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MYSTARA Return to the Lost City

by Michael Mearls

n ancient times, the inhabitants of Cynidicea transformed In time, the Cynidiceans adapted to their new surroundings.
a region of the great Alasyian Desert into a veritable par- Succeeding generations were born with white hair, pale skin,
adise through magic, engineering, and planning. In the and eyes unaccustomed to the light of the sun. They spent
depths beneath the city, workers discovered a cavern their lives tending fields of gigantic mushrooms and herding
with a freshwater lake and enough space to house a small subterranean beasts. To keep the population of this under-
city. Emboldened by this find, mining teams sought out even ground city under control, the priests of Zargon poisoned the
deeper passages beneath the earth. In time, they discovered water with a powerful sedative known as elixir of fantasy
a sealed cavern that, unknown to them, was the prison of (see the Elixir of Fantasy sidebar). Thus, while away from the
Zargon, a fiendish being of unknown origin. Naturally, the fields, most of the Cynidiceans passed their time in a dream-
curious Cynidiceans opened the cavern, releasing Zargon like state. Only the tiny sects of Gorm, Usamigaras, and
after uncounted centuries of imprisonment. In the manner of Madarua escaped this fate. Cloistered in the side passages
most fiends, he showed his gratitude by slaying and devour- and caverns around the underworld city, the faithful of the
ing his liberators. old gods plotted to overthrow Zargon and his priests.
Driven by his great hunger, Zargon made his way Mistrust and ancient rivalries prevented the rebels from
through the winding tunnels beneath Cynidicea to the uniting to face the Zargonites until a pair of powerful heroes
city above. He found the supply of prey there to his from the outside—Almeer of Glantri and the warrior-thief
liking and began a killing rampage the likes of which the Barnabas Bladecutter—delved into the city. They led the peo-
kingdom had never seen before. Faced with mass panic ple in an uprising and defeated Zargon himself. Believing
and an uncontrollable monster, the city fathers conceived their duty completed, the adventurers departed the city for
a plan to satiate Zargon. In return for regular sacrifices, the vast reaches of Norworld and were never heard from
the fiend agreed to retire permanently to his underground again. Unknown to them, however, Zargon had not been per-
dwelling. For decades thereafter, the Cynidiceans bought manently destroyed. Within weeks of his defeat, he appeared
their survival with the lives of slaves, prisoners of war, again to take his revenge. Rallying his surviving followers, he
and criminals. waged a bloody war known as the Time of Rage. Zargon’s
In time, many Cynidiceans came to view Zargon as a troops struck hard and fast, overwhelming the rebels in the
god. A strange cult grew up around him, and the worship underground city before they could cure all the citizens of
of the old gods—Gorm, Usamigaras, and Madarua—fell by the poison that produced their dreamlike state. The clerics of
the wayside. As the worship of Zargon became the norm, Gorm, Usamigaras, and Madarua fled for their lives.
the city itself began to take on aspects of the evil that had
corrupted its people. Over time, the kingdom that was once THE CYNIDICEANS
a gleaming beacon of civilization was transformed into a pit Roughly a thousand Cynidiceans remain in the lost city. The
of decadence. average Cynidicean has pale skin, snow-white hair, low-light
Once Cynidicea began to decay, it became a ripe target vision, and light sensitivity (dazzled in bright sunlight or
for invasion. Barbarian hordes from the north fell upon the within the radius of a daylight spell). Except for these traits,
city, overwhelming the few soldiers left to man its walls. Cynidiceans are the same as normal humans.
When the invaders finally took their leave, little of the once- In the years since the Cynidiceans retreated into the
magnificent city remained. The survivors fled to the great earth, they have adopted several strange customs, the odd-
cavern beneath the city, where they huddled together while est of which is the use of masks to conceal their faces.
