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Note: the part in brackets is the part we can't hear
LOG1: Topshop and Topman.
Are you a fashion-conscious teens on a budget? Are you looking for stylish clothes and accessories, if so
you would love Topshop and Topman the favorite places in the UK. Topshop and Topman at reasonable
prices, starting out in the basement of 1964. Topshop and Topman are really successful store and there
are over 140 stores in the UK. Their idea behind the company isn't to make its customers into Fashion
Victims but to help them develop their own style, the shops have a great range of jeans, shoes and
accessories and (…) , they even have a personal shopping service, customers appointment then sit
relaxed was friendly and helpful (…) systems, they find exactly what they're looking for, or you need
shopping experience (Oxford Circus) branch in London (…), with its price floors is the biggest fashion
show in the world. This amazing store so section and also support many charity they sell special
collections to raise money for people in need. Topshop and Topman love to(...)
Budget: organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time (Eg: My mother spends a
large amount of her budget on buying things).
Accessories: an extra piece of equipment that is useful but not essential or that can be added to
something else as a decoration (Eg: My house is near an accessories store.)
Are you a young person who is interested in fashion? You should know Topshop and Topman if you are
looking for clothes and accessories. It’s a favorite location in the UK with reasonable cost, has a lot of
goods, and their idea is to make their customers creative in their own style. Topshop and Topman are
placed to the largest catwalk in the world. Beside they also organize charity activities. (70 words)
In our opinion, listening to this log is quite useful in life. It helps us to learn more about the major
fashion chains around the world, what prices and items they have.

Dictation: A Polar Adventure.
What comes to mind when you think of a family holiday. Seaside trip or cruise, note for Amelia
Hempleman Adams as the daughter is a famous British Explorer, I mean his family holidays have never
been ordinary. Since the age of 7, she has been traveling all over the world, when she was 7, she
traveled all the way across the U.S in the Caravan, and aged 9 she climbs Mount Fuji in Japan. But even
these extreme family trip couldn’t prepare her for an adventure that would take her to the Frozen
Landscapes of Antarctica, a destination the South Pole. I mean it prepare for Antarctica temperature as
low as minus 50 degrees Celsius by camping in a supermarket storage freezer. Even that the
temperature only dropped to 27 degrees Celsius. She also exercise everyday to get her body ready for
challenge. In November, 2011, the media and her father, David began the journey. Along with each
other expedition members, they flew to Antarctica and arrived at the farthest point south where in
1909, the same as explorer, Ernest Shackleton had to abandon his own mission to the pole. It was from
there to the media is the brave team sets off on skis hoping that the 21 st century attempt would
succeed. During the journey, Amelia faced very tough conditions. She had to ski against strong freezing
winds while dragging a heavy sledge with supplies. David meanwhile was anxious to protect his
daughter from the dangers of hypothermia and frostbite. However, after 14 days and its extreme
environment on the 9th of December, the group reach their destination. Amelia became the youngest
person ever to the South Pole, an amazing achievement for 16 years old on Google.
LOG2: Money Magic.
Let’s face it we all love spending money, you might think you’re too yorking to worry about money
issues but it’s never too early to learn how to be a responsible (transfender). Maybe only income is your
pocket money, but there are many ways for teens to make extra cash, (it) your parent agree stop by
doing errands family friends and neighbors for a small, fee, team up with a friend to wash cars, wash
dogs, work the (gardening). You use your skill to. Are to creative make prompt items like greeting cards
and sell them to friends and relatives? However much money you have budgeting is an important skill to
learn decide how much you want to spend each month on your clothes, food and other things and stick
to it. Before buying those designer jeans, want for the sale or look just as nice. Finally , open a saving
account. A good rule is to try saving of what you are on top of the (10lb), one might not seem like a knot,
that little amount soon add up 5 times a week, so easily become enough money to buy your first laptop.

LOG3: My volcano adventure.

I am fascinated by volcano, so when I heard the news that mountain Yamarahuila was a wrap thing, I
have to see it. Located in Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, it was worth
the effort. I joined a group fellow volcano fans who camping overnight close to the volcano. We hiked
for 4 hours to get there. Each of us was carrying around food, water and sleeping bag. So by the time we
arrived, we were exhausted but not disappointed. We saw the first fountains of lava as we approach the
camp. The camp was a safe distance from the crater, but the lava was shooting 200 meters into the air.
The color was magnificent. As we got closer, we could see the stream of red lava, they were running
down the slopes of the volcano. Smoke and Ash wood were rising into the sky, it was wonderful but I
admit I was a bit scared. When the sun was out, we approach the rim, we didn’t go right up to it, we
didn’t want to getting any burns that heat was unbelievable, it was too hot for me. I took some fantastic
their pictures. My close encounter with an erupting volcano with unforgettable .

LOG5: City burn down.

Around 8 p.m, on the night of October 8th, 1871, Patrick and Katherine O’Leary of 13 Dekoven
Street, Chicago went to bed soon after a fire broke out in their born, one of the O’Leary’s
neighbors was walking by when he saw flames coming from the barn, he shouted for the help
and neighbors rushed to the fire with buckets of water, they were unable to put out the fire
and it quickly spread to other homes. Soon, the whole neighborhood was in flames, most of the
homes and buildings in Chicago were wooden at the time and with the help of the wind, the fire
quickly grew. Unfortunately, firefighters, went to the wrong location and by the time they reach
the fire was out of control, people began to panic. They were running in the streets while
buildings were burning down around them when the fire reach the Chicago River. People
thought it was finally over but with help of the wind, sparks jumped over the river and the
buildings on the other side cop fire. The fire the headed for the city center. Government,
building, hotels and businesses burned to the ground. After 2 days, rain began to fall and on the
morning of October 10th, 1971, the fire finally died out. One of the biggest American disasters of
the 19th century left 300 people that 100000 people homeless and 17500 buildings destroyed.
The people of Chicago immediately began to rebuild their city from this disaster. It started with
a small fire in the O’Leary’s born.

1. I’d like to begin this talk by saying that working as a journalist is not always as glamorous as it
seems (…) the weather can be dreadful, once I was covering a story of road and its was boiling
coming from Rainey, England I wasn’t used to such high temperatures. I was working at that for
three weeks waiting for just one cloudy day but it never came.
2. Man: Hi Wendy, I’m surprises

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