluated to be lowest as
per PPRA Rules.

Note: - The proposal from any firm which is blacklisted from any government entity will not be

7.9 Responsiveness Test/Initial Screening

Prior to the Technical Evaluation of the Technical Bids, All the Technical Bids shall be examined for the
responsiveness Test/ Initial Screening on the basis of following parameters which are pre-requisites and be
considered as must meet requirements; non-compliance of any of following clause shall disqualify the
bidder(s) straight away. All bidders are required to submit compliance sheet/page containing the Reference
Page # in Technical Bid of proof.
7.9.1 Attested Copies of firm’s Registration/Incorporation Certificate(s).
7.9.2 The bidders must be registered with Taxation department and are on Active Tax payer List for
7.9.3 Affidavit on stamp paper (original and latest) of Rs.100/- signed by bidder and duly attested by
Notary Public, describing that bidder is not black listed from any government department and no suit
is pending against the bidder(s) in any court of law.

Page 15 of 35
7.9.4 Bid Security as an earnest money of required amount and shape, placed in the sealed Envelope of
Technical Proposal/Bid.
7.9.5 In case of Joint Venture Proof of JV/Consortium be attached with the Technical Bid.
7.9.6 Willingness certificate by firm showing 100 % compliance of all the terms & requirements mentioned
in this RFP/Tender Notice to carryout Data Entry & Digitization work/Process i.e.; entire job on
Turnkey Basis.
7.9.7 Each Page of The Technical & Financial Bid should be signed and stamped by the authorized
representative of the bidder(s).

i. After closing date and time no bid will be entertained.
ii. The costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the contract, including a visit to
the Procuring Agency/CDNS, are not reimbursable as a direct cost of the assignment;
iii. The Procuring Agency/CDNS reserves the right to reject all/any bids or part of bid.
iv. Firms must adhere to the instructions given regarding proposals preparation and
submission as outlined in the Tender Documents, in order to be considered for

7.10 Disclosure/ Integrity Pact

Supplier hereby declares that it has not obtained or induced the procurement of any contract, right,
interest, privilege or other obligation or benefit from Government of Pakistan (GoP) or any
administrative subdivision or agency thereof or any other entity owned or controlled by it (GoP)
through any corrupt business practice.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing the supplier represents and warrants that it has fully
declared the brokerage, commission, fee etc. paid or payable to anyone and not given or agreed to
give and shall not give or agree to give to anyone within or outside Pakistan either directly or
indirectly through any natural or juridical person, including its affiliate, agent, associate, broker,
consultant, director, promoter, shareholder, sponsor or subsidiary, any commission, gratification,
bribe, finder’s fee or kickback, whether described as consultations fee or otherwise, with the object of
obtaining or inducing the procurement of a contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or
benefit in whatsoever form from Gop, except that which has been expressly declared pursuant hereto.

By signing this agreement, the supplier certify that it has made and will make full disclosure of all
agreements and arrangements with all persons in respect of or related to the transaction with GoP and
has not taken any action or will not take any action to circumvent the above declaration,
representative or warranty.

Page 16 of 35
By signing this agreement, the Supplier accepts full responsibility and strict liability for making and
false declaration, not making full disclosure, misrepresenting fact or taking any action likely to defeat
the purpose of this declaration, representation and warranty. It agrees that any contract, right interest,
privilege or other obligation or benefit obtained or procured as aforesaid shall, without prejudice to
any other right and remedies available to GoP under any law, contract or other instrument, be
voidable at the option of GoP.

Notwithstanding any rights and remedies exercised by GoP in this regard, supplier agrees to
indemnify GoP for any loss or damage incurred by it on account of its corrupt business practices and
further pay compensation to GoP in an amount equivalent to ten time the sum of any commission,
gratification, bribe, finder’s fee or kickback given by supplier as aforesaid for the purpose of
obtaining or inducing the procurement of any contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or
benefit in whatsoever form GoP.
7.11 Force Majeure
A “Force Majeure Event” shall mean act of God or any event or circumstance or combination of
events or circumstances that are beyond the control of a Party and that on or after the date of signing
of this Agreement, materially and adversely affects the performance by that Party of its obligations or
the enjoyment by that Party of its rights under or pursuant to this Agreement; provided, however, that
any such event or circumstance or combination of events or circumstances shall not constitute a
“Force Majeure Event” within the meaning of this Section to the extent that such material and adverse
effect could have been prevented, overcome, or remedied in whole or in part by the affected Party
through the exercise of due diligence and reasonable care, it being understood and agreed that
reasonable care includes acts and activities to protect the Sites and the Facilities, as the case may be,
from a casualty or other reasonably foreseeable event, which acts or activities are reasonable in light
of the likelihood of such event, the probable effect of such event if it should occur and the likely
efficacy of the protection measures. “Force Majeure Events” hereunder shall include each of the
following events and circumstances that occur inside or directly involve Pakistan, but only to the
extent that each satisfies the above requirements:

