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1 (updated 02/06/2018)

Chronicles of Darkness-X 
Settings FAQ
Multiple questions asked on the same subject have been condensed down into a single question/answer.
If you have a question that was not answered here, please email your question to:
[email protected] .
The following sections are contained within this FAQ:
★ General Questions: This section contains questions pertaining to the OOC particulars about the
CoD-X Venue, such as source books, playable character options, etc.
★ Settings Questions: This section contains questions pertaining to the CoD-X Setting..
★ Documents Questions: This section contains questions pertaining to released system
Documents, such as Template Guides, Player’s Guides, etc.
★ Storyteller-Oriented Questions: This section contains questions oriented to Storytellers, such
VSS Creation & Composition, NPCs & Antagonists, etc.

General Questions 
1. What is CoD-X?
a. CoD-X is a chronicle created for the Mind's Eye Society and C@M using the Chronicles
of Darkness books and utilizing the God Machine for metaplot. It’s focus is on survival,
rebuilding, and struggling to overcome the obstacles that come from the 10 Second War.

2. What rule books are we using?

➔ Chronicles of Darkness Core Rulebook
➔ Beast the Primordial
➔ Chronicles of Darkness: Hurt Locker
➔ Changeling the Lost Second Edition (KS preview)
➔ Mage the Awakening Second Edition
➔ Vampire the Requiem Second Edition
➔ Vampire the Requiem: Secrets of the Covenants
➔ Werewolf the Forsaken Second Edition
➔ Other Second Edition books might be added after review.

3. What is the National Vision for plot in the CoD-X Venue?

a. The vision for plot is a combination of local, regional, and national plots. We are working
to create a toolboxes and plot kits that will assist VST’s in developing and running an
interconnected venue. RSTs will have similar toolboxes. We have several National plot
arcs imagined, especially along template lines, for players to pursue if they are
interested. The game is a sandbox, but there are elements that will connect into a larger
story and possibly react at all levels of plays. This will include both top down and bottom
up plot distribution. More information about the themes the National staff plans to support
are included in the National Style Sheet (NSS).

4. What Templates for Player Characters will be sanctioned?

a. At this time, the only Templates that are playable are (blue book) Mortals, Vampires,
Ghouls, Mages, Proximi, Changelings, Fae-Touched, Werewolves, Wolf-Blooded,
Stigmatics, and Beasts

5. Why aren’t other templates being included (such as Geist, Promethean, etc.)
a. We learned a number of lessons about combined games from Accord, particularly STs
and players have experienced difficulties and fatigue centered around the number of
templates, books, and rules they have had to become familiar with to run a game. In
looking at the CoD-X venue we found that the core templates and Beast were appropriate
to the setting.

6. The setting refers to Changelings as being missing, when can my Changeling have come
a. There are multiple variants of Changeling timelines available for play.
i. You can portray a Changeling that stayed behind/resisted the pull of the Hedge after
the 10 Second War. Setting wise those that remained went into deep hiding due to
the flood of huntsmen/TF/loyalists/privateer's that came. No VIP Cost.
ii. A Changeling that escaped for the first time between 2012 and Caine. These will cost
iii. A Changeling that escaped after Caine. No VIP Cost.
1. This version has one additional Sub-type, if you are playing a Changeling
which took part in the 10 Second War (Costs VIP) then you have only
escaped back to the real-world again after Caine. This will be clarified in the
VIP document.

Settings Questions 
1. How long was the 10 Second War?
a. The war happened outside of time and as such days, minutes, seconds did not actually
pass. There was no actual day/night cycle, however if one were to guess, years of
subjective time passed, close to a decade, but no actual physical aging occurred and it
could not be accurately measured.
2. What was the War Like, what campaigns were there to be involved with?
a. Campaigns are, for the most part, left to the player's to describe what they took part in.
For PC's the war was chaotic, unplanned, and ultimately doesn't truly fall into campaign
themes. Outside of the Angels, the Cult, and the Demons, there was very little in the way
of war leader's, but rather it was bands of people who gathered together, worked together
and formed their own relationships.
3. How did the War End?
a. At the very end of the war there was a mad rush to stop the ritual that was being
performed, for many it was a suicidal mad rush, but in the end it was successful in
stopping the removal of free will. The backlash, as the survivor’s came to be aware, was
however horrible.

Document Questions 
4. Will there be a quick start guide?
a. Yes. Once all the documents are released we plan to have a quick start character
creation guide and a guide designed specifically for new players.

5. What sorts of guides can we expect to be released in the future?

a. The following guides are in development (in no particular order):
i. Template Splat Guide
ii. Z-Splat Guide (Bloodlines, Legacies, Lodges, & Entitlements)

6. Is there a Survivor Registry for the 10 Second War?

a. Yes, the sheet is editable to allow for the Player to determine if they want to be contacted
regarding ties from the event, and whether they are recognizably the same person they
were during the war.

Storyteller Oriented Questions 

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