the desert reclaimed the buildings above. The cult of Zargon, Every Cynidicean wears a mask fashioned to represent an
whose members had already built living quarters and temples animal, a demon, a legendary hero, or some other fantastic
within the cavern in order to live closer to their lord, or historical creature. While their wits are befuddled by the
assumed absolute control over the remaining Cynidiceans. In mushroom narcotics mixed with their water, they fully
return for housing and feeding the refugees, the priests of adopt the personas represented by their masks. For
Zargon demanded and received absolute obedience. instance, a commoner wearing the mask of an ancient king

88 January 2004
might demand that others bow to him. 4. Goblin Cliff Caves
Another masked as a bird might run These passages lead westward to an
about with his arms outstretched as underground hobgoblin kingdom. The
he soars through the air in his own hobgoblins have gradually been
personal dream world. For the increasing in numbers over the past
roughly 8 hours each day that the several decades. When their strength
Cynidiceans function normally, the reaches its peak, they plan to conquer
priests of Zargon force them to work the lost city, loot its riches, and lead its
in the fields and make repairs to the people as slaves to the Broken Lands.
lost city. The rest of the time, the cit-
izens are content to wallow in their 5. The Lost City
strange dreams. The streets of the lost city offer a
strange vista to those unfamiliar with its
GEOGRAPHY ways. Cynidiceans caper and dance According to Bruce Heard, the MYSTARA campaign

by Stan!
The map on the following page illus- about, locked in their dreams, while setting started accidentally. It is not a world that
trates the geography of the lost city. gold-masked soldiers of Zargon (both was built from the ground up. Rather, it is a mosaic
Its important locations are marked human and hobgoblin) regularly patrol of pieces designed by many different people.
and described below. Continual flame the area. Most of the Cynidiceans live “There was the nucleus of a setting in the origi-
effects set at the corner of each in large, communal dormitories, but nal D&D Basic and Expert boxed sets,” he says.
building and at 30-foot intervals many of the other buildings have fallen “You know, back when there was a difference
along each street provide illumination into disrepair. between D&D and AD&D.” But it hardly consti-
for the cavern’s inhabited areas. tuted a world—just a dozen or so nations described
6. Eye of Zargon in the barest detail without any context, support, or
1. Lake Moldvay This bubbling lava pit is surrounded by even a proper name. It was referred to only as the
This deep, freshwater lake lies at the cracked, broken steam vents and Known World.
center of the lost city. It provides magma streams. Fire elementals, sala- At that point, the in-house design staff was writ-
drinking water for the populace, and manders, and other beasts lurk here. ing all the AD&D products, while the D&D jobs
water flows to the sewers beneath the were being handled by freelancers. Heard was in
city through channels cut into the lake 7. Ruins charge of supervising the freelancers. “By default
bed. The lake is fed by a planar insta- Most of these areas were destroyed that made me the keeper of the setting.”
bility that channels water to the during the Time of Rage, although a At first, the only products being produced were
Material Plane from the Elemental few have simply collapsed from long adventures, and each one added a little bit to this
Plane of Water. At times, spectral, neglect. In some areas, rifts in the city’s nameless world. Over time, a great deal of detail
glowing lights loom within its depths, sewer system have allowed otyughs emerged for the setting, but without a written guide,
and the shadowy images of ruined and similar monsters to reach the sur- this caused a great deal of difficulty for Heard and
towers and buildings are visible face and stalk the streets. his freelancers. In response, he was able to get the
beneath the water near the Isle management to put the first of the D&D Gazeteer
of Death. 8. Temple of Zargon products on the schedule.
This imposing structure built of black The idea was to create a definitive background
2. Isle of Death rock houses the high priests of Zargon for all the D&D adventures to be set against, but
This small, stony island is covered with and their most loyal troops. The building the group was able to do much more. First, they
tree-sized mushrooms and honey- is heavily defended, with hobgoblins, were finally able to give the setting a name.
combed with caves. The Cynidiceans low-ranking clerics, and ogres manning MYSTARA, they decided, had an appropriately grand
once buried their dead here, but like its walls. Inside is a great prison where feeling and still bespoke of the unknown lands and
many poorly tended burial grounds, this sacrificial captives and rebels are kept adventures yet to be discovered in the world.