i. any act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict or

act of foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil
commotion, act or campaign of terrorism, or sabotage;
ii. strikes, works to rule or go-slows that extend beyond the Sites, are widespread
or nationwide;
iii. Change in Laws of Pakistan;
iv. Other events beyond the reasonable control of the affected Party, including,
but not limited to, uncontrollable events, namely, lightning, earthquake,
Page 17 of 35
tsunami, flood, storm, cyclone, typhoon, or tornado, epidemic or plague,
radioactive contamination or ionizing radiation;
7.12 Grievance Redressal
Any bidder feeling aggrieved by any act of the Procuring Agency after the submission of his bid may lodge a
written complaint concerning his grievances not later than fifteen (15) days after the announcement of the bid
evaluation report to the Grievance Redressal Committee of Procuring Agency. The Committee for the purpose is
already notified at PPRA Website.

7.13 Amicable Settlement

7.13.1 Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Contract, or the breach, termination
or invalidity thereof, shall be resolved through negotiation in an amicable and friendly manner between
the parties. The Parties shall seek to resolve any dispute amicably by mutual consultation and
discussion at the appropriate level of Parties or through the committee constituted, representing
members from both sides, whichever is suitable to reach the amicable solution of dispute.
7.13.2 If either Party objects to any action or inaction of the other Party, the objecting Party may file a written
Notice of Dispute to the other Party providing in detail the basis of the dispute. The Party receiving the
Notice of Dispute will consider it and respond in writing within thirty (30) days after receipt. If that
Party fails to respond within thirty (30) days, or the dispute cannot be amicably settled within thirty
(30) days following the response of that Party, Following shall apply.
Disputes shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Failing amicable settlement, the dispute, differences or claims, as the case may be, shall be finally
settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act 1940 of Pakistan.
2. The arbitration shall be conducted at Islamabad, Pakistan before an arbitration panel comprising three
(3) members, one to be nominated by each Party and the third nominated by the first two nominees
(collectively, “arbitration panel”).
3. The fees and expenses of the arbitrators and all other expenses of the arbitration shall initially be borne
and paid equally by both the Parties, subject to determination by the arbitration panel. The arbitration
panel may provide in the arbitral award for the reimbursement to the prevailing party of its costs and
expenses in bringing or defending the arbitration claim, including legal fees and expenses incurred by
such Party.
4. Any decision or award resulting from the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Parties. The
Parties agree that the arbitral award may be enforced against the Parties to the arbitration proceedings
or their assets, wherever they may be found, and that a judgment upon the arbitral award may be
entered in courts having jurisdiction at Islamabad only.
5. Pending the submission of and/or decision on a dispute, difference or claim or until the arbitral award is
published the Parties shall continue to perform all of their obligations under the Contract.

Page 18 of 35
Annexure A
Company Profile
1 Name of Company
Type of Company
(Please indicate whether the company is
Public limited, Private limited,
Partnership, Joint Venture or any other)

3 Date of Establishment (Please enclose certificate by SECP)

4 Date of Start of IT activities

5 Date of Start of 1st Data Entry Project

Tax Registration NTN

Head Office
(Address & Contact Nos.)

8 List of Company Offices in Pakistan

Sr. Contact
City Phone No. Address
No. Person

9 Quality Assurance/Certification (please enclose copy)

Institution Yes/No Year
i. P@SHA
ii. ISO Certification
iii. PSEB
iv. Any other

10 Financial Strength of the firm:

Year 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
Turn Over

Page 19 of 35
Annexure B

Project Reference

Using the format below, provide information on each assignment for which your firm / entity, either
individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an association, was legally
Assignment Name: Country:

Location within Country: Professional Staff provided by your

Firm/Entity (profiles):

Name of Client: No. of Staff:

Address: No. of Staff months; Duration of


Start Date (month/Year) Completion date (Month/Year) Approx. Value of services (in
current Pak. Rs.)

