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ESOL Strategies

A. Methodologies/Approaches A1 Total Physical Response (TPR) E. Modified Class Work E1 Vary the Complexity of the Assignment and
A2 Frequent checking of comprehension Alternative Strategies Assessment
A3 Thematic approach Based on Level of English E2 One-on-One Instruction with Teacher or Aide
A4 Build background information Proficiency E3 Modify Nature of Assignment
A5 Utilization of Language acquisition stages E4 Substitute a Graphic Organizer
A6 Choral/Chant echo approach E5 Use Home Language for Directions
A7 Language Experience Approach E6 Explain Key Concepts
A8 Sheltered Instruction E7 Repeat/ Paraphrase/ Slow Down Rate
A9 Cognitive Academic Language Learning E8 Vocabulary with Context Clues
Approach (CALLA) E9 Reading with a Specific Purpose
A10 Reciprocal Teaching E10 Use Simple, Direct Language, Limit use of
A11 Brainstorming Idioms
A12 Previewing E11 Use all Learning Styles and Modalities
A13 Assess Prior Knowledge E12 Provide Meaningful Language Practice
B. Visuals B1 Flow charts E13 Substitution/Expansion/Paraphrase
B2 Maps Repetition
• Graphic Organizers B3 Charts E14 Matching with Visuals
B4 Graphs E15 Unscramble: Sentences/Words
B5 Pictures E16 Categorize Vocabulary
B6 Semantic Webbing/ Mapping E17 Use Context Clues
B7 T-Charts E18 Use Outline Notes
B8 Venn Diagrams E19 Directed Reading/Thinking Activity (DRTA)
B9 Timelines E20 Semantic Feature Analysis
B10 Computer/ Software E21 SQ3R
B11 Videos/Films (Survey/Question/Read/Recite/Review)
• Other Audio/Visuals B12 Realia (Real life artifacts for demonstration E22 Summarizing
purposes) E23 Note-Taking
B13 Demonstrations E24 Word Banks
B14 Captioning E25 Repetition
B15 Labeling E26 QAR – Question/Answer/Relationships
B16 Music/Songs E27 Develop and Maintain Routines
B17 Jazz Chants/ Raps E28 Eliminate Nonessential Information
B18 Cassettes-Music / Books E29 Double Grade Narratives/Essays for Content
B19 Language Master And Grammar
C. Interactive Strategies C1 Peer Buddy E30 Focus on Student Motivation
C2 Small Group Activities E31 Categorize Vocabulary/Word Sorts
• Cooperative Learning C3 Pairs and Threes F. Multicultural Resources F1 Cultural Sharing
Activities C4 Jigsaw F2 Varied Holiday Activities
C5 “Corners” F3 Validation of student cultural contributions
C6 Think/Pair/Share F4 Culture Studies
C7 Cooperative Learning Groups G. Alternative Assessment G1 Interviewing
(Group Reports/ Projects) Instruments G2 Content Retelling
C8 Panel Discussions/ Debates G3 Content Dictation
C9 Choral Reading/Read Around Groups (RAG) G4 Cloze Procedures
C10 Echo Reading G5 Graphic Representations
G6 Student Self-rating and Evaluations
D. Other Interactive Strategies D1 K.W.L (Know, Want to Know, Learned)
G7 Teacher Checklist
D2 Role Play
G8 Smaller writing sample/test sample
D3 Games
G9 Group Project
D4 Dialogue Journals
G10 Observation/Anecdotal
D5 Language Experience Approach
G11 Portfolio
D6 Think Alouds

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