place became infested with undead under close guard. Torture chambers, Next, Heard was able to slip in a bit of European
over time. Many of Cynidicea’s great foul chapels, and other horrors await flavor into MYSTARA. “I was born and raised in
treasures, including the crown jewels of anyone foolish enough to slip into this Europe, and I am a bit of history buff,” he says. So
the city’s royal line, are stored here in place. it’s not very surprising that he thought the “old
lost vaults and tombs. country” would make a good basis for the D&D
9. Pyramid Entrance setting. “Of course, I’ve learned a lot more about
3. Fields and Pens This tunnel leads to a network of cham- history since then,” he says and laughs, hinting that
These areas produce food for bers and passages carved into a great MYSTARA might be a very different place if he was
the city. Since the Zargonites temple that once served as the center- working on it today.
practice crop rotation, some mush- piece of the city above. The desert “MYSTARA really is a hodge-podge, and there
room fields are under cultivation sands have long since buried the bulk were some very awkward moments in its develop-
at any given time, but others are of this structure, but its upper levels ment,” Heard recalls. “But who knew at the time
wild and untended. The pens house remain above ground. Adventurers that we had the who’s-who of 1980s game design-
cave crickets that are raised as who stumble across this portion can ers on the team? Ed Greenwood, Aaron Alston, Ken
food animals. make their way down through its corri- Ralston—if I knew I was working with future leg-
dors to the lost city. ends, I’d never have worried at all.” 89
10. Lower Catacombs Zaranna (female human Clr 12). She hasty agreement with the last outsiders
This building sits atop a great shaft that gained her position of leadership by who came here, Kanadius is slow to ally
connects with other underground com- poisoning the previous high priest. himself with strangers or make any
munities populated by mind flayers, Zaranna uses her magnetic personality open moves against the city’s rulers.
aboleths, drow, and other denizens of to keep her underlings in line. Each of Gorm’s clerics bears a tattoo
the world below. Each of Zargon’s clerics wears a of a blue lightning bolt on his right
golden mask depicting a monster with shoulder. His clerics’ ceremonial garb
THE CULTS AND a single horn and four tentacles consists of blue tunics and golden
GODS OF CYNIDICEA sprouting from its chin. masks depicting a stern-faced, bearded,
Although the cult of Zargon currently Zargon is a lawful evil creature. human male.
holds power in the underground city, a How he grants spells is unknown. Gorm is a lawful neutral deity. Gorm
few Cynidiceans worship Gorm, Clerics of Zargon have access to the grants access to the Air, Law, and War
Usamigaras, and Madarua. Clerics of Destruction, Evil, and Law domains. domains. His favored weapon is the
these gods have formed secret bands These options reflect their general longsword. The members of his brother-
of rebels that seek to overthrow the tendencies toward control, tyranny, hood are primarily fighters and clerics.
Zargonites. and oppression. Zargon’s favored
weapon is the light flail. The Magi of Usamigaras
The Cult of Zargon This secretive, shadowy cult has been
Members of Zargon’s cult use a variety The Brotherhood of Gorm an underground organization since the
of techniques to maintain control over Gorm, god of storms, justice, and war, Time of Rage. Its members dwell within
the city. Hobgoblin mercenaries serve is a grim, demanding deity. The few forgotten sewer channels beneath the
as guards and soldiers, while a small surviving clerics who venerate him city, venturing outside only occasion-
cabal of wizards and sorcerers pro- dwell in secret chambers northwest of ally in search of food, supplies, and
vides magical support. Because many the city. Kanadius (male human Clr 10), lost caches of magic items. Usamigaras
of Cynidicea’s spellbooks were their leader, is a cautious, thoughtful is the god of healing, messengers,
destroyed in the barbarian invasion, man. Adventurers who seek him out thieves, and magic. He is depicted as a
arcane spellcasters are rare and pow- must prove themselves through smiling, winged child bearing a wand in
erful individuals. repeated forays against the Zargonites one hand and a serpent in the other.