Name of Associated Firms, If any: No. of Months of professional staff

provided by associated firms:

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions Performed:

Narrative Description of Project:

Description of Actual Services provided by your staff:

Firm’s Name:

Page 20 of 35
Annexure C

Description of Methodology and Work Plan for Performing the Assignment

A comprehensive document detailing each and every step and process proposed by the contractor/firm to be
followed in order to accomplish the project task. The document will be an important assessment tool for the
qualification and marking of scores for the contractor/firms proposal during the bid evaluation process.

The arrangement of this document should be as follows:

Title page: Showing RFP number, date and time, proponent name, address, telephone number, and contact

Letter of Introduction: Introducing the company and signed by the person(s) authorized to sign on behalf of
and bind the company to statements made in response to this RFP. Project Director, AP-CDNS Automation
Project retains the right to verify any representations made by the company and may request for any
documentation for such verification.

Table of Contents: Should cover all sections of the response and include page numbers.

Executive Summary: Summary of the key features of the proposal.

Proposed Solution and Methodology: The proposal will include a complete description of the procedures
proposed to meet the requirements of the Project as detailed in the RFP. Applicant firms are requested to
submit a detailed description of the intended approach, including Project Management and Methodology.
This should include but is not limited to: a description of the general approach, hardware and software to be
used, client involvement, Project Team members and roles, delivery schedule and the applicant firm’s quality
assurance and testing plan.

Support: The proposal will include the services and/or support expected from the AP-CDNS; however,
networking, computer equipment provision, internet etc. will be the responsibility of the contractor/firm.

Work Plan: The proposed schedule of activities in the form of a Gantt chart over the course of 18 months
earmarked for this assignment.

Page 21 of 35
Annexure D

Team Composition and Task Assignments

Note: Applicant firms must ensure that applicants must possess a Minimum F.A. qualification from a duly
registered education institution, with at least two (02) years of experience in data entry work.
1. Technical / Managerial Staff
Name Position Task

2. Support Staff
Name Position Task

Resumes of team members also to be provided in the attached format

Page 22 of 35
Annexure E
Format of curriculum vitae (CV) for proposed professional staff
Proposed Position:_____________________________________________________________

Name of Firm: ________________________________________________________________

Name of Staff: ________________________________________________________________

Profession: ___________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth: _________________________________________________________________

Years with firm/entity: _____________________________ Nationality:____________________

Membership in Professional Societies: ______________________________________________


Detailed Tasks Assigned: ________________________________________________________


Key Qualifications:
(Give an outline of staff member’s experience and training most pertinent to tasks on assignment. Describe degree of
responsibility held by staff member on relevant previous assignments and give dates and locations. Use about half a


(Summarize college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of schools, dates attended,
and degrees obtained. Use about one quarter of a page.)


Employment Record:
(Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held. List all positions held by staff member since
graduation, giving dates, names of employing organizations, titles of positions held and locations of assignments. For
experience in last ten years, also given types of activities performed and client references where appropriate. Use about
three quarters of a page).


(For each language indicate proficiency excellent, good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading and writing).

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these date correctly describe my qualifications, my
experience and me.

_______________________________________________ Dated: _________________

(Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm). (day/month/year)

Full Name of staff member: _________________

Full name of authorized representative: _____

Page 23 of 35
Technical Evaluation Criteria (70 Marks) Annexure-F
A Company's Experience in Data Entry & Digitization (years since company did first (Years)
project related to Data entry & Digitization)
I Equal to or more than 5 years
Ii Equal to or more than 3 years but less than 5 years
Iii Equal to or more than 2 but less than 3 years
Iv Less than 2 years
B Company's Offices Nos.
I Islamabad (Main Office)
Ii Abbottabad
Iii Peshawar
Iv Gujranwala
V Multan
Vi Bahawalpur
Vii Sukkur
Viii Quetta
C Financial position PKR
in Million
I Annual turnover of the firm for Last Three Years
D Certification/Affiliation Yes/No
Ii Relevant ISO Certification
E Experience of Relevant Projects (Detail to be filled in the Annex-B) Nos.
I Number of Completed Projects
Ii Number of Projects In hand
Iii Projects/Assignments with Govt. Departments /Financial Institutions
Iv Experience (if any) for Handling the Data of National Savings Schemes (NSS)
F Implementation Methodology
I Detailed project implementation plan including Data Entry Application Development &
Digitization Methodology to perform the activities at 153 branches
Ii Comprehensive detail of firm’s approach on how it will comply with technical
requirements for successful and timely accomplishment of entire work
Iii Methodology to provide technological solution for real-time daily/weekly/periodical
reporting (including up-to-date Data Entry & Digitization Status/progress)
G HR Strength of Bidding Firm/Company Nos.
I Equal to or more than 100 employees
Ii Equal to or more than 70 but less than 100 employees
Iii Equal to or more than 40 but less than 70 employees
Iv Less than 40 employees but more than 20 employees
V Less than or Equal 20 employees
H Project Resource Team [Assigned to this Project] Nos.

