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GRBT055-M AISC-Sample (LRFD) June 17, 2005 16:26 Char Count= 0





This chapter addresses requirements for shop drawings, fabrication, shop painting, erec-
tion and quality control.
The chapter is organized as follows:

M1. Shop and Erection Drawings

M2. Fabrication
M3. Shop Painting
M4. Erection
M5. Quality Control


Shop drawings shall be prepared in advance of fabrication and give complete
information necessary for the fabrication of the component parts of the structure,
including the location, type and size of welds and bolts. Erection drawings shall
be prepared in advance of erection and give information necessary for erection of
the structure. Shop and erection drawings shall clearly distinguish between shop
and field welds and bolts and shall clearly identify pretensioned and slip-critical
high-strength bolted connections. Shop and erection drawings shall be made with
due regard to speed and economy in fabrication and erection.

1. Cambering, Curving and Straightening
Local application of heat or mechanical means is permitted to be used to intro-
duce or correct camber, curvature and straightness. The temperature of heated
areas, as measured by approved methods, shall not exceed 1,100 ◦ F (593 ◦ C) for
A514/A514M and A852/A852M steel nor 1,200 ◦ F (649 ◦ C) for other steels.
2. Thermal Cutting
Thermally cut edges shall meet the requirements of AWS D1.1, Sections, and with the exception that thermally cut free edges that will
be subject to calculated static tensile stress shall be free of round-bottom gouges
greater than 3 / 16 in. (5 mm) deep and sharp V-shaped notches. Gouges deeper
than 3 / 16 in. (5 mm) and notches shall be removed by grinding or repaired by

Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, March 9, 2005

GRBT055-M AISC-Sample (LRFD) June 17, 2005 16:26 Char Count= 0

146 FABRICATION [Sect. M2.

Reentrant corners, except reentrant corners of beam copes and weld access holes,
shall meet the requirements of AWS D1.1, Section A5.16. If another specified
contour is required it must be shown on the contract documents.
Beam copes and weld access holes shall meet the geometrical requirements of
Section J1.6. Beam copes and weld access holes in shapes that are to be galvanized
shall be ground. For shapes with a flange thickness not exceeding 2 in. (50 mm)
the roughness of thermally cut surfaces of copes shall be no greater than a surface
roughness value of 2,000 in. (50 m) as defined in ASME B46.1 Surface Texture
(Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay). For beam copes and weld access holes
in which the curved part of the access hole is thermally cut in ASTM A6/A6M hot-
rolled shapes with a flange thickness exceeding 2 in. (50 mm) and welded built-up
shapes with material thickness greater than 2 in. (50 mm), a preheat temperature
of not less than 150 ◦ F (66 ◦ C) shall be applied prior to thermal cutting. The
thermally cut surface of access holes in ASTM A6/A6M hot-rolled shapes with
a flange thickness exceeding 2 in. (50 mm) and built-up shapes with a material
thickness greater than 2 in. (50 mm) shall be ground and inspected for cracks
using magnetic particle inspection in accordance with ASTM E709. Any crack is
unacceptable regardless of size or location.

User Note: The AWS Surface Roughness Guide for Oxygen Cutting (AWS
C4.1-77) sample 3 may be used as a guide for evaluating the surface roughness
of copes in shapes with flanges not exceeding 2 in. (50 mm) thick.

3. Planing of Edges
Planing or finishing of sheared or thermally cut edges of plates or shapes is not
required unless specifically called for in the contract documents or included in a
stipulated edge preparation for welding.

4. Welded Construction
The technique of welding, the workmanship, appearance and quality of welds,
and the methods used in correcting nonconforming work shall be in accordance
with AWS D1.1 except as modified in Section J2.

5. Bolted Construction
Parts of bolted members shall be pinned or bolted and rigidly held together during
assembly. Use of a drift pin in bolt holes during assembly shall not distort the
metal or enlarge the holes. Poor matching of holes shall be cause for rejection.
Bolt holes shall comply with the provisions of the RCSC Specification for Struc-
tural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts, Section 3.3 except that thermally cut
holes shall be permitted with a surface roughness profile not exceeding 1,000 in.
(25 m) as defined in ASME B46.1. Gouges shall not exceed a depth of 1 / 16 in.
(2 mm).
Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, March 9, 2005

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