The high priestess of Zargon’s cult before they can earn his trust. Because The current high wizard of
is a decadent, cruel tyrant named of a debacle stemming from a too- Usamigaras is Auriga Sirkinos (male

90 January 2004
human Wiz 9), a scheming weasel who robes and a silver mask depicting the the desert in search of allies. Of all the
hides his unbridled ambition behind a face of a young child. sects, the church of Madarua is the
jolly facade. Long ago, he allied with Usamigaras is a chaotic neutral deity. most likely to greet outsiders with
the Zargonites in order to escape Usamigaras grants access to the respect and enthusiasm.
death at their hands. In return for Healing, Magic, and Trickery domains. The leader of Madarua’s cult is
spellbooks and other magic trinkets, he His favored weapon is the dagger. Pandora (female human Ftr 10), a cun-
reports on the efforts of the other ning, calculating military leader who
cults and crafts magic items for the The Warrior Maidens of Madarua prefers to feign weakness to lull her
Zargonites. Few of his followers are The brave warrior maidens of enemies into a false sense of security
aware of his betrayal, but a growing Madarua constitute the most active before striking. When faced with out-
faction within the cult, led by a princi- opposition to Zargon. The goddess of siders, she makes open overtures of
pled young woman named Loraya birth, death, and the changing seasons, friendship while her priestesses use
(female human Wiz 2), is strongly agi- Madarua urges her followers to divinations to learn the visitors’ true
tating for more decisive action against restore Cynidicea to its former glory motives.
the Zargonites. and struggle against the Zargonites’ Madarua is a neutral deity.
Auriga offers friendship to outsiders, tyrannical rule. Madarua’s clerics gain access to the
although he uses such relationships The warrior maidens control several Death, Healing, and Protection
only to improve his own position. He key passages in the upper areas of the domains. The goddess’s favored
offers to trade magic items for spell- great pyramid that connect Cynidicea weapon is the longspear. Each of her
books and scrolls, claiming truthfully with the lost city. During the Time of clerics has a small, sickle-shaped scar
that such items are needed in the city. Rage, the maidens’ spies succeeded in on her left wrist.
If possible, he pays visitors to embark warning the faithful of Madarua scant
on expeditions in search of lost magic hours before the first incursion of ZARGON, THE
items, claiming that he can use such Zargonite warriors arrived. Although DEVOURER IN THE DEPTHS
tools to aid in the struggle against many of the warrior maidens managed Gargantuan Outsider (Aquatic, Evil,
Zargon. After exhausting whatever aid to aid ordinary citizens in escaping, Lawful, Native)
the visitors can offer, he betrays them they did not have time to warn the fol- Hit Dice: 22d8+176 (275 hp)
to the Zargonites. lowers of Gorm and Usamigaras. Thus, Initiative: +2
Each cleric of Usamigaras bears a the other two outlaw sects view this Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), swim 60 ft.
tattoo of a five-pointed, silver star on one with great suspicion. Armor Class: 26 (–4 size, +2 Dex, +18
her right palm. The ceremonial garb of The warrior maidens have recently natural), touch 8, flat-footed 24
these clerics consists of rainbow-hued dispatched several brave warriors into Base Attack/Grapple: +22/+45
Attack: Tentacle +29 melee (2d6+11) gotten immortal, or even a physical shard of
Full Attack: 6 tentacles +29 melee (2d6+11) some greater being. Such clerics might gain
and bite +28 melee (2d8+5) and gore +28 spells solely from their commitment to the
melee (4d6+5) principles that Zargon embodies.
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict 2d6+16, herald of Combat
slime, improved grab, spell-like abilities In battle, Zargon attacks with the direct feroc-
Special Qualities: Amphibious, damage reduc- ity of a being who is unaccustomed to facing
ELIXIR OF FANTASY tion 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to any significant challenge. He blasts his enemies
Developed decades ago by the acid, cold, disease, electricity, and poison, with his spell-like abilities and charges into
Zargonites from the distillate of a rejuvenation, spell resistance 28, telepathy melee to rend and crush any survivors.
mushroom that grows beneath 100 ft. Zargon’s natural weapons, as well as any
Cynidicea, elixir of fantasy is a Saves: Fort +21, Ref +17, Will +18 weapons he wields, are treated as evil-aligned
powerful hallucinogen (ingested, Abilities: Str 32, Dex 14, Con 27, Int 15, Wis and lawful-aligned for the purpose of over-
DC 17 fortitude save) that makes 17, Cha 20 coming damage reduction.