I Size and composition of Project Management Team

Ii No. of Scanning/Data Entry Staff
Iii No. of Data Verification/QC/QA staff
Iv No. of Developers/Database Experts
V Other related staff (if any)

Page 24 of 35
Financial Proposal Submission Form

[Location, Date]

The Project Director,

Automation & Modernization of Central Directorate of National Savings,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for Data Entry & Digitization of Historical records of 153
NSCs of Central Directorate of National Savings, Islamabad across Pakistan, in accordance with this Tender
Notice/RFP dated [insert date]. Our Costing/Financial includes all the requirements of the Procuring Agency
mentioned in this RFP.

The financial proposal for the data entry of single/unit/one record is as under:

Sr. Activity/Work (Per *Record) Quoted Rate Per Record (in PKR)
No (inclusive of all applicable taxes)
1 Scanning and **indexing of records (per record)
2 Data Entry of records (per record)
3 Data cleansing, correction, QC&QA, migration and transfer
of data to central production database server (per record)
Total [For Sr. No 1 -3] (in PKR)
Note: The Total mentioned in the above table shall be used for Financial Evaluation of the participating

* One Record Means Scanning & Indexing, Data entry/verification of each investment that may pertain to
SC-1/DA-1 (including Ledger/Specimen Signature Card) respectively and its merger (after complete historical
Data Entry/verification of investment at single branch) to a Centralized Production Database Server

** Observing the Naming convention during Scanning

Our Financial Proposal shall be valid for the entire contract period and for any extended period if granted by
the Procuring Agency.

We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.

We remain,

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:

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NSC UPTO 30-03-2019

Sr. Complete Name of NSC Complete Address of NSC

1 NSC-Attock-I- B-43, N Plaza, Attock City 19803
2 NSC-Attock-II, Sir Syed Road, Attock Cantt 5936
Anwar Plaza Opposite Shell Petrol Pump G.T. Road Main Bazar
3 NSC-Batkhela, 3238
Batkhela Malakand
4 NSC- Chitral D.C. Office, Road Chitral 1553
5 NSC- Ghazi Zubaida Aman, Plaza Tarbela, Road Ghazi 3672
6 NSC- Gilgit, JSR, Plaza, Gilgit 4169
7 NSC-Haripur-II, Addah Darband, Haripur 4222
8 NSC-Haripur-III, Railway Road, Haripur 8431
9 NSC-Havelian, G.T.Road Sultan Pur, Havelian 5161
10 NSC-Kamra, Main G.T. Road, Kamra Cantt 4250
11 NSC- Mansehra-I, Racka poshi Plaza, Abbottabad Road, Mansehra 8958
12 NSC-Mansehra-II, Kashmir Road, Mansehra 9832
13 NSC-Mardan-I, Mall Road, Mardan 10370
14 NSC-Mardan-II, Bank Road Mardan 5086
15 NSC- Mingora, Makanbagh Mingors Swat 4819
16 NSC-Muzaffarabad-I, Opposite G.P.O Muzaffarabad 14033
17 NSC-Muzaffarabad-II, Opposite AK,CMH Muzaffarabad 11064
18 NSC-Skardu, NSC Jamia Masjid Road Kazmi Bazar Near City Thana Skardu 1604
19 NSC-Swabi, Mastan Plaza Jahangira Road Swabi 4227
20 NSC-Topi, Aslam Khan Building Tarbea Road Topi 1629

21 NSC Hangu Kohat Road, Hangu 7262
22 NSC Parachinar Shirazi Plaza, Woman Hospital Road, Parachinar 11716
23 NSC-1, Kohat Al - Falah Market, Kohat Cantt: 12193
24 NSC-II, Kohat Opposite Police Lines Hangu Road, Kohat 7713
S.S. Plaza, Ground Floor Near DC Office, Bach Khan, Chowk,
25 NSC Charsadda 3197
26 NSC University Town Peshawar Park Road, Near NBP University Town, Peshawar 7382
27 NSC Risalpur Cantt: Amir Chand Building, Risalpur Cantt: 1867
28 NSC-I, Peshawar City Chowk Misgaran, Qissa Khawani Bazar, Peshawar City 5160
29 NSC Serai Naurang Kundi Market Serai Naurang 823
30 NSC Shabqadar Near TMA Office Shabqadar 2559
31 NSC Karak Tehsil Road, Karak 4340
32 NSC-I, Bannu Pohri Gate, Near Zanana Hospital, Bannu 2597

Page 26 of 35
33 NSC-II, Bannu Tanchi Bazar, Mehar Jani Bangalow, Bannu 1353
34 NSC Akora Khattak Main G.T. Road Akora Khattak 3571
35 NSC Lakki Marwat Lorry Adda, Lakki Marwat 1359
36 NSC Tank Adda Bazar, Tank 1039
37 NSC-VII, Peshawar City Sheikh Abad Road, Peshawar City 6433
38 NSC-II, D.I.Khan North Circular Road, Dera Ismail Khan 2909
39 NSC-I, D. I. Khan Opposite Haq Nawaz Park Dera Ismail Khan 5347
40 NSC Pabbi Cooperative Society Building, Main GT Road Pabbi 4370
41 NSC Nowshera Cantt: Aziz Bhatti Road, Shama Chowk, Nowshera Cantt: 8675
42 NSC-II, Peshawar City Bejjori Gate, Cinema, Road, Near Salateen Hotel Peshawar City 3407
43 NSC Jehangira Mohalla Allah Bakhsh Main GT Road, Jehangira 2042


44 NSC-Bhimber Near Habib Bank, Mirpur Chowk, Gujrat Road, Bhimber (AK) 7396
45 NSC-Daska Bank Road Model Town Daska 5970
46 NSC-Farooqabad Approach Road opposite National Bank of Pakistan Farooqabad 2477
47 NSC-I, Gujrat Bhimber Road Adjacent Askari Islamaic Bank Gujrat 13927
48 NSC-II, Gujrat Prince Chowk, Khawajgan Road Gujrat 13173
49 NSC-Hafizabad Opposite Govt. Girls High School #2, Ali Pur Road Hafizabad 5636
Mohallah Jinnah Colony Circular Road opposite Police Station Jalalpur
50 NSC-J.P.Jattan 9587
51 NSC-Kharian Cantt Sadar Bazar Kharian Cantt 8956
52 NSC-III, Sialkot Khadim Ali Road Kotli Behram Sialkot 5810
53 NSC-Lalamusa G.T. Road Lalamusa 10144
54 NSC-Malakwal Mohallah Islami Near HBL, Malakwal 5330
55 NSC-Mandi Bahauddin Jamia Masjid Road Mandi Bahauddin 18223
56 NSC-Nanakana Sahib Guru Bazar Market Road Nankana Sahib 6399
57 NSC-Narowal Katchery Road Narowal 9083
58 NSC-Pasrur Building No.280/526, Katchery Road Pasrur 4398
59 NSC-Phalia Hailan Road Phalia 3550
60 NSC-Pindi Bhattian Opposite Aaqil Gate, Lahore Road Pindi Bhattian 1882
61 NSC-Sambrial Sialkot Wazirabad Road Sambrial 5105
62 NSC-Sangla Hill Lakar Mandi Faisalabad Road Sangla Hill 4739
63 NSC-Shakargarh Zafarwal Road, near virtual University Shakargarh 11603
64 NSC-Sheikhupura Bati Chowk Faisalabad Road Sheikhupura 17111
65 NSC-I, Sialkot Chanan Building Mujahid Road Sialkot 22399
66 NSC-II, Sialkot Lane No.4, Fazal Plaza, Near Police Station Sialkot Cantt 17819
67 NSC-Wazirabad Railway Road Wazirabad 5861