the user believe he is something Skills: Climb +21, Concentration +25, Decipher Constrict (Ex): On a successful grapple
else. The priests of Zargon Script +12, Diplomacy +22, Intimidate +30, check, Zargon deals 2d6+11 points of damage.
tightly control the timing of the Knowledge (arcana) +17, Knowledge (the Herald of Slime (Su): Zargon is always sur-
dosages in the city’s water sup- planes) +22, Knowledge (religion) +17, Listen rounded by a thick pool of gray fluid. This sub-
ply so that the hallucinogenic +23, Search +12, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft stance covers the ground (and unattended
effects begin at the end of a +14 (+18 scrolls), Spot +28, Survival +3 (+5 objects on the ground up to 10 feet in height)
work cycle and have worn off by other planes), Swim +29, Use Magic Device to a 30-foot radius around him and persists for
the time the next one is about to +30 (+32 scrolls) 1 minute after he has passed. Any area or
begin. This process produces Feats: Improved Natural Attack (gore), object covered by the slime functions as
alternating periods of lucidity Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning though affected by the grease spell (DC 29
and hallucination. The following Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Reflex save). Zargon is immune to this effect.
statistics use the rules for drugs Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (gore) Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability,
in Book of Vile Darkness. If you Environment: Any Zargon must hit with a tentacle attack. He can
do not have that book, you may Organization: Solitary then attempt to start a grapple as a free action
treat the substance as a poison Challenge Rating: 16 without provoking an attack of opportunity. If
instead (Fortitude DC 15 +1 per Treasure: Standard coins; double goods; dou- he wins the grapple check, he establishes a
week of continuous use; initial ble items, hold and can constrict.
and secondary effects as Alignment: Lawful evil Spell-Like Abilities: At will—detect good,
described below). Advancement: By class magic circle against good, sending; 3/day—
Initial Effect: The imbiber Level Adjustment: — confusion, lightning bolt (DC 18), major image
retreats into a dreamlike state, (DC 18), stinking cloud (DC 18), suggestion
lost in her own fantasies for 2d4 Towering to a height of nearly 35 feet, this (DC 18); 1/day—acid fog, cloudkill, demand,
hours. During this time, She has creature has a head like that of a giant lizard, mind fog. Caster level 20th. The save DCs are
a 50% chance to lose any action and a single, black horn protruding above its Charisma-based.
she attempts, as described in the solitary red eye. In place of arms, it has six Amphibious (Ex): Although Zargon is aquatic,
bestow curse spell description. long tentacles tipped with razor-sharp talons, he can survive indefinitely on land.
Longtime users of this elixir typi- three on each side of its torso. Six more thick, Rejuvenation (Su): Zargon is almost impossi-
cally develop favorite fantasies muscular tentacles are set at the base of its ble to kill. When killed, his corpse (except for
that they live out over and over body, allowing it to slide through the pool of his horn) crumbles into chunks of runny, slimy
in exhaustive detail. slime that continually surrounds it. flesh. His body spontaneously reforms in the
Secondary Effect: 1 point of depths of Lake Moldvay 1d4 days later. The
Wisdom damage. Zargon is an ancient being of unknown origin. newly incarnated Zargon retains all memories
Side Effects: While elixir of Even he does not remember where he came of his life and death and usually seeks out
fantasy is in effect, the user from. Perhaps a wizard of ancient Nithia those who defeated him. The only way to
takes a –2 penalty on all initiative delved too deep into the mysteries of life, or destroy Zargon permanently is to cast his horn
checks and saves against illusion some mad immortal spawned him as a servitor. into the fiery Eye of Zargon (see above) within
spells and effects. Regardless of his genesis, Zargon uses his one day of his death. After that period, the
Overdose: None. formidable combat abilities and horrifying horn disintegrates and Zargon’s rejuvenation
appearance to demand worship from intelligent cannot be prevented.
creatures. In return for treasure and sacrifices
of living creatures (preferably humanoids), he
refrains from slaughtering those he encoun-
Although Zargon is no deity, his clerics do
gain spells and the standard clerical abilities—
perhaps because he is the avatar of some for-

92 January 2004

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