68 NSC Abdul Hakeem Building No.147 Multan Road, Abdul Hakeem 1950

Page 27 of 35
69 NSC Ali Pur Building No.342, Mehboob Plaza, Near Town, Committee, Alipur. 2776
70 NSC Arifwala Building No.89/D, Thana Bazar, Arifwala. 6539
71 NSC Burewala Building No.116-D, Vehari Bazar, Burewala. 9823
72 NSC Chichawatni 4 G.T Road, Chichawatni 7919
73 NSC Depalpur Qasoor Road Near General Bus Stand, Depalpur. 4194
Building No.11610/2505, Haideria Chowk, Allama Iqbal Road,
74 NSC DG Khan-I 8649
75 NSC DG Khan-II Building No.3, Block No.1, Railway Road, D.G.Khan. 8526
76 NSC Haveli Exchange Road, Haveli Lakha. 1923
77 NSC Jahanian Building No.8, Block No.3, Multan Road, Jahanian. 5670
78 NSC Jampur Building No.XVIII/8/3, Dera Road, Jampur. 2265
79 NSC Kabirwala Building No.1, Ward No.1,Khanewal Road, Kabirwala. 4254
80 NSC Khanewal Zaid Plaza Block No12, Girls Collage Road, Khanewal 13443
81 NSC Kot Addu Building No.B-20-II, Ward No.2, Railway Road, Kot Adu. 3588
82 NSC Layyah Building No.64/A/3, Aslam More, Layyah. 6841
Building No.10/70, Maulvi Hadayat Ullah Road, Block No.10, Mian
83 NSC Mian Channu 7209
84 NSC Multan-II Building No.37/B, Chowk Gole Bagh, Gulgasht Colony, Multan. 16930
85 NSC Multan-VII Afshar Road, Near Machli Mandi Chowk, Doulate Gate, Multan. 5133
86 NSC Multan-IX Building No.12-13/S, Near Timber Market, Vehari Road, Multan. 5622
87 NSC Multan-X Near Food Festical, Near Kalma Chowk, Multan 14940
88 NSC Muzaffar Garh Zila Council Road, Near Kutchery, Muzaffargarh. 11474
89 NSC Okara Cantt Building No.80-A, Main Market, Okara Cantt: 2403
90 NSC Okara City-I Link Road, M.A. Jinnah Road, Near Mehr Petrolium, Okara City 14428
91 NSC Pakpattan Building No.1253-B-III, Sahiwal Road, Pakpattan 12325
92 NSC Rajanpur Building No.1296, Circular Road, Rajanpur. 4435
93 NSC Renala Khurd Building No.189/4-1, Welcome Road, Renala Khurd. 7385
94 NSC Sahiwal-I Building No.378/H, Fareed Town, Sahiwal. 6073
95 NSC Sahiwal-II Gol Chakar Hali Road, Sahiwal 13667
96 NSC Sahiwal-III Building No.23/C, Friends Cinema Road, Green Town, Sahiwal. 2621
97 NSC Shujahabad Building No.870, Jalal Pur Road, Shujabad. 3699
98 NSC Taunsa Sharif Near Hashim chowk Wahwa Road, Taunsa Sharif 1104
99 NSC Vehari Building No.21/D, Club Road, Vehari. 8141
100 NSC -Okara City-II Madina Super Market G. T. Road, Okara 2097
101 NSC Multan-V Building No.2045, Akbar Road Chowk Shaheedan, Multan. 6655
102 NSC-Jalalpur peerwala Shop No.20-22, Adda Qattalpeer Permat Road Jalalpur Peerwala 745

National Sdavings Centre,
103 Near Soneri Bank Ltd; Kutcher Road, Ahmadpur East 7599
Ahmadpur East
National Savings Centre,
104 Baldia Road, Bahawalnagar 10112
105 National Savings Centre, Chishtian Plot No.9, Block - E, Main Bazar, Chishtian 7440
106 National Savings Centre, High Way Road, Dahranwala 4485

Page 28 of 35
107 National Savings Centre, Fortabbas School Road, Near New Water Supply, Fortabbas. 2145
National Savings Centre,
108 83-C, Pakki Mandi, Jamia Masjid Road, Haroonabad. 4908
109 National Savings Centre, Hasilpur. 90 - C, Baldia Road, Hasilpur. 5652
National Savings Centre,
110 Dunyapur Road, Kahrorpacca. 2834
National Savings Centre,
111 Bahawalpur Road, Khairpur Tamewali. 3402
Khairpur Tamewali.
112 Natuoinal Savings Centre, Khanpur. Akhtarabad, Main Rahimyarkhan Road, Khanpur. 8128
113 National Savings Centre, Liaquatpur. Near Post Office, Liaqatpur. 1364
114 National Savings Centre, Lodhran. Multan Road, Near NBP, Lodhran. 7240
National Savings Centre,
115 Colony Road, Near Sharif Hospital / Stadium, Mailsi 3778
National Savings Centre,
116 Police Station Road, Near Abu-Bakar Chowk, Minchinabad. 1209
National Savings Centre, 22 Green Town, Opp; Jamia-tul-Farooq, Trust Colony Road,
117 14343
Rahimyarkhan. Rahimyarkhan.
National Savings Centre,
118 Rais Inam Ullah Road, Near Bilmillah School, Alfalah Town, Sadiqabad. 5841
119 Natuional Savings Centre, Yazman. Bahawalpur Road, Yazman 3410

120 National Savings Centre, Dadu 596 Ward 'B', Fish Market Road, Dadu 26876
121 National Savings Centre, Daharki C.S. No. 446, G. T. Road, Daharki 6375
122 National Savings Centre, Gambat U.C. No. 1, Main Road, Gambat 2159
123 National Savings Centre, Ghotki Ward (A), Marvi Mohalla, By-Pass Road, Ghotki 12731
National Savings Centre,
124 Adam Khan Panhwar Road, Jacobabad 11974
National Savings Centre, Kamber
125 234, Ward B, Dost Ali Road, Kamber Ali Khan 1407
Ali Khan
National Savings Centre, Kandh
126 Chandni Chowk, Kandh Kot 3775
National Savings Centre,
127 Near Eidgah, Tharoo Shah Road, Kandiaro 3576
National Savings Centre,
128 Main Indus Highway, Kashmore 2749
129 National Savings Centre, Khairpur House No. 1-D-80, G-3-2, New Goth, Katchery Road, Khairpur 16200
130 National Savings Centre, Mehar A-1109-3, Main Road, Shahi Muhalla, Mehar 3107
National Savings Centre, Mirpur
131 Clock Tower, Mirpur Mathelo 2379
132 National Savings Centre, Moro Ward No. 13, Main Road, Moro 3422
National Savings Centre,
133 Ward 'A', Kathia Bazar, Nasirabad 1399
National Savings Centre,
134 Ward No. 1, National Highway, Naushero Feroze 3412
Naushero Feroze
135 NSC-, Pano Akil D-104, Shahi Bazar, Pano Akil 3618
136 NSC-, Ranipur Main National Highway, Near National Bank of Pakistan, Ranipur 4481
137 NSC-, Rato Dero National Bank Road, Rato Dero 3813
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138 NSC-, Rohri 234- Ward 'B', Old Fish Market Road, Rohri 7076
139 NSC-, Shahdad Kot C.S. No. 644, Mukhtiarkar Office Road, Shahdad Kot 4490
National Savings Centre-I,
140 Main Station Road, Shikarpur 15508
National Savings Centre-II,
141 Stuart Ganj Road, Qazi Mohalla, Shikarpur 6767
142 National Savings Centre, Ubauro Main Ranwati Road, Ubauro 1231

143 NSC, Masjid Road, Quetta. Building No.3-9/24(1) Natha Singh Street, Masjid Road, Quetta. 2808
144 NSC, Brewery Road, Quetta. Khasra No.119/117-600, Brewery Road, Quetta 1990
145 NSC, Sibi. Shop No.1, Block No.3, Ward No.2, Jinnah Road, Quetta. 5101
146 NSC, Dera Murad Jamali. Main Bazar, Dera Murad Jamali. 1180
147 NSC, Turbat. Main Road, Turbat. 2195
148 NSC, Khuzdar. Jinnah Road, Khuzdar. 1504
149 NSC, Loralai. Building No.68, Tehsile Road, Loralai. 384
150 NSC, Mastung. Building No.2, Masjid Road, Mastung. 877
151 NSC, Pishin. Building No.79, 794, 798, Gawalmandi Road, Pishin. 367
153 NSC, Gawader. Shop No.2,3, Askani Plaza, Airport Road, Gawader. 132

153 NSC-Block 46A, Karachi Pak Secretaraiat, Block 46-A, Saddar, Karachi, Sindh 1352

Total 951,700

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Account – Ledger

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Signature Card

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